The Singapore Free Press, 31 October 1960

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 237 1 Now militiamen are mobilised after Castro tells the nation that an attack by the U.S. is 'imminent' k counter-revolution paid by 'gold of ffankee imperialism' ENEMY WILL BE DESTROYED ...NO REVOLUTION HAS EVER BEEN DEFEATED* HAVANA, Monday [MIOI SANDS Of militiamen were mobilised m Havana today
    Reuter  -  237 words
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  • 183 1 Mob violence -and the long arm of China Communists WASHINGTON, Monday. JMIK Communist Party of China \\;is licensed m ;i Senate staff study published yesterday ul having given valuable assistance lo CoriT* mist parties m Japan and Latin America which have organised mob violence. The study by the Senate Internal
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  • 3 1 KFUDSFSN,
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  • 110 1 TENGKU IS LUNCH GUEST OF ASIA FOUNDATION SAN T FRANCISCO, Mon.— Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman of Malaya was scheduled to lunch a guest of the Asia Foundation yesterday, the fir>t full daj/ of his long weekend here. Following the Lunch at the home of Mr. Brayton Wilbur, chairman of
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  • Article, Illustration
    251 1 THE MALE LINE Slammed the Queen, Gina and Dors ROME. Mon. Queen Elizabeth and film stars Gina Lollobrigida, Diana Dors and Martine Carol are criticised In an article attacking current fashion trends m an Italian review for Catholic priests. Father Reginaldo Frascisco, a Dominican, heads one section of his article
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  • 159 1 $500 WINNER SPENT HIS LEAVE WORKING ON PUZZLES SINGAPORE CITY, Mon. An insurance company typist, Yir. Tan Chens Thye, :;:i. spent his fortniiilit's leavr working on word puzzles and won the $590 ori/e m the I ree Press Word Puzzle XX. Mr. Tan. a bachelor livinu m Eng Hoon Street,
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  • 151 1 Security drill at dawn catches early risers by surprise SINGAPORE CITY. Mon.— Office workers and school children were jolted early this morning to find "stern faced" troops m jungle green and armed policemen manning barricades at crossroads m the western part of the island. H a,vy military trucks Laden with
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  • 15 1 W YORK. Xfou.— P elevi Kenned President Nixon h lien through.
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  • 21 1 lON DON. Moil- Q denka of Greece, Crown Pi me, and Princess Sofia are on a p. I
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  • 76 1 BOY OF NINE IS FOUND HANGED AFTER GALLOWS SCENE ON TV r ONDON. Mon. A nine- year-old boy was found hanging at his home at Workington, Northern England, soon after seeing a hanging scene m a television Western. The boy. John Rober. his 12-year-old watching a scene In the BBC's
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    • 39 1 FOORMAN'S SCHOOL OF MUSIC (Vienna Conservaio> r e of Music) tnroimerm occtptta <««ly «ty#«iiti Piono, Mormony. Piano-accertfian, Vrthn. Guitar. Aural i—t r»««»««t; rh««ry 4^< fwuvtc, Pt«»o-Jaii P^ "i V^W S««oph«««. Cl«r«- Tombolinl Actor 21-A Peno«9 L«n«. $>«f«-» T«l: 3473*
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  • 332 2 PAYA LEBAR. Mon |> Li^BAK. by it'ii ;.ci 4hU DC cruises at a speed of per hour i Ititu ol 35 j.A.L. man told that with of be- m.u r taken to brii lets closer to Singapore. He added
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  • 72 2 Five regional directors to supervise U.S. Development Loan Fund WASHINGTON, Monday. T II; i velopmcnl lavju Kuncl < DLF) n noil need n major ix a cM'f(anisatioii ion <»! li ml directorates Ih ision of lending operations m N tilth Asia, Africa, Lilin He Kast. \i en run i ips
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  • 93 2 SHIPS IN PORT SHIPS lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board ufianrs or expected today an-: Straat Ball I 12. Dolprett 4 5. Yewbank 6A, i Mara (i 7 Tjinegara c 9. Kinko Mum 10 11. Autolycus 13/14, Ferndale 15 16. Glenearn 18. Tohoro 19. Selangor N. Wall 1. East Sea
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  • 37 2 LONDON: British European Aha ays fleet of seven Comet 4-B jei airliners was back m service yesterday after being grounded for a check up following the snaDDinu of the nose
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  • 121 2 Finance, shipping and aviation OPEN MARKETS TO OUR GOODS, I U.S. TELLS EIGHT STATES IIfASHINGTON. Mon. The United States is to ask eight nations to open their markets to increase imports of American uoods. The State Department said talks would take place during the 17th session oi the General Agreement
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  • 43 2 -\n I i;\N( i-( O: i P" d by .1 over grain had uashed into i the ho hatch, liir tlie Tlu- On Emblem Vancouver. 8.C., on Oct. IT coast guard pi un the ship's distr< Sun<
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  • 129 2 RAIPUR. "Central India >. Mon, India's Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, said here yesterday that only the State could bring the industrial revolution to India. Private enterprise was obsessed with securing quirk dividends and lacked the capacity and mental approach to undertake the industrialisation of
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  • 317 2 NOTE: All prices below are middle price*. SING! INDUSTRIAL Alex. to. (N) 30 Ice 11.00 BOUSTEAD .8 i 8.8. Petrel B.M. Trustees Con. Tin Smelt. Pref. Ordb. 4 Federal Dispensary 1 :o FilzDatricKs 1.*9 Neave Pref. *4.15 Ords. 1.991.2 1.99 G.E. Lile \l j
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  • 17 2 LONDON The B: Bur that d Kingdom refined tii mparrd wil 3 dun: AFDASHBV.
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  • 393 2 New Indian industry to be set up with Japanese aid TOKYO: India's vital fishing industry will .-oon get a big boost with the establishment ol a M 51.500,000 joint InciianJapanese fishing net and twine Industry near Bombay. Dr. B.V. Mehta. managta it*cior oi Anaiid CaiUUilg 1 try Co.. Ltd..
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  • 58 2 German bid to have barques as cargo carriers SINGAPORI RAILING SHIPS ma> retur. shipping laius if an i\p, man engineers i> succi skipper Alan illiers. lor. Captain illierv, who grant ship May How or from York m 1957, said (iirman experimenting on a five-masi ship designed to earn 11 .1
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  • 207 2 Japan's plea to Gatt: End escape clause' GENEVA, Mon. Member nations of the General Vgreement °n Tariff and Trade (Gatt) will again discuss the application of Article 35 to Japan at their 17th session starting here today. This artice Is an "escape use*' m the Gatt treaty which enable.- a
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  • 45 2 LONDON: 1 h explod sh Admiralty reported yes>red ab Tlv Admiralty said .<et iam on the tanker is br tamed to avoid further lire, and the landing cr.trt HJd.S. Bastion and Rede: I With out 10 c;.
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  • 14 2 Strikes bring British car factories to standstill BIRMINGHA pla 'No 1 to overtime bui
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  • 324 3  -  LYDIA AROOZOO Firms, clubs meet to discuss ways to attract tourists TWELVE COMMITTEES WILL LOOK AFTER NEEDS OF ALL PEOPLE WHO COME TO STATE I SINGAPORE CITY, Mon. gEVERAL suggestions were put forward by representatives of private commercial and cultural bodies for the Government's programme
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  • 120 3 PRETTY AILSA, 22, FULFILLS HER CHILDHOOD AMBITION TANJONG PAGAR, Mon. Pretty Ailsa McQueen, whose ambition since childhood has been "to visit the Orient,' visited Singapore this week m the P. and O. liner Chusan. A school teacher from Yorkshire, Ailsa, Tl, hopes to teach m Hong Kong for six months
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  • 232 3  -  CONRAD CHIEW Hitch-hikers By SINGAPORE CITY, Mon. Singapore is the cleanest and most advanced ci t y in South-East Asia and a paradise for hitchhikers, the International Conference of Hobos declared m Bangkok recently. Two delegates who attended the conference, Jeffrey Hardman.
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  • 145 3 Social distinction still practised today, says varsity lecturer SINGAPORE CITY, Moncluy. rill old piuctice <>t classifying people ink his strut;] <>t society is still prevalent i ;i dilTerenl scale. oy Air N talk on sc Political Thouuht m at the Cultural i the mobility. The rility into an upper -lble,
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 139 3 SINGAPORE CITY. Mon. The Singapore Teachers" National Congress appeals to all teachers to help swell the membership ol the congress to serve the teaching profession. Making the appeal m its journal. The Teacher, the congress asks: "Do you wish lor a united teaching profession
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 ...spending just a few I rj -^%W^' 4 /m moments testing your fill T M W^M P^^L jj 3 1 m n d then suddenly MB l^Jm ■I 'IMHHMti m i- In*, 'i i i'i.l,l. A SSr TEREOGRAM voun No* *m the world of i all the nf colourful sounds
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    • 5 3 What's on the radio today
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    • 156 3 tJ'IIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIiI[3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIi'£ I MODERN JEWELLERY 1 SKILLED CRAFTSMEN I Manufacturers of I GEM SET JEWELLERY I Platinum and Gold I Dealers m Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, r% www Blue Sapphires, Cats Eyes, 1 Star Sapphires, etc, etc. Also m Mikimoto Cultured Pearls I High Class Watches G. C. de SILVA BROS., j
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  • 181 4 U.N. troops arrest British leader of breakaway diamond state tribesmen LEOPOLDVILLE. Mon U| tr< I South I c V safety, he added. Liberian soldiers of the had warned Captain lit hi* men and aian reconnaisance ..ith light armhad been sent n the tflKnye said four soldiers had been ambushed and
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 142 4 L the risible iind independent wspaper comted It iim»'ci a' providstra bit of pay and >rmal civil ser;he>e countrie> essary to en- Mire the recruitment of abl^ men from outside. It wa^ a pity that the scheme assumed a steady diminution
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 256 4 Do not send a Catholic to the White House-warning by Protestant Ministers WASHINGTON. Monday a0 M E Protestant ministers observed "Reformation Sunday" by warning against election of a Roman Catholic President. Others preached sermons against bigotry. Many conducted their usual Sunday worship services with no reference to the religious issue
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  • 269 4 I THE WORLD AT NOON ACCRA. Monday. CONTRACTORS from different parts of the world will this week visit the site of the proposed Volta River Dam and power house before submitting tenders for the construction of this giant project
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  • 10 4 day sorr.' beer, able Small hoi and s i
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  • 169 4 'PAPUANS WANT US TO STAY' SAYS A DUTCH MINISTER AFTER TOUR AMSTERDAM, Mon. Dutch Home Affairs Minister. Mr. Edzo H. Toxopeus, who is also m charge of New Guinea affairs arrived back here last night by air from a tour of Dutch New Guinea and a courtesy visit to Australia.
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  • 20 4 73 today. Throughout Formosa birthday dinners featured a special type of Chinese noodles, a symbol of longevity
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  • 40 4 1 7 miners trapped TOKYO. Mon. Gantrs workmen last r.ight dv« throußi. mud slush and debris vi a attempt to save 17 coalm tr.pped when a pas explOMo: at the Ponki colliery of th^ Meili Mine m Hokkaido, Northern Japan.
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  • 39 4 NEW YORK. Mon.— Senator J,,t Kfii J mocratic presidential candid. i he was elected President hv fel( i progress on nuclear test ban i go to a new summit me«>tir. interviewed on 'Face the Nat programme.
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  • 4 4 •FLKJSFS
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    • 234 4 Only with QANTAS N v L can you fly mhH tf^H 1 1/ r 1 s li mm W iky V W V^^ RrM^j and MN FR4NC/SCO A^&U Vfv^^llSSl (3 Eastabout or westabout, there is no MS jP%Ya*l better way around the world than by fl X PpSLw^hl Qantas 707
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  • 674 5  - The man who could fix you up with a peerage— for a large price PERCY HOSKINS By CONTINUING THE UNTOLD, ASTONISHING MYSTERY 0F... sior} at the time of the I \\a> that of the caustore proprietor who, it was 1 a peerage hy Maundy r a cheque for £50,000. I
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  • 99 5 JUST FANCY THAT NEWCASTLE ON TYNE (England). Mon. -A 22-year-old seaman and his wife have offered to swap their 13-month-old son for a house. James Brunton and his wife Anne, who have been married for four years, have been living with Anne's mother in her Council-owned house here. But Anne's
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 37 5 LEOPOLDVILLE. Mon.—American jazz 'ambassador'" Louis (Satchmo> Armstrong arrived here on his State Department--sponsoreri tour and "xa--greeted by the throb ol lungle drums and cheering Congolese wearing white clay, monkey skins and feathered head-dresses.
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  • 32 5 PHILADELPHIA. Mon.-Pre^i-dent Eisenhower described Vice-President Richard Nixon as 'the best qualified man" to be the next president of the United States as he had "character, ability, responsibility and experience."
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    • 159 5 JIT y* Jk f* |^t A J m ij^ Lm rfO y^^ BLOW^LAMP IOAWPING GAZ I All three appliance <• gab cartridge^. Their car:of bottled gas, arc an indepen rr.obilc source of ii you hect ond light at will. All three applies a gas cigarette lighter. A match turn on
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 133 5 RIP KIRBY by John Prentice dc Fred Dickenson "X^r^^L^P^^ BUT BEFORE DYING, HE Y\\ THE TEMPEeATU*?E ,'N SAN6KOK? JBne^\ JP^ M, HANDS MYSTERIOUS W>^-\ OH, YES -7 1\2 PEGREES. 'jv'TVP MFM U S^K-i^S^'* PAPERS TO RIP KIRBY. h^T y )fT\ VE«Y WARM FOR VTi lANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil
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  • 288 6 TELLING THE PEOPLE Press control: How the Reds do it OX)DAY a Nigerian student Chukwuemeka Okonkwo pierc the iron curtain to give a few glimpses of campus life at the Uni- of Moscow. Okonkwo, for three an undergrain the Soviet ital, complains bitterly of a regimented iety where own scussion
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  • 1401 6 Singapore must industrialise, says Dr. Goh SINGAPORE CITY, Mon. Finance Minister tells the Trades Union Congress: Tkis is only solution to the jobless problem JJERE is the full text of the memorandum from the Minister for Finance, Goh Keng Swee, for consideration of the Singapore Trades In ion Congress on
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  • 453 6 IAXI PROBLEM: SOME SUGGESTIONS 0 Perhaps nowhere else m the world is there a situation so unique as that of taxi drivers competing with bus companies for fares and with a fair measure of success at that! The fact that these men ore represented
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 138 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. tAT YOUR SERVICE Morrf« S? < «i».i- Box 5* ctt »(m WHILE YOU WAIT Pbotostat I tom P.obm-on Road. TOP QUALITY COLOUR Print fom L:fe" -U3ls .ore. EDUCATION 'fin. K./x ,ii r/« extra NOVEMBER SESSIONS PURE SCIENCES. MATHS NESE VMi A TUITION rt> rxlm SOON S |M T
      138 words
    • 48 6 Are You Suffering From DANDRUFF??? ITCHY SCALP??? HI FALLING HAIR??? I^CSVI If so. don't 53££*|| a i DANDRIC I D E Today! Costing only 20 ctt. o nniC, America's scientific discovery is tost, cosy to use and extremely effective! Available from all Drug Stores. Hairdressers or Cosmetic Counters.
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    • 47 6 iiilili LET AME J mS EXPRESS HAH ill ARRANGEKEII irii I AM€« x A respected nome m I and travel service I than 108 years writfi offices throughout WORLD-WIDE TRAVEL ARRA^C AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELLE THE AMERICAN EXPRESS CO j American International Bu> 6th floor Robinson Road, Smgap
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  • 94 7 NOW SINGAPORE BALLET HAS GROWN TO ITS FULL STATURE Mr. which Theatre on goes audience d by prov- Grand n at tho soon i d audi:ul off i Lnus' most I Helen Lion c .re. As tense r de la Peur" of Fear" i easily werfully dramaevening. Hitchcock d brilliantly
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  • 791 7  -  IAN MOK-AI World demand for local fruit is great By Singapore City, Monday THE SINGAPORE Government has declared mviction that there real demand for Malayan pineapple and Future policy on this lillion industry will Foster this demand improve quality to upele.
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  • 14 7 \PORE. CITY. Mon. Siak Kew, has been member of the Board.
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  • 148 7 SINGAPORE'S NEED: MANAGEMENT TRAINING FACILITIES SINGAPORE CITY. Mon.— While Singapore has abundant opportunities for -des training, it lacks visory and manage- ..ihing. said Mr. J. Lean, Industrial Train- Officer of the Standard I tcuum Oil Company. on •"The importance of industrial ..rang to Singapore" at Rotary Club, Mr. McLean said:
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  • 37 7 SINGAPORE. CITY. Mon.— Three new organisations m Singapore have been registered under the Societies Ordinance. They are: the Singapore Softball Association, the Singapore Film and Drama In- stltute. ajid the Singapore Nurses' Christian Fellowship.
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  • 43 7 SINGAPORE. CITY, Mon Miss Natalie Hinderas, the well-known American concert; pianist who is touring the I Far East, will give a pianoi forte recital to members of the Singapore Indian Asso- ciation at their auditorium on Nov. 5 at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 47 7 Wedding and a fine picture for album Mr. Lin Heng Hai and Miss Sett Ok Bee after their (redding m Singapore. The bridegroom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Hee Keng. and the bride the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sect Chong Chan.
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  • 167 7 Synthetic causes drop in Singapore's troca shells trade SINGAPORE CITY, Monday. INCREASING use ol' synthetic lias caused a sharp decline m Singapore's trade m troca shells for the manufacture of buttons. These shells, imported mainly from Indonesia, are cleaned and sorted out locally for re-export to Europe I and Britain.
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  • 92 7 CLASSES IN FOLK DANCING FOR TEACHERS BEGIN TODAY KALLANG, Mon. The National Recreation Centre will be having two sessions daily m folk dancing for teachers beginning from today to Nov. 17. It is being organised for all teachers m the four streams of schools. The morning session for afternoon teachers
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  • 27 7 SINGAPORE, CITY, Mon. The Health Minister, Inche Ahmad Ibrahim, has appointed Dr. Gwee Ah Leng as secretary of the Midwives Board, according to a Government
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  • 39 7 SINGAPORE CITY, Mon.— Two societies m Singapore have changed their names. They are: Commercial Art Institute, which is now known as Singapore Commercial Art Society, and Nanyang Liao-Sin Association, whose new name is Nanyang Leow-Sih Association.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 9 7 sop" jl BOTAX I, Jl wa ultra achine LTO.
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    • 322 7 PURE ALPINE AIR m the office, Six* 7'," x 10»i" x 3J 4 The CYSLINC Swiss aircleaner will do away with stagnated, must air m your airconditioned office or bedroom! This amazing small apparatus produces MX or "atom»« oxygen". In nature, ozone is to be found at high altitude, m
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 1509 8 BUT HE SETS A POSER FOR PROFESSOR TREGONNING AND THE UNDERGRADUATES THE SINGAPORE SCENE BBBaaaaMaBBaBBBBBBBBBaBaBM SEMBAWANG, Monday. $RI NADES PANDARAM, high priest of the Maha Mariamman Temple m Mandai village, has cleared the mystery of the three idols recently found on the shores off Sembawang.
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  • 143 8 SINGAPORE POLICE BAND: Performance at Espalanace 7.30 10 8.30 p.m. SINGAPORE BALLET: Fifth season at Victoria fhtatre 6 pm SING VPORF POLYTECHNIC ARCHITECTUR \I. SOCIETY: Exhibition of de>;~ t tonal Thea: Polytechnic 9 a.m. tc 8.30 p.m. SINGAPORE PHOTOGRAPHIC society: Joint exhibition by Peng Seng -Wu and
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  • 100 8 You mustn't argue with us,* «ays the little Leader, still scowling at Rupert and Pong-Ping. You couldn't get on without us Well, who are you quavers Pong-Ping. Why, we're the Windmen," says the other. Have you ever thought what would happen if two hurricanes met head
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 IMITATED? YES. I EQUALLED? NEVER! THE SENSATIONAL ETRANSICORDER TR-100 Transistor Miniature Tape-Recorder features tape-speeds 3' 4 per sec. jfok BHflHittß^^tf\ or l 7 g" per 4 transistors used: 4-ST-301: Tmff» im^^|< r*J 2 5T. 112 reds used standard 3 i frequency response; 3' 4 ipv -^''^"■■'■■ta^^WA 200cps 5 OOOeps I',
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    • 15 8 X^ime and ZUate automat iswci ]i] 1 WpT3 f«/T THI SWISS V^Y^m^y FOR ALL C
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 44 8 BORN today, you have responding paragraph. Let akies (Mar. 21-Apr. 20)— tremendous reserves of your birthday star be your Personal matters call for full enthusiasm and energy daily guide. attention, a slow beginning that you will throw into tom^dd/mi indicates a sood and speedier
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  • 273 9 UNKNOWN PUZZLE 'KK': THE WINNING SOLUTION k|E JUDGES COMMENT YTJHFSDKLFJ i I.OORS iim> em repaired. LOODS the would PreI I 001 kk Uer wh lost hi> SHOI l th a SHOOTS SHOOTS XX PAINTERS stu- fir work eldom HUNTER, who s n k KKI-1 MC ki.ow quite the writing c
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  • 111 9  -  M.R .S. ARSCOTT KLJFSDLKFJS it m the so bonler of this garden has been a Penkind <»t Sunflower: .1 Susan. kfe sponges Sulphur <oc through this until d strong enough to L nt to the border .net rich but well v ayes of whit
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  • 282 9 His past- a gigantic shadow of despair and fear -rilK GIGANTIC SHADOW by Julius Symons (Fontana $125). Discredited m front of a million viewers as an ex-convict. T.V. personality Bill Hunter is compelled to quit the network. Taking refuge m a seedy Pimlico hotel, he casts off his friends and
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  • 280 9 You will learn to like Robbie-awkward, yet so real in life TIIK BACKWARD SEX by fan Cross (Andre Deutsch, 12s. (id.). The last days of adolescence for a boy are not the easiest to live through. Robbie, who lives m a small New Zealand town, is clever, good-looking and will
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  • 919 9 PETER FORSTER exposes HIS was the big idea SHE merely slaved to put this mammoth book together BRIEFLY RECOMMENDED Y ES but what about x Mr. Beeton? Take him, for a change, because he was every bit as fascinating a character as Mrs. 8., whose
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 PRODENT ***** JACKPOT COMPETITION NO 5 Ist. PRIZE NEW 1960 FORD ANCLIA 2nd PRIZE 52,000/- cash 3rd PRIZE 51,000/- cash "You sure wish to |otr. this GREAT PRODENT TOOTHPASTE Competition. Buy your tube of PRODENT to-day and at the mm same time ask tor the Competition Entry Closing Date 30th
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  • 300 12 DIVERS BREAK RECORD FOR THE OPEN DIP gINGAPORETS divers have entered m force to make this year's entry a record. About double the number received m the past are m the Singapore Open Swimming Championships on Nov. 4 and 5 at the City Council's River Valley Road Swimming Pool. There
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  • Article, Illustration
    111 12  -  JEFFREY JAMES by Peoples body is a godfather (or sport rill iation m sport it cannot be way the public to make Sinchampionships the 'awkes "big do' was Amal the PA r g 'intelU >jkl Mi M I I Bain, tin >>\n\ president. It the ik on
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  • 35 12 President's Putter stays put rpiIOMSON Mom. c luh beat tMr Selanfior Goll Cm points t»» Iti p<uut- ie Presidents Puttt-r m thrir Inter-club matt li played at Sum- Road I Ml 1 r.u!!- I til
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  • 274 12  - Dissenting umpires and fighting players mar SHA carnival SEBASTIAN RASOO by Nee Soon. Monday 4:;( i players representing sixty-tour teams ed a total of 215 games m an all-day SinHockey Association's annual six-a-side at Nee Soon. Khalsa Asociatii "A" team won the Paramsothy Memorial Cup by beating the vourites, C
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  • 62 12 S 'pore Indians were too good Singapore Indians Johore Indians J. Ih- .d a outU m a match Jalan Besar Sta- had rec( m opponents, i) ex- the lot .i i Duttu. earn the Johore ;ot much support ids. >Ie Indians: Osmun AnM Das Mohammed yam. Nathan, Oiuun. Lynch. lolmre
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  • 68 12 ROME. Mun. -Archie Moore, world lightheavyweight boxing champion, was beaten on points by Italy's Giulio Rinaldi over ten rounds m nontitle fight. Rinaldi, giving away S l^ lb. and 20 years Moore's junior. an his offensive m the third round. Although Moore was more sophisticated than the
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  • 35 12 BUKIT TIMAH. Mon. id hall rally by the Singapore Union just tailed when they went down 3-1 to a tenside m the s.H.A. 2 line played at Monk't. -round on Satur
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  • 39 12 NJONG PAGAR. Mon. Gan Eng Seng School ix)\s 2-1 m a friendly j hockey match played at Anaon yesterday. c. K. Lim (2) scored tor the tea-j chers while Satwant Singh netied j lor the boys.
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  • 8 12 "sun rr I*. Ai mv I
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  • 115 12 Retrievers and Saints win softball divisions SINGAPORE CITY. Mon. Cable and Wireless Retrievers created quite an upset when they beat the more fancied Crusadtr.s 7-0 to win the M C" Division Soltball Championship m a match which had no lack ol thrills. Saints beat Goodyear Diamonds 5-3 to win the
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  • 666 12 THEY'RE IN THE BIG SWIM EVENT NO. l 100 MS. I KKESTVLF— MEN Heat No. 1: I. Puan Tcik Chon-, 2. Eric Yeo, 3. Ns Toong Seny 4. Francis E. Pereira, 5. Philip R. Pereira, 6. D.P. Gomes. Heat No. 2: 1. Charles E. Desker. 2. Noel B. Pereira, 3.
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  • 161 12 KATONG, Monday. A BIG crowd turned up to watch a line all-round display of rippling muscles at the annual Strength and Health Club championship at Onan Road on Saturday, and none was disappointed. Husky Tan Kock Tin was the 1 most
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  • 33 12 Russia and U.S. neck and neck BERLIN. Mon. Team po.^itlons aftei the ihird rounrt of the World Chess Olympics final: Russia 8 <one game adjourned*. United States 8! (one game adjourned Yugo- i
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