The Singapore Free Press, 19 August 1959

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 51 1 From jungle, town and city the people move in to elect their Government LkX One of the busiest polling areas this mornlag was Johore Bahru Fire Station, where people queued up early. First to vote was a fireman. Free Press picture shows polling clerks attending to the
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  • 198 1 D4 o KUALA LUMPUR Wednesday. Y >i AKKLL\(; clear morning with sunshine ind no rain, brought voters out in their thousands this morning tor the first Parliamentary elections in Malaya. ah d cuubuiuencus. tree Press reel that voters were queuelng long behe polling stations
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  • Opinion
  • 8 1 GANG PiC I j u.on Cb
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  • 17 1 v women D >hr r< I «»fT Dun boat Ic the 30- jr. I
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  • 242 1 tor tne first time. Biggest group of voters was at Victoria Institution in the heart of Kual Lumpur. e hundreds queued up. tuen d to 8 p.m. The first available tin two hours and by 3.30 a.m. ow it l tne
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  • 94 1 Radio listeners in Singapore and South Johore can tune in for Federal election results as they come in tonight. Programmes in tn^lish can be heard on 476 metres (blue network). 380 metres (red network) in Tamil and Mln and 303 metres (preen network) In .Chinese Residents in Kuala
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  • 36 1 MOSCOW, Wed.— Mr Nikita Khrushchev has told the Indian Prime Minister Mr. Nehru that "I share your Confidence" that his forthcoming meetings with President Eisenhower would help relieve international tension. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 35 1 HONG KONG. Wed.— Sum has expelled a number of China-born Chinese possessin a identity certificates issued Ly 3 he Hong Kong Government a local resident who returned from Bangkok said here.— U.P.I.
    U.P.I  -  35 words
  • 69 1 Taiflh, \\<a. cnmese communist.- .ire massing 8 large number ui vessels, including some gunboats, opposite the Nationallstuded Wichiu Island, miabeiween the Qui-muy and Ma'tsu oilahore Island groups in the Formosa Strait. Nationalist Chinese Defence Ministry .sources said. The sources said Nationalist Chinese military authorities were keeping a
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  • 36 1 PARIS. Wed. A Soviet statement handed to President de Gaulle last Sunday is concerned mainly with Berlin, and is "far from amiable" in tone, usually reliable sources here said.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 37 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A delegation representing the Government Temporary Officers Union is to meet the Primr Minister after the general elections to protr>t against the Malayan Railway's proposal to dismiss about 31 temporary clerks.
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  • 52 1 Plane for H.K. is delayed A Malayan Airways fourenglned Skyma.ster developed engine trouble this morning when it was about to take off lor Hong Kong with 28 passengers from Singapore International airport. The passengers disembarked from the plane at the airport apron and were told that they could probably leave
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  • 44 1 Maldive Premier boycotts U.K. LONDON, Wed. Mr. iDrahim Nasir, Prime Minister of the British-protected Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean, has declined an invitation by the United Kingdom Government to come to London next month tor talks, usually well- i informed sources said. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 38 1 Churchill ill report denied NICE, Wed. A spokesman for Sir Winston Churchill's household admitted that a recent three-week Mediterranean cruise had somewhat tired the former Premier. He said rumours that the 84--year-old statesman was ill were false.— U.P.I
    U.P.I  -  38 words
  • 31 1 Keng Kim Hang, 52, was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital with body injuries after being knocked 1 down by a motor-cyclist at 7.05 this morning at Killiney Road.
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  • 32 1 VIENNA. Wed. First estimates of the amount of damage caused by the floods which hit Austria last weekend put the total at nearly 1.000 million Schillings 'about M*l2o million i.
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  • 31 1 September first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. opened in Singapore this morning at 109 U cents per lb., up seven-eighths of a cent on yesterdays close. The tone was quiet.
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  • 209 1 rpHE Singapore Gov1 ernment, which has already introduced Iislation to outlaw polygamy among nonMuslims, now plans to ban child marriages in the State. The prominimum age a unde-to-be is 16. The Minister for Labour and Law, Mr. K. M. Byrne, told the Free Press
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  • 48 1 60 FIREMEN INJURED KANSAS CITY. Wed. M -e than 60 firenu n were Injured, several critically, when booming mushrooms of flaming petrol m.shecl oui from an explod- ing storage tank at a service and bulk station here y terda Fifty-three of the injured were sent to hospitals.— U.P.I
    U.P.I  -  48 words
  • 53 1 Swept away by River Thames LONDON*. Wed.— Hundreds of Londoners watched a desperate bin vain bid 10 rescue two .schoolboys from the River Thames near To Eric kerday. Tiie boys were swept away while burning at the loot of Tower Pier. Reamed, they were raced to hospital, but, were dead
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 .;0L OF MUSIC ■>or the Pyour life...l_ <^ I M A\ I VCTOR^fc I p OR MEN^ V i I cream hairdrcssing ed and ecsy men s shampoo of dand- \^3jj JK fraIn tM fno&r e I^STJ^NI mm B vK«k^Z thar I Wr'^^fM H trc>n I B^^S saving. H^bl^^B I^^OMlNc
      57 words
    • 1 1 iVSMDE
      1 words
    • 130 1 VAX iiirv FOR I l\i; ITRMTIKI 136 142. Orchard R<m4. S>w t. Teb: *****. 2t»M A ZZI49 i This Fabulous and Incomparable Ros'ee d'Or RESTAURANT 1 Ist Floor LIDO THEATRE Orchard Road, Singapore, 9. Lunch Daily Complete at $3.50 per head Sunday Holidays Special Lunch at $5.50 per head DANCING
      130 words

  • 223 2 RUBBER BUYERS ARE PAYING THE HIGHER PRICES ONDON, Wed —The rubber market responded hesitantly yesU terday to the higher level in Singapore but the advance was consolidated during the morning and was maintained throughout tne day. Traders said that the scarcity of nearby rubber was showing no sign of early
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  • 92 2 LONDON, Wed.— Mr. Hugh Fraser, head of the House of Fraser chain of shops, announced that he had raised his oiler for control of Harrods. the famous London department store. Harrods have already recommended their shareholders to accept a million offer by the rival Debenham
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 116 2 Japan's bold step to aid shipping rftOKYO. Wed. The Japanese 1 Ministry of Transport yesterday announced an extensive draft programme calling for drastic measure tu .save Japanese shipping firms from their present financial difficulties. The Ministry said the programme, wnich had been submitted to the governing Liberal-Democratic Party for approval,
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 135 2 \;EW YORK, Wed.— There was little in the news to provide incentive on Wall Street yesterday, while uncertainties persisted in respect of the domestic labour and international political situations. The market closed easy at or around the day's lowest levels, showing a fairly broad front of looses
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 84 2 Restricted deals in London LONDON. Wed. The London stock markets ended an excellent account on a -factory note yesterday although the fact that it was the la>t day of the account restricted business and also made for a certain amount of irregularity. Gilt-edged securities main•■d their recent better .d and
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 31 2 TAIPEH. Wed. The weather bureau here yesterday warned ships at sea SouthEast and South-We.>t of Formosa against a low atmospheric pressure belt approaching the Basher Channel. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 30 2 Uranium found in Scotland KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Sec land. Wed.— A geologist oi tilt Atomic Energy Division of the Geological Survey has confirmed that uranium has been discovered near Sandyhilis. Kirkcudbrightshire. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 16 2 Oil in Y ukon OTTAWA. Wed. -Oil and gas have been discovered in the Yukon.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 118 2 SHIPS IN PORT Ships lying: alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or <\pect*d today: Drente 1/2, Eastern Maid 4/5, Noreverett 6A. Kouang Si 6/7. Benwyvis 8 9. Cardiganshire 13/14, Rakl 15/16. Zeeland 18, Karsik 19. Senal N. Wall l, Sedenak N.Wall 3. Empire Oannet 21/22, Kazukawa Maru 1:3/24, Tjipanas 25/26.
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  • 79 2 LONDON, Wed.— Dccca, one of Britain s biggest gramophone record manufacturers, last night slashed longplaying record prices in a bid for a lion's share of the MsBs million fans are expected to spend on "big name' records this year. In June. Gala Records, a small independent company
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 54 2 TIMBER ASSN. OPPOSES EXEMPTION KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Seiangor Timber Merchants Association hadecided to submit objections to the Government against the granting import duty exemption on worked wood products An official of the association said that the exemption would result in cheaper wood products from foreign countries which would adversely
    54 words
  • 1138 2 SINGAPORE T-esday. INDUSTRIALS Prevms Taiay Pt' I IJO B 1.85 S ISO S c 3 2.40 s •230 s •li .oo b B. B 5C B 52 S 55.'- S B. T-. ?es 5.00 6 5:0 S 553 S Rrtf... 18 R 18 B Ords. 35
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  • 7 2 sfddsadfs dgbvzxvb dbhcvb cvxb
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  • Round the Work Market Prices
    • 82 2 RCBBIR No. 1 Kss i f I utopean porta Auf tit. I BIBBER No. 1 RSs spot RUBBER No. 1 RSS Settlement House Terms Sept. Oct l» TONE: \er> steadv Above prPIPPER: White Sarawak f.a^. f. I urn pea n ports Aut. PIPPER: Black Sarawak Special c.i.f.
      82 words
    • 29 2 TIN straits >pot TIN futures Straits Contract x-pl TON1.: Firm SAEI No. 1 RSS Aug. I.nid»d priic COFFEE: Futuies B" ton Sept. New Above v r
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    • 16 2 30 Industrials 20 Railroads Domestic Bond* 13 I tilitiev fco Stocks Composite erases
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    • 25 2 Mala jar spot and g 30. afloa shipment 2C J Lamponc lease 30. afloats 2 asdfgdfhsh dhxzcsdfhv dsfh fdsh Above prices quoted
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    • 66 2 COPRA Philippine if IK North European ports deli\eicd weigrht per Ion* ton Sept. COPRA. Straits c i f I K North European ports delivered weight per Ion* ton Aug. >ept. tO( 0X1 T OIL crude strait» European ports in bulk per loaf C(»t ONI 1 OH. crude
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 633 2 K T i'J^ L^m^^Sb' -^"^^i^B I \^^^^^l| '■^^OMJMJ^bm HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE NORTH GERMAN LLOYD To Colombo, Genoa. Marseilles, Antwerp, Rotterdam. Bremen Hamburg Calls Southampton for passengers. t F«l iPkZ 19 AUj MS£RSTtIN (ILOYO) 2122 Alt 23 24 Aug 24 25 Au] RAVENSTCIN (LLOTRj 30 Ai t 1 Sipt 2 3 Sipt
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    • 3 2 MW 'B «__^_LL^-_4«
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 50 3 ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE WATCHED THIS SPECIAL INDONESIAN DANCE pic turt* *HIS Indonesian dance by members of the Indonesian community In Singapore was performed yesterday in celebration of Indonesian Independence Day. A thousand people watched at the Paterson Road residence of the Indonesian Consul General, Major-General Diatikusunio.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  50 words
  • 97 3 T'HE Singapore Junior -1 Chamber of Commerce will award four Hone: Kong JAYCEE scholarships in either physics, chemistry, biology social work, mathematics economics, business adminision. Chinese literature or philosophy this year. The entrance examination for the scholarships to the Chung Chi College or New
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  • 79 3 Students visit local homes from Singapore »5 secondary schools visited four welfare hornet yesterday to entertain the inmates a;> part oi the Chinese Y.M.C.A. s Student Week programme. Places visited were the Crippled Children's Home. the Cheshire Home. St. Andrews Orthopaedic Hospital and the Home for the Aged. Mrs. B.
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  • 448 3 Girl, 18, tells of joy ride in car with seven men 4 18-YEAR-OLD girl told a preliminary inquiry in Singapore yesterday that one nie:ht she went out for a joy-ride with seven young men all in one sports car Tan Twa Muay. of Jalan Besar, said that the drive ended
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  • 71 3 She wants to see the Queen J ONDON. Wed. A wellJ dressed woman carrying a shopping oa^ tried lo lorce her way into Buckingham Palace last niy,ht. She said she wanted to see the Queen— now on holiday at Balmoral Castle. Scotland. A policeman spoke to her and then she
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 54 3 The Inter-Religious Association of Singapore and Johore yesterday expressed its support of the Government's action on jukeboxe>. pintables, and certain films and magazines. It decided at a council meeting to send a message of congratulations to the Government for having done 'excellent work"' since taking oflice. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 |<35mm Camera Value! L YASHICA 35-yk C OUPLED RANGEFINDER f}\ ™l '»rsv* Kj^fcl_ Jßj^^\ 3 nly $105/- <«-ist) with ion lens, Copal MX utter, leather case i so $135/--:o 5174/- 50 5144/S34s/. Discount For Cash) ISIES" BE ntal PHOTO SUPPLY. LTD. Tel *****/219«3 Tel SS4I3 Tel 5589 d Pork. ff,_fw
      169 words
    • 134 3 J Delicious! I WIN SONS Full Cream ICE < 111 \>l <O>II>OI 'XD 1 Ib. tins 51. 93 1 Ib. tins $1.10 EASY TO MAKE MIX WITH WATER ONLY ,^CSS FITZPATRICK'S 300, Orchard Road. Singapore-9. Tel: *****-9 SINCAPORE SCOUTS |0B WEEK 1959 16th to 22nd August. MODERN JEWELLERY by SKILLED
      134 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 303 3 I I I^^H I j I CLUES ACROSS La Belle' nightly <5). llt may be a band, but not an 6 Canal flowing the wrong way, el-istic one <6». almighty ancient (4». 8 This cltv is in the forefront, 7 One American sister with libv ilie sound of it <s>.
      303 words

  • 962 4  - PLATFORMS OF FIVE MAIN PARTIES ARE OUTLINED DERRICK FENNEY \||i,.n..: Wialis.s: Xcgara: Progressives; £MIPt Ilia plans «./«r».v H hts Kquatity Metey*' BY TII E ruling parly, the Alliance 104 candidates) Ikis campaigned on n comprehensive programme summed up in ils election slogan "Peace; justice ;mil prosperity" and its offer of
    962 words
  • 583 4 GOING ON A MOTOR TOUR? FIRST TEST YOUR CAR By a Special Correspondent THOUGHT 1 had good reason to curse the name of Nicolas Cug n o L French inventor who lived in the 18th century, and the names of cill the ck\ er engineers of various nationalities who followed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 267 4 PATEK PHILIPPE The Master Watchmakers of Geneva An extraordinary record. In the most disputed wrist watch category, Patek Philippe has obtained the highest mark 55.42, ever recorded at the Geneva Observatory. Authorised Dealers Sole Agents H. SENA, LTD. Singapore Pcnong. CLASSIFIED ADS. \l \Ol K SI lv\l< I <tt. extra
      267 words
    • 83 4 DR. BrRHAMDDIN XMiil^^ the national president o Islam I fig /v V V 1L For ptn Packing, mm* ond '.toroo« w $ervi(es TRANSPORT STORAGELTI l~^. Cecil Srri fhonc: 7W5J2. |in:mn.ii« f 4 Vl>/ WORLD FAMOUS TAPE K* f=;'r^; $495 I TK 20 5615 w electric com« 98. Hill Street, For
      83 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 133 5 TALKS ON MALAYAN ECONOMY A SERIES of 12 week- ly lectures on various aspects of the Malayan economy will start at the Singapore Cultural Centre, Cannine Rise, early next month. The course is organised jointly by the Singapore Council for Adult Education and the Malayan Economics Society. The topics Prominent
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  • 275 5 Legal process of a new court must be followed ONE-WIFE LAW NO 'LICENCE 9 FOR MEN TO GET RID OF THEIR AGEING WIVES fHL new one-man-one-wife law when it comes into force in Singapore will not be a licence" for men with many wives to get rid of their "unwanted"
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  • 193 5 Singapore anthem by Dec. MALAY SONG IS FA VOURED SINGAPORE will have a State anthem and crest in time for the installation of the Malayan Yang di-Pertuan Negara towards the end of this vear The Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, yesterday told the Free Press that "much progress" had
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  • 90 5 KISANE WANTS TO BE MISS SURF 1959 Bi.ONDfc Kisanc Davis is another aspirant to the title of Miss Surf and she appears along with seven other lovelies in the new Surf Mannequin competition film. Ambitious? Yes. For beautiful Kisane already holds the title of Miss Press Queen. Inviting cinema audiences
    90 words
  • 59 5 British MPs due in S'pore Four members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association of Britain are expected In Singapore on Monday bv air from London for a short visit. The delegation is headed Sir John Barlow, the others being Mr. -E. Fernyhough. Mr. A. E. Oram and Mr. John Peel. They
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  • 45 5 Radio Singapore will play extracts from a recording of the recent forum on "The role of students in a changing Asia" at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Speakers are Mr. James Puthucheary, Dr. T. H. Elliot, Inche Rahim Ishak and Mr. Hassan Ry.
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  • 33 5 Mr. Eugene Kamenka, lecturer in philosophy at the University of Malaya, will speak on "Learning and Society" in the series "What do you think?" over Radio Singapore at 7.25 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 220 5 Teachers' exam results FOLLOWING candidates have passed the first year Certificate Course of the Singapore Teachers" Training College and have been admitted to the second year course: Lillian Aroozoo. Subramaniam Balendra, Jane Chan Lin Jing, Sitaram Chandra Das, Cheong Kai Kong, Agnes Chia Choon Yeong, Chua Bee Kim. Veronica Daniel.
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  • 25 5 Woman 's death A 34-year-old housewife. Ho Wan Yoke of Changi Road, died of suspected poisoning on admission to the General Hospital. Singapore, yesterday. I
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  • 298 5 SINGAPORE'S Ministry ot Education is working on plans to completely re-orientate the educational system here from the beginning of next year. A number of committees have been set up to formulate plans to imp ement the rfew education policy of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 265 5 WT ..niaue achievement ARTHUR MEE'S I CHILDREN'S I Children's Encyily unique arhievePor forty years it has C unchallenged r.e education in its finest edition m ten \oluines v produced, expertly written,' e tradition of the dition acknowledged by ions of parents and teach--1 parents owe it to invest in the
      265 words
    • 241 5 Some other favourites TRIPLE BAR. CRACKERMILK, FRUIT NUT. and RAISIN MILK Tti£ GREATEST TASTE IN CHOCOLATE iTmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuTii in Styles! OF NORWICH >/// W See our /arj/e collection of colourful, beautiful ticated Courts icith bow trims and low throatlinc White calf bow Court, as illustrated, $42.50 Other styles avoilable in the
      241 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 238 5 I SINGAPORE HIGH TIDES TODAY: 11.46 a.m. and 11.18 p.m. TOMORROW: 12.17 p.m. and 11.59 p.m. FRIDAY: 12 46 p.m. SATURDAY: 0.39 a.m. and 1.14 p.m. SUNDAY: 1.19 a,m. and 1.43 p.m. MONDAY: 1.59 a.m. and 2.13 p.m. TUESDAY: 2.39 a.m. and 2.46 p.m. TODAY YW.CA (Raffles Quay): j ALCHOLICS
      238 words

  • 95 6 EXPORTS TO R.i, yE/Uf OAXI >;.„„,] FREE PRK» STAFI SINGAPORE'S entrepot ton dropped to such a low fear that it may soon tttmi Statistics show that iro: year only $5,000,000 worth Indonesia. For the sarrw $34,000,000. The secretary of the Importers* Association, Mr. p Free Press
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  • 491 6 KEEN INTEREST IN FEDERAL ELECTIONS ITU ALA LUMPUR. Wed. People throughout the Federation are keenly interested in today's first national election for a fully elected Parliament and eve-of-the-polls trends noted by the Free Press indicated that a special effort will
    491 words
  • 48 6 Attending world medical talk Pro:. E. S Monteir ir oi Clinical Medi and Dean Faculty Med:cine at th< Univel pore at the end of this m< j confer i medical ed In Chi I turer in I Medicine. Dr. Khoo O n Ui studying methods in e.v did:
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  • 30 6 P: biochemistry in the Middle.- x pltal Med.v I a leading authority on is due in Si: Kl M day on his way to attend the C berra.
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  • 73 6 Workers from the Royal Engineers here making the first connection of the 900 loot-long undersea pipeline to another pipe running into Pulau Brani yesterday. They connected the other end of the rubber pipe to Blakang Mati yesterday evening at low tide This uas the first phase
    Free Press  -  73 words
  • 32 6 12 killed in S 'pore road accidents T.velve persons were killed in motor accic> pore last month, compared to 15 in June. There were 2.220 accidents against 2.117 in the previous mor.
    32 words
  • 183 6 Experts to care for State's handicapped children \XE\V home has band for mentally children in Singapore by the Government. Forty children have bee:: moved from the New Market Road Home to the one at Holr.e wh< moduli aval] The Labour and Wei :r. K M. B; told
    183 words
  • 110 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Bar waitresses from Singapore have so far not approached Kuala Lumpur bar owners for employment Several bar owners interviewed yesterday told the Free Press that they had not yet been asked for jobs by waitresses from Singapore. However, they
    110 words
  • 39 6 rahuu? uh yCr N Goho and his brid <* 'rom Calcutta, who were entertained to a partv bv friends at the Singapon. Indian Association in Bale.tier Koad Legislative Councillor and a senior member of the Malayan Bar
    39 words
  • 216 6 *T»HE big clean -up operation in Singapore's youth clubs and community centres is still on, the Minister for Labour and Welfare, Mr. K. M. Byrne, told the Free Press today. He that the acti- vities ol all such organisations were now being scrutinised in
    216 words
  • 82 6 UNION SHIFTS ITS H.Q. KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Headquarters of the Federation Union of Fighting Services If to b€ transferred from Kuala Lumpur to Batu Pahat, Joboi An official of the Union said yesterday that a resolution to this effect had I ed at the Union's an: meeting held in
    82 words
  • 52 6 Four beautiful the Singapore Ballet wii; lease over 100 coloured loons at 2.15 p.m. today I the courtyard of the Ac my. The girls are In th. "Swan Lake." main fe; in the Ballets comi: son from Auk. 21 Double complimorr an contained in 10 of
    52 words
  • 80 6 An executn member of the Burma Trade Mr Lee Tye 1 Singapore wa- i;; a to £ive "good and frier, service to Indom Rice merchants said that in 1957 Singapor $41.7 million and in 1958 million worth of rice to Indonesia. Rice imports into pore also showed a
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  • 57 6 Radio Singapore will broadexcerpts from U formance to be given by the Indonesian cultural mission on the steps of the City Hall on Saturday. The English commentary can be heard from 8.30 to 8 45 p.m. the Chinese commentary from 8.45 to 9 p.m. and the
    57 words
  • 21 6 Kl I lida j toll.. th» hulid rad> pa\ tions dur. dur:
    21 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 327 6 ff BIGGEST HITS' II M The MelodN lingers on frank (ordrll A His Or. h^tr* ontiaNt. |,mnn Dorvrv His or, h.stra 7EG &166 Hit thr i Milli.rnt Martin. Kcun >tt TEG 8458 i with r Tony (Kbornr his piano Oirfcwln :n, BH3 ■fc \I Krad TEG and thr othrr fn
      327 words
    • 18 6 SOCK VEST BR CROCODIU c OE' u C I 46 TiSEIU-I JACKS 3HC' I ill" KWI 12 *°r
      18 words

  • 504 7 ROBERT GLENTON RO.n TCeTC T r N| ft is bought about half an acre of <»«iii wh( .Is the kind of veh <• ,Si s lll<lll v cellulosed He is so |>m t l e 1 AmerK:i 1 ns 1 l tll hstead of at his;
    504 words
  • 180 7 4 FORD MOTOR Company official, looking 50 years into the future, foresees cars with smaller and more compact power plants and all glass roof =!llllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii The forecast is made by Mr. George W. Walker, Ford vice president and director of styling.
    180 words
  • 94 7 BECAI'Si: not even a snap dealer would buy S his motor-cycle. James Turley, of Lower Farn- ham Road, Aldershot, 5 dumped his mount in a E pond off Tonyham Road. j E Police recovered the ma- E E chine and traced the E owner the May is-
    94 words
  • 132 7 FIRMS awarded contracts by the Ministry of Transport to operate Lon-don-Birmingham motorway service stations and provide other amenities are likely to give motorists an agreeable surprise. At Watford and Newport Pagnell for example each station will stand on live acres on each side of the road. Connection will
    132 words
  • 86 7 ROBOT PARKING ROBOT "parking'* in mul-ti-storey garages is on the way thanks to the efforts of 51 -year-old engineer Colonel James Stirling who was in charge of the Mulberry Harbour installation in Normandy during the Second World War. Woolwich councillors have JwM approved the first project in which the owr/.-
    86 words
  • 68 7 J ONDON Safety Committees are being asked to nominate men or women who have worked hard in the cause of jroad safety for children. The aim is to recognise the work of child accident prevention by the annual award of a trophy. The "contest" to find the man
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  • 48 7 SO Ml; folks like motoring others prefer a different mode of travel. Mr. Jimmy Lipvlat, 20, sticks to roller-skates. This young miner will roller-skate from London Bridge to Ramsgate. Kent, in an attempt to break the British record of 73 miles in 10 hours 45 minutes.
    48 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 100 7 I the name to remember when ordering f Fan Belts /f Clutch Linings Sintered Metal Linings Sheet Materials >\L— 9 titunq Rivets V I Relining Tools Brake Testing J Equipment MOTORS > Representatives: WEARNE BROS. Til I iT C v3^(V^ h Urd the TALK amazing roomi; V 'iClScy MBER HW
      100 words
    • 571 7 .^B^bWb^B^bV-. Thit it the new Mornt Oifordl T> i -^A M^y BSv 's where dreamt-for-two come t'ue H>A fanatically beautiful car wfl For h»r her kind of car »c I H Jg |k, family: lutunous. sentibie ta*e fV L fl Long, low lines and gaye< colours <l !^l^^W with wide-vista
      571 words
    • 252 7 ASIA MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED, 1 3 NGEE ANN BUILDING, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. TEL. NO: ***** ***** Excellent -Condition Used -Car For Sale 1958-June Ford Anglio 1958-April Opel Coravon 1957-April Austin Heoley 1957-August Ford Consul 1958-Januory Hillmon 1957-Nov. Opel Record 1956-July Borgword Std. 1956- August Peugeot 403 1956-June Simco 1956- April
      252 words

  • 286 8 MORE THAN 250 members of the 3,000--strong Singapore Teachers' Union yesterday sent a memorandum to the protem committee of the union alleging that it had no legal status. They called for a "proper committee election to be held in September." The memorandum pointed out
    286 words
  • 107 8 A GOODWILL MISSION MAN FROM TOKYO LEAVES A MEMBER ol Japans House of Representatives, Mr. K. Aikawa. -above' left Singapore yesterday for Jakarta after a three-day vLsit. Mr Aikawa had arrived here after calling on the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru. as part of his goodwill tour of South-East Asian
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  • 53 8 Two U.K. companies, Joseph Lucas (Industries) Ltd. and Chloride Electrical Storage Company Ltd., ma- kers of Lucas and Exide bat- teries, are forming a Joint company to manufacture automotive batteries in Malaya. It is planned to besin production within six months. The annual output will
    53 words
  • 65 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Cameron Highlands residents welcome the government proposal to build an airfield there and regard it as a boom to the tourist trade, particularly on their hill resort. One resident said that the people in the Camerons had already been asked earlcer to submit
    65 words
  • 133 8 rRD Malaya's Parts and Accessories department will run a parts sales training course the first of its kind to be held in SouthEast Asia, at the Ocean Park Hotel. Singapore, from Oct. 1 to Oct. 9. The course, wnich be held in conjunction with
    133 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 8 Man J charA school] THE I I I m I I I I Mr. Horns* (above) shows the way to Mi^s Gloria j Pagnutti, daushtrr E :of Signor Lucio v j Pagnutti, the Italijn Consul General in Singapore. The other E mannequins are fol- i lowing the steps
    51 words
  • 77 8 BORN today you will have •artistic, inventive and business talent that can bring you success quite early in life. You have a rather imperious nature, are impul- sive, and wa. want when you want Since you have the ability to deal with people diplomatically, you will achi
    77 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 238 8 For wonderful value Lj FRESH X^^^flHl 4~ DC C kl W bntcfi Available from the Sole Agents:— BARKATH STORES LTD., SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG LATEST ARRIVAL OF LADIES WOVENTEX NYLON BABY DOLL NIGHT DRESSES Plus BULK STRETCH NYLON VEST GIAN SINGH CO., LTD. (House of Elegance Quality) Raffles Place. Spore
      238 words
    • 8 8 il pattel l(l< /I rdredW 4#f rainbow a***^
      8 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

    • 234 9 N who was a course scratching i s mj selection for the Class j I um pur tomorrow. 1 ;shed third to Comae I L. meeting gets only hiudafgkl dfajdkldfagvb dkfdlangba iudfg kdf dfnhgbjdf hjedfgn ju jdf jefg sdfkjsdf nbm,xcvbn,dsfdf dfjjbkj
      234 words
    • 62 9 minton Issociation has picked tag. 85 in prepara- up against Malacca. 1 to 14. Badannual cham:ie its pn>The fixtures rd because of ■urnament. be two sessions on ound ingles and doubles will aoff sta 2.30 p.m. □Other 28 t;> ted. The the next
      62 words
    • 42 9 BENAUD SUPPORTS NEW TEST MOVE dflklksdfh n kj sdfh ikjdf lkj s adbkjdf jhdbfhgkjhjk athletes should be tired ing an extra hour. v tests should speed-up and keep the game going. brighten cricket, said Ledward. secretary of the lian Board of Control.
      42 words
    • 78 9 CYCLING MEET TODAY MORE than 25 Civilian ana compete I le time trial Tampenis Road at 5 p.m. x>kesman of the R.A.F. Cycle aid this morning -e trial runs are becom■^opular. \.ien we first started this a .^o. there were onu civilians took part" he saw. At Seletar ern OOI
      78 words
    • 17 9 LONDON Wed. David Allen the top joint of the turner of bfei ri^ht hand Reuter
      Reuter  -  17 words
    • 1297 9  -  ALLAN LEWIS Says pHE Class 5 Div. 1, 7F. event is the hardest race on the programme. Clever n« V 1 )y in ed Warrior, Blue Ace, Bonanza, Welsh King, Speculation, Kra, une Two Four, Billeen. Destiny,
      1,297 words
    • 137 9 The following horses will not start tomorrow: Flox, New Venture, Bright Sun, Premium Bond, Jupiter, Scholarship, The Beauty. Sure Profit, Mickey Rooney and Heart's Desire. Speculation and Seaport are very doubtful. best over 5 l 2 P on a soft track. His only win in
      137 words
    • 237 9 World sports flashes /CARACAS: Toshuo Tanaka, \j the Japanese flyweight boxer, was btaten on a technical knockout in the fourth round by Ramon Arias, the Venezuelan champion, here last niffht. T IENNA:— Hungari will play Austria in their first qualify ing match for the Olympic soccer tournament In Budapest on
      237 words
    • 89 9 Reds to set up stud farms MOSCOW. Wed.— The Government of Turkmenia. south-western-most republic of the Soviet Union, has decided to set up stud farms to breed pedigree Akhalteke racing horses. The Akhalteke horse is of slender build, and has both speed and endurance. According to Tass, the official Soviet
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • Article, Illustration
      138 9 Mmor swings are well rewarded k«v» example one team making a part-score in both rooms. North-South did not bid at all In Room l. and West made a final contract of Two Spades. In Room 2 South rightly opened One Heart on a seven-loser hand vrith good values
      138 words
    • 90 9 ALY'S FILLY SETS RECORD YORK. Wed. Prince Aly Khan's three-year-old Petite Etoile, winner of the Newmarket 1,000 guineas and Ep.som Oaks, set up a record for stakes winnings by a filly on the British Turf when she took the Yorkshire Oaks yesterday. Winners prize of 7.048 sterling, took her earnings
      90 words
    • 38 9 LONDON, Wed. Former Malayan joe- s key Garnet Bougoure will ride No Com- 5 ment in the Ebor Handicap to be run S over one mile six fur- i longs at York today. Re uter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 272 9  -  ARCHIE QUICK By T ONDON, Tues. A veteran golfer, 72 years of age, played one of the most amazing rounds the British professional tournament circuit has seen for a long time in the £500 "Martini" Southern and Western foursomes at the Seaford Club, Sussex. He was
      272 words
    • 54 9 S. Korea builds big stadium SEOUL, Wed. The South Korean Soccer Association has announced that arrangements have been completed to construct South Korea's first lawn soccer field in Seoul in preparation for the second Asian soccer championship tournament to be held here in October 1960. The association said the field
      54 words
    • 38 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Ahmad Mustapha was awarded the Victor Ludorum trophy at the Federation Customs Sports Ciub athletic meeting. In addition to the Northern, Central and South regions In the Federation, Singapore also competed.
      38 words
    • 187 9 JUNIOR tournament player, Darshan Singh of the Prisons, has been selected to play for the Rest against the Europeans In the annual cricket match for the Conrad Clarke Cup on the SRC padan* on Aug. 29 and 30. This honour has fallen on the young
      187 words
    • 38 9 MAG ISTRATE'S COURTS LOSE The Magistrate's Courts sepak in were beaten bv three -pak Raga Jarinp in a match played recently. In the 'A' section. thf trate's Courts team trounrec Mackenzie Sepak Raga "A" team in straight s*-
      38 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 5 9 B"T M A f CYMA
      5 words
    • 253 9 A MASTERPIECE OF PRECISION ENGINEERING Women love Isabella s smart continental cleganct, colorful interiors and ease of handling Men thrill to the superb cornering, cport* car performance and value its economy. -I STANDARD 66 BMP engine €L<C.€ <<<4k 1493 cc. _40 m P9 m^^*y SS^a TS 82-hp. engine >tfl 4L
      253 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 44 9 TODAY'S SPORT 1 i IK *BH» junior rup semifinals— Shell v Metal B<»v. larrer Park: Singapore Glaaa V S.T.C.. F snd N. BWOUONO: Singapore Ba«a District swimming championships, Britannia Club (10.15 am. and 2.30 p.m.*. CYCLING: RAF 10-mile Unu trial, Tampenis Road (5 p.m.).
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  • 12 10 THE PRICE OF JUST STANDING j :er police rove Hi alk up
    12 words
  • 219 10 Cracking dam threatens thousands after 'quake BUTTE, Montana. Wednesday. ri t major quake which hit the Rocky Mounesterday left thousands of people in fear that the Hebgen Dam would burst. It has an 18-foot Sick in it. for a, rush evacuation. lenient is Ennis. huddled in the miles Straining the
    219 words
  • 49 10 picture. "HELLO Darling!' was all Flight Lieut- enant Bill Ramsbottom !of R.A.F. Chans i i-ould I say when Miss Jeanette Clarkson arrived at I Paya Lebar by Britannia Aircraft yesterday. The happy couple are to be married at St. George's Church Changi on Sept. 5. Free Press
    Free Press  -  49 words
  • 21 10 WIESBADEN. Wed. The West Gorman Car Manufacturer Auto-Union has introduced a new fourseater 741 c.c. "junior" DKW car.
    21 words
  • 72 10 GUERILLAS FAN OUT IN LAOS yiENTIANE. Wed. Gon- eral Ouane Rattikone, chief of .staff of the Laotian Army, said yesterday that Communist rebel forces were on the move In North-East provinces again after two weeks' inactivity. About 700 guerilla fighters, trained by Communist North ;iam were fanning out towards the
    72 words
  • 331 10 Hundred* off lulls in Kolam Avit basin to be pulled down: S'pore projjei*! to be speeded up soon UUNDREDS of huts situated on the Kolam Aver basin in Singapore will soon be demolished. The residents. who number a few hundreds, will however, be allotted
    331 words
    • 93 10 Shirtless cricket fans brave the ire of the MCC bigwigs I ONDON. Wed. Five darinp fans took off their shirts at Lord's cricket ground yesterday, despite week-end complaints by M.C.C. officials. On Saturday, the sight of about 30 men stripped to the waist had offended some women spectators and an
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 16 10 PORTLAND. England The American nuciear-pow-ered submarine Skipjack loft here last night for an unknown destination. Reuter
      Reuter  -  16 words
    • 13 10 <* LONDON The British Broadcasting Corporation plans a television series of English lessons.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  13 words
    • 23 10 LONDON Britains art treasures may have to be moved from the Tate Gallery beeause an unexploded bomb is believed to be nearby.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 21 10 BOMBAY— Valerian Cardinal Gracias, Archbisnop of Bombay said here that Roman Catholics are forbidden to vote for the Communist Party.— U.P.I.
      U.P.I  -  21 words
    • 14 10 KARACHI A Japanese delegation arrived here for trade talks with the Pakistan Government. Reuter
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    • 15 10 HONGKONG Japan and Mongolia have signed a protocol trade agreeing amounting to M$30 million.- Reuter
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    • 27 10 VERSOIX. Switzerland— A familv of three and a young woman were killed yesterday while driving from Geneva to Lausanne when their car crashed into a lorry. Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 25 10 MOSCOW Mr. Andrei! Gromyko, Soviet Foreign Min- lster. has been appointed editor of a new diplomatic? dictionary, covering international treaties, conferences i and nersonalities.— Reuter
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    • 25 10 BRISBANE- Office worker > hauled chairs and table., into the streets yesterday to stand on for a look at Princess Alexandra as she drove past.- Reuter
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    • 12 10 DETROIT Ford Motorintroduce a new small car. the Falcon, next month.— Reuter
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    • 27 10 NEW DELHI— Mr. Morarji Desai. India's Finance Minister, will lead India's delegation to the Washington meeting of the World Bank arid International Monetary Fund next month. Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 14 10 KARACHI.— A Japanese delegation arrived here for trade talks with the Pakistan Government.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  14 words
    • 13 10 PIETERMARITZBI RG—An African junior school was sel on fire during the night. Reuter
      Reuter  -  13 words
    • 21 10 JAKARTA The Indonesian Communist Party has obtained Army permission to hold its sixth Congress here from Sept. 7 to 15— Reuter
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 18 10 MOSCOW Mr. Anastas Mikoyan, Soviet first deputy Premier, yesterday received an Iraq economic delegation in the Kremlin.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 17 10 BRUSSELS— National service in Belgium iciit next month be reduced jm-m i=; months to one year.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  17 words
    • 19 10 PORTSMOUTH The Royal Navy aircraft carrier Albion arrived at Portsmouth yesterday alter nine months in the Far East.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 14 10 WASHINGTON Hawaii will formally become the 50th state ol the U.S. on Friday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  14 words
    • 14 10 PARIS Afghanistan has demanded the recall of the French Charge D'AUaires at Kabul.- U.P.I.
      U.P.I  -  14 words
    • 16 10 NEW DELHI The Con- gress Party has been voted oack into p cherry Stau As U.P.I
      U.P.I  -  16 words
    • 10 10 WASHINGTON US Oovernmen i-ase ag; Douglas involving about M5450.000.— UPI
      UPI  -  10 words
  • 143 10 POWER OF H-BOMB IN TUBE SWEDEN UPPSALA. Central Sweden. Wed.— Experiments of a scientist who believer lie has harnessed the power of the H-bomb in a footiong glass tube were being discussed here at a conference of physicists yesterday. But the scientist. Dr Alan Kolb. needed to experiment further with
    143 words
  • 108 10 A campaign against "jay-walkinu. launched by the Now York City Police nearly a year age, has brought a satisfying reduction in the number of death and innings on the streets, of that city, and is considered a great success by officials of the safety division. Crossing the street
    108 words
  • 37 10 NASSER FOR INDIA CAIRO. Wed. President visit to India and other A countries In November. Burmese Ambassador U Pc King, who accompanied mcr Deputy Premier U K Nyein in a two hour mewith President Nasser da?.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 65 10 Moscow, v. I laughed and is a red London bus Oxford undergraduates t rund 1 e d Gorky S: cows main tin and across the J Kremlii. The 20-yt •üble--:er wa.- oih sides with adv. q every day In London one lor a I own
    65 words
  • 25 10 The b •ow lal run wi don a v > and coned acr< Poi and P dri\ dfsbdbzxcbvxzb sdfgsadfgasdfgvdsg asdgfsdafgdsgfd adsfg g Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 8 10 dgagdfaghd dfgdas fg asdfgv agasdfg Reuter
    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 4 10 Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 18 10 The drying Yangtse TJie Free Press Wtdna PEKING. Wed. -01 the 5 Nanking dro* lowest level T: Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 11 10 Malaya to make U.K. to K.L. flight dsfhhdsbgsbvcxzv dvbcxz dfbgdsbv 1
    11 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      139 words
    • 83 10 Bhnt't Ivt ilt is happviil m m kh ill'} A i m*s&- Bl 4 M 111 I Guard your valuable book.-, papers, .^r^ records and films from moisture dama and rot. The FRIGIDAIRE DEHUMIDI- _jv FIER provides positive protection at low k cost for furniture, clothing, and all 5\ equipment
      83 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 29 10 Cinema Guide Phpnf *****: ft ODEON Phone T9TH Home NEW ALHAMBRA Phone *****: 8 ittif Of Witt Of East Wind ODEON KATONC. Phone *****: kThe Bridge On Th«
      29 words