Indian Daily Mail, 5 March 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. 11. No 20 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1946. PRICK io CENTS.
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  • 378 1 'OUR DESTINY IS HIS DESTINY,' SAYS GOVERNMENT MINISTER Chungking, Mar. 1. China today is shuddering at the thought of the crisis which Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's removal from the Presidency of the Republic would precipitate. The Generalissimo's statement that as soon as the power of Government
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  • 125 1 Mar. 4.— The loni; a w.i ltd on of the Royal CommiscspionifC activity m Canada f gthy document naming nine -will be published today, it jj ied from authoritative sources. nine names will include those L tome peflOOl held since the enquiry 8 alleged spy
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  • 104 1 (From Our Correspondent) Calcutta, March 4. Lieut, -Col. [jksbmi Swaminadhan arrived m CuL ut la yesterday and left for Delhi this afternoon by plane. Her arrival and departure was kept secret to avoid demonstrations. She lUyed the night at the residence of Sarat Chandra
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  • 246 1 Batavia, Mar. 3.— The brief political crisis, which flared yesterday m nationalist centre, Soerakarta, with the resignation of Indonesian v Premier" Dr. Sutan Sjahrir, has already ended. Thirty-six year-old Sjahrir has.] Ifreed to resume the post and today ftcured an impressive vote
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  • 822 1 Appeals For Team SpiritOf War Period London, Mar. 3.— Opening the vast new drive to raise British post-war production, Prime Minister Clement AtUee, m a nationwide broadcast tonight, called for a revival of that wonderful team spirit shown by the British
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  • 86 1 BRITISH SUPPORT INDIAN FIGHT AGAINST FAMINE Washington, Mar. 4.— British Food Minister Sir Ben Smith is expected to leave Britain by air for Washington today to urge greater aid from th» United States Government m fighting the world-wide famine. It is believed that he will giver strong support to the
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  • 54 1 Stockfjolm, Mar. Selassie, Emperor of Abyssinia has asked the Swedish autlooritics to help him mobilise a corps of Swedish doctors, nurses, engineers, geoloi ffetl and teacfxrs to reconstruct I his country on modern scientific lines. Many have already been appointed and have left for the I Abyssinian
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  • 595 2 Indian Daily Mail Tuesday, March 9, 1946. OLLA-PODRIDA THE TIME LIMIT WKI TINCi ffO« Bomlnf m January Mr. M. Brailsford stated: "If it (the I .ilxuir (lovcrnmcnt) hesicites or delays, it will provoke M angrier and more milit.uit revolt than any *<. li.ivc eKpCnCOOed m this country. We have three
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  • 987 2 m •*k««^TS3E, w§mmm Parliamentary l»'lilii >. arc all l»<- f I from BomlH) MMtt 5 (V V>/ f I ,st week's mutiny among the bdUa ntiftfi of the bdiao Navy followed by the Kfikd by the Indiafl Air FofCe men .md certain Indian other ranks of
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  • 72 2 The Headquarters of the SouthEast Asia Command says that an enquiry htto a newspaper report of Dutch atrocities against Indonesians and of consequent threats against Dutch troops made by British and Indian troops has been completed. The findings are that no case of a Dutch atrocity has
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  • 110 2 [Prom Our Corrt y s'i()*'>lit:tj j New Delhi, March 3.— Writing t«K the convenor of the I.N.A. Peft-nciMi Committee, Captain Burhanuddin W^°Bl had been sentenced to seven yt^^fc rigorous impiisonment, said that was grateful for the excellent def er ce^J put up on his
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  • 740 3 Pitiable Plight Of The Populace C hungkiPfo March 3. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-sheL. dent of China, told 300 delegates of the Central Kxecu- Committee of the Kuomintang (National Government If ty) here today that a drastic overhaul of party machinery as needed ••We must
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  • 402 3 Madrid, March 4. The Spanish Government's reply 18 the I resell official notification of the closing m the Spanish-French frontier has been handed to the French Embassy here. Though the contents have not ben divulged, it is understood the Spanish Government has protested against the French
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  • 111 3 CEYLON PROTESTS AGAINST FACILITIES FOR DUTCH SHIPS Colombo, March 3. A resolution protesting against Dutch ships bound for Java being given port facilities m Ceylon was passed at a meeting of Indian, Malay, Indonesian and Ceylonese political organisations m Colombo today. Other demands were for the immediate withdrawal of all
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  • 421 4 Eurasian Alleges III -Treatment In Local Prisor COURT PRESIDENT PROMISES INQUIRY m 111-treatment of prisoners m fMM not proper according to Uritish justice. I shall put >our report forward and an iMttirj will he made, and If what you MJ is true, disciplinary action will be taken i*ainsl tliose cmcermed.
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  • 232 4 New York, Mar. Averell Harri-ran, former United States Amb;ts>ador to the Soviet I'nion, asked if he believed war with Rus^i.: would Ik* inevitable, replied tonight I most certainly do not, but it depends principal In on us." Hi was speaking to Quentin Reynold
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  • 213 4 In formation has just been received that entries may be accepted m this country for the June Examinations of the University of London. Entries will be accepted if they reach the Office of the Director of Education, B.M.A. (M) M.P., Kuala Lumpur on or before 7th March.
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  • 113 4 Last September Royal Marines landed at Port Dickson, on the Malayan coast, prepared to fight their way through any Ja;) opposition. Today the assault beaches of last T September are the bathing beaches of the only Naval Leave Camp m > Malaya. Started
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  • 187 4 Flying Officer John James P.aillie, a Royal Canadian Air Force navigator, has been awarded the GeOfff* .Medal, for Ufl heroism at Myingyan. m Centra. IJurma. last June. When his Dakota crashed and caught fire, the petrol tanks burst and the fUmei spread to
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  • 77 4 Lieutenant-Colonel John Wainwright. of the Salvation Army Headquarters m London, has arrived m Singapore. He will take over the organization's activities here m the absence of Colonel H. A. Lord who is proceeding Home on leave m April. Colonel Wainwright, who has been engaged
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  • 141 4 London, Mar. 2. The Government's proposals on the future constitutions of Malaya a)id Singapore override the fundamental principle of protection ar.d have caused acute dissatisfaction among Malays, declared a seven-point resolution sent today to the Secretary of State for Colonies here hy the Malay Society
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  • 200 4 British Policy In India To Be Discussed Today In U.S. Congress Washington, Mar. 3.— -Heporfl 1 that the "new deal" l»! T M Congress, which is gcneralM favourable to Britain, will r?M the question of British pol'cv a India, Indonesia and Pali>tjnH when congressional hearings M i he proposed United
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  • 262 4 Singapore Town Committee M.C.P. To Prove Existence A letter, which purports to l H from the Singapore Townßp; of the Malayan Communist Part\. l( been addressed to the Supreme V -W U: Commander, and published m W Chinese Press. B^ This letter complains of .">,::■ Ti take: by the
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