Indian Daily Mail, 26 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail W)L. M. \o. 14 I SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1940. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 161 1 US. BRITAIN TO STAND TOGETHER tssian oriental pressurf ;rave concern of America New York, Feb. 25. The United States would undßibtedly enter any future war m which the British Empire X again under attack, the New York Times said today, lAing, it might help to clear the air if this
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 55 1 Undesirable Brides mtw York, Feb. 25. A group of trench war brides hate mhied m New York aboard the ffwncb ship Desirabe. The brides were fired of waiting for gQt er ?i went transportation and fmul their own way, but they will 4m reimbursed by the American Go Icm men
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 141 1 terms of the Yalta agreement and the jltent anti-Soviet "Quit Manchuria" detlionst rat ions m Chungking and Other Chinese towns, was broadcast fpday by Moscow radio. A despatch from Changchun, m Manchuria, quoted by the radio, declared that anti-Soviet activities and attacks on Soviet military personnel m Manchuria had been
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  • 275 1 Cbmmgkimg, Feb. 24. Eight members of the Central Yuan, (higlx'st supervisory organ of the Chinese Government) declared m a resolution that the secret Yalta agreement between President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Stalin "violated China's sovereignty and territorial integrity to a greater extent than the Japanese demands
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  • 182 1  -  Lord Chorler London, Feb. 25.— The tendency to blame the British for everything that goes wrong m India is so strong that we shall certainly be accused of causing famine, writes Lord Chorley, member of the British Parliamentary delegation which has
    API  -  182 words
  • 205 1 London, Feb. 25. The British Cabinet delegation which will leave England m March m an endeavour to speed the Indian constitutional settlement is expected to be the largest aerial mission of its kind ever dispatched from Britain apart from that to the San Francisco conference. Political quarters
    A.P.I.  -  205 words
  • 79 1 Rangoon, Feb. 25. It is reported that about 1 50 members of the ground staff of the Royal Indian Air Force stationed here are on a hunger strike since Saturday. Their demands, it is stated, include equality of treatment with the British, better living conditions and speedy demobilisation.
    Reuter  -  79 words

  • 862 2 Indian Daily Mail Tuesday, February 26, 1946. R.I.W STRIKE /VN'I.Y haZ) reports and garbled versions hive Ken available yet as to the origin ot the strike m tlic Ro\al Indian \i\\. Origins of things m uuJi cases ire much HMN important for consideration than the events that follow Nowhere is
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  • 106 2 Tokyo, Feb. 25. The Japanese elections have been postponed for 10 days by the Cabinet to enable a more detailed examination to be made of the qualifications of the candidates, the Japanese News Agency Kyodo said today. Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur, Supreme Allied Commander m Japan authorised
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 32 2 liom Our (,i respondent) Bom ba feb. 25. Pan Jit Jauaharhl Kc/mt t\pected to leaie i\ the io/A 0/ Af arch for Malaga for tmvrstigsihig Indian condition's there.
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  • 81 2 (from Our Correspondent) Bombay, Feb. 25.— Dr. N. B. Khare, Commonwealth Relation-* Member, said at Lucknow that the Government of India is likely to impose economic sanctions against South Africa and also recall the Indian High Commissioner m protest against the proposed anti-Indian legislation mooted by
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  • 97 2 (from Our Correspondent) Bombay, Feb. 2 s.— The election results for all the 175 seats m the Punjab Assembly are now available. The Muslim League returned the largest single party with 75 seats. Next comes the Congress with s 1 seats. The Akali Sikhs obtained 22
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  • 54 2 (From Our Correspondent) Bombay, Feb. 25. Lt. Col. Lakshmi Swaminadhan, founder of the Rani of Jhansi Regiment of the 1.N.A., is expected m India after a few days, as the Burma Government is reported to have withdrawn the restrictions imposed upon her. At present she
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  • 38 2 Poona, Feb. 25. The Aga Khan, spiritual head of millions of Ismaili Moslems, and the Nawab of Bhopal, Chanceller of the Chamber of Princes, met Mahatma Gandhi today to discuss India's constitutional problems. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 68 2 Bata v i a, Feb. 24. Indonesian 1 Premier Sutan Sjahrir and Dutch Lieut. (iov.-Gen. van Mook sat side by side at an entertainment given by British Envoy Sir Archibald ClarkKerr this evening. There were about 50 guests including (ienerals Sir F. A. M. Browning, Chief of Staff to Admiral
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  • 325 2 TRIBUTE TO NEHRU London, F«*b. 23. The man m* qualified to lead India m her 1; ji iidcp tul'ncr is Pandit Jaw j Vhru sa\s Nyed Abdul Ouraish\. (Jf rural Secretary I London branch oi' the A: Muslim League, m a letter of n p
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 155 2 Calcutta, Feb. 24. Mohammed Jinnah, President of the All-Ii Muslim League, opening his Bet t lection campaign here said ton that Muslims would try to make three-man British mission whuh shortly to visit India "understand I there is no other way out than acceptance of Pakistan."
    Reuter  -  155 words

  • 623 3 MRS. PANDIT RECOUNTS HER EXPERIENCES Tower is definitely coming to the people of India. There no cause for despondency this optimistic note was struck Mrs. Yijava Lakshmi Pandit m the course of her informal talk with a number of journalists at a
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  • 126 3 Aldershot. Fcfc, 24.— 1n a last gesture of ddiance before surrendering, the rioters m the Aldershot Glasshouse mutiny tonight set rire to the main block. Collecting three vast pyres of bedding, clothing and broken furniture they let light to them and hooted derision as
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  • 854 3 300 Killed And 1,200 Injured NEHRU TO VISIT THE SCENE Bombay, Feb. 2?. The city is slowly returning to normalcy but this acquisition was obtained if a cost of about 300 persons killed and 1,200 injured. Still there arc some ratings lingering to
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    • 61 3 •lilni' i' i':i::|i:i!iiinii|ii|iiiuiniiiiiiii,l J:n;;iiiiiii';|iiliir TREND 'i MONTHLY "NATIONAL PICTORIAL edited by Miss Frene T. Khan 1 SOUND (THE VOICE OF A NATION) A monthly issue from Bombay EVERY INDIAN HOME OUGHT TO TREASURE TREND AND SOUND Sotr Agents for Singapore and Malaya: The ELGIN BOOK STORE, 764, North Bridge Road,
      61 words

  • 368 4 - Radio Comment Paris, Feb. 24. While the Communist tad pro-Commtinisl Pi irdcome what the I til ving rcsistjnte newspaper I ranctireur calls the death knell of the British Empire," other icctiom of opinion vie* v. ,th alarm further COnfirBMCioil Of* whit the eminent Irene
    Reuter  -  368 words
  • 65 4 It is understood that Undcr-Secre-tary for India Arthur Henderson has received at the India Office S. Silverman, Labour Member of Parliament, and Krishna Menon, Secretary of India league, who on behalf of the India League made representations "with regard to the rights of Indians m South Africa. Mr.
    A.P.I.  -  65 words
  • 203 4 RINR OFFICER ACQUITTED ON MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE A Wiial Cottr/ Martial SIHgSJ>orc on SitnJa\ aii//u//iJ a British Saial Off tier of manJjii.</'/;/ <>fa /)/;/< v, ;;/>/, Mai) LtQHg, ll bile driving a jii l> aloir^ Kalian^ Road, S/;/^aJ)(,n\ at about three o'clock M hn\tmas itiorll,ll^. The officer nrai Lieutenant-Com-mander Roy Walter
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  • 104 4 The Cruiser H.M.S. Sussex Is expected 10 arrive m Singapore at noon tomorrow. She will return to U.K. m a few days time carrying Admiral Martin who commanded Force "W," the great Far East ambhibious force which liberated Rangoon, saw service m Burma and the Arakan on the
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  • 75 4 Paris, Feb. 24. A joint FrancoJkitish action, can, and should, put an end to the Franco regime m Spain, the French Socialist Party's official paper "Fc Populaire" said today m a leading article. "Our labour Party friends certainly fed with as much force as ourselves thai this
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 307 4 I uhintton:- IW V, IfcNutt, United States Hi^h Commissioner the Philippinei irho batjutt rrtnrnrd to the States, told prew conference hv urge! quick Ktioi «>n pending j >lation to .iid rehabilitation of the Philippines. In ititf ent tmnhitiyng the dire economic plight of the
    USIS  -  307 words
  • 92 4 Washington:- United States submarines sank 1,750 Japanese merchant vessels and 194 Japanese combat vessels from Dec. 7, 1 941, to August 15, 1945, according to a Navy Department release. The report said that the "great justification of submarine warfare is the success they
    USIS  -  92 words
  • 76 4 Melbourne, Feb. 24. The British Food Ministry has accepted Australia's offer of 20,000 tons of dressed rice from the 1946-47 harvest the Commonwealth Commerce Minister, W. J. Scully, snid today. None of the harvest will be marketed m Australia but invalid's hospitals and those holding medical certificates
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 402 4 JAP GENERAL CHARGED li Because they would not sigr. parole promising not to attempt -I WCipfi fifteen to seventeen thoiKinM^ British POWf were transferred l '>>nlj Changj Jail to Solera ng Barr.uksß] where normally only 700 to 800 pcr^t sons were MJtomodltOcL Later toufl! of these POW's
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