The Singapore Free Press, 18 October 1960

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 699 1 All say 'yes' to small-nation resolution m UN ijpeal for Itmost lideavours' I ease world tension I'XITED NATIONS, Tuesday. [4IK Genera] Assembly last night appealed to all states to use their "utmost endeavours" to ease international tension and promote world peace. The world forum adopted
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  • 217 1  - BIG FARM COLONY FOR CURED PATIENTS CHEW LOY KHOON By JOHORE BAHRU, Tuts— A 163-acre iarm settlement is to be started soon at Tampoi for the rehabilitation of cured leper and mental patients. It will be the rirst of its kind m Johore. The settlement is located near the mental
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  • 39 1 LONDON. Tues A Malayan j nurse. Lim Kirn Yin? of Kuala i Lumpur, has won the Johannes Pulfer Memorial Prize at Colindale Hospital, it was announced vesierday. s Lim. 24. was selected lor
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  • 92 1 RED SOCCER STAR FACES A CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT BUDAPEST, Tues.— Antal Kotasz, Hungarian international soccer star, charges of receiving money embezzled by an 18-year-old girl who wanted him to introduce her into Hungary's '"hish society," the trade Union newspaper Nepszava reported yesterday. The 31-year-old left half was alleged by the
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  • 33 1 PARIS. Tues. Agitation tiom right and lei: over me war ill Algeria has led 10 a iresh crop of rumours here of a plot against President De Gaulle's regime.
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  • 83 1 Michelin (of tyre fame) is charged with hunt murder of wife TOURS, (France), Tuesday. pATRICE MICHELIN, a member of one of France's greatest industrial families, was charged last night with the murder of his wife Nicole, shut dead m a hunting incident I on Sunday. M. Michelin, 32. was charged
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  • 18 1 JAPANESE GIRL'S DEATH: POLICE CALL ON CONSUL SINGAPORE CITY, Tues. Police investigating the death ol a Japanese girl.
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  • 232 1  - Experts make textbooks survey DAVID TAMBYAH By gIXGAPORE CITY, Tues.— Experts at the Teachers' Training College are now completing a report of an important research, the results of which are hound to have far-reaching effects on education m this country. The experts, with the help of handpicked student teachers, conducted
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  • 82 1 AN EMPRESS GETS A NEW HAT -ALL 64 TONS OF IT picture. SMALL army of workers was needed to (it the t.lton funnel on to the new 0D5H4.000.000 pav>enger liner "Empress of Canada now completed on the Tyne m Britain. The funnel is 45ft. by 24ft. across the base. The
    Paul Popper  -  82 words
  • 171 1 Party chief beaten unconscious in bid to stop brawl LUSAKA, Tuesday. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL of Hie United National Independence Party <>1 Northern Rhodesia, Mr. Munukayumba Sipalo, w;«s seriously injured on Sunday nighl when fighting broke out between supporters of his own party and of the African National Congress m Lusaka's Mat
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 25 1 fltf k ..,,mUY fT4'f {T2 ME LOOK AND YOULL DECIDE ON/A/ 1 PRAip"ICA AUTOIVIATI^ FX4 M MERE'S WHY M a preferred throughLx .a^ the.lens focussing
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    • 68 1 DANDRICIDE GUARANTEED MIRACULOUS Results Agomst Even The Toughest cose of DANDRUFF. J SSSjfiJ DANDRICIDE I t^ 1 I^'' And Er SRpjg I I BUY ONE BOTTLE TODAY W from Your Dru^ Hoirdresser or Co. noetic STEELVX SLEEPCHAIR Mark II The Slccpchoir as o full-iucd l^r luxury guest-bed. The Slccpchoir os
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  • 173 2 Unsettled conditions in London markets at start of new account LONDON. Tues. lI. T :i i id unccr Uiin conditions n ailed m Ihe Lon ilon shuk markets yesterday for Ihe I o! a iiv-w ;u count. very little ro encourage bu; Chanc< Exchequi ndi ating I chance the ide
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  • 108 2 >;EW YORK: Wall Street I yesterday eluded barely steady with a moderate showing of mostly fractional losses. Although the business news background nad an improved appearance including better early October auto saies and brighter forecasts f°r steels the market found difficulty In extending
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  • 45 2 A MSTERDAM M rV ternationals declined >lightly m a very quiet market. Royal Dutch, however, was well maintained. Among plantations Amsterdam "Rubber and D« ii reacted slightly, while there was virtually no business m shipping Issues. Stat" loans m general were slightly easi
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  • 83 2 XEH YORK: Product:- aluminum last month toppled to the lowest level oi the American Metal Market. spaper o: the metals industry, has said. I estimated output for •3.000 tons, some 10.000 tons below titie aluminum ironL \uj.s no: gloomy. Shipments of the light tne:..l
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  • 142 2 DOCK CLERKS IN LONDON STAGE ANOTHER WALKOUT LONDON. Tues.— Hundreds of tally clerks who returned to work yesterday at London docks after a tourweek unofficial strike, went on strike again a few hours later, claiming victimisation. A walkout by 129 clerks employed by two independent contracting firms was followed by
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  • 39 2 \F\V DELHI: India md Afghanistan have renewed their c agreement uiidor wiu Tnciia will import, dry and fresh fruit, liides and skins. lu< v ill sena to Afghanistan ica. light en^uieerin-.i gotKis. pharmaceuticals. druga And che::i:-
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 100 2 LONDON. Oct 17 Pr evimi- ii RUBBER No 1 H!>. c i f. European ports- Oct 27 13/16 27 13/11 Nov 27 B IS RUBBER No. 1 R»i Soot 381 i RUBBER No. 1 RSS Settlement House Term*. Nov. 27 13 IK 2~. 11 16 Oec 27
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    • 44 2 NEW YORK Oct 17. Previous tftfa j TIN Straits soot 103.37 103.37 j RUBBER Futures Nov. ',1 .mi 7 Jan. TONE: Easy. landed price r...« COFFEE Future* Contract Dec. 3u 9> 35 04 Abovt pnceo aucico ir. c's> *.eni* p«.; .i>
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    • 34 2 NEW YORK. Oct. 17. Previous Today ill industrials Ifi -M 34 20 Railroads 1-7.*.? i:7.62 «0 Domestic Bonds 84.38 M.43 15 Utilities 84.18 84.18 •5 Stocks Composite Average* IS- r?> K-7.73
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    • 39 2 Ma: 49. aflo.its 4«. Oct. sh.prr.ent 4fi. Lampouc spot 49. afloat s j •S. Oct. ahipmcBl k Muntok whit* 72. a1o;\t« unquoted. Oct. ship- I 7i>. seller?, ox-dock. A t»ove pnces Quoted in U.S. tents oer lb.
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    • 82 2 LONDON, Oct. 17. Previous today COPRA Philippine* O.l.f. U.K. Norm European parts delivered svticM per Ions ton Oct. 81 rS COPRA. Straits Borneo C.l t. U.K./ North European ports delivered weight per long ton Oct. Nov. 64 -*33 uJCONUT OIL crude Straits c.i.f. European ports In bulk
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  • 334 2 NOTF: All prices below are middle prices. .APORE. M iwtiimm Previous Vo-dav C'-ds. (N> .aO 6-vers BOUSTtAO !.2O P.B. Petrol 40,-lVa B.M. Trustees 5.25 5.2a Con. Tin Smelt. Pref. !'2O 3 '20 3 Ords. Dispensary 1.42 Vi I -0 Fitzpatr:c^s 1.29 Fraser fcejve Pref.
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  • 408 2 Research paper on the rubber tree of tomorrow By longkah Harb«i I r M m"- IXH 1 \K HI lU. t Uul Malay S3 ~.b .own 15 CU.I Wi llitam Halu I.intaa^ S2 47 Redlor«l now i. I onuJ. 3.9.3 < I2JQ K«nipav $3.35 <cio\vn 2 Kundouc $3.70 (ciov.m 10
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  • 141 2 Tin keeps steady and rubber is easy LONDON: Rubber values eased by about a farthing a pound at the opening m sympathy with Eastern levels and little further change occurred during the day. Traders said that the market was not much affected by the resumption of the London dock tally
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  • 50 2 Rio Db JANEIRO: President Jusoeiino Kubi.schek has i>igneo a decree Increasing minimum wages m Brazil by 60 per cent according to r:uiio reports from Brasilia, the new capital The minimum in the Rio De Janeiro dis-.ic. Is now 0.600 cruzeiros a month <about M$153> Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 74 2 MININGS: Ampat LU. .ci < c;ovrn 3d t Aver Hitam iQuwn Id.); Berjuntai Ml uown 6d.i: K. Kampar ML iaov.ii 6d. Kamuntinc (down 3c. i Krnt 35-. 4ja -Gown 3d.); La rut 7s. 3d. tdowa 3d. Lower Peruk 235. 3d. (down Malayan Tin 255. fid. (down 3d.»; Rahman Il^dsl.l7'_•
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  • 16 2 o I. Bom's res< 9 boom 1 But l Rubter c. KM 800 OOC ax
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 390 2 ™~SHIPPING™~ o^\ C A f THE t. A.V. LINES V? M£DITEH>»*Nt»S Vr^ I SCANDINAVIAN PORTS > S Penan j£j a' \C 23 23 Oct 21 27 Oct I Oct >O Basra i 30 r 5 S Nov 7 1 Nov IjT^ J^ ,0 So. 21 22 Nov 23 24 Nov
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    • 1 2 Finance
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 142 2 BMPSM PORET (JHIPS lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Banda 1/2, Malacca Mara 4/5. Nippoh Maru oA, Asramemuon ti/7. Hanoi 8/9. Yukikawa Main 10/n. Eastern Muse 13/14 Btraat M&gelhaen 15/10. Awata Mam 18, j Mitaka Mam 19. Padjonge N. Wai] 1. Scudai N. Wall 3.
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  • 296 3  -  ARTHUR RICHARDS SINGAPORE-MADE CRAFTS TODAY ENJOY HIGH PRESTIGE DEMAND IS ALWAYS BIG AND THERE IS SCOPE FOR EXPANSION SAYS A LEADING BUSINESSMAN 3, SINGAPORE CITY, Tues SINGAPORE'S small boat building industry has a good scope for expansion. This, 50-year-old industry today enjoys high prestige both
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  • 36 3 APPRENTICES AT DOCKYARD TO HOLD SOCIAL >TAVAL BASL. Tues— A 1 ,-ial and rranged Apof the H.M. Doc-k--in I Oct. 29 to 1 a.m. Flemingoes dance. of cere:e Vcra f at -X) peole to turn v
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  • 248 3 Hindu temple to be built on a site shown to man in a dream SKMBAWAXG, Tuesda\ £IION<; Pang \illa.uc oil" 123 mile stone Sembawang Road, will soon have a $7,000- Hindu temple. II will he called Shri Krishna Bhakhta lavam. Its chief sponsor Is Mr. P. Kunhikrishnan. a Sembawang resident
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  • 58 3 SALES CAMPAIGN PUT OFF DUE TO EXAMS SINGAPORE CITY. Tues. A campaign by boy scouts to boost sales of United Nation.-. International Children's Emergency Fund greeting cards has been postponed until late November becau>» .school examinations. Mr. Anthony Hee. chairman of the Junior Chamber of Commerce committee organising sales said
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  • 51 3 SINGAPORE CITY. Tues.— The Singapore Ballet Academy will hold a performance at a 4 p.m. at the Victoria Theatre on Oct. 29. The matinee is also open to public, although it has been arranged to Rive schoolchildren an opportunity to attend. Bookings can be made at
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  • 41 3 SINGAPORE CITY. Tues The Sims Avenue Girls' Club j has now changed its name to Geylang Youth Club «Perea- tuan Pemucia Pemudi Geylang) and the Malaya Football Association to Malay Football Association, Singapore, according to the Government Gazette.
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  • 149 3 JAP ICE-BREAKER DUE HERE NEXT MONTH ON HER WAY TO ANTARCTIC TANJONG PAGAR. Tin A Japanese ice-breakor. the Soya, is expected m Singapore waters next month on her way to uninhabitable icy- stretches of the Antarctic for the fifth time. The Soya is expected with 30 Japanese scientists and a
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  • 57 3 Kampong elders upset by people who waste water KATONi X pong and Tembel th<- bchai pie who w;> Thpipe. i alni( runs to imei slmull U the thro. Tin I bcswim: they b-ati Some women, turn on the tap but it i Joo R hawker- 1.-n .]> m Fowl.
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  • 17 3 SINGAPORE CITY. T v >nd to the rank ol lieutenani d m Hi ernn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 P^^^^^Ttj tpending just 4 few I *U^ moments testing your r^l J £F 1 1 I £^^^M *r>d then suddenly jaj msM wM -ident will give ttery need be nooth silent, scfe a President tried I Retailers U '///>// (S£Ajirp M6APO*£ I *UJUJIMMMt* ST ARRIVED. ntcd Sheets with Pillow Coses
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    • 96 3 BREAKING ALL FILM SALE RECORDS! 70,000 Rolls of FUJI FILM SOLD IN 5 DAYS! Improved Quality and Production NjJ«^^^*. Methods plus the most intensive fl-h pvflrw P^^^ advertising campaign has m:»de XUi^ fOtfi^^J the Best Setting film 00^^ m Singapore. Another Triumph for I I I lICj the GIANT of
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 276 3 Radio: Today Tomorrow Medium Wave Kb metre> 1.40 The Benny Goodman Your ladiu concert hall; Ii.OO Short Wave t2 mrtrev Orchestra; 2.00 Poiiuck; 2.30 Close down. (4780 k< o from Latin siesia: 3.00 In quiet TOMORROW 900 p.m —10.00 p-m. daily reverie; 3.30 Lets dance; 4.30 A.M. 6.00 Time signal,
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  • 461 4 RIVAL PUBLICATIONS ABSORB THE NEWS CHRONICLE AND THE STAR FROM TODAY I THE WORLD AT MOON by the FREE PRESS FOREIGN SERVICE LONDON, Tuesday. TWO GREAT Liberal British newspapers the News Chronicle and the Star died last night and will be absorbed from today m
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  • 199 4 U.N. TO STEP UP CONTROL IN TROUBLED AREAS OF NORTH AND SOUTH KATANGA ¥7<LISABETHVILLE, TUCB. £j The U.N. is to step up its activities and take, over the main responsibilities m the troubled areas of northern and western Katanga. This was agreed last night m talks between a United Nations
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  • 25 4 Washington. Tues.~President Eisenhowrr left Washington by jet aircraft yesterday for a nine-day tour of six states and a brief visit to Mexico.
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  • 181 4 4,000 CAR WORKERS WALK OUT: STRIKE IS UNOFFICIAL LONDON, Tues. About 4,000 workers at the British Motor Corporation's body building factory of Fisher and Ludlow m Birmingham came out on unofficial strike and all production At the factory stopped. This followed other strikes by B.M.C. workers and by men employed
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  • 29 4 PARIS, Tues.— The Cameroon Republic and Southern Cameroons governments have decided to organise a plebiscite next February to brine: about the reunification of the two countries.
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  • 215 4 ROUND-THE-CLOCK AID FOR CYCLONE VICTIMS AS DEATH TOLL MOUNTS DACCA, (E. Pakistan Tues. Relief teams were working non-stop yesterday to bring help to stricken jdistricts of East Pakistan where at least 3,000 people and possibly many more perished m last Monday's cyclone and tidal wave. Even a week after the
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  • 103 4 NOW DUTCH-SHELL DENIES REPORTS OF BIG RUSSIAN DEALS LONDON Tues. An announcement by the Royal Dutch-Shell oil group yesterday denied press reports of negotiations with the Russian government. Following is the text of the denial. "Statements have appeared m the press that a number of major oil companies are engaged
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  • 38 4 BERLIN. Tues.— Sigfried Asche. one of Elast Germany's best known historians and author of many works on Martin Luther, said he fled East Germany because scientifically objective work was no longer possible under the Communist government.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 191 4 LAST 5 DAYS GIANSINGH S ANNUAL SALE MORE GOODS MARKED DOWN YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE AND N SAVE HANDSOMELY. 9 v.p. s.p. y BABY blanket 5 30" x 40" Tocleor 1.00 each fi JAPANESE towel ft! 23" x 36" 0.90 CALICO white towels H 25" 48" 1.60 G.S.C. white
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    • 26 4 Reserve V men S.PCK 22 M Kocc uci U 46 Bros Eck- v n /HI I I I T Mais I I i ■ZiZj' B^ Xl
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  • 105 5  - THE TEST TUBES GIVE WAY TO TH E MAGIC OF ELECTRONICS IN MODERN LAB LYNN POOLE BY OF JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY I boul i chemistry laboraIv v think of glassware bulbs and yards of tub--11 more ;md more von won't find glass- i Kontrol box ana m aoing studying the
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  • 726 5  -  Graham King BEETHOVEN, CHOPIN AND GOETHE By DONT WORRY. ..THIS I SUPER-SENSITIVITY SEEMS TO AFFECT GIFTED PEOPLE- NOT long ago my aunt sold the sweetshop she had run for 40 years, bought a cottage and a cat and settled down m the country tor a quiet old
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  • 237 5  - Culture: The Teachers' Union shows the way with a contest ALEXANDRA LEE By SINGAPORE CITY, Tues.— The Youth Cultural Festival Competition organised by the Singapore Teachers' Union rose to a fitting climax with the presentation of prizes to all winners on Saturday night at the Victoria Theatre. Mr. Leong Keng
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 ETTINGS I 0 W" ABLE ARDS 3STLY W 'PECT oiectors.
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    • 202 5 Menthol FILTER CIGARETTES The only American ri^Jpr^^^^^^^^* brand available m B^^^|jfj handy, crush-proof package of 10 f^C^ T^— W cigarettes' f C_vlßp Only NEWPORT L V_ adds a refreshing -^P hint of mint to the soothing coolness of menthol. NEWPORT refreshes while J i*£s you smoke £|f§ffli H|M like no
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 143 5 RIP KIRBY by John Prentice dc Fred Dickenson W mmmmmmmmmm 6TCP AT EACH FLCC^ I YOU'LL BL ALL K-3-HT. 6TAN. BUT IM NOT Mlllill lllllll AfX*E THE FIFTH. WE'RE T £ELA\' UNTIL >•&, 60: N<3 TO 6E AT >^ «Ov Psssasassvsssmr- IOCS V" .-OS A WCvSDEP J THE AVlglJLANJ£ JEa^*"'
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  • 11 6 ?n Words 5* Viniwiim CHUA TAN n Inr < hio Hup
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    • 140 6 WHO SUPS WITH THE DEVIL needs a very long spoon. The Indians must be dearly wishing for a shovel with a milelong handle. Four years ago SoRussia built .steel mill at Bhilai on the Indian Deccan Plateau. Today the Russians are playing fast and loose
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    • 100 6 U'HAT a pity that 8.000 under-nour-ished Singapore school children should lose their milk supply just because their teachers are indifferent. The milk issued free by UXICEF has been suspended by the Social Welfare Department because it .liven m powder form to children who are not told how to
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    • 45 6 too much trash is being offered as reading matter to children m this country," declares the Bishop of Penang. This is true of Penang and also the rest of Malaya. The Bishop has urged parents to instil m their children correct rpnriinp hnhitc
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  • 627 6 Dear Sir, FROM YOU TO THE EDITOR U.S. CONQI il -GENERAL WRITES TO THE FREE PRESS Sir: J TRUST you will allow me an opportunity to comment m your columns on the Free Press editorial of Oct. 13 entitled, "Neutrals and the arms debate."
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  • 405 6 1. THE SLASH IN ARMED FORCES: Of course, the Russian decision taken m January this year did not amount to much m terms of military realities. We said so m our editorial. This is the age of the missile. Not the foot soldier. But the point is
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  • 340 6 A SUGGESTION TO ROTARIANS 0 I refer to "Rotarions urgea to seek o new deol for local workers" as published m your columns of Oct. 10. While congratulating the Rotary Club's Vocational Service Ccmmittce for the active interest taken m the matter of employer/employee relations m
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  • 172 6  -  CHEW LOY KHOON By SINGAPORE CITY, Tu«s. photography is playing a vital role m mapping Singapore and Malaya, where the demand tor maps is ever increasing as resources are being developed so rapidly. The enormous value of aerial
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  • 5 6 Tropical weather could
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 6 l> 1 s r< S a I a i i I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 306 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. ANNOUNCEMENTS nimum) ALL COLO STORAGE tpor*< H Oci for Peepavali. LADIES ■"•AsAT YOUR SERVICE rrf> $2 Mfm.j Box JO cts txtra WHILE YOU WAIT Photostat S*r•ornatic. is Robinson Road. TOP QUALITY COLOUR PrM from ore. SHOPPING GUIDE Jo H «*r«y« SI CWin.) Box JO ett. extrn I REFRIGERATORS
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    • 29 6 ■robe dun soir ma griff c perfumes 6f eau de colof 50/</ by all Leadinp, FAVRE-LEUBA WATCH CO.. l» 18-F BATTERY ROAD s 1^ IS ira /P* B RADK
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  • 369 7  -  HAROLD SOH Health Minister to open big exhibition at Memorial Hall SIMPLE FACTS OF LIFE TO BE DISPLAYED IN A SPECIAL BOOTH FOR ADULTS ONLY By SINGAPORE CITY, Tues jyjODELS will be displayed inside makeshift booths to explain the anatomy and physiology of reproduction at
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  • 10 7 Debate on student and teacher' relationship r tnd led response
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  • 4 7 Set I*
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  • 76 7 A pup of happy inmates from the Pulau Sepenal settlement enjoy a joke during the Aneka Ragam Ra'ayat performance given for the first time on the island. Also m the picture are (left to right. sitting on chairs) Mr. C. V. Devan
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  • 52 7 THE JOHORE GOVT. EARMARKS LAND FOR RUBBER lOHORE BAHRU. T J The Johore Governm* c more tate i or rubtnder Its giant j d development >cheme. The Free Press was told ire: Bukit Serampar.g m Muar j In I acres m Kluang (3,8 Sungei Telor KoLI X thai si also
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  • 116 7 Minister Yong will be guest of honour at annual Teachers' Day SINGAPORE CITY, Tuesday. CHINESE school teachers throughout the island will celebrate their annual ••Teachers' Day* 1 with a joint reception at the Sky Theatre oiTFridav, (M. 21. Pn this gala recep- be members of the School Union, the gh
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  • 180 7 MORE GIRLS NOW SHUN KITCHENS: THEY HAVE FALLEN FOR THE LURE OF TINNED FOOD, SHE SAYS SINGAPORE CITY. Tues.- Mrs. Chan Gim Liang official domestic science tutor :it the Y.W.C.A. yesterday deplored the declining interest of Singapore girls m the kitchen. Mrs. Chan who conducts regular cooking and cake-making classes
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  • 94 7 MORE SHEDS TO BE TURNED INTO CLASSROOMS SINGAPORE CITY, Tues. The Government is converting more bicycle sheds into classrooms at 37 schools. A tender submitted by Messrs. Yeong Kao Kee Construction for $25,435.30 has been accepted for the conversion and completion of the existing bicycle sheds at 14 schools into
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  • 146 7 SARAWAK TO SEND FOUR TO COLOMBO PLAN MEET KUCHING. Tues.— Sarawak will send four representatives to the 12th conference of the Colombo Plan Consultative Committee which will be held m Tokyo from Oct. 31 to Nov. 17. The conference will as usual, be divided into two parts the Officials' Meeting
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  • 42 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A warning that the University i of Malaya must not become a breeding ground for "unconstitutional, illegal and .subversive activities" 1 was i given by the Minister of j Education, Inche Abdul i Rahman bin Haji Talib.
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  • 26 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Selangor Religious Affairs Department's new tern to make it more difficult for Muslims to obtain divorces was proving successful.
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  • 24 7 'Good response KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The University of Malaya has received "very good response from Petaling Jaya residents m living surveys by economics students.
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  • 158 7 A SURPRISED TEACHER GETS PLEA TO EXTEND CAKE CLASS SINGAPORE CITY, ,»3 Eight young women are so enth\. >out cooking that they have asked for :i of the pi"' -month course th. under- at the Y.W.C.A. (Said the surprised teacher. Uim U all my years at the Y.W.C.A.. this Is
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  • 16 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thur Thirty thousand rhildn-n unck-r five }iavc b«'«-n inoculated against diphthrria
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 i rouge of sens m ki SUPER I I i ROTA/ II" II I i a -?O'e I. B° r *usic A/bums
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    • 95 7 I r" 41 *>tw ft jC^^ 1 l f^l q-40 m m with bright reflex viewfinder and coupled range finder incorporated m the view finder. Ask for illustrated leaflet. mmW /c COLLYER Q UAy^ m m \m, Yf/£ .pit Are you going bald? v many <■ < *oi worneo becou%«
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 26 7 •sssssW8ssl8sV^8ssssW^>vX'-^ f REMUNERATION )5 COMMENSURATE WITH ]/^T^= >v V QUALIFICATION, A F i N5 OF COURSE >dJ ANC7 VVHAT V ABOUT 1/1 T^^ V LOLLYj/ iff
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  • 277 8  -  ROYSTON LAZAROO OWNERS SEND A MASS PROTEST: WE KEEP DOGS FOR OWN SAFETY By BALESTIER, Tues. MOW dog owners m Kirn Keat Road Estate of the Housing Development Board have received the long awaited notice to get rid of their
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  • 82 8 NURSE IN KIMONO WINS THE FIRST PRIZE AT FANCY DRESS CONTEST IN JOHORE 0 Miss Ooi Senj; Sec. a nurse at the Johore Bahru General Hospital, wears the kimono which won her the first prize at the recent fancy dress ball of the Johore Nurses Recreation Club. More than 500
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  • 179 8 Adults score eighty per cent success in Malay language test SINGAPORE CITY, Tuesday. THAN 80 per cent of the adult students who studied the national language at the Victoria School evening classes recently passed the Malay Standard I examination. Announcing this", the Supervisor of the Centre. Mr R. Jagindar Singh,
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  • 43 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, yesterday said that Malaya i would not be satisfied until it could reduce the infant mortality rate to one com- 1 parable with the lowest m the world.
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  • 31 8 SINGAPORE CITY. Tues.— A 23-year-old Japanese girl Reiko Yeneyama Kobayashi was found dead last night m j the locked bath-room of a local stock-broker, Mr. D. G. Hebdiue.
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  • 79 8 INSURANCE CHIEF PAYS VISIT TO STATE SINGAPORE CITY. Tues. O S hr i Lakshmipat jinghania, Director of Juggilal Kamlapat Organisation, one of the biggest industrial organisations m India, last week paid a visit to the Singapore branch of the National Insurance Company ot which he is president. Accompanying him was
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  • 258 8 AHMAD: Kit.i sudah beli semua yang kita hendak. HASNAH: Ya. Sekarang kita hendak kamana? AHMAD: Mari kita pergi makan satay di- Beach Road. HASNAH: Bagus. Tidak payah-lah saya masak. \IIMAD: Kita naik has disitu Kita tunggu di-sini. (At the satay stall) HASNAH: Mari kita
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  • 40 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Gujarati Youth Association will celebrate Deepavali with children's games, music, songs and a dinner at Upper East Coast Road on Oct. 23 under the chairmanship of Prof K.M. Gatha of the University of Malaya.
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  • 38 8 SINGAPORE CITY. Tut The Singapore Chinese Swimming Club will hold a buffet and dance for members and their friends on Oct. 29 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at the club's premises m Amber Road.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 213 8 JE WE New"Repp Weoves M unders(ore why men prefer Arrow five to one >f these Arrow shirts gives you n prefer Arrow five to one. collor mfortobly, Tit perfectly. The shoulders Hot with no bunching or binding sleeves ond woist ore Mitoga-tapcred to confers ji bedv lines GET THEM FROM
      213 words
    • 104 8 the simplest ever w flr/ fßonKoretsX M n SUMMING TABLETS >^ 1 1 1 1 r t,/^^^"*^ "^n^^f 11^ EAT Twr >, SOlf OIST«t«UTQM LINDETEVES-JACOBE:" SINGAPORE -K. LUMPUR- PE of rr vt ell I 1965 -mL n I SUPER RECORD REPRODUCE Designed by experts to I bring your records
      104 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 280 8 DIARY OF TODAY'S EVENTS j T'NIVERSITY OF MALAYA MUSIC SOCIETY: Presents Purcell's "Dido and Aeneas" with fail chorus and orchestra at Cultural Centre 8.45 p.m TOC H SINGAPORE: Talk on Religion and the modern age"' by Mr. N S.N. Nair. vice-chair-man uf S.P.A. 11 Scotts Road 830 p.m. SINGAPORE PHOTOGRAPHIC
      280 words

  • 13 9 The batik comes into its own W I daj I mtm I I
    13 words
  • 5 9 Pinning down the loose covers
    5 words
  • 377 9  - Give local dress designers a chance to show off MARGARET WEE EMTEB Budgeting for beauty WANTED: MORE FASHION DISPLAYS TO SHOW ORIGINAL CREATIONS BY SINGAPOREANS 42 STRIKING OUTFITS HIGHLIGHT A BIG NEED AFTER SEEING a Tootal's fashion show List week, I am convinced that more fabric manufacturers or their local
    377 words
  • 77 9 MRS. D. VOON, c/o P.O. Box 296, Singapore wins the first prize m Recipe Contest No. 41 for her sugar and stir well, soya sauce, lime juice, chilli and cornflour. Stir well and let it simmer ior a few minutes. Finally, Dour mixture
    77 words
  • 39 9 Keep you hair dry with a bathing cap when going for a swim. The prettiest, most feminine I've seen is by Kleinerfs. They are decorated m a gaily-coloured floral motif. Fron Vani:
    39 words
  • 25 9 A lovely outfit for one-year-old toddlers is Bond's In knitted cotton, they j come m blue, white and pink. From Soon Joo.
    25 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 118 9 W jr skin that look f VITAMIN MOISTURE I BALANCER X V s S^/^^^E^k\ werlike B^ V n M t-vrry n-.cht iitt. ag| ;M& Sft^^ :nder make-up It l^^l^^K^^^fcA .r skin r< V* i nt j^^ r\g and nourishing uns that I V I V J iwdKr 11 1 i
      118 words
    • 60 9 confidently all day < /+?s% Ice-Cold Eau de Cologne Ip^i V,, fey /?oscr 6? Ga/fcf. > ■$iS^^B& p%M#^^W^ TW ROGEK*v7ALLt I y^^^^^^>j«^E —^«^~^s faiw'~~- INDULGE YOURSELF .^^-g-^. Get all the best of the coffee bean K*^S* If Drink America's favourite coffee MAXWELL HOUSE [(HfSl INSTANT COFFEE Q$JS5Spj? 'GOOD TO TH£
      60 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 190 10 Fill your homt with MUSIC LATEST RELEASE able at: PARAMOUNT CO. Head Office: 6, Tionq BaHru Rood, Singapore, 3. Tel *****. Broncfc Office: 174. Botu Road. Kuala Lumpur. Tel: *****. CONSULT US FOR YOUR VACATION ITINERARY. can plon o memo'oble vocation leave tor you. For Ml httlc ttmc, we hove
      190 words
    • 168 10 Save your S S S because we import direct and sell direct that makes everything cheaper. Watches, Cameras, Transistor Radios Sensational Offer! LIEN WAH 108, North Bridge Road, Tel: *****, ***** Spore. Celebrate DEEPAVALI m a new 100 c TERYLENE S-SHIRT Only SS*9O coch In latest designs to current fashion.
      168 words
    • 1100 10 T G CENTRE brings you every Tuesday and Friday the good buys available m the shops. There seems to be no lack ot good products and ideas m Singapore these days. Some of them you'll find here. TRADING CO LTD. 284 Beach Road, phone 3*)682 DINE ELEGANTLY by usin§ "Gero"
      1,100 words
    • 147 10 each ;tnd art- In cnfieiei. and colours. Importer: HIMAI AYA TRADING CO 3. Ruaa. phone ***** MOTHERS \<>li taking baby on bi the tittle "ISOLA" self-drying nankius. No i needed at tnat cniioa'. moment! Get a supply trom QUEK SHIN SONS LTD., 1 Prince phone *****. 11l W VII phone
      147 words
    • 245 10 AltriTS MlhH INDIAN WOOLLFN CARPED A h|> ROCK BOTTOM PUt I 'N| 9 k 10' ***** >OrP/ eOSc J^ 9' x 9' 560.00 O CLEAR /n «i rjjr COTTON REVERSIBLE HBPRTV \RPETS 9 x 12' 542 00 ''AND gm* 9 x 9' 532.00 rp Akm 9 6- 5i9.00 wKAND Aky
      245 words

  • 385 11 Great news about the First Grand Gala: Peoples Association will sponsor it m. SINGAPORE CITY, Tuesday. |tih i copies Association has taken another big step m promoting -port m the state by coming forward to sponsor the first Singapore P n n lm inin >f 1 Championships to be held
    385 words
  • 639 11 Pulau Brani shine in primary inter-District swim KATONG, Tuesday. pi 11. Priman Schools' Inter-District swim mini; heats were held tod;iv at the Chinese swimming Club. Over 4 _l.")() competitors fought places. Finals are next Monday, October Rom Pulau One .us Goh Soon Heng oi fimah District. He beat ond placed
    639 words
  • 27 11 Hartland 3 Jollilads 1 (IEYLANG, Tups. Absence I of Barlow and Rashid was the chief cause for Jollilads defeat II M.S. Hartland dis-
    27 words
  • 78 11 jaAVAL BASE. Tues.— The Chief Constructors Department will mppt the Cashox. In the deciding inter-departmental leocue match, at i he Drptford Road Ground, here on Monday Oci. 24 at 5.15 p.m The Chief Constructors Department has already beaten the strong Naval Police Force by three to
    78 words
  • 490 11 NEE SOON. Tues.—Volunteers and National Servicemen of the Singapore Military Forces tested their shooting skill m the annual rifle meeting at Nee Soon Ranges on Sunday. About 150 individuals and 28 unit teams contested six trophies. Cpl Loh Lye Fong of the S.W.A.C. returned 93 out
    490 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 82 11 1, BUCKET wt bucket ■ed motor ■ks limited Lgti ■t welcome Is:ooter IuCH |j Good v If j H P. Terms ft. 00 Monthly. It LTD.." ■Mi- .l"^ I I TRANSISTOR y^^/otcC W^jmgZS 4 ves you above all things, lfe-i c: H F| Sound that will B^^k^^J people well sensitive
      82 words
    • 267 11 -Get your name m today.FIRST SINGAPORE OPEN SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS. To be held on Saturday, November 5, 1960, at Ri*er Valley Road City Council Pool. (Qualifying heats Nov. 4 at 5 p.m.) I wish to enter for the following events: Events numbers: Cltizen of (for record classification) er !S' Os 5
      267 words
    • 138 11 J Wllfm J V f ///J FOR FINER SMOKING V I 7r r^rr^ c i 1 w m 1 v k f I 1 1 vj I 1 B H7>// I* ELECTRIC KETTLE I* ELECTRIC STEAM COOKERS I* ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLATOR I -ELECTRIC URNS The ultimate has been reacned. .no«v,
      138 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 141 11 LUES ACROSS ■■nZ 1 J3 1 U 1" 15 I I Ifl 1 "True to an amp' (Anagram) till M 1 I I I I i i i^^^^m 8 Getting too much for services P rendered 8 B m m H_^flflH— JHHH fl3~~P^^^^""™" 9 A step shows the rate of
      141 words

  • 421 12  - Here's one to watch for the Gold Cup: Dreamboat impressive ALLAN LEWIS By BUKIT TIMAH, Tuesday. fOLD CUP candidate Dreamboat (Franklin) with Royal Guard (Lee) did an impressive trial on the second track here this morning. They went fast approaching the half mile which they ran m 50], the last
    421 words
  • 35 12 Winger's goal tore the net M.ika>^ar I- > \J I tMgm 3. JALAN BESAR, T, The Indom ter. They led 4-1 Th played m the to ice the ma: defeat. I tkassar remained the Best goal
    35 words
  • 16 12 1.1 Mi.ih nian l>. trul I :in X- ni
    16 words
  • 16 12 I ad Alter half-dme Glo^z scoroci Prisons. Harbahjan gained l] ia
    16 words
  • 353 12 RAMLI'S KICKING GIVES BLUES EDGE OVER SCC All Blues 12; S.C.C. "A" 9. SPLENDID kicking by Ramli helped the All Blues to beat a strong Singapore Cricket Club 'A' u -am m their rugby match on the padang yesterday. Blues scored three penalties and a try, the Club replying with
    353 words
  • 26 12 ULU P AND AN. Tues. B Infantry Reciment will hold :mminc carnival on Oct. 25 at the Britania Club, commencmc at B.O'J a.m.
    26 words
  • 22 12 BRAS BASAH. Tucs. Raffles li. -uuiiion bea- Oan E. S^liool 3-0 at hockey here. Scorers Mehar Singh <2> and Kumar.
    22 words
  • 298 12 MALAYA'S TEAMS TO MEET THE THAIS SINGAPORE CITY, Tues. Mr. A. (i. MaeKenzie. president of the Malayan Rugby I'nion. last night announced the team that will represent All Malaya m their rugby encounter with Thailand for the YUiralongkorn Cup on October 29. The All Malaya XV will be: Lee Kool
    298 words
  • 114 12 SINGAPORE CITY. Tues —The Singapore Rugby Union ha? numccl players for a State Trial tomorrow evening on the Padaner. Alter this trial the team to represent the Singapore Selection X\ to play against Thailand on October 24. will be chosen. Named for the trial are: Navy:
    114 words
  • 90 12 SINGAPORE. Tue*. City Disuict A' won the seven-n-sicie Intel -District rugger competition held at Monk's Hill School p round vesterci ;y. They beat Pasir Panjang Di<--irict 'A' oy 10 Doiut* itxn City -A 13 tßudy Richards 2 tries, Mukundan try, Kirn Siang, two conversions); ScranGoon
    90 words
  • Article, Illustration
    236 12  -  Jeffery James Tell the public about Soo Liat IS it censure, and is it slander? The Singapore Olympic and Sports Council's secretary. Mr. Low Kee Pow. believes that a fellow-councillor's items relating to the Singapore team which went to the Rome Olympics are! Mr. Low, replying to
    236 words
  • 76 12 0 LAURIE BILLKTT. lightweight jockey from S\dney. has been engaged to ride for leading owners Veni Vici stable. Billet t can ride at 7 st. 5 lb. lie is expected m Singapore tomorrow or Thursday and will probably start riding next Saturday. DAVID JONES was
    76 words
  • 153 12 Three Rinjjs went easily ove, three m 44. Malayan (>raduat«:an the la^t 'hree of his wo. even time. Sliammrk Mppcff Leon^t vai Dot fullj ex.* ins three ;n 43 4/S. Blur Mirage (SuMan) was \\eil oibu over ihi-ee m 39 3/5. t"ine and Dandy (Johnson) lobbed alonu Miree
    153 words
  • 34 12 TANJONG PAGAR. Tues. Hua Vi School emerged champions m the Pasir Panian^ District Volley Ball competition when they won all the five matches they played recently. Runners-up River I Valley School.
    34 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 251 12 •■•••■••••••■■■••••a Cut ale FREE PRESS ll j WORD PUZZLE if^B Cut out ond pin m Posting NMtmctk a Hmmmta Omt I Address I 'I EiED I "s "el tl I 2 I ENCU I n *m 3 IST C L I 4fj N N ERI *J i S W F
      251 words