The Singapore Free Press, 17 February 1959

Total Pages: 24
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Malaya's Own Family Paper -TT, > lMK T|K>re, Tu«(d»y, February 17. 1959. Price 15 Cts.
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  • 271 1 «IGHT MEN from different walks ft of life, from a university undergraduate to a rice merchant, hav L banded together to enter the Free Press Walk as a team. The organiser he's too modesi to call himself the leader -Mr. Lam Joon
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  • 432 1 I r \l) made a spirited I I the fifth Test m Melbourne piling on fast puce. I For 1 were chiefly to Cowdrey who brilliant form, ir after tour. A itralia really disaster befell Cowdrey called hesitated, and I I lit batsrdson (not
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  • 112 1 I^HE Singapore Council of Social Services has set up a sub-committee to speed up the collection of funds to rehabilitate the Kamponn Hong Bahru fire victims. The total collected is about $200,000. The Director of Social Welfare. Mr. W. S. Woon, said $2,580 was distributed m
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  • 52 1 Four people died yesterday when an avalanche crushed two houses near the entrance to St. John's harbour m Newfoundland. The avalanche occurred during a howling .snow storm which dumped 22 inches of snow on southeastern Newfoundland and all but paralysed St. Johns, a city of 80,000 people.—
    UPI  -  52 words
  • 91 1 Japs won't be shown all the toys at fair NINETEEN Japanese toy manufacturers will not be allowed to see all the exhibits when they visit tho British toy fair on Thursday, according to the London Daily Mirror. The newspaper says thai some of the 200 exhibitors at the fair, being
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  • 33 1 Fifty miners v iped alter an cxplo i m a coal mine IS miles from Quettti yesterday. A rescue party W8 ed to the mine, which collapsed. Reuter.
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  • 68 1 THE Royal cor rt m trottbli terday for tearing the trou a policeman m the rmih B ham Pa A Palace spok< thr incident occurred Uwi wcrk when the out walking with nor Hid the Quorn Mother's c and Honny B< "Om Of the Hire <]<
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 344 1 WEST OPENS THE WAY TO THE SUMMIT Up to Foreign Ministers to make progress A SUMMIT conference is a possibility later this year if the Big Four Foreign Ministers meeting proposed by the West yesterday succeeds m narrowing differences with Russia on the German problem. Washington officials, discussing the Western
    Reuter  -  344 words
  • 66 1 10,000 FLEE AFTER JAVA DAMBURST TEN thousand people have been evacuated from two towns and 21 villages m East Java after a dyke gave way on the Perrong River mar Surabaya. The water supply to the key port of Surabaya has been cut by half because of the damburst Residents
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 29 1 March first grade rubber buyers fo.b. opened m Singapore this mornln cents per lb, down a quarter <>f a cent on yesterday's close. The tone was quiet
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 DANDRUFF? NEW SCIENTIFIC FORMULA STOPS DANDRUFF AND ITCHY SCALP Proved successful m 97-3 of smvere cases tested! Guaranteed to Big 80/ bottle stop dandruff and jtchy scalp when C* J I A*\ used regularly reel. Duty Lxtra. Easy as water to Safe —no pr I H Ik IMI idt mi
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  • 29 2 Mwlaj other ranks y, of the Koyal Engineers are seen here manoeuvring a steel bridge into position lor a > demonstration before Prince Phiilp.
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  • 14 2 Fidel the Cuban revolutions Icr sworn In la.sf n 1 Reuter
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  • 50 2 Prince Norodom Sihanouk. the Cambodian Premier, made Mr. Loke Wan Tho an Officer ol the Royal Order of Cambodia at a pri vate d:nner party at Mr Loke's home. The award was made In recognition ot Mr. Loke's illustrations to Mr. Maijolm Mac Donald book 'Angkor
    50 words
  • 206 2 PERSIA announced yesterday that she would sign a bilate--1 ral defence agreement with the United States before March 21 and warned Russia to stop press and radio attacks on Persia. The announcement on the treaty was made by the Foreign Minister, Mr.
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 144 2 YARD PUT 24-HOUR GUARD ON MAK ARCHBISHOP MAKARIOS, the Greek Cypriot leader, is the lust guarded man m Britain today. An unobtrusive but effective security screen has been thrown around him b> Scotland Yards Special Branch to protect him m his luxury hotel and on his journeyi through London. The
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 121 2 'Attacked boy': Govt. orders an inquiry \IR. Harold Macmillan the British Prime Minister, announced m London yesterday that the Government Ls to set up an inquiry into allegations that John Waters. 16-year-old Scots errand boy, was assaulted by the police at Thurso. Caithness, Scotland, over a year ago. Waters,
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 40 2 THE White House spokesman Mr. James HaI gerty. yesterday denied .that Mr. Harold Macmillan. the British Prime Minister, i planned to visit Washington j for talks with President Eisenhowei following his journey to Moscow.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 126 2 BRITISH-DESIGNED and manufactured conveyor belt nearly six miles long is on its way to a Russian ore field, B.T.T. Industries Limited, a rubber and plastics (inn announced m London crday. The belt, made of rubber-covered terylene, ;i man-made fibre, was supplied m 50
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 17 2 Arrangement to Britain th Mr Klshl, I Mm. sion spok< vpsterdav Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 82 2 rpin; British iment yesterday refu JL MP's, proposal that it should ask w*< another name than Oral bought i I The German pocket battleship, Gi ra )i damage to British shipping In before icuttling herself In the Battle in 1939 iiii- ght with
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 42 2 M MM ••< ForfyUOelalh 0/ fl 0.4 C WrU-mkk MrrtCU C«U»lt )»m heat Travel Agent or M AIAITAW A/AWAITS (Genera. S.J- A 8 en« S \__>^l^^l^^ H^or/</ /eai/er m air travel i g-flAf takesgoodcan of you <0.,0..,, 0N M „,0<,.,,0. m. o M
      42 words

  • 152 3 i airliners may ...ted bright, ange v the ,y Britain*; oi Transport v.ution to reIsk of mid-air i l. Ircraft to be Ms way stood on the apron at London Airport yesterday and thouuli dwarfed by nearby i, liaas and Viscounts, they stood
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 19 3 Ifficial M. Jumabhoy, Mm Commerce and lull open the Semil Husbandry Feb. 23 at f i i
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  • 83 3 Looking every inch m a typical "Holiday Girl" 19 year -old* Cherrie Butlin lives up g g to her name as daughter of Britain's mil- lionaire holiday camp kin- Billy Butlin. Cherrie. posing here m a beach outfit, wants to be a serious actress and to this
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  • 152 3 CANCER IS BIGGEST U.S. CHILD KILLER METROPOLITAN Life Insurance Company statisticians reported m New York yesterday that cancer is much more common among children than is generally realised, and causes about 4.000 deaths a year m the United States among children under 15. This is nearly 50 per cent, higher
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 210 3 pYCLONE "Connie" raging at inn m.p.h. hit the Nortli Queensland toast laic yesterday, wreaking heavy damage on homes and crops. Communications were cut with four towns but unconfirmed radio reports said one man had been killed. The toll was expected to mount. At Prosperpine,
    U.P.I  -  210 words
  • 146 3 GIRL, 10, TO DROP OUT OF SEX PLAY 'FEN YEAR OLD Janina Faye is withdrawing from a private performance In London of an American play m which she was to have appeared as the victim of an attempted sex attack. Her father made the decision ni^ht m view of
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 75 3 rv\\lE Queen Mot Ik r s;iv. I i pi,,,,, eroa ivm buchbiick. two wai tiio-'s. and family within an hour or lv i the famou Hotel m Nyerl, K< nya i lit Two of thr I were I drivrii oft by membi I I the Mothers
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 32 3 1m ~*m I 4 fla I|T M J II jHP i ~^H /I HV• J Ivl <J VIS/7 THf CROCODILE STAND FRPc £LL M£ Bxp osmoN C t GIFTS FOR EVERY PURCHASE
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    • 158 3 TABLES FROM INDIA lie it a side table or a centre piece, a coffee table or a round piece, he sure to inspect our stock before making your purchases WALNUT WOOD from Kashmir BLACK WOOD from Hashtarpur ROSE WOOD from Mysore Plain, engraved ivory inlaid Emporium for Malayan Indian Crafts
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 268 4 Opinion In Search of Peace MOMENTOUS talks open m London today, talks which it is to be hoped will settle the future ot Britain's island colony m the Eastern Mediterranean. The British. Greek and Turkish statesmen Will have a solid basis on which to work— the draft constitution agreed on
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  • 687 4  -  CHRISTOPHER DOBSON MOSCOW I NOTEBOOK I BY I Vital new force Macmillan will see OO Mr. Harold Macmillan genial, loquacious, imperturbable Mac is coming to Moscow. Great news. The Muscovites will love him. But how are you people at home £oing to equate this visit? What will
    687 words
  • 538 4 FROM C.B.S. TO KINC FEISAL...THEY ALL LEAVE THEIR MONEY WORRIES TO HIM, 1 SAYS J.W.M. THOMPSON OERNARD SHAW ciis- approved of musiil comedy but he relished the cheerful tingle of a C&sh-reglt-He would turely have chuckled to learn that his royalties from My Fair Lady are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 223 5 PRESSURE OF WATER AT BIG FIRE AMPLE, SAYS ENGINEER itj Water Engineer, Mr, P, Urn, yesI terdav refuted allegations that the fire bri ra de could nol «et enough water to tackle tin tampons ions Balini blaze last Friday as the mains was low due to the many tandpipes m
    223 words
  • 93 5 ■i) is made In i I] published o>pore Oovern- adoption at children. i; vernment statement I' was at present for adoption i be made m the i] cases where to be adopted ite child of. I h of the perI tor adopt I ■riv :s
    93 words
  • 45 5 Telugu-speaking students offered 3 scholarships ■I' 1 i fovernmcnt nl W h. India. ree scholar- relugu-speaklng lian origin apore and for posting m InI. Ist have I matricu- of an i the I School I may be of R ncr Unm Oln Lek B Lumpur.
    45 words
  • 36 5 IS X "Kinnrquins th, i"! display itpcklnii at London. shoj ll *W"d absence «.i lock. Introducliadei for itolli a tin,, lt i; w ((>;i P«lc And Kold< ls '.«nd sun- Popper m, tiirc
    Popper  -  36 words
  • 217 5 1 5 nations to show goods at bazaar to aid the blind 'THE Singapore Association for the Blind will A hold its seventh international bazaar at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Saturday, June 20, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. It will be opened by the Governor, Sir William Goode.
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  • 32 5 Lutgardo Martin Perrz. former Cuban inspectorgeneral of police sought by the revolutionary regime as a war criminal. escaped yesterday In a small plane to an unknown destination. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 30 5 i >hn Mills ana family will arrive m .Sin; \,y BOA' on tomorrow. They I he v i a film He will be i lour (l
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  • 20 5 Mr. Gomulka, the \'< P ty chief, left Moscow for home iV art. Soviet Com nn, ty Congress*- Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 107 5 SINGAPORE CIRL IN LAB. AT U.S. HIGH SCHOOL I of IS, Lmw| v viaiiK. Blngayrti an 18-yeur-old student, is m the I tilled ttatai as a delegate to the New York Herald Tribune I orum for lli.h Schools. During her threemonth visit .she will be the Kuest, for two weeks
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  • 30 5 British, American, and Russian delegates to the conference on ways of ending nuclear tests yesterday held their shortest meeting m Geneva yet. It lasted barely 40 minutes. Reuter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 113 6 '■nPMHMOTVIMHaMMP'v ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a .11 I I II Xi: l»> Sv«liM.v Jordan Hv Cki O icrr \r^^ C r>i i y ur v a c T<^ fir- w| 1 JHt ciijAL 1 cUIPi AT**' MANDRAKE j —^^B E^^/ i -YUH-^+H^^^^^ BasUfl JA.M. I CANT" TWINK MOW I GOOD MORNING YOU MEAN ZE.
      113 words
    • 23 6 l»> Lee Falk and Phil Davis l»> ll ii bbartl T^ WIVES LOVE LITTLE J N SURPRISES LIKE r Bird watching J \S
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    • 20 6 Bb* J?^^^b^bSS^^ ISTOP!j /zz /?av ml Ri^S I COMT/MUEP- QUICK, COOKIE 1 V TELL ME WHAT/ I 1 t REMEMBERED)
      20 words
    • 410 6 B Ol I I are apt to differ 1 1 m temperament although 'I characteristics may tx 1 I m Both have charm and. wherever you go. I You men. howev< r I utilise your personally 1 I m career. Making people 1 just part of your job! I You
      410 words

  • Round the florid Market Prices
    • 150 7 LONDON, Feb. Hi. I'iivious Today I K>S cil „1, I I Hers March 25 sell I \o i KSS Spot I M Miter* ellen Ig| Srttlemrnt m .nh 24 T buyi Lsi sellers 25 .sellers Ipr./JWM buyers 2.) sellers I Dull. ye prices Quoted m pence. I
      150 words
    • 106 7 NEW YORK, Feb. 16. Previous Today I spot 102.00 nom. 102.62 nom. riN I 'I-«rch 100.00 tmver.s 100.87 buyers 102.12 sellers 102.87 sellers May 99.87 buyers in0.75 bir.ers 101.87 sellers 102.75 sellers i steady. s\i ES: Nil. I M intuit- March 30.25 buyers SO. 10 buyers 30.35
      106 words
    • 83 7 [LONDON, Feb. 16. Previous Today OPKA Philippines c.l.f. U.K./ Vorth I uropean ports delivered wefehi pc, onR ton Feb./ Mar. $267', resellers $265 resellers »k\ straits ci.f. U.K./North ports delivered long ton Feb./ Mar. £94', noni. £94 sell' UtOMl oil C rudt Straits 1 uropetn ports
      83 words
    • 27 7 bNEW YORK, Feb. 16. Previous Today Industrials 587.97 587.91 Railroads 160.77 161.35 tic Konds 86.37 86.34 I'tiUties 90.81 90.88 Stocks Comitosite Averages 204.10 204.28
      27 words
    • 55 7 125 to 25*4, Sarawak unquoted. Muntok afloats 24^i white spot 43 1 awaiting release nent 24%, 26 1 43. afloats 43 to 42 a. and Pebspot 25 to 25»i ruaiy shipment 42 1 j. 42 sellers, 25, afloats 24\. cif. ex-dock, •ment 24'-.. 24. cif. 4bore prices Quoted
      55 words
  • 69 7 Attor Garry Cockrell, left, seems to find eatinij with chopsticks something of a problem as he turns them back to front either by accident or design and endeavours to tackle his Chinese food while celebrating Chinese New Year at London's Shanghai Club m
    69 words
  • 59 7 1.00 rro(?ramme Sumrn;i Off the rrack; l 30 iinv and News; 145 FiriKer^ and 5.00 I' v KnibU of Annoui I port. 7 I ■I nnri News; 7.15 Music 730 The Malayan--BCo The Vintru'f- (;>k,! 8 :K) S|k Oallery; 8 4.'i Sing Me A 00 Mv Wot' 'Ilmr
    59 words
  • 123 7 'T'HE quartermaster of the submarine rescue x ship H.M.S. Reclaim m Tobermory Bay, Argyllshire, when Ordinary Seaman Anthony O'Dwyer, 19, absconded m the ship's cutter has been sentenced to 30 days' detention, it was announced yesterday. The sentence was for assisting O'Dwyer, then
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 17 7 Soviet President Voroshiloy is .sulTeriiiK from "complications" alter influenza. Soviet Foreign Ministry spok( terday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 27 7 President Tito of Yugoslavia will pay a two-day unofficial visit to Greece starting on March 2, it WM announced m Belgrade last niaht. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 140 7 F 1 1 ditions devethc London terday was rather buylna of inprovided the i thase shares States folsood proFriday's ad'll Street, onts were t on th< v rl i firm with prominent i comlinly textiles I to! hin pur- on prospects of further rights Issue announcements. Oiltedged
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 87 7 A model ot novel design v.'lth teeiei automatic for playing all records ot w 7". 10". 12" diameter, mixed or otherwise. Contemporary styling and simplified operation are among Its MtHiB chief characteristics PRICf $155.00* f* ■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■l! l^^fc^^^ <^ I M Br>t-~ JM So/» Agtntl "^^^-iB Life W, THE CHINA ENGINEERS
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 47 7 :■:•:■>: ■.<•:•:■■. -:.:w; <yy. y:x-+ :.:v:.::.- SINCAPORE HIGH TIDES TODAY: 6.11 p.m. TOMORROW: 5.30 a.m. and 8.36 p.m. THURSDAY: 6.57 a.m. and 9.33 p.m. FRIDAY: 8.15 a.m. and 10.10 p.m. SATURDAY: 9.11 a.m. and 10.42 p.m. SUNDAY: f).57 a.m. and 11.12 p.m. MONDAY: 10.38 a.m. and 11.42 p.m. j
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    • 125 8 They do the Lion dance in London, too IUST doing what comes naturally, little ChinM girl, seven-year-old Lucy Lenny, W:v mdliM of her compatriots scattered throughout tM world, digs into a dish of Chinese food wUidM chopsticks during Chinese New Year u\' t VI tions recently. She was attending a
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    • Article, Illustration
      3 8
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    • 247 8 A SHILLING A WEEK GARDEN STORM BLOWS UP THE tmants of H'v-Ington-drive who arc not the country's nthusiastic gardeners uyv angry because the council tta to do their gardening for them. FOR A SHILLING WEI X '•l the I on t! Kirts ol Wlgan, I re an^ry. too. For they
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    • 40 8 AING-A Mil l Kly m Britain to •Toll." an electrl< model wiiii Bbre body ion 1 m j) h. I who ha fected i thi ir Miry nr In go Into :i hole It Is powered by
      40 words

  • Unknown
    • 842 1 I WIVES I TRICKS 'ill! now idea of A "brain-storming," boi i from the United States, is becoming very popular m Singapore. A brain-storming session i where a group of •T together to pool their ideas. They sit fa a circle and throw out a
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    • 206 1 PINK, BEIGE AND WHITE ARE BACK IN FASHION are getting bigger and bigger. One? called the smuggler s collar is so deep that a huge diamond necklace may be smuggled m or out of the country. Another decoration that originated m Paris is the pyjamu string that has nothing to
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    • 9 1 THE PAPER WITHIN A PAPER Eve Tuesday, 17, 1959.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 79 1 H If? 10 I (h.*^ The leader m ttyle and :<0 P%t J^| w.ishinjj superiority this f.ibulout model r- i washes all fabrics .iutomatically and gives you the cleanest, brightest wash possible. No other washer brings you such v. special features .is Rust- free, all porccl.iin mn t r and
        79 words
    • Feminas ope
      • 112 2 IT is a pity Christina Lee cannot always wear baby dolls, because she looks so very delect able m them. Here she models some m powder blue. The top, just long enough to cover the legs of the step-ins, have a yolk of white
        112 words
      • 101 2 A CHEERFUL accessory jai In the shape of a x\ for kitchen and pantry bright red apple. is a large ceramic cookie Fainted with bright round smiling eyes and plump rosy cheeks, the top third of the apple is sliced off to form the jar
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      • 119 2 FASHION dictates that this year, the waistline shall still be high, somewhere around the vicinity of the midriff, and the bosom even higher. The high bosom was introduced during the first Empire of Fiance whose women ca.^t oil their hoop ed skirts and whalebone stays to
        119 words
      • 61 2 ANCOMK PERFUMES: Yj Sole agents, Borneo Company, Crosby House, Robinson Road. Available at most dispensaries and department stores. FAN HAT: Wftko, 1. Raff Place. KIBBFR SLIPPERS made In Malaya by Bata. (Fit A MIC JAR: C. K. Tang, Orchard Road. PYJAMAS on Christina Lee: Modern Silk
        61 words
      • 271 2 Locally made slippers save dollars T"? rubber slippers that are worn by a large part of the population m Singapore and the Federation, are at last being made In Malaya. Previously, these' slip. pers were all imported from Japan. Last year 8,000,000 pairs of shoes were imported by Singa. pore
        271 words
      • 385 3 Easy-to-make dishes for hot weather served m the centre of the ring. Plenty fur four. lor an easy- to- make DESSERT, try a banana jelly with a difference. Dissolve a package of gelatine m hot water and add the juice of one lemon, a dash of salt and one half
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      • 71 3 VERSATILE JAP GIFT FOR S'PORE WOMEN B^ it i le gift from japan to the women of Singapore a fan hat. hand-painted silk fan, folds over and buttons at the sides ■>r™ a cone-shaped coolie hat that is ideal for beach or lawn. Attractive, useful and inexpensive, the fans are
        71 words
      • 262 3 his perfume is made of 72 elements X cans' ecause X very X Ret X nanu- r difficult I: To Hv n the 1 'her- > exI I I Process w m ■f m xactly Hi Hot but mcli exactly the same. Mr. G. Markens, director of an estaolished Paris
        262 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 66 2 Oriental and Beautiful! J C'/) V Distinctive hond Xuotd and J/M prm&iaU... cng roved brassware plated by us I ln highest 9rode £$k $%&>%%&> I silver to enhance \tfs» v vJI 11 its oppcarance. Jm urns ]k VASES IF TRAYS trivets Otimfr^*. ~M aftabas f JEWELLERY V>*j S^r $M ROSE
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 119 3 It's here again m all sizes Stretch m it! Reach m it! Bend m it! You can even Play Tennis m it or Do the Rock N' Roll m it. This New \V^\x^ Magic-Cling bra can't slip because hundreds of soft clastic strands, woven into the inner back, cling gently
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    • 566 4 THERE will come time when every teenager will think that she is read) to date boyi. Thai will al*o he the time when Mum and Dad will disagree with her. But a teenager should understand that the right to date is not
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    • 151 4 SOME ol the most inf alls at the .sni).' titution Extion are the Indian textile playing only gorgeous saris, silks, but down-to-earth tensi- ttoi and iin» At the Indian Governmeni t;iii buhjii Rold-thi sto•ly handlooms for curt rl ij pi quin ried A
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    • 136 4 BIG CROWDS AT SATA SHOP SATA is attracting crowds at the Exposition, not only with their shop, but also with their X-ray unit. The shop, where prices are marked down considerably, is a particular n net for mothers of young children Pyjamas There are cotton printed or In d baby
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    • 272 9 A (ilUMl* oi men, one of whom is destined lo be the Hi's! American to Ik* hurled into space, is being put through ":i whole host of tests," Dr. Keith Glennan, chief of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said m Washington las!
      Reuter  -  272 words
    • 118 9 She 'hoops her way victory An 1 1 -year-old Birmingham girl undid her shoe lace while still keeping her hula hoop going. And that remarkable feat won her a large silver challenge cup and the honoured title of National Hula Hoop champion, at the Hammersmith Palais m London the other
      Popper  -  118 words
    • 259 10 and continued help from America to maintain defences uoi m KOREA wants the United states to X provide atomic ireaponi and lo continue economic aid at the annual level <>t i §$250 million plus US$7 million m technical assistance foi a few wars to idmc. The recommendation
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 196 10 r riiK Japan* vernment plans to propose xtension for one cf Its present trade agreement with Britain which expires at the end of next month. Japanese Government officials said They said the Japanese Government preferred to continue the current pact. signed m London last
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 41 10 PI -US relations not critical' Mr Charles Bohlen, the I States Ambassadoi to Manila after discussing United States-Philippine reI us with Presidenl Ei enhower said it wa; untrue to suggest thai deterioration m these rela. tions had reached a critics Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 26 10 US. Devclopmon I onn K i m r 1 has authori $18,000,000 loan to Indoi for the repair and dr' i <»f harU)iir.s.- U.P.I.
      U.P.I  -  26 words
    • 36 10 Premier Djuanda of Indonesia has been invited to make a visit to Cambodia, Antara news agency said. The Prime Minister of C&mbodia, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, is at present touring Indonesia Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 220 10 T»HE habit of smoking is a major factor behind the recent Increase m juvenile delinquency and is increasing annually among boys and girls, tho Tokyo Metropolitan Police Board said. In a report on "cigarettes and delinquents" tho board said minors looked on smokirv i of maturity. Last
      UPI  -  220 words
    • 85 10 New discontent brewing in Outer Mongolia FRESH SIGNS of dissatisfaction m Communistcontrolled Outer Mongolia were implied In a report carried by the New China news agency. The agency, m a broadcast monitored m Tokyo, said the Mongolian capital's major newspaper. The Union, had called editorially for strengthened party leadership and
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 151 10 Birds are big export business for India TNDIA'S bird exports 1 to Europe are booming:. She sells as many as 20,000 a year. Among them are robins, rose finches, rose-ringed parakeets, hornbills. blue jays and talking mynahs. The cost ranges from 2 rupees to 400 rup« l «s (from about
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • Reds are active in Nepal Student groups
      • 42 10 haw infiltrated intol her country Mrs. Chandra Kumirl Guruns told F:lipi no d^| Porters m Naga City £1 there were no Chinese 51 her country despite <tJ sssasi to the ch "However." she said, "therj is Cormnunist infiltration.! especially among group> U.P.I.
        U.P.I  -  42 words
      • 18 10 British exports to Red hinil increased bj 120 per cent! In 195S compared until the pm'viou> year.' U.P.I.
        U.P.I  -  18 words
      • 24 10 A J I Hiroshima prel I owns tht 1865.H issue of an Americanß newspaper bearing a re-fl port on the .;tioaH of Presideni Reuter.
        Reuter  -  24 words
      • 33 10 Hong Kong garment nunu-fl facturers, have piesentedH a memorandum to the! Government protesting against a ruling thatl garments to be exportedß to Britain must be madtl of locally spun and woven| cloth.- Reuter.
        Reuter  -  33 words
      • 23 10 4 An Australian salvage firnH hopes to recover aboutfl $10-500.000 from an un-B identified ship sunk :M Geelvink Bay, West N'ewJ Guinea. U.P.I.
        U.P.I  -  23 words
      • 21 10 The first shipment oil Japanese textiles under M war reparations agree-B ment will arrive m Hrn karta late next montn-B U.P.I.
        U.P.I  -  21 words
      • 25 10 Terrorist bands m W«J Java killed an average m throe people a daj m 1«J and destroyed properM worth almost •"^•"^•'JH rupiahs (about .v'.-.on.oOJiß U.P.I.
        U.P.I  -  25 words
      • 24 10 Ceylon's Ministers of Infl dustries and Trade head a delegation I soon for Belgrade to cuss trado and aid the Vi; Governi.. UP I
        UPI  -  24 words
      • 13 10 has p: t() l^ c A SI Asian co: refugees In B Reuter
        Reuter  -  13 words
      • 7 10 Indonesia I I worked or government Reuter
        Reuter  -  7 words
    • 42 10 I>OLICE found a way to solvr I I- tiding minister.; wh<> used th< I ordered two .s 1 The action was taken alter tl I Ohli I I lon. Now Mr. .1 tl f Mr I i. UPI
      UPI  -  42 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 33 10 lil/Tfi (X9l the Tried j| I I Q Surest Co2l OC Sk_^ service phone! 3tl A 1 I OAK "f I i Ml ,1,1 I TRANSPORT STORAGE LIMITED j .pi MANAOINO DltlCrOl nakh'lik
        33 words
    • 295 11 PEKING ATTACK ON CHURCH EXTENDED |/\FFICIAL report! reaching |(J Kong from China I ti the anti-church has been extended. U affecting ProtestHopel. I m Tangshan, an industrial Peking, Communist l v urlty authorities re- rested 10 Protestant I I i ea d< nil0 il is re P° rted I v
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 207 11 6 models to display japanese fashions IB a il \DING Japanese 1 1 A cotton spinning I I mill plans to stage IB fashion parades with I Japanese models 111 IB Australia and New Zca- land m April. ~'^B The firm said each of B the parades, to take I
      207 words
    • 187 11 I pRIME took a big leap forward m the North I China Province of Shansi during the E second quarter of 1958, when the people's comI mime system was introduced to this region with a population of about 14 million. Liv
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 39 11 The Antara news agency reported from Jakarta that the Indonesian Government and a West German trade delegation had signed an agreement transferring the central marketing of Indo neslan tobacco from Holland to Bremen. Re uter
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 138 11 'SHOCKING', SAYS U.S. LEADING ARTICLE P( I i "shockX < on the I, udE us. army relied troops to itial part lit' article the real meanI .pon IK to prrform I. is m II <m 1 1 IP I o r, fi m pro o "This is no reflection whatever
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 21 11 Mr. E. A. Nygaard. Norwegian ambassador m To- kyo, will also serve as Mm■- ister to South Korea.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 28 11 rKYO police have arrcsti ■trnctfon company on A packet of cigarettes cents) u;;s nil a worker r< for a il.jy's work, it was a
      28 words
    • 24 11 ert three officials of a concharres of "slave labour." priced at 40 yen (about 35 i eived from the company tlleced.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 49 11 The South Vietnamese embassy m Taipeh has denled a charge by Hanoi Communist newspapers that 1.000 Vietminh (Communist) prisoners m South Vietnam were poisoned about two months ago. The embassy branded the charge as "a rough hoax designed to influence international opinion on the subject." Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 144 11 Women 's vote in R.I. 'foolish' A SIAN woiiicii should l\i\i\t have tin- ri^ht I to vute, an Indonesian <• newspaper believe! <! The Enf lUh lanf uagr Times of Indonesia said 4 editorially: "The stalwart Swiss, expressing their will <> <J through a referendum. Jj have overwhelmingly refused to
      U.P.I  -  144 words
    • 200 11 U.S. BACKS LAOS IN TREATY MOVE THI us. state Department peel the contention of Laos that it ll free of the military restrictions imposed by Geneva agreement* which ended the Itido-Chiiui m 1954. The agreement* limited the size of the Laotian armed forces to 25,000 men. The Prime Minister
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
        11 words
      • 127 11 Butterfly Brand Burglar Alarm Safe Guard Your Home from IntrudJ. Q-nI crs. It sounds 1!1 a loudly and con ho heard For Federation Purchasers COO. $5/- each from our Kuala Lumpur Branch LEA HIN CO. 231, South Bridge Road, Spore 1. Tel: *****/*****. 129, Ipoh Road, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: *****.
        127 words
      • 57 11 BLUE SPOT PRESS BUTTON CAR RADIO Suits Ail Cars Prices from S2UO -to $700/Sole Agents', KEE HUAT RAOiO C 0. t LTD. STORE— X IIMIMK-riv \\< Cvtry Friday WEEKENOfR I f«t the most prodigious linf-up of th« talent fcofi- hcl< (port cloto up pirfnrm odvmfura ever of^K-d In ONE PUBLICATION
        57 words
      • 29 11 FITZPATRICK S Orti mmi i kxlHc a RlgM PI 181 n hoi mumm MODERN IZI N mm hi ns Unbreakable I \i\\\ BRUSH HOLDtR VM) *»'»h BRUSH 2 rfj
        29 words
    • 558 12  - Colour films are sweeping all before them SUNNY GIAM 4 ulliitff aii Photographers rvntpilvH by ii voi have not tried neffailve colour film, you really should. Otherwise you are £«)inj; to find yourself way behind the times m your picture-taking. It Is the kind of film for snapshooting that is
      558 words
    • 185 12 Flowers on show in pictures WHO GOES THERE...? ...IT'S ONLY ME 'FHERE will be a x photographic exhibition of flower studies m the Singapore Flower Shew to be held at the Happy World Stadium on April 3 to 5 under the aegis of the Singapore Gardening Society. The competition is
      Gertrude L. Pool  -  185 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 883 13  - POWER OF St. LAWRENCE IS CANADA 'S BOON JOHN BAKER By At St. Law--1 i Seaway, i be officially I m June by n and Pi« sicl Eisenhower, is nll than a new ruult from Americas rtland to the Atn is already, and will be increasingly m V!! to come,
      883 words
    • 574 13 islands' drums start throbbing for the Duke I)RUMS are throbbu ing and the rhythmic stump and shuffle of bare feet mingles with the booming of 'irk Ocean surf on coral reefs as natives m the Tarawa, Gilbert and Ellice Islands intri c a t c litional dances for I the
      574 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 121 14 KURT Nielsen and Miss K. Rasmussen of Denmark won the singles titles m the Dutch International badminton championships at Haarlem. Nielsen beat. Ferry Sonneville (Indonesia) 18-13, 15-9 In the men's final, and Miss Rasmassen defeated Mr. J. Kjaergaard of Denmark 11-7. 11-5 to take the women's singles. Danish
      121 words
    • 463 14 He shrugged at a fortune went back to the mines By ARCHIE QUICK II fEMO R I E S of a dozen years ago came flooding back when I saw two photoma phs re produced m a provincial newspaper. One was ot American heavyweight Joe Baksi at a training session
      463 words
    • 333 14  -  JOHN INGHAM By DAI Roes, 45-year-old golfer from South Herts, is aiming at an eighth appearance for Britain m the Ryder Cup. Part one of the "stay-at-the-top" plan begins tomorrow when he leaves for the restful Canary Islands with Ken Bousfield. Throe weeks m the
      333 words
    • 135 14 BRUSH UP YOUR BRIDGE cent rul I opportunity North Sou I bto. bom:. I The bidding went West opened Ine X „< Clubs, trumj of Bpade East with the 1 turned the taken by the declarS hand. To make the t 8 had to establish the to provide t 1
      135 words
    • 46 14 One change in the Ireland XV IRELAND train to I Murray Uriel. Febn; positional en 3-0 UF Dublin Jfi OReillv switching P threequartei II The team Aj P son (North OReillv iLei B.G.M. v A. R In) O. Cullitcn lV Mulrahy <' Dublin t, N (Wai Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 11 14 championshl I I the 1 I ily 233 Reuter
      Reuter  -  11 words
    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 175 14 B_JBL_J| I 1 11 1 1 1 B LI Ks A( Koss 10 Whet the writer at the end 7 0 though not a n, building it was (7. 6) ll Plcre of wood to Bght wlth? 8 Awarded to Malta though ii not )nd t 12 Piece of wood
        175 words
    • 169 15 lIAVI YOC entered for the Bi s Walk yet? it's the ■porting event v\ hit > h KVKKVBODV wallts to take part m. Age is no harrier. for the entries range irom teenager! to men m their sixtit s. We have had en tries from rich
      169 words
    • 306 15  -  ALLAN LEWIS By r<LEAR RECEPTION, who is now trained by Doc Rodfers, made the fastest time at Penang this morning when he went over three furlongs well on the bit m 40 4/5. He worked wide out and was anxious to go faster. Only three
      306 words
    • 261 15 Clements again in England XV TTVORMER Singapore anci r South Malaya playei Jeff Clements retains hi* place m the England international «Rugby I'nion XV t<i play France at Twickenham on Feb. 28. England have made two changes, including the introduction of a new cap, from the side that narrowly
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 33 15 The Boul h Kor< an Lion IMS annount that it iled i i plan L to B 'li. An .m >uld ni' the <»i thi xprdil lo Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 110 15 Champ quits ring AUSTRALIAN lightweignt boxing champion M Curios will 'never fight I pin", his trainer Ambrose Palmer said In bourne. Commenting on the match In which 23-yeur-old Carlog was badly beaten dv •>li boxer David Oveil, Palmer .said "Max will never fight again. I wnl insist that he doesn't."
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 59 15 Miss Hatsue Takamlzawa, a^cd 21 set a new Japanese record of 49.3 see for the 500 metres women's event m tlio 27th all-Japan speed skating championships at Biro Lake m Magano pref( dun-, Central Japan. Miss Takamlzawa bmk? her own existing record >f 49.8 see. which
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 31 15 RESULTS <»r list nlght'a Knffltah Football league mad hei \\< i DIVISION <>M \\< ll.iiii United I Blackpool <> DIVISION IWO Sfokr (\i^ 1 Ips I „v n 0 Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 438 15 ENTRY FORM ■The Free Press Walk I I H you j:c 3 team member cro^s here N me of team i ort tQ |h« starting point at WoodI lands? I OR: Qualifying age 1 7-20 bENIOR: Qualifying ago 21-39 VETERAN: Qualifying ape 40 and above >f II ■.□tion. competitors must
        438 words
      • 227 15 *1 FP STENORETTE' the greatest l-^^l booster of jmlS^S^-^l^^t^ office output *^<^&&*JLk- since the N^ft typewriter SOLE AGENTS: KIAN GWAH (M) LTO. OVERSEAS Readers are Up -to -Date! Malaya \t tlie focal point Budget is the ideal papei to of Souili L.M A-in and end regularly to Malayan many people
        227 words
    • 24 16 General Sir Hugh Stockwell, military secretary to the Secretary of State for War. has been appointed Adjutant. General to the forces. Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 22 16 The Japanese Government yesterday decided to proclaim April 10 a national holiday for the wedding of Crown Prince Akihito. Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 266 16 Britain joins Greece and Turkey m substance of solution to island's problems T*HE Foreign Ministers of Britain, Greece and 1 Turkey yesterday reached full agreement on the substance of a solution to the Cyprus problem, it was learned m London last night. After a three-hour meeting of
      266 words
    • 186 16 15,000 STRIKERS FIGHT POLICE STRIKING coal miners swarmed into Mons m Southern Belgium last night and battled mounted policemen who fought back with tear gas and fire hoses. The clash occurred a few hours after 15,000 workers roared their unanimous support for a continued strike m protest over plans to
      U.P.I  -  186 words
    • 131 16 rj«HE U.S. State Department announced y, I day that the doctors attending on Mr jJ Foster Dulles had called m a leading cancer pert to discuss radiation treatment A medical bulletin said that Mr. Dulles! condition continued to be satisfactory and J had
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 421 16 I 'wet 4i Free Pren tot the convenience ot 1 atlve ot 1»» floor SINGA^ORf COLO STORAGE ORCHARD ROAD will receive tmoM «dvcrti»e■ntnfi and intwtrt to boa numbers CLASSIFIED ADS. AtKNOWI MM. Ml s 1 2§ Word* $6 minimum lENU AH KYE and I thank all friends and rel.. for
        421 words
      • 76 16 \L^^ l^^t^ mF h. 4 *r^ It is no mere accident that the watch you buy from us is such a remarkablo timekeeper. Before we sell it to you it is c fully inspected, thoroughly tested and accurately regulated. Our exports who give your watch "that final touch" I years
        76 words