Indian Daily Mail, 23 February 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail ■<>!, 11. W 1:. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1946. I PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 1477 1 I Frank All-Round Review By Foreign Secretary S London. Feb. 21. British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin Icsed i:i the House of Commons today that two months ago Sun offered to extend the life of the Anglo-Soviet Treaty Mr. IJevin said he told the
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  • 371 1 Favourable London Press C rroment London, Feb. 21.— The Royal Indian Navy strikers take principal place m London evening newspapers today and the Evening Standard m an editorial sates: "There stands revealed the depth and turhulance of the waters upon which the special mission
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  • 793 2 Indian Daily Mail Saturday, February 23, 1946. THE LEADER'S MESSAGE On Tuesday last, we published m these columns a special cable from Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to us, and through us, to the Indians of Malaya. Vt'e make no apology for repeating it. The message read: "Trust Indians m Mala a
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  • 379 2 Wardhaganj, Feb. 12— The meeting bttwccn a votary of non-violence and who regarded any weapon— violent 01 non-violent— justifiable for liberating Mother India, was worth seeing. Aruna was watching the evening Ashram prayers from a distance and Mion after it was finished, she rushed towards Gandhiji and
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  • 442 2 Madras, Feb. 12.— We deeply regret to record the death last night of Mr. M. Singaravelu Chettiar, one of the pioneers of the labour movement m South India, at the age of 84 at his m Mundaknnniamman Koil Street, Mylapore. Mr. Chettiar had a stroke
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  • 137 2 ar Tokyo, Feb. 22. Empress NagiHw follow m g the example of the \9^ peror m an apparently planned py* gnmmt 1 to democratise the Jap.ii^H Royal Family m the eyes of people today visited .1 hospital q orphanage m the Tokyo a4 Reutcr. dia Batavia, Feb. 22. Armed Indortfl
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  • 58 2 Haifa, Feb. 22. Armed Jeus M up the headquarters of a police mM force at Shefaamr 12*2 mile* Haifa, last night. Part of th 3* ing was wrecked by the explosion 1^ a British policeman slight!) mj J-7 Following I series of e\ploj north of Tel
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  • 52 2 Dortmund, Feb. 22. Four \\M dred and fifteen persons arc M* trapped m Monopol, Grimber;;, mine near Unna. At least 1 1 1 hem are still alive. Rescuers J ur n the night wore still working /I feet underground. Earlier the H cuers had brought to the mrfaoc l^ plosion.—
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  • 54 2 New York, Feb. 22. A strike I.^ 17 associates of the National 1 -i.l^ tion of Telephone Workers, to effective from March 7, has Kjfl ordered. A nation-wide coal hold is also threatened. The l'n:«l Mineworkers' Union policy COmd T* tee has been authorised to reopen Jib Union's contract with
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  • 262 3 I [M.S. Norfolk, 10,000-ton Flagshi] the Fiftn Cruiser Squadron, flyinj flag of Admiral Patterson, sailec terday for Batavia after a shor t to Singapore. Just before sh< Admiral Mquntbatten paid 1 cial visit to a ship that has a disfuished war record. i plaque on
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  • 251 3 A most interesting exhibition of 'ood that can be prepared from tapioa WM held at No. 414 Jalan Trus, ohor«Bahrii. recently. The Exhibition van Sponsored and organized by Inchj Lzizah Jaafar. Domestic Science fistress. Johore I!ahru, and some wo thousand visitors ircluding Geneal Nicholson. Brigadier Newboult nd the
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  • 61 3 Bombay, l eb. 21. Congress leader Ar una Asaf Alt tdfgMfhrd j from Bombay this afternoon to I Pan Jit Jauaharlal Xcbru, who is touring the northern parts of the 1 United Provinces. "The natal strike situation is serious,'* she says. "You alone can control the situf
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  • 212 3 W/Cmdr. F. A. Briggs, m the British Officers' Court yesterday, commended prosecution witness P. Gois when the case m which Agnes Lee and C. A. 801 l are being charged with treachery under the War Offences Ordinance, was resumed. He told Gois: "I would like to say
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  • 70 3 A public meeting under the auspices of the Indian Association, Bidor, was held at the Chinese School on the 13th instant at 6 p.m. to celebate the Birthday of Prophet Mohamed. Major M. C. Compton, C.A.0., Hatang Padang, who had cancelled ail his previous engagements to
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  • 74 3 Lieutenant-General Sir Montagu Stopford, KBE, CB, DSO, MG (Com- nander, AFNEI) arrived m Medan, i Sumatra, by air on Thursday for con- erences with Major-General R.G.O. i Medley, DSO (Commander, ALF a Sumatra) and for an inspection tour if Medan area. During his visit General Stopford
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  • 42 3 Dr. Wu Psk-Shevg, Chinese Ctmsd o remra! for Singapore, arrived by air rtterdty. He was origmsUy scbe- f uled to ari'ie here on Thursday, g 'here wtu a large gathering ul the c iirfwrt to welcome him. o
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  • 220 3 London, Feb. 20. —Lord Pethick Lawrence today told a press con ference oi Empire journalists ir London gatherd to hoar aboul the Cabinet mission to Indij that he had every confidence that th< mission would not only reach a solu
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  • 260 3 "Lip Service Statesmen Lookers-On Caused War" Berne, Feb. 20. As the United Nations Organisation end* its first session m London, 1 museum-like silence reigns behinM rhc shuttered windows of the grsit League of Nations Building m (Jjneva. The spacious grounds, rhf lofty Assembly Halls, the Committee rooms and the lont>
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  • 153 3 Chungking, Feb. 21. A wave of apprehension about Russia's inteni tion m .Manchuria is now .sweeping China. I Nanking students have just issued manifesto urging Sovk-t Russia to withdraw at once from the north- east and to respect the sovereign rights of China." and have invited students throughout
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  • 239 3 Jerusalem, Feb. 20. R.A.I', personnel opened fire on armed Jewish terrorists m the dark early hours of today when an R.A.F. station at Mount Carmel* near Haifa was attacked with explosives. It is not known whether the attackers suffered any casualties but two British non-commissioned
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 129 4 lieut. I t hem m Selaraiig Sinirapore, bei v tember, 1942, kii:in^ four I mcntM the CaM postponed till Monday. duled I »P pl! efence counsel, W v ikami Takahashi and y^ensiro, vh<» stated that they had not the time i, prepare their defence,
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  • 413 4 IMPROVEMENT! OF WOMEN'S STATUS i ivi, 21 nil minimum standard of 'rights London. Id). i*_— t( .uromrliout the word when the for men and women will t^£^SmmZiA draft comention Gameni wmbly "V^ t !S le Human u h,s &SSS Sttt WLKS Socia. Council. J
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  • 298 4 Bombay, Feb. Bombay police opened lire at least -o times today m the Tort area ol Bombay. Though Congress leadei V llabhai Patel and the Bombay Provincial Congress had appealed that there should be no hartal (stoppage of work), today communists and tome ■workers' organisations called lor a
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  • 91 4 JAP WOMEN PETITION MRS. MacARTHUR Toky*. Feb. IM.-The la| lovtiimirnt has requested Gen. irthur. Suprease Allied Coon g Japan, to his po<>d 0 I 'i speeding the repatriation ot a -l I timaUd S,oo6goot JapaMaa nat rom Ru^siati-oceupied area? of MaJ huria. Northern Korea, Sakhalin ar.a be Kurile Islands. XTm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 pTHEATRE ROYAL (NORTH BRIDGE ROAD) To-day T. R. RAJAKUMARI *SURYA k'TKRI' One oi the finest Tamil Dramas to date. 2.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 1.30 pm. To-morrow, 12 3—6 9 p.m. I SUN CINEMA (NEW WORLD PARK) To-night 'MY SON' (IN HINDUSTANI) 6.30 p.m. 9.30 pm.. To-morrow, j.30— 6.30—^.30 p.« Mi
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