The Singapore Free Press, 27 February 1959

Total Pages: 28
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
  • 14 1 The Singapore Free Press Malavas Own Family Paper „!!>.._, liiil.iv lrhiiiai\ .»7. IMS. Ptlm llCts,
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  • 126 1 MACASSAR KADIO announced lfl last night that 'S 3.000 m fUfeet have poured into tin- entul hes port oi Palopo m the lar* oi a mounting reign of terror hy the lunatic Darul Islam. Tiie radio said the refugees had come from Malili
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  • 289 1 U.S. NAVAL MEM BOARD RUSSIAN SHIP Drama on high seas a wrCAN warship yesterday a boardini^ party onto a trawler oil Newfoundland an investigation into aks m transatlantic Navy spokesman said boarding party had returned to their own ship and the Sovii ler was heading north. spokesman said m reply
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 85 1 THERE will be a fifth Challenge Trophy for competition m the mammoth Free Press Walk on Sunday, March 8. Guthrie anr] Co., Ltd., announced this morning that they will donate this new trophy, with a replica, for the winner m the new
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  • 105 1 '"'tn UN I JAM FISH KUCHING, Friday. V-ONE gun salute fired m Kuching after 8 o'clock this morning anbeginnlng of Prince Philip's second ik. And wha^a^^^^^ Sarawak I where I Prince Guard! to I ting I I I I imme- 1 motor!
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  • 21 1 March first buyer f.O.b. 01 »re tills morn cents a lb., down a qu nt on 5 The t
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  • 17 1 Tomorrow la the for students seeking adlon to the University Ol Malaya to submit application!.
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  • 44 1 A SPECIAI, ib committe. the Sii tutlbn ExpositlM lerlng whether tl admission cl Id be iced from 50 to cci v Mr I.lm X' tary ol the ition Commltti l,ir ttentlo!] mnced last nlgl d to attracl n Ible
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  • 180 1 THE MAYOR WARNS HIS LOCAL OFFICIALS ]tf AYOR Ong Eng Guan m Ivi a 10-minute speech at today's City Council meeting, advised the council staff to be neutral m carrying out the policy and decisions of the council. He, however, warned that Malayanisation was not t li c substitution of
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  • 148 1 afkican women Hed A ci i mini through t ■<■ and fell moaning In the when about Go armed police baton-charged ra than 2,000 <>t them m i l( iv Selborne Am. township, near Pretoria, terday. rh«- women had met to proi- i again I
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 Tired, no Energy? Perhaps you arc not getting enough of the right sort of food enough supplementary vitamins. MULTIVITAMINS Contain all the important vitamins essential to maintain perfed health. Each capsule contains more than I'l times your iftinimum daily n quin m« nt! I I'l 1 1 K"_H F.i h
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 a V ,>» 59 MC -\f. zAfIRST ROUND WORLD JET SERVICE?^ •7jyZ/ wmmm^m^^^*~^m^ __^^^^Mfl m\ \w^^^^j m \\\^m\\V^ **> Awmmmt W" m.wfr COMMENCING MARCH 31st* t\ r\ k n nniTi ii ii i a ni n BM. BRITANNIA 31 2 services across the Pacific Within the next few weeks you
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  • 207 3 A day of doubts on the London market rpHE Tin Council an--1 nounced m London today that all the tin bought with money 'm its "special lund" had now been sold. The special fund was en ated last January when the buffer stock built up
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 171 3 mm John Foster Dulles, the United states M secretary oi State, yesterday conferred mi n dis hospital room for an hour with three leading Mate Department ollieials on the latest Russian statement of attitude on Ber- St;ite Department spokesman said the
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  • 167 3 POLICE IN JEEPS LASH OUT AT ROME STUDENTS OOLICE arrested about 30 youth* near tiie Austrian embassy In Rome yesterday following a series Ol clashes m which six policemen and a number of demonstrators were hurt. Thousands Of schoolchildren and university students had paraded through the capital and m Milan,
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  • 68 3 MAJOR GENERAL Abdul Karim Al Kassem. Iraqi Prime Minister, said m Bagdad yesterday Iraq was now SO powerful that neither subversive forces at home nor "foreign treacherous forces" could hurt her. General Kassem. who was addressing Iraqi education officials, calied for national unity and solidarity to block the
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 34 3 The Queen Mother spent the day quietly at Governmenl House at Entebbe yesterday before leaving for home today at the end of her th Kenya and U'-.mda.H Reuter
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  • 125 3 THE QUEEN TO HAVE A COLOURED SECRETARY THE Queen has broken with tradition by approving m principle the appointment of a Ghanaian as one of her Press secretaries for the Royal tour of Ghana. The Ghanaian will be the first coloured man to be member of the household staff at
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  • 95 3 AN unknown person terday hurled acid < a Peter Rubens pain' estimated to he worth $1 000 m LnakotheK Museum m Munich. About one-fifth f >f t!l 9ft Sin. by 7 ft 3in ing wa I, the n Ing director I the vai Di
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 105 3 MUS I \W X I I >MIIII of Peoria, Illinois, hxs culled m a doctor to try to cure her two-> car-old son Lawrence of the smokf ing habit Llwri n c c pets through live or si\ < i i garettes a
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 24 3 American businessmen are meeting stifTer competition from Europeans In world markets, speakers at th« World Trade Conference said m Chicago yesterday.'
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 211 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY. Feb. 27, 1959. Opinion Truculent Mr. K. new and unhelpful eleiV ment would appear to have been injected into the Moscow off-the-record talk.s between the British and Soviet Prime Ministers by Mr. Khrushchev's on-the-record utterances. lie has called, m an election speech, for a 50-year
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  • 433 4 I BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT STARTLING dis*3 closures of the extent to which boys and girls at school are smoking have been made m the United Kingdom. They show that more than half a million schoolchildren there between the ages of 11 and 16 are smokers.
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  • 182 4  -  HILDA COE «.v BRITAIN has slipped another place m the i world "league table" of shipbuilding countries. Japan is top, Germany is second, Ud Britain, for the firsl time In history, has to take third place, cording to the 1958 summary released by Lloyd's
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  • 69 4  -  Beachcomber hu IRFAI) ol til "which the fn ol women could handle" A woman would have to be pretty frail to be able to I an extra thousand he could new i a comfortable 200 miles an hour, has the Twemlow phonic transmission, c|ii.»drup]< oled i autoin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 35 4 m ENGAGEMENT RINGS m GOLD, PLATINUM WHITE GOLD WEDDING RINGS ETERNITY RINGS j few j ip.H. HENDRY I .It-uellrix I >il\«rsiuith>, li 78, Noi Hi BrMffC ltd., S'pore g A Kuala I umpur. a 1
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    • 41 4 500 -WATT AUTOMATIC SLIDE PROJECTOR c. üBB*S mw\- JZmXmm nr wh '^H n V\ ''B^^* m^r t<s4&hl MODEL 765 ins ihe wh( ou ch<x vln? yen. m slid< Inn H. A. O'CONNOR CO.. LTD ID. -A BUKIT BINTANO BD- KUALA lUMPU
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  • 271 5 i.,,, m iai insurance li:( l public assisting whith ore CiovhM ,H en Lsid( sonle i s unlikely to be reach or the turn. x man ior of La- elfare said t ti sliil um'.. ussto" by fjjp ii ment "Whether io intro- lM
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  • 54 5 PARTY AT PALACE FOR NATIONAL LEADERS rr another >i luncheon Buckingham iy to meet as spheres .ii lite I Sir Malcolm conductor, Mi Sutherland, Mr. Glen B\ ii director of Memorial Th .at ford-on-.V. Robert Hall, to the Professor Sir Cl director of [nstitute .Jt Middlesex lon, and 1 deputy
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 17 5 r. Astra "> tons o# AvonBristol, yesIn one or luickly pu: ■ton tanker Reuter
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  • 11 5 Flag day for spastics j hUdren'i Asipore will norrow ellen win
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  • 96 5 A End the prong m mcd l Army Anthony lolntly i bing .sten mm eight ten magazine filler-. 11 revolver and sev( n bay while '1 with a .22 i. New chai eluded I. drill hall at m Som< four md ol ammunition, ot two
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 80 5 Youth, 1 9, charged with rock-n-roll brawl murder TERENCE COONEY. aged 19, was arrested m L London yesterday and charged with the murder of 18-year-old Alan Johnson on Tuesday night m a rock-n-roll dance hall brawl. After bring formally re- I until I thatl Cooney "I I to used I
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 32 5 SIR ANTHONY TO ADDRESS CHINESE LADIES ASSN. THE (iOVERNOK of Sarawak. Sir Anthony Abell, who will address the Chinese Ladies Assocla (ion jointly with the Kota ria ns on Wednesday, March 1
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  • 62 5 Britons drank a record amount ol tea last year over ten pounds weight per head according to figures issued yesterday by the Ceylon Tea centre m London. Ceylon also produced a record crop of 413 million pounds, of which Britain took 161 million pounds the highest
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  • 19 5 The Queen ha.s ordered one week'fl family mourning for Princess Arthur ot ('< naught who died yesterday
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 x^dCß^ OFFERS YOU A vEjijto^xSSi HI-FI I^JL tm \i-"^ TAP^ RECORDER. push-button control Ss9r 3 speeds built m **> Concert Hall loudspeaker Aye JACKS PHOTO CO. Copitoi Building, IS7 North Bridqc Rood. Smgapore. e At mis. a m jn«iMM«MHnH___ta____________fl_____________l x^^^m^^S^^^ m^^ Fur models f' r A NATURAL SOURCE __^«^^HIRKWH&»H_H_Hi_Hi__HIB^^ _^2»
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 254 6 >■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Ji:i l lIAUKi: U\ Syflaey Jordan IV"/<£ r^e scff/fy teaa^s load the a^csosvs' f us movin* c3«oss checked om the other *^v HOLDS HIT* Aii'CffOH Off£. T, JAA f AC g OSS TH? BECT SCANNERS. Sl« «T*S ATA OiSTAMCE OP NIWETV ffEsOOff'S A STffAKGE Di. SR AK|D ABOve ,y
      254 words
    • 338 6 I>ORN today, you I ability. You enjoy tune, but you are practic realise that your en. properly directed Into tive channel ot achii are to reach your goal n Routine and monotony tin ma to one of your temperament* so make sure that you have plenty of variety m your
      338 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 121 7 LONDON. I eb frtvUufi 1 inlay i i:>> eJJ March 25', buj i tpril BSiS spot 1 urn RSS i VI..N seller^ roxi prices Quoted m pence ii ni i: imi Sarawak f.u.q. (1 porli I- fl». 35'- sellers 35 tellert iii Sarawak special (1 n ports
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    • 102 7 ll\ Strait* Spol 104.62 noni. 104 75 num. ll\ futmrs Straits I onti at March 103.00 buyers 103.37 buyers 105.00 sellers 105.37 sellers Mas 102.87 buyer.- 103.25 buyers 104.87 seller- 105.25 sellers lfiM Stead.i SALES: Nil. RIBBKIi futures March 30.40 buyers 30.40 buyers 30.50 .sellers 30.55 sellers
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    • 26 7 30 Indus! 601.18 602.0(5 Jfl Railroads 163.19 162 7:^ 111 Dompslii Bonds 86.41 86.40 II I tilities 91.57 91.78 itf tveragct 207.81 207.96
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    • 29 7 Sarawak unquoted. Muntok white spot and awaiting reU 44. afloat.! 44. ami March shipment 4:r AA to 44. sellers, ex-dork -•res quoted m U.S. cents per lb
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    • 76 7 1 1 r.K./ poi ts delivered ton l eb. Mar. "J 1 1 I I K. /North ports delivered i "ii l.l). Mar. Co( <* Oil crpde straits porta m bulk U.i i N < oil mule "Ovlon porta m bulk ton M.i ,M „,N« <"Ci:\
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  • 99 7 i ry little to i.ent ln ■y ibly th itnumbered irltlea had i prlcei m record 11 to twu lit ol thi turbut Arm. pearanci tobacco m demand with Im- Tobacco particularly favoured RolK Royce and Brit i h Motor Corporation provided the feature ot mot
    99 words
  • 179 7 'ASIA IN PERIL IF EUROPE WERE OVERRUN BY RUSSIA' \|K. DUNCAN SWDVs, Britain's Minister ol aTI Defence, said last night lhe British Governmenl placed "complete reliance" on Ihe solemn undertakings" of the United states to retard an attack on a NATO country as an attack on herself. "It seems to
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 34 7 Singapore's Publicity Club has :ided to hold two lund .1 month i ol 01 Th! announced oy I the chairman, Mr. a Baird on when the peaker Fony Bean.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 I SINGAPORE ■HIGH TIDES! TODAY: 1.30 p.m. TOMORROW: 1.50 a.m. and .MS p.m. SUNDAY: 2.28 a.m. and II 3.14 p.m. MONDAY: 3.01) a.m. I and i.'lii p.m. H TUESDAY: 4.00 a.m. m 6.19 p.m. B WEDNESDAY: 5.10 a.m. B B and 8.27 p.m. a THURSDAY: G. 40 a.m. and 9.29
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    • 37 7 Outstanding Value m Melmac Quality Dinnerware ■■>. y^L^mwrnwrnfa. PWOIOH I lb| fifr PROLON Never before such moderi Defies breol In your dishwasl I, m Cloy Turquoise Blue, Bone MARDEN COMPANY 78 82, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE 9. TEL: *****—*****—*****
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 210 8 TOGETHER AGAIN— AFTER 14 YEARS ■THE LAST TIME jan De. .v his two children was m 1945. when after fighting throughout the war m the Polish resistance, he fled to Britain from tho imunists. Here he prospered, building up a hardware business after starting out as a £7 a week
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  • 54 8 HE RISKED LIFE TO SAVE HOUNDS A SI AND visitor I the Lake District 1 England riski d his I save two foxhounds I the Ullswater pack Richard 1> I the hound I Into an Mr. D 1 \vork;i. I I M further down Ij fl sump, pick* fl the
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  • 12 8 The huh Ban on (hem bmt I pict I Reuter
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  • 183 8 MUM IS FORBIDDEN TO SEE THE LOST LOVE CHILDREN 'THE lour little Love children found by police 1 :tt London Victoria Railway Station wore later playing at the seaside. Forty miles away their mother, M ttricia Love, 45, pleaded m vain to see them. She was staying with friends at
    Popper  -  183 words

  • 83 9 'Squatters get down to it The ttoyal Tournament is still four months away, but these men of the Portsmouth Co mmand Field Gun crew are getting into training with special 'squat' exercises, at HMS. Excellent, Whale Island, Portsmouth. The men. all from London, are right to left Able Seamen T.
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  • 65 9 An innovation at tnl.> year's traditional Shrovetide football game at Ashbourne, Derbyshire was the presentation of a special prize of four and a hall gallons of beer and me Winnt'i, iu-ycai-uui v'» John Mansfield, a local farmer was a teetotaller. Mr. Mansfield decided to j;ivr the beer
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  • 4 9
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 47 9 ________B ______________________________________________________________________L_____. ________________________________________Bl^___________r engine Clippi rs 1 .ill the v i to complete your trip, s „w g. nl. u round bip tourisl fai md the ISA. For reservations, coll your helpful ond eipcrienced travel oo,ent oe 13/15 Robinson Rood, Singopore. PAN AMERIGAV wofftoß most E)»eif»reNCiO airuni
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  • 1170 10 LARRY GROOMS THOSE ROCK'N'ROLL TEENAGE IDOLS Patricia Lewis pays a vi sit J one of Britain s strangest fin^. ing schools where teenage ire clothed, coached, and j coaxed into the hip-happ y i ~il-.iiiiiiihiii.__.imi.imi>iiiii_. i L^ .*m A. Dig rime. 'rill tilthl N luiu red racing i;ns Hashed <I<>\mi
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  • 434 11  -  LENSMAN KrIPAV PHOTOGRAPHY PAGE By THE 1 1 ONE ,lie or an [A ,we have all Bund ourselves relat- story that seems ■feresting to us and. the midst of it, ■rideiilv realise that i t over wlth r audience. E, you end up mely
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  • 151 11 IriOLOIR slides are nice to have; fun to project. V But do your slides have a habit of appearing up- <> side down on the screen, or reversed from left to 0 miit? <, If they do it's time you started marking them to you 11 always
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  • 359 11 PLAY SAFE— AND YOU WON'T BE SORRY BRONZE MEDAL PRINT VOW and then each and every one of us encounters something that is a once-in-a-lifetime situation. SOME OF THESE ARE, OF COURSE, MORE IMPORTANT THAN OTHERS, BUT THE BIG AND LITTLE ONES ARE OFTEN OCCASIONS FOR PICTURE TAKING. And since
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  • 209 11 RECENTLY someone asked us about buying cameras for children at what age they can make good use of them. It is hard to answer such a question in general terms because so much depends on the individual youngster. Some of them might be able to make good
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 11 ON TIIE KIVEK..a study m atmospheric back lighting.
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  • 'Call off Pacific nuclear tests'
    • 68 12 i MEMBER of the British di le gation the Inter-1 arliamentary Union hi called upon tile Unil cd s and Russ on haltii nuclear I In the M a member vi the deh teuriivj the Phil said the danger ot atomic fall-out In the Pacific area had not been discounted
      U.P.I  -  68 words
    • 14 12 A 50,000.000 rupiah cigarette paper factory is to be built a^l^ulus^centi\U Java. I U.P.I.
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    • 42 12 The tenth international Nuremberg toy lair opened with the president of the West German Toy Producers Association saying it was time io tablish juridically whether Japanese-produced imitations of German toys were to be allowed to be sold all over the world Reuter
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    • 19 12 The Nationalist Chinese Government is making a "cautious study*' of the possibility of mass migration fron^^Formos^»o Brazil. I U.P.I.
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    • 25 12 More than 35 000 peopie visited a floating industrial exhibition aboard the Japanese ship Atlas Maru during a four-day stay m Rio de Janeiro. U.P.I.
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    • 28 12 The Japanese Maritime Safety Board has warnei Japanes< fishing boats -o keep al least 30 miles away from the "Rhee Line" to avert possible seizure by S<mtl^toreaii U.P.I.
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    • 16 12 The first mobile oildrilling platform to be built In Britain has left Southampton for Borneo. Reuter
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    • 11 12 China and Poland have signed an agreement for icntifie co-operation. U.P.I.
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    • 19 12 High tidal waves recorded along Kyushu coasts earl this month have been traced to a huge subterranean landslldj^h^the Reuter
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    • 25 12 Japan's Toyota Motor Company is planning to put a midget car on the U.S. market next October with a retail prici ol U. 5.52.000. U.P.I.
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  • 191 12 INDIAN troops have been sent to the Naga Hills area on the Assam -Burma frontier where Naga tribesmen have resumed hostile activitie it was officially stated m New Delhi. The troops described as "a lew contingents" are to reinforce the Assam state armed border police
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  • 228 12 Talk of L■■ 1 'evicting' Imperial W family OPOSAL hat the Japanese Imperial family bo "evicted" from the moated palace m the centre ol the capital is the latest development m the rapidly increasing problems attendant upon Tokyo's claim to be the biggest city m the
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  • 373 12 the coast of Japan. In addition. Tokyo now runs physically into Yokohama and" the whole densely populated area must contain something like 12.000,000 people. Ml The city is still outrunning the ability of the metropolitan government to keep pace, if only because ol budget limitations. It has
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  • 86 12 'SPARE THE STRAGGLERS' CRY GOES UP IN JAPAN A JAPANESE DlEIj (Parliament) W- S patriation commMfrJj has agreed josubm^ resolution to theDWj uruinu the (.euMaim to rescue two JaPf^S war strawlers on U j bang Island In the Phi lipplnes The two, IdenttM as Lieut. Hi'"" 0 _!JB S i»t,.
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 36 12 OIRI found m thi A v. radually return •hool i d childi n en the name ol Katinem, When she waa found tn thi make any human sound r< pot Reuter
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1200 13  -  ROBERT PITMAN by He has just finished two major biographies.. .is greater one yet to come? m dimly-lit P railway !i man In ardigan .it Into Around lied acI folk hills. W wearing m m tomach m yie. Robert -urse. He known I
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  • 255 13 [BOOK OF THE WEEK liRTOONS FROM lited by Lawrence 1 Ben Roth. ALVIN RED JHIS week's Hook of the Week, i toons from Abroad winch will give a f n of pleasure m return small amount of effort on the its readers.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 A model ot novel design with feeler JfiUp^ automatic for playing all records ot «t 7", 10", 12" diameter, mixed or otherwise. Contemporary styling and simplified operation are among Its chief characteristics PRICE $155.00 J^fc^^Mf mV\\\\ IT J 9 m 1 k IW >■ lm EaHßMhlMlMHlvs^^ -<. m T'~ m
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    • 743 14 Movie House should turn the tables Class 5 Division I—6 Furs Oii> i ii. I IS; fttevii ii«mi 'i; Tki II I'lodun I H I 11 ul\ai Bunnii Expi 1.§4; l><>iiai ia* i«»_ soi. G«Mea S,. Us fc i; \una I. old HcerhMMl SMI; lli« Beauti Ml; l'ulot ltain
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    • 86 14 I M-niini M-ratchings tomorrow mkt. Barllnnir r.tppa s lu\e. I'iiiiti Kaiiut-i. IVtei patch. Klnabalu, leal I ji t nele. Bonnie Kxpiesv Dollai laetoo. "Sun-hi KaiMiinr. I i>m 1.. I'ippei Dealer, Mala) l-ilin. Midnight tonight. >atoio and I. old loin ate doubtful starters. UII Sl'KlM. 11l libs I, DIVISION
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    • 922 14  - GUSTANI CAN WIN WITH STAMINA ALLAN LEWIS By f rilK LM Kirn Van stable should have another good day at Penang tomorrow. The stable is well represented m the two main Class 3 races. In tbe Spring; Cup. l tho important race uf the day. Lee has East- crn Way,
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    • 68 14 NEW JOCKEY TO RIDE FOR BREUKELEN FRANK Leman, a 7st 1 lb Australian Jockey who has Just finished his apprenticeship with I. Smith. Sydney's hading trainer, has arrived In Malaya to ride for Eddie van Breukelen. Leman has ridden the winners of several important races m Australia, his higgest BUCCeSi
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 117 14 the! Singapore! dispensaryl (THEBES Xl A CHEmMISTSISToW'A HkVmi oh'ivi-; 265 Orchordßd. I S'pJI Doily: From 8.30 am I 6.00 pm. iililiU It; 69, Serangoon Garden I (So I Dai!'. 9 QO a.m, I to 9 OOpm. Call on us for your I Medical, Toilet I Cosmetic Requirements The latest Regula
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  • 136 15 NTS teams for the Walk IM „i the many club s ,ii the I ree es> Walk oil Sunday n i, s. Netherlandi adnu Society S.C. iV e lii., i i hopes ol inning the team j ent U( eishl man teams l tered lr o m IS. In mi
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  • 118 15 lIRMAN O'Neill, the Australian Test batsman, inounced yesterday m tfth that he would not Roino to the United lates this veur to play i-st-ball with the New ork Yank< i only terms under which t rould have made the iid O'Neill, were to eptable to the
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  • 58 15 Unl- .md the ball wa lippH I an orange pip. The Cana-I dlai to open the game up when they could. When they Were unable to run tow.ird th toe they slid mon l< m th( "iiShorter i up the same Impel The Canad
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  • 381 15 ENGLAND IST. INNINGS Kichardson c Petric b Blair 8 Watson c Petrie b Blair 10 Graveney not out SB May not out '->5 Lunch total (for 2 wkts) !);> Wickets fell at 13, 30. AFTER winning ihe loss m the first Test match against
    Reuter  -  381 words
  • 16 15 The United States icehockey team was defeated by a Czechoslovakia side 8-3 Prague.* Reuter
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  • 42 15 Two young Italian drivers G. C. Castellina, 21, and P. Frescobaldl. 23, won the tenth international Sestrlere Motor Rally which ended yesterday. They drove a Fiat Abarth m the 1.568-mlle event, m which 63 cars started. Reuter
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  • 38 15 TENNIS CLUBS FINED OVER KRAMER ISSUE 'IMiIvKK lliun < IUDS have lum fined £A5O and suspended for .1 month for allowing .ia<k Kramer's professionto the i Ijy the New i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H tennis be they to to decide to lines. Reuter
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  • 85 15 CAMBRIDGE ARE THE 'TIDDLEY' CHAMPS (CAMBRIDGE I i V/ became All-England tiddleywink champ terday when they beat Oxford Univci. ity by 84 points to 48. It wa.s the flrst official inter-university tiddleywinks match. Cambridge already cl the world tiddleywink championship alter their victory last year over the Goons, a team
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  • 82 15 ('ordon Pirle, the Bi itish 1 international runner, .said m Auckland yesterday he would return to England m May to train for the 5 000 metres at the 1960 Rome Olympic Games. He said he wanted to train m England against stronger opposition. His wife also
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 365 15 Whistle Bait. {\WI HOLLYWOOD film Mara Cor- MX gp J^k clay is the Week-Ender's cover tfirl Bt**>"*4^p for this week. As she relaxes on a fishermen's pier it's obvious to all why she's m mm. been netting so much attention on the BL Feb. 27's main highlights include: I^\
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  • 257 16 m\m\i f I ff Will he make new bii a fo mediate? \|K. HAROLD MACMILLAN, having probed tin 1 1 minds of Soviet leaders m six meetings since his arrival m Most ow last Saturday, is now fated with the dilemma of whether to let
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  • 146 16 Pilots warned off A-centre I>ILOTB of airliner, flying from London alrp were warned to keep well clear ot the Aldermaston atomic weapons research centre when 1 two worker., were killed m an explosion terday. later, the Atomic Energy Authority said the explosion was i»i a. "conventional type'" and no radioactive
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  • 53 16 On Monday the House of Commons will debate a Bill which will increase from £220 million pounds to £315 million pounds the amount of money Parliament may vote for colonial development and welfare. The Bill will also extend the time limit on such schemes from 1960
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 117 16 DIANA WAGES WAR ON 'WOLVES' 'We girls need protection' Nineteen-year-old Diana Mitchell, above, now appearing as a dancei m one of London's nightspots, has started a "beware of the wolves" camj palgn. When she was appearing as a nude at the Prince of Wales theatre so called photograhpers' asked to
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 52 16 The London County Council will spend fl 18.129. 235 on running ita services m the coming financial year an increase of more than £8.000,000 million on the present year. The council is the civic administrator of more than three million people m the capital's
    52 words
  • 36 16 A three-day strike at the giant Ford motor works at Dagenham near London remained unsettled yesterday with about 7,500 employees idle and more expected to ibe involved last night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 78 16 PANADA u„, jy^t Berlin In Com the y IS™ 1 AlTair S1 "^r Wr s Smith, 3 11,1 ,fl "i Com mons Ottawa jesS day. He Rus»U de. liberate!) c ho* v creati a crisis vh (X "one had existed and had plunged the
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 355 16 t litraiU Time* Free Pre** roi tk\k cony i ni. nc*. o» >«.ntoti»*. at l aPORI COLD STORAGE. ORChARD ROAD will recClV* tmoil Odvn mint) ond in*- bo» b r> CLASSIFIED ADS. Dl VIII--2o minimum I IBHAI manb» 1 Al vol It BBBVICI ft* Winds 12 (Mm Box jti ct*
      355 words
    • 102 16 I Take with you the perfect secretary. Why continue to be without a HERMES Baby 1 It is a faithful companion which renders inestimable service. You will be able to take it with you everywhere: It is always ready for use. The latest HERMES Baby model which continues to be
      102 words

  • PHOTOGRAPHY Supplement
    • 6 1 PHOTOGRAPHY Supplement Friday, February 27, 1959.
      6 words
    • 848 1 PUTTING the COLOUR into COLOUR FILM You become artist m photography iiflTH brushes and if te ol oils an bring a mvas to life ••line of natty, the amateur apher with coin m his caipture the •i ac with more and dein just a fraction of a second. The magic
      848 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 98 1 _^^l'^™W m****"^ m%^^^ COLOUR SNAPSHOTS are easy as j -2~3 with your camera and I KODACOLOR FILM I 1 LOAD inscrl a roll 2 SNAP —capture 3 ENJOY have glool Kodicoloi Film into ccilourful and rious colour pictures of your camera Available, situations, outd md your family, friends, train 127,
        98 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 100 2 W I J |f»*WWPW_a»W_W__MMMIII«ItMM»ta.^^ Vy^H wmmW mm JjllimiLwH ".ruJgZk JTTTTfTllMlllliiliiiiiiniiij IHI tl TTT"— IV" II lHM___iilll___Mii______________i_Ml_i^^___ii --Mil iiMiiMwiii ruuim/ I f jC II I .-^f* i j *°V -Test >•' *^!______________________________________r JL* I "".JF ____KS I I I -Uii ror SUPER SUD^ROJECTCR^^^^^JI^^ l lllllll lff MMtt>t>^^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiA \J "^js PYPHQIIDr
        100 words
      • 168 3 Minolta V-2, a 1 i camera lens shutter, I up to .nd, recenticed to the dealers, has unexpected i among proional, as well as photograti iiy amazing for a between nice such not sup.mmercially with speeds I 500 second. focal plane huh speed
        168 words
      • 400 3 An epoch-making reflex camera Besides this surprising new shutter, otht r features of the Minolta V-2 I Lens Rokkor PF 4f> mm f2.; finder, lightened bright range finder, automatic parallax compen- .sat ion; basic length 13 mm; 0.6 magnification. Focussing li by straight advance helicoide lever, which turns up to
        400 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 163 3 "v— >x HB^Sl^w^ wide-angle $1 ll^^SSSs^^ I mWkW^Jmm\ P^^M^T^^^ "l T^ k u,,t n universa wide-angle view finder of the m l?^^b^^^^^yjj^^Sß^^NA Iwl^i^^^^jM I]h^* s LEICA M 2 automatica,! Y reveals the r;c,ds of view -KIJmXYC^O mPk^--^ appears instantly upon inserting the pertinent lens. Since the days when it pioneered
        163 words
    • 652 4 DESIGN FOR LIVING A HOME MOVIE CAMERA Cal is readily reached the Zeiss Movlnette PRICE: Movlnette sa. builtin ex p o s ii i c meter $270.00. Movlnette S. without exposure m c t c r 5222.00. FILM SIZE: 8 mm double run on standard spools. IS, perhaps, much lo
      Han Hai Fong  -  652 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1048 5 PATIENCE IS A MUST lIOW does one photo- graph the dramas of nature the moment when a .snake swallows his prey, when a badger cats a frog into pieces, when a little water beetle a terrifying "beast of prey" when shown m full scale
      1,048 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 72 5 9*^3l mHv^^m. For rongefmder T frame it 0 V-X"^ rA X, I^^ mlAl 'C^T tofely locked with the camera 'cd Vi f fc f >^ri^L Universal Back to permit o foster a< _>-> X^wLjM^^BKfc!_2^sPMK_^______k_V interchange of nrnaf 07/ TM V J^ _f—\ "P^gCJ HOT^^^^O. under unfavourable lighting conditions < JY
        72 words
    • 106 6  - BEAUTIES ON THE BEACH HAN HAI FONG FROM THE PERCEPTIVE CAMERA OF GOOD PICTURES, it seems, are m plentiful supply, but original pictures mv getting scarcer and scarcer. Photographer llan Hai Fong, always m search of the original, here presents another gallery of pictures Irom the roving, restless lens of
      106 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 106 6 t QlftDßtD preferred by professionals |b| I lf,^!^J lill I ML^^ m* 9 mMW3 00^^ w I i all-round quality. ____^____rf^_______^^^^^^^^__. FP 3 64 Dayliffct SC PAN W«to« 80 Daylight 50 Tungsten 64 Tungsten Tfce fin. grain film for Tk. popular fnr iH perfect enlargement*. BB amatwir snaps**. OBTAINABLE FROM
        106 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 125 7 IbtPhl at ease: horizontally MOVIKON 8 MOVINETTE 8 The Zeiss Ikon "New Look" Bmm movie camera is now available m a new easy to use form at only $270.00 with built-in exposure meter and $222.00 without meter. The new Movinette retains the transverse shape that eliminates blurred pictures, even on
        125 words
    • 1474 8 12,000 calculations and checks ensure I""\<> MH realise how much research an I cure and ability, precision work and '-^introduction of a new camera? Do you realise that m the Agfa camera I I mt total of more than 5.000 emplo
      1,474 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 77 8 YASHICA 35 SEKONIC3O-C I tl T ka a D Ti d REVERSE PROJECTION The Most Advanced Reasonably P. ccd 35mm Coupled Rangefinder Camera y^^fcJV L m> .^^^UttoL i With F1.9/45mm Yashinon 6-elemcnts —^P^vß PL 1^ With F2.8/45mm Yashinon 5-elements *c» CIS Jf New COQA/ with Fl .4/ 1 8 mm
        77 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 29 9 w9-f—— mW aW^. f~~ —mW "y~~~~~wm\w.AW Standard INFALLIBLE! Special GIVES YOU 25 30,000 FLASHES 0 rr I H4, Hongkong Bnnk Chambers, Singnp re 315, Kwnntung Associntion Building, Kunla Lumpur
        29 words
    • 438 10 An ideal travel recorder SUPER TECHNIKA ALL SO VERY EASY YOU will lind them m all the popular tourist countries yes, the Super Technika 2i x 3] m. cameras made by the Linhof Precision Camera Works. Anyone who travels, whether on business or for pleasure, likes to
      438 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 31 10 i^v\__J_________Hw9fl___i _______P^^o<vJc^^^____-__pWPO_j^l___li xS^m^mwtMSATßflmsmWmVw yJt\JsSKimJ^ftJ£F flVYll/am ____I^""N \jJQHB^VVVVVVvV\Vv\ ///////////uhmmA^ .m^ \>^^^J_\VVV^\v\\V\\\V_l^^^»*"^^y^V//yV/^_^»^^^-____. I leap B*ya_i^B_yy^CjJgj^fljfCTbj ji mwHmwl*^^ 'F P iJjSTtTjSSj^I cw«g.w_|t!_ij<tWW. p ff J9t?jj^WEtmwm^ \mmm\^Sk\\k^m' ■r*?P^ P^BHBju^^B S Am mm \\Bl^^|^B^lb?2 _^o^mAmmmmXm\ I
        31 words
    • 81 11 Paper becomes your film /HEM photographic paper has been otcd with baryta and cd/ it is taken up by tsc winding machines. This scene, right, is M P° rk Work i of ,stman Kodak Cominy Rochester, New wk. BELOW: Photographic per m giont rolls is B red before being coatwifrh
      81 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 137 12 It pays to think 'square' MOST photographers think of producing pictures which are oblong m shape. They do not realise that the "square" is eminently suitable for so many subjects. This "square" is seen to full compositional advantage m this delightful shot of a ballerina. It was taken with one
      137 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 107 12 I^* B^^______ J _____________s^s^^^^^^ HBunnn i___4__________y n mtywwfw^ ~wj —^_>v „^^)_r. lW\B^p_B^______________~vf^__^________H BR iw ...Bi^ II Tr^^^/ --^^___^^^1 y&?^^*k^ IB \vH KiiyW] nw /JsfifyTZ&mm^BS^m I \^^^^mwW^/wWmT «.v •v I'l /W _f________l ___________V _________3__rMv-_____F_MCi_B_B_^___^ Immm MAT W ___ll_____lV_________L^^_\ m_J___l JCTT <^^^BUt&_C_yHp9__^|^Bh^wAwi^^^^^^^^ _______________________________X Ik^BS mmlL *_______L^_____________n_^____! j^flfll BK* to "B «^*fct^__f ____!_______i________________i_i!
        107 words