The Singapore Free Press, 5 October 1960

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 245 1 60 die in crash: Plane plunges into Boston harbour after take-off POSTON, Wed. An Electro turboprop airliner crashed m Boston harbour yesterday. Reports said the plane had been carrying 72 people 67 passengers and five crew. Eyewitnesses to the crash, which took place after take-off, said the plane sank after
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  • 81 1 A 'made m U.S. A.' magnetic brain is sent up SPEED UP COMMUNICATIONS Aiso ready: A 'poor man's rocket' to orbit British sputnik CAPE CANAVERAL (Florida), Wednesday. oday placed m orbit a magnetic brain" satellite-Courier ned as the forerunner of a worldwide military comT 3 I W
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  • 274 1 KHRUSHCHEV SEES MAC NEW YORK, Wednesday. INDONESIA, India, Ghana and the United Arab Republic yesterday sought support from the powerful Afro-Asian group tor their General Assembly resolution aimed at j renewal of Soviet-United States summit contacts. This was one of the two
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  • 52 1 SINGAPORE MAN KILLED IN K.L. GANG WAR KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— A mar., bt lieved to be .pore, was killed m a running b. oetween 15 thugs from Road. an p. nded on the road Ey< <>ople \vrrr injured >oaped before the ..rrived. Broken l> blood- >uld oe s^en on the
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  • 306 1 H-bomb policy: Gaitskell faces defeat SCARBOROUGH, Wed. British Labour Party leader Hugh Gaitskell's H Bomb policy stood m imminent danger of defeat last night following a decision by the huge Amalgamated Engineer's Union to back Frank Cousins at the party's annual conference today. Fhis decision, taken by the engineers at
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  • 160 1 Police double patrols in bid to nab 3 'cake-money' robbers SINGAPORE, Wed.— Police have mounted extra patrols m the Tanjone Katong Road area m a bid to arrest three youths who were responsible for robbing six schoolboys of their cake-money m the last three days. "We are doing all we
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  • 157 1 Minister praises women volunteers and calls for more helpers SINGAPORE, CITY, Wednesday. AX appeal to more women to join the occupational and diversional therapy units at the hospitals m Singapore was made by the Minister for Health, Indie Ahmad bin Ibrahim tliis morning. He made this appeal at the opening
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  • 58 1 LIVERPOOL, Wed.— The Liverpool shipping firm of Allred Holt announced yesterday that .ney nave ordeied four moior cargo liners of about 11,000 tons each 1 fo/ die compdiiy's Far Ea^t ;uti from here to Malaya, Hong Kow-i and Japan. Twu will be buht
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  • 28 1 CAHORS. (Southwest France*. Wed.— Prance put a 'national i disaster" aid plan into operation yesterday when three rivers flooded a large area m the Southwest.
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  • 94 1 CONGO: THE SCHOOLS REOPEN, BELGIANS BACK I EOPOLDVILLE. Wed. 1^ Mr. Maurice Eartiaue. onsultant .aion. told a press conference here that almost ail primary schools m the Congo had opened yt sterday i. three weeks later than the original da lor reopening after the summer holid. oh d i problem
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  • 12 1 Pi pn< d Fund n.. Fl: and sellinß HK
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 13 2 g gdfg sf sdr hdfh Dr. d. portion oi outRenter
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  • 111 2 LONDON. Wed. > m the sure* Five Pi .-cd another quarter '1 5 bonds were neglect dnilar >t' mpathy with Hire purchase :eded and bandwere dull. Numerous small gains were forded m the industrial Most ol the
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  • 83 2 Tax loss selling and the mart closes heavy NEW YORK: Wall Street showin modest distribution of ses extending mostly to one dollar or Profit-taking and tax loss selling took command m a rather lack-lustre session. m early dealider the lead 01 m Is more from lack of buying
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  • 83 2 L Demand for Royal Dutch shares \.MSTERDAM: The mark< lay. Internationa rally slightly lower m ry small dealings reinternational poliiderations. Royal Dutch, hoy- unproved slightly on tort demand. In plantations Deli wa* somewhat hi ally with si loans featured New cement factory I ONDON: I: lutrtland Cement Group will
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  • 7 2 HONG KONG. Tues. ClO
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  • 58 2 Glaxo makes it 18 p.c. LONDON: GlaKo Laboratories has declared a final dividend of 11 per cent making a total of 18 per cent lor the year ending, June 30. 1960. against 14 per cent. The company has propos- I t-d to make a one-for-four tree scrip issued. Group
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  • 237 2 Rubber closes quiet with sellers reserved LONDON. Wed.-- Although Eastern closing advices were much as had been expected, the market opened very cautiously Eastern levels earlier had been lower and cheaper purchases were presumed to have been made. Prices at the outset were at Monday's final level but few
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  • 56 2 LONDON: The Sterling area's gold and convertible currency reserves m September by 13 million 1 sterling to 1.1 10 million sterling, the Treasury ananounced yesterday. The rise compared with an increase of 27 million sterling m Augu>t and a rise of 13
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  • 356 2 NOTE: All prices below are middle prices. i 0 CPf. Tuesday. Prey o-i loaay INDUSTRIALS A-' IS. (N r dO Buyers 8.8. Petrol B.M. Trustees 5.25 •> 1.-o 1.32Va Pref. *4.15 15 Ords. *2.02 '2.03 G.E. Life 117.2S 11/25 Gammon (1959) 2.07*4 24)7% Georgetown
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  • 492 2 Lower demand brings down coconut oil prices By the FREE PRESS MARKET CORRESPONDENT SINGAPORE, Wednesday. 3INCE the end of last year, there has been a drop of about $20 a picul m the bulk and drum prices of coconut oil m Singapore. The bulk price m Singapore yesterday w;is $41.50
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 81 2 LONDON. Oct 4 PffHI.IIRUBBER No I Ho c i I. European potts Ort Nov RUbbfcK Ho. 1 R"* frPOt RUBBER No. 1 RSS Settlement Houst Terms. Nov. 1 Dec TONE Q n i ft •-el fl PEPPER: WMU. Sarawak t.a.Q. c i.l. European ports Oct PEPPER Black
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    • 29 2 NEW YORK. Oct 4 UN Strait* '.Dot RUBBER Futures Nov. •Jan. TONE Steady SALES: 21 lots No. 1 RSS Oct. landed price I.OFFEI I Contract i
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    • 8 2 'JO R.. i *> btoch- comr
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    • 5 2 fdg dfgh ghf
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    • 44 2 LONI COPRA Phu.t C.i f U I European port* X pn t»n Oct COPRA Hi Ninth parti OH Nov. COCONUT OIL •mMi opf loo^. Oct Nn» lOiOnui Oil Ott HI4.IPPINL i OI'HA U S Pi oorti Oft short iii 4
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  • 123 2 Ten per cent cut m output to right oversupply position JOHANNESBURG: The J Rhodesian Selection Truvt Group has announced In Salisbury an immediate cutback m copper production amounting to about ten per cent of current output. The announcement said the reduction at a rate of 22.000 tons annually was
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  • 71 2 B.PPER FUTURES TRADING IN 'EMERGENCY' COCHIN: The board i i directors ol the India.. Pepper and Spice Trade Association yesterday deared an emergency In pepper futures trading here and closed the market for two days owing to a steady fall hi prices. The board also passed a resolution fixing floor
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  • 43 2 WASHINGTON, Genei .1 Services Administration <GSAi y announced that September sales of crude tural rubber from tl nal stockpile ol strata materials totalled 4 long tons. GSA said that approximately 91.438 been sold I 388.8; I Tt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 231 2 SHIPPING THE E. A.C. LINES A MEAN «> QTS 9 9tmn jQ Oct 5 Oct Oct 8 Oct Oct :3 24 Oci \fl Or Pmant P S Ham b pore 14 15 Oct 16 17 Oct -fl Oct ?3 24 Oct -\J M Oct V/ J« 9 II No» 11
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 132 2 BMPS/N SHIP> lying alongside the Sin_>iporr Harbour Board Hliar\cs m «'\pected today are: Men 1-2. Radnorshire 4-.V Perndale HA. Orna (3-7. S cler H-u. Pelt 113 10-11, Simba 13-14. Beniiiines 15-16, Bomali 18. Kiite.t 19. Pe.sco Liuhtei No. 22 N.Wall l. Sumpitan N.Wall 2, N.Wai] 3. Marudu 2 tl 23-24.
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  • 34 3 Quietly, without publicity... fear of Castro brings change lIS OPEN THEIR ,AL WORKERS mama). Wednesday. 'm the West Indies have bj the American Panama (anal Zone alter I Segregation
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  • 10 3 df gf j jk jh sdf sdfg sdf.
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  • 10 3 df afg gh hfsdf as N
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  • 7 3 dfs ffhghdf gf fhjdf
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  • 9 3 Reds pick into space fds gf dfh ghdf sd
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  • 88 3 i 1 1 1 l I Nigerians in a happy mood on arrival in Ixmdon when they learned that their country bad become officially independent. They are (from l«*f t > A. I). Ajijola. who will studj I iw it
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  • 146 3 THESE 3 'GOOD SAMARITANS' KILLED AN OLD MAN, SAY ROME POLICE ROME, Wed Vi -a if the kill and Good jail doors d behind the trio I of mur--82-year-old gar- .-on GabMorrico and busini is Enzo Sciomerri A Marcello Masse 1 -mannered young n and But at ed th- heir
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  • 109 3 NASUTION CALLS FOR IKE-NIK MEETING II- LSHINGTON, V. It Indonesian Dt I Minister and army chief G Abdul Hari- Nasution said yesterday a between Pn sident EisenPrt mier Nikita Khrushchev is 11 reduce world tensions. Nasution told a cc that an El hower-Khrushchev me should be held as soon a>
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  • 109 3 MAYOR BRANDT WARNS SOVIET UNION 11ERLIN. Wed. Mayor > Willy Brandt asked the whether furagainst West Berlin are worth "more far-reachli isequenc< for East-West trade." Brandt Intimated that pressure on Berlin might bring sterner economic measures than \VGermany's cancellation of its trade agreement with East Germany last Friday. Radio address
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  • 250 3 BLAST-OFF... and I get an angel's eye-view of the Titan By CHAPMAN PINCHER nAPE CANAVERAL, Wed. A Titan rocket took off from Cape Canaveral as I was flying past m a plane only a few miles away, giving me a fantastic angel's eye-view of the 98ft. missile m flight. I
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  • 152 3 TERROR GUNMEN FROM ALGERIA KILL 3.000 IN 4 YEARS: NOW THEY MAKE A TARGET OF FRENCHMEN. TOO PARIS. Wednesday. I TWO people are killed every three days m Paris m the grim guerrilla war by Algerian gangs. In tour years, the gangs have claimed 3,000 victims dead, nearly 7.500 wounded
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 _^^aaaa' aaaaa^^^— spending just a few lJ f\ lL^U^LA moments resting your 111 T I W i i H M I W J I ■flflft^H^V I i^ment a most I Hfl i JH I I f 4 r~^M I I j^B* If^ I 'i /VJ J entertaining contest mKK^^^^^BmSK!l^M i-
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 320 4  - A church with barred windo ws ARTHUR RICHARDS fn memory of the war prisoners and internees RETIRED BUSINESSMAN TAKES CHARGE OF PROJECT TO REDEEM THE LOST SOULS By Changi. Wed. SINGAPORE has a church with barred windows the only one of its kind m SouthEast Asia, according to its pastor,
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  • 25 4 BRAS BASAH. Wed.-- St. Joseph's Institution will hold their prize-giving day on Sunday. Full-fccaie preparation for this anna] allair are now under way.
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  • 359 4  -  SALLY DEAN j d dfd jy fsdf CHANGI, Wed. —In spite of the unfriendly weather, the whist drive to raise funds for the fete m aid of the Cheshire Home was a success. Mrs. Theresa Chandler. Mrs. Molly Hawkins, and Mrs. "Bertie" Baldwin
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  • 78 4 Now fifteen girls form Malay dance orchestra f HANOI, 1 Latin music lovei a surprise latest allband. I Orkes, hv All th I Four ar< Raja Hamld. leader < gui: acmrd 1. (doublr I A: Saat family, :nah Ahm Bongo player I Att: him. who pla I rica I A
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  • 21 4 $1 8,249 tender SINGAPORE CITY The Governmc: I ed t*nc I Clir $18. L I I del air-conditloi I rioui I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 351 4 siiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiicsiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiiiiiiiiciNiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiniiiNnmig I WHY PAY MORE??? S I i You Can Buy American Cannon Sheets, Towels and Blankets at prices comparable to their Japanese counterparts! fi selections tit prices ranging, g fr m $6.50 to $13.50 1 c 0 Ah vailablc At greatly reduced prices: Cameras Projectors Transistor Radios and Electrical
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    • 140 4 JUST RECEIVED j BEACH PLAYTHINGS Air-beds, j paddling pads etc. j TOYS Assortment of latest designs for Christmas I OVERSEAS PARCELS ACCEPTED FOR DESPATCH I FREE PACKING CATHAY STORE, j 376-G Changi Village, Singapore 17 Relax m our beauty salon and let our experts take good care of your hair
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    • 212 4 FRIENDS LOVED ONES OVERSEAS I WILL APPRECIATE YOUR THOUGHTFUL GREETINGS AND PRESENTS DURING THE FESTIVE SEASONS. a We Can Supply The Wherewithals if Handmade Greeting Cards of 1 Occidental Oriental Designs from only 15 Cts. i if Exotic Perfumes At Prices To T Suit All Pockets These are only a
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    • 95 4 From $25/- to $2750/Moppin Webb WMF Stainless Steel Cutlery Sets and Silverware ID AT YOUR SERVICE EXPERT LADIES DRESSMAKERS FOR T> FASHIONS. SIN MAY 376 -C, CHANGI VILLAGE, STORE B< hly Dr, Iwpr< Come To Us For Thot PERFECT Suit We Ensure: Perfect Cutting Excellent Workmanship Top Quality Material KIAM
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  • 713 5 'What the hell is going on?' Gatehouse asked as Monty ordered attack ST CORRELLI BARNETT'S BOOK ON THE DESERT GENERALS AND THE BATTLE OF ALAMEIN THAT'S RAISING THE DUST hours ot October 25, 19 42, battle of Alamein was nearly old. Major-General A. H. nandin* one of the Eighth armoured
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  • 115 5 SERANGOON GARDENS, Wednesday. "CKIPPER" a large white parakeet lias gone on a long ilight without leaving a forwarding address at the family residence m Borthwick Drive Mrs. Campbell and h*r children will be grateful if anybody could inform
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 I Super I Plenamins I Ptenamins I m STS m 3TCRES ■> ,iport I WALIFLEX I M-500 "OSURK MHH
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    • 148 5 YAS H I C A VII A- 1 00 ALL TRANSISTOR HIGH FIDELITY I HEARING AID «&*r^ THE ONLY HEARING AID Incorporating High-Low Volume Control Switch for Telephone Amplifying. Guarantee for I One Year. List Price $144 Top Discount U for cash. i >oh- IfMMla ft fIOT "TITHES" OEHTAL PHOTO
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 71 5 RIP KIRBY By John Prentice 6c Fred Dickenson MANDRAKE b Y Lee Falk and Phil Davis JPWI J V >^ j» H THE HEART OF JULIET JONES by Stan Drake =p^ -^^Zl P /THE PARTNERS PAUSE. ."WeN I /^MARVELOU9->t?U WEP£ CREATEOX ■VJLU^T I y^r/ry^T.^ /ENTFEATANDPURfSUE. .KEEPING (^F£RTH£ FANDANGO, W UTTLE
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    • 143 6 The snobbish nurses /CONSIDER the amazing snobbery of the int 1 1 am c c nurses at the Ipoh General Hospital. The Health Ministry rules that ailing traintied only to beds m the third class \N ell \.l. And what do the would-be angels do? They protest vehemently. On what
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    • 77 6 4BUNDANT indeed are the rewards of devotion. Two weeks ago this column spotlighted a widow who became Singapore's first woman building contractor to fulfil her husband's commitments. Today comes news of another woman. Gabrielle by name and widow of the famous Camille Flammarion, the man who
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  • 489 6  - MONEY: Just how much do you know about the currency that you use DAVID TAMBYAH *£>*&*£'* of dol--1 lars change hands every day m Singapore and the Federation but just what do you know about the currency that is so much an indispenable part of your life? One fact is
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  • 778 6 The give-away babies get a better deal i/-s\ F* *^>4 *->♦ r^ f--. NO LONGER REGARDED AS GIFTS FROM HEAVEN. ..BUT THE WELFARE OFFICERS KEEP TIRELESS VIGIL TO PROTECT THEM FROM BEING SOLD FOR IMMORAL PURPOSES By lAN MOK-AI Singapore City, Wed. PHILDREN sometimes cease to be regarded as "gifts
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  • 103 6 Chinese chamber to go ahead with plans for a new building SINGAPORE CITY, Wednesday. THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce is going ahead with plans to build a million-dollar headquarters to replace the 53-year-old pie- mises at Hill Street. The chamber at a weekend meeting elected a 10-man committee, headed by
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  • 35 6 NEW PHONE LINES INSTALLED IN RURAL AREAS PPER SERANGOON. U Wed. Several homes and warehouses m Buklt Arang Road, off Upper Serangoon. now have telephones, following the installation of new lines to serve rural areas.
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  • 92 6 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SCHOOL FUND DRIVE OEMBAWANG, Wed.— About 210 men, women and j children m Sembawang have volunteered to collect funds for Kalaimagal Tamil School on its flag day on Deepavali, Oct. 19. They will go from house to house m Woodlands, Naval Base, Sembawang. Nee Soon and Thompson
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  • 114 6 VANDALS WRITE 'RUDE' WORDS ON VIP VISITORS' BOOK SINGAPORE CITY. Wed. —The "Visitors' Book" at St. Andrew's Cathedral has been a target of attack by J vandals. The book, which bears the names of several VIP.s. including British Governors who served m Singapore. Is now tucked away m the cathedral's
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 233 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. I 1 ANNOUNCEMENT 29 »ordm (Htm mum) DANCING FOR FUN" M Cultnru 1 I Sun. 9th 4 30. Ticket* ..iwnsOM. ReKular I this j (Mttar 10th. AT YOUR SERVICE ■a Wor4% $2 (Vim.)-Bnx SO et* txtrn TOP QUALITY COLOUR Print from vmR WHILE YOU WAIT Photostat Robinson Ro*d.
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    • 43 6 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii' PATEK PHILIPPE s the only watch; nanufacturer whose entire collection of men's watches j carries, engraved on every novement. the official stamp Df the State of Geneva, the authentic guarantee of ;enturies-old "GENEVA, QUALITY". H. SENA, LTD. 3H CLASS JEWELLERS Singapore Pcnong.
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    • 66 6 TH€V SAIV... 1 out any damage vas o0 3t <*n*U?c*. <4&c n*t€*u fitter The on finals of i> can be teen si I r^^^K^-^| STORAGL.SHIFP* TRANSPORT STORAGE, LTD. 17\ Cecil Street, Singapore 1 Phone: (> 502. Managing Director; Ron, I 4»»4 H TIP TOP SALE HURRY te l%fl PTD SiLK
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  • 236 7 Deliberate' rumours spread to raise rates GOVT. ISSUE FROM THE STOCKPILE UPSETS I IMPORTERS WHO HAVE j COMPLETED ORDERS SINGAPORE CITY, Wednesday. J^ SHARP drop m prices has followed the temporary lifting of issues from the Government stockpile. Large quantities of rice now flood
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  • 18 7 5,000 ATTEND A TEMPLE TO CELEBRATE HINDU FEAST .ORE CITY during i of A lecture :r. S P.
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  • 134 7 FOUR PUBLIC LECTURES ON MALAYSIA AT CENTRE SINGAPORE CITY. Wed A series of tour twopub, tures Lan subject oe I at the Cultural Centi Rj SaturQonth beginning Oct. 8. Mr. Cheng Tsui, a lecturer m t at the Teach* I Training College, will give the first lecture on "History of
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  • 238 7  - They challenge! local girls to make scooter trip to Penang ALEXANDRA LEE I KIM AND AKIE SET NEW MARK By SINGAPORE CITY, iO Wed. Two women who have returned from a record-break-ing journey from Singapore to Penang on scooters, have thrown out a challenge to local girls to emulate their
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  • 94 7 PRIEST ON A WORLD TOUR CALLS BY TO STUDY THE WORK OF CATHOLIC MISSIONS HERE o S a In 54 counMiddle a. South -ningnid. •hurches. aid Ru>sian people were nligious and they prayed f<^r world peace. Father ORouike said two bombs were wn at the Cathedral chapel m Laos while
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  • 40 7 BETTER PORK AT LOWER PRICES: GOVT. TO AID FARMERS S.GAPORE CITY. V. Th rn nc larmderive adequate ,me while the people nd cheap agxiir il prod^ ts c meni j I len or production ana ting. The I l J^;
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  • 67 7 RESEARCH TRAINING FOR LOCAL PERSONNEL SINGAPORE CITY, Wed— An Australian Public Relations and Marketing consultant. Mr. Basil A. Rossi, has joined Masters 1959 > Limited, advertising and marketing consultants oi Singapore. Mr. Rossi will direct the training and setting up of a Public Relations and Marketing Division of Masters here.
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  • 73 7 419 people X-rayed on first day of the war on tuberculosis SINGAPORE CITY, Wednesday. A TOTAL of 410 persons above the age of 14 from the Fairer Park area were X-rayed on the opening day of the giant anti-tubcrcu- losis campaign. The Health Minister. Inche Ahmad Ibrahim, launched the campaign
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  • 9 7 HE WINS $200 FOR BEST STAMP DESIGN fciTY. Wed.—
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  • 229 7 1,500 bank workers to ask for salary SINGAPORE CITY, Wed.— About 1,500 employees at 18 banks m Singapore are to ask for more pay and better conditions of service. The claims are being drafted by the Singapore Bank Employees Union which represent the bank employees. The union has called for
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  • 43 7 SINGAPORE CITY. Wed.Thf Minister for Education. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, will inspect about 750 army cadets and 17 officers during the i combined schools cadet corps I parade cm the Raffles Institution play ground on Sun--1 day at 2.40 p.m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 15 7 ft ritfc^ I ft I gd gfdg sdfg hsg sdf fsd fdf fhdg sdfg df
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    • 315 7 ibyf -for (fwr cfiikfr&t p>s f .m'^ Li^ Pale Face Canoe One little, two little, three little Indians they'll a// want one of these' Big and buoyant, here's a bright new canoe that rides like I I I Tough, high-gloss vinyl with multi-color decoraNo. 246 r>rir»«»<iSingapore 50 Fed. of Malaya
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  • 416 8  - Syed's best friends and 'bed fellows' are deadly snakes DENNIS KHONG By GEYLANG, Wed. I CHJK more than 30 years, Syed Khan ha> lived with snakes and appeared m public performances with them. In fact, snakes are his livelihood. In his home m Jalan Rembang there an several round rattan
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  • 71 8 SINGAPORE CITY, Wed. Gan Chee Poh, 21, a fireman attached to the Central Fire Station, la dangerously ill after being stabbed by an unknown assailant at Bukit Panjang village yesterday afternoon. Gan was drinking coffep with a colleague when a mr walked up to them,
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  • 174 8 ROAD-BLOCK BY HAWKERS ANGERS THE MOTORISTS AT JOO GHIAT 100 CHIAT, Wed. Residents m Joo Chiat area, particularly car-owners, are annoyed at the obstruction caused by hawkers and trishaws. They claim that these hawkers and trishawriders obstruct roads and hinder the flow of traffic throughout the day. They make no
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  • 70 8 A BOOM IN SALE OF LANTERNS AND MOON-CAKES KATONG, Wed. Many shops In the Katong area have been enjoying a "boom" m moon-cakes and decorated lanterns for the Chinese eighth moon festival today. Shopkeepers reported a last minute rush to buy moon-cakes and fanciful lanterns to celebrate the occasion. They
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  • 35 8 .SINGAPORE CITY vVed. ne Government has accept d a tender from Mr. Eu Siak Poo for $21,800 for the con/er&ion and completion of existing bicycle sheds into classrooms at two schools.
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  • 112 8 Singapore teacher off to Australia for home science training 17-ATONG, Wed. Chegu Sllkinah, assistant principal of the Telok Kuiau Malay C i iris* School, has left m the Dutch liner Oranje for Australia with i her two children, Sabariah (riyht) and Amidiiddin. She is poinc there on a one -year
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  • 152 8 Shrine of Blessings is new home for this $5,000 Buddha statue GEYLAXG, Wednesday. fHK Mangala Vihara Shrine of Blessings m Jalan Bunos will have a new look when a massive and beautiful statue of Buddha is installed there m an official grand enshrine ment ceremony on Sunli\. 1 The resident
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 379 8 authorised KELVIN ATOR j dealer m GEYLANG is *4QoSQMMiMMtW9tHfftiftf tititt ittftf ttttitttti itiiMittiiitf MtfttMiitiinii mi Ml li mil itimiiiii I if Httftf tttlttt Mi 1 1_ I CHENG JONG radio and electrical company j 613, GEYLANG ROAD. j TBMWHimmn tmnttimi hiihiiim mimimih i trui ti t mtttttttt tttt wf *t
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    • 301 8 See Hew Much Mere Your Dollars Buy I Fmd out the facts BEFORE YOU BUY' York Air Conditioners and See how York* Cooling Maze Coils remove 30% more forcing air to turn and nchochet rounrt and rippled fins. See how York dflu ing BTU's per kilowatt to give you \\\<
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  • 302 9 $180,000 lottery winner can't pay his wife 2EREMBAN, Wed. —A husband, who said he won a lottery prize of $180,000 m 1951 and lost $157,000 m a mining! venture five years later, told the court he was unable to pay his wife more than $50 a month maintenance. The husband,
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  • 104 9 The little procession of boats starts of! m what Rupert thinks is the wrong direction. Both he and Sailor Sam hope that there is some, way home other than the frightening way by which they came, but the leading boat swings m a wide curve and
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  • Esme answers
    • 182 9 Dear E*m«* YOL may gei many complaints on mo-ther-in-law but few people complain about father -m law. How should I handle this? My wife's father lives with us. He's never been wrong m his life and he's never lost an argument. He keeps telling
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    • 118 9 D«ar Esme* IYh been married for 30 years, but my wife just regards me as a wage tamer She thinks I just have to put mv hand m mj pocket and the money la there. Yet to keep her and the children comfortably off 1 do a lot of overtime,
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    • 146 9 Dear E«me, T.oi *oj v «vho is m a fix. I do part time work to support my family. We aren't destitute, please understand, but there's not a lot of money to throw around. The trouble is with a certain girl who likes me very much. She is very rich
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    • 107 9 Dear Esme, Mi daughter is nine and she does not know my present husband is not her real father. I was divorced when she was two and this man is the only father she knows. I have the uneasy feeling that somebody will tell her when she gets older and
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    • 65 9 Dear Esme, I WILL be clad it ><>v can tell me how to got rid of my pimples? Even though I keen my face clean and apply cream every night, they never seem to disappear. UNHAPPY Dear Unhappy, Pimples have nothing to do with a clean face. It's best that
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    • 94 9 Dear Esme, IAM ver; much interested m a sirl who works m the same office, but different departments. \\v meet quit*' often m the bus but never had the chance to talk to each other. I have not the courage to approach her because she annears vcrv cold and pretends
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    • 80 9 Dear Esme, Ml husband isn't mean. :n fact he's very generous. But I've suddenly found that he has $87 hidden away. Should I let him know I\e discovered it or wait and see what he does with it' Oh boy what I could do with :<*:: DREAMING Dear Dreaming. 0
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    • 5 9 "•■'*!^^^fe^R^>jg^^MyjwA^ww^B^rt^Atfjh^^i|^tfcjl^g^^'^ywjMfcip^Jl
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  • 252 9 An expert on the revolution dancing SINGAPORE CITY, Wed.- A "dancing revolution" is now on m Singapore, leading local dancer, Rose Eberwvin. She said. -There is a penr awakenins In the p< attitude to dancing. Difl< ent races are now in' m learnim- dUIOCI of their own ra< "But on
    252 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 125 9 r^^\c Are you going bald? Ay A* :s *ome(] Decou% •ncreos»ng;\ I »v)<3 tried mon\ no ovoil. |rT, MAL CORPORATION 00 1 1 l» J Restorer, bu« r y *cepticQi about Within five I W "3 out. oftci ■C 6 tHen covered with hec i.e.. X NO.S4C *****) 0 f
      125 words
    • 147 9 i^ /^s^v "I PKX n 1 ffN^ /mß■ff m mS^^ y^^^V hj >^ If 1 111 ¥fl m /m\ m m ///i i 1 111 1 ff^S /mlmiW I m I M I m I m i I I I '111 ft)! 0 OCTOBER HAN SUYlN,famous authoress, I** i^|^|^W'''''^^^^SsSB bndal
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 149 9 i R ORN today you are one O of the hard workers or can face prO blems. solve this world, but you must them and sur vive. you then I guard against spending so reap profitsmuch time and energy for CAPRICORN (Dec 23-Jan. others m business that you 2 0)—
      149 words

  • 635 10 V STRONG CAST AND CHORUS OF 40 SELECTED FOR GILBERT AND SULLIVAN'S YEOMEN OF THE GUARD' i S I UDENTS from Singapore and Malaya. North Borneo and Hong Kong recently visited Sydney's famous Tarocmga Park Zoo as p:\rt of a programme of entertainment
    635 words
  • 230 10 These two first-class utility cars are just right for the whole family and a pram TWO baby estate cars i come out today the Morris Mini-Tra-veller and the Austin Seven Countryman. Both have entirely new bodies fitted to the now-famous trans-verse-mounted engine. They are produced for business and pleasure with
    230 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 185 10 \TO\V ,s THE TlME 1 W/>> TO CHANGE TO... K-L-G PLUGS with HYLUMINA insulators ft I HYLUMINA the world's IV^. finest pluK-in^ul;itin^ material. Manufactured in one-piece like the famous K.L.CJ. raiinjj plu. Track-tested for several years b\ Vaawall, A*ton-.Martin, t.ihra, and many others. There i* a K.L.C. plug lor EVERY
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    • 2 10 S-\ -y.
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    • 168 10 I p O C X E T MONEY r prizes are orfered jt^J-' for colouring this w scene with paints. I 4 crayons or chalks. V/* T,^ 'r^ >V There are four pr.ze^ of- j -r'X tered— each of S5 (two for 1 J tJr P^f boys and two for
      168 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 63 10 pmgjWPM if l f ll ffi; ii jW|| IC THE TbTACK BOO DOCS N«P J 7H£ 78AZT *CO CAM 8£ APJU3TM4TNT CAN I PO THE JOS J S*O*re#*0 OF Lf?«i»te*f0 OV MVSaTLP f j-^* C J* LWSC#fWr»a 7HC lOQr NUJ5 AHP T^*-t- -f^"" n. > > 7yv/sr*Hs ths mnormmwm 25
      63 words

  • 2187 11 P m N I I I*l ek David Low, Lim Hong. Kajii puram, Lee Liau :n Kwo. T..n I n Lm, H;n, i i Kee Seng, Fong Kor I Lee K*m im. i Fee X .c i Wee Ghee, Chen .im Shen Khoon, nil.
    2,187 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 149 11 'Aim from WASSIAMULLS o wear and are for, our s s DOCOMA 4- 100 s dacron and cotton. s i Looks like tine broad- f*fi\^ cloth but so easy to S launder, dries fast, rareJ\^ ly needs ironing! S J^L You'll want a couple of W these handsome modern y
      149 words
    • 105 11 y<f HOME LAUNDRY li A n^ PRICE 5590 (SINGAPORE) Arar/abte G. Electrical Retc //r///l f >t<l/i*>/i (stain mhpok t '«"*>«* fKll/FF&CHAW i thp one m v I iiiv \i# «j ill U Mfl^ ■s V.., V-^ W. 1 I HF ■'&SF? A page of pictures o? th© j*<^ x'&SsSshS P^\
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 58 11 f r IK /YES/ r wouLP\ r V^/ PEEPER TO BE OUT t ON THE BY-PASS I \yo CRAWLING ALONG 1 I |2 I 13 14 13 16 io H 1 1 DBS \C ROSS J o A crooked one was walked won> feature along the coast m hQU 4
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  • 108 12 LANCELOT FOLLOWING IN DADS FOOTSTEPS AS SHARP SHOOTER SINGAPORE CITY. Wed. Lancelot Michael Pen- nefather. 16. is determined to follow m his father's footsteps. He is the son of Percy Pennefather. Singapore's crack hockey centreforward and groal-gretw. A promising: player. Lancelot has
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  • 280 12  -  CHUCK RODRIGUES By i PONGGOL, Wed. RESIDENTS of Katong District have nicknamed their local hero, Bob Cornelius, 11. "Donald Campbell." Bob's iirs.t love is motor-cycling and there's nothing he likes better than speed. Be it motor racing or speed-boat racing, Bob's the man for it. Bob's
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  • 67 12 GUAN LEONG IS A PROMISING BANTAMWEIGHT S, APoliK CITY, j .d has been omising ban- >. \g i niipion. He is >ld Urn Guan Leong 'overly the to win the mweight crown. fourth former of School and he team, is the Mr. A. P. Lim. for- ol S „natit title
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  • 177 12 Throwing issue doesn't worry fast-man Meckiff IIELBOURNE. Wed. lan ■l»l Meckiir, Australian fast bowler with a controversial delivery, said here last night he did not intend to change his action. -Why should I?" he asked "I have not been no-bailed and I do not expect to be noballed, because I
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  • 21 12 LONDON, Wed. Poetic Licence quoted at 100 to 6 m the ante-post betting nn thp PpsarewiUih HandicaD
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  • 144 12  - SPORTS-MAD WOMAN WITH A MISSION Alexandra Lee By SINGAPORE CITY, Wed.— Mrs. Sylvia Yap, active and attractive at the age of 43, is a keen sportswoman with this self-imposed mission: to instil into women, young and old, a greater love for sport. This veteran sportswoman, with 33 years of playing
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  • 79 12 SYDNEY, Wed. Frank Mlsson. an Australian Test "possible" was no-balled four times m two overs for dragging. He was bowling for Glebe m an inter-club cricket match against Northern Districts here. North Sydney bowler Bevan White, who was no- I balled six times m one
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 469 12  -  G. SUBHAS By CELETAR, Wed.—Call- ing all members if the Singapore Motor Club and other motorracing enthusiasts m the island. We have with us today 22-year-old Chris ProffitWhite, an R.A.F. serviceman now stationed at Seletar. This tall fair-haired rug-ged-looking Englishman
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  • 33 12 NEWMARKET, Wed. The Aga Khan had his success m England m completion of negotiation acquire hLs latr fath< £5.000.000 worth of bloodstock, when Onalin#» won th»-
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 189 12 ■I" RADIOS An R.C.A. Table Radio 3 Wave Band' given with every PRESTCOLD REFRIGERATOR .V.V.; »>• •••••~J '^'(Hr^^Tß a \i K sJc K?U l^^^^^^a^wi^a^^^B^Mßi^B^ •V. v... is. >.•.%••% •v.vl- i J^^s. Vrestcold^ only $27-00 down or special cash price $468.75 plus a FREE RCA RADIO See the Prestcold Range at
      189 words
    • 19 12 ASAHI CULTURED PEARLS will make a GIFT she II really LOVE Prices very HOHNER MEIODK' MMt by M I
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  • 467 13  -  B. NORMAN Malayan Rugby Union rules that players picked for Malaya not eligible for Singapore match by SINGAPORE CITY, Wednesday I £HRIS Allen, Assistant Secretary of the Malayan Rugby Union, said yesterday that the Thailand Rugby team will definitely be stopping over m Singapore
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  • 8 13 I > I issed chance is beat Bees
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  • 443 13 The man who was Simon Bautista for 22 years LITTLE NENE s fighters of—fjvsterdaij— BAUTISTA! Does the name ring a bell? Who is Simon Bautista? I'll tell you! Hi* was John Mortel, better known as Johnny Mortell In the boxing world the little guy who was once the idol of
    443 words
  • 410 13 KATONG WIN BARE-FOOT CUP FINAL Katong District 4: Serangoon District 1 FjWRREK PARK. Wed.— What a tup Final, but no bouts! Yes Indeed, m tlit'M' days when boots are reijardoil as a "must" lor every footballer, spectators at Farrer Park were, puzzled to see burly players, some with familiar fates
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  • 1 13
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  • 257 13 St. HILDA AND CHUNG CHENG DOMINATE FIRST KATONG SWIM KATONG, Wed. Chung Cheng High School and i St. Hilda's School were the overall champion schools m Katong District for first annual Swimming carnival held iat the Chinese Swimming Club yesterday. Chung Cheng scored 59 points to win the boys section,
    257 words
  • 135 13 POOR RESPONSE TO DISTRICT GIRLS HOCKEY TANJONG PAGAR. Wed. Only throe districts out of the five m the programme this season, could raise team* to compete m the Girls' League hockey tournament starting tomorrow on Dunman Chinese Middle School ground at 5.00 p.m. The three districts are Pasir Panjang, City
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  • 30 13 ROME, Wed. The Danish Olympic cyclist who collapsed and died during the summer games died after an excessive dose of drugs. Italian police announced last night. U.P.I.
    U.P.I.  -  30 words
  • 115 13 Asoka badminton party tourney VAVAL BASE. Wed. Asoka Badminton Party's fourth annual championship for me Sivan Cup will be played at tiie pany's court on Saturday. October 8 and 9 i starting at 700 p.m each day. Highlight of the first ciay mil i be the match between Er Wee
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 52 13 Bf^^s^JJ Kj^^a^Ba^aai sS3pvm i^l r^_^ or ALL TRANSISTOR sh Button 4 Wave-band Superb Performance i I leading Radio Dealers. n r ASIA RADIO CO., I Road. Spore Tel: *****. ENSURES CLEAR AND Jfc^^ ST/NCT PICTURES WITH ITS MAGN/F/CENT LENS PROJECTS IRREPLACEABLE SL/DES AGAINST DAMAGE y&* MTH ITS HEAT RESISTANT j
      52 words
    • 373 13 NOTICES HOTELS LICENSING HOTELS LICENSING REGULATIONS, 1956 REGULATIONS, 1956 Regulation 1? iij (aj lation i Application for a Certificate \\>\>lu ation tot <<tuii M of Registration ol Kegtutrati NO I ICE i.s hereby give. »t THIA CHIN KONCi ol No 425, I .JOO Pa>ir PanjariK Road. Sin Ls applying to
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 132 13 Today's sport SOCCER: SBH.F.A. knockout finals. Jtinior Wearnes vs Eveready a? 7.00 p.m.. Senior Sime Darby n Malayan Airways at. 5.15 pni at Jalan Besar Stadium R I (J B V: Inier Distiicl (Schools* at Raffles ground 4.00 f p.m. St. Andrews old Boys vSarawak Range** at Woodsville i 5
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  • 217 14 STAR RIDERS IN COLD CUP' BALLROOM RACE By ALLAN LEWIS 4 \(!\II1V "Gold A up" race m which all Malaya's leading jockeys will take part is the main attraction at the Singapore Gold Cup ball to be held at the Sea view Hotel on Thursday, Oct. 27. The kail, from
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    • 271 14 All expenses paid holiday in Australia awaits a 4th Dan U ANT a holiday m Australia WITH ALL EXPENSES PAID? That's what Mr. J. lln of 6 West Street, (iiiildford. Sydney, Vw >outh Wales, and his friends are offering any one m Singapore, Malaya, or any of the Mirrounding: countries,
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 14 Mat hot saves MATHOT. S.C.C. goalkeeper, makes one of his many saves m the same against I ombined Schools. He saved this cross from Combined Schools inside right. Swarafcon.
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  • 247 14 THIS TABLE LINING COST $45 PER YARD OINGAPORE CITY, Wed. —Robert Lim ot Sime I Darby Sports Club proved himself to be the best junior billiards three ball player for 1960 when he won the final of the annual championship at the Great World last night. Both Rooert and his
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  • 236 14 The schoolboys are too fast for the Cricket Club SINGAPORE, CITY, Wednesday. OIXGAPORE Cricket Club failed to hold the younger Combined Schools m this Division One same played at the padang Combined Schools won by 4—l. The youngsters were too fast and tricky for the older men though the S.C.C.
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  • 132 14 Special training will begin on October 16 SINGAPORE CITY. Wed.— Sel ecled badminton players wil begin special training on Oct. 16 The Singapore Badminton Associ at ion has appointed Mr. Leow Kin Fatt and eight assistants to con duct ihe courses with \iew t< improving the .standard of re present
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  • 691 14 FROM PAGE 11. STANDARD I (ORAL) Lee Leng Whai. Sim How Tani, Neo Cheng Stang. Chiang Cbye Im. Chan Boon Wah. Lim Ah Ang, Yeo Hock Hai, Tan Khim Ser, Yeo Beny Lee. Tan Teo Nghee, Tan Too Cheon. Neville Hogan. T.
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  • 163 14 By ALLAN LEWIS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Mawi- trained ho: were the only ones lo work last, on the number two irack here this morning. Golden Nabob (Leong) was tne only one to make time. He was kept well on the bit I for his three
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  • 639 14 ANGLO BOYS AND RAFFLES GIRLS TOPS IN BUKIT TIMAH SWIMMING NEE SOON, Wed.— With 51 points, Anglo Chinese School won the Bukit Timah district swimming carnival held at Nee soon Garrison j swimming pool yesterday. Runners- up were Chinese High School with 47 points. i In the girls* section Raffles
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 271 14 ••••••■•••■••■••I •••••*'l J t alOM* tUtWi <• FREE PRESS 1 WORD PUZZLE HfT| Cut out ond pin with otrn Posting instructions app< Nome z. Address Cut Jton. dottrd CLUES FOR WORD PUZZLI 1. To take the leading p.irr 4 m a play or film. 2. Having put a large deposit
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