The Singapore Free Press, 8 October 1960

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press

  • 193 2 Best week in London market ends on cheerful note: Industrials get good support mark< 1 uitinued their ad:day and i for I Qdl d Oil :ul no* educ- nd stock hire In indus- LONDON Sat moved up while noted m ry and ioMoto: m demand with Briti>h Motors prominent. Oils
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  • 213 2 Demand for oils spread to other sections V[E\V YORK: Wall Street JJi dosed irregularly higher with gams extending mostly to one dollar or so. A better news background helped to extend Thursdays rally m early dealing After signs of faltering renewed demand developed oils and spread to other
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  • 201 2 Rubber values harden after drop at opening T ONDON. Sat. As the Singapore market closed with little net change on the day, quotations at the opening were adjusted downwards slightly. Trading was rather slow at first but covering of near landed positions and some demand lor October and November shipments
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  • 23 2 Harmony Lands: 12 1 p.c. LONDON: Harmony Lands has declared a dividend of 12J percent for the year to June 30. 1960.
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  • 138 2 Subway car contract TORONTO: A Montreal firm has underbid a Japanese firm by MS3 million to be the lowest ol several bidders for a contract to build 50 subway cars for the Toronto 1 sit Commission. Montreal Locomotive Works Ltd. also outbid three British firms, one irom West
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  • 320 2 NOTE All prices below are middle prices. INDUSTRIALS dO itlsi Id 11.00 Buyers I.B. Petrol l.M. Trustees b.25 5 25 on. Tin Srne;t Pref. 20/3 Ores. eae-ai Oispensary 1.42' itzpatriCkl '.29 1.29 raser Neave Pref. M.15 U lb Crob. 12.01% I.E. Life 117.25 II
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  • 541 2 By the FREE PRESS MARKET CORRESPONDENT SINGAPORE, Saturday. THE more prosperous conditions m Singapore, Horneo and the Federation of Malaya had enabled the group to increase its trading activities substantially, reports the chairman, Air. Angus Scott, is his annual review to shareholders of
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 79 2 LONDON Or Previous RUBBER No i Rb. c i f. Europe port*. Oct Nov. RUBBER No. 1 Rs>S spot RUBBER No. 1 RSS Settlement Heuit Term*. Nov. Dec TONE Qmet PEPPER White Sarawak t a a e i.t. European ports Oct. i PEPPER Black Sarawak Special c.l.t.
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    • 29 2 oOf r t i i, Contract NEW YORK Oct >. riN Strait;- soot RUBBER Futures Nov. Jan TONE Easy SALES 132 No. 1 RSS Oct. landed price
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    • 13 2 iU InnuMriait .'ii Railroads •0 Domestic Binds 15 Ut.i »:> stc
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    • 4 2 -cr pi
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    • 33 2 COPRA Ph Iook ton COPRA s Borneo fh por l<. OH N' I Oct Nov COCONU1 Oil i Ceylon pean p < bulk per 'or Oct r*HILlPPIhl U S oerts per
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  • 84 2 SERIOUS LABOUR SHORTAGE IN MELBOURNE PORT MELBOURNE: Radio tralia reported yesterday that the port of Melb> where more than 40 ships are at anchor is tared with a serious short <»f Labour. The position has been avated by an unautho- ppage ol more than 3.000 waterside worker- on Wednesday. Now
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  • 49 2 WASHINGTON: A Japanii Chemical Industry Co. Limited, was the low bidder for a United States Interior Department contract to build a plant for converting brakish water to 1: The Japanese company submitted a bid of MSI.--446.600 to build the facility Webster. South Dakota
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  • 42 2 > T E\V YORK. Sal Ahmad Kamil M; Ambassador to the States, speakinp before annual conference of Eastern Am 'iincil ol Commer< id that m order strengthen the Inter tional tin a'^rerment United Stati world
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 323 2 -V t. A.L. LINES IMN DIT[RRAS- w**^ -SL SCANDIN»^I*N PORTS S DOre P. S hjm Peninf J^ Oct a Oct 23 25 Oct 26 27 Oct \Ti "^XJ ts. Be a 31 30 Oct UT^ •J* 30 C Niv (7 Nt« V 18 :0 No* 23 24 No* .o C-
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 172 2 SMPSW PORT lying alongside the k Singapore Harbour Board vharm this morning are: Cyc- lops 4 o. Mathllde Maersk rhorstrand 89. Leaa IS 14. Mlnlkal 16/16. Nichinan 18. Katea 19. Sadao N r Wall 2. Sun^i Asahan N. Wall 3. Soon Hum N Wall 4 I N Wall 5,
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  • 119 3  -  ALIAS RAHIM Trio choose hard way to report for duty SOLDIERS HOPE TO JOIN REGIMENT HERE BY NOV. 3O AFTER THEIR 8.000-MILE DRIVE By SINGAPORE CITY, Sat TWO Kriti>h Arm\ officers and a corporal have chosen a novel and adventurous way of reporting for duty
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  • 7 3 FGHERHFH
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  • 51 3 ASSOCIATION TO PRESENT MEDAL TO THE BEST NURSE ITV. S ha* > r -a s Rei ation. ristl Lok( said ih driv( s id deposited with a bai I will ociation will be by the s." said Mrs. L Principal Matron, Miss B. V. Griffin, said. 50 distinhed a b
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  • 20 3 TANJONG MALIM. Sat. The Deputy Assistant DisOfflcer. Tcngku Zubir Tengku Nasir, has been appointed a magistrate m Perak.
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  • 88 3 ABOI I i.UOO people attended this 17--it'.Mn concert at the Amalgamated Unions of Public Employees at their premises m Serangoon Road recentlj to celebrate their first anniversary. Among the suesi artists was the well-known radio singer and imht-rlub entertainer Saloma. trumpet player Tony Castillo
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  • 148 3 A 6-EVENT GYMKHANA FOR ALL SCOOTER OWNERS ROAD. Sat. A The Singapore Lambretta Owners Club will be iging a gymkhana at the Police Training School on Oct. 1G m which ownerdrivers oi other makes scooters are invited to participate. The ;in at 0 a.m. Said Kirn Vegter. secretary. "Anyone who
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  • 74 3 PULAU BUXOM. Sat. The Malayan Shell Film Unit's colour picture on Pulau Bukom. was screened for the first time at the Bukom Club over the weekend. The Administrator. Mr. H. \V Barton-Wright. con- gratulated the unit. His speech was translated m Malay by Inche Akbar.
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  • 279 3 3 top ballet stars in a 'Triamgle of Fear dance by dead sinners' SINGAPORE CITY, Saturday. THREE top ballet stars m Singapore will ;ippear m ;i "Triangle <>j" Fear" dance by dead simmers ;i new and startling ballet for the Singapore Ballet's liftli season on October 2!) i I p.m.
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  • 99 3 POPULAR MALAY DRAMA BY TENGKU TO BE STAGED AGAIN SINGAPORE CITY,— Sat. The historical drama "Mashuri," written by the Federation Prime Minisfc r, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will be staged at the Victoria Theatre on Oct. 17 and 18 at 8 p.m. Tengku Seri Dewi. 19. will play {"he part of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 29 3 w v; *ft*ft*ft*ft*ft*ft*ft*ft***ft*ft*ft*ftftft*ft* 1 uMdMi LIJIvIHIJI awßH^ll Ilk mKSf i B lww 9 aav ol 11/ l T i I VI liVjßßbk J Br tsg| HNS OP9 "**^B '>; H&EBSBS^^^^faHHßß^aK^iß^SH*^
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    • 256 3 CLOSES TODAY LAST FEW HOURS OF Centenary I STUDY THESE NEVER TO BE REPEATED SLASHES FRCW TO SHORT SHIRTS Manhattan Golden Needle 5 19 90 550 Arrow Docron-Cotton 17 90 12 50 Docron Silk 11.90 5 90 Van Hcusen pure linen 19 50 10 50 Arrow 16.50 7 90 German
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  • 742 4 Early disarm talks vital— Nik GHJDGNMGJKGH by the FREE PRESS FOREIGN SERVICE SOVIET LEADER CALLS FOR A MEETING IN GENEVA OR MOSCOW BY APRIL NEXT YEAR FROM PAGE ONE Herr Rudolf Doelling. East German Ambassador m Moscow, said at a reception at the Embassy yesterday that the provisional West German
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  • 59 4 New lease of life for natural rubber tiff lit m :th :iduct» d by Rubber Connatural produced of i The .b- .cture. structure :ied almost endto idapt it to such t m carpet forth. potential been d I structure I i member of rch aat the oc 'will en- producers
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  • 170 4 Dr. V: We seek friends not enemies PRETORIA, Sat. The 1 South African prime Minister. Dr. Hendrick Verwoerd. his voice quivering with emotion last night announced the birth of a republic next May 31. Oilering the hand ol friendship to conservative English speaking South .ins. the premier suggested if they
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  • 146 4 15 CUBAN POLITICAL PRISONERS IN MASS JAILBREAK HAVANA. Sat. Fifteen political prisoners escaped yesterday from the Morro Castle Prison m a pre-dawn mass jailbreak from the old Spanish fortres>. A government announcement said the escaped prisoners mere aided by a non-commissioned officer and four enlisted men. presumably on guarr duty
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  • 150 4 vv ment ::oyaJ d that tiny been I>epart:. t when v omment >m Laos Premier Prir.ce i Phouma as sayhat the U.S. Government has suspended military aid to his country. "The U.S. government has not yet authorised the release of local currency funds for
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  • 209 4 Hands off Africa says Sir Abubakar JEW YORK. Sat Nigeria took its place among Africa's newly-iiidependent states m the United Nations yesterday and called for development of a free Africa without interference from the big powers. Nigerian Prime Minister Sir Abubakar Tafawa. Balewa, m his maiden speech to the General
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  • 48 4 LONDON. Sat— Britain and Japan yesterday concluded an i.jrreement by which the Japanese government will pay £500,000 to meet claims for loss of property, injury or loss of life suffered by British citizens during the Japanese attack on China before the world war II
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 196 4 111 JmlI i 1 tI ENTERTAINS DAILY At PRINCE'S TEA ROOM Special Features Sp< .available daily j* lakan t served at the Bai Dre^s Very informal. 7T 5 the \t Prince's I\<stawr. ORCHARD ROAD TEL.: ***** [■ffjfli 1 If -Sv. $)r I I J////X <^//, i Hi***" lip. K Mostly
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 61 4 r, C^UES ACROSS I 4. Endures what will lorm shoes 1. Something this isn't m the (5). general run (7). 5. Fairly like Laura, but not 5. Somewhere to put drink and, initially; so dainty' for the most part, enquire (s>. 6. In a more elevated position 8. Sorry lairs—
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  • 150 5  -  Dr. Ann Mullins By Ly a DOCTOR) r ion how right-handed R LEFT-HANDED) you really are In write with your right siii necessarily mean that II roinpletely right-handed. Many are nol completely left-handers are conillowever right- or left-sided try this test and find your I Disorders .iow
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  • 1009 5  - Take a good look at yourself: Are you a snob...? John Baker White By FROM THE MAN WITH A SHINY NEW TIN ROOF ON HIS HOUSE TO THE MAN WITH THE OUTSIZE CAR... THEY'RE ALL THE SAME* WHAT is your social status symbol? What is Your family ju-ju? What possession
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 288 5 There's something special about our Exclusive IMPORTED 4^^ 100% ORION j flflE* TWIN SETS I Creamy soft and luxurious, this is the cardigan Jumper thot I will §o over a whole wardrobe ef fashions. The special quad- j I ties tulMashioned styling, beautiful 14 blossom colors, o •rice that for
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 95 5 RIP KIRBY By John Prentice 6c Fred Dickenson MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil Davis 3E2LAM BREAKS --ATKEME^SCO'S >» /^> TMEM SUPPEWLY/^WMEVV-- > \y' SOMETMIM£'-^V LJKB A r O^^H /^-N v LOOSE IN7WE&«"- UWSEBMRCRCE--f JSJ\- j -ALL THE SPOOK fl WAS IM MERE WHIKLWINP r l_ VT^M^ (AG !KJ WERE
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    • 206 6 piFTY-FOUR families from refugee camps m Germany have just arrived m Britain to make a fresh start m life. Among them are 177 tiildren born m camps who have never known any other home. Their parents were slave workers brought to Germany during the ir. When Hitler
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    • 27 6 UOW DOES this Saturday ;ifternoon find you? Terrified of the brinkmanship at the United Nations, of the threats and coun-ter-thrpats of
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  • 384 6  - 100 go on a fast, smooth ride in new jet By CHAN SWAN BEE SINGAPORE CITY. 3 Sat. When KLM celebrated the eve of its 41st anniversary on Thursday, it brought its first DC-8 jetliner here and gave 100 guests a 60--minute birthday flight. The DC-8 flew the guests to
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  • 133 6 AIR DOG DOMINIC BEATS 22 OTHERS TO WIN A TROPHY SINGAPORE. Sat. Air dog. Dominic, won the Command Provost Marshal's Trophy when he -beat" 22 other dogs m criminal work at the Royal Air Force Police Dog Championship Trial at RAF Seletar last night. His handler was LAC. C. Scott
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  • 32 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Malaya came m for praise for agreeing to transport tree of charge 30 Australian railway goods wagons to the Thai border under the Colombo Plan for Cambodia.
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  • 33 6 SINGAPORE, Sat. Mr. Devan Nair, a trade unionist, will talk on "the trade union movement and Industrialisation In Singapore" to the Singapore Polytechnic Political Society at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday.
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  • 23 6 SINGAPORE. Sat. The Boys Brigade annual .inspection and display will be held at the Presbyterian School hall today at 7 p.m.
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  • 5 6
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  • 128 6 New telephone exchange will serve 1,400 homes in rural area SERANGOON, Sat. Rural residents m Tampines and I'pper Serangoon will soon be able to own telephones as the area is served by* the new 1.400-line Paya Lebar exchange. Work started four months ago and miles of a 1400 pair cable
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  • 200 6 SINGAPORE CITY, Saturday. J^ SECONDARY girls' school m Singapore has won top honours for producing the best candidate m the school Certificate Language Examination held here last war. The school. Tanjong Katong j Girls' School. received a Standard
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  • 34 6 SINGAPORE Sat. The first four winners of the SATA greetings seals competition yesterday received their prizes from Mrs. William P. Maddox. the Chairman of the SATA Greetings Seals Committee for 1960.
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  • 33 6 SUNGEI PATANI. Sat.— The Malayan Playing Fields Association has given $8,000 to the Kedah Playing Fields Association for provision of equipment at children's playgrounds m Sungei Patani, Sik and Pulau Langkawi.
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  • 482 6  - From swamp to fifth largest port in world IAN MOK-AI DFHNFGJGN SINGAPORE'S FREE HARBOUR NOW HANDLES lOC SHIPS A DAY AND GIVES EMPLOYMENT TO 40.000...ALL IN A LITTLE OVER HUNDRED YEARS GHFHFJ BHFF JMIK Singapore harbour Hie artery that pulsates Singapore's commerce and livelihood is the fifth largest port m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 on ran hand m ur t hi* ti fieri ad. In an\ MM of COLD STORAGE SHOPS throughout MALAYA and SINGAPORE CAMEWON HIGHLANDS -4 IPOM (Ml U4 I NG l« w '4 MOTA IH**U *4 v i KUALA LUMPUR Ml M M <14 n Roai ■WAMTAM MALACCA PCMANG I K
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    • 15 6 For those who know the difference m ALLIED RECORD CLUB P. O BOX 2097 SINGAPORE
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    • 35 6 rp"'p^jßH^-p iii JiWß*>^jJ TRANSISTOR 7 Push Button 4 Wave-bane J with Superb Performance < Available at all leac "^j^. So le Agen ts: V ASIA RADIO CO. 212-214. Sclegie Roac TRANSMISSION A J BELTING. >^ BUriElil V
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  • 305 7  - Fe wer road accidents now ALEXANDRA LEE Mass safety first campaign is a success eT SCOOTER-RIDERS GET ADVICE ON TRAFFIC RULES FROM CHIEF OF THE MOBILE SQUAD By SINGAPORE CITY. Sat 'JHE Traffic Police are determined to bring down the rate of accidents m Singapore, Inspector S. Cornelius, Officer-in-charge, Mobile
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  • 160 7 58,000 daily-rated workers want voice in Senate Xl \1 A LUMPI K. Sat. The Federations 5K.000 (.ovrrnment daily rated uorkrrs want representation m the Senate. resolution to this effect passed at the annual delegates conference of the Selangor dovernment DaiIv Rated Workers I'nion. The resolution will now be tabled
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  • 173 7 'Mrs. Courage' goes on round-the-world tour on four wheels SINGAPORE CITY, Saturday. THEY (ALL 52-year-old Mrs. 11. C. Bushy, who lost the use of her legs 1(> years ago, "Mrs. Courage 91 because of her determination and pluck to sec Ihc world, despite her handicap. has been po»ible I with
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  • 166 7 A FAMILY'S TRAGEDY: DEATHS IN THREE DAYS KATONCi Dt ruel blow on a c lamily m O Ruad. Two deaths occurred ;hree da result two di: riormed a Roman Caiic bur. a Buddhcremation. Tlie fir the death of tr-old Madam Tan id Ka: nt who died c day. On the
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  • 43 7 SINGAPORE CITY. Sat. The usual ainual celebration of Piirattasi Saturday by workers Us the printing industry m Singapore will be held on a grand scale today at the Sri Krishnabaghavan Temple. Waterloo Street at 1 p.m. beginning with the
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  • 39 7 SINGAPORE. Sat. The four armed thugs who robbed Oliver Koh of R. Jumabhoy and Sons at noon on Wednesday got away with cash cheques amounting to $4,000 and not $24,000 as reported m yesterdays Free Pn
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  • 36 7 BRAS BASAH. Sat. -Puan Noor Aisha. wire of the Yang di-Pertuan Negara. will Inspect 400 junior Red Cross members from 16 >chools at a parade m Raffles Girls Primary school tomorrow at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 229 7 Pianist Yu to give a Chopin recital at centre SINGAPORE CITY, Sat. Singapore pianist Yu Chun Yee will give his first public recital here, sponsored by the Singapore Musical Society, on Oct. 15, 1960 at 8.45 p.m. at the Cultural Centre. Yu Chun Yee recently returned from London, where he
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  • 115 7 ANNUAL SPEECH DAY AT THE VICTORIA SCHOOL SINGAPORE CITY Sat. Victoria School will hold its annual Speech Day at 5.30 p.m. today. The Minister lor Education. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, will address the students and give away the prizes Other speakers will be Mr. Lien Shih Sheng. Chairman of the
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  • 32 7 SINGAPORE. Sat. The Secretary of the Singapore Women's Council. Mrs. Shirin Fozdar. will speak on "The Future of Religion" at the Bahai Centre. Amber Road, tomorrow at 5 p.m.
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  • 43 7 SINGAPORE CITY. Sat A cocktail party m honour ol Mr F. Marvin Plake. executive director ci the Pacific Ana Travel Association will be given by the Hotel Associa tion of Singapore tomorrow at the Coral Room of the Adelphi Hotel.
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  • 31 7 MALACCA. Sat. About 1.100 acres of land planted with rubber at Buklt Apit. Alor Gajah, has been distributed to 182 Malays under the Malacca State Land Development Scheme.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 91 7 LOST .CATIONS m* it* sOON tne M»nR iiatcs BfH -SSUE: C (i %maii gj machinery m !»r* i matt I^o, :njt will -.on m -tractors W*" P*' I p sGAPORC. < r«R I m M^ ■most welcome i scooter PUCH 1 Be Good m I H. P. Terms I ■530.00
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    • 231 7 !IIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC3lllllllillllC3llltlllitlllC3llllllllllHC: Ideal Mixer i^*. i FEATUR- .wSL V-' 'W I End!* fe' #fi Mokes orvj meat mixturei ct the right consistency. J^E^^m^H^blHA i Whips cream, eggs etc. m Extracts the iuice f oranges, lemons 7 *A i grapefruits p*'' Cocktail Whisk for mixing drinks. f "7* PRICE UUc $150.00
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 963 8 J del TOKENS OF LUCK HAVE NOT BROUGHT GOOD FORTUNE: BUT ILL KEEP j THEM, SAYS OWNER 0 SIX representatives of four Kansai Japanese steel mills recently completed a one-week tour of iron mines m the Federation. Before they left for Tokyo yesterday the
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  • 103 8 Now all goes smoothly for the two friends. Sam tethers his boat and carries the oars uphill. Here's the satchel of sandwiches that Mummy gave me," smiles Rupert. I'd forgotten all about them, and now we shan't need them." Inside the shack he opens Sams old
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  • 170 8 SINGAPORE CITY. S The Eng Choon Huay Kuan— one of the oldest clan associations of the Hokkien community—celebrated its 93rd anniversary with a dinner party at its newly completed building recently. The $10,000 building situated m the heart of Chinatown was opened by the Malayan biscuit king
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 848 9 NGHJGNMGJ I aN yang expert on RIGHT FUTURE F DEMOCRATIC GOVT. YSTEM IN MALAYA 0 The Straits Chinese Methodist Church Kindergarten at Kampong Kapor is offering free tuition to poor children whose parents are members of the church. Miss Goh Le? Cheng, the teacher-in-char^e. said concession
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  • 696 9 FJGMNGJKM EVER SINCE Ceylon's competitor m the last Grand Prix, M. I. Raul, brought m his Volvo P444 to race at Johore, Mala ya n motorists have been wondering what sort of cars the Volvo factory at Gothenbers:. Sweden,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 58 9 I TRANStSTOR J^OoUjO B^p£^c3f rOU above all things. B^^Bg. real Hi-Fi Sound that will I s M^ Sy satisfy a people well sensitive Model: NT-840 ItoATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. W tmi Smgopore-6. Tel: ***** ***** Yew Road, Kuala Lumpur. wWA IN AND ifc; )/J |k Hea/tti ifM? OWN A GRUNDIG
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    • 1 9 GBDHDH
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    • 479 9 fir mm J m A m Malayan Motors Limited 14/20 Orchard Road, Singapore AND AT WEARNE BROS LTD m the FEDERATION OF MALAYA. DEALERS m Sar.,w.ik SIME DARBY BORNfcOI LTD KUCHING. Sitou. Mm. DEALERS m East Co.i-1 Residency o« North Borneo KWONG BORNEO OEVELOP^LNT COVPANY SANDAK' CHAMPION^ YS THE WORLDS
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  • 198 10 SINGAPORE II V. Sat. Their is something for every sports tan m Singapore this weekend. Soccer, hockey, athletics l>\. badminton, golf, motor rlt trials. yachting take your pick. I i To:: Cnocl .1 be Cup. Depa. Junior final Ho.-pit meet
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  • 101 10 ST. PAT'S JURONG SHINE AT SOFTBALL OIXGAPORE CITY. Sat. O Jurong Secondary and St. Patrick's. the only schools m Singapore havsoftbaU teams this week-end will try to add io their law The Jurong team Is a few The team trains every Monday evenat the Newton Boyol. Mr. Royce de Souza
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  • 214 10 SINGAPORE CITY. S Five Royal Singapore Yacht Club members will >r Kuala Belair li They will m the Far Ea>ttteur Rowing As[nterport R> ta from Oct. 13 to 15. challenge cup fur coxwained fours, the Blair Shield for eoxwained pairs, the Paketvaart Wisselbeker Cup tor sculls
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  • 20 10 TOKYO. Si Espinosa beat Japan's funioi lightweight champion Ilaruc Sakamoto by unanimous dc- night over 10--rounds- UPI.
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  • 309 10  - Four T.T. stars join forces in bid to regain former glory TAN HONG POH By SINGAPORE CITY. Sat poi'li former stars of Hie disbanded \anyang team will join Torres again al the Singapore Table Tennis Association's 'home' championship now m progress al the Happy World. They are Ijiu Kok Wall
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  • 127 10 Hole-in-heart boxer takes title HAMILTON. Eddh Beattie. Scottish born boxer who survived an operate t 1 a hole m his heart, won the Canadia He scored :i technical I Bobby Hamilton oi Edmonton tl Beanie, who readied quarterfinal 1956 Melboui tuples, had his ration i:. November 1957 were and he
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 163 10 iBH *<w I w 4k vflb >QDf By IP. iflt I. v^ <X 9L Opt VLX §v J ft HO) St teH Jr io 80. >«9 I yk. o V it v xk pp> ir R96 a < poop 4bob A w p<K I wflkba u^B <SS So 9St y
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    • 93 10 Jm IV BEFORE YOU MAKE UP YC HAVE A LOOK AT THE lITSTAI sole agents LIEN WAH WATCH DEALE6 108 NORTH BfttOCr ROAD, t iolr Oistributork tor f-rrt< rctmn WOO MING BROS M LTD 8, tit., Bmtonq Kd X Lumpur A (om i 0L A super S; ROTAXI i yf
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 222 11 Sikhs quit league and key match becomes 'friendly' SINGAPORE CITY, Saturday. SINGAPORE Recreation Club beat Young Men's Sikh Association by four goals to nil m a hockey match played on the padang yesterday. A large crowd turned up to see what was expected to be a key S.H.A. Division One
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  • 127 11 |>A£IR PANJANG, Sat. 1 Two cyclists— Rail i bin Baharawl, 24. a class I rider and L/Cpl. Donald Morrison, 23. of the 5 Dog Company. R.M.P.. will go all-out to win the open 35-miles Singapore to Johore massed-start meet 1 tomorrow. ey will
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  • 431 11 Little Nene replies... DEAR Sportfi Fan: I shouldn't have answered your letter »F.P. Oct. 4» because you didn't sign your name. But because I would like some people who live m darkness to see the light. I will explain When I use the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 56 11 I could'nt be S~^f M o■* A I |ig. comfortable! wA Jim, y Ml MV. y^ —*$r I SIGN OF UNDERWEAR SPORTSWEAR ■jfc,.; Shortsleeyed ond Sleeveless. T-SHIRTS AND ATHLETIC SHIRTS. I Snow-white ond Attractive Range of Colours. tailored to suit your pocket too! h,, 111 Leading Stores. m THE CHINA
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    • 276 11 Smartest combination for business and pleasure BUSINESS extra luggage PLEASURE Sleek lines by P I space-rear seat folds flat as m Farina; roomy comfort for four a station wagon; quick acceiera- adults or two adults, three eh* tion through 4 gears from dren; handsome two-ton« standing to 70 mph m
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 248 11 [rack form m AiJC -10-60— mxCz l/»»fc cr 3f n. 44 S (ommnn MKU.T: 23-8-60 pi\ on the bit for 3F m 38 U I RACE FOUR IL i Dl\. l-i,t, i. .iHKe time over 3F A Ml MIIK\N( over 3F h cd. SHOWMAN: No n ek I »a 1
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    • 1253 11 RACE I—2 15- CL 3 DIV 2— ABT 7 FURS. J- J2iJ5 luSy ?'AMr g (Pa u trlck Llm > Teh B 3 <4^ I i\inv.c I A. I 3 i.L. 3, UI V. MD I.# rw 9. 476,2 GAME 6yr bag (Healthy St.) Teh. 8.1 (2j 1 iU y
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  • 671 12  - It's time for Grantlee 'hat-trick' with his fine form ALLAN LEWIS By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat pRANTLEE, a last start stylish winner over the Singapore 6F m the smart time of lmin. 13set\ should win his third race m a row by taking the main Class 3 sprint at Kuala Lumpur
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  • 1197 12 KING'S SCHOLAR should get his long overdue first win m Malaya m Race One (Class 3, Div. 2 nuv over 7F). King's Scholar finished second to Slraal Peter at [poh m June. At the August/September meeting at Singapore, he finished third m
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  • 190 12  -  Jeffery James BFUJGNGJGJ SPORT* officials, concerned with schools as the nurseries of future champions, are wondering if dishitt meets, introduced this season ior athletics and swimming, will do any good. Said one: "I've watched several district athletic meets this season, and though I
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