Indian Daily Mail, 13 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 Indian Daily Mail 11. NO. i v v "< x I DNESI Wi: BRI iy 94 i NTS
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  • 297 1 WHY RUSSIA FOUGHT AGAINST JAPAN ■.onJ' Feb. 11. Russia's three for entering the war against ■pa.; are given In a White Paper But (I simultaneously today in Hnddii. Moscow and Washington Biich discloses the Yalta secret vrtH nn nt. The agreement signed by Stalin, we late President Roosevelt and Mr.
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  • 85 1 Cairo, Feb. 11. Egyptian students rill not return to their classes until foreign troops are completely evaluated from Egypt and Sudan, declared a spokesman for the students :oday. The students 1 resolution have bet n cabled to British Foreign Secretary Kevin avid President Truman. Kin«- Farouk's 2(Hh
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  • 291 1 Batavia, Feb. 11.— Hadji Apus Salim, Satan Sjahrir, [ndoMfllan Prime Mini -tor." following an early meeting of Indonesian Republican leaders to<hy *aid that the cabinet had decided first of all to await reactions from the interior of Java before making a statement on the
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  • 84 1 GEN- SMUTS ADAMANT TO INDIAN' S PROPOSAL Capetown, Feb. 11.— A delation from the South African India Congress which was receive by Prime Minis Smuts today asked him to invite the Government < f India for a round {:i!:!. c wi h representatives of the Union Government on all matters
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  • 139 1 Honolulu, F(b. 12. Sir George Baile Sanapm, chief Britiah reprei n tativc on the Far Paatagll Commission, said on arrival here from Tokyo today that a itroftg movement aiming to bui'd up a con^titutio. al jiiovement was under way in Japan. Most of the Japanese popple
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  • 166 1 Hongkong, Feb. 12. Small fortunes are today daily changing hai ds here on the Hongkong Gold and Silver Exchange an association composed of natve banks run on somewhat similar lines to stock exchanges. With Government restrictions on trading in Sterling and American dollars, ths Exchange confines
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  • 141 1 Teheran, Fob. 11. Ghavam Suitanah, Persian Prime Minister, today restored the freedom of the assembly for political parties prohibited for the past liz months. Prince Rirouz, newly-appointed Under Seer ite Political Dir stated in :i radio ipei h; "1 shall not allow anyone to un inc
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  • 164 1 Hongkong, Feb. ijo Gob. W. mandinj^ the i:. r Hongkong, today mention A ril 1 at the robablc u.ue when the Colony would vert to civil govern nvni. He said he thou] I i hitherto nn ntioned, as the te tati date lot the changeover,
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  • 162 1 INDIAN \\Y BAND New Delhi, Feb. Women's Auxliary Corps (India). the Indian counterpait of the Bril 9 ton-&is-fin# of about '>'■■ i '■•is, of whom 1,000 aro officer I be completely disbanded by 19 irding to a Goverr. merit of Indi;: announcement. The procc s of disbandn.< nt will be
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  • 91 2 GANDHI COMMENDS SILENCE TO OTHERS iadras, Feb. It.— Gandhi who <»l<-«'i \< ICBOt for a whole day c im 'i lit to othei I we. "'III. joj which w<- experieaes vhtfl u< he n fa i ;i iagi to i. thering hi could Hot addfll, it itv'u.K hil <lay of
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  • 53 2 POPE'S PART IN PEACE PLAN DENIED Vatican City, Feb. n*. It was ill) denied at Vatican City to ci v thai Pope l*i 11 s XII ever produced -i plan during the war. It acknowledged, however, thai the Pojx' forwarded ptopotih from certain German circles to the Allies early
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  • 74 2 London, Feb. II. Rice milling power in Burma, according to ihc Government of Burma, is adequate to handle the crop now coming ,m the market which is estimated at approximately half the pre-war figure. Arthur Henderson, Under Secretary for India and Burma, gave this reply in
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  • 117 2 RAJBELIEVES IN BOSE'S DEATH QUESTION IN THE ASSEMBLY [FBOM our COMBSfONDCMT] Vu Delhi, lib. 12. The Government of India believes in the Jejth of Sublus Chandra Bose. Thif wai indicated by the Home-Member, Sir fohn Thome, who replying to a tptef' t:oner in the (cntral Asseniblv to-d.iv said that the
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  • 160 2 [irom OUR CORRESPONDENT] Calcutta, Feb. 12. Nothing is known .is to what transpired between the Viceroy of India and Jinnah during their meeting yesterday for discussing the food situation. Gandhi reacted today to Lord Wavell's Private Secretary's seeing him at Sewagram and issued a statement embodying
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  • 59 2 [from our corrispondknt] Calcutta, Feb. 12. Dr. B. N. Bose and Major Bancrjec arc heading the first batch of twenty doctors and compounders leaving for Malaya by the end of the month. The Delegation which is sponsored by the Indian National Congress will be staying
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  • 44 2 [from our correspondent] Bombay, Job 12.— Muslim localities in the city of Bombay are observing one day hartal to-day as a mark of protest against the sentence of Captain Abdul R.ishid. Trams and buses plied up Muslim areas as they picketed.
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  • 389 2 India Asks For Revision Of Ordinance [ikom oik COftOSPONDEinr] New IXlhi, leb. 12. The Govenuncni of India .ire pressing the South Last Asi.i Command for amending the OnfinanCC enforced in Malaya under which the minimum penalty for treachery is death, but the South Fast Asia Command considers that the amendment
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  • 32 2 [l ROM OUR CORRESPONDENT] Now Delhi, Feb. 12.— Dr. Abdul Ghani and three Muslims were arrested for taking out a procession yesterday for observing Abdul Rashid Release Day.
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  • 132 2 [irom OUR dbrJUOfOMBBNT] Madras I cb. n. Kanuraja resigned the chairmanship oi Tamilnad Parliamentary Board h low in-; Mahatma dandhi's remark^ I signed article in the latest issiu Harijan lesumed since February i t lidt a strong clique is active in T.imi nid .gainst R.ija^opalachariN rc-enti
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  • 166 2 London, Feb. rr. An appeal to: members of the United Xatia Assembly to dispel from their mini a notion that the people ot India we: unfit to govern themselves is m.ic by Swami Av\aktananda, chairm: of the cultural section of the India Independence Union, in
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  • 63 2 Chungking, Feb. 11. Gen. Georp Marshall, United States Ambassado to China, Gen. Chou En-lai, elm Communist representative here an* Gen. Chiang Chith-Chianp:, represent inj, r the Kuomintang, met today t draw up a plan for the eventua nationalisation of the Communis armies in China. They have al* drawn up a
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  • 70 2 Calcutta, Feb. 12. Calcutta whic in November last witnessed polic firings in connection with I.N.A. rt lease agitation was again dis disturbed as a sequel to yester day's procession taken out for Abdul Rashid's release. The polkf] lathi charged after which several military lorries were set on fire. Trouble revived
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  • 2120 3 FULL TEXT OF VYSHINSKY 'S SPEECH London, Feb. 10.— Andrei Vy.hin:y. head of the Sovi< t UNO MlgtL i. on, nnounced that the Soviet Union rapportl the Ukrainian demand for a United Nations Commission to investigate tlie Indonesian dispute on the spot When he opened the Security boandl't
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  • 411 4 SUPREMO 'S FAREWELL VISIT TO THE PRESS SHIP p.»ul a flftwdl nisi: U) a II w 'hit* exploit he I i i mull) interested, —Landing C r.i fi tJk Command as the "Press Ship." Viewed from the quay-aUk 104 looks just like any other campaigning 1(1. lint below decks she
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  • 9 4 <, 0., M.C < in
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  • 194 4 B. M. A. DRIVERS SHALL OWN THE DOCUMENTS re the full details of the documents required to be carried by driven of B.M Vehicles. The) nii't at ill .iincs b_- in possession A: 1. Vehicle lot; book, or a slip of paper posted in the lower left band corner of
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  • 63 4 The Air Ministry has announced csterday the appointment of Air James Donald Innes lardman, C.8., 0.8.E., D.F.C., to be )tficer in Charge cf Administration. \\r Command, South East Asia. Air Vice-Marshal H.irdman hails rom Oldham, Lanes., and was educat.i at Malvern College and Hertford College, Oxford.
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  • 62 4 At the monthly meeting of the Malayan Welfare Council in Singapore estcrday evening, Major-General 'I. R. Hone, Chief Civil Affairs Mficer, Malaya, paid a tribute to thz .voik done by the civil relief teams vhich the Administration had succeeded in getting out to this country
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  • 29 4 A sum of $iO,(M)() has been sent to the International Red Cioss in Siam, by the Malayan Welfare Council, for the rehabilitation of Malays in thar country.
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  • 100 4 Malaya's internal telegraph money service is now back iji operation i he only extra charge over and above that for ordinary internal money order -•■vice is for the telegram of advice. remitter may not send more than *4 (;i) by telegraph drawn in the same >ffice,
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  • 369 4 INDIAN LAWYERS IN SINGAPORE STAY TILL ALL CASES ARE DEALT WITH Singapore, I eb. i T!k panel <>t five Indian lawyen mil oui b> t ho Govenuneiil oi India to defend Indian nationali in Malaya, who are accuied of collaboration with the enemy or any other acts committed during the
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  • 282 4 THE RED CROSS AND PROGRESS OF RELIEF distril •oss gilt which arrived bj t M Admiral C base" is oooti t!u 1 1.: il distribution ot the (foods i almost complei Mr. VlCCirs, Australian Red O Commissioner for Civilian Relief in Malaya, lias just completed a ft, mile tour of
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  • 28 4 The birthday of Prophet Mohamfl will be celebrated to-day bv local Muslims. There will be a nu^j meeting at Aljunied Islamia School .11 4 p.m. I
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  • 50 4 Indiana whose applications havi been approved tor passage to India ar. informed that a steamer is expected tj leave Singapore for Calcutta toj morrow and those who wish to traw| by this boat are asked to call ;j No. 30, Enggore Street at 9 a.m. tol day.
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  • 30 4 The first two students, since tl ice u nation, to leave Malaya for Un:: irersity Courses in the United Kin: dom, have left Singapore by air.
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  • 59 4 people whose families njV^K( been ill-treated by the Japanese, p.'f-Ml' cularly the Kempetai, are once lO mln u'qujstecl to coiuact tlie War r 1 -^H Rr Complaints Bureau at Goodwood 1 [otel, either in person or by letter. All information given will be r ;:^K u
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