The Singapore Free Press, 2 June 1960

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 17 1 !«E NEWSPAPER FWFpv^v L J The Singapore Free Prss No. *****. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1960. 15 CENTS.
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  • 83 1  -  DAVID TAMBYAH Plou&h-back Mr. Lee is not satisfied ley don't invest mough m local industry asdfasfasdfsadfasdfasdfsadfsdfsd I Thus. The r, Mr. Lee Kuan satisfied with the al capital re-in-nstorj here over the i m answer to a conference ;it ntagi of availbeinci invented Minister said: A fair
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  • 80 1 1066 AND ALL THAT HAD MAYOR CONFUSED LONDON. Than.— Bb Edmund Stockdak-. the Lord Mayor of London, last Igilt made the kind of slip that every British schoolboy fears. He vat at a dinner to celebrate the dOOth anniversary of the Admiralty Court. Only the other day." he \i.d, "we
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 339 1  -  KITTY DIXON British airline sets the fashion for air hostess of tomorrow: A uniform ...but it's almost Dior! By T ONDON, Thurs. I must admit I shuddered a little when I got my invitation from Lord Douglas of Rirtleside to go along and view the new
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  • 155 1 Pencils books and blackboards ...all come by air VIENTIANE (Vietnam), Thurs.— Two New Zealand Air Force crews began the distribution of 25 tons of school equipment to schools throughout Laos, yesterday. Tn*> New Zealanders were on a programme to distribute the equipment to the main provincial capitals before the monsoon
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  • 17 1 PORTSMOUTH. Thurs —The Vanguard. Britain's only remainins battleship, will cease To serve from next Tuesday.
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  • 87 1 DIAGNOSE DEVICE 'DIDAS' WILL KEEP CAMPBELL'S CAR ON TAPE LONDON, Thurs. A new electronic gadget will give a 'continuous diagnosis of the Bluebird car m which Donald Campbell will attempt the world land .speed record m the United States next Septemper. The device "Didas" Dynamic Instrumentation Data Automobile System made
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  • 18 1 BONN. Thurs.— West, Germany will spend two billion marks <Msr billion to aid underdeveloped countries.
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  • 53 1 Odds for clots 5 to 1 m, MUBOIRNE. Thurs.— An international meeting of Jm.. alist In Melbourne jesterday. was told that heart MX 1 lal 'f V,t neoole with hieh blood pressure nettinj c. h t.o'ronary s d"'«ate P W er P i e hUh! The r. S k «a
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  • 146 1 Reds put up a hanging building on springs to beat earthquakes MOSCOW, Thursday. A THREE storey brick building hanging m mid-air to make it safe from earthquakes has been built m Ashkabad, capital of the earthquake prone Russian republic of Turkmenia. The building is suspended on springs from the end
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 20 1 SANTIAGO. Thurs. The death toll In the Chilean earthquakes was estimated at 10.000 by Senator Anitneto Rodriguez.
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  • 133 1 VALIANT BACK SETS ANOTHER RECORD I ONDON, Thurs. <*-* The Royal Air Force Valiant which last week established, an unofficial record between Britain and Singapore, has set up a new record by flying from Butterworth, Malaya, to its base at Marham, Norfolk, m 16 hours 16i minutes. Captained by Squadron
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  • 21 1 YAOUNDE f Cameroon) Thurs. Two Europeans were killed when an armed gang attacked the town of Douala
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  • 192 1 Dairy man did not know of plane on roof I ONDON. Thurs. J Four men escaped serious injury yesterday when their Royal Air Force Anson aircraft crashlanded on the roof of an egg warehouse shortly after taking off from Northoit Airfield m suburban London. The aircraft tailed to gain height
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 21 1 VIENTIANE. Thurs. The newly designated Laotian Prime Minister Tiao Somsanith, is at work drawing up a cabinet list.
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  • 19 1 T OCK EXCHANGE I 111 AM < I. U< ,f| I t II HOLSF-WlFt I i ARMED TsOl
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  • 24 1 First Malayan Fund managers' prices today— buying $1.36 and selllnK $1 43. Second Malayan Fund managers' prices— buying $1.04 and celling $1.10.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 115 1 kTuNDRUFF INMOST GO! K| USE MIRACLE y D \NDR!CIDE .jAOt^G CO.. SpO re Tel: ***** office Slacks... now be mode trom a blend ot Pure I L>nen and Terylene cloth which is experts' ontwer to the middoy creose olcnv ne«iy arrived material is creose re'ont, cool and very comfortable end
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    • 131 1 fUSS STANDAIO I AVAUAtIf tftOM I I MACLAINE WATSON HUfOttsTLTD. I I UNION lUUOINC SiNGAPOtf I THE KIND OF GIRL SUZY PARKER REALLY IS "I was 19 when I owned a hoase m Hie country and five automobiles. Perhaps Hiis makes me sound like a monster. But I am." Suzy
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  • 199 2 Gilt-edged among the chief sufferers in a dull trend in London market LONDON. Thurs. |'111.l II. stock markets m London yeslerdaj lost Iheir re renl linn lone and closed with ;i generally dull appearance. Sentiment was affected by a further decline m sterling m the foreign exchange market which gave
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  • 140 2 Good demand for drug shares m Irregular market \TE\V YORK: Wall A^ Street yesterday closed Irregular with prices showing mostly fractional changes either way. Defence specialities, which were firm for mo>t of Tuesday on pre>*ure for larger defence expenditure, were mixed yesterday. Leaders In the morning session were
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  • 48 2 LONDON: United Sua Betong Rubber Estate's chairman's statement says the present natural rubber market price may not be maintained alter the market ha.s overcome Its technical difficulties. Btr. the pnr? thereafter should re*t at a highly profitable level for the remainder of the \ear.
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  • 162 2 SHIPS IN PORT CHIPS lying alongside the Sin- japore Harbour Board wharves or expected toda\ are: Ada 1 2. Stefan Okrzeja 4 5. Pies. McKinlcy 8A, Mataram 8/9. Tjisaaane 10/11. MarcelU Nowotko 13/14. Bint any 15/lo Sumbawa 18. Rog^veen 19 Sedenak N. Wall 3. Giau-4 An.i N. Wall 5. Emp.
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  • 59 2 KONG KONG, Wednesday. Closing prices here today were: Previous Today i. «.V S. Banking Corporation $1,215 $1.21 o sales .>ale.s I'nion Ins. Canton $90.00 $92 00 sale.-? seller* Vheelock Murden 7.20 S 7.10 sellers .sales 3'Kong phone $37.75 $38.25 sales sales 3airy Para Cold btorayp $28 10
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  • 66 2 I (i\li(iN exchan m Seal mn- C conic General Stall c Boi told the Ho im i Commons this ye>terciay m reply t( a question about Ita policy 01 tiie 1960-6] ci A.T.I, conference He added m the negotia< we shall keep In with our
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  • 261 2 South Perak: New shares and a 7': p.c. interim LONDON: South Perak Rubber Syndicate Limited announced a rights issue of 30,000 £1 shares at 55'- a share on the basis of one new for two held I at the close of business on May 27. The new shares will
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  • 35 2 Dutch Shell Transport LONDON: Net Income of Kov;U Dutch Shell Transport Group of Companies for the fU\>t quarter 01 1960 amounted to »J4 1.78 1.000 compared With £39.629,000 for the same period of 1959.
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  • 206 2 Dockers walk out and 13 ships lie idle LONDON: Work stopped on 13 ships at Tilbury docks in the Thames when more than 1.700 dockers walked off their iobs in a dispute over cargo. They mum out in support of J2U men who are a.<-kinc: for more money to
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  • 939 2 NOTE: All prices below are middle prices. KET TO MIRRINtb I cci cum capital imt. ull tictoiiM evrrytknt. «< eiciulm giv.fmi I cat cum imus isut. f xer eiclHlug capital rtttra. t ccr cum capital ratvr*. I t* cum I v.ieaf call cum a>|.
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  • 510 2 1 1 I i 1 i^B j T 1 1 1 I 1 1 j 1 1 1 J 'Ml Ik k j i^^^b IfJjrj rmlLj u^^ mnmmmmmmm W^ mmm 11l SINGAPORE. Thursday. THE FIRM mining section was still the highlight of
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  • 132 2 Delayed Eastern cables leads to short, hard morning session LONDON. Thurs.-After a a belated opening, because of delayed communications with the East and the resultant temporary absence of lead from Singapore, values hardened sharply during the shortened morning session. Traders attributed the advance to sellers reserved attitud* against short-covering
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  • 157 2 Tin: Quiet m London but tight and firm m New York LONDON. Thurs.—Tin was unchanged yesterday after quiet dealings. Copper was firmer closing the morning- session higher after active dealing*. Contributing to the rise were the overnight firmness ol United States futures and, auccording to some quarters, an improvement
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 93 2 LONDON. June i Previous Today HUIIER No 1 RSS c.i.f. European port? June 3*: July .ih RUBBER no. 1 RSS Spot 36; RUBBER Ma. 1 RSS Settlement House Tirms July 37 Aug TONE: Easier AtKl.r BjllUf guuiii] PEPPER: White Sarawak f.a.q. c.i.f. European ports May 'June PEPPER:
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    • 35 2 NEW YORK June 1 Previous r«Hlav tin Straits spot i RUIIER Futuni July I Sept II -J 41 I TONE: Barfly steady SALES: 24 lots. Nt. 1 RSS June corrrr Com, 8
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    • 12 2 m SO Inn 20 Ran, sss I 15 r
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    • 3 2 H
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    • 49 2 COPRA 1-htiigpN^ v s, btrapMM Por delt»..«i H lon. R^RJ v X Mtatj R^l uolonut Strj.t» t t H bulk o*r lon» t Jun. July I.OIONUI OIL H Ov i peart p bulh ore l«r H PMILIPPINC I.OPRi <i I Xi V port 1 on MBM
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  • 78 2 T ONDON: Thur.v— The 80. of Trade said yesterday it sold 1.672 tons of natural rubber from it*, stockpile m Mm leaving 52.297 ions Btffl I able for sale Of the May sales 32 tons v ere for spot delivery. 60 ton.s June
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 506 2 ==sSHIFFIW«==s Q THE E. A.C UMES 5 to AOIiN. R£D tfj\ MEDITERRANEAN \j CONTINENTAL SCANDINAVIAN PORTS t£"' P S hjm Penani o >umia*j a Con 13 5 Junf Junt ##C Jt/ jI) 26 27 June 28 29 June >£, $;!Uica 30 30 June Qv 30 June 5 July S J
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    • 245 2 HAMBURG-AMERICAN LInI <c NORTH GERMAN LLOn To (Colombo), Genoa, Marseilles, Antwerp Ret fl Bremen Homburq. H Calls Southampton for passenger NANNOVER (HAPAC) I RAVENtTEIN (LLOYO) 9 11 Junr I DRESDEN (NAPAC) 25 2? June 'SCNWAICNSTEIN (LLOYO 31 June July Evprtss Service Oflnts MarseiHn H To Monilo, Hongkong, Yokohomo Nagovo IRAUNSCNWEIfi
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  • 239 3  -  BOB PERIES LOCAL MAGISTRATES NOT FULLY CONVERSANT WITH LAWS OF THE SEA, SAYS CONTRACTOR By SINGAPORE. Thurs. J^ 31 AKIN L Court is a long felt need for tht thriving port of Singapore. "It is ii necessity/ 1 stressed Marine ConI tractor, Mr. L.
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  • 51 3  - Pak finds a new way to put across this angklung ANCE D CRUZ. MgM COULDN'T READ THE MOTES BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP HIM T Imboo music lonesia now i\ children for the rations, Ikjs v to s 1 1 red at his 1 n I "casts J •1 shows PAX
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  • 207 3 School teacher wins this month's award in 'Beginner' photo contest I SINGAPORE, Thurs.— A 25-year-old Singapore school teacher is this month's winner of the "Beginner of the Month" award m the Free Press photography contest. He is Mr. Andrew Yuen, a primary four teacher at the Anglo-Chinese Junior School m
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  • 29 3 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Tht 1 St. John Ambulance Headquarters has organised a series of activities and shows to raise funds m aid of it* new building. i
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  • 32 3 SINGAPORE, Tliurs—Singapore Customs yesterday seized 20 gallons of illicit liquor found In an abandoned car, after a brief car cnase along Airport Road. Duty on the liquor amounted to $540.
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  • 74 3 ALL SOVIET SEAMEN ARE SO QUIET ON SHORE I SINGAPORE. Thurs. *3 Russians are the best behaved seamen m Singapore. "They never get drunk and misbehave themselves, a shipping executive said. He said this after pointing out a boatload of Russians going back to the.r three ships anchored m the
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  • 181 3 ROWCROFT PLAYERS SCORE WITH A FARCE SINGAPORE, Thurs The Rowcroft Players have a winner in their new production, Kenneth Home's farce "Love in a Mist" which they produced yesterday evening in the Rowcroft Theatre. Pr ducer Michael Cook has assembled a fine cast for thi> uproarious variation on the old
    A.B.A.  -  181 words
  • 92 3 PLAN CLAIMED 'LEGAL RIGHTS' TO PROOT NEIGHBOUR'S PLANTS BUT COURT COULDN'T AGREE iGcok up- I urcmnc plants. id "every legal Tan was sum--;e of causing the plants at •1- Ho was fined M the court ujjarcane she tried to replant them. But her efforts came to naught, for the plants
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  • 200 3 $6 mil. to be spent on medical services in Sarawak this year m i.i li Au, i nursaay. THK Sarawak Government is spending an estimated $6,000,000 this year on medical services to improve the health of the people. This works out at $8.50 per head of population, said the Director
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  • 25 3 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— The Archbishop of Singapore and Malacca, Monsignor M. Olcomendy has granted a dispensation from abstinence for all Catholics on National Day.
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  • 33 3 SINGAPORE. Thur.v -The Minister lor Home Affair*. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, yesterday fixed the maximum ratr of interest which may be charged by pawnbroker.^ ior pledges at 1J P?r cent.
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  • 46 3 SINGAPORE. Tburs. A fatlier of two. Tan Boh Toil, was slabbed In the head and back by two youths, led by a woman wielding an iron bar. i in nis Park Road home last night. He haa been admitted to the General Hospital.
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  • 57 3 Premier's National Day message SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuai Yew, has sent a message or National Day to pupils of the 1 Bharatiya Hindi School. It will be read by the president of the North Indiar. Hindu Association, today, the eve of National Day, at 6.3( p.m.
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  • 159 3 SUDDEN DROP IN THE DAILY CATCH WORRIES FISHERMEN oingapore. Than. Fishermen living m Juronf are worried about a sudden drop m their daily catch. They claimed that the catch b about 25 to M per cent leu than m the Orst two months of the year. They said that their
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 190 3 IMJT W T art om*. W%w**% FREE ENTRY CONTEST-SEE PAGE 12 f *it *%V *%r *v, •w W^ ''^Hmagnetic recording tape iII O ji| GIVES you THE BEST L B^^ I OUTLASTS ALL THE REST Bfi^Hfeßl^Bfiiß&l^K With almost unlimited lit* (500,000 recordings) without deterioration lit Quality. i j^^ Introducing 5^
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 42 3 SINGAPORE TODAY; 4.30 p.m. TOMORROW 3.45 a.m and 5.33 p.m. SATURDAY: 5.14 a.m. and 6.3? p.m. SUNDAY: £.46 a.m. and 7.34 p.m MONDAY: 8.06 a.m. and 8.20 p.m. TUESDAY: 9 09 a.m. and 9.04 p.m. WEDNESDAY: 10.03. a.m. and 9.4 b p.m.
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    • 157 3 P.M. 1.00 Programme .sum- How Things Began, a repeat ol mary; 1.02 As you like it; 1.30 Moray's broadcast. The news- 1.40 Newstalk; 1.45 Programme summary; 5.0' Peter Pears rfnu*: ..00 CUm f£*_™ n 6.00 Calling All Hospitals, sprSchools' broadcast: 4.10 Sis- «-ir* llv compiled and presented foi nature tune;
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  • 700 4  - THE KIND OF GIRL I AM REALLY Suzy Parker by THE FACE and the shape of SUZY PARKER are familiar as a clothes peg for fashions and an extraordinarily elegant American one at that. Here, the top model of her time talks without reserve to JOHN CRUESEMANN. explaining the mystery
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  • 196 4 Teddy Boy menace in America worse than anywhere else NEW YORK. Thursday. 1 1 is odd lluil Americans, who :ire so good al inventing words, have no word for Teddy Boy. although these belligerent, tight-trousered youths are more of a menace here than anywhere eke. Then 1 was a nasty
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  • 81 4 > T EW YORK. Thurs.— I What link is there between the fats m your diet 1 and heart disease? Its discovery. If any, is one of the top research targets among American nutrition specialists during 1960. More than Msl7
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  • 29 4 NEW YORK. Thur^-The Security Council has unanimously endorsed the new West African state of Togo for admission as the 84th member of the United Nations.
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  • 153 4 RUSSIAN LP RECORDS FOR SALE IN BRITISH SHOPS SOON LONDON. Thurs.— Russian long-playing gramo phone records will be on sale in British shops In September. The exclusive British rights to the whole of Russia"* recorded repertoire of classical music —more than 2.500 LPs have been captured by 32-year-old Dennis Bennett,
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  • 282 4  -  Jonathan Russell fasdfsdfsdfasdfasd PARTY FAVOURITES: The Dutch Swing College Band. Marina, High Society, Tiger Rag, Tennessee Waltz Rock. (Philips EP. 422 446 PE). I%f ARINA with a Dixie beat is more compelling than ever. The Dutch Swing College Band line up
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  • 319 4  - Gingham and sailcloth best fabrics for this season Ann Davidson BEAUTIFUL SKIRTS WITH GALLEONS, TREASURE GREAT BIG MAP ARE LATEST FASHION By NEW YORK, Thurs.— Gingham is the story this season. You've heard it before, and I'm sorry to harp but it couldn't be truer. This season a girl's best
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  • 55 4 YEW YORK. Thurs Mary Martin had a bad moment while dining out at a New York restaurant. Her Pekingese got suddenly hungry- and Iffta Martin, .seeing a man get up from the next table 11l lllCilllllllllllirSllllllllllllMlllillllll do?. Th*: m eri
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 101 4 M The Value Leader among "companion -sets" I Sehonic yimi camera projector tElmatic *8' /^^L 30-f New El -mafic Bmm Movie AT2\ [P >#l# c r t m^MM^ Projector with Fl 4 Built-in t.po.ure Mete, c'f^'- L3|iß* W dC a g e e e S Vi 3 f 9 s
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    • 166 4 ■■""••imiiiiiiHll 111 1 11 Mil I Ik^IiniMIMMUHII^^H Whisper goes round! It is indeed CM 4k KRIPALS()\J "MID SUMMER SAll 1 has everything that MM //uiW uarJrchc— 2 Rayons, Nylons, relloneo, (n |x de < bin E Brocades, Curtain Net*. Chiffons, \H\rtv Im Hj and Hundreds of other varieties H3. Arab
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 28 4 Musical quix and the winner is Miss k^jll^3i pel Close, Singapore 15. \S^4^Z*^£^^bß stery personality on the r^o^£uM^ right. Address entries V tl Prize is two Philips EP
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  • 191 5 Spate of crime makes it unsafe to walk alone along this road SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Far too many criminal offences have taken place m Guillemard Road and it has now become unsafe to walk along thai route unescorted at niuht. a district judge was told. The prosecutor. Inspector E. Munadevan askea
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  • 19 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Free! 'ck screened at House at 31, Orange Road, every Thursday ai 5.00 p.m.
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  • 183 5 lOHORE BAHRU. Than A Kota Tinggi bu^iness- toid the High Court I ft that he had advised a victim ot an alleged $350 "CQflec money" demand to report the matter to the police. Mr. Lee Yap Kirn was testifying at the continued hearing of
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  • 68 5 picture. CHINESE schoolgirls, all dressed In white, rehearsing a dance item they will present at the National Day tattoo at the Jalan Besar Stadium. 2 t 500 children of all nationalities will take part m the
    Free Press  -  68 words
  • 214 5  - Schoolboy freed on a charge of robbery asks court for return of cigarettes T. F. HWANG. By SINGAPORE. Thursday J^ rUKM IV .schoolboy, accused oi robbery with hurt, was given two packets of cigarettes under an order made by a district judge. The schoolboy, Tan Ah Hee, 17, had jskr«l
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  • 249 5 THE MALAYAN CHINESE ARE CAUGHT ON THE WRONG FOOT: REDS SEIZE EXPENSIVE ARTICLES... AND THERE IS NO COMPENSATION SINGAPORE. 1 Thursday (H)MMUNIST Chinese authorities have seiml expensNc bicycles, watches, sewing machines ;m<l other i;oo(ls taken l<» China by Malayan Chinese. Reports reaching Smga- pore indicate that Malayan Chinese were only
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  • 136 5 DECREE NISI FOR HOSPITAL ASSISTANT: WIFE DESERTED HIM SINGAPORE, Thurs.— The Chief Justice, Sir Alan Rose, granted a decree nisi to a hospital assistant. Kandiah Louis, who sued his wife, Mary Theresa Louis, for a divorce on the ground of desertion. The decree is to be made absolute m three
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  • 83 5 CINGAPORE. Thurs.— The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, ministers, parliamentary secretaries and Assemblymen will be amon^ those who will start off the Sungei Api Api anti-flood project soon after the National Day celebrations. Some 200 members of the Work Brigade v/jll carry the project tnrough
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  • 22 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs.—A 17-year-old Chinese youth. Le«-w Tee Tee. was yesterday stabbed to death by a gan^ in Veera^amy Road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 m m I => I B!^ you a B?^ B r^ I B a v I"S >
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    • 166 5 r there s a PRESSURE 1 COOKER I a^ HC^ Iflf I rrr I evem sfze of r> -31^^ Jd! PRESTIGE Sky-L«n« I^^^^^^^Sf^W PRESSURE COOKERS for l '^2£l i coo^ in 9 that's quicker, tastier, «..*jbs*^^ different ond so very jfcMj&gJKJ^' tmm m^^d economical. .75 1 W I GS29 PRESSURE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 138 5 HIP KIRBY By John Prentice 6c Fred Dickenson MANDRAKE b Y Lee Falk and Phil Davis r^— -<M 5 TUE:RYACtr7EVERTW:M<eP MY LAWYER. i'LL/f S!C?£. SHIRLANA AMPvIACK/ A(F6e7 r V \A P! Sb" \<b T^£= SH.'^-AMA y7 /WAKPJY!N;& A ALWAYS KMCVV VEILING. AREMA^JEP. MEK 7 K/PGF iSSSICIAMf J*P WU^RB YOU V^l^
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  • 661 6 CRICKET: IN DEFENCE OF THE SELECTORS 0 I think the attacks on the selectors of the Singapore Cricket Association tor their cHoice of six Servicemen m the State team to meet the Federation on June 3, 4 and 5 are hasty and unfair. I am not a member
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  • 368 6 Is she wearing a bra? THE SUBTLE SUBTERFUGE OF THE MODERN PLUNGE by JILL BUTTERFIELD WHAT goes on unff der that light printed dress? All too often it is all too obvious. For the nicest sight of a warm day bare necks, bare arms, bare backs is frequently made the
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  • 575 6 *«INSIDE BALLET** VH^HHH I ET me introduce a charming ballet dancer from Seria, Brunei, now studying m Singapore. Her name is Helen Wong and she is doing her utmost to establish herself m the local ballet scene and prove that Brunei, too,
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  • 49 6 IT^l To| >Mnl WHEEL Of- I split-sec Uon. M I J I I 1 Of bl v dm about chest column Of A SECf E I length 1 and 1 OF A 0/ Whu.t for I op. sion ware, cr ieat H« is dead it tenths mi i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 826 6 You ran hand m your small ad, to any one of COLD STORAGE SHOPS throughout MALAYA and SINGAPORE CAMKRON HIGHLANDS Cold storage <M> Ltd., 20 Tanah Rata. INN Co;d Storage <M) Ltd., 1-6 Clare Street. KLANO Cold Srorase <M) Ltd., M New iload. KOTA BHARU Cold Btora~* (Ml Ltd., 1167
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    • 18 6 ENGAGEMENT RINGS Our Diamonds are of Finest Quality. U.S. de SUVA Jewellers 106, ORCHARD RD., SINGAPORE. Tel: *****
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    • 76 6 ANNOUNCES A maidetifprm DREAM COM PETI 1101 Ladies you can win a lovely rvrninp c to order as well as excitir. bras. Entry forms will b purchase of a Maidenform bra or pre This competition is open I l only. ENTER TODAY And while you are shopping rnatdenfbrrji Tmu elastic
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 have I you M^en it a^ed-about camera vI tfz^Y I ASAHI 1 p ENTAX h- 2 j .:ographers are about the Pentax' Its the lightest. ra I the ent^e s.nfle lens reflex f.eld. And k'l s.mpl.oty erau, no unnecessary, compl.cated gadgets-juU prec.s.on ye, jet the best p.ctures you've ever
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    • 238 7 Kodak MUir©i3M(g MOVIE CAMERAS So mitomutir they almost iak* ovtori># for you! ~*m^ NEW KODAK CINE AUTOMATIC TURRET CAMERA, f/i.f i^^Bfe^^?^:^ Electric eye measures the light, adjusts v Si Gives you P erfectl y- ex P° sr^ l Hmm Hw r^ik xw movies everytime 1 Comes equipped Ifl^^^ P **flF*"*i^
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    • 4 7 FREE PRESS Photography SUPPLEMENT
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    • 975 7  - PICTURES AFLOAT TRICKY BUT WELL WORTH ALL THE TROUBLE GEORGE EASTMAN By < I standing, soaked through, on the lee a bouncing sailboat. A hundred feet crew of another boat unfurls a billowing sonnaker. catch with \our camera but how to do it p Here's jnd some elementary knowledge of
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    • 349 8 A ROVING eye that sees all and forgets nothing is m the process of revolutionising the training of the world's top athletes. Once a zealouslyguarded secret weapon m the coaching profession, the 16mm movie camera has attracted the attention of coaches the world
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    • 650 8  -  HAROLD BENTLEY By IT HAS often been said that everyone should have a hobby some spare-time activity that affords relaxation while, at the same time, it is stimulating and broad enough m scope to offer continued challenge and to warrant continued interest. Photography has always
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    • 539 9 iSCIENT realm of the >oplc the world beurbec of the ocean. invaded by a~ of species known jivcrs. Many are enthusiasts who >rdcd the wonders 3tcr lite on film. notographb f \c note to or colour g 'nem is a spine-tingling adventure
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    • 401 9 SALESMAN OR SURGEON- CAMERA CAN PLAY AN IMPORTANT PART IN YOUR CAREER I thousands ol young men and o* standing on the threshold ot helpful suggestion can be offeracquainted with the fundaphotography. Whether you want to exof the microbe or probe the the operation of high s or the
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    • 470 10 Camera world mourns 'Her Rollei THE MINER'S SON WHO HJUBDEO A W0n t 1 UILUON-DOUAR e«eJ On February 26. Dr. (the Honorable) Reinhold Heidecke, founder member and senior partner of the Rollei works Frank Heidecke. Brunswick, died m his eightieth year. With deep sorrow the photographic world takes its leave
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    • 232 10 KEEP YOUR EYE RIGHT ON THE BALL -AND THE SPECTATORS \|ANY of the best A photographs taken at sport events whether it's soccer, tennis. golf, or badmintonare made of the onlookers, rather than the participants. The faces of the crowd mirror the action cheering, delighted smiles. the chagrin of defeat.
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    • 983 11 Focusing 's so easy when you use the Exacta Varex: Shoot all you see JJK who forms a friendship with an Exakta Varex paves the way to photographic success, not only the beginner making his first snapshots, but equally true of the expert, whether using the instrument for recording personal
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    • 673 12 ONE of the most famous trade names m the world is Kodak, originated by George Eastman, founder of the Eastman Kodak Company, m 1888. It was the name chosen by Eastman for his revolutionary box camera. Within a few short years,
      673 words
    • 418 12 Genuine or a fraud? Ti X-ray will always tell the truth THE ACID TEST IF YOU SHOULD EVER BE OFFERED A MUMMY i QNH of the newest uses for X-rays is dis covering whether or not Egyptian mummies offered to museums are the mil thing. their* favourite animals and hunting
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    • 39 13 SEEN ATA BIG U.S. SALON S :W YORK. Dv Wellington Lee York. An entry m the national Solon of Photoc;raphv. CULLS Grant M. Haist, of Rochester, New York. Honourable mention m the 24th Rochester International Salon of Photography
      39 words
    • 696 13 4 TWO-STOREY re1^ ception centre, fully equipped with audiovisual features that permit use of most modern presentation methods, has been opened by Eastman Kodak Company at its Kodak Office headquarters m Rochester New York. Its features include: A sound centre with master control of microphones,
      696 words
    • 330 13 THERE was a iar^e increase last year m the number of people who own Eastman Kodak stock, the largest increase for any one year according to the company's 1959 annual report, which is now bein^ mailed to shareholders. At year end there were nearly 112.000 owneri
      330 words
    • 807 14 JJKRK i" brief' outline arc some of the particularh marked characteristics of the Bauer-P.y a machine whose construction, while following old, well-tried principles, also accords with all the latest knowledge m its field. The motive-power for mechanism and film-feed parts is provided
      807 words
    • 178 14  -  P. ALVIX BAN ARE VOl frustrated b> poor results m your photography dm* to incorrect exposure and distancesetting? A new camera ihe Aires Radar-Eye, solves these problems simply and surely. Every time, evervhere the Radar-Eye control gives you perfect exposure automatically. It warns
      178 words
    • 341 14 YOU KEEP BOT EYES OPEN WHEN USING A VITOMAT [TOR the amateur photograph,, to take really gO od piZ r need lor technical knou| c( experience at all. l oday, ilu- ph< #i< ,-i .j j,j v S()|VC(I l)\ till* \'<i!-||;,,t«i, Iliera willi ils world 111 M I" lens. All
      341 words
    • 242 14 LX)R many years pliu- tographers btve striven after three characteristics m their exposing and pcOB ing technique: They have demaj lenses, emulsions and d< veloper.s which reduce b minimum the camera <->. posure necessary: They haw emulsions and d which would permit the
      242 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
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      • 103 20 X cTRAHD HOTEL "\V 21/25 x^ v^ Bcncoolen St., S pc Mostly Air-C'<m<litionr<l M This comfortable Hotel is Centroll* clean with all modern convenience? Rates. Privotc Cor Pork hd Food is good with o nice Mi CANCER KIL Iws Please contribute gener cause, the CanceCANDY DAY, SATUW ORGANISED BY LIONS
        103 words
    • Page 20 Miscellaneous
      • 256 20 j FREE PRE S$ tHC|I WORD PUZZLE^J I Cut out and pm I Posting inttructioni ,J Chi S I >• Name I I Address.. .V I a J *J I ~~~~^^^^x^7~~ I' if 1 Ifc J I "•■■■••■■■•■■•■•••■■■••a c-Til lm| <HftUo 1 '"i CLUES FOR WORD PUZZ. 1. A baker
        256 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 304 8 35mm PHOTOGRAPHY IS AS EASY AS A, B, C, WITH THE "SE ELECTRAMATIC ONLY TWO STEPS 1. Centre the needle 2. Turn a wheel, and shoot 77ie on/y "35" u;iVA natural thumb position eye-level rear focussing Electramatic nSj^%^^JH and these are the Five exclusive features:Giant Picture FUj I N O~n";
      304 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 463 9 WHICHEVER TYPE YOU PREFER THE CAMERA OF YOUR CHOICE IS BOUND TO BE /fff^ BBB§J3ffxjEj»ogjgs!M^L dUSA jtifeif ffifl NIL Was SHI Sfflß SIhSIbS Hv BMB 'jsi because YASHICA stands for Value Supreme 7 I "35-YF" .f^g^_^-^^r-- V^ the most outstanding 35mm camera value! :i^ ™B™ Ilj interchangeable lenses, Lcica-typc 'crc^
      463 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 278 10 I The finest I~^ I partners/! Ip I I /or successful I M I photography I ■■W^___^bm^bm^bmV i~~ i H B iattfl ArC^ IV* B By k /Ay V A LW S(n c 'ens reHcx >»ith features tor beyond any K^^O ly 4.. I \f I^. I thing seen before.
      278 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 218 11 It's as simple as that... Look, turn and shoot These three words sum up the Vitomatic -'!2l lla operation. Today, perfect pictures present no problem at all with such a p high quality, high speed camera not H«^ H 0 *'jt j even with colour film. With its world-famous 2
      218 words
    • 97 11 ILFORD ROLL FILMS -J Tmfe tetter p&tlvw! W^luvrrftW^^ Professional, press and amateur tL^ photographers agree that the best alljtf round film is ILFORD HP3 (34°) world&l([|||| d*^ t famous for its high speed and superb sSi ff all-round performance, while FP3 U T^^^' Series II (29°) 35 mm film with
      97 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 215 12 fIH complete lens inter-changeability PRESENTING THE ULTIMATE IN 35 mm PHOTOGRAPHY ®.dfi^^^ Automatic Coupled Exposure Meter and Exclusive luiko Lens Shutter Speeds to t^ NLY S2lO/ SINGAPORE Take <^^ your Movies wv Ell! C 9 BAUER 888 t/4^o^ 4 1 L^4 E The BAUER 88 Bis equipped with a built-in
      215 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 368 13 L| Ml Cameras j f- \:i- to take exct-l- *3 "^^^^^■^■P^"""?^ >l '-"olour ano v •A jf^SwT I picturei urn an> Q I- ii^ J J < the fully auto- Rf I J^^^*^^^^^^SSy BALDAAIATIC 8 >^BBL**y s^P A id yet c*e c i! **nt pic- fl R VC^>*^ J^ t-ires
      368 words
    • 188 13 i 1 ■lllillllllliiiiii mi iiiiiiiini.iiii 1 I To all professional and i amateur cine-enthusiasts! I 124 HOUR I PROCESSING AND PRINTING ere now available for 16mm B W negative and positive films. ***** BORNEO SUMATRA TRADING CO., (M) LTD. i BUSINESS MACHINES DEPARTMENT* 3rd Floor, X.P.M. Bldg., 1, Finlayson Green,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 212 14 (7 II Hold Jt, 1 tm^ I looking f^ X ~i LOOK NO FURTHER! 0 V Jutl drop m at your y H*^ nearest photographic dealer and ask to see the 0 |H B >"Xv Uoulous new low priced BW y topcon Jr JlI ONLY $210/- (SINGAPORE; THL LATEST AND
      212 words

  • 117 15 Malaya 's lack of local legal papers sets a poser for lecturers in law at the university aNATHAN, SINGAPORE, Thur». lly published legal works and i -pite of two centuries of Eng--tration m Malaya, are some of >nu law teachers m Malaya. view of Professor L. A. Sheril.;i\\ Faculty. I'niversitv
    117 words
  • 328 15  -  CHAN SWAN BEE She is so happy as journey will bring back memories Grandma is to make a i sentimental trip on a slow boat to China to attend wedding I i By i SINGAPORE, Thursday. i J^ 76-YEAR-OLD grandmother is
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  • 168 15 AN AMERICAN POET COMES 10,000 MILES TO SEE AN OLD FRIEND ITVALA LUMPyR, IV Thurs. A wellknown American poet, Lady Louise Mercer, travelled 10,000 miles specially to visit a Malayan whom she met 14 years ago. She was met «tt Kuala Lumpur Airport by the old friend, Mr. Myron Ling,
    168 words
  • 153 15 THE DRY SPELL IS BROKEN ...AND IT'S TIME AGAIN FOR FLOODS SINGAPORE, Thurs. Torrential rain yesterday broke the hot spell m Singapore and flooded the low lying areas. The rain brought relief to the thousands who endured I a hot spell for a week. Statistics compiled by the Meteorological Department
    153 words
  • 94 15 ALL THAT THEY STOLE WAS AN OLD FAN SINGAPORE. Thurs.— An electric fan w-as found missing from the Social secretary's office. Catholic Young Men's Christian A>Miciatlon. Bras Basah Road. The Social secretary. Mr. D'rose. told the Free Press that when he stepped into his office, he was surprised to see
    94 words
  • 203 15 OENANG. Thurs. r The Mayor, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew. nas announced that from July 1 all State Government and City Council departments would have to pay normal water rates. •We expect that by doing away with all 'privileged rates' the council
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  • 278 15  - Japan beats them all to keep her grip on our cloth mart LAN MOK-AI By SINGAPORE, Thursday. IN the textile market, Japan is still maintaining her lead m Singapore against keen and concerted competition from China, Russia and Inrli'i I I V I IK Mr. K. M. Razajt. Chairman ,of
    278 words
  • 169 15 59-YEAR-OLD DOCTOR WEDS SINGAPORE GIRL (27) AT REGISTRY 0 A -> en -old Singapore doc- tor. Ho Chee Heng, was married to Miss Hor Ah Ngok, 27. of Starlight Terrace, Singapore, m a quirt and simple wedding at the Registry of Marriages m Fort Canning Said Dr. Ho yesterday when
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  • 151 15 Friends only at the funeral of bachelor businessman SINGAPORE, Thurs. A large gathering of friends attended the funeral of Mr. P. M. Framroz, chairman of Framroz Ltd.. at the Par s i cemetery m Tampines. Mr. Framroz, a bachelor, died m the Gleneagles Hospital after a short illness. He was
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  • 30 15 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The "meet tte people" session by the People's Action Party at its branch m S< rangoon Road tomorrow has been cancelled due to National Day celebrations.
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  • 28 15 SINGAPORE. Thur.v breakdown at thr Pasir Panjang Power Station at lO.iiQ p.m. last night plunged nearly hall of thf j i>land and Southern Johorr into
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 132 15 ~7Jie most advanced ajV MOVIE PROJECTOR .JjL Sankyo hardy one-hand control n^nl I witch fl snap magnetic Round Bprockrt wide-ant'l. len? fl 2-lBmm. It > t^rn with 8 volt 50 watt BpMRMHHnaPHHBnBfIHfnfoH i "j<<iinn lamp KMMk^^likU^LjLi^ALJJjLL^Ql reverse proje<^jnn >S^ /J^^TMIJII'S *\J#AYS a REAL SATISFA<VftOM V<s S v >^^ ''cjr 09
      132 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 47 15 POP -Taking his Mcasute ■y 7 j 1 1 1 1^4 >^ woodem hovolokjO rfejf I WOulO I// I K^J^ 1 «ULER,PI-tAS£, jU PO7OO yJCfrv LIKP To P^ If// I RllkL I Don t trust tt luek-i* of tVirjl diy witll irdtr fw Tbe Bi gapore Free PrMt
      47 words

  • Article, Illustration
    391 16 Hong Kong Varsity boys to play against Youth side SINGAPORE Amateur Football Association have approved a match against Hong Kong University and Singapore Youths on July 18. The varsity tourists had asked for a fixture against a representative state side during their tour of Singapore for their biannual
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  • 150 16 Linda keeps score for the Cardinals I%|RS. Linda Carnegie is one of Singapore's best known softball scorers. She is the official scorer of the Cardinals m the league. 'Softball scoring is not easy" she said adding, "you have to concentrate and above all know the rules of the game well."
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  • 179 16 Back from holiday in India, Razak says hello again with a stone-wall 48 v. Police YOUNG Abdul Razak of the Indian Association nude a welcome return to cricket on Sunday when he scored b patienl 48 m iw<> hours against the Police at Thomson Road. Hazak had arrived from Bombay
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  • 27 16 Nanyang to hold judo class weekly a pi «-d a prevl Blow L I i From D to I z It I Ei; th I i
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 57 16 To Our Patrons OUR MAIN STORE, BATA BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED on Singapore's National Day, 3rd June 1960 m Saturday, 4th June, the Store will remain open for business 3s usual from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. CAN YOUR FORETELL YOUR FUTURE? You// find the answer m this weeks Every
      57 words
    • 24 16 6 TRANSISTOR \(c^c?^ —i AC MAIN B*'Tf 5 POPE PP $31 MANDOLIN 4 (flfH mirf Mcd>' I MOO.' H Mod«l 'os H VIENNA M^fl
      24 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 336 16 Learning Malay with Radio Singapore -32 44*. Nampak: To see. tidak ada: I we AM also 4»i7. Sepatu: Shoe, is not here 468 Pulanu: Keturn <>. Sa-bentar tadi dia home. Ada di-sini: He was here 4b!*. Petang: Afternoon. a while ago. 470. Lihat: To see. 7. Ali niandi: All is
      336 words
    • 949 16 MINISTRY OF CULTURE: sth Ku. 4tn K> v im LaFree rilm &ho\v.s at vacant .space dies clMg 7.30 p.m. to «.3O p In Seng Poh Road: National mndon practice 8.30 p.m. to Work Brigade. Pa>n Ris; Puuu 10 p.m. Belakang Alan 7 p.m. VU( i ßaffles Quay r. Spti KOUCROFI
      949 words

  • 263 17  -  "Ho Tat Seng. A.R.P.S. Comments by Camera Coach names pinner of $25 Free Press award ISHING/ 1 by Anof 108 Change v ins the Pio th award. ii^ picture is >n >hot, because imposition and <»phere, it stood from the with the net hit. it
    263 words
  • 61 17 "SEAWEED COLLECTOR.' Again that unparalleled horizontal line This one shows the horizon sloping dbwn wards. Has the earthquake come to Singapore? No. Then why the goinu down! Such a horizon should never exist if you want success m a salon. Composition is strong here. But it would
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  • 55 17 Address enlargements uit least (>" 4" please) l<> "Free Press Camera Coach," Times House, Singapore 9. Each week he tenches you how to improve, and each mouth an expert of the Royal Photographic Society selects the print that has most salon promise. Who knows, next month
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 136 17 I*. a^ftf^^^^^^^^Bßi I r^^^' >^^^^ l^*^>f| Cj I r v 4X4 SINGLE LENS REFLEX CAMERA f L^^^^^ Lens: Prommor 65mm 2.8 hord coated »ourShutter New S«ikosho-SLV fully synchron.ted shutB^yF^^l: rei speeds of 1 to 1/500 see plus B with J^^k. crois-couplinq »or light »olue and self-timer. 2^ if'MWI^KGSi
      136 words
    • 87 17 \jJU* IUiC <Uy> ill PHI ill 111 l fe* V JH^H idi juicl' IffH ILHiKMEU) lhe Schnridei \!\()JM V^HM^Bf fl Eflrfl I fJI I special v\ n I B> l^lUll Rr II I de\ut loiisisimu L appropriate mount. < m r\,yJßßj l>e al l allied to ati\ of th, r>
      87 words

    48 words
  • 472 18 Siow and Chan are the be boy and girl athletes at Braddell Rise sports me BRADDKLL RISK. '\kM CIOW CHWEE HAN of School 1 won the individiui I Braddell Rise Combined annual sports held ysiu I standing girl athlete was (Mian Swee Kuen nl" School I The champion home wat>
    472 words
  • 309 18 Strathmore I 100 yards A Boys: l. Abdullah Omar. 2. Wong Lai Choi, 3. Fok Wan Chue. 100 Yards— Girls— A: 1. Sarah. 2. Zubaidar. 3. Tang Yee Ho. 75 Yards Boys B: 1. Chan Fook Chuan. 2. Rasidi. 3. Juma'at. 75 Yards— Girls B: Tang
    309 words
  • 55 18 Green House colours high at 'Queen's' Combined school me QUEEXSTOWN rjRHKN House were chan^mim; town English School I ;il!t yesterday Second were Blue H*w* \\<j(\ House. m (.ni- < H St. TiieJ Loh NRiap Wmm Mate vi< toiN -i Sack rate winner Soh Enc Toon of Queenstown English School 11
    55 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 419 18 Wio'ooojA JPRODENT: I (SMILING GIRL BRAND) TOOTHPASTE JACKPOT COMPETITION Competition No. 4 Closing Date: 31st. July. 1960 Ist. PRIZE I I NEW 1960. FORD ANGLIA i 2nd PRIZE $2,000/- cash I 3rd PRIZE $1,000/- cash I Plus many consolation prizes of Evening m Paris Perfume Gramophone Records etc. H i
      419 words
    • 560 18 Name Age Address Post this form to: 'Tree Pres^ Cycle Race," fimes House, Singapore 9. Only the first 500 entries received will be permitted to compete. 1. I wish to enter the FREE PRESS CYCLE RACE. 2. I agree to abide by the rules, and I certify that I will
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  • 6 19 I by rs redictable to
    6 words
  • 3 19 Reuter
    Reuter  -  3 words
  • 57 19 LONDON. Thurs. Hudcier Town yesterday offered )00 —and a torw-ard to Bradford City for their 20---old centre-forward DeTne bid was re i. Stokes Ls not for sate Derek Douuan, Irish international centre-forward of Blackburn Rovers, has been ;ed his transfer request.; Plymouth Argyle paid e 3,000
    57 words
  • 326 19  - RIFFIN CASE CHEERS UP SPEEDMAN MECKIFF CRAWFORD WHITE sffsdfsdfsdfasdfs By peel to g< t away with his to for Derbyshire Harold Rhod«>. who was kept out of the MCC game after being called six time* for throwing, his actioi* must be above reproach, whatever the special report him now In
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  • 263 19  - Mercantile led twice then came 2 quick goals to rob them of honours By CHUA BAN HOCK gfearaen Spurts CJ«h WEARNES had to lighl hard Lor twice but slackened a\vav m ih's t<> score two more j;o;ils after Farrer Park, Thursday Mercantile Bank. 2 victory. Mercantile were m the lead
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  • 476 19  -  EDWARD D'SOUZA MATCH ABANDONED AS SPECTATORS BECOME UNRULY By Farrer Park, Thursday. pARRER PARK did it again! Reieree K. B. Menon abandoned this Singapore Business Houses soccer match 18 minutes before time because spectators refused to co-operate and clear the field. The huge
    Free Press  -  476 words
  • 133 19 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A Singapore swimmer must cover 100 metres freestyle m 58 sec flat to stand a chance of going to the Olympics. If he enters the 400 m., qualifying time required is 4 mm 35 sec. Qualifying standards fixed by
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  • 150 19 'COOKED UP' CHARGES, SAYS SATTAR SINGAPORE. Thur.s. Allegations by live Singapore schoolboys against national coach Rahim Sattar at yes- terday's SAFA Commission of Inquiry were described as I being "cooked up and biased." Sattar said the allegation^ were false because the wit nesses "are all schoolboys and their natural tendency
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  • 147 19  -  Vazir Markar By River Vallley. Thursday Malayan Breweries 8 Fraser and Neavr 2 PRASER and Xeave tried hard to win this game with strong second half rally. Bui Malayan were held to ;i two nil draw. Malayan
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  • 169 19 Now it's the referees who get tough SITDNEY. Thur.v Soccer refereci Ui Sydney, m future, will charge writti assault any player or spectator attackinc tin The secretary pfl lie New South Wales Soccer Krl* Associalion. Mr Noel Wider, .said his nnorlitlon liad held a special meeting at the weekend to
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 216 19 by M. Harrison-Cray Dealer: South North-South fame N. A 7 yJ 7 3 097 6 3 4Q J 54 *AK*J 10 5 B B '6 3 V X 6 2 9 10 5 OQIO 85 OAK 2 A 7 10 9 8 3 S. 9AQ 9 8 4
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  • 28 19 GEYLANG, Thurs. An on'y goal gave M<tal Box full points m their SBHFA League and Cup Group "B" match against the Netherlands Trading Society yesterday.
    28 words
  • 19 19 SYDNEY ThUTB. The touring French rugby league team lost 14-7 to New South Wales western division. Reuter
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  • 250 19 Hon« Konfe Bank 4 Singapore Storage .1 pARRER PARK, Thurs. 1 —A second-half hattrick by John van Huizen was the main feature of an otherwise dull and listless game m this Singapore Business Houses soccer match. The first half started ofl m fine style. In
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 51 19 Imagine... a camera fhaf hides m your hand! A Automatic rz /X Dcj-|/^ro *mm l|| r\ j (fljnorta;_ 'm^l~ ifliß /s^^lgggl THE CAMERA f-V YOU CANAFfOfiD/ L c J^Llj ggTT^r^r?ffi i miffTt M fc^ '^^mb H^^^B M^g^g^ggggggg^Lggggig^^j .^|N \\T Cecil Street, Singapore 1 I ■|A4^^ V jianiging Directof: Ronald Feck.
      51 words

  • 588 20  -  ALLAN LEWIS By IPOH, Thursday THERE was no real attempt at time making by Perak Derby candidates here this morning. Fast work was done on the second track, which is m good order. Timberlane (Posner), on the
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 20 Gan Kok Peng won easily last night
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  • 186 20 GRAVENEY (135) DROPS A TEST HINT I ONDON. Fhurs. J Tom Gravene>. the Gloucestershire skipper, dropped a hint to England's Test selectors yesterday. He wmi In faultless form in hitting 135 again*.. Dcrby.>nin\ With Tom Pugh U37) ht* set op a new Gioucestersnin record io. the second wicket wiin a
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 204 20 Fast bowler breaks Bailey's wrist ulurtox, Tnurs.— Trevoi Balky, injured by a, ku-kin? ball from AacockJ found to nave v broken wrist. It happened yesterday wnen Urn Souti: A:., an tour- j side dismissed Minor j ties I 22Q and ratiled up 118 without 10.>.> or. m e Oj ii
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 37 20 SINGAPORE, Thurs.—Singapore wili be the venue of next year's Asian Racing Conference, said Mr. V. C. Batn, cnairman of the Singapore Turf Club. He returned from Tokyo yesterday after attending tne first conference.
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  • 389 20  - New youth shuttle tournament will be proposed VAZIR MARKAR By Gutllemard. Thursday. 3IXGAPORE Badminton Association will hear ;i proposal lo start ;i competition for youths under 19. The present Junior tournament has no ;iiU' limit. Mr. Slow Watt- Soon, chairman of the S.B.A. Umpires Board, will propose the new competition
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  • 27 20 LONDON. Thins. Dave Charnley. Britain's European lightweight boxing ch/impion. i will defend his title against I France's Sauveur Benamou m France on July 4. Reuter
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  • 355 20 Epsom favourite destroyed after race accident EPSOM, Thursday. JJHRBY favourite Angers fell and broke a fetlock six furlongs from home m yesterday's classic. The 2-1 French chance waft lying fourth last. He had to be destroyed. Jockey Gerrad Thiboeuf was uninjured m the fall. He said he felt the horse's
    Reuter  -  355 words
  • 42 20 BUKIT TIMAH. Thurs. Results of the Singapore Rifl* Association .303 Spoon Shoot held recently were: SR (a> Gunscore Sgt. Holbrook. 97, Handicap Dr. A. Chee 84 (101.51). SR <b) Gunscore Cpl. M. Jones 99. Handicap Khoo Peck Leong 95 < 102.14).
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  • 28 20 TOKYO. Thurs.— Five Japanese "go" players left by Air India for Peking at the invitation of the communist Chinese Prime Minister, Mr. Chou En Lai.
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  • 90 20 MANILA, Thurs.—Philippines took a 1-0 lead over India yesterday m the eastern zone final of the Davis Cup. Raymundo Deyro beat Naresn Kumar 6-0, 6-1, 6-1. Tne second singles, between Ramanathan Kri.shnan and Filipino Felicisiino Ampon, was rained
    Reuter  -  90 words