The Singapore Free Press, 20 February 1959

Total Pages: 36
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 15 1 The Singapore Free Press Malaya's Own Family Paper „,^..|oif. Ftiday February It, 1939. Pike Civ
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  • 217 1 FOUR'S FLIGHT IN COMET awaits a Walk winner rll i competitor who puts m ost meritorious the I-rei- ess Walk on Sunday. March 8, hw a »>•« thrill store onlj tern hours after completing the course. He will l be gjhjen OM HOI X FIJC.III IN THE NEW COMET 4.
    217 words
  • 33 1 1v of power by h Government begin m three as iearncd m ;ht. agreement Ihe establish- independent reprus under inuarantee withii rul«» to nul ***** P. 2). Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 21 1 rnatlonal Tin •1 to conclude I their meettrrday. m session mmunique tot. a pokes- uncil. Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 542 1 \IR HAROLD MACMILLAN will have several M sessions of iormal talks with Mr. NikiUi Khrushchev the Soviet Prime Minister, m the part of his 10-day Moscow visit begin- ning tomorrow. An announcement last night on the British Prime Minister's
    Reuter  -  542 words
  • 310 1 FIREBUG STRIKES AGAIN: PANIC IN VILLAGE 4 a.m. blaze: Kampong's 48 hours of fear A 4 A.M. lire m Kampong SUat, Where a hoaxer or arsonist has been operating lor the past 48 hours, woke the whole village and can panic this morning. The lire broke out six-and-a-half hours after
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  • 70 1 CHIANG'S SHIPS REPULSE A RED FLEET rpiiE Chinese Nationalists 1 claimed today their ships had repulsed a fl< ol about 20 Communist vessels near Matsu, 150 miles south of Quemoy yesterday. A Defence Ministry communique said that patrollinn Nationalist ships were fired on by about 20 small and medium "objects."
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 22 1 A dusk to dawn curfew was clamped down on some Jubbulporc, In India yesterday followics between Hindus and J;»;
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  • 158 1 25 army lorries take fire victims to flats IZAMPONG Tiong Bahru xv lire victims who had been housed m Kirn Seng Road schools since la-st Friday night .started moving into Singapore Improvement Trust flats In Kallang thi.s morning. The Army sent 25 trucks to help move the families and their
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  • 30 1 March first grade rubber buyers 1.0. b. opened m Singapore this morning it 87 cents per lb.. up half a cent on yesterday's clo^e. The tone was steady.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 23 1 btbttw bdht Ijsbt™b) t i !_A-Bf ■■jp v^Bbm«bhl RtCHAUCfABLI TOKHUCHI '^J AWARDF.D BRUSSELS EXHIBITION 1 O ft yy' VAN MOUTIN SINCAPORE KUALA LUMPUt
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  • 67 2 BELLS PEAL OUT JOY IN ISLAND rmt< .ith i .md Turk i\> i xchanf itulttioni ami clon were t<> i ion agr< ement v«. |10. rd i Kyrcnia ehui than before Ihe news of thr» i), i ame definite, Cypri< ts In i had kept
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 463 2 Amnesty, release of detainees, return of exiles will be arranged, says Mac \yi HAROLD MACMILLAN, the British Prime 11 Minister, told the House of Commons last uifcht that Britain intended to end the state oi emergency In Cyprus as soon as possible. This would involve the release ol detainees, :he
    Reuter  -  463 words
  • 37 2 THE Rusalan freighter Novoja Slblr was wr< trrday when it ran aground on rocki <>ir I jo< en, Norwa The Britl l v- el report 4r, iTrw n ncludlng ttirro steward* U.P.I.
    U.P.I  -  37 words
  • 171 2 FOUR-YEAR TERROR COST BRITAIN $170 MIL. r r lIF si*nin| or v, f 1 J M>««is agreement mark* the end of nearly linn yeari »>t terror the island which cost Britain some v.M) million (SUQ ni More than >l) D riots and 142 Britons including 38 British civilians, have dud
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 35 2 The Uniti d Stai heartedly" we) Cyprus agreemenl m London yesterday. The State Depart: .aid last night that the solution oi the Cyprus I bU«m had required pati and leadership. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 87 2 THE King of Morocco I >ok mo: peace offering along yesterday IV visit to French Corsica a live I captured In 1057 by guerillas during struggle for liberation. It wa.s a total Burpi when Ring Mohammed's plane landed at Bastla. u<< brought the young
    U.P.I  -  87 words
  • 24 2 The Prim< India, Mr. N< rejected tty National Go would lndu( are moved from w m. remark mun U.P.I.
    U.P.I  -  24 words
  • 16 2 Antara n[nd fwnufy "lir Jap n through the war Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 254 3 New Soviet threats to Pakistan on U.S. bases RTSSIA has warned Pakistan that she will have to bear all the consequences of making her territory a fort-is n military base, Soviet Government statement issued by the Soviet news Agency Tass said yesterday Tass said the warning was made m a
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 48 3 KG RUSSIAN AID TO IRAQ FOR HE-YEAR PLAN m Kerim Ty irned to .td Of the economic laid ted to heap J uettts by I Dl •1 i a I Ihci announced 2 60 da |fl»r way t0 ieI West as t! PJJ partner m P ol ir^fl.
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  • 17 3 W, r R Wen. United cr i-mnpk'tcd fr long talks V m United Igt lations.
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  • 115 3 BUGANDA DRUMMERS WELCOME THE QUEEN MOTHER TIIK KABARA of Buganda's roy a I drummers and musicians beat out a crescendo of sound as the Queen Mother arrived m Kampala yesterday for her nine. day visit, to Uganda. The Queen Mother was met by the Kabaka and Nabageraka, and spent nearly
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  • 99 3 Atter making a short tour of the government headquarters, she drove alon^ the Royal Mile to the Kanakas palace, where she had lunch. Before returning t o Entebbe. the Queen Mother met It Buganda princesses a n d VI princes. Last night she was the principal guest
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 41 3 beveraj Brltl h toj manuvpstrrd a visiting Japan? c Vich tlon from Inspecting their it the Brli I h toy fair i m Brighton. They said they were pro in*? their toy fi tit lon h- U.P.I.
    U.P.I  -  41 words
  • 52 3 SNOW SLIDE SCARES A VILLAGE THE express-train thunder of an Alpine avalnnche sent terror through • Herbriggen yesterday but it turned out to be a harmless snowsllde. Tin- little slide, however, still signalled imminent peril because it was loosed by a thaw which might affect the major slide aer U.P.I
    U.P.I  -  52 words
  • 46 3 The rampaging Waba h river quietened down sooner than expected at Mount rmel. Illinois, ye tei ter forming a riant lake 35 miles lon« and 14 mile across at its widesi point. Thousands of acres of rich farmland m southern Illinois and Indiana
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  • 29 3 Mi WjlM.uh MOI the Ho Common 1051. ;l nouni that h< UIU ***** l Otll< I tho end ol t lio pn liamenl Reuter. U.P.I.
    Reuter; U.P.I  -  29 words
  • 77 3 Sixteen-year-old actress Anne Eeles and her bridegroom, Michael Cafer, If), are seen here after their Valentine Day marriage at the Church of the Sacred Heart, m Kilhurn. London. After the reception the bildr^room had to leave his bride and return to work as stage manager of
    Popper  -  77 words
  • 133 3 PEKING HITCH DELAYS U.K. SHOW 'THE Federation of Br indu.sti annou m London yesterday tij;tt it has struck a difficulty m it.s arrangements to hold a British trade lair m Peking next year. A statement from the Federation said: l in' fhi has been negotiating with the authorities m Pekinn
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 48 3 a total of 1.331 paratr i pers of the 82nd Airborne Battlo Group ciroppcci on the Panama Canal Zone yesterday after a 2,000-mile flight from tne Unitrrt States as part of "Operation Banyan Tree," a major army and air force training exer- U.P.I.
    U.P.I  -  48 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 id Kinokkor 1:3,5/60 mm B, l 1/500 sec. selftimcr. ol rimmed Icothcr cose. Price $99/HOcTcHEONG CO.. i ■> i VISIT THE CROCODILE EXPOSITION S£ E HIE LATEST WSPLAY IN MENSWl A!'— Shirts, S|)l Pyjamai iFREUIFT for cve 'V purchase I 4 £*l
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    • 77 3 %ffi 7 SHOP ECONOMICALLY il\ AT SINGAPORE S ONLY g xV AIR CONDITIONED SACRAMENTO California TOMATO PRODUCTS It's richer, redder, more delicious with natural sweetness. TOMATO JUICE- 46 oz. tins $1.20 TOMATO JUICE- 20 02 tins 0.55 TOMATO KETCHUP -14 oz. bottles 0.75 U.S. Grade A (Fancy)— the finest there
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  • 220 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, Feb 20. 1959. Opinion Sick man at helm A LL the indications from i\ Washington arc that the Secretary of State. Mr. John Foster Dulles intends to cling for as long as possible to tl office few believe he is any longer physically able >.o
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  • 128 4  -  A MANUFACTURER of drinking stray. ral ndldate Hla knowln: of this import our national life lunild <I<> much to bring tin- whole qu< stion of i iws Into a stronger light. "This which way the softdrlnk wind Is blowing," 1 ASDF timrntod an egn though there not
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  • 1124 4  - sure to pack the bath plug! Anne Sharpley MEMO FOR GIRLS MOSCOW-BOUND WITH MACMILLIf ASDF \%ll MACMILLAN and Ins merry nun are sure to have hud plenty of advice about tt to do m Moscow. But In his party will eight glrli, secretaries und typists. Bo gather round, dears, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 31 4 f ENGAGEMENT RINGS a ETERNITY RINGS GOLD, PLATINUM y WHITE GOLD I WEDDING RINGS V 'A fp.H.HENDRY: Jrwrllers A Silversmith :h, North Bridge Kd.. S "pore g Kuala Lumpur. w m
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    • 62 4 E&9H ECHO-SOUNDER I YocMsmcn! FUMrm.n! WgJ"^ 1 ds n,on' l<* HERE IT IS!— The Pv Sounder! f I Th« Pyc Leodimon I* the i^" 1 I&HV3MMH n?il«-l Automatic D*P»h So«- spcciolly droned for I gb Vc o C wo f V, brncoth v Full ♦ro* th So1 1 O
      62 words

  • 361 5 Covt. to step into Johore water talks? of changes m money values, labour, power and material costs. The council is also asked not to supply water within Johore State except to the johore Government and the Tebran Estate. It is to indemnify the johore Government against all claims arising from
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  • 33 5 IFOIR YEAR OLD hristopher Clarke, of Lindfield, Sussex, shyly hides aw.i\ from the camera as his dog Bertie poses confidently m London Bertie is a Basset Hound. Pop per picture.
    Popper  -  33 words
  • 89 5 ASSEMBLY MOTION DEPLORES 'BIG FIRE PROPAGANDA' AN ECHO of last week's Kampong Tiong Bahiu disaster and alleged political propaganda at the scene of the fire will be heard at the session of the Singapore Legislative Assembly beginning on March 3. The member o! Tiong Bahru. Mr. William Tan, ha 3
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  • 34 5 The Acting U.S. Secretary of State, Christian A. Herter, snid yesterday the United States has been giving the tiny Kingdom of Jordan every possible assistance to help it remain indepen- dent.— U.P.I.
    U.P.I  -  34 words
  • 27 5 The special Issue ft m cent stamps to commemorate tho Installation ol thr Sultan of Kedah will be available at Sin neral Po.^f Office tod
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  • 70 5 THE Golden Gate quartet who continue their per tormances at the Victoria Theatre tonight and tomorrow, arc giving the pro ceeds of their opening con ceri on Wednesday night to the Kampong Tlong Bahru fire fund, according to a pokesman of the U. 5.1.5., co-sponser.s of the
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  • 22 5 The U.S. air force disclosed yesterday that Its new F-106 interceptors, which 1,300 m.p.h twice md, will !)<• ite sprl
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  • 122 5 QINOAPORI and police officera will have power i" .11 re I and <•■ tain personi found escapl trom opium dens if f\ draft Bill submitted by the Government i> approved by thi Legi latlve Tho Bill B destroy, or do an drugs, when nppror
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  • 37 5 Aii exhibition ol Chi paintings by Ml Cheung Yen Bee opened at the Chi nese Chamber ol Comnrv i it will be open daily from m a.m. to <> p m. until Bun day.
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  • 85 5 rpill t. -iLintMtf IM at tap and plank houj»ti m llimm- arras m Slagaptft navr applK-d im electricity. Tin > an- m Palau Miii\.ik, off li«ml<iii. KiKitl— X."» Ik iim'v f I l.rbai Koari 1 1 hoiis« and Kukit rui.ang Lane six hou lln ity
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 111 SINGAPORE DISPENSARY OCKED S !X TOWN) Uvtul ftffiw: 30 a m. to p m. n Garden ***** 9.00 a.m. m. c Ca on us for y OUr Medical, TollH G Cosme/ic R e<iuiremtnts
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    • 128 5 \s* I V 11 i I 1 1 /v Not Enamelled or Lithographed Metal! Looks like Fabric! Feels like Fabric! Lasts a Lifetime! made by a new patented process VINYL FUSED TO STEEL Cannot Si ratch, Mar or Stain Alcohol Will Mot Harm Thi Cannot Rust, I\il or Corrodi Clean
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 239 6 "ill I lIAWKi: b> Svilney Jordan WfTUOVT MAXMUNCtOCNf. BUT QANGCR IS f f GOOD «VO«K. J A tf MW rt m EYB* P*CS£*r t# 7H£ UNCMARTSO GOlfS PUMP THAT M£M J! iLi i_£X 1 B£TWB£Ai TUS STABS I INTO iF TWAT VO One CfiQnOt JTrT 1 Lk^f SmSvlr. S««/-T^^^^^^ |L
      239 words
    • 355 6 BORN on this m coming sign Hri mealist an,-. l| n tne god of w operate on I listen to that il m tore you can .19 direction. 1 Yuu ac 'Hit B bilitieij a.s youi %m cute them smile. Just make not being Imposed upon i T gard. You
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 188 7 LONDON I |9. Previous Today Hr.l! i x iVi, K>< 25>, 8 buyers 25'h bu I 25% sellers 25 1 1 Mmli 25 V 4 buyers 25 v bi. I 25 V* sellers 15 .selle. I i-^> snot 25% buyers 25', bu iuw s nt 25^ sellers
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    • 108 7 I NEW YORK, Feb. l!). Previous Today UN Straits Spot 102.75 nom. 103.25 nom. TIN futures ■trtiti Contract March 101.00 buyers 101.25 buyers l 103.00 sellers 103.25 sellers May 100.87 buyers 101.12 buyers 102.87 sellers 103.12 sellers TONE: Qui.t but steady. SALES: Nil. BI'BBFK- Future March 30.35
      108 words
    • 35 7 I NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Previous Today 50 Industrials 588.82 595 04 !0 Railroads 162.18 164.21 40 Domestic Bonds 86.33 86.43 15 Utilities M.92 91.28 65 Stocks Comi* Averages 204.72 206.71
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    • 62 7 I Malabar spot 25. awaiting re- Sarawak unquoted. Muntok lew* 24^, afloats 24' February white spot 4SH. awaiting release shipment 24 Lampong spot 4S, afloats 43, and February 23, awaiting release 2A\. shipment 43, 43, ciX. sellers exafloats 24 1 February ship- dock. rcent 24 H, 24' t
      62 words
    • 91 7 I LONDON. Feb. 19. Pi tit— Today COPRA Philippines c.i.f. U.K./ North European ports delivered welcht pt r loiir ton March $260 resellers $260 resellers COPRA, Strait eU. L'.K./North European ports delivered weUht per long ton Feb. Mar. £94 sellers £94 sellers COCONUT OIL crude Straits
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  • 140 7 UNCONTROLLED BIRTHS 'BIGGER THREAT THAN ATOMIC BOMB' for such numbers. The only effective means of slowing the threat. Dr Sax said, was birth control. The professor said the "population bomb" could reduce a great horde of people to the same level of poverty and bare subsistence as the atomic bomb.
    U.P.I  -  140 words
  • 165 7 Father interrupts murder trial of son RONALD MAR WOOD. 25--year -old scaffolder was yesterday committed for triaL at the Old Bailey London, charged with murdering a policeman. He pleaded not guilty and reserved his defence. Marwood is alleged to have killed police constable Raymond Summers last December during; a fight
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 192 7 A i the Britisft was again •ur percent Mdon .stock >le to maind most useful »n^ C helped to on Wail Place dismy news 1 1 ftnd showed il improvei wer 'I mara h I for inder k 'rltlsh om- Hungarian 4J per cent were particularly favoured.
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  • 80 7 MR. P. J. ERROLL, economic secretary to the British Treasury, is standing by to sign the financial agreement between Britain and the United Arab Republic "as soon as signature can take place" a British Foreign Office spokesman said yesterday. Referring to the second
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 224 7 I LAST TWO NIGHTS!! To see the Greatest Entertainers to come to Singapore for a long time GOLDEN GATE QUARTET Harmonising the latest Spirituals, Folklore Popular Hits VICTORIA THEATRE 8.45 pm Tickets at Robinson's and Theatre Office one hour before show. $8/- $5/- $3/- $2/All proceeds to Jaycee Scholarship Fund
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 111 7 ji ■^■:::|;S:ii:l SINGAPORE I HICH TIDES; 1 TODAY: 10.10 p.m. TOMORROW: 9.11 a.m. m and 10.42 p.m. i SUNDAY: 9.57 a.m. and 11.12 p.m. MONDAY: 10.38 a.m. m and 11.42 p.m.. TUBBDAT: 11.19 a.m. VVEDNESDAY: O.lJa.m. and 12.01 p.m. THURSDAY: 043 a.m. and 12.44 p.m. 1 100 pDL Programme Sum-
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  • 104 8 Castro— her brother—is the apple of her eye I nenty-year-old Agustina Castro, youngest sister of the man whose July 26 movement has brought its own kind of freedom to Cuba, is currently a pupil of six months standing at a boarding school m Villeneuve-Montreux. Sent to Switzerland by hex family
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  • 58 8 The 24-strone St lohn't I ;ed b y P ipe Ma^amef^' n.ght on a Friday from 01, I determined to smash the Aust. n bagpipe marching. rec or(j They covered 37 m.les b« I lU edge of a long, s^eep hill fi And even then, three of
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  • 117 8 Tthe ln« on i mon, Burr< m thri rt w »rd ii ruled bo m I on the 650 th ptivlty fil" o". th A ficr Archibald entitled Impound him a i\m compensation t<>r the damage his tethering titivated land had Ho now William, placid
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  • 72 8 A PI. AN to carry out space research' from an Antarctic rocket launching k); i c will be discussed at the Commonwealth Space Flight Conference In London m Augu chairman Kenneth ttland of the British Inter -lary Society tween them, Britain Australia and New /•Mlruid. have a claim
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    • 9 1 HI-FI-and RADIO FREE PRESS SUPPLEMENT Ffijdiyj February 20, 1559-
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    • 646 1 Is stereo its time? SINCE the end of the war there have been a couple of words much used by audiophiles which originally possessed a somewhat magic sound "High Fidelity." The magic gradually wore off, due to a blatant misuse of the term by the
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    • 78 2 Presto! It's the Vipers four y< n, all expert at plucking instrun a\ Add the necessary for them pluck, m this c three guitars and a c bass. Season with rr touch and, presto, you have skiffle group. This talented foursome call themse!' t'nc Vipers Skiffle Croup. The Vipers, who
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    • 549 2 Praise for the realism of reproduction MAKE YOUR OWN CABINET Electrical Radio Co. Ltd., of England are the manufacturers of the famous WB "Stentorian" loudspeakers. Some of the technical editors of the best known magazines on sound reproduction iind many record critics, have the highest praise for the realism of
      549 words
    • 744 3 STEREO Enter the ere of living sound... St i: w X o l> II N I C s o v n (I reI liiftion 'Solid v iid,' 1) sound' or "Li\ ing sound 1 as Ihe advertising men arc already calling it requires a new I type of gramophone record,
      744 words
    • 441 3  -  JOHN AMBERT POPS BY HI. 1. 1 n MESEII I lh. Nearness oi You' (Men m IP.) Miss Merrill In a little-known name is jet. |1m ie nerves to be une ol the biggest. 1 would rate her small but true and \er> expressive voice, the best
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    • 1139 4 THE SUCCESS STORY THAT STARTED IR A NIGHTCLUB m SAN FRANCISCO T\S A BIG wide, wonderful world. At leasl il can by i!" you possess ability, ;nv properly directed, and gel a little hil of luck. Singer Johnny Mathis is a case m point. A year ago
      1,139 words
    • 250 5 FROM JOSEPHINE DOUGLAS IN PARIS i m 1' "rat not i then kind ol music. STEPHANE CiRAPPELI n i n lasted abou l Musi* who loathed it 1. Stephane grudgingly 11 with three months' run. Either >p »ars to have hit the city with all
      250 words
    • 259 8  - Craig 's future looks bright CYRIL STAPLETON F FORECAST a bright 1 future for young singer Craig Douglas. He is by way of bein? a phenomenon. Among the ruck of young hopefuls whe mill around the TV studios currently, he stands out a mile. Ht looks normal. He patronises an
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    • 114 8 RIGHT up m the I Parado n-< ently me not easily forgotten —that of Conway Twitty. the m nal choj of 23-year-old Hai JenkUll Who knew the lull ol a Immick. If he hn his to Twitty, ml^ht nover hm* him Only M Belli w Jut
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    • 303 8 Theresa baby Beverley coming harmony going into for six months "And al iUf ddie l; me, -w. take the cream whal is ottered. j (lavs when wi hero, their and 1 < where- are ov< 1 The bouncy I who had a long climb to the £1,00 week top of
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    • 126 9 IT'S WORLD'S SMALLEST DISC PLAYER MODEL Pamela Morris places the pickup ti.i v 12" I*P record on the world's smallest record player the Wondergram— which wa.s I me many striking new trends seen at the last Radio Show m London. Weighing only 21b. and small enough to
      126 words
    • 426 9 Till world famous Ri vox recorder is ot Swiss precision and origin with sufficient facilities and a standard of performance brought it into the professional class and made it supreme. It is a quality main ither cheap nor light m weight, but these are attriwhich are not to
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    • 431 10 MEET BRITAIN'S Mr. MUSK. Cyril Stapleton U-l^V-zULSSIIT^ CIISCS I|y|EßT Britain's Mr. Music Joe H< m who two years ago started his i publishing concern with ao capital, a]. talent, and the laughs ot Tin Pan Alley ringing m his cars. Even his friend mad, tried to dissuade him. I His
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    • 96 10 M E R I C A N artiste manager Manny Greenfield is determined to put British song stars on the Stateside map and Manny knows his onions. Manny already promotes Shani Wallis and Lonnie Donegan over there and now he has set his sights un
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    • 649 11 Music in the open air S THE BIGGEST <L!C ATTRACTION IN MELBOURNE [FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT MORE THAN 100,000 people attend free open-air symphony concerts which are given periodically throughout the summer months m Melbourne's Botanic Gardens. The Gardens consist of 100 acres of trees and flowers m a setting
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    • 662 12  - Donegan... and the high cost of staying at tne top KEN. MacDONALD BRITAIN'S TOP SHOW STAR TALKS ABOUT HIS PROBLEMS.... MOSTLY MONEY from LONDON, THURSDAY. fTT\ HK siories about the money I earn are a JL myth/ 1 said the short man with uerioill brown e\ Which seemed as good
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 155 1 ENTHUSIAST AND EXPERT DOUG SHEPHERD SOUNDS A WARNING FOR BUYERS-AND SELLERS j LIVING I STERBO with the V :^s==== ss ouch ijn r~~~ HaMa^fe^-L- /A^^-r^^^ ''wP^-m\ 41 II I I •a2mom\ I K(-A "Living Stereo" brings you a new listening thrill. >^^B Combining today's most advanced technique! Hi Fi and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 and plays both 2-track and 4-track tapes S^fet^! I TP ■ffj(if- 'iilliiM^llfti ii liir^ L ■w^mHw jj src?c°o R ?ccoL^ EO ,°7,, THC A R; COPY STCREO TAPES AND D| SCS. Here's Icordc cot? V r ie%SlOnal qU lity The Am cx Unive Ml M «W WO or lowC cosT
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 83 4 Stentorian H.F. 1016 ohms, 7.5 ohms and 15 ohms) Singapore Price $55 30 15-000 c.p.s. frequency response 35 c.p.s. bass resonance rhii now High Fulrlity Speaker, incorjting a very powerful magnet assembly, I noteworthy for its brilliant transient Ucn mounted m a bass re' cabinet. The H.F. 1016 is das
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 f^ CZ^/fV^^ SWISS PRECISION ICL W *J^%v GUARANTEED- j HIGH FIDELITY TAPE RECORDER <^^^^^3 ■Plg%i"^^g" [818 l BC^P //Wf^^^aill J^^^^L fW^sJ'< >^ 0 Quick-start m less than 1 second. iIHHB| BXL /S BlUlilMi'^S > Tape length counter octs also at HH& <^H I^Mh^^^ ~>'~>~- Indication of modulation by mogic IM^
      116 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 fl y^ vr mm m m i w Flm ml Bk "_l#r I mrvJ I X I I I :^%i^ TRANQIQTUD i™! ■BBbbbbH i.j rw«—^B jf b^H BBi 88/ v^^^BBBBB B^^f r <<^888 l iIC C A d I N Ei. B^^^— I M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 103 8 I 9i l. iHBP wKBK^m LLHB| fff itr mntiitt 4 B-^^^^^HH Our Air-conditioned showroom with our new comparator, HI-FI STEREO IS HERE TO HEAR TURNTABLES AMPLIFIERS SPEAKERS TAPERECORDERS PICK-UPS cl'ZL.r r- Ortofon X S Sonjuj University Tondbcr 9 Foirchilc Trio J B. Lancing Amcricon Coneorton* Pickcrinq TON£ ARMS P.onccr Lorcnr
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 'Jr L^^* > -ll'l /<^* N 9 t »«m ~T <n r •> tt <^ j •-f Tjl J^^"; TT T>^'^ K >C Ii 1/ ■9 m L ly for i 1 Lr >i j,Jy/ I ,I i i 1 -A lLh Ml il l ti V-i-_' v X 'it.tti>4>4.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 87 10 lyoy Genuine &(y?er HIGH FIDELITY WITH NEW DYNAMIC MI HI-FI EXPANDER 1 AND TONE REGISTER vJ^a^» I H .Mm^ —Mil TCLEFUNKEN TrirrtiwirrKj D 779 RG Hi Fi 7 volvcs TELfFUNKEN 3 speakers Hi-f. i Tr.blr Mod. I 75K Pf.. ,dcl ■^■^■■1 TELEFUNKEN Oot.'. 1 EHE^^^^^k J Fi-Hi Top.. R, corH
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 134 11 |i W• f 111 AbbmmXlj jI t) 2-t--i l "lainrtiii rill ll IT Ki^B jXgBSES? ™,^mmm\Li mm I I Ml jM \M/J €<\.4/ *dH A W^PW*I Iff ■^k /iff if f SPECIAL FEATURES -*«3 "LETS LEARN TO DANCE" jy OM^ bigger m sixe and A new weekly feature bigger invalue
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 73 12 TOAir Of run m /?fr\ I 4/25 ■wife DLtNUtU —^w PHONOTRIX TAPE RECORDER £?C \L^^ to. .rofcssionol or for amateur n?^ j*^\ ((fl'l/lm I V.^^ -uj^jj ■j i>/i > >v revere stereophonic i\tmft7mmmmmmmmmmr-~~~"~~^iin\ TAPE RECORDER t"H BP^ V^^ NEW TRANSISTOR mmmm PORTABLE RADIO mmm** with ofn#f fonoui J with l«*««t
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  • Unknown
    • 51 9 li 7 wanted to carry on to Blackpool S further on. Major Munro considered their plea to j to march on, but finally decided c done enough," he said. "We've Australians by 14 miles." rh? pipers and drummers are seen it out at Walton-Le-Dale on the Satur--Popper
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    • 293 9 said: "David always wanted to go into the Forces and when he came home at Christmas ho was so proud of his uniform. "I would like to go down to see him. but it is long way and he is old enough
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    • 139 9 TOSSING HER PANCAKE FOR JOY Mrs. Bridget Lowrle, M, tosses her pancake triumphantly after winning the Olney, Buckinghamshire, Pancake Race m one minute 15.8 seconds for the 41~> yards course. Mrs. Lowrie, who was married six weeks ago to a sublieutenant m the Fleet Air Arm stationed In Malta, had
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 44 10 A busy scene recently on the Preston By- pass, m Lancashire, as repairs are carried out after recent severe frosts had damaged the road. The By-pass, Britain's first high speed motor road, was closed to traffic while repairs were being made.
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    • 193 10 Bus conductor issued his own tickets rR 13 weeks, bus conductor Gregory Williams, behind with hire-purchase payments, boosted his £9- a -week pay to £26 by Issuing his own tickets. A stray ticket, found on the floor of a bus gave the clue about what was happening. Detectives were put
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    • 136 10 Rocket plan could shut out Britain A SCHEME that could rob Britain of orders for thousands of anti-aircraft missiles is developing on the Continent. West Germany and France are said to be ready to invest about &150 million m the manufacture under licence for Nato of the American Hawk antiaircraft
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    • 461 10 Mr. New wins a new home for BOTH his families THE remarkable New will soon have a new home tor his TWO families. And the TWO women m his 111 have won it for him. Their "devotion and loyalty" have made the council which evicted them from their council house
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    • 42 10 This outsize float illustrates before and after effects of Hula-Hooping, m the 1959 Munich Carnival procession. The parade was one and a half miles long consisting of 32 giant floats, 25 bands and innumerable groups of entertainers on foot.
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    • 329 11 ACTION SHOTS WITH A BOX CAMERA lyin nirit v is cheeruiji h nig-time football tournament or playing game ol stpak raga m your own backyard, everybody want* to set Into the act— and the action of outdoor sports. And, as anyone with even the simplest boxtvpe camera knows, this is
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    • 161 11 In the kitchen sink E^aE^gHmMl^ The diving goalkeeper above, and the scoring basketball player below have both been caught at their "peak" of action— the split instant when motion ceases momentarily. With practice you can become an expert at judging the right moment to click your shutter. ii[] heard of
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    • 242 11 HAVE you ever luought about how Important ;i factor light is In taking pictures 9 As a matter of Lict, there would be no picture at all without it For it is the light entering your camera when you apen the shutter that creates the li
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 272 12 Peking refuses to I Kishi Government 4 SENIOR Communist Chinese trade official h.»s summarily dismissed any hopes for rii Immediate favourable response bj Peking to the Klshl administration's features foi a resump* lion <>i trade relations between Japan and China. Mr. Hsiao Fang-chou, deputy secretaryneral ol
      U.P.I  -  272 words
    • 19 12 The US Senate has confirmed the nomination of Mr William Trimble to be Am Cambodia. U.P.I.
      U.P.I  -  19 words
    • 84 12 TEENAGERS SPONSOR DISPLAY South Vietnam and: s American teenagers s working m hospitals and orphanages joined: E in sponsoring a charity E E handicrafts exhibit S and sale at the s.ti-on E City Information Hall. E E They raised funds to E buy materials n> (> ii foi the handicrafts.
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    • 52 12 The Japanese Icebreaker Soya will arrive In Capcii on Sunday on h.6r way home after helping to airlnt a 1 member winter! n and supplies to the Japanese Antarctic base orj Ongul I: land. I left Antarctic on Peb 12 and to return to On April
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 133 12 THE Nationalist Chinese Vice-president and Premier, Mr. Chen Cheng, has charged that Communist China is stirring up trouble for Chinese residents of some SouthEast Asian nations. Mr. Cnen said the sufferings of Chinese on the mainland and m foreign nations would end only with the destruction of
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    • 211 12 'EASIER IF RED CHINA WAS IN U.N.'-PEER A LIBERAL peer, Lord Rea (left), has urged the British Government alone or m company with India, to make representations to the Chinese Communist Government about its recent actions m Tibet. He asked the Government m the House of Lords whether it knew
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 105 12 •THE Sydney Daily Mirror has churned that a 1 nationwide "New Guinea sell-out storm" ists In Australia following negotiations between the Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, and the Australian Government. The Australian Government., decision noi to pose any future Indonesian acquisition by Agreement of Dutch New
      U.P.I  -  105 words
    • 82 12 JAPANESE SHIP TO SURVEY PACIFIC WATERS THE Japanese Maritime Safety Board ship Takuyo will undertake itsecond survey this spring of Pacific water> as part of the international geophysical co-operation programme. The vessel conducted a survey of equatorial waters last year under the International Geophysical Year project. It cut short the
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    • 55 12 Siam is considering Bend ing some 50,000 Vietnam refugees back to North Vietnam. Foreign Ministry sources said. The Siamo >c Government will ask the International Red Cross repi Mr. Andre Din and, at 1 sent m Bangkok, to go to Hanoi and tell Ihe Vi< Government of
      U.P.I  -  55 words
    • 75 12 Pistol girl accused of hold-up A WOMAN I pistol I tlght-fltti I high I a bakerj Ing i nila. Two civ I ed to Antoi I OWIUM ed a maj I Two o!> Sought help I Tin- woma I as Felici I Police alleg man and i I nlons I
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    • 73 12 Till- first <><«.».. uoinu rettel built I illl( r» I bo l.iunrhrd on March H at BcCluni I" northern port. hu i|| i,\ ll» r I The sliip is ;i .ifi.OOO-lon tankn brin« |(|1 Innalls Taiwan Sliiphuildine and I)in«' ,i,. I lion for Ihc Enflneef Ttnkcr 1
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 425 13 Too much emphasis on technical training, responsible citizenship know George, the bright-eyed pedicab man who studies a motor manual m his spare time m order to become a taxi driver; Hwan Shan, the author dedicated to the recording of the stories of the building of the
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    • 257 13 THE BOOK OF THE WEEK I CHINESE v Nigel CvHutchimon, Hl> 8 an unusually iluable study of life m China today In .1 >ouiir journalist w\n> spent several monthi there, studying tin* people, tin way of life, and the changei which are being made In the ancient structure of Chinese
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    • 153 13 THE TRAIL THAT LED TO TRAGEDY THE VET'S DAUGHTER. By Barbara Comyns Heinemmi:; 13 6d •PHIS oau, desperately sad little novel has been built up to explain an Edwardian newspaper cutting which describes how three peo le trampled to death on Clapham Common when a crowd watching a experimenting m
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    • 144 13 DESERVEDLY Osbert Lancaster's HERE OF ALL PLACES {Murray, 215.) has been praised for its witty illustration of styles m homes and home-making through the ages. His book ranges from what he names Very Early English" (Stonehenge) to ultramodern glass-walled homes. But has Lancaster's
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    • 311 13 Even Have lock Ellis was JEALOUS IN THE END HAVE LOCK LH.IO. Arthur C alder -Mar ahull. Hart-Davis. 30s. SEX was a Victorian invention. Before that it w;is called Love and was deemed one of the more amiable of frai! Then Hnvrlock Ellis arrived. He Wl a typical Vlc1, brave,
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    • 887 14 |>*l Mill* JMIIF>IIII>II Jill 1 1 111 II 1 1» i'MMI'MTin J<" 1 1 1 •I' k J I NVlfffflftt Jffflfftfi 1 Class 5 Division 1 s', Furlongs I I 11. h MOO lh«- I liar Hlii, Mu\ie llous II KM Ili.iUxai KIU. Hu11...
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    • 600 14 RACING SECTION I IGHT of Burma, the J sensationally im- i proved sprinter, and I Grand oup, a promising newcomer, should be a sound double at Penang tomorrow. Light of Burma has won his two .starts m Cla>> 5 and class 4 easily enough to suggest that the handi
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    • 383 14  - THIS DOUBLE CAN PAY OFF ATI PENANG ALLAN LEWIS IMIICIIIIMMIMIICI ***** l WHK]MHlHHlHlMHMNNt»llminilirnillll!UlllUlUllU|||||[iii., Class 3 Division i sj Furlongs """""'1 I liiclit of Burma J».OO. summer Kit* 8.1S; Balkan (Iwvalki kll i M.l«; CV|< Kkt 80S. To Ke»M>n 8.07; Nej-.n* Ku HOI; Sa tor Vui" K.UI, Urination %M\ Zondcr Zoij
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    • 110 14 Son of April to score maiden win Cl. 3, Div. Z-7F. Rehmat 9.00; Peil Hem 8.10; Triple Crown 8.10; Maghera 8.10; Flower Queen 8.10; Passbook 8.09; Heyday 8.05; Square Deal 8.05; Red Wolf 111 8.03; First Partnership 8.02; Captain Marvel 8.02; Son of April 8.02; Invincible 8.00; Prince Rainier 8.00.
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    • 226 14 These horses won't start tomorrow DKOBABLE scratching tor tomorrow'! ra tVga Blondeau Maha Kanee, Nefara Ku Destination. Clear Reception, Determined. Toy Circle Boomerang Punter's Delight, Triple Crown, y\ hera, Prince Rainier. The follow inn are doubtful starters: Dollar F»i tory. Arina Gold, Foghorn, Budgerigar. Indian Heather. Barlinnie Fire \Vur> shii*.
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    • 303 14 i Evelyn 9.02; Malay Film II 9.01;! World; K£§ I 9.00; Budfrrirar 9.00: Maha Kanee 9.00; The W histin ■^--s Talent 8.11; Premium Bond 8.10; Scholarship s"' ivirl* I "Carol 8.00; I farwrl Haf 8.00; Midnight Tonight )9*| Snap 7.11; Courtier 7.11: Tawakal
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 26 14 OFFERS YOU A HI-FI b TAPE RECORDER. pushbutton control 3 speeds built m Concert Hnli loudspeaker Ay JACKS CO. Capitol Building, IST North Bridge Road, Singapore
        26 words
    • 233 15 rt at one, on Sunday, transport m. ft! 7 a m ed route. to oil >. U m i I provided. I o, the c of c <han three permitted. ilowWlll be ite, *ith the A 'i of deto is not of two I .Indite. to with the
      233 words
    • 245 15 30 Bn back in the fight THIRTY Battalion Royal Army Ordnance Corps, a prominent army boxing unit m Singapore until lust year, arc back to regain their superiority this season. This unit has done well m Malaya and Singapore Army tournaments as well as m the Singapore open championships. Their
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    • 52 15 SLOW DOWN' YELLS COACH AS ILSA SETS WORLD RECORD MLlsa KOI "rd.iy broke \uhUi HUH md 881) the fourth m winning the half-mile .a the Australian swlnunJ Bttc locked m mln. l 4 or both h Don I .ilb \v truing for down ph. hd m 1 time n Vm«'
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 315 15 ANOTHER GO FOR JOE C^ days to send m your entry EH)RMEH idol »f M rlayan bating fani and the winner ol last > car's Veteran section m the Fire l*i < Walk, Joe Diamond has sent In his entry to contest the event again on Sunday March 8. l«»e
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    • 50 15 ANN Ilaydon and Mrs. Diane Rowe, the European champions, are included m England's Corbillon Cup team for the world table tennis championships which begin at Durimund, Germany, on March 27. Kathleen Best and Pat Mortimer will also play for England m thr Corbillon Cup mutchci. Reuter
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 208 15 ENTRY FORM he Free Press Walk i m (Punt tltufly m g If yoi, ,ye ,3 team member Cl I N N n v t to |he storting point at Wo d ds? age 17-7.0 OR: Qualifying age 21-39 VETERAN: Qualifying age -10 and above. r I afion, competitors musi
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      • 260 15 as a jungle cat! M^-^^m LOOK OUT for Shari. Mahal, Week- I O> Mndcr cover this week she's M 4m ;is lissome ;in<l curvneeous us i jungle l^^^l W^ carl Exotic Shari owes her stunning looks V mf to her Indian father ami French mother m anil she is now
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    • 140 16 TROOPS FLY IN AS RIOT TOLL RISES the death toll m four clays m French Congo lighting rose to 76 yesterday as tribal clashes continued In Brazzaville's African suburbs. It is feared there are more dead m addition to the 76 bodies already recovered. Nearly 200 men. women and children
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    • 34 16 Africa, greatly Influenced by the Arab world, will be i "the world's most critical area" during the next 20 years, according to Dr. Ralph J. Bunchc. United Nations diplomat. U.P.I.
      U.P.I  -  34 words
    • 46 16 A Bill to revoke Malta's constitution and give the Governor power of direct rule with the aid of a nominated council was finally passed by the British Parliament last night. It now only awaits the Royal assent to become law.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 41 16 The Belgian Chamber of Deputies yesterday BAV6 th^ Government a solid vote of confidence on Ita decision to do en unproductive l mines m south Belgium. More than 100,000 mini have lefl their jobs m prothe decision.
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    • 189 16 4 BLONDE, blue-eyed German actress was replaced yesterday by film v star Jean Simmons m the leading feminine role of "Spartaeus an SIS million movie epic. Bablna Bethmann said tearfully she would return to her homeland ai soon as possible. She
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    • 31 16 TUiREE workmen were killed yesterd I 1 girders weighing 100-tons collapsed building of a £3.000.000 road bridf I cashire. Four injured men were taken to 1 I
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 400 16 SSIFIKD \i)^. |)J 1 11 H AT VOl X ftl UN I PHOT< BY POTOMA .10 I'LAN Prin Fi. *****. .■i. OLOUK Film m 48 houi relephone 38l>Vi I'C^ pore •OCE A: AMOi i ,8 Robinson Road, s pore L'o7lo. SHOPPING <■! IDI N fl* tin ►MPLETI RANOI <>F Chtt-rt-Rite
        400 words
      • 22 16 g:::: WdL^;pf !r vBvBvT The Projector that is as good as a 1^ eOLf X Camera. ft J •-.•Ac! «%r •-•A %t!
        22 words