The Singapore Free Press, 27 December 1961

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 23 1 ird, comments, best bets and latest course hints— P. 1, 9, 10 We will ake tf. Irian C 6 asdfj
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  • 390 1 MIDDLE EAST TENSION: BRITAIN'S TROOPS AND SHIPS STAND BY MOMBASA, (Kenya), Wed.— Officers of the British aircraft carrier Centaur at Mombasa were recalled to the ship urgently last night, and sources close to the navy said the carrier was likely to sail early today, probably for Kuwait. The Centaur, which
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  • 29 1 AMMAN, Wed. Several families were homeless yesterday In the Nablas area, west of the River Jordan, where flood waters from the Jordan covered some 50.000 acres.
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  • 200 1 No change yet in 6-day week for students SINGAPORE. Wed.— It will still be a sixday week for 350,000 Singapore children when the new school year opens next Tuesday. And the chance of any change before the end of the lirsi term m March is remote. For the Ministry of
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  • 30 1 HONG KONG. WeJ- Foityseven families. comprising 2123 people, who lost their homes m a tenement hou.->e collapse on Sunaay v.ere be^ns; looked afier by welfare organisa t ions
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  • 174 1 Home with 'special' New Year present SINGAPORE, W e ci.— An attractive Malayan girl flew into Singapore yesterday from Australia on the way home to Bentong with a "special New Year gift for her parents. The gift: A
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  • 83 1 HOSTESS CAUGHT TWICE IN JAMMED LIFT SINGAPORE. Wed. -Singapore International Air- port was the scene of two lift Jams last night The only lift ol the airport became jammed at 6.45 p.m., trapping two airline hostesses, i Miss Catherine Wee and Miss S. Tan of Qantas Airways. Both were rescued
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  • 160 1 Crew of 14 are all rescued from sinking junk HONG KOX(i, Wednesday. THE Swedish liner Milos yesterday saved 14 crewmen of the small Hong Kong licenced motorised trading junk Haitai, which was abandoned, sinking, 180 miles east of Hong Kong. The transfer of the men was completed without mishap, and
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  • 120 1 DUCHESS OF KENT: 'STORK' IN SUMMER LONDON, Wed. The Duchess of Kent, 28, is expecting a child m the summer, it was announced yesterday at the family estate of the Duke of Kent m Coppins, Buckinghamshire. The Duchess, formerly Miss Katherine Worsley, was married to the Duke last June. The
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  • 66 1 SINGAPORE, Wed.— More than 300 employees of William Jacks (M) Ltd. and Guthrie and Co. Ltd who had been on strike for over a month returned to work this morning. ■meir disputes with the managements have been referred to the Industrial Arbitration Court. The Ministry
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  • 36 1 LISBON. Wed.-Noteci Portuguese sculptor, DiM Coelho 38 «M Aot clean In a Ltebon street a ft* days ago. it w dsclSd here .ve^terciay. The circuSStances of the shooUng have not been explained.
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  • 78 1 SINGAPORE. Wed.— One of Singapore's best-known brokers Mr. Khoo Hock Tian, who died last Saturday, will be buried this afternoon. As a mark of respect. Messrs. Kay Hian Co. of which the late Mr. Khoo was a partner, will be closed from 1 p.m. Mr. Khoo,
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  • 24 1 WHITEHOKSE. (Yukon). Wed. A Christm:> Day lire destroyed a complete outness block here forcing people out into 45 below zero weather.
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  • 320 1 Upper Ten and Persian Hero are two 'extra good things' By SCRUTINEER BUKIT TIMAH, Wednesday TWO greys, Persian Hero (Hare Four) and Upper Ten (Race Five), should make a sound double al Hukit Timah today. Both are regarded as "extra good things/ Punters arc especially en- thuslastlc over Persian Hero's
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  • 27 1 MA i I q .1 TK 1 < I UAI SICI I I V I (I til fcdi (em al a .1 ll] m 1.1.n. p Lenin
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 275 2 [Free Press city section: Finance and industry! T EW YORK. Wed. Rubber consumption may hit record hi°;hs m 1962 with gains of apximately 7 per cent r the 1961 total estimated consumption of million long tons, according to the Rubtet Manufacturers As•iciation
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  • 153 2 CHIPS 'ym; alongside the Sm^apore >. i t»e- torljy jre C:y c K:pon I !3. i-u>ni:t>.s IS, 24, v. airai 1 l' 7. Mand una 41 Kanrh: .:a 10, Sergei Seng 23, tfh :r.ko Maru Oorgoa 3>. Outer roads: L: D H:n. A;a»:o Bfjum. 1, HalkUs, Fuji
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  • 121 2 QUIET SESSION ON WALL STREET CLOSES WITH SMALL GAINS NEW YORK. Wed. The Stock Exchange closed irregularly higher with a majority of mostly fractional gains after a quiet trading session. Steels were supported on an American Iron Steel Institute report of a higher industry output m the week ending Dee.
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  • 71 2 BANGKOK. Wed -The board of Industrial Investment last week approved promotional privileges lor me Par Ea^t Iron Works Company to build a galvanized iron .^heets factory which will be the third m Thailand. This joint Thai-Japanese concern has a registered capital of ten miHion ;ical>.
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  • 52 2 TOKYO. Wed. Communist Chinas steel industry produced more than 40 varieties of steel this year, ihe New China news agency has reported. This brought to more than double the number of varieties cf steel produced m 1957. the year before the "0:2. leap forward, the news
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  • 37 2 CANBERRA. Wed— Australia's workless rose to 100.057 about 2.4 per cent of the working population during November. The increase 01 3.505 over the previous month was wholly due to the number of children leaving school.
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  • 346 2 Industrials held steady in thin market last week By the Free Press Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wednesday. CONDITIONS remained very dull on the Malayan Stock Exchange last week, states a leading Singapore broker m his weekly report. Industrials held very steady m a thin market, the report adds. Tins wore surprisingly
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  • 80 2 WASHINGTON. Wed.— Tlio US. balance of paj-ments deficit was running at. the rate of U.S- $3,100 million ($9,300 million) a year at the end of the third quarter of j this year, the Commerce Departj ment here reported yesterday This I compared with an annual
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  • 65 2 PEKING, Wed— Chinese and Albanian government representatives here yesterday signed an agreement to form a Sino-Al-banian joint stock shipping company, the New China news agency reports. Under the agreement, aimed at strengthening economic co-opera-tion and developing shipping between the two countries, the company's ships Till ply mostly
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  • 62 2 NEW YORK, Wed— R.M.A. statistics with figures (m long tons) for Nov. 1961. Oct. 1961 and Nov. 1960 respectively: Consumption of new rubber 137.830. 145,043, 122.496; consumption of natural rubber 37,910, 40.010. 35,914; consumption of synthetic 99.520. 105.033, 86,582; including GR-S consumption 80,630, 84.914, 73.044; synthetic production 130.458,
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  • 255 2 Tin: Star performer of commodity market this year I ONDON, Wed— The Financial Times' second leader says that "without a doubt at all tin has been this year's star performer of the commodity markets." The leader added- "Indeed it is the only important commodity whose price is currently standing at
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  • 61 2 COLOMBO, Wed. The strike iby about 12,000 dockers at the j port of Colombo entered Its 12th j day yesterday with armed services personnel continuing to unload food and essential cargoesMeanwhile, unions of bank employees and of the Colombo mum- cipal council were due to meet
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  • 63 2 HONG KONG, Wed.— Tientsin one of Communist China's biggest industrial centres, has this year trial-produced 1.400 kinds of new light industrial products, according to the New China news agency. It has put more than 400 o: them, including cinema and X-ray film, plastic shoes, synthetic
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  • 166 2 mTE 4idX C X° W are Dow l° nes Averages NEW YORK, Dee. 26. New York Prices NEW YORK. Dec. 2G. Previous Today TIN Straits spot 120.25 120.25 RUBBER Futures Rex Contract, Jan. 27.72} 27.674 TONE: Quiet. SALES: Thro* lots. Standard Contract Jan 27.65 27.621 Mar 28.02J 27.971
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  • 36 2 PASSAU West Germany Wed. A Cre.n carpenter his wife ;uic i oui- young daughters braved barbed wire, mines, fron- '< tier police and biuer cold to escape from Czechoslovakia into West Germany during Christmas weekend.
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  • 36 2 BROADSTAIRS. Kent. Wed. Best selling author Prank Richards, who created "Fat Boy" Billy Burner and the Greyeriars School Stones has died at his I home here, it was learned. He 1 was 86.
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  • 174 2 CALCUTTA, Wednesday. fHE Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaya had a busy programme' on his second day's stay here yesterday. In the morning the King visited the Royal Calcutta Golf Club at Tollygunge, m the City's southern suburb, and later went to the Hindustan
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  • 33 2 UNITED NATIONS, Wed- United Nations forces m Elisa- bethville are now engaged m a battle against looting, chiefly by hotiseboys from evacuated nonKatanqei>e homes, an announce- ment here said yesterday.
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  • 30 2 SAIGON, Wed.— A French plantation *1irector was kidnapped by Communist guerillas last Thursday when he visited his property in Phuoc Thuy Province, about 70 miles south-east of Saigon.
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  • 319 2 500 die on U.S. roads: Highest holiday toll for six years NEW YORK, Wednesday f lIRISTMAS traffic deaths reached their highest peak for six years m the United States this year with a death roll at latest count —of over 500. Over 160 people died m fires and other unspecified
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  • 135 2 "TH)NTANA (California), Wed. A 30-year -old woman twice braved fiames which gutted her home early yesterday to rescue her eight children and her invalid husband. Police officers said Mrs. Rosemary Starry suffered second and third-degree burns and was on the critical list m Kaiser
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  • 42 2 MADRID, Wea. General Franco left the air force hospital here yesterday nith his left hand m a plaster cast after a gun accident during a Christmas Eve pigeon shoot. He underwent an operation on the hand on- Sunday nisht.
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  • 233 2 Britain begins to warm up after a cold Christmas LONDON, Wednesday. ICY weather gripped northern Europe and Scandinavia yesterday, but some Mediterranean countries had a wet Christmas and Boxing Day. The northern half of the United States had thick snow —and even m Florida, the "sunshine state.'' temperatures dropped to
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  • 25 2 ALGIERS, Wed. —One Europear. and two Muslims were killed and two otber Muslims injured m five different attacks m Algiers yesieiday.
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  • 87 2 EXPLORATORY TALKS ON BERLIN TO BEGIN 'FAIRLY SOON ment «n Soviet -Ainer ploratoi n tin a..(, fc expected I son:. T, Pr Har UK! Prin Mi their i. :^j rhomj to li, 4 resume j SPQ 5K V. tence yosterd,. 1:: Uy ai will con:. 1 BOKK re ill 11
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  • 15 2 NEWCA6TU 1 —A 3J m Chhsta.. i i and her j
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  • 57 2 COPENHAGEN, Wed— .Six Danes who spent Chri t mas fasting m the open m bitter cold entered their fourth day without food or shelter here yesterday. They are demonstrating m Copenhagen Town Hall Squai a -i mi itary over tta i n iou peoj began
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 425 2 N.Y.K. LINE Score P. $>am Penang Sanuki Man A.:--. Genoa, I" Dl 'ETA 31/1/62) j, brenen. totMfi 4 Bcttardaw 8/9 Jan Sal ~y Maru re Men, Jeddah, p :r: Said, Genoi, I Maaibm (ETA 25 1;62;, Bremen, R'cam, tatweri Lc Havre 29/31 Dec i'-Sii:- 1 Waru tor Port S3'd, B
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    • 49 2 PHILIPS ALL TRANSISTOR Portable RADIO 3 Waveband i POWERFUL I VOLUME j BUILT-IN TELESCOPIC AERIAL Available m Icitbc* case with thouldci PLUS PHILIPS fT^ «UAL.TY Sss^i SERVICE GUARANTEF El :I^:H:::f:::i;:::ii;-. 184 MALAY*!. <^M:KS> B( SINGAPORE MARWITZ <F*°*<^C~yi S l^W 5 IfAMLw i 33*. NORTH l^S^^\ 0»»OSlTe OO«O« T-««T«* I
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  • 74 3 i» BAHRU, Wed. mmittee tor mes will b" Singapore to set-up oi m Malaneighbour* by Group i rne.shirv th€ Jnhoro l at TampoL aceenn- i Kav Hua Mr. Cheng tarj ol the committee impressed I -.vita the i un< and the soda]
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  • 212 3 MALA YA IN OILS: MINISTER OPEN EXHIBITION THK n SIN GAPORE, Wednesday, fHh picturesque East Coast of Malaya will tiontn h PI d"i U P aintin at an exhibit'on to be opened by the Minister of Culture, \ll™« i J ra nam tomorrow at the Victoria Memorial Hall. The exhibition,
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  • 57 3 SINGAPORE. Wed. Radio j Singapore will broadcast forums on Malaysia tomor- row at the following times: Malay— lo.3o p.m.; Chinese— 10.00 p.m. and English— lo.oo p.m. The forums were recorded by Radio Sarawak when they invited delegates attending the second meeting of the Malajsia Solidarity Consul
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  • 155 3 S'PORE AIRPORT IMPRESSES 22 FEDERATION TEACHERS SINGAPORE. Wed. -A group O ol 22 teachers from Penang and Perak. including 16 women, visited Singapore's international airport at Paya 1 Lebar yesterday m the course i of a week's tour of the State. The teachers, led by Inche j Saidin Ahmad, were
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  • 93 3 CO-OP MAKES A RESOLUTION FOR NEW YEAR i rjINOAPORE. Wed.— A more 1 5 secure economic and social life for the people ot Singapore is the New Years resolution of the Singapore Co-operative Union. The latest issue of The Co-op Recorder, organ of the Union, says that it had. among
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  • 78 3 Welcome to Singapore Mr C. Jenn. an export manager. arrived from Bombay on his way to Kuala Lumpur. He is staying at Raffles Hotel. Mr. Ho Chapman a cinema executive, arrived from Hong Kong yesterday. He is staying at Princes Hotel Garni. Mr B. C. Westall. a printine trade executive,
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  • 198 3 Govt. offers bursaries for diploma in social studies SINGAPORE, Wed. The Ministry of Home Affairs announced the offer of bursaries for the diploma m Social Studies with a view to encouraging dedicated persons to join the S Probation and Aftercare Department. The Government places great emphasis on the development of
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  • 94 3 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Comptroller of Customs here j has announced that due to reorganisation within the Department of Customs and i Excise, the customs office m Keppel Road will be the headquarters of the Land j Division from Jan. 1, 1962. All enquiries on matters such
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  • 47 3 SINGAPORE, Wed. There will bo no water m Zones One and Two from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. today. Water will be cut oil tomorrow m Zones Three and Four iS a.m. to 2 p.m.>. and Zones Six and Seven cj p.m. to 8 p.m.).
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  • 727 3 SINGAPORE DIARY A COLUMN ABOUT]! PEOPLE 1 WHO MAKEJjEWS 1 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. JT was a memorable day for a 40-year-old Inspector when he commanded, for the first time, 64 recruits of the Guard and Escort Units at a passing out parade at the Singapore Police Training School m Thomson Road.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 118 3 asfd II /■>■■■■■!!. mUUM mmm v J M!KI/m5TOi i DE SUVA BROS., j Jewellers' 3 lafflti Place, Singapore-1. Phone *****. fa ■■■■■■■■■■■■■a i rf^ f IlHi REDUCING BIONELLES V X^x^V jßgif MERZ r e."neve useless w^^ fpftSf^\ loads of fat easily B^tt^tß^^ quickly. They lower the ftßi lUmi^^^^m body we
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    • 181 3 p^ iB3B jjjQ coding rrcrc o^d more j^»nn ir#^ j ufi popular omonrj th« s^hTOt _^X« B^l girts. The odftntable strop >< '^P??TriT^VV i y7jjtljr WA? makes the sh^e on e» ■SH( eeptional value. W I \\C X^***^^ Sirci 7 It St 90 Pita growing fe?t mokes th s N^^>
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 80 3 iPwTTii i^r^si CINEMAS Cathay: One Hundred and j One Dalmatians 1 30, 4, 6.30. i 930- Odeon: Hell to Eternity 1.30. 4, 6.30. 9.30. Alhambra: Women Generals I (Mandarin* 115. 4. 6.45. 9.30. Diamond: Thaisollai Ihattathe I (Tamil > 3.30. 7.30. Garrirk: Reshml Roomal (Hindi* 3. 6. 9. Odeon Katong:
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    • 85 3 THE INDEPENDENT MISSIONARY MOVEMENT: Free film show at Trafalgar Home, j Yio Chu Kang Road, 7-30 p.m. j SALVATION ARMY (CLEMENCEAU AVENUE): Band practice. 6 pm.; Songster Brigade, 7 30 p.m. YWCA (OUTRAM ROAD): Dressmaking, 2.30 pm.; Children's Corner, 3 p.m. GEYLANG STRAITS CHINESE METHODIST CHURCH: Church school for children
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  • 1071 4  - DINING IN STYLE AND COMFORT TAN BENG KIM INDOOR INFORMATION- BY TODAY'S TABLES SHOW CLEAN-CUT LINES JJATING in absolute luxury is today within the reach of the majority. Thanks to the canning industry and to frozen foods, all sorts of tantalizing dishes are readily available in or out of season.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 392 4 *************************44 J •HOTEL IDEAL* 61, Brooke Rood/Morine Porode (Entrance between Roxy ond Poloce Cinemas, Kotong) >► BOOK NOW FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON IN THE AIRY ORCHID GARDEN Musk By Alphcnso Ortega His Merry-Makers *4 WITH LOVELY VOCALISTS 5 y x .^^Bs Blb^ IS i v .^^Bs B^^k. bIBx v4i«Hß^B^B^B^^&i*j 0
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    • 261 4 OLYMPIA "^^i specialises m the latest /ls' I Paris fashions m socks. A I Smart and Comfnrtnki I Ofeto.noblc fro W o I I HOTEL i BOOK NOW FOR Wti NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER^ %A EXTENSION TO 2 A V 1 *W^ Candle-lit Dinner Amid Carois 1 ;j l Dance
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  • 937 5  -  LEONARD LYONS 'LIVING WITH PAPA' BY BEFORE YOU SHOOT YOU'VE GOT TO GET CALM INSIDE FIRST— AS IF YOU ARE IN A CHURCH' kIIKN "The Old Man And The Sea* 1 was ifar dcd the Pulitprize. Heminsgi heard the news 0 the radio, while |Wa
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 i HFRICERATOia f RADIOS MOTORCYCLES i »"OSE KNOW«VY It'salwifays iru| Writing O^LY 51.90 I' 1 for f.ner X fij -n many W sfCCI Of I**]) i COpi. n> i"v. Compact /I Thinline! KeMeAse. Ta 4-THACK iA PE RECORDER* MOOCU T.Z22S Shriro (China) Lid,
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    • 90 5 THE NOBEL PRIZE tw. n v Hj^flllKStt^ftMZl SINCE 1815 When m Penang check II II THE SWISS WATCH your time with iP^fflfi FOR ALL CLIMATES I NOW Within your reach Swiss watches of the highest quality Whatever your personality, age or occupation m life. FAVRFvLr.UBA has created a watch specially
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 390 6 TELLING THE PEOPLE Christmas and man's aspirations OERHAPS it is not 1 too late to refer to the Christmas message delivered by the acting Prime Minister. Dr. Ton Chin Chye. Dr. Toh spoke, as is traditional, of the need for the realisation ox man's aspirations towards peace and goodwill. This
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  • 1318 6  -  Bert Turner CHARLES HENRY CCALL ME CHARLIE') FITZGIBBON ENDS COMMUNIST PARTY'S LONG DREAM OF CONTROLLING THE NATION By A.W-YEAR-OLD waterside worker n a m c d Charles Henry ("Call me Charlie") Fitzgibbon is one of the m ost talked-about men m Australia at the moment.
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  • 113 6 The Free Press reported: "According to accounts from England by the last mail, there is some prospect of the Straits being visited by the Prince o< Wales ere long. His Royal Highness, it was said, intended to visit Constantinople, Egypt. Continental India and eventually Australia. As he
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  • 71 6 rpHE Royal Women's HosA pital m Sydney is lullabying expectant mothers with a £A43,000 music system. The hospital's medical sup erin tende n t, Dr. J. Green well. said that, patients and staff alike are extremely pleased with the soft backround music played by tapes which rewind
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  • 121 6 Life? is like that D*d! h. i( ma m ik; n. c n ***** nuivt v., t un Pt-upl, ""^Uu liorsos' (J r ij -i v B my the i CUa: Carefu] scienti* th( informati ol ■:!o-.. numb< ftCCidf Aft thii she y BEACHCOMBER THE periodi doct prescripi I again
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 656 6 ■BBBBBBBBflaaißMaaaaaasaaßßaßßaßßam I You can hand m your clagsified tuL ta any on* of COLD STORAGE j SHOPS throughout MALAYA ™<I SINGAPORE •ANSRON HIGHLAND* Com otora*e iM> 144* 30 Taoab Kata. IPOM Cold Stora** (M) LtC« 1-ft Clar* lUiiL KLAN9 Cold Storage IM) LtA* 10 N'«W JtOfttf. !IH7 N'e'f Market. KUALA
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    • 44 6 iiiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiiicatiiniiiiiiir PATEK PHILIPPE is the only watcb manufacturer whose entire j collection of men's watches curries, engraved on every movement, the official stamp of the State of Geneva, the authentic guarantee of centuries-old "GENEVA QUALITY" H. SENA, LTD. HIGH CLASS JEWELLERS Singapore Pcnong. .mimuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiiiuiniimiiiic:
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    • 84 6 Bff i 3 i^ v^^l illv'i \W I B> Bf jBBs i r BY Bi iBK L 'a H ■j w^w. BSk t bb] '^^^^^^^^B bbb .^bbb bE& I I IBE L^'lBbl BBV BK 8888 B^BB^Bb B> B^^BR II BB^^ *i BBBfl BBB^BB X Bs aI I I.^^ I BH
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 249 6 TODAY'S RADIOj RADIO SINGAPORE J minute theatre; 11.00 The Short Wave Service: Vienna festival 1961; 12.00 41 metres (7250 kc/s.) (midnight) Close down. Medium Wave Service: RADIO MALAYA (41.7 metres) 476 metres AM.-11.00 Theme m music; P.M.-1.15 Tiffin date; JL3O n Tnnir for today 1145 Time signal, news; 1.40 NeusPtono
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    • 371 6 I 1 BiO I J j j CLUES ACROSS 6- He's mostly fat and certainly 1. A bit of lightning (5). g ow (7) a 7. Hardened by habit (4>. 6. A lowland race (5). 8- The old hags embrace Ron 9. Unusual enough to make one < 6 >*
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  • 331 7 SYDNEY TEACHER: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY SINGAPORE. Wednesday. fgffERE is no such thing as 1 White Australia policy, least not officially, accordMr R. S. Rankine, a muster for the past 25 at Scots College, Sydney. Rankine. who passed igh Singapore in-charge up of 16 Australian
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  • 121 7 Carol singers bid farewell to Serangoon jouple RE, Wed More caroQexs ol St. :.:rch. Serangoon ;tafc bade farewell tish couple by stagmas mi:i?s at their Brookhampton iple, Mr. and Mrs. I tyboarn, will leave tor Britain early after staying here i-a-half years. Laybourns, who are la] workers and of St.
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  • 36 7 Architect dies in England XUAI LUMPUR. Wed. aho designed the Research Institute t ai Ampang Road m impor, Mr. Arthur C dtman has died m He was 67. 1 Itman came to Ma--1925 He retired m
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  • 54 7 MR. KOH AND BRIDE AFTER WEDDING AT THE REGISTRY MR. KOH CHEW CHUAN and his brtde. Miss Monica Fang Foong Ming, after their wedding at the Singapore Registry. The bridegroom is the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Koh Ah Han, and the bride the second daughter of Mr. and
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  • 195 7 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. TWO young Australians a doctor and an educationist and an American graduate are due here on Jan. 2 m the liner Oceania to make preparations for an overland tour to Europe. The tour will take them through the Federation. Thailand Cambodia. Vietnam, Ceylon,
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  • 158 7 Malayan students in U.S. impress Americans Prof. PAYA LEBAR, Wednesday. "MALAYAN students are making a great impression on the Americans," says a professor of electrical engineering m the University of Illinois, LJrbana, who passed through here to take up a post m India. Ho is Professor Gilbert Howard Fett who
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  • 141 7 LAST BATCH OF REFUGEES FROM RED CHINA REPATRIATED JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— The Federation Government has repatriated the remaining 10 of the 15 refugees who came from Hainan Island one and a half years ago. The group including four men, two women and four children left Johore Bahm by train for
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  • 52 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Dr Tan Luan Hooi and Mr M. B. Dass, were elected chairman and secretary respectively for the World Health Day Working Committee m Johore Bahru for nexxt year. Other members are Incne Bidin bin Login, Tuan Haji Rahman bin Haji Daud, Tuan Syed Omar
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  • 22 7 IPOH, Wed. German photographer, Mr. Franz Lazi, is holding a three-day exhibition of colour photographs at the V.MC.A. Hall here.
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  • 40 7 KUCHING. Wed. The Council Negri has approved the White Paper setting out proposals for a Borneo free trade area comprising a,s its first members Sarawak and North Borneo. The plan will come into force on Jan. 1.
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  • 153 7 Singaporeans at Perth Xmas party SINGAPORE, Wed.— Singapore and Malayan students joined others from Sarawak, Hong Kong and India for a Christmas party held by St. Margaret's Church of England Missionary Guild for overseas students m Perth, Western Australia. The party, brightened by the Christmas tree and gaily coloured candles,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 Another Bargain at "VIENNA' mi 2012 S/5-00 EACH Hi c«e extro set of Guitar Plectrum. *-""v German mode. H tUc can you get Mtdl ns th.s. JBtt MUSIC HOUSE 34 s m Bf.dge Rood, $>©•• 7. -eos.te Odeon TMotre). "mirella Th most beautiful sewing ma chine m the world •Nl
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    • 496 7 S m T m EP9r^ W IVI W "t* I C Chronomet ptSSflSpi The title Chronometer is legally proBil rectcd and reserved for Swiss high BttfeS 59. quality watches which have pasted SB s^l*| rhe very $trm 9 cnt of Official Swiss Control Stations. n re 9 u or MB€
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 461 7 ,FBOR«OMXM»SDAY... tefc J* £S£ YOU have been jiven XC 'P; M|B (M»y 22-June 21): which were beneficial for you tional tolent by the stars, but GEMINI CONCLUDE buai- yesterday. it is up u> w**?"***!! n affairs tnat the balanc<> LIBRA JXS I',1 4 2 i possible use of it. There
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  • 246 8 GAY (PONTIA C) PARISIENNE SMOOTH, SWEET AND SURE-WITH MANY BRIGHT NEW FEATURES AS promised last week, today I report on the second of GM's 1962 twins the Pontiac Parisienne. For this test I was given two cars a model with the standard three-^ears transmission and another with automatic transmission and
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  • 765 8 Parisienne smooth sweet and sure. And I suppose this, more than the sheer extravagance of look. Ls what endears the Parisienne and her big Canadian cousins, to both the Singapore rowkay and his syce alike. At Bukit Timah Circus we changed into second and with reckless abandon
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  • 698 8 I PLAN to buy a car by the middle of next year. After having carefully considered all the makes available m Singapore and my needs I hay come to the conclusion that I will buy either a Sunbeam Alpine (second-hand) or a miniCooper (new). I have
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 Sporklirq fckv DmmmbJ Mo-,- Powerful of Al! f I fele Agent*: SWEE HIN TRADING CO it 6 CIOSS "iTr-eT r nQ INVICTA RADIO CO. 76. vcicy Per ing KY 5961 7-volve rodto hos a Superb hi r'l perform once m o handsome, wolnut cose. A rado for those who appreciate
      113 words
    • 3 8 njt\ *<riTf J
      3 words
    • 126 8 Hi VI I MiAiEdliwHiß I THE BEST BRj^'EslNJKt wcr Gives safety on the rod; II \n i fll Master cylinders Whed c High pressure hoses Repai: r If 111 lii 111 il f MOTORS 11l Lrtv iiiiiiiiisiiiri! isntiii EAUICNSCH7 a Gormany"> lk>t Befris with Aroma Fil m Guaranteed for 5
      126 words

  • 207 9  - Stadium project is welcome news to all sportsmen S. O. Rasoo f^Otn Chatter by JOHORE BAHRI\ Wednesday si welcome news for sportsnieiiin SI ite wiis the announcement that 5 hay c stadium similar to the 5 Stadium m Kuala Lumpur. "merit was tte Legisla- ist week by the Local •he
    207 words
  • 311 9 ENGLAND VERSUS SCOTLAND FOOTBALL UNDER FLOODLIGHTS SINGAPORE. Wed Singapore Combined Services have or!s^ J°° tb 5 n match which be Placed under floodlights at RAP t^letar this evening. Kidc-ofl is Captain W. Parrott. honorary secretarj- of the Singapore Base District Football Committee, laid mat h was arranged to provide entertainment
    311 words
  • 122 9 BASE DISTRICT HOCKEY XI VS. S'PORE 'B' rpANGLIN, Wed. Singapore X Base District Hockey Committee have selected their team to meet Singapore "B" m a friendly match at Gillman Barracks ground this evening at 5.15 p.m. The team, captained by Major Everaxd. will be: L Cpl- Young (RPO. FARELF): S
    122 words
  • 1367 9 i f '—25 CL. 3, DIV. 3—6 FURS. 05 GCNONG TARJN 4»r chag (Low &Ng Bt.) ***** ACE ADM«AL M^ n J g m -6V; M GEAT.nCAT.SS^oS (M^n, N g S»— Ma3TO 4. ***** PANITHR a, J I^ I 13 Craeknell 14 5 56 PRIDf
    1,367 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 celebrated ago, m the d«vs of J^^g| of China, only the M S hia ministers could Ht- II of wines and spirits. I rinks were aervetl at banquets. B^BVI ran 'hare these rormt m drink ins REMY I^*^. 1^ rf r| NE CHAMPAGNE V. S |£s&^o«** I NA.C BRANDY, the
      60 words
    • 75 9 X |f jfe A YOU MUST TRY A Easy to itart x V^W ji« tJ N^ Simple to ride jb oE^ Safer on the road Entirely Automatic Transmission. [^^^PP^^^^ =^^^pr^7" =r 'W No Clutch -No Gear Changing /^^^'JB^Sh^^CJ!J^!^Sß^^^^^Ji Economical 75 c.c. DKW Lie. Engines. "Hf iWf Wr "^^=^B Cost less
      75 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 34 9 today's srom _i SINSAFOBE I R ICB. (Pa- rawak Ran^:i. 5.15 pjn.>; 443 BAD. (A>*er ci:v Pakistan B wr, 5.10 pjn.; JU IENMs S.CAA. Inter- Semi Fl- > A"; Radin v Gtyhint? I NM^iSuim Rd..
      34 words

  • 716 10  -  SCRUTINEER BUKIT TIMAH MOST FANCIED HORSES: 3 points for first favourite, 2 points for second favourite; 1 point for third favourite. By Wednesday ggj y m m.^^ Iky Mk A ■I I a psr THE BEST BETS 9 Scrutineer's best bets are:
    716 words
  • 263 10 DISPLAYING speed and One stickwork, Pakistan the touring world hockey champions, boa: a Singapore Selection team 2-0 m their hockey match at Jalan Besai Stadium here yesterday. Good coalkeenir.'^ by Singapore custodian Fbong Kong Chee I evented the Pakistanis from inning by a
    263 words
  • 355 10 MR. JACK SPENCER. one of the top trainers m Malaya, has left for the United Kingdom on retirement, but disclosed that he may continue training and establish his headquarters at Weyhill, Hampshire. Said Mr. Spencer at a farewell dinner given by fellow trainers: •'There
    355 words
  • 247 10 LONDON, Wed. English football results:— DIVISION' ONE Arsenal 1 Fulham 0 Birmingham 1 Man. City i Burnley 4 S. Wednesday 0 Cardiff 1 Aston Villa 0 Chelsea 0 Spurs 2 Everton 1 Bolton 0 Ipswich 1 Leicester 0 Manchester L T 6 Nott. Forest 3
    247 words
  • 68 10 'JONDON. Wed— Result of me i only Rugoy League match played yesterday was: Huil Kingston Rovers 16 Hunslet 10. Tht remainine: thirteen mauhcs of yesteraays programinme were all postponed owing to frost. Results of Rugby Union matches were: Llanelly 3 London Welsh 11 Penryn 6 Falmouth 3. Redruth
    68 words
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    • 155 10 -»LJL-.»t^LjLjU t LJLJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL4 i TITMES OEPITH t WOTO SUFPIT. LTD. +Vst«-S(fflH«.|rw^ JS 3 TIJTntSB m Processing Charge $3/- •••<»••••* i t.i, rim'Siii «< T.I: ISOO4/2IMJ/241». '4LUH." rp 27.12.61 Free Home Delivery *****, We invite you to become a regular reader of r— L the Singapore Free Press. All you have
      155 words
    • 22 10 f I'm banking on\ I Happy Melody V to do the trick ...Says Scrutineer's Talking Horse ladies: special RACE FIVE NUMBER 3
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    • 30 10 AHtl SUKAN 1961 •AX. Mark your choice here OFFICIAL VOTING COUPON Tot The Sporf Editor. Singapore Free Press. Times House. Singapore 9. AHLI SUKAN 1961 My choice is Sign here
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    • 482 10 along dotted iim-,.., J j FREE PRESS Es^J j WORD PUZZLE j NAME V... c ADDRESS V Cut along Oottad lin« f CLUES FOR WORD PUZZLE c B 1. The bock port of onv- 4 a thing. stOu P of f 2. Bog of coorse motenoi 5 Th t fieeccj
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