The Singapore Free Press, 17 November 1959

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 304 1 Rival goods get benefits of protection European trade tie-up may hit Spore, Malaya SINGAPORE and the Federation are viewing with some concern the fast growth of the six-nation European Common Market, according to London financial circle The association of the overseas territories of the Common Market countries
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  • 560 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. "MALAYAN students m Australia are the best people to judge how much substance there is m the so-called "White Australia" policy. This was the comment of Mr. R. L. Dean, a member of the Australian House of Representatives, who is visiting
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  • 52 1 fT»HERE was a further JL jump of 3! cents m the rubber price when the Singapore market opened this morning. December first grade opened at 51.37A. following a gain of over 2d. a lb. m London overnight. The opening tone was uncertain. The spot premium was
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  • 139 1 Threats of new anti-American violence m Panama reported WASHINGTON, Tues. The Secretary of State, Mr. Herter said yesterday, the Government had received threats of new antiAmerican violence m Panama and he was "increasingly concerned" for the safety of the 300 Americans there. The State Department said Mr. Herter
    U.P.I  -  139 words
  • 5 1 we blood. save life Opinion
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  • 192 1 9 BODIES FOUND IN SEA: PLANE WAS LOST IN FOG >'EW ORLEANS, Tues. Nine bodies have be«n recovered m the sharkinfested Gulf of Mexico follow m? the crash of .i National Airlines DC:B with 36 passengers and a crew of six aboard early terduy. barlier a MOCfe pilot reported spotting
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 217 1 Ualaya endorses nuclear curb NEW YORK, Tuesday. r^TO Nik Ahmed Kamil of Malaya, yesterday told U the United Nations General Assembly's main Political Committee that the United Nations must give "serious attention" to measures aimed at halting the spread of nuclear weapons. Later the committee approved
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 1 The Federation Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, waves a greeting after alighting from a Qantas Super-Constellation at Singapore airport yesterday on his return from Australia. On the left is Dato Sulaiman bin Dato Abdul Rahman, the Federation Minister for Interior, who came back on the same plane. The Tcngku and
    Free Press  -  76 words
  • 78 1 TIBET: MOVE BY UMNO ITU ALA LUMPUR, Tues— x The United Malays National Organisation has decided to torm a committee on Tibet to pursue the Alliance Government's policy to defend human rights. UMNO leaders, including all UMNO members of Parliament, will meet m Kuala Lumpur at the end of the
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  • 59 1 SYDNEY, Tues. Fishermen m New South Wales say that Japanese trawlers are winning the battle for the Australian tuna trade. South coast fishermen said the Japanese caught hugh hauls of tuna m the Australian area and took them to cheap labour canneries m Japan or Pago
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  • 57 1 This cat knows a thing or two about publicity when it comes to be photographed with race horse Belom Tahu. Stable lads gave m when no amount of shoo-ing could vreveiit her from squatting m front of her race horse pal, whom newsmen were
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    • 17 1 t VILLAGES CUT OFF \lt\W i Hid Fai m i been n i v ralU i.iii-.i U.P.I.
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    • 26 1 LAN RO OF SI 000 Mock t ii nft I i /ICT WAR ON HUNG/ kORK I i!i\ H'estrrn Hung i i i N Id Reuter
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    • 22 1 :SCON E iH ING TON I UK lit l)lll Koiu ft'Af I i tin \mm !i< iiN •itl\ -ob( i ixh U.P.I.
      U.P.I  -  22 words
    • 2 1 I U.P.I.
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    • 8 1 FORCES LE IN WAR I m i U.P.I.
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  • 214 2 Congress leader issues a warning as 'wildcat 9 inquiry opens LONDON, Tuesday. HARRY DOUGLAS, General Secretary of the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation and senior member of the British Trades Inion Congress, warned yesterday that "wildcat" (unofficial) strikes could destroy trade unionism m
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  • 21 2 BANGKOK. Tues— The Southrreaty Organisation "tary general. Mr. Pote Saraerday opened a vieek-long meeting of SEATO economic e\l>erL? Reuter
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  • 47 2 HONG KONG. Monday. Closing prices here today were: Friday Today H. S. Banking Corporation $1,075 $1,070 Union las. Canton. .$B4 00 $84.00 Wheelock Maiden $5.75 $5.70 &55.75 H Kong 'phone $29.90 $30.00 Dairy Farm <fc Cold Storage $20.30 $2050 Taikoo Docks $36.23 $58.80 <l-~<36.50
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  • 69 2 Mr. Justice Wee Chong Jin m the Singapore High Court yesterday granted tenancy of house No. 20, Klang Road, to two officials of the Tamils Reform Association, as trustees of the Association, m an action brought against the present tenant, P. Nayagam. The action was brought by
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  • 51 2 Petrol strike closes airport DUBLIN. Tues Petrol stations ran dry of petrol and Shannon Airport" was closed yesterday as 1,500 fuel distribution men remained on strike throughout the Irish Republic. Prime Minister Mr. Scan Lemass is believed to be considering turning out troops to distribute petrol should the situation deteriorate.
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  • 81 2 GAP < French Alps), Tues. An artificial lake 154 miles long began to form yesterday behind Europe's biggest earth dam. across the valley of the River Durance at Serre-Poncon near hereThe dam. 394 feet hieh and 2.133 feet thick, will provide 260 million cubic
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  • 29 2 GREENOCK < Scotland X Tues.— A thousand workers of Greenock Dockyard Company walked out on strike at Greenock yesterday and the yard was brought to a standstill. Reuter
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  • 234 2 LONDON, Tuesday. A S most traders had expected a reduction m East- em prices, buyers on the London rubber market yesterday were not disposed to continue at the full initial level reflecting the steep advance at Singapore. Prices came down one penny from the
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  • 176 2 Business briefs MANILA, Tues. Some 120 delegates and observers from both sides of the iron curtain meet here from Nov. 18 to 26 to discuss growing "jet age" travel problems at the 14th World Tourist Conference. It will be the largest travel meeting ever held m the
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  • 293 2 SHIPS IN PORT Ships lying alongside the Sin- gapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Straat Mozambique 1/2. Walrimu 6A, Antenor 6 7, Tjibodas 8 9. Steel Executive 10/11, Mississippi Lloyd 13/14, Giessenkerk 15 16, Leninogorsk 18, Selangor N.Wall 3. Sediili N. WaU 4. Shikai Maru 22 22 Kajang
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  • 147 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. United States assistance: projects m Afghanistan, South Korea, Formosa and Vietnam totalling US$lOO million ($3OO mil.) are j to come under the new "buy American" policy. United States officials said yesterday. They said this was the meaning behind the statement m New j
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 210 2 NOTE: Alt prices below are middle prices. U.K. Closing Prices LONDON. Nov 16 Yesterday Today RUBBER Ne. 1 RSS a.i.f. European parte Nov IT B7 Dec 36. Bttrtt RUBBER Na. 1 RSS Spot 37; BJ| r.UBBER No. 1 RSS Settlement House Terms Dec 36* Jan. 'Mar. 36
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  • 754 2 S NGAFORE, MONDAY. INDUSTRIALS Usterday Today I Alex Bn.ks ?<'' 1.70 1.70 OrdS. 1.99 1.99 i Atlas l:e 2! .00 Buyers 8.8. Petrol 50 50 B.M. Trustees 5.23 5.25 (Con. Tin Smelt Pref. IS Ords 50 50 Federal Dispensary I.CB-; 1 Fitzpatricks .97 .99 Fraser Neave Pref.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 744 2 *v lines Sail.ngs ta ADEN, RED SEA. MEDITERRANEAN. V^ CONTINENTAL X SCANDINAVIAN PORTS. *V S pare P. S ham Penaig >ft m Mean<a I 21 22 Nay 23 24 Nay 25 26 Nay tj*- S.wia 21 Nay 4 Der 5 6 Dec 6 7 Dae m.s. Lalantf.a a 11 IS
      744 words
    • 230 2 HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE NORTH GERMAN LLOYD To Colombo, Genoa, Marseilles, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bremen Hamburg. Calls Southampton for passengers. Spore P Sham Penang LUDWI6SHAFEN (HAPA6) IS/21 N« 22/23 No* 23/24 Nov BAYERNSTEIN (UOYD) 31 Ntv 2 Dec 3/4 Dec REIFENSTEIN (LLOYD) 14/17 Dec 11/19 Dec 19/21 Die 1 Arrives Hamkurg 2 Jan.
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    • 45 2 iniiiiiiii"" 11 p o r t a i covered vitl leatherette. Ri MAX. and two eluding 13m I aerial system. 5 >(>eed record pla\< >l>eaker. PHILIPS I changeable oenM /s^\ with two sapphire i pt« >«• mymkm. m* E fl/u/ IBOiVp ™m/ /or Hi 1 PHILIPS..
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 224 3 STABILITY LIN S-E ASIA fOWJ oeM S P ian tailed m Laos, but L blast ing from Soviet \gn\e al I nited Nations VIENTIANE, Tuesday. vTMKM oI an economi c and techy Mr. Dag Hammarsk,j Nations Secretary-General. h( rt to be the first stage of a stability m Laos and
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 3 THIS taxi crashed into a tret- m Holland Road at 1.00 a.m. today and caught fire. Nobody was injured. The driver managed to crawl out unhurt. Free Press picture
    Free Press  -  32 words
  • 75 3 POLICE SEEK ACCIDENT WITNESSES {SINGAPORE police ore eeking witnesses of an accident m which Saqir Chajoo. 50, was knocked down and fatally injured when he got off a bus m Changi Road near Chang i Prison, at about 7.30 p.m. on Nov. 3. Chajoo died m hospital o?i Sunday. Police
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  • 127 3 I saw father drown -by his son, 9 nine-year-old schoolboy j alleged at a Singapore inquest yesterday that a sampan man ignored the plea of his father who was drowning. Goh Kirn Huat was giving evidence at the inquest on his father, Goh Ah Cheat:, a merchant, who drowned olf
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  • 114 3 DETAINED BOAT SURPRISE HPHE case of the Singapore fishing boat An Hsing detained by the Vietnamese Government since Oct. 15 took a surprise turn yesterday when Vietnamese Consulate officials m Singapore demanded that the owners pay $3,000 for ice allegedly bought m 1957 m addition to a fine. The owners,
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    • 141 3 JEFF HAWKE by Sydney Jordan Jt'V W4ak? >-4s JTASU-14\'OEO TMC U BO**B 1 BCIOW IhJ A V> C-- -?OS Of- f^£ WSr UKIOECGBOUHO <3T > -s-. s .4C*^Oi'k AtJiDvE UIM CMAMBEQ EIECTPOAJtC /fT^\ l«^^.^tf^^^B B^^w r^S C^E OF WE BGAiKI S i\TE&CEP7IDGS j BELAYS FALTEfP AND n^ JBH K \^^^^nir^
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    • 144 3 BORN today, the stars have given you a great deal of talent, but you are disinclined to make the most of it. You are more apt to slide along in comfort, rather than put much effort into anything. This is probably due to the fact that you can always achieve
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    • 277 3 To find what the stars have in store for you tomorrow, select your birthday star and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide TOMORROW SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Combine social and business ventures successfully. Evening hours can be troublesome. Exert patience. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 22)—
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  • 337 4 TH E JUNKERS 88 BANKED AWAY INTO THE NIGHT AND BENEATH IT THE GIANT LANCASTER DIPPED INTO A SERIES OF UNCONTROLLABLE SPIRALS. saved plane flew on Lancaster V for Yorker the bomber its crew called The Wise Owl was doomed, riddled from nose to tail by cannon shell
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  • 1280 4  -  RON EVANS BY it. The Lancaster was m a spin, hopelessly out of control. The crew moved to their escape positions. The wireless operator and the navigator went out. And suddenly, the control jolumn stopped kicking. Starky saw the faint smudge which marked the horizon,
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  • 213 4  -  Beachcomber (From "Mindless Endeavour,'* by Jonquil Bapchild.) SING to me like a thrush, Edgar." "Don't be so silly. I've told you before that a human being and a thrush sing m different ways." "You always have an excuse when I ask you to do something to please
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 454 4 UltßMi Green Spot |M ihhiiimiiimW* CLASSIFIED ADS. ACKNOWLEDGMENT 29 H'orrfs- 9i (minimum). MRS. THOMAS ISAAC and i rally th U relatives and .eir kind assistance, tribute, telegrams, letters of ndolence and attendance at the al of her late husband. ANNOINCEMENTS *<9 Words $6 (minimum). OLD CARTHUSIAMS wishing o attend Founders
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    • 201 4 the greatest booster O f m office output since th! i^ "STENORETIT 1 l wi v 7 WL. I Al a tourh of >our hn^r V V yyq the Stenorette enable* >ou ••^N I to dictate your letters dur- VrTTTTTT^fe I ing and after office time p^M^^ ji\r instructions before
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 295 4 CLUES ACROSS 23 across (7). 2 Burning chunk of wood sets 6 Bye hundred seen and have off strife (9). r eat fear (5). 8. Pretty submarine growth that 7 fashion comes to the Navy, may be worn <s>. U P to date (6). 9. The alternative <7). Le n<
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    • 178 4 P.M. 100 Programme summary; casting by Muriel Levy from "A gramme of Malay music irtaved 1.02 Souvenirs from showland; Modern Comedy" by John m the modern manner- 800 Unl--1.30 The news; 1.40 Newstalk; Galsworthy— Part III; 6.00 A day versity magazine- 830 Present--1.45 Isaac stern plays; 2.00 Close to remember,
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  • 275 5 THIS 'GUN' PARENTS FEAR IT MAY LEAD TO MISCHIEF SEVERAL Singapore mothers were yesterday up m arms against the importation of a new gunlighter, which is a replica of a .22 pistol The "gun, the Free Press was told, is being imported into Singapore from Hone Kone h costs $4.
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  • 189 5 These 'NO PARKING' signs are illegal say police S^AP ORE police searctaiy, Mr. William Cheng, yesterday warned shop-keepers t a Ms .illegal to erect "no parking'' signs m fron of their business premises without obtaining ofbcial approval. s Several motorists complained that "no-park-signs had been erected by firms m many
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  • 132 5 Miss- Patricia Chan models the simple costume which will be worn by all finalists at the "Miss Supershell I960" contest to be judged at the Arts Ball at Raffles Hotel on Dec. 12. A spokesman of the Shell Company explained that when they learnt that only
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  • 201 5 i^ASES of kerosene poisoning are increasing among children m Singapore, according to the Journal of the Singapore Paediatric Society. The journal, m its first issue, just published, reported that a total of 71 cases were studied between January 1955 and December 1958. That, maintained
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  • 25 5 Water is cut off along Siglap Road between Siglap Drive and Changi Road, Singapore, today until 5 p.m. to make a connection.
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  • Article, Illustration
    264 5 book by Singapore I student to go on sale A BOOK written by a 20-year-old Eurasian undergraduate dealing with the attitudes and complexes of the members of his community m Malaya will soon be published here. The book titled "Malaya's Eurasians An Opinion' will be on sale at local
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  • 77 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.-The Federation and State eovornments a**e to be asked to provide land for the blind for cultivation to help them work for a living. The land will be distributed to those who have "graduated" from a two-year-course at the agricultural centre for the blind
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 109 5 I Bs^ Kj OH HIM B HOP H I 1:535 00 EACH L MUSIC HOUSE DOUGALLS HICH TIDES TODAY: 11.22 a.m. TOMORROW: 0.35 a.m. and 11.25 ajn. THURSDAY: 1.09 am. and 12.24 p.m. FRIDAY: 1.44 a.m. and 12.56 p.m. SATURDAY: 2.20 a.m. and 1.32 p.m. SUNDAY: 3.02 a.m. and 2.13
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    • 244 5 TURKEY JF*yP' Orchard Road •■>! j Holland Road otoraffe C 5 Keppel Road ANNUAL SALE INDIAN CARPETS wmi?!? #^#js"F'« purchasers of' €>##< 1 A vm4 v I (Please ettquire for details of gifts) T CUVAWfi YOUR FAVOURITE MtJftOl: H CARPET SHOP 60/62, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE -9. TEL: ****** ♦•♦•♦•»e»» NON-IRON
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 152 5 IM'H'tVDENT MISSIONARY Mi»\J MINT: Free film show at Prison. Changl 7.30 X \MALA CLUB: Membership rom 10 a.m to 6 pjn.; Sewing irom 11 a.m. to 1 pjn., 2 p.m. p-WLi embroidery classes 11 :o 1 p.m., 2 pjn. to 4 pjn. TOC H: Mrs. Mary Lobo. wellii social worker
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  • 752 6  -  SUNNY GIAN CALLING ALI PHOTOGRAPHERS -BY JUST back from Hong Kong Sunny Giavi brings a special message of praise— extended to local lensmen by the President of the Hong Kong rnoioqraphic Society. fIOCTOR Onward Szeto. ARPS., the current president of the PhotoU graphic Society of
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  • 250 6  - HOW THE S'PORE ENTRIES FARED Ko Man Mui HERE are the Singapore entrants accepted for the 14th Hong Kong International Salon: I. Twilight Harmony— Ang Kok Huat, A.R.P.S.. 2. Old Age— Ang Kok Huat. A.R.P.S., 3. During fat then come to the end— Chu Chup Ming. 4. Light and Shadow
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  • 288 6 TAKING PHOTO WITHOI USIN A FILM A Johannesburg amateur photographer. Dr. A. D. Bensusan, has discovered a method of taking photographs without using photographic film. His process, using a type of phosphorescent paper which absorbs light and glows m the dark, may revolutionise photography. The paper, commonly called a "glow-sheet"
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  • 33 6 DEAR SUNNY —Why do M>nn have a too-strons redd i There are two principal too-early morning or too-lat-of daylight-type film with I tions can usually bo avoided jM
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  • 75 6 DEAR SUNNY —My twin lens r« trouble. I put m a new til" look a picture, and then wound t<> t I found that the shutter ill •<•" every time: when I wind to m n< xl already cocked—CHANG. You have no problem Surely your camera
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 486 6 II ju ]^m A i^A^^^B 16 mm I SOUND-FILM PROJECTOR r FOR OPTICAL SOUND TRACK REPRODUCTION /f A I V^^ 452 represents on im- I^^^^^^^^ r pcrtcnt step forward m a W the pursuit of simplicity /j^^ and ease of handling. l|.^|l Exclusive BTH designVI V a a■ features ensure
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  • 1267 7 CUT PRICE Banqains JJERE are your bargains for the week, listin? the lowest prices m town. These are mostly commodities which you have to buy any way, so why not buy them rhpanlv*' WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY! From Wan Hin Co. Ltd. of 58/62 Robinson Road you can hire purchase at
    1,267 words
  • 79 7 Needed: 350 mil. radio sets NEW YORK. Tues.— lt will take another 350 million radio sets to meet the demand m the underdeveloped countries, says an official report just published m New York. The report urges mass production of standardised radios for the big, ready market m Asia and Africa.
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  • 93 7 A Bill which increases the limits set upon the liability of shipowners and others m certain cases of loss of life, injury or damage was published m Singapore yesterday. The Merchant Shipping (Amend ment No. 2) Bill has been given a first reading m the Legislative Assembly
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  • 54 7 AUGUSTA (Georgia), Tues. The United States cannot afford to keep so many troops stationed overseas. Voicing this view here yesterday, Mr. Nein McElroy, U.S Defence Secretary said the United States must "face up to a decision" on bringing home some of its troops still stationed overseas, not
    54 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 L chines HI 3 W > ystfs ImNITURE I purchose, L^ Mode To l^rcte P"ccs Lee seng I Ca n oa^ Ltd: ***** ***** Lmttery radio JH PRICE: $180.00 toy Poy merits Dwi $40.00 i $12.60 r kSHA'S c Bargain AMERICAN ORT SHIRTS S24SO $17.30 :=?ican 'ROUSERS AMERICAN JEANS
      88 words
    • 173 7 11u1.1,, r AVAILABLE ON HIRE PURCHASE SUBMITS YOU* PAVOUtITI CAftFfT SHOP S*wr»f 60-A2 193 Or chord Rd Tel: ***** Also obtoinobt* of K.l—*tNAM«-«OTA iAHRU Special Offer HIAP CHIANG CO., 1%, Orchard Road. Visit and select the best embroidered clothes for ladies and children's wear. Teb *****. Latest Styles Just Received
      173 words
    • 63 7 Just I npavkvtl. An Enormous quontity of Furnishing Material from EngJond, Europe America Specialise for domestic decorations and Made to Order. Prices ore reasonable. Shop Of, Chop Kwong Soon 254. South Bridge Road, Spore. Tel: ***** Bronch: Furnishing Dept. 136, South Bridge Road, Spore. Tel: *****. CHUNG /£> BRAND JET
      63 words
    • 70 7 FINDING IT HARD TO KEEP THAT CREASE IN YOUR W. PANTS OR SKIRT? You need "CLEANSET" cosy to apply, suitable safe for all mar terials. "CLEANSET" keeps creases fresistent even to rain frequent bendings. Only $1.20 per bottle of lOOcc. Sole Distributors Wanted. "TITHES" LTD. 62, Middle Rood, S'pore-7. Tel:
      70 words
    • 250 7 ASK FOR AMERICA'S favourite ißßß^NsW^^BßeßHtoßH^a^Slftftftftl underwear for MEN BOYS I Made m U.S.A. W'%4 Available at: BINWANI'S, 102 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. S*\» Agents far S'por* Malaya LACHMANN CO., 11-K Asia Insurance 314a... Sin«apora. Tel: *****. USE DIPLOMAT CS VESTS briefs jTXj c° mfor j *rjy And DURABILITY Made From
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  • Eve the page for every woman
    • 455 8 [Round the Spore shops L. IT was a case of combined operations when the shops of th< mezzanine floor at Fitzpatrick's put on Singapore's latest fashion show. There were fabulous evening and day dresses by Glamourette, lovely and exotic cheongsams by the Ming shop,
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    • 586 8  -  JOY MENG By "MY favourite time of day," writes a reader who signs herself Mother of Six, "is the evening. "After the children have gone to bed I take out my sewing basket, listen to the radio or records, and then for the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 443 8 A tasty pasty A READER has asked and kidney. Sprinkle with for a recipe for Cor- salt and pepper. ni>h pasties. First prepare the pastry and clean potatoes and onions. Allow one potato and one onion Moisten the edges of the for each pasty and about pastry with a little
      443 words
    • 151 8 K. If A f f\" I I Contr ,A Sole Agents: LEBEL (CHINA [fl SJNGAPORE KUALA Tel ***** Tet H 10 A &>/« V" n y AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD MIMMIHMNDGf MMO.MMCA»Om.« Til. «»l 31)1? Christmas Season means Ideal Presents, So makt it a choice to visit C.K. TANG LTD
      151 words

  • 294 9 ua-jjMaiiKMtujii^fcwiiMi.iRi.'.tnii.'H^n^tf.^inja a THREE IN 38 3/5 BY BRILLIANT LIGHT KWAN KONG, A NICE TYPE, CATCHES THE EYE SATORO ANXIOUS TO GO FASTER O ILOW HIM IftV SUNDAY IPOH. Tuesday, h l;M work this morn Minday racing m the ripating that fast work done on Wednesday and re
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  • 193 9 Dealer: South North Sooth pat J 10 g KQ8763 %A» 6 3 W. E. AKQ6OA A 7 6 4 3 03 9 4 OQJS2 0863 4J72 Q 10 8 5 #82 5 AJ9S O A X 10 9 4 4K4 THE Count 11s you when >lam zone i>
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  • 175 9 BELOM TAHI\ whom racegoers could not identify at the amateur race meeting at Bukit Timah on Saturday, is still a mystery. Mrs. E. A. Corless, wife of the owner of the horse said that the $50 offered to anyone who can name the horse still stands.
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  • 246 9 It was no better than a Division Three game 'THE Malayan Armed Forces soccer final between 1 18 Signal Regiment and Singapore Engineers Regiment at the Police Training School yesterday, was no better than a third division league game. The Signalmen won 3-0 thus capturing the GOC
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 9 Bernard D'Cruz, the Singapore Engineers Regiment goalkeeper leaps high to push the ball over the bar m yesterday's annual Malayan Armed Forces soccer match at the Police Training School. The Signalmen won 3-o.— Free Press picture.
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  • 39 9 The Army hockey team to meet Police m a friendly match at Tanglin tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. is: Fiddimore; Godfrey, Bennett; Badawi, Eagan. Elliott; Harrison, Straker, Humphries, Ashman. Abdullah. Reserves: Simmons. Stoddart, Lee and Arjun Kumar Chetri.
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  • 55 9 LUCKNOW, Tues. Thailand's Miss Pratuang Pattabongs. won the women's singles title m the Northern India badminton tournament yesterday, defeating Miss Meena Shah, the holder, 9—ll, 12—9, 11—1. Bengal's Dipu Ghosh and Pronobe Bose defeated Erlnd Kops, of Denmark, and Uthai, of Thailand, m the doubles semifinal
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  • 40 9 TOKYO. Tues. The 21--year-old Japanese boxer,: Fumio Kaizu of Japan last I night became the new Orient middleweight champion when he knocked out Dowthong SLnghaphalop of Thailand, only one minute 32 seconds i after the bout started. Reuter
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  • 31 9 Headquarters RASC won the Malayan Armed Forces Badminton championship when they beat Singapore Military Police by four games to one at the DCRE hall at Ayer Rajah Road yesterday.
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  • 236 9 T ONDON Tues. The for the second round of the English Football Association's challenge cup competition could mean that not a single nonleague club will be m the third round when the giants of the first and second divisions make their
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 50 9 SAVE 40 UST PRICE! I; A:cirdions 5153--(ASH w I k- < i t S pen > H. 9 h Fidelity. Superb reproduction. < Unbreakable Plastic Casings. Low Prices. Get Yours Ted«y! S^^ Agents: DHARAMOAS ft TIRTHOAS. 9».a High St spore. 6. Tel: 319tf Copitol Buildinj. poffc 3^^^/^ ACK'S PHOTO I
      50 words
    • 225 9 /I ,^^/^w V.* r^ 1 7 ■!v>XvX gf I controlled cooking ml^^^L. made m encland V.-*V: V i^M^^^^^^V f V> F F/^ B^r i i v. -v /m^~ *Bfc_^ ~«MM 4^? /j^v« after -cecf thy cfrctcfy&y I You can now control all your cooking with the one Selectrol heat control
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 53 9 HOCKEY: SHA Div. 1— Police v. Y.M.SJV., Thomson iRoad; S.C.C. v Khalsa, padang; Div. 2-C.S.C. v. RAF Tengah, Balestier Road; Div. 3— Scrangoon Gardens v. Prisons, Serangoon. BASKETBALL: S. A. B. F. competition Student Weekly vs Nanyang Universit> 1 7 30 p.m. Quek Hock Sen,? vs i Nee Soon 9
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  • 381 10 World summit should be followed by others, says Mac Easing the tension step by step to peace and justice LONboA, Tuesday. ]y|R. Harold Macmillan, British Prime Minister, declared last night that he believed the summit meeting would begin a move, step by step, towards "peace based
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  • 257 10 Tengku in Jakarta talks JAKARTA. Tues.— The Malayan Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, had a 50-minute talk with the Indonesian Foreign Minister Dr. Subandrio at the airport here yesterday when he made a brief stopover on his way back to Kuala Lumpur from Australia. Neither the Tengku nor Dr. Subandrio
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 334 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Managers of foreign controlled banks m Kuala Lumpur rallied to defend > themselves yesterday against criticism by the Malayan Indian Congress. They said that to des- > cribe the foreign-operated > banks as "unsympathetic" m their loans policy was "very
    334 words
  • 71 10 FRENCH CONSULT ROME J>OME. Tues.— M. Couve de Murville, the French Foreign Minister, will visit Rome on Dec. 6 and 7 for talks "m view of the summit conference," the Italian Foreign Office announced last night. A Foreign Office spokesman said M. Couve de Murville was coming\on the invitation of
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  • 72 10 MANILA, Tues. Typhoon Freda, with weakened 90-mile per hour winds, skipped Manila yesterday after hitting southern Luzon provinces, leaving eight dead and 30 injured. The Manila weather bureau said this morning that Freda was curving towards Quezon province, east of the city. At the same time
    72 words
  • 138 10 GERMANY TO HELP C'WEALTH MANCHESTER. Tues. pERMAN economy will make a substantial contribution to the British Commonwealth. Dr. Konrad Adenauer. West German Chancellor. >aid this here yesterday on the eve of his departure for London to discuss world issues with Mr. Macmillan and Mr. Selwyn Lloyd. He said that he
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  • 152 10 Bill on new C 'wealth study awards up in Commons r ONDON. Tues— Legislation to establish 1^ the new Commonwealth scholarships* scheme was set m motion yesterday with a Bill formally introduced m the House of Commons to effect the recommendations of the Commonwealth Education Conference at Oxford last July
    152 words
  • 39 10 NEW YORK. Tues. Newsweek magazine reported yesterday from Mussoorie. India"The Dalai Lama, m exile here, L> angling for an invitaj tion to talk with Ike (President Eisenhower) during the President's Indian visit next month.
    39 words
  • 46 10 TOKYO, Tues.— The European Economic Community expects conditions within the organisation to result m an increase of imports from other countries. This was •stated m a report received here during the 15th session of the parties, to the General Agreement on Tariffs and
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  • 54 10 WASHINGTON, Tues —A h«« radio transmitter weighing 'two ounces has been embedded m the body of an 18-month-old beaile dog -named "Orbit" and connected says American »ss wo^e^rorce^^ Sh? V nt^ ed there to send back radio signals about the reaction of £c heart
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 33 10 WORTHINGTON Mm !!r c*e J° day kn °cked out all electric power here and punged the city of 10.000 people m darkness m the worst cold wave of the season.
    33 words
  • 24 10 NEW YORK. Tues.— Newsweek magazine reported that the Soviet had fired a second intercontinental ballistic missile into f.h#» I Pacific- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 22 10 to b ac T c? C mo"^y £S*SSS^S£L. paper cover of ordinary rtgarZfes *Jo P 'j ancer rom the
    22 words
  • 443 10 [nBST OF THE NEWS IN BRIEF MELBOURNE, Tues—Robert NicholLs, 20-year-old carpenter, was making what doctors today called a "miracle" recovery alter being "shot" m the head by a nail. Nicholls was working on a building when a two-and-a-half inch nail from a nail-setting
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 10 pictun Princess Disiree of Sweden joined m the singing of student songs when she was gue*t «f honour at a student hall chapman JtV* Th" h lding nds with Sohlfn cnairman of the student or£ani*atinn during the sinn Popper
    Popper  -  41 words
  • 24 10 Nehru 'terrib upset' at storm meeting nni, m t i sto In during W IlUi In j tab. doi POOT\(J i bar the Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 7 10 'Demand Letter in Malay' Xl Thf I
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 30 10 DANDRUFF? ?< _iniTrii wIH C^ k NEW SCIENTIFIC FORM* STOPS DANDRIf' AND ITCHY SCfll Proved successful ia 97.3 of s*'*'"*'***^^ Goaronteed fo sfop dondSofe no prescripfior needed. max Factor HOLLYWOOD y
      30 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 48 10 Cinema Guide CATMAY Phone *****: The Legend Of Tom Dooley 11 H p.m. OOCON Phone *****. Last Day 1 Tonka 14 y 30 p.m. NEW ALHAMBRA Phono *****: Day! Tho Kid 1.30. 4. 00. 6 IS ODEON KATONG Phone *****: Tho Phoenix City Story 3.00. 630 1«.15 p.m.
      48 words