The Singapore Free Press, 20 October 1960

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Singapore Free Press
  • 22 1 TO KEEP UP WITH THE LOCAL NEWS YOU MUST READ > The Singapore Free Press No. ***** THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1960. 15 CENTS
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  • 25 1 Hindus make merry IsESSED IN THEIR :j- THOUSANDS L;* 'IMPLES AND L FRIENDS lood £or poor Rama drama I I? jewel haul W L Hons.
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  • 70 1 CHANGI 'WITNESS' ON HOLIDAY WITH PARENTS IN BRITAIN LONDON. Thurs.— James Hacker, one ol two Force bandsmen home from Singapore trouble over connections with iy on day by his pareir. v hope to have a long with the 22-year-old nd try to make inge hi.- mind. men: "9a t*x Air
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  • 664 1 Big, UN debate on disarmament begins A Zorin blast over two motions: 'Aim is to delay' NEW YORK, Thurs pUK Soviet I'nion yesterday criticised the British proposal for studies by technical experts on key aspects of the disarmament problem, saying it was an attempt to drive negotiations
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  • 282 1  -  Conrad Chiew ARMY LABRADOR WALKS INTO I POLICE STATION WITH DEEP WOUND IN CHEST i SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs.— A "war veteran" Labrador, who was lost on Monday evening last week, "surrendered" himself at the Bukit Panjang Police Station five days later. The dog. named Slim T^
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  • 164 1 SIR ROY: A TRAGEDY TO EXPEL S. AFRICA SALISBURY. Thurs. Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, said here yesterday that it would be a tragedy if South Africa were ex- h prlled from the Commonwealth. He was answering questions about his reaction to a
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 16 1 Editor jailed again CAPETOWN. Thurs.- Mr. Pat--1 rick Duncan, editor of the Liberal fnrtnichtlv n»n\nan*r rY>nt'ir-t
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  • 185 1 Fuchs in a TV debut discusses the cheap German A-bomb BERLIN (Eastern Sector). Thurs. Dr. Klaus Fuchs. who spent nine years m British prisons for passing atom secrets to a foreign power, last night made his first appearance on East German television. Dr. Fuchs came to East Germany on his
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  • 35 1 Warm welcome in cold rain for Malaya's Premier in Canada OTTAWA. Thursday. JTIK Malayan Premier, Tengku Abdul Rahman arrived here yesterday to begin his first visit to North America. a 3 warm wplrnmp from thp
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  • 30 1 Fn Fund n. $1 17 and M'll! 1 d Mai. Fund m prices, buying 96 j VI 02 lone Kone Fund ma iK (1.01 and .telling HK
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 412 2 LONDON. Thurs. 1 J\ spite of Tuesday's Ml on Wall Slice! ;mkl an absence of any real incentive, more cheerful conditions pre- ;iilc"(l m the London slock markets yeslerday. T': ling appeared to have diminished and m I ponse
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  • 91 2 Ban on U.S. exports to Cuba: A six-point indictment is issued WASHINGTON. Thursday. Till. I nitccl ShiUs Commerce DeparUnenl yesterday banned ;ill American exports la Cuba except for medicines and sonic food supplies. aa:: The St nee riispo- regime dv- ed American- Cuba. :he sei pri ate es and other
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  • 320 2 Round the World Market Prices NOTE: All prices below are middle prices. U.K. Closing Prices LONDON. Oet M. PHVIOU? I »O4} RUBBER Na. I Hi. if. Eurootai pert*. Oct unquoted unquoted Nev -'7 13'1<5 27 11/16 RUBBER No. 1 R&» M*t 29i Hi RUBBER N«. t RSS Settlement Heuic TeraH*.
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  • 438 2 NOTE: All prices below are middle prices. $'NGA P ORE, Thursday. INOUSTRIUS Previous Tuesday Alex. B-icks Ores. (N) .SC .a\) Atlas Ice UM Buyers BOUSTEAD L2O 1.18 8.8. Petrol WflVt 40 1 J .2 B.M. Trustees 5.25 5.25 Con. Tin Smelt. Pref. 120 3
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  • 163 2 Rubber market; dull owing to holiday in Singapore LONDON Thurs. In the absence of influence Hum Singapore owing to the Deepavali holiday there the market opened quietly steady around Tuesday's final levels. Shortcovering relieved a dull market during the m sSSS« at New York gave a lhtle encouragement dunn* the
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  • 47 2 LONDON: Tin stocks m London metal exchange warehouses at the end of lt*t ireeic totalled 9,045 tons comprising: London 4.255; Liverpool 3,3 J0 and Hull 1.470. Copper stocks totalled »,»«6 tons and comprised: London 1,388; Liverpool 7,128; Birmingham 300; Manchester 925 and Hull 125
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  • 447 2 Cunard Steamship LONDON: Cunard Steamship Company will not pay an interim dividend this year. The company blames this on losses m the recent British seamen's strike. Directors stated that the year's results to date did not .lustily an interim dividend. "Trading profits were seriously affected by the recent unofficial
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  • 376 2 High-yielding clones counter synthetic By the FREE PRESS MARK SINGAP( lil gOTH the Stock Exdun Investors Chronicle. London weeklies. discu>s m th< effctt of the lower rubber rubber shares. "The rubber slum little enoouragemenl lion commodity, hut m spile cif 11. sion m the price of tin ditions are not
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  • 21 2 Holders Bruas told don't select ■fffl PrUln.I m. H Rubbers M Ml 01 I X sidin i von I I aipi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 SHIPPING N.Y.K.LINE Skiiutka Ma II 1 1 Mfi Aktta Ha n cct 12 14 No< Soei Maru m Port Misafci Mam In Port ETO 21 Oet In Port Mta*a Ma'u ETD 21 Oet 22 23 Oct Sumtfa Ma-. 26 21 Oct 24 25 Oct 22 23 Oct IN Port v
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    • 18 2 Finance I and I industry I Page Two today gives you the tips and downs of your shares.
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    • 72 2 More 8.0.A.C. fligfc LONDON: British Owui Airways Corporation will expand its services to the East and Australia commencing Nov. l. Comet jet flights Australia will bo increased from the present five week to six and flißht.s to Singapore will be inrroa from the existing two week to three. All Flight
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 194 2 sttmm V CHIPS lying alonrside the Sin- Rapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Laos 1/2. Roebiah 4/5. Steel Artisan 6A, ai Agamemnon 67, Kristan Bakke B/9. Alcinous 10 11, Pretoria 13 go 14. Straat Magelhaen 15/16, Svend b. Maerslc 18. Ormara 19, Saaao b. N. Wall 2. Lalang
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  • 413 3  -  ALIAS RAHIM Local chemist studies animal nutrition m Sydney BID BY GOVT. TO HELP FARMERS IMPROVE THEIR ANIMAL STOCKS j BY SCIENTIFIC WAYS j By SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs. J^ SINGAPORE chemist, who is studying un- j der the Colombo Plan for a Master of Science
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  • 14 3 Ne need a national style, say four architects I I >. Inspiration i i I
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  • 91 3 PLAN TO MAKE PATENT MEDICINES IN FEDERATION SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs. —A new $200,000 cheil laboratory to manu■ire patent medicines dayan consumption t up early next 'her m Johore or m '.iimpur. Disclosing this, Mr. J. Lea, new •ure. said: "T: laboraicture all of pills and potions. Equipment "Already a panel
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  • 40 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Tliuc^— >f Malaya library here, which has been n books at the rate of 2 800 volumes a month over the p n months, aims to have 500.000 books when the miversity Is fully developed.
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  • 146 3 Susheela (only 4) knows no alphabet... but has memorised a book NAVAL BASK, Thursday. MEET the amazing Susheela. She's only 41--years-old but she puts her older brothers and "neighbours to shame when it comes to memorising soni^s and books and identifying the authors and singers. Young Susneela is the talk
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  • 147 3 TRAFFIC 'ISLES' SERVE AS RECREATION GROUND FOR FACTORY HANDS A LEXANDRA. Thurs. i\ One after another, traffic roundabouts m the suburban districts are being turned into make-shift recreation grounds m the evenings for hundreds of factory workers and their families. As soon as the sun sets, clusters of people can
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  • 44 3 SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs. The Singapore Film Society will hold its annual I general meeting on Sunday, Oct. 30 after the screening of the film "Citizen Kane" at the Cultural Centre, Canning Rise. The meeting will elect new officials for the society.
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  • 92 3 DINNER TO THANK VILLAGE SCHOOL TEACHERS BUKIT TIMAH, Thurs.— About 70 people have been invited to a dinner by the management committee of the Seh Chaun High School. 71 m.s. Bukit Timah on Sunday at the school compound. The occasion is to celebrate Teachers Day which falls tomorrow is to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 np^^Wi^^ ...spending just a few 1, J Kj| (f JH W* hM J V/ '/^J J^^J n <* suddenly H s^^^^2ff vGNeFuiiya AC DC «c Bond ac Moms. s 9mi^ S r *4 t-^ I --oiled by Kf g.-IJil A I •actiye dCMqn J 5265.00 Hfiß I y*^ I d
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    • 189 3 iiiiiiiiiC3iiiiiiiiiiiic3iiiiiiiiniiC3iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiic3imiii£ MODERN i JEWELLERY I I SKILLED CRAFTSMEN Manufacturers of I GEM SET JEWELLERY 1 f E in Platinum and Gold i i Dealers m I Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Blue Sapphires, Cats Eyes, Star Sapphires, etc, etc. Also m I Mikimoto Cultured Pearls I j High Class Watches G. C.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 105 3 Medium Wave 476 metres SchooLs" broa least: 4.10 Sig- is like a melody; 10^30 Ray's A Short wive: 62 metres nature tune; 413 Story time. Laugh; 11.00 Close down. (1780 kt/s.) from a repeat of Monday's broadcast; RADIO MALAYA 900 pm 10.00 p.m. daily 4.33 interval mu⁣ 4.30—5 00 (41
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  • 270 4  -  TAN BAH CHEE '■> CHE AZIZAH SAYS: FORM HOSPITALITY CENTRE' FOR VISITORS TO CALL AT MALAYAN HOMES By SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs. CALL to form a "Hospitality Centre" m Singapore on the lines of those existing m o large American cities like New York, San Fran-
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  • 218 4 CHANGI CLUB TO STAGE CINDERELLA AT CHRISTMAS pHANGI. Thurs.— Speaking to Squadron Leader Harry Russell, after the Changi Variety Club's successful production of Colin Morris farce about service life "Reluctant Heroes"— he told me something of the club's future plans. For Christmas they plan .1 production of "Cinderella", which is
    A.P.  -  218 words
  • 79 4 CHANGI, Thurs— Changi beach is becoming increasingly popular among weekend picnickers. Huge crowds are flocking to the beach each fine weekend. Some go m large organised groups, or m small family partties. Picture shows organisers of the "Ocean Pic«ic" party. Standing (Ltoß): Geor K e
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  • 291 4  -  SALLY DEAN SERVICES CHATTER... BY JHE 19th Signals Regt, "Air Formation." is attached to the Royal Air Force at Chanpi and they are responsible for the installation of telephones, the laying of cables, repair work and such like.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 ♦•♦»•♦♦»»♦< /i '^m NECCHI TOP DISCOUNT FOR CASH! Also available At greatly reduced prices: Cameras All Makes Sewing Machines Transistor Radios Typewriters Electrical Appliances WE UNDERTAKE TO PACK AND SEND YOUR GIFTS ANYWHERE OVERSEAS! gift emporium 376-X, Changi Village, Singapore-17. YEE YEE TAILOR 375-V Changi Village, Singapore-1 7. (The leading
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    • 150 4 X«««««««««««««««««^»»»»»»»J>>><««««««««««««««««« I $16 to ,$43 I JANTZEN SWIM SUITS i oil ttses all colours a Also availoble ORLON BANLORN TWIN SETS I SINGH SONS I 378-52, 53 Chongi Villoge Singapore- 17. '*««««««««««««<««««K«««««««««»»»»»»» > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^ j INDIAN HANDLOOMS 1 From the following prices: s Handloom Bedspreads m all sizes from $6/-
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    • 172 4 f i MM ♦♦»»»»»4 l| HOT HUNGRY AFTER SWIMMING? X oo °H tn o p airconditioned Bar Restaurant. j Relax to soothing music whilst you enjoy I a long drink and a tasty meal: X I MILK SHAKE 40 cts I CHINESE FOOD from $1.50 t EUROPEAN FOOD from 50
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    • 97 4 g«««««««««««« <<<<<<<<<<:<<<<<<<<<<<<<« <<o>) j >)m>>>J u J I At GIGANTIC c scou Mappin Webb WMF Stainlea&M Cutlery Sets and Silverware 1 if At moderate prices Lrdies Dr* by specialists to world fashions I SIN MAY 376-C Chan&i Wa| I Be Stylishly Dressed 1m Come To Us For Thot PERMCT U*
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  • 382 5 Well... you certainly stuck out your neck, didn't you? Esme i-.f/'- %^H- /^rW 4 ■&*%s&<■'■■■ ,JP»?** 3f Esm«. j lni>band I needed something for lusc the dress I had made for I 1 on the low side. \m\" he said, and I dreamed sof pearls. He came home 1 beads.
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  • 206 5 National Orchestra for Radio Malaya to boost local culture KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. "NATIONAL ORCHESTRA" to be run and managed by Radio Malaya will be formed here shortly. To be called the "Radio Orchestra," il will boost Malayan music and encourage the development of v national culture, s:iid a Radio Malaya
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  • 85 5 WHERE TO PAY RURAL BOARD RENTS SINGAPORE CITY. Thur.s.— The Rural Board has an nounced that a district collection will be made by tlvRural Board today and tomorrow No. 218 G. Mandai Road, 13| m..-. All rates and dues payable to the Rural Board on houses, land and rubber estates,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 ■OHNER MELODICA L I'itoA fc o. chcC O EACH w 1
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    • 221 5 I A full\ ftutoaiatic cißfrCMKra CINEMATIC 8 I iMorponitmi thr FABULOC S /A \O\VM ATK. LIAS lis i \< s:v i ii Ultra- tatt 13mm B^ BY tII lent pre-tocutft«d V|\ tor rapid-shooting Lens may be ys«d auto IrnlM^ mot.colly with tilmt ot V VOH tt the tollowmg »pecdt |A^^M\
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 114 5 wf^ 000^ 1T...1T TOESN'T I WANT TO 6IVE «JST BE !N ONE ISHCUTNTI >CU SOMETHINv3 )--?S^s^ Ti C^ Th£sE AFARTVIS^TS J L N \^|f«^l H Ay TRIEC? FOR ONE SE^OKE I 00. "TJ^ A^ ALONiy HERE... MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phii Davis K£ s."T POLLAKSTHBY--^^ ASTME THE AIR--TCWARC? THE
      114 words

  • 281 6 TELLING THE PEOPLE Nehru, Dag and the UN IMMENSE is the chal--1 lenge that laces the United Nations today, immense because the Khrushchev proposal to replace Secretary General Dau Hammarskjoeld by a committee of three, could reduce the United Nations to helplessness and leave it to die a slow. lingering
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  • 559 6  - Call to start a centre for sex education CHEW LOY KHOON PRE-MARITAL CLINIC WILL GIVE ADVICE TO ALL WOULD-BE MARRIED COUPLES... AND MAKE THEIR WEDDED LIFE A SUCCESS, SAYS DOCTOR By KHOON SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs. PREMARITAL clinic similar to those m western countries to educate would-be married couples on sex.
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  • 215 6 A WORLD FAMOUS GERMAN CONDUCTOR WILL PERFORM HERE NEXT WEEK SINGAPORE CITY. Tues.— The Singapore Chamber Ensemble will sponsor Dr. Ludwig Kaufman m a lecture recital on "Two Hundred Years of German Music- next Thursday at 6.45 p.m. at the Cultural Centre Theatre. Dr. Kaufman. Director of the state Opera.
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  • 20 6 SINGAPORE City, Thurs The Singapore Business Houses Athletic Federation will be holding a gala dance
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  • 131 6 A MONTHLY BULLETIN FOR 600 CLUB MEMBERS QERANGOON GARDEN O ESTATE. Thurs. -The Serangoon Garden Sports Club has published a newsletter lor its 600 members. The lour-page bulletin will be a monthly affair The bulletin stresses that its real purpose is to serve as a medium of literary interest to
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  • 77 6 SINGAPORE CITY. Thurs '< j —Mr. J. R. chelliah has been elected President of the Smg apore catholic Bene- volent Association. Other officials are VicePresident, Mr. F. J. Ashness; Secretary and Treasurer Mr W. H. Mosbergen Assist' Se- j cretary and Treasurer, Mr G I F. Ahin;
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  • 22 6 BATU PAHAT, Thurs— An angry crowd of 220 Malays of Kampong Jayos m Batu I Fahat district threatened and
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  • 200 6 Visit to London inspired seaman to turn to fish and chips trade ADVENTURE SEEKING VVah Kai Kw signed on as a seaman aboard a passenger liner sis years ago to see tin- world He called at many ports and enjoyed his adventurous inc. He also worked hard and saved as
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  • 137 6 SHOPMEN ASK HAWKERS TO PAY FOR PAVEMENT SITES UPPER, SERANGOON Thurs. Some shop- keepers m Upper Serangoon I Road are collecting rents from hawkers who have up stalls on five-foot ways m front of their shops to sell their ware during the nineday Kew Ong Yeah festival which begins today.
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  • 40 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— I The Federal Land Develop- I ment Authority will start a $36 million project next year. It will result m the opening of 45,000 acres of jungle land for settlement m 10 separate schemes.
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  • 10 6 SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs. The Government has ac-
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  • 53 6 PRIMARY PUNJABI SCHOOL AT SIKH TEMPLE lOHORE BAHRU Thurs The only Sikh Temple m Jalan Ah Fook is conduct- Primary Punjabi School for Sikh children Hi, Hea c d P u iest Sa^ar Gurdit Singh. 42. said the and lodging to the needyre c a eSS f the <«*<" The
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  • 63 6 New Japanese tuna calls at Singapore on its maiden voyage to the Atlantic "y SIXGAPORI i OM> OF Japan's larg^ ton Seiju Maru \o. I of Capt Seiichi Watanalx on its maiden fishing v where it will operate Pew The ship, owned Ltd.. was built al a cosl accompanied by
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  • 7 6 I p j
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  • 122 6 MINISTER'S BOUQUET FOR TRADE UNION BODY i SINGAPORE CITY The bour and Law, Mi X Byrne, m ouring th< ot the Singapore Insurai Companies Implo; Union, said that tht had had a healthy gro and by its actions shov. it was a responsible tra union. The Union, he said, always
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 11 6 JEWELLERY lasting beauty quality. U.S. de SUVA Jewellers 106, ORCHARD ROAD.
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    • 43 6 (CMABTIIfIEB EARTH LEAKAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS O*crlcco p Off M OvOiMk H Stock Rongr Amps 0 F.ii -now m^ I ik Is i 9 I IVJi9 -J-i iJ UNITED ENGlfl Jfg?^** limitejH 1 Features <— -> Auto Rokkor 1.8 —55 0 d V*-"" 1 1/IAIW. i
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  • 15 7 iiimlth nuld F' m fP W. istrial i I
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  • 221 7  -  BOB PERIES CONSIGNMENTS FOR MALAYA LEFT LONDON BEFORE STRIKE BY TALLY CLERKS By SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs. j SINGAPORE can look to a bright Christmas this year despite the month-lon^ strike by ta lI clerks and cargo checkers at London
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  • 9 7 \PORK CITY. Thurs. time In Decemt
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  • 12 7 KEIIU A U. have .vo more two-bed p lied on.
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  • 84 7 ABOIT >00 people attended the cocktail party given by the chairman and directors of Tiong Choon Company Ltd. to celebrate the opening of their new offices and showroom at Rochore Canal Road. The firm, which started four years ago
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  • 53 7 STAMFORD. Thurs. -Prof. S. Q. Fatami of the University will bt> giving a lecture on "Islamic forms oi hip' at the Cultural tre, Canning Ri>e tomorrow at 8 p The ltvture. the fifth m a series of six lectures, is sponsored by the Singapore
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  • 35 7 SING^ORE CITY. Thurs. More than fifty members of the Singapore Hospital Res- r it last week undergoing examinations m Malay. Mandarin and English :hc old Civil Defence Headquarter^ at Kolam Aver Lane.
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  • 39 7 SINGAPORE CITY. Thurs. The Kwok Sing Musical elation m Pagoda Street will stage two Cantonese concerts at the Happy World Stadium on Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. m aid of the Red Cross I Society building fund.
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 7  -  Gog Sliiii By
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  • 163 7 SOLEMNITY AND JOY AT THIS CAMBRIDGE DAY SERVICE PAY A LEBAR, Thurs.— The Paya Lebar Methodist Girls School held its Cambridge Day Service amidst solemnity and joy. Solemnity because there was the reading of the Scripture with hymns sung with one accord, and joy because prizes were awarded to top
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  • 210 7 Former schoolmaster pioneers production of local teaching aids SINGAPORE. Thurs. A former school teacher Mr. W. K. Fong. and a team of 30 men and women, most of whom had also been teachers, are now pioneering the manufacture of teaching aids for local use. For the past three and a
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  • 219 7 Big rush by 'hello' girls to be members of trade union body SINGAPORE CITY. Thursday. SINGAPORE'S "hello" girls arc fast becoming trade union conscious. They are becoming increasingly aware of the objects of the union mu\ the benefits il provides for its members. These girls, who have been keeping out
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  • 62 7 A FACE-LIFT FOR BALESTIER ROAD SCHOOL OALESTIER. Thurs. —The 1* Balestier Road primary school is to have a lace lift. A firm. Ciiua Pong Sai. is to carry out essential repairs, and re -decoration of the school at a cost of $4,296 for the Government. Government has also called for
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  • 32 7 OUTRAM. Thurs. The Y.W.C.A. will hold a jumble sale on Jan. 7 at its premises m Outram Road. The association appeals to the public to I donate unused articles.
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  • 9 7 2 511th. birthday SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Nanyang Confucian Asso-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 91 7 iESTFORM'S j m Elastic ;to where they V-^ x j^ ml with garters that 6| jFV In Ik d when not —^-^^J ■aring stockinas. W*»b^^ KSTFORM jf Harrison (M) Ltd., I Phone *****. (j PflP t0P SALEJ 3 6 $0.80 Per Yard on 36 $0.60 P ion 36" $0.60 c
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    • 290 7 needs lubrication just like your car does. The fact that tin- u<it<h nreds it much less frequently is no reason tor forfeit m 'lltogether. Small ladies watdies re(^uire an 01 erhaul about once a bigger wn. Even a good watchmaker cannot rrstor*- a ba<il\ ncg ed watch to its original
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  • 304 8  -  ALAN KHOO Katong... the motorist's nightmare By Katong, Thurs JIIK Traffic Police here have taken action to ease the traffic congestion around the three cinemas m the Katong area. The new road regulations drawn up will ensure a smooth flow
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  • 294 8 Call for more residents to take part in community centre sports I joo chiat. Thurs.— I More residents should come forward to participate m the activities of the Joo Chiat Community Centre and enter its various tournaments to be held soon. This was the appeal made by Mr Neo Beng
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  • 38 8 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Qan > Eng Seng Secondary School will be holding its annual swimming carnival today at J the Chinese Swimming Ciuo j at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. C. Cockburn i will be giving away the prizes.
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  • 127 8 X x Ml Ih:irs 'Hit- Singapore branch IV of (be British Red Cross Society is always ready to offer its services to members <»i tli** public. During the weekend, this group, under the leadership of Mr. Cheong Seng Yew Et£ 1 11 v
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  • 56 8 CAN ANYONE GUESS WHAT THIS IS? SIGLAP. Thurs. Thj freak egg: but it did not come from a freak bird. The hen that laid it this week is a normal, healthy Leghorn that can lay conventional eggs like the b Of them. The embryo-shaped egg. found on an East coast
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  • 58 8 SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs The Singapore Women Auxiliary Naval Service will stage a variety concert at which "This Modern Generation" a play by a Singapore writer will be featured. The variety concert which will take place on board the Laburnum on Sunday at 8 p.m.
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  • 239 8 Vicar General approves plan for churches to expand youth work KATOXG, Thursday. SCHEME to expand the activities of Engm lish speaking youths m Anglican churches m Singapore and Malaya Ikis been approved by Hie Vicar General, the Rt Rev. Roland Koh The scheme which aed early last month will i
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  • 55 8 SEMBAWANG. Thuns.— The Minister for Health, Inche Ahmad Ibrahim, was among the 500 friends and relatives who attended the luneral ol Inche Hassan bin Mansoor. 40. who died last Friday. Inche Hassan, an electrician attached to the Naval Base dockyard was the vicepresident ot the
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  • 38 8 PAYA LEBAR. Thurs. The Rural Residents' Association m Lorong Ah Soo will celebrate its first anniversary on Nov. 5. Mr. Neo Hock Kee a member, said there will bo a film show for the residents, j
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  • 28 8 KATONG. Thurs.— A large crowd is expected on Sunday at the Senpaga Vinayagar Temple m Celyon Road when railway employees will be celebrating the "Sathurthi" festival.
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  • 4 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 362 8 Ji^» YOUR local authorised KELVIN ATOR jE dealer m y GEYLANG is j MIIHIIMMMMIIIMIIIIII imtllHltlollllllimiltMlMlMltlllllllllll lIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIHir CHENG JONG j radio and electrical company 613, GEYLANG ROAD. j tlllMllllllllMllltlllllltlllHMltlll IMMIIItIIIIIIIItIfIIIIIMIMIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT Visit the showrooms and see the full range of KELVIN ATOR Refrigerators and Air Conditioners. Special Cash Discounts and Hire Purchase
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    • 234 8 Mv nOW MVCn PWOFtt TOUf ftftlla YORK Fmd out the facts BEFOR} York Air Conditioners and Cooling Maze Coils renv forcing air to turn and nd and rippled fins See ho* ing BTUs per k»lowa f ?< total comfort at lowest r; York's new Dual- Thrust sounds to a whisper
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  • 7352 9 FREE PRESS GUIDE TO RACING FORM Horses entered for the Singapore Turf Club's October race meeting FORM OF ALL CLASS TWO HORSPI all the I for the ctonq. C 3NE I r I I FIFTH X FOURTH Cm i k> ENTH rcM «o m i m 1 WON y. COFTEF
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 37 9 p p POWER ELEGANCE CACCTV PAIUICADT Pf f^P# OHrtl I UUlflrUnl cyL ill f M 4^^i r i&Sr^r^ B^^^S^J^^l Yi^WM A ROOTLS PRODUCT L h.hxmx .am The Ne^^^ Hillittciii Minx A BETTER BUY BECAUSE ITS BETTER BUILTF
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  • 416 11 ONE PRINT WINS FOUR A WARDS pOUR awards.. ..a silver medal, one bronze medal and trophy, and an honour certibcate....were all won by the same print m four dillerent salons and done m a siiort space oi .'JO days! This is one feat even the Russians can't pertorm even though
    SUNNY GIAM  -  416 words
  • 32 11 H \\> By Jonathan Russell of >n. Jerome Kern M \KI\(. EYES M BROADWAY. K.i\ I >nin I leKm. Sm< our tin- tiling ro« Phili >i I 1 A). with a
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 11 MYSTERY STAR was Andre Kostelanet/. and the winner is Simon Lim. 43-T Gentang Lane. Singapore 13. Now, for a prize of two Philips EP records, name the person shown left. Addr»'>s, entries "Free Prt^> Music tjui/" Times House. Singapore 9.
    42 words
  • 96 11 A CLASSICAL CONCERT IN YOUR HOME CONCI RT M HOMI Entr'acte from llovuiiunde habert); Maria (Bach (■nunodi; Heart Wounds op. 34 no. l (Grieg); Dance of the comedians from the Bartered de (Smetana); Waltz of the f louer^ from \otcrackrr Suite (Tchaikovsky); Serenade op. Foselli); Ciardaa from (oppHia BaHet iDeHbes);
    96 words
  • 272 11 Ciold Dvak Shield: "Neblina rial" by Joa da Costa Leite (Portugal). Silver Dyak Shields: "V. per" by Robert F. Downs <USA>; "Where Countless !•< Have Trod" by G. E. Pearson. FRP^.. FRSA. (England). Three third prizes, each winning a Bronze Dyak Shield. go tan-Marie
    272 words
  • 90 11 Hurrying back over a short rise Rupert ices his pal below waving for help while some queer objects are dancing about his head. When he reaches Pong-Ping he is confronted by the strangest little figures he has ever seen, flying creatures with large heads and lone
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 462 11 CLUEB ACROSS 1. "There was a time when II 12 |4- 15 16 Ij grove and stream I M W W W (Wordsworth) (6). H B Id 8 One labyrinth is enough to I ■^Bm""™'"* astonish ne is>. I" I 9. Mealy receptacle for a lucky BJ ■BJ BJ|| "~~~^^j^~~^^|™™"~^^|"™~^
      462 words

  • 194 12 Call for govt. inquiry into closure of two newspapers r ONDON, Thurs. Jour1^ nalists employed by the News Chronicle and the Star last night demanded a government inquiry into the closure of the two papers. They call on the National Union of Journalists' executive to press the Ministry of Labour
    194 words
  • 134 12 PEKING RADIO NOW THIRD AS EXTERNAL BROADCASTER LONDON, Thurs. Peking Radio has replaced the British Broadcasting Corporation as the world's third largest external broadcaster, says the 8.8.C. m its annual report published yesterday. China is now only behind Soviet Russia snd the United States m volume of external broadcasting. Russia
    134 words
  • 41 12 LONDON. Thurs.— Mr. Huch Gaitskell. now struggling to maintain his wip as chief of the British Labour movement, last nifcht made arrangements with his parliamentary "shadow cabinet"' for the annual election of the party leaaers and other officers.
    41 words
  • 366 12 Bradley: It' s back to Austral by the FREE PRESS FOREIGN SERVICE A POLICE COURIER < GO TO COLOMBO t 0 SECURE EXTRADITIC THORNE CASE SUSPpi SI I MAGISTRATE decided I there is 4 \stn Stephen Leslie Bradley, n Ceylon, murdered Graen year-old kidnap victim. He ordered th;it the .">()
    366 words
  • 279 12 FURTHER DROP IN RED TIN EXPORTS LIKELY LONDON, Thurs.— Tin shipments by the Communist countries to world markets may fall short of expectations by between 3,000 and 5,000 tons at a time when world consumption is running at a high level and despite the falloff m U.S. tinplate activity. Strauss
    279 words
  • 266 12 SHAREHOLDER OF RUBBER COMPANY WANTS TO SACK TWO DIRECTORS LONDON, Thurs.— A meetIng of the Ratanui Rubber Company was held up for an hour here yesterday on the instructions of Mr. Justice Cross while he heard m the London High Court an application to discharge an order he made on
    266 words
    7 words
  • 16 12 LONDON. Thurs. Tlie Ntiffleld Foundation ha.--£lOO.OOO to the Numetf Books Library for the Blind.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 75 12 PORTABLE TAPE RECORDER J+ BATTERY AND MAIN OPERATED I HIRE PURCHASE TERMS j"^| NOW AVAILABLE Spore Only a x>^ -^J^^^ Specially designed ro be used independently iJ t of main supply. Sole Agents: AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. 109, NORTH E SPORE. TEL: *****-***** BRANCH: 51, YEW ROAD, KUALA LUMPUR. ■Mi^TiiiJi
      75 words
    • 22 12 Super Plenamins Super Plenamins FROM ALL Ctfti AND DRUG STflj H3 super! ROTAX 31 1] 1.90 Do. s leotl 0 Sfr.-Of^ .^f^k
      22 words

  • 1393 13 SINGAPORE CITY, Thurs. The Ministry of Education Ikjs announced tluil 311 undergraduates of 1h c fcanyang University have been awarded bursaries ranging from $750 to $1,500 for Ih c academic year 1960. All bursary holders required to sign a bond to serve the Singapore Government or
    1,393 words
  • 255 13  - More room for legs needed in this new convertible ROBERT WALLING MOTORING BY FORECAST there will nol be a lot of change m Lord Rootes' 1961 Singer models. The change I would like to see made m the new overdrive Singer convertible Is an inch or two more leg- room
    255 words
  • 171 13 Chinatown school to build new wing SINGAPORE CIT V, Thurs. Yeong Cheng School, an old established Chinese school at Telok Ayer, which normally has 1.800 students m its day sessions and 1,200 students at night sessions, plans to build a new wing to take m more pupils living m Chinatown.
    171 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 83 13 01 USES S FOR PULLING Maintenance push pull industry Pipe bending Basic units j RAMS RANGE FROM 2 TO 100 SS Li HIGH PRESSURE HOSE SUPPLIED Jrj, .3E of pumps J m/ t vPORE PHONE ***** mecvc'fta tncicticfte t■* v vox j> 7 V i sJ i J fJ f
      83 words
    • 171 13 POCKET- MONEY prizes are offered r. r=L j* -for colouring this /^Vscene with paints, r^ s~*} crayons or chalks. Ai^^! I There are lour prizes oi- v^^ r 1 fered— each Of $5 (two for I fcjs^^ [J s V boys and two for girls). j^'Ay Tflf *v. x\ Post
      171 words
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 31 13 [»VHATS ug waving AT, PL>»WN6 H.aUJ*4TSy |JD^4fiV M NZ\OAA*PS K4C£ 7V£ moPC D \CAJf ON LEVEL 6GOUNP 4T f/GMT jMiWC 4££ "^Z MAVBC PO6SATT LOOK \AHBL£S V **U 25 t££T AWAY
      31 words
    • 111 13 ■mmhj rTT^n V.M.C.A.: Billiards 9 am. ju- Chinese YM< nle-tennte nior Dept. open 2 pjn., table- 9 a.m.. booy-buildinK tennis practice 2 p.m.. body- lifting and badminton 2 p.m.. building and weight lifting 4 i basketball 5 2<» p.m. boys b., p.m., lawn tennis 4.30 p.m.. nor- ball and C;
      111 words

  • 39 14 lorr^on, 5 Dc^ Com m n a be.-: 34 m Bt the w< RAF 10-mile iai event St \c A s.imsuddin (25: 19.3 1. lollowed by \C.\i .3.24: and Samin (SACA) 25:33.
    39 words
  • 22 14 FARRER PARK. ThUTS. 42 Marine Corp ese Athletic 'A' 4-0. Bashford scored a hatirick. Williams got the lounh coal.
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  • 398 14 WE people of Singapore like to swim. On Nov. 5 we'll show just how much. It is the date of Singapore's First Open Swimming Championships. Anybody can take part. Urchins from Chinatown and fisherfolk from Pulau Brani will compete alongside swimming club champions.
    398 words
  • 78 14 NAILS! So star man is sent off Singapore Selection 2. KAI Seletar 2. SELETAR. Thurs. Don't judge Singapore's FAM Cup prospects by this floodlit test Ti ir y players repies*nted Singapore Malays against Malacca Malays. Ourunatban was a Uvewire nt Inside right— until :he referee clisec; nails m his Ixxils
    78 words
  • 48 14 mv CER: Premier League: binese n Europeans Eurasians, Jalan Besar stadium 5.1S p.m. RUGBY: St. \ndre\v\ School Raffles Institution, \VoodN\illr 5.13 p.m. SWIMMING: Gan Eng Seng School carnival at Chinese Swimming luh 5.N p.m. BILLIARDS: si!it;.ipore Open Four iViii hampionship 1 Great World 8.30 p.m.
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  • 563 14  - Tudor House gallops on track, shows Gold Cup form ALLAN LEWIS By BUKIT TIMAH. Thurs this morning's trial on the second track at Bukit Timah. there is no doubt that Tudor House has improved from his first up start win m the Perak Gold Vase. This morning, ridden by the
    563 words
  • Article, Illustration
    192 14 THE DAILY DOSE IT will pay the Singapore Ama- tour Football Association good dividends at the Jalan Besar stadium 'sate' to welcome back into the fold the Star Soccerites and the Amicable Athletic Association. These clubs, planning; a great revival for the Bext season, were union? the erowd-pleasers
    192 words
  • 147 14 TWO ASIANS IN SINGAPORE XV TO PLAY THAIS QIXGAPOBC CITY. Thmv .1.1). (lark oi the Singapore ricket lub will captain the Singapore Selection XV against Thailand on Oct. M. This was announced by the Singapore Rugby I nion after ye\terda>"!» Male trial. Singapore Selection XV will be: S. Ellis; Lim
    147 words
  • 183 14 Singapore Malajn Malacca Malajn v. JALAN BESAR. Thurs.— Thank goodness Rahim Omar can take it prai we mean. this match must also be writt down as his own. lim's heau k* not swollen variety Ikno harm to ttng of his laid Pour goal.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 355 14 r-Get your name m today.FIRST SINGAPORE OPEN SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS. To be held on Saturday, November 5, 1960. at River Valley Road City Council Pool. (Qualifying heats Nov. 4 at 5 p.m.) U \zr the following events: Events ru Citizen of (for record clarification). I cr nts T4 per teorr each
      355 words
    • 320 14 i^^tfflC WF MllCThfJ FREE PRiss j WORD PUZZLE I Cuf out ond fk I Posting instructs- ao^_ Name Address I ■9 V|M| 1 liii. *> CLUES FOR WORD r\ 1. Mend by sewing a small piece of moterial to o 90' ment. 2. Used tor cooking 3. Regular salary usually
      320 words