The Singapore Free Press, 5 December 1961

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Free Press No. *****. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1961. 15 CENTS.
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  • 183 1 r^K«r«.e 9mm la., «all.-._P. IZ SN3APORE. Tuesday bver 580 I id kg he maths I£RE were no v u outside t \aminaI nitres when students U -fvr papers m<>rninu r the Itond da> <>t the pplemt'iitan exp;p.!ti'>n. ication sfM »kes- Free ml nearly <>k when ition :iUI
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  • 109 1 I Manic Ford Malaya :.\Uives of Motor Employees' Ibis morning oi Labour the strike workers D NOV. 21. tntinned ag< ment and coml i:nd the Lmploy- MmisCl" Commissioner, Mr. Kok Ah Loy, said this morning that a meeting between the parties was held yesterday
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  • 19 1 picture. Candidates taking the mathematics paper at the Teachers' Training College this morning Free Press
    Free Press  -  19 words
  • 214 1 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Three new police stations, two with quarters, will be buiit by the Government next year as part of a new scheme to step up the efficiency of the Police Force. A total of $1.1 million has been set aside for these projects
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  • 233 1 K.L. cloth dealer's appeal allowed by Privy Council LONDON, Tuesday. J^S appeal by Mr. Chow Yoong Hong, a textile dealer, of High Street, Kuala Lumpur, from a judgment of the Court of Appeal m Kuala Lumpur m favour of Choong Fah Rubber Manufactory, whom he had sued for $31,112, the
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  • 190 1 'TWO-THIRDS OF SARAWAK POPULATION BACK MALAYSIA' SINGAPpRE. Tues.—Sarawak's indigenous peoples representing two-thirds of the country's population were all for Tengku Abdul Rahman's Greater Malaysia Plan, said Dato Bandar Abang Haji Mustapha, chairman of the Negara Sarawak Party, here yesterday. Arriving here from Kuala Lumpur, he said Sarawak people believed that
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  • 77 1 GLENN IN 'READY ROOM' FOR ORBITAL FLIGHT CAPE CANAVERAL. Tues.— Lieutenant-Colonel John Glenn, picked to make America's first orbital flight m space, yesterday moved into the "Ready Room" quarters here. The special quarters are the same as those used by astronauts Sheppard and Grissom before their suborbital flights. The readying
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  • 33 1 1 5 troops killed SAIGON, Tuei>.— A strong force of Communist guerillas killed 55 government troops from an ambush about 300 miles north-east of Saigon at the weekend, authoritative military sources said yesterday.
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  • 39 1 BATHURST (Gambia >, Tues. —The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh last night saw a traditional parade of lanterns here and the Duke roared with laughter at one m particular an effigy of the Queen on horseback.
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  • 87 1 SYDNEY, Tues.— Schoolboys at a New South Wales Educat i o n Department hostel are allowed to smoke. Officials at the hostel attached to the Bega High School on the south coast, said they had lifted a ban on smoking because it Is impossible to enforce
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  • 208 1 Kennedy to have talks with Macmillan in Bermuda ONDON, Tues. Pre- sident John Kennedy and Mr. Harold Macmillan are to meet on Dec. 21 and 22 m Bermuda, it was announced here last night. The announcement said: "President Kennedy and Prime Minister Macmillan have for sometime past felt that as
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  • 29 1 MAINZ (West Germany), Tues. A West German jet airliner on a training tlignt piunged into a field near heie yesterday, killing at least three people.
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  • 26 1 National language lesson: Page 3 Latest m Fund BF I i PRICE UP irsl EXCHAh w 1 I vVITHDPAW i i. -f Q fin: i imsitionfl
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 r^H) 7^e finest O^ recording SPx fa/>e of all. THE I ROLEX ->-■.— DATE -JUST £p"S\ ROLEX 5TW""""! A li arV"i 14 I ffiss TUCK CHEONG, p, V^ 44 1 North Bridge Road, g*S*£3 Singapore. V": S
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    • 89 1 NATIONAL LIBRARY from MAX^ACTOR KMT TB§' JjjSy KSiw^^^^^K/'" s-\ mm T ..^■B^ //ij&f /y^ws/.^'^%ti > J^tf^l Htt^^^^m w£jfifcw'&fi& WiWtt- .^M Wm6^^K A MAN'S ROLL-ON DEODORANT that you need In this climate Every man needs the protection of a safe, reliable deodorant. Max Factor's roll-on deodorant is fresh, pleasant and quick
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    • 15 1 4 The moif jf^fmJ^\ treasured wFr^Br*W per (v me N Q. 5 GRAFTON LABORATORIES ITO
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  • 252 2 RUBBER PRICE REMAINS STEADY: NO OVERSEAS INCENTIVE I ONDON. Tues. The rubber session opened little changed on Friday's levels and values thereafter remained steady, no incentive being obtained fiom either of the main overseas markets. However, dealers did report a fair demand Tor nearby afloat rubber which they considered to
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  • 43 2 Hamburg, roes.— Japan bas becoir.e We.'-: Germany's lamest trading m UK Far Bast, according to me Za>' Asia Tvn.:e Club Imports irviv. J.ipan rose b. 308 pt»r ccii! to J65.500.00Ti ■Miles m the i\r>i nine n'.ontii.<>i r hi.^ vcar
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  • 181 2 V. HIPS lying alongside the Singapore wharves todaj are: City of Colombo 1 TBiTliartn 13/14. Perseus Uvaaoi U 16. Praa. Haniaoa 33 36. Kumat-us 33 34. Q->i^dri#:.i 4/5. Saaaj Be 3. Van Neck 2Z>. -tJ. Bmplra GaaawM 21.22. StriKM NW. 4. Sedenak .\W. 2. Outer road«: Lkßa
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  • 459 2 Surprise buying of Dunlops and Rothmans on the Exchange City section: Financeand industry By The Free Press Morket Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. WHILST there has again been a steady turnover m industrials at more or less unchanged prices, there was more buying of all three new issues, comments a Singapore share
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  • 174 2 VERY LITTLE INDUCEMENT FOR BUYERS ON SHARE MARKET LONDON, Tues. Apart from a certain amount of optimism concerning United Kingdom prospects m the common market, there was very little to induce buyers to extend commitments m stock markets yesterday. Nevertheless. industrials encountered a selective demand and thi- feature was the
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  • 42 2 HONG KONG. Tues. North Vietnam has put into operation a sugar refinrry capable of pressing 350 tons of sugar cane daily. According to the North Vietnam news agency. the refinery was built m Nche Ann Province with Chinese Communist aid.
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  • 53 2 HONG KONG. Mar.. Closing prices here today v.ere: H. S. Bauk Corporation $356 $356 saies sales Wheelock Marrien $12.50 $12.40 sales sales HTcong phone $43.50 $43.50 .sale.s sales Dairy Farm Coia Ston^e $36. 75 $36.50 sales sales Taikoo Dock 573.50 $73 sales sales Jardine MarneoOn $24.60 $24.
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  • 55 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Balances held abroad by the Federation of Malaya totalled $111.9 million as of Nov. 30, 1961, according to the latest return of liabilities and assets by the Bank Negara. This compared with $117.9 million a month before. Money at call amounted to $22.1
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  • 64 2 LONDON. Tues. Sterling staged a strong recovery yesterday after the heavy falls at the end of last week. The recovered one quarter cent, m terms of the U.S. dollar, to close at 2.81 3/16. Meanwhile, the Treasury announced that the sterling area's gold and convertible
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  • 15 2 MOSCOW, Tues.— Earth tremors were felt m parts of Georgia late yesterday.
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  • 253 2 AMERICANS HOLD UP SOVIET ARMY CAR IN WEST BERLIN BERLIN, Tues. American military police held up a Soviet army car for an hour m West Berlin yesterday, a few hours after three American military police cars had their aerials and a tail-light smashed m East Berlin, a U.S. Army spokesman
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  • 230 2 Peking seat in U.N.: Simple majority is enough Sweden UNITED NATIONS. Tuesday. CWEDEX declared thai il could not support a move to require a two-thirds majority for the seating of Communist China m the world organisation. i Mrs. Ulla Lindstrom told the General Assembly that Chinese representation was a credentials
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  • 101 2 MENZIES BOOED AT ELECTION MEETING BRISBANE, Tues— About 300 jeering and booing people followed Mr. R. G. Menzies, the Prime Minister, as he walked from Brisbane City Hall escorted by police last night following the most rugged election meeting of his campaign tour. Earlier hecklers had caused uproar as he
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  • 103 2 BATHURST. (Gambia) Tues.— Gambia's 35 tribal chiefs all devout Muslims yesterday respectfully removed their shoes as they stepped up to be presented to Queen Elizabeth of Britain m a ceremony at Brikama. 20 miles south of here. Their spokesman, Seyfu Omar Mbaki, said the
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  • 351 2 NOTE: All prices below are middle vrices. Malabar spot 37* afloat 37 Dec. shipment 3»;. Lamport spot 374 afloat 37. Dec. shipment 3(i. Muntok white spot 50J, afloat 50, Dec. shipment 48 sellers ex-dock. Above prices quoted In U.B. ceotff ocr lb. LONDON, Dee. 4.
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  • 416 2 O'Brien hits out at Britain Congo policy: 'Secret support given to Tshombe' NEW YORK, Tues.— Dr. Conor Cruise O'Brien, former U.N. representative m Katanga who resigned from the Irish Foreign Service, yesterday accused Britain of covert support for President Moise Tshombe with the ultimate aim of getting his Katanga regime
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  • 10 2 POINT ARGIXLC < ma i. Tiie. rke' space t.
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  • 209 2 'NO' TO CALL FOR EMERGENCY DEBATE IN COMMONS LONDON, Tues. An attempt to get an immediate emergency debate on allegations against the British Government V Congo policy by Dr. Conor OBrien. tailed yesterday m the Houm? of CommonMr. William Warbey, a Labour member, who urged the debate, alleged that the
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  • 118 2 RED CHINA BUYS BRITISH PLANES OEKING. Tues. Officiais 1 and technicians of the British Vickers Aviation Company were on their way home from Peking yesterday after concluding agreements for China's first purchase of Western aircraft. The Chinese Government bought a number of Vickers Viscount turboprop airliners for use on internal
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  • 36 2 UNITED NATIONS, Tues. The U.N. Special Political Committee yesterday called for the withdrawal of ail "foreign forces" from Oman, after a week-long debate m whicn Arab states accused Britain of continued "aggression" there.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 436 2 N.Y*K..JIINE S pora P. S'Mm Penang Sumtfla Maru lav Mm, Genoa, L*bool eta 6 62) HamCu-g. Bremen. A-.twerp Rotte'iam 13/14 Dec Satsaau Mara tor Aa<=n, Jeddar, Port Ssia, Ge^oa. W'setlies, Hamburg, (ETA 24/1,62), Bremen, R'cam. Lonoon. Antwerp A Le Havre 27 29 Dec Atsuta Mara fo r Pert Said. Beirut.
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    • 40 2 jOOc I^V B fw >v^U oft F* V J i oi"^d? Btour8 tour r; u t: S The outw.rd a tc ff 8g flu« unit M IS u.ftcnc^ I standard l| vol» torch MM Pncc JJ 5 0fl M I
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  • 61 3 NOTES RTH MIL. SMOKE I -POKE. I ie& MJ ri.illion ntilated :mna- more were circuI rayed the trie s i rency, gap re those July 1. preerling sales a tTC iia I .ireci I at the ..::ns 96 I z v I Ida for a stay- invite for a n
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  • 338 3  - RIETY SHOW BY STUDENTS DAY TRAINING CENTRE SEBASTIAN RASOO Malacca News by Of Day won the show laJ ciin- Seng teacbUp. I m and 1n- music i r pha." iirun- ident ra of •'tnen's dress Kalwant I'riiicess was 1 Huwait*i d v. Miss 'N'oya Kuur Miss Uktj of Monica
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  • 285 3 35 new schools for S'pore: 19 now under construction A RFmpn v SIN GAPORE, Tuesday. A RECORD number of schools 35 are either under construction now or will be mat year esS Already ten are m* an advanced stage of X UChOI r and work on another schools four primary,
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  • 86 3 11 MANAGERS OF CATHAY THEATRES MEET SINGAPORE, Tues.— Eleven managers of Cathay Organisation theatres throughout Singapore, Malaya and the Borneo territories are attending a five-day conference which opened m the Hollywood Room, Odeon Cinema, yesterday. Also attending are supervisors of the four areas of the Cathay Organisation circuit of theatres
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  • 79 3 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Law Society of the Universty of Malaya here will hold a public forum on "The Status of Women m Politics and Industry" tomorrow m the new lecture theatre No. 2 at 8.15 p.m. Speakers will be Mrs. Felipe Leon-Soh, president of the
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  • 564 3 ALEXANDRA LEE's SINGAPORE DIARY A COLUMN ABOUT PEOPLE WHO MAKE NEWS SINGAPORE, Tuesday. fWO eight-year-olds have taken to the romantic sway of the Hawaiian hula dance. Their names begin with the letter "Z" but that's not all the pair have m common. Zaiton binte Ibrahim and Zainol binte Suning are
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  • 226 3 VOCABULARY, TEXT FOR TONIGHTS MALAY LESSON No. 2 HERE is the vocabulary and texts of the second lesson m the national language series being broadcast m the English language programme of Radio Singapore at 7.30 tonight. VOCABULARY Anak, son, daughter; anak angkat, adopted son, adopted daughter; anak yatim, orphan; anak
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  • 46 3 SINGAPORE, Tues. There will be no water today m Zones Four and Seven between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Nowater areas tomorrow are Zones Five and Six from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Zones One and Two from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 351 3 ■m C Tvrf i 3 V jJIAC LJ p^l Say Merry Christmas To Your KJ Pi Friends with the latest B M MITOGA GOLDEN ARROW TERYLENE H yj Short Sleeve Shirt ■3 THE SHIRT THAT NEVER NEEDS IRONING BS ffJCT .Also Just Unpacked: HH |9 ARROW SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS E9
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 259 3 CINEMAS Singapore (Hindi) CAPITOL: Tammy Tell Mo 2.30, 6. 9. True 1.45, «i, 6.30, 9.30. ROYAL: Mamiyarum Oru CATHAY: The Greatest Vectu Marumagale (Tamil) Show on Earth 2.15, 6.15, 9.15. 3^ AJ 7 30 Do Bahenen (Hindi) GLOBE: The Vampire plus 3.15, 6.15, 9.15. Girl m the Black Stocking 1.45,
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  • 405 4 BRIGHT FUTURE' FOR SINGAPORE IN GREATER MALAYSIA SINGAPORE. Tues. Director: Plan will benefit all member territories A MERGER between SingaA pore, the Federation of Malaya and the three Borneo territories would automatically make Singapore a much more important place than it is today. This is the view of Mr. H.M.
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  • 201 4 PROFESSOR ON HOW TO RAISE THE LIVING STANDARD SINGAPORE. Tues. Professor D.W. McKenzie. Professor of Geography at the University of Wellington m New Zealand, who came here to meet University of Malaya geographers, is of the opinion that family planning and full use of the available land should go hand
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 4 KUALA LJPIS. Tues. Mr. Tho Vow Pew. 25. and Inche Ishak bin Hamzah, 27. both teachers of the Clifford School here, have been selected to take a specialist course at Kirkby. They will leave by air from Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 16. PROF. MCKENZIE
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  • 140 4 OFFICE GIRL ALICE POSES FOR SINGAPORE, Tue*. Miss Alice Goh, an office assistant of the Adult Education Board played the unexpected role of model for 60 shutterbu?* at the Cultural Centre. The occasion was a lecture on "Portraiture." part of the Adult Education Board's first course
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  • 176 4 Introduce local attractions in hotels: Tourist SINGAPORE, Tues. Singapore should introduce more specifically local attractions m hotels m order to attract tourists, said Mr. Lawrence Paul, the owner of the Royal Caribbean Hotel m Jamaica, who spent a short holiday nere. Mr. Paul said tourists liked to see and learn
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  • 60 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. Professor Joyce Ackrnyci professor of language at the Australian Nntional University m Canberra, complimented the Singapore Government on its "massive efforts" to popularise the national languaur Professor Ackroyd. who Is on a four-month tour of S it] -Ea 1 ttl n tang ii
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 232 4 :-;*iv v :;<: 1 I 1 Another human problem analysed by Mayo Wingate /Mwrlt'^ jj tiJ 1 I*l^^^1 1^^^ 9 ¥%T ni¥¥¥l ¥\¥l /^l¥l 71 it\ ni\ infiiTr -^^^^^fe^ JB gg(T^ v> hi Li ***\kM 11% 'I'll IJ 1 1.1 il|ll/| I 1 1 lilill l> mW* m^M .jrf^ ?^l!k.
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    • 884 5 e gambled with life 6 times— for in— and retired rich WAS MEMBER OF HOLLYWOOD DEATH SQUAD' WILLING TO DO ANYTHING FOR MONEY Lit X f» RAC X Ichcatt'd death I far vow enter-Ijrn-ix times he peratel} rrashed Ey cMfged un- v-.iteci. .-t .1 by ire a; d ribs were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 writing ll I iak| $1-90 fl| Mb| »fh f J > wmt* slid > JiW co'ouicd i?. j f mhos MOTORCYCLES M| xmaste C r 'nanel- CTiirp t Mr s«r- avail- Junior
      30 words
    • 247 5 KpTARy j^SBSf A HAMt THAT SPELLS CONFIBEMCE! ■I JLs.f k^^ flB 50/^ Agents: LIEN WAH WATCH DEALER, 108, North Bridge Rood, Singapore. Tel: ***** Sole Distributors for Federation: WOO HING BROS., (M) LTD., WOO HING MOTHERS, 8, Br., Bintang Rd., K. Lumpur. 96, Campbell St., Penong. V •rfyjfk J Production
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 180 5 RIP KIRBY by John Prentice <c Fred Dickenson s^*^ T O STCP IT BEPCRE GICSOuS CANTER IN /F^'/^S-l THAT'S STRANGE TyTr ycu hwik rivalry v SCMHEOie sets hurt... L the park topay... A f!\ jTFv^J we swam for 1/ I V. 1 i V y^S| MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and
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  • 353 6 Learn the national language WE would draw the attention ot all our readers to the national language lessons which were inaugurated by Radio Singapore last night and will continue for 25 days. These simple Malaylanguage lessons are being specially directed to the Chinese, Indian and Englishspeaking sections of our community.
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  • 107 6 The Free Press reported: "About 3 p.m. on the 17th Instant three Malays were working about half an orlong apart from each other m a padi field at Utan Nibong m Pinang, when a thunderstorm came on. and a lightning flash struck one of them dead, blinded
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  • 76 6 rE only articles of "value" m a London home visited by a social worker were a bloodhound and a television set, a court was told. Dr. Edwina Green told the court the room contain- ed no furniture and the five children of the family were clad m
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  • Article, Illustration
    885 6  -  ELIZABETH LEE BY 'AH right, sleep now... relax ...relax', i1 A then it was all over I had given birth by hypnosis I WANTED to help bring my baby into the world, to witness his birth and hear his first eries and to be free from pain. I decided
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 718 6 You eon hmnd m your clauifM ad. to any one of COLD STORAGE SHOPS throughout MALAYA *"<* SINGAPORE CAMERON HMNLANM Coid aton«a «M) U4. a 30 Taaah Rau. H CriHMp(M)Lt4< 1-5 Clars Street. 10 New Road. «OTA«HARU |jtow<M>u^ UhT New Market. KUALA LUMPUR c old storage (M) Ltd.. 19 MoArthur
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    • 28 6 New Shipment just unpacked "WEBB CORBETT" Finest Engiish Crysfaiicare Mike your selection today. LANKA Jewellers, (THE HOUSE FOR CEYLON GEMS) 20, BATTERY ROAD. S'PORE-1. mmmm PHOY£Wn49 m^ im
      28 words
    • 28 6 8 I J^t rma griffe robe dun soir chasse gardee vert etJ)lan<L perftnS"es"&~oau de coW* FAVRE-UUIA WATCH CO LTD. lfe-F. l*TTi^^^ Gevasonor uj^AUOCUM CO. S. P H«e S
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 280 6 fOD AY'S RADIO HADIO SING\PORE turn Of The Native; 1100 A c night at the opera; 11.30 The short Wave service b t j music; 12.00 (midnight) 41 metres (<2Dokc/s.) close down McdlU ?76 metres 8 RADIO MALAYA (41,1 metres). A.M.— 11.00 Programme sum- P.M.— 1.15 Tiffin date; 1.30 mary;
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    • 282 6 CLUES ACROSS 5 You'll enjoy having one (5) 1 Actress's dream man? (5). 6 Regard as a spectre, possibly 6 Possible source of self -inflict- (J>- ed wounds (5). Makes no firm demands (4) 8 Aggressive types, but they can BJJ may enable you to get at be cowed (7)
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  • 456 7 ANTED: MEN TO TAKE OVER WHEN THE PROFESSORS GROW OLD AND GO ?ori* m medical experts tell undergrads to sttend more time in research SINGAPORE, Tuesday. pOUR prominent medical men m Singapore called on medical students of University of Malaya here to devote more time to research. The call came
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  • 235 7 WORMS' HELPS IN FLOOD RE CUES IN KENYA DR. LIM KOK ANN SINGAPORE, Tuesday. i aircraft carrier Victorious, here last month for United lengths lour of duty m the helping m the flood-rescue nner.if inns m Kpnva. operations m Kenya. The Victorious is under the command of Capt. J. M.
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  • 55 7 re to c itkan guide i Sooth I Mr James ndent of fcts Far Eastif view. Honi the nub- j t eks blished In i urj this L m 50i h at the pportunitj r f to seD the abroad lie publicu-
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  • 9 7 Sl gapon Tang iatton Is 4
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  • 63 7 SINGAPORE Tues The Registrar of Societies has I aprSroved the registration of i .seven societies. p They are the Singapore 1 Amateur Swimming Associa<SS la\,h G a U The»inS [Sn of the Chartered l Institute of S^ re^ es l« ri Seicuiwang Malay {^.SSLnSmtural Association (Perkumpu lan
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  • 20 7 SINGAPORE, Tues Mr. P. Verghcse Mathcw 55. chicl children, came to Singapore m 1926.
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  • 5 7 Eff4fss Telephone Board.
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  • 120 7 MORE RECEIVING HELP FROM WELFARE CENTRE IN PENANG ROAD SINGAPORE, Tues. More and more needy families and individuals of all races are receiving help from the Seventh Day Adventists Health and Welfar Centre m Penang Road. Mr. Tan Chin Khin, director of the centre, said about 1,500 poor people were
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  • 26 7 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Singapore and Federation Governments have jointly appointed Mr. Gan Teek Yeow to bt chairman of the Malayan Rubber Export Registration Board.
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  • 612 7 Country needs you... it 's interesting work-Lim Senois and aborigines of Malaya. Research on ethnic groups were on differences of temperatures and of the haemoglobin m a particular group involving the case of a young abnormal child. Prof. Dixon said that there is great scope for research m pre-clinical subjects.
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  • 202 7 'S'pore has big opportunity to boost trade and tourism' SINGAPORE, Tuesday. SINGAPORE has yet to exploit the vast potentialities that will increase her trade and tourist industry. This statement was made by Mr. R.A. Bowler, a San Francisco Company manager. Mr. Bowler pointed out that during his one week's stay
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  • 141 7 6-WEEK TOUR OF SOUTH INDIA, CEYLON FOR UNIONIST SINGAPORE Tues. Mr. R. Chelvarajah, secretary of the Malacca division of the Malayan Trade Union Congress, has left for a six-week business-cum-pleasure tour of South India and Ceylon. He will make a voluntary study of trade union problems and activities m both
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 12 7 JST y Ur^ 6RFECT l IA 401 1 P MAUV A. ITO
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    • 68 7 MVvi H IWIwU llfllllw m Cine Equipment, SSL'"" ta mm A /6 COLLYER QUAY 240 of America's leading golf professionals helped to design these golf shirts. PZa.y be£ter 470// Iflttft I unsingwear 'I^^ GOLF SHIRTS Jf%k v^ith ff»* rof#n»»»» ißlil jbv I^bwlbSl ,-rr'^ -i^B^B^L^^^^^y^ 't _^BJ .^fl •■5? H; -^b^b^H
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 353 7 .t it.« Vflllß BIRTHDAY SK""" 1 PrOlM LEO o^kaLl? f,frVno»gh IF ITS YOUR 81" m um.... aiwt. bot deflnUe i v oor YOU »re ,ol*-Ump««l. TAURUS £T ON^Vird goard ag.ta.l Ihe un«p«t«L jrtic and impoblve. oor _«2S: aoinst »ny major upset just UIDCn <*?»• "I: kneuXb%T™re? E ssf' w prepos
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    • 352 8 No colour bar in Perth, says Dorothy A 19- YEAR-OLD Singapore giri returned from Perth, Wester n Australia to reveal that she noticed a complete absence of colour bar there. She Is Miss Dorothy Wee. i above), a first-year accountancy student at Perth Technical College, who is spending a threemonth
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    • 283 8 Schoolgirl wins top prize in art competition TEACHER ENCOURAGED PUPIL WHO TOOK UP PAINTING A YEAR AGO A 13 -YEAR -OLD schoolgirl had the best piece of news m her life when told that she had won the first prize m an art competition organised by a local iilm company.
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    • 917 8  - Why I said 'Yes' FAMOUS PROPOSALS A UDREY HEPBURN: My husband, actor Mcl Ferrer, almost muffed his chance to marry me. We started seeing a lot or each other when we were cast m the same Broadway play m 1953. At the play's ciose. Mcl went to Sardinia to make
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    • 295 8 LAUGHING 'KING' ACCEPTS SHOW OFFER SIRI Perera (above), Singapore's Charlie Chaplin, has taken the plunge into professional show business. An accounts clerk. Siri received an offer from a leading nightclub last week, and accepted it after much thought. This versatile entertainer, also a good musician, magician and a -stage actor,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 351 8 FREE HOME DELIVERY We invite you to become a regular reader of the FREE PRESS. Com fl^ ptete the special delivery form be* JSjk low and hand it to your news-vendor or post it to the address below and fL flL^Wftlfc the FREE PRESS will be delivered U^^O^^J to your
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    • 18 8 SIEMEM The Leading Gen "Automotic' ii mm mi Streamline it 'I 3!5' 4 3151 a NftP rfJ TIGE»]
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  • 341 9 MISS KNOW-HOW pONT OVERLOOK BODY ODOUR OR AN UNTIDY HEMLINE L „< es a lot of effort and hard H -1 :o make a woman s good locks I ho* many of us, who have ,7 to kx>k more beautiful, realise nle j
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  • 145 9 ws u.ur mind? V v, vuu^»'Ntions ,r hristmas Lplg nude might b: ;n prnt''<! otton or Lm praeL ||i rs KCtptEJ \.»unu and I I him Qtarettea m fcjiift wrappings. are hound to come i"ind\ for his party. I j\u Sill HKKN: A I: fhocolatfs.
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  • 77 9 MACHINE LIKE MUMMY'S T ITTLE girls will be Li delighted with their very own sewing machine that sews just like mummy's. I saw two lovely models recently, and they don't cost too much, —$16 and $23. EVERY little girl yearns for a doll house that is as near to the
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  • 193 9 rMANY families, Christmas will not be Christmas without a turkey. But perhaps you are tired of the same old way of preparing it, and would like a change. Try our recipe for Stuffed Roast Turkey. For one small turkey (three to five pounds), you'll
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  • 135 9 CASHION Sense No. 31 proved to be very tricky to many of our readers. The majority were misled by a number of the "red herrings." A popular choice of accessories for the black cocktail dress designed by Janilaine, was all black. Janilaine, however, suggests salmon pink
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  • 142 9 BLUNT knife? What every kitchen needs is a sharpener which will do the job m a jiffy. I found lovely two-wheel knife and scissors sharpener the other day. It sharpens both sides of the blade at the same time, even scallop edged blades. A jacket
    142 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 93 9 lll■la■■■■■■ I YOU WONT KNOW HOW StereO can sound... TILL YOU'VE HEARD 1% I II V SPOTS wjin nr y »^r~- —m l m AAA KEE HUAT RADI co LTD V I 1 trrli irH Rll2l) I b Singapore. 1 \--o .11 Kuala Lumpur Penang. ■i,;;»i;mig ■'-g^'' SIIQI* EARLY 1
      93 words
    • 161 9 Minn iiiiiiiiiiiin"""" ***** J FASHION SENSE No. 33 OELFXT the most appropriate accessories for this sports outfit j from Modern Silk Store. The tapered slacks win candy stripes of yellow, pink, and green on white. It is teamed with a bateau neckline T-shirt m coffee colour. Now place a tick
      161 words
    • 157 9 BHp H^^ B^^ Is 0 but its worth mm GURONSAN make -Hie +ask easier I Lovely things happen to you when you care for 1 bbb^^ZS^bbbM your skin. With o skin smooth ond fresh ond 7 rodiont, who con help, but admiring? B GURONSAN gives you the skin you wont,
      157 words

  • 1220 10 SHOPPING Centre CHOPPING CENTRE brings you every Tuesday and Friday the good buys available m the shops. There seems to be no lack of good products and ideas m Singapore these PENANGITES AND GOUR METS searching for delicious Penang Nonya food can now have their appetite satiated to the full
    1,220 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 227 10 ,-^-a--— KS 3250 fJ t^?' MMM> 3 XL 1250 *^___fl__^^^_E'__________k_ __^B__^_Z__l__Z_______^________^'^^____________-^^^^^^^_____^^^^ LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO 'ROUND Jane Morgan Plus OTHER GREAT HITS! Scie Agents: PARAMOUNT CO. Singapore Kuala Lumpur UNSINKABLE SPEED BOAT Capable of over 20 m.p.h. with performance of a real Hydroplane. Equipped with Atom 35 motor end
      227 words
    • 234 10 1 Jinian The IDEAL TOOTH PASTE with ANTI-ENZYME! Specially FLAVOURED to PLEASE everyone m your FAMILY! only 55 cts a tube Obtainable from all L <^r good Sundry Shops Students Who Go Overseas You need OVERCOATS QUILTS SCARVES WOOLLEN PULLOVERS CARDIGANS UNDERWEAR GLOVES j JUMPERS-—WINTER PYJAMAS. SALE NOW ON i
      234 words
    • 239 10 NEW ACNE LOTION! Contains PEARL Essence Satisfaction Guaranteed Non-Corrosive, Harmless and Pleasant. Quickly Heals All PIMPLES ACNE Without Breaking Removes Old Pimple Marks Also Many Other Uses Special Method Clears Up Lorge, Painful ACNE m 2 to 3 days. Ask For Free Details: $3.00 per bottle (add 50 cents for
      239 words
    • 68 10 K^L S dn /v^-jl yv/TJI Vj/ I «r^ I Sole Agents: THOSE WHO KNOW BUY Model T-63 Obtainable at:BOON CO. 16 Change Alley Tel. ***** {Airconditioned) 4-C, PRINCE ST. TEL: ***** (Off Raffles Ploce ond De Souza Street) Your RENDEZVOUS For:- DELICIOUS CHINESE DISHES EXCELLENT EUROPEAN FOOD DRINKS GALORE! Served
      68 words
    • 247 10 "WEE HUM" \^J BABY PARTY PANTS (Mode m Englor^) MULTI-COLOUR FRILL 100% NYLON COMPLETELY WATERPROOF EXTRA SOFT QUALITY oily $2.50 each Imported by: SOON JOO CO. (House of Children's Weor) 53, High St. S'pore-6. Telephone: 335 11 //^VJBw 35% AH FINE Shifts Speciolly Designed For Discriminating Gentlemen? I TAI WAH
      247 words
    • 73 10 Now Vl ***l WH|*t it, I CATHAY jy BAN HOE SESQALOEALg ♦S2f" AJ^ ZfAA. end ij fr cl Plus ,J* m Scooters *< mssss^ CohK SJ SJ 11 olld STOCKISTSttj Jj orw Accoioriejjl Motor-Cyclei, Umb^J j Scooters. I Ktuorr o«i.m 1 t UHPRECEM ISA! Grand Opportunit? i| FURNISHING 114 from
      73 words

  • 49 11 fn^ a^h S Jt e hl" ha J f c H rb Ja^ nch and Milaya's centre-forward Paramalingam bump LaMre^d M?laVa Th l *ll hOC fe inter lational played on the padan* between Sinsapore and Malaya. The K ame ended m an exciting one-all draw.
    49 words
  • 362 11 elsh rugger international says Malacca players need improvement FORMER Welsh International, Major Arthur Edwards declared yesterday that Malacca rugger needed two basic qualities. The major, who is stationed here, said that local players lacked mobility and quickness on the ball m m the loose. "These two prominent defects if improved
    362 words
  • 164 11 MALAYA, S'PORE ERNMENT ERVICES TLE MEET The I [> rernmcni rial bad- between I Malaya and I he id at the stadium r '0- Dtv. 9 m sendtal a even r ff mclals alsu t( rhey current i State S p and ai d Woo Junior d Junior j up
    164 words
  • 228 11 JAPANESE JUDO EXPERTS BEATEN: FANS ARE SHOCKED rKYO, Tues. Japanese were shocked by the news that their judo champions had not captured the world title m Parts. The news filled sports pages and sporting dailies. Most people paid high tribute to Anton Geesink of Holland who took the world title
    228 words
  • 178 11 ais and Burmese will test gapore swimmers SINGAPORE, Tuesday. 'HI. swimmers, who are competing m 1 ist Asia Peninsula Games at ni Dec. 11 to 16, are expecting position to come from Burma and Thailand. Singapore Amateur Swimming Association o<P cl f£ however, believe that the Singapore swimmers will De
    178 words
  • 85 11 SOUTH VIETNAM TO SEND 53 TO RANGOON SAIGON, Tues.— South Vietnam will send a team of 53 men to compete m the second South-East Asian Games m Rangoon. At a meeting this week, the Directorate of Sport said this decision had been taken despite the need for the republic to
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  • 69 11 WATTANASIN WINS LANCASHIRE OPEN SINGLES T YTHAM (St.Annes), Tues. Li Charoen Wattanasln of Thailand won the men's Singles title of the Lancashire Open badminton championships. He beat 19-year-old Roger Mills of Surrey, the holder, by 15-4. 15-4 m the final. Wattanasin, however, was beaten m the men's doubles final. He
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  • 217 11 SINGAPORE TEAM TO PLAY IN FIRST NETBALL MEET M AL ACpA, Tues.— Malacca will be the venue of the nrst netball International match between Singapore and Malaya to be held on Saturday. The match will be included I? *u h ,f r, Plrst International Netball Competition on Satur- held at
    217 words
  • 287 11 NEWMARKET SALES BEGIN: RECORD BUY IS EXPECTED NEWMARKET, Tues. Japan, whose bloodstock buyers have been active m the British market m recent months, will be represented among the large contingent of overseas visitors m this week's Newmarket December sales. Though the town is unusually well supplied with hotels, all are
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  • 417 11 Malacca, Tues. MALACCA lost one of its most respected and popular sportsmen when the Honourable Mr. Harold Edward Ashe, M.8.E., A.M.N., left for England this morning. He was responsible for putting Malacca on the sporting map of Malaya. As president of
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  • 23 11 PORT ELIZABETH, Tues. Jackie McGlew was appointed South African captain for the first Test match against New Zealand starting on Friday.
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  • 32 11 MOSCOW. Tues.— The United States and the Soviet Union will meet m a two-day track and field match at Palo Alto, California, on July 21 and 22 next year.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 11 11 P*«* kidney V' and d *infe€»ant DRUG HOUSE af °«V Rood.
      11 words
    • 256 11 PLEASE COME TO the X'MAS FAIR on SATURDAY 0^ e9th December <^7 4jfe at SINGAPORE P% BADMINTON STADIUM C^ OPEN FROM 10 A.M. All proceeds divided equally between the Singapore Children's 1 Society, the Singapore Association ft Jt m for lhe Dea nd the SpastlC *fChildren's Association. 4s IK THE
      256 words

  • 370 12 Songkhla finishes a neck in front of Hallan in 3f. workout By SCRUTINEER PENANG, Tuesday. CONGKHLA did a sparkling trial with Hallan for company at the Batu Gantong track this morning. With Merv Posner astride Songkhla was going easily on the bit and finishing a neck m front at the
    370 words
  • 396 12 HOSPITALS TO PLAY TABLE TENNIS FINAL ON THURSDAY SINGAPORE, Tues. General Hospital will meet Laboratory Services m the inter-hospital table tennis final on Thursday, at the Alumni Medical Centre commencing at 8 p.m. General Hospital, with a better balanced team, are tipped to win the Helen Chan Shield, b..t Laboratory
    396 words
  • 303 12 AHLI SUKAN 1961 BASKETBALL players and enthusiasts are strongly tipping Mr. Goh Chye Hin, the president of the Singapore Amateur Basketball Federation, to win the title of Ahli Sukan 1961*'. Mr. Goh has given much of his time for the betterment of the
    303 words
  • 167 12 ISET LEADS THE WAY IN DRAGON CLASS SOUTH QUAY. Tues.— lset, sailed by V. C. Bath, won the Royal Singapore Yacht Club race for the Dragon Class yachts on Sunday m the time of 2hr. 18min. 50sec.. beating June <E. Ambuhl) and Valmai 10. C. Weeks). Dragon Class 1. Iset
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  • 34 12 GLASGOW. Tues.— The fin^l of the Scottish League Cup, between Glasgow Rangers and Heart of Midlothian, due to oe played at Hampden Park yesterday was postponed because of a frozen pitch.
    34 words
  • 291 12 Schoolboy Lee sparks Singapore basketball victory versus Malaya GEYLANG, Tuesday. SINGAPORE'S basketball team for the South East Asia Peninsula Games at Rangoon next week showed their mettle when they convincingly beat a formidable touring Malayan team J J-77 m a friendly match played at the Happy World Stadium last night.
    291 words
  • 269 12 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. SINGAPORE'S standard of football disappointed the manager of the Malmo F F team, Mr. Eric Perrsson. At Pava Lebar Airport yesterday before the team left for Jakarta. Mr Perrsson said, "I am surprised at the standard of football here. I thought
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  • 45 12 TODAY'S SPORT IN SINGAPORE HOCKEY: Spore Lge. Div. 1 S.R.C. v RAP Seletar (Padang) 5.15 p.m.); Div. 3 R.EAIE. v R.N.A.H.U. (Ayer Rajah Rd., 5.00 pjn.). SOCCER: Premier Lge. Juniors v. Army Jn. Besar, 5 15 p.m.). SWIMMING: S.A.S.A. Trials (River Valley Pool, 6.00 pjn.)
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  • 137 12 McNEELEY: I WILL W IN IN SIX ROUNDS TORONTO, Tues. Tom McNeeley, the "unknown" Boston Irishman who attempts to wrest the world heavyweigKt title from Floyd Patterson today said, "I will win m six rounds." He adds "Patterson will be m for a surprise. One thing I can assure him
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 86 12 aft SBJ w VA 8888 WAV^ H vßlL'.".',',' -^\v^^wSmoßobSHßl BBB^^^BBi BBP BBJ Bk YBBBI I fl^H I 8888 l BB^^ Bk"' fl ■■■■1 Bh B ***** W. BBBbV H 'i-ii^Bii BB^^^^BBbß BBB^Vjt bbWV b^ *«bbl b^* fhl^ WPPIf nslfliA ULfPOifllf VI ft I ■rJI ft U l*s I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT* 1!■
      86 words
    • 441 12 a A r^^'bij^ Cut afon X a r tUfl MH I FREE P REss 'J j WORD WWS| I Cut out ond p in J^* tf 01 Jr" M ftlL H^l Posting instruct^ "S^ I I ADDRESS I CLUES FOR WORD Pu«^ 1. Port ployed by on octor. 4 01
      441 words