The Singapore Free Press, 25 October 1960

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press

  • 228 2 London prices advance: Substantial gains made in most sections LONDON, Tues SPITE Ihe obscure economic lit look, fairly sut is toi conditions prevailed m the London stock markets yesterday and most sections recorded J4;.in v Tl are was the iund firmness of )ld shares. Buying <ted all day and made
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  • 95 2 Rubber market quiet at close after day of patchy business LONDON. Tuesday. lON DON rubber prices at the opening J were slightly below Friday's final level m sympathy with Ihe -East arid the market ruled quietly steady during the morning with patchy business al sellers prices. week I i compr:
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  • 165 2 Wall Street: Market is erratic NEW YORK: The stock exchange was erratic rday. At the opening there was a fair showing of mostly fractional losses as rs continued to respond to the flow of largely disappointing earnings reports. The one bright spot, however, was golds aided by the revived firmness
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  • 39 2 A MSTERDAM: Inter_tL nationals lost ground m sympathy with Wall Street's trend on Friday. The decline was attributed to offerings on a very thin, market. Plantations and shippings were somewhat easier and state loans practically unchanged.
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  • 6 2 HONG KONG. Mon.-~Clo.sint?
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  • 177 2 FORMOSA'S BANK EOF CHINA IS BACK IN BUSINESS TAIPEH: The Bank of Cnina. one of the Chinese Nationalist official banks, resumed its banking operations yesterday after suspension of nearly 11 years. In a brief ceremony held at its head omce here yesterday, the Bank of China, received a "'clean credit"
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  • 325 2 Round the World Market Prices XOTE: AU prices oeloio are middle prices. U.K. Closing Prices LONDON. Oct. 24. .'..-a- .IV RUBBER No. 1 k. c.i.f. European ports. Oct unquoted unquoted Nov 27J 27 B 16 RUBBER no. 1 R-S pot 28 J/16 26 RUBBER No. 1 RSS m Settlement House
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  • 408 2 NOTE: AH prices below are middle prices. Singapore. Monday. INDUSTRIAL* Today Alex. Bricks Crfls. (N) .21 50 Atlas Le Buyers BCUSTEAO i-16 1 1.17V2 8.8. Petrol 40 IVa 40/B.M. Trustees 5.25 b 25 Con. Tin Smelt. Pref. :20-3 Ords. 4b,Fetftrtl Dispensary 1.42 V) 1.40
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  • 68 2 House of Fraser: 20 p.c. LONDON House of Fraser declared an interim dividend of 20 percent on capital increased by a one for 20 free scrip issue. In determining the rate of this interim payment, the board has taken into consideration that two interim dividends were paid last year
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  • 193 2 British car exports slumped in Sept. LONDON: Britain's car exports slumped by more than a quarter m September compared with August, according to Board of Trade figures issued yesterday. The figures were 29,795 against 41.024 m August, and 38,513 m September last year. Car exports for the third quarter of
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  • 89 2 Optimistic view on till supplies from the Congo By the FREE PRESS MARKtT SIN-GAl'Oit-i TIN, the international mon I the producers and consul expressed an optimistic vie* future of supplies Irom the 1 "We Iki\c liecon (o the counsellors of woe 111 to forget thai c\cw m roi ernmenfl is
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  • 38 2 WASH INCH UN: I :-o culture Department said yesterday that Communist Chinas shipments of soya beans northward through the Suez Canal m June dropped to 1. 200.000 bushels, the smallest monthly volume since Novemiier 195S-
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  • 405 2 French are planning to harness tides for power NEW YORK: French gineers are planning to harness ihe iiue:- on the French side of ihe English *h..nnel \\:th a new fype of hydro-electric plant which can yield up ro half of ace's elec: nn;*. New York University s*n_positun has been
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  • 143 2 U.S. may move m more gold to force down price >T_T YORK a states fl papers continued to n tain that the gold price market would change m the I official price of J If the special*, tion per believed •servers that authorities might with more gold st ilort to
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  • 33 2 NEW DELHI. and Russia if to double their pn trade by 1963. inlormed .sources said when talks between representative both count: en yesterd. Total trade between both countries m 1959 was about
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 152 2 SMPS/N m^^^^ m OHIPs lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: "husan 1/3, Lipus 4.5. Ulysses 6A, City of Ripon 6 7, Benalder 8 9. Modjokerto 10/11. Kirsten Maersk 13 14. AnchLses 15/16, Tourcoing 18. Salong N.Wall 1, Matang N.Wall 2. Panehan N.Wall 3, Sadao N.Wall
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  • 291 3  -  CHEW LOY KHOON lumabhoy: Regional body will solve trade problems THIS PLAN COULD PUT COUNTRIES IN EAST IN A BETTER POSITION TO STRIKE BARGAIN By SINGAPORE CITY, Tues THE former Minister for Commerce and Industry, Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, has called for the tormation of
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  • 98 3 'pill-a .Naval Bast* Singers X will produce one of Gilbert and Sullivan's more popular operas "The Yeomen of the Guard." at the Naval Base from Wednesday to Saturday. "The Yeoman of the Guard" is the nearest that Gilbert and Sullivan came to writing a
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  • 206 3 Govt, men ask for loans from co-op society to repair their homes SINGAPORE CITY. Tuesday. pill S gapore Government Public Works Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society Ltd. last rear granted a lotal of $246,537.50 m loans to ."> 1 7 members. The society's 1959 annual report shows that 227 members
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  • 14 3 IPOH. Over 500 s will ye where d to plant
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  • 44 3 SINGAPORE CITY. Tues.— Puan Noor Aisha will present prizes to nurses of the General Hospital today at 4.30 p.m. m the Allen Lecture Theatre. Sepoy Lines. The Minister for Health. Inche Ahmad Ibrahim, will deliver ai speech at this annual function
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  • 29 3 SINGAPORE CITY. Tues.— The Assemblyman for Jurong, Mr. Chor Yeok Eng. will open the Tuas Community Centre (17J m.s. Jurong Road) on Saturday at 5 p.m.
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  • 38 3 SINGAPORE CITY. Tues Mrs Gracia Lewis, a wellknown orchid grower, will speak to members of the International Women's Club, an affiliate of the Y.W.C.A.. on orchids at the Aassociat ion's premises m Collyer Quay tomorrow.
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  • 121 3 NOW THE VILLAGE YOUTHS WILL BE TRAINED KIN BRIGADE ACTIVITIES BUKIT PANJANG. Tues.— A St. John Ambulance Brigade divisional body is to be set up here soon. Organising Secretary Mr. Pang Ah Lek. asaid plans were m hand to give village youths a series of lectures on Brigade activities. The
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  • 27 3 TANGLIN. Tues.— The annual general meeting of the Singapore Lambretta Owners Club will be held on Nov. 29 at the club's headquarters m Oldham Lane.
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  • 150 3 Adult Education Board survey will help plan future courses CANNING RISE. Tues. The Further Education Committee of the Adult Education Board (Lembaga Gerakan Pelajaran Dewasa> is conducting a survey among .students. Forms have been given to students. They are to be filled and returned to the Administration Officer. The an.swers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 t. X LUmmmmmmiM ™Q™Qnt<i VQUf ff f*-fl ItttmtmtmMtM __r _> AT _^~^^^^^F J HV Itj m most a J l l l l l l l l 'm■ 1 _r//_f_r_f J wifm m i 1 1 1 A \\_^____\_\_tw m \_^JL^ m 1^ A m? Jk w JLM jL vl
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    • 138 3 For good smoking taste/ it makes good sense to smoke if America's outstanding ■V C 11 1 filter cigarette! KENT'S famous MICRONITE filter jJlsi-s|*'-*-fjP-BHB^ and easy draw. jl "l/j /"T?**} KENT uses t— only the finest "i- f- |r real tobacco KENT f taste. If- 'o c *S,*^ s J
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  • 152 4 BRITISH REPLY TO SOVIET CRITICISM OF WESt'S PLAN from the West. The other Soviet proposal was that directives be given to the negotiators to agree on general and complete disarmament. Mr. Ormsdy-Gore said the Western disarmament proposals would allow for an earlier start on the actual process of disarmament, as
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  • 256 4 DISARMAMENT PACT IS NOT ENOUGH... MEANS OF MAINTAINING PEACE ESSENTIAL. U. N. TOLD NEW YORK, Tuesday. MR. David Ormsby-Gore of Britain told the United Nations yesterday that the next world war would be a nuclear war, no matter what agreements had been entered into m peacetime.
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  • 247 4 Singapore boy in Grammar School row: Labour man says he did not pass test NUNEATON, England, Tues. A 17-year-old Malayan schoolboy has become the focus of a controversy m this English Midlands manufacturing town. He is Stephen Chan who travelled 8,400 miles from his Singapore home last month to become
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    • 252 4 NEWSPAPERS 'MUDDLE' SPEECHES I MAKE, SAYS DUKE LONDON, Tues.— The Duke of Edinburgh yesterday criticised the practice of some newspapers In rearranging tne paragraphs of his speeches, declaring that they must leave readers "thoroughly muddled." He disclosed that he had tried to write speeches which could not be rearranged or
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    • 37 4 NEW DELHI. Tues.— lndia's Chief of Army Staff, General K. S. Thimayya. and a group of senior officers, flew to the remote Naga hills after a new wave of attacks by Naga tribal guerillas.
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    • 23 4 TOKYO, Tues.— The Japanese Government voterday dissolved the Lower House ol the Diet. This cleared the way for general elections-
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    • 192 4 Ceylon calls for more Asian and .African voices in U.No organs COLOMBO, Tues. Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Prime Minister of Ceylon, yesterday said the countries of Asia and Africa were "grossly underrepresented m the principal organs of the United Nations.'* She referred particularly to the Security Council, and the Secretariat. Mrs.
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    • 204 4 New envoy sees a great future in Singapore for Japanese business .SINGAPORE CITY. Tuesday. JUiH NEW Japanese Constd-General m Singapore, Mr. K. Maeda, said this morning that Japanese businessmen envisaged a great future m trade here. He added that there was a possibility of more Japanese i merchants investing their
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    • 78 4 RULER OF QATAR QUITS IN FAVOUR OF SON BAHARAIN, Tues. The ruler of Qatar, Shaikh All Althani, abdicated yesterday m favour of his son, Shaikh Ahmed, a British government spokesman here announced last night. The spokesman said the ceremony of handing over took place at the Rayyan Palace, at Doha,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 130 4 CjMtaJtM* ■»»>■_ xm^_y w a y te^ m~r 'xMx. Bf^/Jm '"^IL i_^ m^r^fiZifm m *~-m~±JA P__k P^f_i _t 9 W^^^mmmmmmmPmmW __^L_____feH___F p? »*S*S*^^ a fc flj LAMP^ ■fl .1 B.OW-LAMP j|**»«*"*»*w*r»»********<**^^ {CAMPING ga_ on Super BLEUET butane jrtndges, really small contair of -s, ore an independt --nanent v ront energy
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    • 4 4 Negotiations are now on
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    • 3 4 Author forecast an
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    • 81 4 MMmW^^ .**M mf^^*-^ i I Never Impervi Can Sole Dist UNITED MoJ WORKS L|3 137, Orchard (liC Phones: ***** *****? BRANCHES L J W SUPER W I ROTAX $1.90 I 9 The inh flow r*t* A* ot the ip— 4 ot vow mfl Writes c the tin. «_l Does ro'
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  • 150 5  - Old teaching ways give place to new: They are so light and airy LYNN POOLE By OF JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY B rotation is taking place m the and mathematics m ols todaj inplelely changed the short span of y< m ities and science com I he great majority of m
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  • 842 5  - Forgetfulness... blame stress and strain of modern life Douglas Coupar THE PHYSIOLOGY OF MEMORY IS STILL A |l CLOSED BOOK TO MEDICAL SCIENCE I By AHARASSED-LOOKINf, man walked into a New York police station recently and related an incredible story. He was, he announced, a barber frora Yugoslavia on U'us
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  • 162 5 Maharajah breaks vow to go to London T EW DELHI. Tues. An Indian prince has broken a 400--year-old family vowby visiting London it is revealed. The Maharajah Bhagwat Singh of the former tiny princely State of UdaipuV ha.s been under a family vow not to visit the caoitals ol India'-
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  • 14 5 PARIS, TIU iard ua-* pur on a cinema her.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 ASAHI CULTURED PEARLS j GIFT moderate YLVANIA "übes More /N
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    • 258 5 °-i *T*f*fftii> f >^£_iiffi JoT* Jtl f* j —j uf_ *»^py_ip— >p*>?> A_r ci__UTrnrn If RECORD REPRODUCER j O A complete STEREO'I f^^*\ PHONIC Reproducer f^L_Dl system designed specially s|| T I or you P r,cc <j; II everyone con afford. •is 1 __r vS"*^-- *_r Tw.p ll Volume,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 151 5 RIP KIRBY by John Prentice 6c Fred Dickenson *tfP|\/ NO TIME TO STUDY I DEAD? W YES, JUST !WE SHC-Lp\aSM__^ THANK YOU, ERIC. L THIS RCTURE AND _#__!f A MOMENT -I BE IN NEW IF ALL COES WELL /S;V, V NOTE STAN GAVE. ■^'•X fcj'k Aeo "OmT^9 '•ORK WITHIN jR?HL
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    • 147 6 IN PEKING Commu- nist leaders murk the llth. birthday of Chinese People's Republic with a telegram to Moscow. The telegram, m reply to one of congratulations from Mr. Khrushchev says: "Long live the eternal, inviolaole, fraternal friendship between the peoples of China and the Soviet Union. "Long
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    • 120 6 ♦TWO giant markets x at the cost of half a million dollars have been built m Singapore. They are said to be the finest m Asia and yet our hawkers shun them. They prefer to spread out their wares on the kerb outside. This m spite of
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    • 18 6 CT. MICHAEL'S In- stitution of Ipoh has hit on a novel method of keeping bad
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  • 313 6 Govt. offer of 3 grants for study in Ceylon SINGAPORE CITY, Tues.— The Ceylon Government is offering three scholarships under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan to students m Commonwealth countries. The scholarships are tenable for a programme of study or research In Ceylon extending over a period of one
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  • 31 6 SINGAPORE CITY. Tues.— Toh Puan Lady Templer. wife of Field Marshal Tun Sir 1 Gerald Templer, yesterday visited the Sign and Oral i School for the Deaf here.
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  • 81 6 A THE driver of this three-ton truck, belonging to KEME, had a miraculous escape when the vehicle skidded off the road and landed on its »*vle. The accident t,>ok place at the 7th mile junction of Changi and Bedok roads. The driver
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  • 64 6 PWD engineer leaves for post-graduate course in U.S. varsity 24-YEAR-OLD engineer, Mr. Ting Wen Hew, of the Public Works Department, Kuala Lumpur, kii Singapore by air dining the weekend, on a Federation Government scholarship to America. He will take a ten-month post-graduate course on engineering at the Ohio State University.
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  • 10 6 SINGAPORE CITY, Tues.— The Finance Minister. Dr
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  • 78 6 ANOTHER 22 LIGHTER PERMITS TO BE ISSUED PENANG, Tues.— The Penang Port Commission ha.s decided to issue 22 aoditional lighter licences an increase from 390 to 412— for the carriage of cargo during the next few months. iThe issue of permits was suspended In July this year j In a
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  • 81 6 COUNCILLORS TO CHECK ICE MACHINERY IN FACTORY BUKIT MERTAJAM. Tues. All nine Bukit Meriajam town councillors will visit the Province Wellesley ice factory at Sungei Rambei today to see for themselves if there are any more vibrations from its new machinery. This was decided at the council's monthly meeting following
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  • 781 6  - 50,000 PRAY FOR TWO IN RAF JAIL VINCENT MULCHRONE By Singapore Jehovah airmen's clash with authority is something that plagued sect for 90 years [/)NDON, Tues.— At first glance there is something faintly comical about .spiritual conviction clashing with temporal authority m the Royal Air Force Band m Singapore. What
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 6 5| 2 More stanipi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 405 6 CLASSIFIED ADS, AT YOUR SERVICE Wm.)— Box 6U eta mxtrm WHILE YOU WAIT Photostat Robiuson Road. TOP OUALITY COLOUR Print from :•*-*<■ ne Life ■a rrMM ACCOMMODATION WANTED H'orrfa n I MM Box >• cts. extra PURCHASE BUNGALOW pound house nr* w W V Sia EDUCATION -Box SO rt* L
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    • 42 6 a tt* New"Repp Weaves"undf why men prefer Arrow f ye ton m I GET THEM FROM I 86, North Bridge Road 5 ngapcj The Store for Ladies' Gen MafleH ■WAV^^J-AV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'/. V,, X<m%j>k«\ > The Combin That Makes Yoi J HI-FI and STFPFO PerM
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  • 236 7  -  THUR RICHARDS YIO CHU KANG Yellow-ringed pests feast nightly on poultry m this village THEY ARE MENACE TO FISH PONDS, TOO, BUT WONT HARM MEN, SAYS CURATOR By AR Tues. THE sudden appearance of yellow-ringed snakes is giving kampong dwellers here sleepless nights. The
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  • 21 7 10 officer and the best recruit honoured at SMF parade X m m X Discipline m I \____r |>w State of
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  • 157 7 Honours men needed, says principal OENANG. Tues.— There is a general aShortage of honours duates everywhere, Mr. J. M. B. Hughes, headmaster of Malaya's oldest school, the Penang Free School, said. Mr. Hughes, who was pre.ting his annual report the school's speech day, urged that such graduates, bob they had
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  • 404 7 The bust which mystifies all at the museum THEY MISTAKE IT FOR RAFFLES SINGAPORE CITY. Tuesday. THOUSANDS of people who visit Raflles Museum are baffled by a bust which stands prominently m front of the building. Many conclude that the statue is that of Sir Thpmas Stain lord Raffles, the
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  • 100 7 SCHOOL'S NATURE SOCIETY MEMBERS VISIT AN ORCHID FARM MANDAI, Tues. Thirty secondary school students members of the Nature Society visited the Singapore Orchid Farm m Mandai Road recently. Mr. John Ede, who runs the farm, gave the students a talk on problems of orchid cultivation, different stages of their growth
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  • 88 7 CHURCH PLANS $20,000 BUILDING TO CATER TO THE SOCIAL NEEDS OF 2,200 PARISHIONERS RIVER VALLEY. Tues. The St. Bernadette's Church In Zlon Road is •ning to build a multi-purpose Parish 11 to cater to the spiritual and social needs of the 2.200 parishioners. The proposed $20,000 building, said the The
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  • 127 7 SENIOR SCOUTS WIN LIFE SAVING AWARDS PASIR PANJANG. Tues.— enter scouts, members of the Pasir Panjang -oi .it ion. were recently declared winners of the Royal Life-Saving Society Intermediate Certificate and Bronze Medallion. They are* Tony Chan. Lim Teng Wai (39th Queenstown Secondary School Troop). Quah Kirn Seng. Tan Sui
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  • 45 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A private school m Petaling Sekolah Tun Seri waiting for th clearance from the Government to carry on. The school has 50 students, 20 of whom will sit for the Lower Certificate of Education examination this year.
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  • 81 7 THE WINNERS OF JURONG SCHOOL ART SHOW JURONG, Tues. Wan Zakariah won the first prize m the Art and Photographic competition of Jurong Secondary School. He is a student m Form V. Loy Weng Leng. of Form IV. won the first prize m the Photographic .section. Inche Yacob bin Moham-
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  • 47 7 SINGAPORE CITY, Tues.— The luncheon party which was to have been given today by the Minister for Health, Inche Ahmad Ibrahim, to Prof. I. G. W. Hill, now visiting Singapore, has been postponed to Saturday. It will be held at 1 p.m. at Sri Temasek.
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  • 53 7 SINGAPORE: Tues. The Singapore Ballet Group (and not the Academy as stated m the Free Press last week will present its sth season from October 29 to 31. There will also be a 4 p.m. matinee for all on Oct. 29 m addition to the
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  • 150 7 POPULATION GROWTH OUTSTRIPS MEDICAL SERVICES SINGAPORE CITY, Tues. Expansion of the medical services m Singapore can hardly keep pace with the growing population and other measures are necessary to help till this gap. Pointing this out. the editorial m the lata of Gazette, official publication of the Universr* Malaya Medical
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 32 7 l?iVl^J»^^wßv Goal ll__Bß__W____&<*Sa^ A3 SOON AS I SAIC? 'fTTTTi t LOOKEP ON MIM fl-JL j ONLY AS A BROTHER I -HE SAIC?, *LENC? l=___=_£i: V MEAQUIC?' S' I If liJJir /ffi; J
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  • 823 8 STEINWAY CHIEF SAYS PIANO MARKETS IN EASTERN COUNTRIES BEST IN THE WORLD SINGAPORE CITY, Tuesday. ASIANS -ure much more musically-minded Hum Europeans, according to .Mr. Walter Gunther, director of Steinway and Sons, Hamburg, Germany, who arrived here on a market survey tour. He said this musical interest
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  • 24 8 THE SINGAPORE SCENE I YMCA DRIVE I 1 I J H U 11 I swans' coital I I I PB iB I •up 7
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 290 8 (pLANKJ SYNCHRONER 100 fff jW%^Yv [lifr** imm I 4m W™- Rj^i fi a__S_H Y__ lEbH I B Ou' 9 a clcor standstill pro-ection, reverse projection, cons to operate by push-buttons, excellent system ot lenses ond organically built-in "Synchromaf Another noteworthy innovotion is the incorporated tilm morkina device /^"^^^^^Kr -V"^ Smart
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    • 3 8 k''*_^-i I_R4(**P*9 l^r^mlt^^S^k^L
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 239 8 MINISTRY OF CULTURE: Free Exi Museum film shows ai 7 p.m.. Cheng Chee from 9 a.m. ;o 5.30 p.m. School. Mandai 13^ m.s. Kg. SALVATION ARMY: Heme Afifi Children's Playground, M.*x- League 'Women's, 207 well Road Postmen Quarters. Clemenceau Avenue. 3 p.m. SINGAPORE MEDICAL ASSO- TOC ll: TalK on "The
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  • 370 9 A WELL-PROPORTIONED FIGURE IS MOST IMPORTANT JJOW OFTEN is it that you've heard this remark (maybe from you yourself) being passed as an attractive girl walked past: She'll get away with anything with a figure like that.
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  • 109 9 METRECAL-IT'S THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO REDUCE To maintain the desired weight you have attained, or to lose weight more slowly, take it as one or two meals of each day or as the total diet on selected days of the week. An entire day's diet on Metrecal gives you
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  • 38 9 BEX measuring spoons are ideal for quick and accurate measuring of ingredients when cooking. In a packet of four, each has a capacity of onequarter, half and one teaspoon, and one tablespoon. From Fitzpatrick's.
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  • 45 9 Oriental calendar greeting cards A NICE way of sending your greetings to a friend overseas is m the form of a calendar with an oriental flavour. Each calendar is designed with an oriental paper figure against a brocade background. From Moon Gate m Orchard Road.
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  • 34 9 To make coffee m a minute use a Kabu electric coffee-maker which has a built-in percolator. Comes m two sizes for one cup of drink or two. From Marden Co.
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  • 211 9 BRINJAL PICKLE WINS THE TOP PRIZE IN THIS WEEK'S RECIPE CONTEST MISS M. BARTELS. 29 Barker Road, Singapore 11 wins the first prize m Recipe Contest No. 42 for her Ceylon Brinjal Pickle. She gets $10 and a Nestle hamper worth $10. INGREDIENTS: Four me-dium-asized brinjals, one tablespoon mustard seeds
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 104 9 A A GREATEST fc Offer "W ■oDERN SILK STORE I R ONE WEEK ONLY I $6.90 yd. on $3.90 yd. y $19.50 NOW $9.50 yd. S 8 50 $4.90 yd. Cottons Big Assort $3.50 yd. <+ M Normally $25.50 I m HAND BAGS Heavily!!! fl Remember you have only 5
      104 words
    • 111 9 BB>W'*^>^*^s>)AiV>/*' "jxi^y^ i^j Wmmi^k mm^^^^^y^^^^^^^ BHyv^yvt—i __20^<)*t *$&s££s&£ BKoxxo>i_i i z tO^'i.' .f'% B_wscw>_i B r>-_>. B_*toA^^t-v*BB BBk My-W^Y-i vv/Y BBv***vM^ > v B—v^BstS— \q _^W§sW^3^^ S _BwSj>J*/'M *_r ~*jv& __vswss3»!!f^n. B_tk' Al *w BE _B Br > BB*^^^ BB*'*"*-* v Bi BF--S B K B_>^~B B r\ -7/. ■*_y>c.v>
      111 words

  • 1308 10 SHOPPING Centre ■gHOPPING CENTRE brings you every Tuesday and Friday the good buys available m the shops. There seems to be no lack of good products and ideas m Singapore these days. Some of them you'll find here. BEAUTY CARE by the Merle SEASONAL OFFER is on at .TO CLEAR
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 191 10 Fill your home with MUSIC LATEST RELEASE ISHaeß^gl Available at:— PARAMOUNT CO. Meod Ortice. 6, Tiong Bahru Roof, Singapore. 3. Tel: *****. •ranch Office 174. Batu Road Kmlo LunuMir. Tel: ***** ~Ti_iN<r For your Tiling rehquirements please first visit uUPITER TRADING COMPANY 85, MARKET ST. SPORE. TEL: ***** ***** I
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    • 210 10 1 CHONG WAH (Watches 4 Cameras) 97, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE TEL: ***** MUST CLEAR!!! Set Of Cine-Camera Bmm fitted with 3 lens and exposure meter plus projector for only 1 95/- ONE YEAR'S GUARANTEE GIVEN ON ALL SALES! YOUR IDEAL CARVED TEAK-WOOD or CAMPHOR-WOOD CHESTS ~^^^^Xa\ »jf Made to
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    • 129 10 Hostesses Note! <S KRUPOKUDANG Always keep a stock ot our delicious KRUPOK UDANG (Prawn Crackers) handy. Easy to prepare seconds only needed ro fry our KRUPOK UDANG outdotes the traditional potato chips! Set your supply today from any jrocery or the manufacturers: SHIN HUA CO, 130 Dakota Crescent Singapore. BUY
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    • 143 10 THE H\m SHOP FOR THE GIFT THAT IS DIFFERENT! In Bronxe Wore: ASH TRAYS L* WALL PLAQUES FRUIT BOWLS SALAD SETS ond other interesting goods. 300, ORCHARD RD. (Fit.potrick's) PHONE *****. Sansul STEREO AMPLIFIER WITH AM TUNER SM-11 You ore welcome for demonstration Sole Agents Show Rooms: HOLDEN TRADING CO.,
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    • 233 10 BONDS BEAUTIFUL BABY WEAR Smock-nighties, Sleeping Bogs, Dressing Gowns, Matinee Jockets etc. Styled m famous American and Continental designs. YOUR BABY DESERVES TME BEST! Bond's Boby Wear Thrives On Washing Too Available at SOON JOO CO. (The House of Children's Wear) 53, HIGH STREET. PHONE 3351 1 JUST ARRIVED Latest
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    • 74 10 r 5 REGEN-r j,, NEVEf CLEAR CLE. CATHAY sm p STEREO Urn, it-*., 24 watts »i| MW SW fu: FM HWEE SEN 6 CTS TOUR To. WONC a BAk On* I I Depart S r Return S t 768, Rch*- or our %v.vri Eg v ip m no urn SPEED
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  • 3 11 I dence
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  • 995 11 There's a youngster on his back but Happy Melody is sprint threat to all m__-_. SS D,V "MW Melody lv., lsah;4 SrU JW SS 8 Tromp 8-3 On Parole 8-0. Gold Catch 8-0. Flvin* Phoenix 7-13. aSun of Burma j-u, Monty 7 n Jazz sjn
    995 words
  • 522 11 KATONG, Tuesday. I m vcrv keen competition at the Primary Schools Inter-District immin-g Carnival held al the Chinese Swimming Club yesterday Telok District won the Inter-District championship, with City District run- held m here -itchings. conRn s ie: 1. Goh 35.0 Stroke:
    522 words
  • 122 11 Naval Ba>e Police 7 RAI. Changi I pHANGI, Tries. Nava! Base Police found no difficulty m defeating RAF Changi m this SUA Division 3 match here yesterday. Naval Base Police wasted no time and soon got into the lead v-ith two quick goals by Kulasingam. Martin
    122 words
  • 582 11 (LASS I— DIST.— 7F: Who Knows 10-0, Downing Street 9-8, Bestcrete 9-3, Tudor Wonder 8-12, Setia Budi 8-12, Waspada 8-11, Take Easy 8-8, Brave General 8-4, Singora II 8-1, Your HiKhn*v» II 8-0. Rubber Planter II 7-13, Herbert's Ku<U 7-13, I.M.C. 7-12,
    582 words
  • 62 11 LONDON Tues.— Last night's League One: Everton 4 Manchester City 2. Manchester Umtgham Forest 1 League Two: Swanaea 2 Scunthorpe ed 2. League Three:— port County v Wat lord pastponed. Football League Cup se< ond round: Cardifl City 0 Burn Darlington v Cl postponed. Port Vale 0 Roy»
    62 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 9 11 iidtft V nat a ~#c s .ft-_> 4 i
      9 words
    • 104 11 He forgot i but this punter REMEMBERED TO ORDER HIS I Free Press Race Day TOMORROWS -Get your name m today.FIRST SINGAPORE OPEN SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS. To be held on Saturday. November 5. 1960. at R>fer Valley Road City Council Pool. (Qualifying heats Nov. 4 at 5 p.m.) .er\ of (for
      104 words
    • 109 11 A pleasure m store for you... Wffl-m If V Wmmm^-*^ £x __t __r __v v r fOJL I u j Brings you I MAI AVA JflMLnln In this new edition of South-East Asia's finest publication there are: PICTURE STORY m^^,^-^ 22 pages of full-colour illustrations Nearly 100 pictures m monotone
      109 words

  • 541 12  - Nippy Thais shake Singapore. ..with 11 points in the last 12 minutes CHARLES BRYCE By SINGAPORE, Tues Thailand 11; AH Singapore 5. FLEVEN points m the last 12 minutes lifted the little Thais from impending defeat to glorious victory m yesterday's rugby international on the padang. N In thOaSe final
    541 words
  • 105 12 MOULMEIN. Tues.— Singapore Tamil Youths beat. Permuda Ra' Badminton Party. Singles: V.S.S. Raju bt S. Rajendren 15-2, 15-6: KR. Krishnan bt S. Shanmugam 15-7. 15-12; S. Rami] lost to Hamza 6-15, 1-15; S. Satchi bt Salleh Jaffar 15-10, 15-8; K. Peruraal bt Aii Suleiman 8-15. 15-10,
    105 words
  • 18 12 KARACHI, Tue,<*.— Fazal Mahmood will captain Pakistan's cricket team on their 1960-61 tour of India —Reuter.
    18 words
  • 21 12 PYONGYANG. Tues. North Kurean woman Sin Kirn Dan rai; j 400 metres m 53 sec— a world record.—UP I.
    21 words
  • 441 12  -  JEFFREY JAMES mmmr--j. _r_3-*_?-\*- m I- X r- *>*_***_» _a_P* *~-*M P^__ _M_ 1 1 1 1 A—r*^ I•vJpfLr, l|^^_| l_-H __j'^V_r M<aUl •i. ml i mm i_ v I VV WJ L"L^^~* aea. VIM, T_*^B 1 I _**fa a- a _-.»-rr fccA AmW
    441 words
  • 149 12 IfALLANG, Tues.— A strong Cus- toms team had little difficulty m beating Rural Board 4-1 m the Civil Service Association's badminton championships here. Full results. Ismail Ahmad bt Lim Yam Chua 15-2, 15-2; Rashid Hassan lost to Rendall Diaz 18-17, 15-12. 15-9; Mohd Noor Idris bt
    149 words
  • 60 12 .SINGAPORE CITY. Tues. Kang Sac Chull. welter and middleweight champion of Korea left Singapore this morning after two days here. Kang came here to arrange fights for his own group of Korean fighters. Before leaving Singapore he told promoter Little Nene that they would all be
    60 words
  • 132 12 REME J STARLITE RANGERS I FARRER PARK. Tttes. More than a thousand spectators .saw Starlite Rangers go down fighting to a well-balanced R.E.M.E. side, m a soccer friendly at Farrer Park, yesterday. Starlite were the first io score. Sheriff Dean, receiving a pass by Baktha.
    132 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 79 12 *T^ t^^»l_'-^l wtLmmmmmwT^^A^'^^^^^ W < > jmmmm. Mr 3 __P^__! P**"^ V— M_ mW ~^^^mmm_. mi i -sif 1 •3^2** «_s*- M^~— 4_Pi^ .^_i^^«^^_^^^^_^_*>*'— .••••••••aaiaaaaaa.tat ff *a_H B^* >......«»......«»..«•• j »aa» IROOTES- LISTER TS3MG>.. a a a OPPOSED PI STO N .w.v.v. V.v. v. v. v. v.v. v. v.v
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    • 353 12 word pg ...Cut along dotted tan FREE PRESS WORD PUZZLE Cut out and pin with oth. r Posting instructions oppcor X Nome x X x. x Xa X a ■"p"T ir*J t Cut alon** dor CLUES FOR WORD PUZZLE 1. The design of a material 4. Th. is on important
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