Indian Daily Mail, 6 March 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. I!. Xo. 21. SINGAPORE, WKDXKSDAY, MARCH 6, ,946. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 693 1 Royal Commission States Operations On Direct Instructions From Moscow SEQUEL TO MACKENZIE RING'S ALLEGATIONS Ottawa, Mar 4._The interim report of the Royal Commission investigating the disclosure of secret and confidential information m Canada, which was issued today, said that spying operations had been carried on "under
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  • 361 1 BRITAIN'S DEBT TO 1ND1A— £1,330,000,000 London, Mar. 4. "No Offi- mem can be given Ih'c\ >c, lor the present, no disn: m the sterling bnb. are possible anyway." 1 Ik- sum total of Whitehall's )fH n K -r:,; to Patel's statement about llnJia'^ sterling balances. Whitehall ni H|us similarly refrained
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  • 53 1 London, Mar. 4. Dr. A. Nunn May, of the King's College, London, was arrested while at work at college today and will appear m court tomorrow on a charge under the Official Secrets Act. Dr. Ma,y is regarded as an authority on atomic energy, it was
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  • 84 1 NEHRU HERE ON MARCH 16 Cable information has b«vn jj received by Sri. N. Kaghavan from Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ij that he would probably be reachH ing Singapore on the ltith or jj the 17th and would be m Malaya I! for about a week. Considering the very short ij
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  • 251 1 SHOWDOWN WITH RUSSIA. London, Mar. 5. The Conservative Daily Mail to-day called for a "showdown" with Russia over foreign policy which she described as bearing a "depressing resemblance to that practised by Hitler between 1933 and 1939." Her decision to keep troops m North-west Persia is a "serious
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  • 834 2 Indian Daily Mail Wednesday, March 6, 1946. INFORMATION. PLEASE *pHIv pubhi are krpt guessing as to what is bong by the (jovernment of India for Indian nationals m this country. It took some months after the iCOCCOpfttiOfl of Malaya for the Govern India to contact Indians here. Alter the establishment
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  • 149 2 [fmm Our Corrof>onJcn/) Hyderabad, Mir. 5.— About 200 ground crtw of the Rowl Indian Air lorces unit. Jt Hyderabad, DtCCSA, hart decided to start a strike .is i protest against the cut of one day p.n imposed on them for abstaining from work m sympathy
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  • 127 2 (From Our Cortes lent) Conjccvuram, Mar. s- Q uiet Con jcev.iram wis disturbed on Saturday morninc by riotoyi mob attacking tlic- Rationing C )rhce. Repeated lathi cUrffi proved of no and M the police \s as forced to open fire resulting m six
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  • 191 2 (From Our Correspondent) Bombay Mar. 5. Mr. P. Kodanda Rao, who recently returned after his Malayan tour, explained to pressmen m Bombay on Sunday the problems of Malayan Indians. He said that the condition of Indian labourers m the Malayan estnes were pitiable and
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  • 84 2 (From Our Correspondent) Madras, Mar. 5. The Travancorc Government assures that there is no need for any anxiety about food famine m the Travancorc State and adds that there will be no reduction m food ration unit. The Government further says that food grain
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  • 169 2 44 The glorious army uhich liberated Rangoon and the whole of Kurma was brought to it* goal by air power. The heroic journey from Imphal to this city could never have been made without the devotion and the gallantry of British, Dominion, Indian and
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  • 137 2 (From Our Corr:sponJ>:nt) Lahore. Mar. 5. Col. Dhillon of the I.N.A. was challenged yesterday by I British military officer at Lahore railway station as Iv reached the place after addressing 1 meeting m Muhan District. According to Col. Dhillon, he was talking to released I.N.A. men
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  • 47 2 (From Our Correspondent) I Patna, March 3.— Sardar FuchJ Singh, 70 year-old revolutionary hj been released after serving 31 ye*4 m jail. Pj He was sentenced to life m I 9 I U for complicity m the Lahore cons(*B racy case. W
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  • 68 2 (From Our Correspondent) Lucknow, Mir. 4. Thirty pe rs °J were killed and about 100 H r :<^jß injured this morning v/htn Dehra Dun Impress collided v. 'W goods train at Bhagauli 50 miles frofl« Lucknow. fc Lisbon, Mar. 3.— Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New
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  • 327 3 BURMA DISAPPOINTED BY GOVERNOR'S ADDRESS 1 1 Parliamentary Debate yl X n Milt* —Parliamentary !e rv 1 11 made m Burma today t I the first time the Governor's l, Bj ri .w to the I egtflataK was debated IH t|k memberti r H| w:'- the practice m British S
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  • 141 3 rJ| oruVn> 4- Britain's responshaM llv cr maintaining order m India a"B political transition we il for cm take place m a calm '|W os r«W' was among her "very B? ltlrv commitments enP ited by British Prime Minister H len < Attic this afternoon. I*
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  • 481 3 Discussion In The House Of Commons London, March 4. -In the House of Commons today Inder Secretary for India, Arthur Henderson, said the Indian food delegation have discussed with the British Government India's import requirements of food grains to meet the
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  • 269 3 SCALING DOWN INDIA'S STERLING DEBT 'IS IMMORIAL; SAYS PATEL Bombay, Mar. 4. Sardar Vallabhai Patel, "strong man" of Congress and generally regarded as Gandhi's right hand man, said today that any discussion of scaling down the Sterling debt at this stage when India had no independent bargaining power would embitter
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  • 46 3 Chungking, Mar. 4. Despite official enforcement today of provisional regulations governing foreign exchange issued by the Central Bank, Chungking banks and dealers are not prepared to exchange national currency for rupee notes or sterling until notified of the current rate m Shanghai.- Reuter
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  • 368 3 American Comment New York, March 2. Britain mwt 'decide on recognition of India as a» independent country hid on .1 freelyelectcd constituent assembly having full authority to frame a constiti*tion," asserted Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, former President of the India* National Congress, m a New Delhi
    A.P.I.  -  368 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 TEL. No. 459OSHERWOOD JONES GENERAL MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS, Svle Agents for: D.D.T. ("Li da" Brand) Insecticide Vulcain and Studio Watcher 31-34, MEDEIROS BUILDING,
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  • 278 4 D'Souza Tells Court: "My Death Will Be Your Responsibility" Sentence of death by hanging was passed by Wing Commander F. A. Brifgl m the British Officer Court yesterday on f>'i-yenrs-old L Phillip D'Souza charged as being an informer of tie .Japanese Kempeitai. There was no recommendation
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  • 258 4 On a ehargt of having committed a war crime, m that they m the Amlamans Islands between the 2^nl and 2oth July, 1945, m violation of thg laws and usages of war, woe concerned m the ill-treatment and killing of Dm HUM civilians, including IK nun, nine
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  • 146 4 J..,n<luM, Mar. 4— It has just been turned i'n oiteial INtiiii qptftew here by KeuUr's diplomatic correspondent that Ghavam Sultaneh, Pi-r--,;an Print Minister, made an oflical protest to the Soviet Government m Moscow when he wn inlorntd oi the Soriel intention to maintain troops m p.irts
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  • 241 4 On March 1, the anniversary of the formation of the Malay Regiment, three companies of war veterans of the Regiment, who are at present m barracks at Seremban and Port Dickson, took part m a short ceremonial parade under the command of Lt.-Col. tL S.
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  • 261 4 —Answer In Week's Time, Says Sjahrir Batavia, March s—Dr.5 Dr. Sutan Sjahrir, Prime Minister m the Indonesian National Cabinet, confirmed today that he had been authorised to negotiate with the Dutch on the basis of recognition of the Indonesian Republic. Asked by correspondents whether this constituted a
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  • 75 4 Headquarters, Air Command, SouthEast Asia, reports that the King has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards m Air Command, South-East Asia:Distinguished Flying Cross: F/Lt. J. \V. S. Clark, 684 Squadron; 1323^35 W. O. F. R. Poree, 47 Squadron; *****26 W. 0. R.
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  • 49 4 All information on activities of Japanese War Criminal will now be received at 19 Orange Grove Road instead of Goodwood Park Hotel. A woman officer is on duty daily to look after women visitors and translators are available. All information given is treated m strict confidence.
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  • 132 4 FRANCO'S DISAPPEARANCE URGED London. Mar. 4. Briuß France and the United Stat,B toid Spain tonight m a j O J k statement that the aho!iti,, n j the Falange and disapp ;iran l of Franco are the fir>t ess^B^" tials if Spaniards want a "f, I ;inc! cordial association nations
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  • 263 4 Cairo, Mar. 4. Although Kirypt^ft^ "Day of Mourning" for killed m the recent ar.ti-Briti<h no^E m Cairo passed off without incid^B m Cairo there was serious troub!e^B >r Alexandria where 14 people wjl N killed and 300 wounded m the British troops opened fin afl Egyptian
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  • 110 4 Katigoon, Mar. 4. About i.'tO of a Royal Indian Air Force unitH Rangoon today called off th. B (lays' old hunger strike as niostß| their demands, which included equajH of treatment with British person J lief r living conditions, and -P t!^» demobilisation were said to h.
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