The Singapore Free Press, 14 October 1960

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 9 1 Cut US Nato power, says France nal' c power
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  • 221 1  -  Mr. Khrushchev's last day at the U.N. ALL IN FOUR HOURS: HE WINS ON THE INDEPENDENCE ISSUE. THEN... Voted out: An anti U.S. move by Reds BY MICHAEL LITTLE JOHNS UNITED NATIONS, Fri.— Mr. Nikita Khrushchev tasted victory his first m the General Assembly and bitter defeat
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  • 319 1 'Apologise for U-2' Mr. Khrushchev at the U.N: -If the United States Government declared that it regrets the aggressive acts committed against the Soviet Union and other countries... we would... be satisfied." UNITED NATIONS. Friday. Nikita Khrushchev s;iul las! night lhat such Vniled Slates actions us Ihc -2 and RB-47
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  • 180 1  - Prof. Sheridan hits out at Govt. delay in setting a law policy ALAN KHOO AGREEMENT ON DEGREE MUST COME BEFORE GRADUATES LEAVE VARSITY 1 By SINGAPORE CITY, Fri. Prof. L. A. Sheridan hit out at both the Federation and Singapore governments yesterday for the delay m settling: their policies on
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  • 123 1 Rhodesian crisis laws aimed at 'spivs, hooligans and loafers' SALISBURY, Southern Rhodesia. Friday. CIH Edgar Whitehead, Southern Rhodesian Prime Minister, last night outlined drastic new legislation to control lawlessness among what he described as "hooligans, spivs, and loafers" m African townships of the colony. He said m a broadcast that
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  • 98 1 ALL'S WELL WITH 3 MICE BACK FROM SPACE TRIP CAPE CANAVERAL, Fri. The three black mice, Sally, Amy and Moe who went 700 miles up into space yesterday m a sealed :le container, were recovered alive and are m iiood condition, it was announced here. Officials said, however, that it
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  • 168 1 Safeguards for underground nuclear tests: Soviet Union agrees pENEVA, Fri. The Soviet Union said yesterday that it would consider itself bound by agreed safeguards for underground nuclear explosions m the event of a Russian research programme. Western conference sources said later that, this was the first time the Russians had
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  • 64 1 KADUNA "Northern Nigeria). Fn. -Aii application by a republican South Africa to remain m the Commonwealth .should be re- iccted. the Premier oi Northern Nigeria. Sir Ahmadu Bello. said, here yesterday. "The Commonwealth is a family a flair and we do not ex-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 108 2 Hopes or a cut in bank rate persist: Gilts firm but golds drift LONDON. Fri. I. s ol sliortlimc woikiiiL tisli Motor ('or < >n i;ic{ni k's liltlc farther on the l^ondon markets yes ing mdiisrratic- Anally clo ilar apIthough i xpectations junctui Ot: ol the market were quiet. Foreign
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  • 217 2 >[E\V YUKK: Wall Street I cJ .■■< a iirni at the day's bes; with a lair showing ol advance xtending mostly to one dollar or more. Trading volume was low m me morning as the mar- slow ly i\ However, follow-through demand was
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  • 46 2 AMSTERDAM: Intera~ll national i.-^ues showed a week tendency m very quiet deali Aku io.-t ground despite satisfaction with its figures f< r the third quarter. Hoos:ovens were also easier. Shippings were featureci among plantations Dcii lost ground. State loans were practically unchanged.
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  • 117 2 ADVANCE RUBBER FIGURES FOR MONTHS OF JUNE AND JULY LONDON: Advance Statistics issued by the International Rubber Study Group snow ihat world production of rubber m July and June respectively was as follows: (m long tons). Natural ruober production 155.000 160,000; Consumption 155.000 177,500: Imports into U.S.S.R. 13,000 15.250: Imports
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  • 32 2 GENEVA: Dr. Vladimir Velemir Velebit. 53. V Icr Secretary of state (or eign Trade has Been appointed new Executive Secretary o! tiie United Nations Economic j Commission for Europe (E.C.E.).
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 99 2 LONDON. Oct. 13 Previous ■.<> I RUBBCR No i Ks. c i f. European ports Oct s l 16 Now. 7 !6 29 1 16 RUBBER No. 1 R»S snot 2S| RUBBER No. 1 RSS Settlement Hou»c Terms. Nov. > < Oec TONE: Continue- quiet PEPPER: White
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    • 50 2 NEW YORK. Oct. 13. Previous ti"i TIN Strait* spot 10 103.73 RUBBER Futures Nov 34.30 Jan. 52.90 TONE: Quiet. SALES: Three lots. No. 1 RSS Oct. landed once v II 34? I COFFEE: Futures 'B Contract Dec. 36.J5 36.00 Above Drices Quoted id L's> cent* Dei Mi
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    • 34 2 NEW YORK. Oct. 13. Previous Today BU Industrial* 555.53 5M.49 2u Railroad* 134 *7 127.43 •0 Oomtstic Bind* 84 30 M.27 15 Utilities 93.21 93.71 65 Stocks Comoositt Averacei r-0.'.7 19?.13
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    • 38 2 Malabar spot and afloat* 4*. Oct. shipment 4<. Lamport spot and afloat?" 18, Oct. «>hipni«>nt 4^. Muntok white spot 73. afloa\« unquoted. Oct. shipment 70, s^lWs. i x-dork. A:o\e prices Quoted m US. cents ncr lt>.
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    • 84 2 LONDON. 'Oct. 13. Previou* Tutiav COPRA Phhidu'ii. e.i.f. O.K. /North European p g r t i '.leliv»rfri weieht per lons ton Oct. >17 176 COPRA, Straits Borneo c.l.t. UK.' North European ports doliverea wf u^t per long ton Oet./Nev -^2 udCONUT OIL crude Straits 0.1.f. European ports
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  • 425 2 NOTE: All prices below are middle prices. Si'.GAPORE. rhui INDUSTRIAL) Pre.iCui A:ex. Bricks Oros. (N) -5C .aO At'as Ice 11.00 Buyers 8.8. Petrol 40 1-2 40/IVS B.M. Trustees 5.25 525 Con. Tin Smelt. Pret. 20 3 20/3 Ores. 4c 46/--federai Dispensary 1.421* 1.42V2 FitzpatricKS
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  • 120 2 Tronoh Mines chief: Scrap the duty on fuel oil By the FREE PRESS MARKET CC SIXGAI *pHE Tronoh Mine* chairman. Mr j has called on the Federati ment to u five tangible cxpn tention to encourage the ninin mduv by lifting the duty on fuel wmi I oil. "'I ;im
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  • 164 2 Top rates of European banks a 'drag' on trade ONDON: Absence of a A^ cut m the German and British bank rates yesterday probably only postpones the action for not more than a few weeks. The trend is away from the high European bank rates which are a drag on
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  • 40 2 Nickel Co. reduces copper price NEW YORK: International Nickel Company of Canada Limited has announced a reduction m its price of copper to 28.50 Canadian cents per pound delivered Toronto. Its price has been 30 cents since August 30. 1960.
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  • 74 2 Ayer Hitam Tin Dredginj LONDON: Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging a fourth interim dividend ol 4_. pence per share. Sungei Besi Mines an interim dividend of six pence per share. f\nglo Oriental Plantatioi LONDON: Anglo oriental Plantations declared an interim dividend of 7* percent (samel Tanjong Tin Dredging LONDON: Tanjong
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  • 102 2 £12 mil. insurance bid LONDON: Guardian Assurance, one of Britain's biggest insurance companies, has announced A £12.--000.000 take-over bid for Union Insurance of Canton. Ltd. Union Insurance has its headquarters m Hong Konj; where it started 125 years ago. Industrial sources said last night that Guardian Assurance which had
    U.P.I.  -  102 words
  • 137 2 U.S. rubber statistics WASHINGTON- The U.S. Commerce Department's rubber and synthetic figures for August and July respectively m long tons are: Natural rubber imports 35.423 25.072: latex imports 4.174 3.483: Natural consumption 33.361 32.317: latex consumption 3.897 2.912: stocks of natural 68,695 61.604: stocks of latex 13.690 14.785.
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  • 163 2 Rubber prices down on lower Eastern advices ONDON. Fri. —Lc •i^ Eastern advices brou. prices down a little at I outset and scheduled cutbacks m United Kingdom car production did noth. to improve sentiment. As New York advices provided no new feature the market continued quiet to the close. Falling
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  • 55 2 I DETROIT: Amen Motors Corporation ra prices on most of It models, the only ma maker to do so. The price increase* wore Mslso to MSIBO or three per cent o American series. On the standard Rambler cars called the "Cll sic" series this year
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  • 52 2 SINGAPORE CITY, Fri At an extraordinary general meeting of the stockholders of the Chartered Bank, held m London yesterday, the authorised capital of the bank v raised to £5.500.000 < about M 546.754.250) by capitalizing £500.000 t about M 54.250.000» out of the Reserve Fund. At
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 155 2 SMPSW PORT CHIPS lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or i-xpected today ire: American Mail i/ 2. Neder'Wcst--4 'ci. Amazon Maru 6A. Flying) Cloud ti/T, Hanoi 8/9. Yukikawa Maru 10/11. Cardiganshire 13/14 Karachi 15/16. Tricolor 18. Tenwa i Maru 19, Sungei AsabSO N. Wai! 1, Senai N. Wall 2.
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  • 11 3 Varsity society puts out a new journal on philosophy •Wise man*
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  • 242 3  -  ALEXANDRA LEE Roslan and Rosman see home for first time THEIR PARENTS PLAN TO GIVE THEM A GOOD EDUCATION... BUT DO NOT KNOW HOW By Bukil Timah, Fri JHE boy triplets— Rosli, Rosland and Rosman born to a humble Malay couple on August 20 m
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  • 174 3 University students will undertake survey on living standards kIWI.A lAMIHH, Friday. QNK-111 NDKKI) ANDFOIH students of the I'niversih ol Malaya m Pantai Valley, m t ludini; .'ID i;iiis. will cany oul ;i survey thi^ rekend to lind out what luxuries the residents <>>' Petaling .lava enjoy. The students carrying a
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  • 110 3 SINGAPORE GETS INVITATION TO ATTEND ICFTU MEETING SINGAPORE CITY. Fri. Singapore is one of the 15 countries invited to send .dtv to the fifth Asian Rej nee of the International Coniederution oi Free Trade Unions to be held m Manila from Oct. 29 to Nov. 4. President Carlos P. Garcia
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  • 31 3 SINGAPORE CITY. Fri. Deaconess Emmie G. Stevens will be conducting a conference for Sunday school teachers of all Anglican Churches In Singapore on Wednesday at St. Margarets Primary school.
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  • 106 3 SINGAPORE CITY, Fri. Mr. Abas bin Taha of Radio Division was the overall champion Koran reader m the Police Koran reading competition held at the Police Training School. Winners In the men's section were Mr. Abas bin Taha. for policemen; Mr. Zainal
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  • 74 3 XMAS CARDS TO RAISE FUNDS FOR CLUB SINGAPORE CITY, Fri. The Singapore Y.W.C.A. is selling Christmas cards this year for the first time to raise funds for the club. The attractive cards, priced from 10 cents to 30 cents, are now displayed at the association's notice board at Collyer Quay.
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  • 37 3 SINGAPORE CITY. Fri. The Singapore Teacher's Union will hold a meeting at Balestier Boy's School on Sunday at 2.15 p.m. to elect new office bearers. Representatives from all schools m Singapore are asked to attend.
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  • 196 3 Varsity to begin a fund for John Stuart Mill SINGAPORE ITV Iri.— ihe Fhilosophit al ciety of the I niversits of Malaya is celebrating the centenary of the publication of John Stuart Mill's "Essay on Liberty' lirst published m 1K.")!» by founding a John Stuart Mill Fund. I rum the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 I I• *p end *"g just a t e w i fA^_^ sno fncn suddenly TIP TOP SALE Cotton 36" 51.00 Per Yard Cotton 36" 51. 25 Silk 45" Sl.OO 3 36 SO. BO Glass Nylon 45 SI. OO Vony More Items HURRY HURRY i 8 HIGH STREET. S PORE.
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    • 51 3 wfoMgtiJ7ir!tmK'**&*<tw~WV**M J^M I i I"1 nitty *^Wy^^T^^^P^^^^B gp^^l it,"* yA T 2w *i# *T^i TTI B^Y ill «w m»j r ajg gj |jH BL 1 all wool v^ X As illustrated Wm'.s o.T. ISM O.T. Vesl $6.95 I Wni s B.L'.S. ss.<>.s VJ4. 151 S 5(,.9.S > '^j Matching Brief
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 492 4 IF YOU WANT A WAR, KEEP PROVOKING IT AND YOU WILL SURELY GET YOUR CHOICE 1 FROM PAGE ONE r inscribed on the menda and P a: cul. disarmament prob. Khrushchev continued vernment of good will and wi :emn the practice ot to the
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  • 179 4 GWELO RESIDENTS AGREE TO FORM 'ACTIVE CITIZENS FORCE' FROM PAGE ONE bury and Gweio last week-end had been organised beforehand. he added, but extremist and ligan elements took immee advantage on each occalaunching indiscnmiaacks on people and property. Sir Edgar continued that therefore he proposed to extend the powers of
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  • 114 4 T ONDON. Fri. Mr. An- thony Greenwood, 49. a prominent member of the Labour "shadow cabinet" m Parliament, resigned from it last night, accusing party leader Hugh Gaitskell of having divided the socialist movement. His dramatic move, heightening the party's current leadership crisis, stemmed from Mr.
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  • 329 4 I SEOUL, Friday. I 1 rr H E South Korean 1 ruling Democratic Party's "Old Guard" faction opposing the Piime Minister. Mr. John Chans, last night announced it would form a separate party to "Dave the way for the establishment of
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  • 234 4 Filipino delegate gets warm praise for standing up to Nik NEW- YORK, Friday. r>Y telephone, by mail, by telegram and m per- son, Philippine Senator Lorenzo Sumulong yesterday received congratulations from scores of persons for standing up to Soviet Premier Khrushchev m the U.N. General Assembly. A letter from Francis
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  • 139 4 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNALISTS FEAR THREAT TO PRESS FREEDOM JOHANNESBURG. Frt Tue South African Society ol Journalists Issued a statement here yesten expressing '•alarm at what appears to be a pattern of intimidation of journalists and oi a threat to the freedom of the press It said it was concerned at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 9 4 Keepfhaf- super -fee/lh^... AH- yEAR^JHROUOUJ con cent rat e
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 39 4 CLUES ACROSS I summer? (7t. 1. One's half-sisrer, related to 3 A llil le dis aiic e m ami a bird? (6). £j? urcl^ <*>■ 4. Maintenance not allowed to 5 Tnis GHoei'tian can wait! fail rirram^ <fi\ <8). I
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  • 365 5  - Did you know you could get fish cheaper after 10? CHEW LOY KHOON By CONTINUING A NEW ANALYSIS OF THE INDUSTRY: TODAY. ..THE 'WHISPER WAY' OF WHOLESALE TRADE Lp m*^ 1 to lish markeling Behind-the-scene M place lon- before Hie irket. markcl ufler 10 m k< l\ l<» lincl them
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  • 149 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. JWO big land schemes one of 21.000 acres m Kelanlan and thY other of 16,942 acres m Pahang have been announced. In the Kelantan scheme, land will be distributed to I.BCO families before the end of this month.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 •s.nown tow«U be mmend Customers •ciate Co. ons pecial ■o accept i mamiyaflex
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    • 148 5 The NEW I Ci^^Ti^ HOOVER de-luxe /^^CS^ A HOOVERMATIC Ny WASHES RINSES SPINS DRY THE WHOLE TAMILV WASH V ALL WITHOUT CFFORT I 1 V I Kn £^in The finest L^ y^ Cleaner V s/j/J <^^X ver made 'x*"** I^^ \l~~^^^ > even by yS HOOVER yTl!Ctiaa> (MALAYA) LIMITED j
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 81 5 RIP KIRBY by John Prentice 6c Fred Dickenson 2%(^m\ >EAH ITMIW HIT HE I h£ 5 HIT. PEfMONI?. 1 -■•'^ss <>v M J^ArHET r -5... L I CON T <\CW MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil Davis ■m /^J THCUe>WT\ tf^, C "THAT^/ /T fi^i FIMPTHE^^ AWEIRDYII THE HEART OF
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    • 203 5 if :.i. if Radio Spore on a special programme I for Deepavali SINGAPORE, FH Radio Singapore's I Indian section has finalised plans for a big programme for i Deepavali. To give Hindu listeners an early start, the programme j will go on the air at 6 a.m s 30 minutes
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  • 261 6 How Russia exploits her allies M IN THE United Na- tions Khrushchev throws himself wide open fo killer punch. And Britain's David Ormsby Gore fluffs it. Th* Russian wants his plan for a declaramdependence .iial territorii fitted m a plenary n. Mr. Ormsby-Goi B: Mini for Foreign Afblunders when lie
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  • 928 6  -  IAN MOK-AI mmm* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^ mmmmmmmmmmm —^mmm, By SINGAPORE CITY, Fri. HOW THE YOUNG LEE KONG CHIAN CAME TO THE CROSSROADS OF LIFE AND CHOSE THE RIGHT PATH TO FORTUNE T^IK young deck passenger who landed m Singapore 57 years ago from China with a knapsack
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  • 59 6 HINDUS IN BIG DEEPAVALI SHOPPING RUSH SINGAPORE CITY, Fri. Thousands of Hindus In Singapore are now on a shopping spree to celebrate the Deepavali festival on Wednesday. Shopkeepers report brisk business. Some say they are having a tough time to cope with the rush till 7 p.m. They anticipate that
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  • 28 6 KAJANG. Fri. A box to collect complaints from mcmi bers of the public has been put up at the land depart--1 ment e>f the District Office.
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  • 198 6 Minister reveals plans for three new-type schools for the State SINGAPORE CITY, Friday. Minister of Education, Mr. Yong Xyuk Lin, yesterday announced tluit the new Whampoa High School would be the first school to have the new type hall with a ceiling of 35 feel to accommodate three badminton courts
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  • 171 6 KELONG OWNERS EXPECT 'BIG HAULS' AT COMING FISHING SEASON KATONG. Fri. Kelong owners m Singapore are busy preparing for the "big catch which is expected during the fishing season from December to March next year. According to them, a nights haul during this season could easily fetch more than $1,000.
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  • 134 6 500 MALAYS OFFER TO CLEAR SITE FOR NEW MOSQUE BUKIT Timah. Fn. About 500 Malays m Bukit Panjang and oilduty policemen will volunteer for the final phase of "Operation Masjid" during the weekend. They will clear the construction site for a new mosque. Inche Abdul Majid bin Senil. secretary of
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  • 40 6 Local girl at Aussie Guide camp was a TV 'star' T< 4 1 A Pi ||i i Oil j A Place i. ail cono Hai In .mm A.<tri Lil wa P5 Au^"' mai; an CM Said mad •'I will s
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 35 6 r Song of I Eternally Beautiful ENGAGEMENT B RINGS m Platinum A «.old m >• t Diamonds. n MT y P. H. HENDRY a JewcllfiN 78. North Bridge Road A Adrlphi Hotel, Spore, a. Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 71 6 Friendly and e:onc r^t* B helpers m yctr hM JT^7 chores! Th, SI M 9l V tamer to give gleaii^ < rV ir floors, and a high $p«c 1-7 /'Wr vacuum clcanc to kec: JJj r>v>w your hou%( c! /'•'•**^\s*\ floor to c ln <*«OtOn IVy/ AVAIU Spore SI 20
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  • 243 7  -  ALAN KHOO I Varsity vacancies must be filled by end of year IFF|CULT1 FF |CULT TO RECRUIT I ND DA TES HERE... C SEARCH EXTENDS I HONG KONG SINGAPORE CITY. Fri. il posts for professorships, as--nr^hip> and lectureships t the Nanyang University academic year.
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  • 34 7 A GROI'P of volunteers from the Geylang division with members of the school management committee m \it«'d m the centre photographed immediately after receiving final instructions for fund collection on Deepavali.
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  • 133 7 Children say farewell to paediatric specialist-with gifts SINGAPORE CITY. Friday. CPASTIC children m Singapore recently said farewell with gifts to Dr. (Miss) C. Elaine Field, a founder member of the Spastic ChildAssociation, who has devoted many years ice m the care of underprivileged child- It'll. me Field, puc--pecialist at the
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  • 120 7 MISS SUPERSHELL CONTEST FINALISTS TO BE CHOSEN NEXT WEEK SINGAPORE CITY. Fn.— Twenty six contestants the "Miss Supershell 1961" will appear for the at Raffles Hotel Oct. 20. Among the semi-fina-j is Yvette Edmonds of Seremban— the only contest rom the Federa- will be held at Singapore Art* Ball at
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  • 73 7 FORMER COUNCIL EMPLOYEE TO STUDY LAW SINGAPORE CITY. Fri.— Mr. S.R.V. Nathan aged 39, formerly of the City Council left for England over the weekend to study law m the Middle Temple. Mr. Nathan, who served the City Council for 25 years, resigned from his post as superintendent of Van
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  • 258 7 BUS COMPANY GETS NEW ROUTE: IT'LL ASSIST STUDENTS SINGAPORE City Fri. To facilitate school go- ing children, the Omnibus Bus Services Licensing Authority has sanctioned a new route to the Tay Koh Vat Bus company. The new route on the No. 8 servue will also serve residents of Balmoral, Stevens,
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  • 64 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. i For the first time m the history of Malay stage performances m the Federation a straight drama will be shown to the public. The Drama Group of the Language Institute Pantai Valley, will present a play m Malay entitled "Behind the
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  • 283 7 2,000 give up holiday to collect funds for new technical school SINGAPORE CITY, Friday. jyjORK THAN 2,000 volunteers from every walk of life including many school children will give up their holiday on Deepavali, on Oct. 19, to collect funds for a verna- cular technical school. This Is the biggest
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  • 101 7 CONTEST CLOSING DATE SET FOR TOMORROW SINGAPORE CITY. Fri. Entries for the Family Planning Emblem contest, which is open to the public, closes tomorrow. The contest, started last month, will enable the Ministry of Health to i choose a suitable design to symbolise Family Plan- ning. The winning design will
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  • 52 7 SINGAPORE CITY, Fri. The winners of the InterDistrict Primary Schools j Soccer competition will at- j tend a prize-giving ceremony) at the Jalan Besar Stadium today at 4.30 p.m. Mr. Ho Pak Khuan. chair-: man of the Combined Primary Schools Sports Council, will distribute the
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  • 40 7 SINGAPORE CITY. Fri.— A Remembrance Day service for servicemen who j died m the war will be held at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. Members of the Singapore ex-Ser-vicemen's Association will attend the service.
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  • 28 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Donations to Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital Fund for last month totalled $5,534. Of this amount $723 came under the 10-cent scheme.
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  • 31 7 SINGAPORE CITY. Fri. The 13th annual general meeting of the Air Ministry Local Staff Union will be held on Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Victoria Memorial Hall^ ill
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 378 8 From teenage to womanhood If I fjj If A y 1 1 1\ T m im FOR THE GIRLS OUT OF SCHOOL AND LOOKING tFOR JOBS: SOME FASHION TIPS ON HOW j TO LOOK PRETTY, POISED AND GROWN-UP THIS IS a problem that girls at one time or other m
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  • 160 8 BANANA AND RAISIN WHIP: THE IDEAL DESSERT i RAISIN banana whip is the ideal dessert j to follow a heavy meal. Pour boiling water over throt -quarter cup light or dark raisins and let stand i for live minutes. Drain and chop. Whip one cup of cream stiff and add
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  • 208 8 Tip on how to get flat surface on cakes wins Mrs. McCoy $20 M. McCoy, 18 Greenfield Drive, Frankel Estate, Singapore 15, wins the first prize of $20 m this week's Household Hint's competition for her tip on how to get a flat sur- kin; on cakes. She writes: "Don't
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  • 86 8 PICNICKING (AND PACKING) MADE EASY CAMPING and picniking should be fun If you and your family love the outdoor life. I But all the fun would be lost if you work too hard at it. Packing and unpacking take up a great deal of time. The Mirro Camp Kit is
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  • 50 8 An inexpensive, yet useful little gadget to have around the house i,s Li'l Dipper, for scooping out all kinds of food, including ice-cream. Made of plastic, it's light, easy to clean and use. Before each scoop, dip it m hot water. From Marden Co
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 166 8 Fully Guaranteed sC^X^ Lightweicht X J ft A M S2 90 per yard I MADE I N Shrink resistant, I I drip-dry, non-iron A U^ SOFTLY, SOFTLY— j The Feminine Look m J I Cocktail and evening Dresses, i I f /I Ii I Chiffons, Laces, Poic dc Soi V
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    • 88 8 CUTEX brings tv >ou 2 Mi exciting lipsticks world J\ famous Sheer Lan<l.?. lipstick that lasts longer JP *wl stays brighter or Delu 3 that heavenly soft creamy lipstick I r— An R.C.A /yCooranteKl by Wove Bond U»od PRESTCOLD Rl V.V.V.; i > lw^ N I VrestcoldtM only $27-00
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  • 984 9 RIMAH MISKIN, Fri.— Off-duty policemen attached to the Rumah Miskin police station are lending a hand to give their station a face-lift. Michael Furhmaiui. a constable, said. "I lend a help- ing hand to the labourers whenever I
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 142 9 ■ihr Beauty Editor of |ll>; WORLD has ■arrant to readers S I Main a world■at a sprrial price. 111 J I I i _L_L v .'i t ■j \io>l KLCOME SCOOTER It is Th c Be Good. ■TAIMENTS OF $30.00 PER MONTH I CAN BE ARRANGED. a E HUAT RADIO
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    • 368 9 v ««tIL s ->*^ y*^!fcw*^, 4&^ I TRANSISTOR 7 Push Button 4 Wave-band with Superb Performance Available at all leading Radio Dealers. C~^2^T/ S°l c Agents: Y*r^ ASIA RADIO CO., 212-214, Selegie Road, S pore. Tel: *****. I »44»» I THE CARPET YOU'RE I LOOKING FOR IS i AT QURESHI'S
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 85 9 ALL A LOAP OF TOlPE—^\ I'VE COMMITTED BETTER J V^^MURPERS MVSELF r'aa ffl^ffijt_A l T E_H^1] I i y__f J I tDL j TV*. =t^r -[_fl WPi/S^_il V-.-_f m\m\m JLt^w aV BORN today you have a it until you have something You can gain a great deal if Drartical nature
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 376 10 A IMA 3 cV>o/ a/irf CW//or ■T C A I C LAST _|~fek f SALE FEW DAYS 1 |7J BUY YOUR GIFTS S J7 UJ <- HERE. Eastern Arts, Ajv Novelties, Linen Goods v^^^\>J^»w DAfPfll \PEIPINCSTOREi _^7T < 173. O-cho-d Road. J I D t«<lii 4 1 BH_^ Available At
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    • 424 10 _H 3_fl H•' ->_ Hi Skh hBB fIBI ll Mlh MH Ihi 9hß j BB v^lt- mB^L _^__r -sßf is- •'"'->' __^^_l _^_^^_B _B _l _^R MB voi Iv _^B B_l __«l _^_I r!*jCo>i- l~^ _Rp r > itt m ri _JT ?fll PP"^^^ >^tf.^wl->. '.-'/i^yXSM^mMr _r^ w^u'^^Sv' •■22_^_r .i*^vs_B
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    • 474 10 derate prices are such items as j embroidered silk pictures, assort- ed dolls, silk blouses, jade and ivory can-ings, Lacquer screens, i bronze Buddha heads, old po r celain wares etc. CHINA CRAFTS. 79. North Bridge Koad. phone *****. SAVE ON TRANSPORT There is no need to rush fo: that
      474 words
    • 491 10 your home. You can also choose horn readymade furniture now on display' at ADRIANS CANE FURNITURE CO.. 425 Rive. Valley Road, phone *****. TAILORS REGAL! By ippointment .o lI. H lhe Sultan of Johoie, M. AKHTAR BROS. are among ihe top m the trade. They employ English trained tailors and
      491 words
    • 315 10 printing oi nlms are available at this store. STUDENTS aoisr, om i: SFAS must make certain they rf well clothed for colder climes Winter wear such as overcoats pullovers, scarves, winter pyjamas, gloves, woollen unde: m great variety and modr: priced is always on sale at CHOI 3 FOOK ON.
      315 words
    • 211 10 DlPdoMjir «»'S| l/CCTC \\Wz^(l DKltii DURABILITY V Available at all Icoding stores A saris!! ?a lk DEEPAVALI I JUST ARRIVED PRICES CHEAPER r< in YOU OUGHT TO VISIT i os ii is k 11, Kerbau Road (Off Scrongoon Rood), Singoporc-8. I JUST ARRIVED < IM'M Latesf Desigm 9 A S".
      211 words

  • 583 11  -  ARTHUR DALEY SPORTSMEN MAKE THE WORLDS MOST AMUSING PERSONALITIES FOR INSTANCE WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU MEET A MIND WANDERING. Along dream ANECDOTES BY I uxer \\;is walking outside Yankee Stadium, i v pattering silently and sadly M his side. Sudtiltecl l»is head upward and peered intently
    583 words
  • 73 11 Soccerites 5 RNAS 1 FARRER PARK. Fri.— About a thousand football fans saw R.N.A.S. Sembawang (42 Commando) humble Star Soccerites In this friendly soccer match yesterday. Hero of the match was centre-forward Hughes. He scored two of the five goals and impressed with his superb
    73 words
  • 31 11 TOKYO. F'n Hisao Kobayashi of Japan, holder ;of the Orient featherweight boxins title, easily outpointed Kozonagata of Japan over ten rounds m a non-title bout last night.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 133 11 pASIR PANJANG. ThUTS.— PMir Panjaag Secondary School* first hockey carnival will be held! on the School ground next week. There will be mixed hockey matches on inter-house level. Hockey M.t.ster Mr. C. Yogarajah. said that thus is the first time his school is holdint? mixed
    133 words
  • 400 11  - Jit Seng may lose his title if STTA acts on an error TAN HONG POH Say Singapore City, Friday AON JIT SENG of the Singapore Chinese Mechanic and Engineering Association, who recently won the Singapore Table Tennis Association's newcomers singles event, may be deprived of his title. The reason is
    400 words
  • 46 11 SINGAPORE CITY. Fri -The Singapore Sheli Sports Club will hold an indoor games championship this month. The competition will cover five games table 1 tennis, carrom. darts, chess and draughts. Competitors will be awarded points for their performances In each game.
    46 words
  • 203 11 1 0 DAYS TO GO, AND SABARI DECIDES TO ENTER JUST FOR FUN SINGAPORE CITY, Friday, ICABARI bin Mohammed, an office worker. has entered for the firs! Singapore Open Swimming Championships, despite the fact thai lie "cannot swim well." He will be competing m the 100 metres freestyle. He said
    203 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 I l ut\ (i M List Prico IM Irkoroer/ "'LJr ■^Bi^^ IM *<^ Ik Jffl| r FUJIYA v Model FL-77 a superior quo_aW* fV tO P° rC corder ot latest ond most ettroca^A W* f ve dei '9 n tnot \^H P erf orms precise XV*» \*m? Wr f «CO'di
      125 words
    • 459 11 -Get your name m today.— FIRST SINCAPORE OPEN SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS. To be held on Saturday. November 5. 1960. at River Valley Road City Council Pool. (Qualifying heats Nov. 4 at 5 p.m.) I wish to enter for the following events: Events numbers: Citizen of (for record classification) I enclose f
      459 words

  • 374 12  -  ALLAN LEWIS FG DGDF DFDFG DF Report From KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. PERSIAN HERO, one of the first batch of two-year-olds imported by the Singapore Turf Club, did a winning gallop at Kuala Lumpur this mornttig when he disposed of
    374 words
  • Article, Illustration
    177 12  - The DAILY DOSE JEFFREY JAMES fey SASA takes a bold step for the people LX)R the first time m sports m Singapore. r there is a championship meeting ANYONE .a join. For the first time, the Singapore 'Ortsman or woman can forget club ties, the ssity of beloi before one
    177 words
  • 22 12 K\\ Seletar 7 Sukaramai n I ALAN BE6AR. I weed the when tine, by Sakarai
    22 words
  • 35 12 Soccer: Junior Cup: Darul Afiah A" v Badan Keseman. Geylang I Kuub> SRC. v Dcv Unit, pa- 15 p.m. imming: Bartley Secondan* Sche ;val. Chinese SwimClub 2.00 p.m. Billiards: Singapore ChamWorld 6.15 p.m.
    35 words
  • 20 12 PITTSBURGH. Fn. -PlttsbUl^h on the Wi Id Se beai N Yankees the deciding match. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 6 12 NEWMARKET. Fri.—Duke of Reuter
    Reuter  -  6 words
  • 253 12 Khalsa 2 RAF Changi 0 SINGAPORE C I TV. Fri. A young Punjab University forward. Harbhajan Singh, m Singapore for three months on vacation, sparked Khalsu Association's victory over RAF Changi m this SIIA division one league match on the padang yesterday. llarbhajan had
    253 words
  • 91 12 pEYLANG. Fri. Printing vJ Association beat Stamford Community Centre 5-3 m table tennis played at the Happy World yesterday. Results were. WonK Vow Kionc bt. Robert Nc 21-16. 21-8. Fong Kok. Chone lost Ito Gan E.i 14-21. 19-21. Chee Ah Kai bt. Charlie Nc 21-8. 21-14.
    91 words
  • 43 12 KALLANG. Fri. T h c Federation of Bojv Clubs walking race sub-committee announce that all competitors who took part m the race can now collect their certificate at the Federation of Boys' Clubs headquarters. Kallang. daily from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    43 words
  • 27 12 FARRER PARK. PH.— Joyful Indians beat Royal Ebgineen here yesteiday. Scorer.-, were B. ;3». Salahuadin and X For Sappers: Atkinson <2' chols and Kno
    27 words
  • 116 12 SINGAPORE CITY. Fn.— Teo Siew Sun iYMCA>. runner-up m last years open billiards three ball championships, is again m the final. At the Great World last night he beat Koh Cheng Moh (Sime Darby) by 400 points to 210. In quarter iinal games Tan Kirn
    116 words
  • 22 12 TOKYO, Fri. Former Philippine bantamweight champion Acab Junior halted former Far Eastern bantamweight title holder Kiyoshi Miura m six rounds.
    22 words
  • 6 12 MANCHESTER. Fa. Real
    6 words
  • 175 12 THE SCHOOLS BOW TO DEFEAT BY CEYLONESE CSC ,1 Schools 0 BALESTIER. Fri. Com-; bined Schools, unbeaten In their previous three league fixture^, had to bow to de- feat when they met Ceylon i Sports Club m their Division One league match here yesterday. But the Ceylonese were lucky 1
    175 words
  • 12 12 JALAN BESAR. Fn. The P.S.S.I. (Makassar) soccer team j
    12 words
  • 35 12 MRS. E. Chua leadv m East West Stable s Precedence (jockey Posner) after victor? m Race Two (Class 3 Div. »ir\) at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.
    35 words
  • 481 12 KATONG. Friday. A PHENOMENAL feat was established by Oei Boon Khwee when he swam m first m ten events at the fifth annual swimming carnival of Sijjlap Secondary School. He had earlier won two completed events, which gives him a total of twelve
    481 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 127 12 HFGHF FHGFHFRT YRHFGFH YOUR BEST COMPANION > TRAMSISTOR AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. Singapore. Tel: *****-*****. 51, Yew Road, Kuala Lumpur. 0^ B* THE MAN Ik: %1 THATWOMgN f <*>T\. v^'thout gland-fitness, you cannot /f v a v^ know what it is to be 100 V* alive j£ > I If
      127 words
    • 155 12 From fieg/nn*, f OKCS good core of y 0 Conversion of previojs oestiJ latest model with the MUh J the lens lightmeter can rcwbeoiJ out. Send us your eld Eoiex qJ and ask for a free inspect!* far tjattr The Federal Dispensary remains <>p*>n on Saturday dm Cut aton fif
      155 words