Indian Daily Mail, 11 February 1946

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 19 1 Indian Daily Mail ■VOL. II NO. i I SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY u, i 94 6. I PRICE io CENTS.
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  • 698 1 CAPITALISM:CAUSE OF WORLD WARS STALIN'S BROADCAST fi LONDON, Feb. 9.— Generalissimo ftli.-rph Stalin made an election U>\ v» ch in Moscow tonight. It was li first broadcast since his victory on Sept. 2 last year, the •lay of Japan's unconditional 1 1 ui lender* H When the chairman called on
    Reuter  -  698 words
  • 21 1 The Indian Daily Mail resumes its publication to-day after tfx' uar and will be issued as a morning edition.
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  • 89 1 Londrn, Feb. 10. With traffic stopped both on the roads and railways in hundreds of places owing to floods which also cover vast areas of farmland and threaten to add to the country's food difficulties, Britain yestfrday keeps an anxious watch f<~r the safety of towns and
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 40 1 London, Feb. 9. British Prime Minister Attlee was among the spiakers at a state banquet last ni;j:ht fcr UNO delegates given by the Lord Mayor of London in the L ndon Guild Hall which still hoars scars of bombing. Reuter.
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  • 583 1 The Hague, Feb. 10.— The Government to-day issued a statement on Indonesia saying: "The Netherlands Government take the view that the peoples of Indonesia should be enabled t.> decide tlu ir political destiny. "Therefore, th? Netherlands Government deeply conscious of their responsibility consider it their duty
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  • 66 1 Washington, Feb. 'J. United States Secretary of State James Byrnes said at a press conference last night that hf Wfcl sending a message to M. Molotov and Mr. Bevin suggesting that their Paris meeting to discuss peace treaties can take the place of a meeting of
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  • 53 1 JAPANESE WAR MINISTER SURRENDERS Tokyo, Feb. 9.— Lieut. Gen. Samade Shimomura, War Minister in both the Japanese Cabinets formed by Baron Shidehara since* the Allied occupation of Japan \vh ;so arrest was ordered on Feb. 6 prave himself up to the Allied authorities at Supamo prison on the outskirts of
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  • 1110 2 INDIAN DAILY MAIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1946. OURSELVES A curious atmosphere surcharged with conflicting elements is prevalent in the world of today. Depression and excitement go hand in hand. There is an air of despondency abroad which it shall be the duty of a healthy and responsible Press to fight
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  • 216 2 [iRUM OUR CORRISPONDLNtJ New Delhi, Feb. 9.— To a question in the Legislative Assembly t'day about the application of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru for necessary passport to visit Java, Mr. H. Weightman, Secretary for External Affairs, rer lied that the application was rejected by the Government with the agreement
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  • 212 2 ABDUL'S SENTENCE "UNJUST WRONG" C.-IN-C'S ACTION CRITICISED [from our correspondent] Lucknow, Feb. tf. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in a statement issued has urged the Con.mander-in-Chief to revise the heavy sentence passed on Captain Abdul Rajhid and to abandon generally all the I.N.A. trials. Pandit Nehru said, "the sentence seams very unjust
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  • 22 2 Madras, Feb. The Madras Assembly elections are expected f o begin early in March and conclude at the end of the month.
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  • 114 3 VICEROY VISITS DISTRESSED AREAS [from our correspondent] Lucknow, Feb. 9. The Viceroy ■accompanied by the Maharaja r i I Mysore flew over large areai of I the Mysore State affected by the I focd shortage. Villagers at one place told the •Viiceroy that the rations supplied to them were quite
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  • 115 3 [from our correspondent] Madras, Feb. 9. Replying to the farewell arranged by the Andhra Chamber of Commerce, Dt. Tirumurti, who is leading the medical mission to Malaya said that he was receiving the best help •frdm the Red Cross Organization .and asked South Indians who wanted feo
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  • 118 3 LIV 1 V^V 1 X LA. [from our corrfspondi nt] Karachi, Feb. 9. The Congress and the non-Muslim League Muslim members of the Sind Assembly are boycotting the farewell party arranged by the new premier. Sir Ghulam Hussein in honour of the British Parliamentary Delegation members who
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  • 61 3 WARNING THE GOVERNMENT FROM OUR CORRESPOND Lueknow, Feb. 10. Pandit Jawaharlal Xohm has warned the Government cf India that a rebellion would certainly break out throughout the length and breadth <>f India if the food situation were to deteriorate causing, wide-spread famine. He added that the people would not suffer
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  • 64 3 [from our correspondent] New Delhi, Feb. 8. The panel of Indian lawyers to Malaya consisting of Mr. K. Bhashyam, Mr. Venkataram, Mr. P. N. Sapru, son of Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru and Mr. K. F. Nariman, the prominent Congressman of Bombay, assembled here en route to
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  • 99 3 [from our correspondent] Madras, Feb. 9. The reported claim of the Nizam of Hyderabad for taking Cocanada and Vizagapatam ports and also the demand for the return of the five Andhra districts are causing agitation among the Andhras who met in a meeting in Madras.
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  • 64 3 [from our correspondent] Bombay, Feb. 9.— Within the last fortnight there were 210 attacks and 73 deaths in the city of Bombay due to small-pox. If the disease were to continue, the city would be officially declared as •iff oc ted by an epidemic. To check
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  • 47 3 [l ROM OL'R CORRLSPONDENt] Madras, Feb. 1). At a meeting of women held in Madras under the presidentship of Mrs. Muthulakshmi Reddi, an appeal was made to the Indian National Congress to set up more women candidates for the ensuing provincial elections.
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  • 120 3 London, Feb. 10. Britain, America, Fiance and China are putting forward I plan to save the world from hunger this year in a resolution to come before the UNO Assembly on Tuesday or Wednesday. Russia will be asked to support the motion. The motion
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  • 765 3 A COMMENTARY (Front Our Special Correspondent BOMBAY, Feb. 9.— U the" Indian National Congress gets Assam, the Muslim League secures Sind. That is the first reaction to the news that the Governor of Sind Sir Francis Mudie has finally chosen Sir Gulam Hussein Hidayatallah to form
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  • 108 3 New Delhi, Feb. 10.— Caps hart come into their own, as symbols of party discipline and affiliation ia the Central Indian Legislative Assembly, now in session after th* new elections. Members of the Congress Party, about 56 in number, wear "Gandhi caps/' made out of
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  • 46 3 London, Feb. 10.— The 1 delegates from all the 51 countries represented at the UNO Assembly attended a party at Buckingham Palace last night. The King and Queen received 450 guests. The Queen Mother and the two Princesses were present. Reuter.
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  • 354 4 £QLOMALV TATI UtCIUED LONDON, Feb. 9.— The United iiation* trusteeship discussions #nalljr transcended the limits of Mandates to include the whole froblem of the world's non-self-governing peoples when John Foster Dulles, United States, this afternoon called on the General Assembly to approve the Trustceahip
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  • 66 4 LONDON, Feb. 10.- Franco Span was today formally branded untouchable among the nation* .-it the plenary session of UNO Assembly. Forty fiv< „f the 51 natirnj uave their fall support to the resolution introduced l>y Panama and ■lightly amended by Norway that the present Spanish Government 1
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  • 434 4 MRS PANDIT'S REMARKS Allahabad, Jan. 31. "To-day India *n show that the can change tht entire shape of the world and bring the much-coveted peace to this weary earth," declared Mrs Vijayalaxxni Pandit on her landing at Karelabagh sea-plan e'-drome, In-fore a large crowd that
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  • 140 4 Chungking, Feb. 10— Mr. Tan Kan Kee, Chinese Overseas industrialist, commenting on Viscount Eiibank's suggestion in the House of Lords that China might w«nt Malaya and Singapore said: "London need not worry too much though the Chinese form threequarters of the population of Singapore. ''China
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  • 115 4 LONDON, Feb. 10.— The cession of Sarawak to the King will be the subject of a number of questions for the Colonial Secretary hi the House of Commons next Wednesday. George Hall will be asked by Conservative A. Dodds Parker if he is aware of a desirability
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  • 79 4 LONDON. Feb. 10.— A despatch from Sydney reports that the Australian representative of the British War Shipping Ministry Sir Thomas Gordon announced today that 180,000 tons of cereals would he shipped during this month for India, Malaya, Borneo, Indo- China, Singapore, Mauritius, Portuguese East Africa and the
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    • 33 4 OTTAWA. Feb. 10— Canada is to provide a $6,000,000 credit to China for the purchase of Canadian goods under an agreement announced by the Canadian Minister of Finance, Mr. J. L. Ilsley. Reuter
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    • 30 4 Chunking:, Feb. 9.— Madame Chiang, wife of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, has left hen 1 for Shanghai on her first visit for more than 8 years to China's gWittit port. Reuter
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    • 45 4 LONDON, Feb. 10.— The demand that the United Nations should send a commission of inquiry to Indonesia was repeated tonight by Dr. Dmitri Manuilsky, leader of the Ukranlan delegation, when the Security Council resumed its debate on the presence of British troop* in Indonesia. Reuter
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    • 54 4 LONDON. Feb. 10.— On British initiative a resolution urging the United Nations to take immediate and drastic action to deal with tht critical food situation throughoL. the world was tabled this mom ing: within a few hours of the deadline for the acceptance of new resolutions for the present session
      Reuters  -  54 words
    • 68 4 PARIS. Feb. 10.— Orders for 250,000 to 350,000 tons of shipping have been given to various European shipyards for delivery at the end of 1947 and the beginning of 11*48. When the interallied shipping" pool and the United Nations Maritime Authority come to an end on March 2, the French
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    • 81 4 NEW DELHI, Feb. 10.— A committee to explore the availability of raw materials in India capable of generating: atomic energy and to suggest ways and moans of harnessing them has been set up under the Chairmanship of the Indian physicist Dr. H. J. Bhabha. The committee includes other eminent Indian
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    • 53 4 Xureniburg, Feb. i\— The trial as a war crinvnal of Marshal Antonescu, former Dictator of Rumania, who was lured into the war on Hitler's side by the premise of a rich slice of Soviet territory extending to the Dnieper, is expected to begin in Bucharest next month. Soviet sources indic»tp<l
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    • 74 4 Shanghai, Feb. 10. A ten-year plan to build a fleet larger than any China has had before has been drawn up by the Chinese naval authorities. Rear Admiral H. H. Lin, German trained Director of the Shanghai Office of the Chinese navy, told Thomas AMegaer, Reuter's Correspondent in an exclusive
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