The Singapore Free Press, 3 February 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 4 The Singapore Free Press
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press Malaya's Own Family Paper v *****. Singapore, Tuesday. February S, 1959. Price I^L'lk
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  • 248 1 At 61 he enters for the Free Press Walk rpAN EE LEONG, 61, Is the A oldest man to enter for the Free Press Walk up to date. He won a special prize for completing the Bukit Timah Hill Climb organised by Chinese schools in December last year. Mr. Tan,
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  • 482 1 England batsmen are soon hitting fours Ir\'GLAND'S not out batsmen, Graveney and lj Cowdrey, hit quick runs when the fourth Test n sumed in Adelaide this morning, i were soon hitting fours but later Benaud began to trouble Graveney who had an when Favell held a poor shot but the
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  • 75 1 IyVTO Abdul Il'amid bin Haji Jumat. Minister for Lands and Housing (right) will be a judge at the Pearl of the Orient contest, a highlight in the itftffC show "An Evening With Eye" at the Singapore Constitution Exposition on Feb. 28. Mrs. Christina Loke, a member
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  • 208 1 In of Tourism, Mr. Howlett, said yesterday it posed to engage an "mpany to make a travel Singapore and Malaya firm had guaranteed e'a circulation in Ame- ■nuiionces totalling at least 1 'ommenting on criticisms 1 H"<|. p. managing direc><v Film Services, Snd an authority on
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  • 327 1 HAWKERS: MAYOR UNDER FIRE IN COUNCIL 'FHE MAYOR, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, was cunx stuntly heckled when he replied at the i BUmed city council meeting this morning during the debate on hawkers. When the council met there were only four members on the opposition benches, but the councillors arrived
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  • 26 1 Violet Markham, authoress, social worker, and authority on the employment of women died at her home at Wittersham, Kent, last night aged 86. Reuter
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  • 121 1 TENGAH JET IN MERCY TRIP DRAMA AN RAF Canberra jet I l bomber left Tengah at 4.15 a.m. today on a mercy flight to Katunayake, Ceylon, with urgently needed drugs. An RAF spokesman said the request from the Ceylon civil medical authorities was made through the Royal Navy at 1.30
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  • 40 1 Two men armed with daggers robbed Wee Ah Kit, owner of a bar in Rangoon Road, of $200 early this morning. The thugs fled in a car. Wee immediately dialled 999. A man has been detained.
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  • 33 1 February first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. opened in Singapore this morning at 83 :5 t cents a lb., down oneelghth of a cent on y< day's The tone was quirt.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 New! max Factor curl control STRAIGHT HAIR I r\\t\ tu\W wthoiitptrmanvnta V p* c<t ft or sticky sprays f M Spray tint... comb thru.., 0 m an d *vt your curls to stay! *9t* "'/jj-w h/ ***^^^^H Km Hm. Hr^H b»\ BV CURL control with revolutionary new Protein- Potf/mUt gives
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  • 360 2 Surprise visit on eve of talks with Dulles The Soviet Charge d'Affaires In London, Mr. Alexel Ro&hchin, called on the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Selwyn Lloyd, yesterday as ifflciali prepared for important policy talks on Germany and East -West ations with the United Btatea Secretary
    Reuter  -  360 words
  • 50 2 The four-da\ for the mining Danish motor vessel Han H< continued last Bight ed by repoi topenn that faint radio Blgnals had been picked up on the regular emergency in quency for ship The Hans Hedtoft, with 95 j^eople aboard, struck an iceberg on Friday U.P.I.
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  • 21 2 A direct cable sei acrosi the Atlantic ha n opened between P< ronto and London, ensuring r transmission. Reuter
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  • 44 2 Royal Air Force men, pollce and civilians .*can terday in Argyllshire's vale of Glencoe for ono Oi two mon climbers nii.s.smce Sunday. The body of one man Wll overed in hard .snow bclow a 4(io- loot cully Reuter
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  • 26 2 Pope John yesterday received In audience about 100 officers and men from the British aircraft carrier Eagle, at present visiting Naples. Reuter
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  • 28 2 en mm were con demncd to death ni \hr i by revolutionary court* In Santiago. Camaand Puerto Padre reports from tho < I lid day. U.P.I.
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  • 35 2 Japans Ant.! .pedilion ship the Soya M-.iru which .started her hotneycslerday after 4-man wh. lo the Ongul i land hasp, managed to move only 170 mrtrr.s brforr thick opped \\< r Reuter
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  • 167 2 FOOT HAS TALKS IN COFFEE SHOPS s npHE Governor of E E t Cyprus. Sir Hugh E »t, had talks 3 day with Greek and kish villagers in E Cyprlot coffee shopi E E for the first time since E I 195 E The Governor visited E the villages of
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  • 136 2 Crowd put coins into the wrong fountain Al Ala .1 around thi founUin at thi gateway to the Si Constitution last night. 1 turned out and handdug into. For coin* Coini larg< and spinned into the aii fell into the many-hued water. Eyes were "clo.seci as wishes were fervi
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  • 94 2 ASUDDFX change ol yesterday trapped lire fighters who were tryin" to put ou fires sweeping Australia ■> heat parched State. They survived spraying I their truck with wal By yesterday the fires had killed thousands ol sheep, kangaroo, and k< ala and injured eight
    U.P.I  -  94 words
  • 64 2 75 TIMES -BUT SHE STILL REHEARSES SALOME DANCE Salome 9 dance of the S(N< "V 7N k rehearsed nrre by soprano Helß:i y. rII ;«t (he Royal Opera Hook, Coveni uai London. r m i r n Helffa is making hw Coveni r.aror (irhut in the title mie of Richard
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  • 106 3 4 vMOROI'S White Russian A t untess last night became the HKI rson to be formally charged vv iti, \olvement in the "Rose BalhM scandal. woman who suddenly swept legal investigation of girls (1 naked or partly clothed ifluential Paris personalities ibeth
    U.P.I  -  106 words
  • 178 3 INA DREAMS ALL ABOUT BROADWAY-AND THEN RETURNS TO EARTH INA LOPKZ. the Singapore girl who was given her big chance in show business after a three-question interview, was back in the kitchen of her flat last night washing clothes and cooking her own dinner. Ina, the down-to-earth miss who captivated
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  • 122 3 QUEEN MOTHERS FRENCH -ACCENT OF AN ANGEL' THF Queen Mother spoke to Mau1 rice Chevalier at the Royal film performance in London last night and the 70-year-old French star told reporters later she had the "accent of an angel ilier was one of of film stars to the Queen ore
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  • 68 3 OFF HOME BUT HE'S RETURNING MR. J. A. SIM; It lUN Senior Trade Commissioner for South Africa in South-Fast Asia. who leaves Singapore with Mrs. Siegruhn in the Boissevain for six month* leave in South Africa. Rut he is returning he likes Singapore so much. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
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  • 236 3 VICTIMS OF VIOLENT CRIME MAY BE GIVEN COMPENSATION r rHE British government has decided to see if a scheme can be worked out to compensate the victims of violent crime of which Britain has had a mounting wave in recent years.. This was disclosed yesterday in a White Paper entitled
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  • 36 3 An explosion in a laboratory oi the Imperial Coll< t Ol Science In London yester day wrecked the room and OUSIy injured the leC turer and at least one student. Reuter
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  • 27 3 ection of the ■y and com will be ii. ar ward today. day it will be ward; on Crawford ward. Oeylang Saturday In Ward
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  • 82 3 OLMAN ol the itlon the legend Mon ster ab °ut 12 feet long. n eolour. with hlte he cording to patrolman .lames A. MaeKn There was no wash behind the object, he iaM. Patrolman MacKintn h n on the same for the i>;t.>t five
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 187 3 i < C* C (m& Otard^U The only Brandy^^^^M bottled at the Chateau de Cognae^^^m FAMOUS SINCE 1795 J TREASURES OF THE ORIENT These arUstlc pleees, 1 nsJatlilj modi ll«-d and mail hy the dr\ 'Jf trous h;»nds of the simple folks Is f«<»ni the remote parto «f ti«< J
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  • 292 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, Feb. 3, 1958 Opinion Voice of inquiry THE nomination, expected to be confirmed soon, of Senator William Pulbright to replace Senator Theodore Green as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has an importance reaching beyond the confines of American domestic politics. Senator Green, who
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  • 695 4 THE NEW HAPPY LIFE OF DEBORAH KERR THOMAS WISEMAN REPORTS FROM KLOSTERS IN THE SWISS ALPS T»HE ski lift, as usual. 1 was more sulicm packed than the London Underground during the rush hour. There were the tough-looking ski fanatics who chase the snow round the world, the sporty 10-days-a--year
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  • 262 4  -  CHAPMAN PINCHER as she appeared in From Here to Eternity By THE body of a whale which may have bom swimming when Jonah was alive has been found in a near-perfect state of preservation in the Arctic ice. Doctor D. L. Dineley and Dr. P.
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  • 168 4  -  Beachcomber *H I HEARD again the other day the phrase talkative as a parrot," and it recalled to me the dumb parrot OJ Rovep'to. A tall and dignified Italian lady talked to it Incessantly, but there was no reply Pi .it :«s still as »ne. I was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 9 4 -I »«l I>H!\K Green Spot B MuCt *llllllllllllMlllllllltlllllll>>>l>llllllll **********11.
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    • 30 4 WMOCAFINOi^^ "Magic" INSTANT COFFEE I f^£« so delicious! Available at all leading provision stores j^P^^^ from Germany B^^P^B^^^^ fur models for your Frcm $122/ (S'porc) BLACK «=cgS*%2> FLAGHf^^^v /ii 77'
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  • 12 5 I at in.; keletons r Laon In Reuter
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  • 83 5 SHE FOUND THEM IN AUSTRALIA Screen star Heather vars brought this cuddly armful of koala bears back to London from Australia alter location shots there of her film The Siege of Pinchgut" in which >lie co-stars with Aldo Ray. The bright-eyed, black nosed little bears were presents for her family
    Popper  -  83 words
  • 142 5 THE University of Malaya is advertising for Staff in Britain and other Commonweal' h countries to fill top academic posts. Among posts to be filled are those left vacant by the resignations of Professor C. N. Parkinson, Professor of History, and Professor J. Hale
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  • 19 5 President Frondizl returned to Buenos Aires las! from n fortnl visit to Hip Uni -fl Reuter
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  • 31 5 Police have arrested nine Chinese businessmen In Rangoon on allegations of Irregular trading practices. Steps are being taken to deport them, it was reported yesterday U.P.I.
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  • 22 5 Mr Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi, 42. was unanimously elected Pn dent of tho Congress Partv erday. U.P.I
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  • 9 5 I ndam i i i]
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  • 110 5 A LAST-MINI II don t( i»l 11*500 from an Oil company has made it possible tot the Singaport Antl Tuberculosis Issocia (ion to hold its ChineSM Ni'u < ii parts !«>i hro nic IT> patient?! ami their children. In on.,
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  • 457 5 Hope for children on waiting list ABOUT 1,541 plates are available in 47 Slltga--41 pore English primary schools for children born in IM.VJ who were registered for admission (his yen but who had been put on the waiting list. irenta ol such children should bring the
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 5 JIVABIIAI, President of All-Malaya Ismaili Council, wlio has left Singapore for Egypt to attend the final rites of the late Afca Klian at Aswan on Feb. 20. MK. HASSAN All
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 HNt FURNITURE Af COMPETITIVE PRICES BY VAN HIN is a fine Cii3ir Tab!: made us hard Road 44 *****!
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    • 104 5 Chinese Hew/ Year y //S< M i BELTS jm /Em mM Jl Famous American makes W 9 /j^ j^SF /r- W- in eat her and braid *4rM[/> t S19() and up A stunning collection vtM^* t^ for your selection |p y^jS^, $3.50 and up Jy V^f im A yj\\;\ iin.iy
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 370 6 BORN today, you aiv deft own boss. No-oi shove you around again And, since you haw a ftrm I your own. that meai going to be ihoved! You like to plan things i lie. You are i n<t ot dr i and everything you do Is In tl of the
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  • Round The World Market Price
    • 155 7 LONDON, 1 efa I'ievious Today RIBHKK buyers buyers I .sellers 24 March buyers .sellers sellers i snut buyers 24 buyers IIMCT »ll |Ul ellers 24 lh-rs Btl vureh i buyers 24', b. II .sellers len \pi /Junr buyers 24 buyers sellers. 25 .tilers HIM -tr.ulirl. I
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    • 105 7 NEW YORK, Feb. 2. Previous Today nv Straits Spot 100.75 nom. 101.00 nom. 11\ fuluus traits Contract March 98.75 buyers 100. 00 buyers 100.75 sellers 101.00 sellers May 98.25 buyers 99.62 buyers 100.25 sellers 100.00 sellers T on! Firm. SALES: Nil. RIBBER: Futures March 29.85 buyers 29.85
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    • 33 7 NEW YORK, Feb. 1. Previous Today 30 Industrials 593.96 592.23 20 Railroads 161.91 161.57 40 Domrstic Bonds 86.16 86.28 15 I tilities 90.88 90.72 65 Stocks Comioslte Averages 205.69 205.17
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    • 52 7 and awaiting ■24. February I ampong spot and a elease 24. n floats 24 Fel shipment 23";. we prices quoted, 23U to 23M«. cif. Sarawak unquoted. Muntok white spot and awaiting release 42, afloats 42, an d February shipment 42. 41 11>. elf, sellers ex-dock. in U.S cents
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    • 97 7 COPRA Philippines c.i.f. T.K./ North European ports delivered t per lon« <«" Feb. Mar. COPRA, strait- c if. IK /North European ports d. livered hi pel long ton Feb. Mar. COCONUT OIL crude Straits 1 opean ports in bulk I't long ton I >b. "".'•M i
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  • 118 7 I i ins rded 01 the mnrkt B I. H Ol 1!! tllC i the '.(i the ill 81 reel on helpful CM)d In vi I the im. d m otlu I Tn I stocks were generally ter. There was a good d> mand for Industrials pecially
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  • 192 7 Councillors to meet on Electricity Dept. staff shortages rIE public utilities com« mittee of the Singapore City Council will hold a special meeting tomorrow to investigate trie staffing position of thr Electricity Department. The committee will discus what "necessary and appropriate" action the council should take on the shortage of
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  • 141 7 CINEMAS AND HOTELS MAY BE ASKED TO PRODUCE ACCOUNTS PROPRIETORS of hotels and cinemas who protested against the City Council decision to increase electricity charges may be asked to produce profit and loss accounts before the council agrees to consider their petition. The proprietors had submitted separate but llmost identical
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  • 28 7 picture, I -HANKIE VAUGHAN and Anne Heywood team up in a dance routine in the new Rank film "The Heart of a Man". Reuter
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 118 7 ADELPHI V3 Im I bb wish all their Chinese friends KEONG HEE FATT CHOY and welcome them to dine at the I i GRILL ROOM where delicious ond \\\\\l superb Chinese dishes from the \\\\JJU// famous Sxc Chuan Room will be Y^*sT\ served. >i DinC/ Drink and Dancc in coo
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 76 7 SINGAPORE 1 HIGH TIDES TODAY: 8.10 p.m. E TOMO'KKOW. 7-17 a.m. and f).42 p.m. THURSDAY: 8.29 a.m. and 1O.'?8 p.m. S I RIDAY: 9.25 a.m. and E 1107 p.m SATURDAY: 10.13 am. E and 11 41 p.m. SUNDAY: 10 55 a.m. MONDAY: 0.1 a in. and 11. 3« a.m. Progran
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  • 173 8 The way to cheerful Charlie's heart VJk/HEN pr etty blonde 21 year old Thelma Brough married her boy fliend the other day she began a lite of worry and head aches in the kitchen. For her husband is 27 years old "Cheerful Charlie" Moody a market trader -from Doncaster, Yorks,
    Popper  -  173 words
  • 145 8 HE GAVE UP U.S. CITIZENSHIP TO JOIN BRITISH ARMY Seventeen year E old Charles Roy E Munro recently ga,ve E up his U.S. citizenship E to join the British E Army for a 22-year E engagement. The son of a British E Army parachute serE geant, Charles began I his
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  • 307 8 Bishop, 84 'naughty' rumours denies LMGHTY-FOIR- YEAR-OLD Dr. Viberl f son, a bishop 400 parlshioneri h i Ve is ll retire, walked home from morning servifJ angrily denied fantastic rumours, linking name with his 60-year-old church u mi.,, That is Miss Bivnda Pal- User, his near neighbour and active church
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  • 170 8 Peter's was "THIRTEEN \[M 1 OLD polio vil Peter Woods wag tafl to a pantomime] week in the hope m the excitement \\M bring; his recovery I biff stage nearer. Fair-haired Peter I been in St. Mary's Hosjß Carshalton. Surrey. I seven months He was flown to Brfl from Tripoli
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  • 45 8 Only a little half of the woi ren go to ch Ing to a Urn 1 report The docun million nom flv< I I ren In tl In the port* d th ti tided tO »r the bl i) Reuter
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  • 80 9 best cure panto was when Tommy leaned joked: Hello ow are ya mate 9 asy I see." Then Peter had a word with Yana and Jimmy EdwardsPeter's mother, 36-year-Mrs. Peggy Woods, hovered anxiously in the background. Soon it was all over and doctors and nurses w^re ratulatino Peter. Said matron,
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  • 128 9 We don't mind Britain's big freeze up "Let it snow 4U long as you like. I'm used to it," says polar bear Ivy as she wasties a paio contentedly on the Mappin Terrace at London Zoo, above. And although Weeivindtops Pinkina at right, in not so used to the Arctic
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  • 280 10 They will be set up gradually in the cities MOVES to s«t up people*! eommanei In c htaese cities will continue to develop gradually, according to a Prew report reaching Peklnf. The Kwangmlng Daily reported that this was agreed at a Joint meeting of the Democratic
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  • 16 10 motor a Motor < irly Inq from i 1 Reuter
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  • 147 10 VTATIONALIST CHINA, through its many r^dio bropdcnstine stations in Formosa, is callins: on the Tibetans and Mongolians to Intensify thoir resi^tnnrp to the Chinese Communists. Tn n me^snse reDeatediv broadcast mino^tv r*»/*f\s in Tibet and m^**""' I''!1 the Nati< pii^t Government also n'om'sod to uive
    U.P.I  -  147 words
  • 32 10 The Philippines v. ill send a Minister to the Netherlands next month. So far the Philippine Minister to France has been concurrently accredited to the Netherland Reuter
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  • 92 10 JAPANESE i ii Ministry officials, reflecting on Mr. Nikita Khrushchev's keynote address to the Soviet Communist Party Congress, have concluded that it foreshadows an active peace offensive in world politics. They said Mr. Khrushcher'i call for wi atom-fret zone in tho Far East,
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  • 53 10 HONG KONG, is becoming an important centre for United States businessmen to study market possibilities in the Far East The latest group of American executives is scheduled to arrive on Feb. 12 for an exchange of information and ideas with their counterparts in
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  • 15 10 Indonesia la to import 250.000.. to 300.000 ton cement this year. Reuter
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  • 182 10 VTATIONALIST Chinese bankers, meeting in Taipeh, have discussed plans for an Asian bank to promote economic development in the Far East The organisation of such a bank, patterned on the World Bank, was proposed last July at the Far East regional conference of the International
    U.P.I  -  182 words
  • 81 10 FORMOSAN AIR HEROES VISIT JAPAN TWO Nationalist Chir air force officers, heroes of last year's air battles over Quemoy, have arrived in Tokyo for I week's visit. The airmen, Major Son Sze-wen, and Capt. Chicn Chiang, were welcomed at the airport by the Nationalist Chinese ambassador in Tokyo. Mr Shen
    U.P.I  -  81 words
  • 38 10 ABACUS AS AID TO U.S. TEACHERS American elementary school teachers receive instruction in the use of the abacus from Michael Kikuguchi of Japan. It is hoped that the abacus will facilitate the teaching of arithmetic in St. Louis.
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  • 105 10 PEARL BUCK CHARGE REJECTED THE South Korean Air. V«u to Ch Buck that or pL South Korea are n. ed and "dying lik< •it i.s unfortunate, 1 in a letter U) the York Times, that F Buck, who is a go« stian and who ha so much of her li
    U.P.I  -  105 words
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    • 32 10 5170,000 FOR REFUGEES IN H TIIK AOfflkM Bishop 11""^ Kmy: said n ll|sl l from home leave thai thj I ttsh Coonc Churches had raited C21.0N (IMfJH) W in the colony.— r.P.l.
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  • 227 11 BANGKOK REJECTS CHINESE TRADERS' REQUEST revolutionary has turned a request by merchants ome classes of Communist Chinese be' exempted :i the order that all .such goods previously imported must reported. phe merchants asked that herb medicines, pharuticals and handicraft goods be excluded the order because were difficult to trace U
    U.P.I  -  227 words
  • 189 11 Tobacco monopolies all report 'financial stability' r rilK Siamese Government tobacco monopoly and the partly Government-owned Japanese cigarette monopoly are 'completely solvent." The two biggest cigarette manufacturing firms in the Philippines enjoy "financial stability" thanks to Government economic controls. 30 million every day These facts emerge from a survey conducted
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  • 153 11 'Four avenues of co-operation' rp||K Philippines De- 1 It* nee Secretary, Mr. E Jesus Vargas, has listed E four avenues of co-opera- lion through which the E Chinese community can I help to solve Philippines economic and social pro- hlems. la a keynote address E before the first national E
    U.P.I  -  153 words
  • 75 11 rwMiK Japanetc Antarctic 1 expedition h<•a d Quarters has .said it is likely Unit a wintering team will remain in the Japanese base on Oimul Island fOf the .second tune. Captain Mitsuji Matsumoto, ot the Icebreaker Soya, reported that 31 tons of supplies necessary
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  • 73 11 AN Indian ti^er turned savage and begun tearing up its bamboo cage as it wa>> about to be taken to an amusement park at Laichikok (Hong Kong) to go on show. Its trainer had to knock the two-year-old beast on the head with a mullet, killing it
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  • 130 11 THE United States Commerce Department has said that Japan has made significant progress in reducing the number of foreign complaints about the copying of designs for export merchandise. I The department's Foreign Commerce Weekly gave unusual space to a report written by Mr. Y. Hirabayashi
    U.P.I  -  130 words
  • 22 11 Palembang police have arrested several Chinese on suspicion of arson after ;m alleged Kuomingtang school was destroyed by (ire.- U.P.I.
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  • 53 11 -Hi ion ruplahs has boon collected In an lan "West New Guinea struggle fund," the 11 of the fund, Mr. Sudiro. Mayor of Jakarta Kudiro said the money was being Collected f<>r Pgp hut if nec( it would and arms to "Ml
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  • 94 11 Too many bosses in Jap companies JAPANESE companies have too many executives, according to a survey of major business firms. Carried out by an economic study group, it showed that the average Japanese firm has one president, one managing director, three executive directors, five ordinary directors, one advisory director (from
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  • 122 11 NEGOTIATIONS have begun in Tokyo between representatives of the Japanese and Danish Governments on claims for war compensation from Danish citizens, i The negotiations are expocted to last at least a month. The claims, understood to number some thousands, are for unlawful internment, loss
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • Calling all Photographers
    • 510 12 f rilF Singapore Cons- titution Exposition at Kallang is a wonderland of pictureiaking material and a line place to experiment with ni^lit shots. Hence today's article Is specially written to help beginners and novices to make a job of it. One essential piece of equipment
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    • 313 12  -  E. P. Ng. pVER had thlfi h i are all to snap ol the wi! children and on ol a with one 1. lamp and in. i An ordinary minor taped to a light stand will refli enough light in use as 1 1 m
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  • 812 13  - BRITAIN HAILED REVOLT IN RUSSIA HAROLD BUNTING THE FREE PRESS BOOK PAGE By liffleult, even for those who had an adult riiess of what was happening fully, to are from memory the reactions of the British people to the news of the first— KerenS fcy'g Russian Revolution. Im mediately, of
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  • 385 13  - Everything happens to red-headed Liz RICHARD LISTER THIS is an historical novel which follows the fortunes of a &roup of those Puritans, who, in the 17th century, established an English colony in Massachusetts Bay. Its matter is fascinating and its manner deplorable. The authoress assures us that her lons, full
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  • 265 13 By HAROLD M. HARRIS THE story of this intricately woven novel (TIIK RETI'KN OI ANSEL (IIBBS. By Frederick Buechner. ('hatto and Windus. 15*.) Is deceptively Imple. Ansel (iii)i)s wealthy, liberal, highly civilised i i called out of retirement to lake a post In the Ameri
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  • 419 13  - Old man in a bath chair was leader of revolution Roger Fulford By •THIS study of the Chartists in the 1830s and x 1840s takes us into a weird underworld of subversive politics. The reader Is carried oil to meeting! where the audience sit! with one ear cocked to the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 220 14  - BRUSH UP YOUR BRIDGE M. Harrison-Gray b, LDialer South North South fame N. y .1 n 5 4AQJIO 5 4 2 w I K g J U H 7 J* 10 6 2 10 8 5 4 3 f>3OAB 7 6 4 2 4 8 3 4 |AI *KQJ 7
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  • 195 14 rv\ST, left-handed i F bowling .star lan Meckill, a 24 old Melbourne hardware. man. u likely to play ui Lancashire League during the coming English m if the terms are satisfactory to him He has b< <n told that Accrington intended to approach him. .\ccrington recently
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  • 18 14 Southampton brat Rochdale 6-1 in an EnKlish F.A. jp Div. 3 match la t night Reuter
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  • 457 14  -  ARCHIE QUICK BY VTOW that the dust of battle has subsided some assessment can be made of the clubs' likely progress towards Wembley for the F.A Cup Final. The overall picture of the last eight matches is that London and Lancashire have had all the
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  • 130 14 JAPANESE motor-cycles and a Japanese team of four riders will appear in the June Tourist Trophy (T.T.) races in the Isle of Man, off the north- west coast of England. This was stated in Doimlas yesterday by Mr. William J. Hunt, staff adviser to the Honda
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  • 44 14 I H Giezoux (78 -10 M) von the Vi< Pi i/c ;.t theKeppel Golf Club on Sun-Hunnrr-up was »S W. 1 (86—18-68). Ball sweep: Fjim nil..- W. M;»\u*ll (41 19 ti. md nine -1,, w Orezoux ;iihl B, W I t).
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  • 90 14 IT'S A GOAI scored by I) un more, the Tottenham Hotspur in. side-left. This was the first of lour goals by Spurs against Newport County In their English I.v. (up match at White Hart Lane, and it completely beat goalkeeper Weare despite this desperate leap.
    90 words
  • 166 14 Till: I. awn Tennis A ciation of Australia has agreed by "telephone vote" that Australia's challenßc for the Davis (up this year will be m;ulr in Ihc American zone. Mr John Andrew tary of the L.T.A.A., said the council had by telephone Instead of
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 206 14 m i i > \< Rosi 4 Even when high it certainly 1 ly a mual- shouldn't be intoxicatins clan (5) 3, 4 k t( > the hop for 5 She"s i 4) thLs machinerj (.7). 6 Surely no one could bo put 8 Literary t harle s joint, my-
      206 words

  • 319 15 II 111 report at I WoodSunday, transport point nui.-i as- padang 6 a m. 2 Ik v. ill begin at 7 a.m. peclfied route m start to i metres. Fust oil I be the Veterans Juniors and 1 ■•'is of ten > etltor must ted to him, nummust
    319 words
  • 145 15 Miss Heng can be oh so tough A\ <M N(i mis>, who <an out >fighl nu st men will t»hou huM it s done At the sin-.ip Constitution I ipofcition tonight. rwent) year "i f t i run' II !-kyu holder, i among :i<» i i (ji th< Singapore Jud'>
    145 words
  • 218 15 'LONDON? MY SISTER COULD FIGHT BETTER...' LM T ROPKAN heavyweight champion Ingcmar J Johansson of Sweden, yesterday took a verbal swipe at British heavyweight Brian London. The big Swede was talking to reporters at New York airport, while waiting for a horridbound plane to Gothenburg Johansson was asked what he
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 368 15 Honey Bird goes fast on KL track By ALLAN LEWIS TWO Class Four horses, Honey Bird and Bright Sun,' took the honours at Kuala Lumpur this morning when fast work was done on the inside of the fast number two track. Honey Bird went exceptionally well when going much better
    368 words
  • 33 15 world boxln3 plon Pascual P in i (i in Tokyo title bout with Yonek ira Jai champion. The bout is scheduled to be held in J ruai v Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 190 15 ENTRY FORM The Free Press Walk i If yoi. aie j team member crosi here m^ rs] f transpo.l to lh« starting point at Woodlands? |UNIOR: Qual f. ng age 17-P.O SENIOR: Qualify 21-39 VETERAN: Qualifying age 40 and above. of age classification, competitors must have reached e b on
      190 words
    • 24 15 SERVICE RHAf by DU nL for ■n fn 'it. of >o n and bootmgi comw-'l or MALAYAN AIRWAYS GfNf»4( S^ BRITISH OVIRSfAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION
      24 words

  • 260 16 Malta crisis day: Police stand by f*Rmsii authorUiej In Malta and the islands Labour Party leader and former Premier, Mr. Dom Mintoff, face each other today in their first major trial of strength since Britain revoked Malta's self-government ronstitution last month. Mr. Mintoff has called for the island to be
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 58 16 A GOODWILL message from Mr. Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet Prime Minister, was greeted by Arab shouts of "Neither East nor West" when the first Afro-Asian youth solidarity conference opened in Cairo yesterday The message, read by Mr. Youssef el Sibai, Egyptian secretary of the Cairo Afro-Asian
    58 words
  • 77 16 Audrey back smiling FILM star Audrey Hepburn, smiling and insisting she was not in pain, relumed to Los Angeles yesterday by special ambulance plane from Durango, Mexico, where she suffered four fractured ribs last week when she was thrown from a horse while making the film "The Unforgiven." "I feel
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 29 16 One of the worst fogs on record yesterday blacked out Western Scotland, including Glasgow and the River Clyde. All shipping and air services were stopped. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 132 16 Duke to visit army units in Singapore TMifc Duke ol i K will visit wmHJW Singapore on Thia win include thi Gurkhas and i7 f 2 on Blakang Mat: Lfij* Singapore Bngineer bJS ment at Gillnun b lrra g k Alexandra, and the 40 ia Workshops REMF 1 A r
    U.P.I  -  132 words
  • 356 16 IJ.i. weights for the first day of the Gold Cup meeting at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday are: CL. 1, DIV. I—9 F. Who Knows 9.07 Prince of Lalita 9.05 Picture Goer II 8.09 Shamrock Slipper 8.06 On Stage 8.01 Gouag 7.13 Steam On 7.12 Collateral 7.11
    356 words
  • 19 16 The sixth Film Festival In Asia will be held in Kuala Lumpur from May 4 to 8.
    19 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 299 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. DEATH 26 Words $b (minimum). MRS. CHEW OUAN HOE (nee Madam Oh Bee Bngi aged 52, p.i »h! away peacefully on Sunday 1.2.59 at 6.35 p.m. leaving brmnd her beloved husband, one .son, two daughters, one daughter-in-law, two sons-in-law and three grandchildren to mourn her lo.vs. Funeral today
      299 words
    • 80 16 jQc l ujA je fi OQ B i P^ ci|^ The ambition of most amateur film <JV makers is to own a Swiss precision Bolex Vl cine camera and projector. And a fttzi 95 A many of them do ultimately. But win x> wait for the ultimate when your vn>
      80 words

    • 11 1 THE PAPER WITHIN A PAPER Eve EVE. Tuesday, February 3. 1959
      11 words
    • 751 1 r pHis Is a hectic week m Chinese homes all over Singapore, Wo: 1 are busy preparing for Chinese New Year at the week-end. For the Chinese. New Year means food, both preparing and eating it. red packets of money, ftre crackers, visiting and gambling. And visitors
      751 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 157 1 THE FIRE CRACKER LOOK FOR THE NEW YEAR DAISY SZETO wishes Happy New Year on behalf of Kve to all our read* is llnce Dais) believes in starting things off with a bang, she is wearing Wn especially designed by Roland Chow for this occasion, called Fire Cracker. Following the
        157 words
      • 91 1 m oM^^r^m^^^l KWIK WAX gives a bright, I long-lasting shine to floors and furniture it's quick- M s I drying and easy to apply. Water RESlS*** ''^f Kwik Wax has a protective finish that'santi-slip and water fc"— yrr— \^JtmW^/i\ resistant and it contains u Mt^MM M M^->^\m K^/s I strong
        91 words
    • 127 2 GOOD FOR A LITTLE GIRL /\ne oi the loveliest dolls for sale m Singapore is on e made in Italy. I thought I would tell you about her because she is different from the usual Italian dolls, dressed la sweeping whoop skirts *i*d bonnets About a foot high, she has
      127 words
    • 321 2 A breath-taking part cut from a $600 sari frock warn p. I L^pp|^B|V THE NEWEST. SNAPPIEST MOST PRACTICAL PAGE kgBJi^VMA DESIGNED FOR WOMEN lUST what every girl has always dreamed of, is the breath-taking party frock, modelled by Joan Booty in the picture on the right. Cleverly cut from a
      321 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 166 2 /\SK lOr If! a new nration by 4 CarVdl made in 2 versions for I HER and for HIM r Sold b?y all leading Depart??ient stores Sole Agents Favre Leuba Watch Co., Ltd. 18 F, Battery Road, Singapore asd f sd fsd fsdfsadf asdf KAM^ PS r t^ e g|g
        166 words
    • 316 3 RED CROSS WILL LOOK BABIES gINGAPORE is indeed fortunate to have the Constitution Exposition just before Chinese New Year. It is saving many a harassed housewife weeks of foot-weary plodding around the shops in the city, preparing for the festivities Now, everything can be
      316 words
    • 383 3 MAKE NEW YEAR CANDY AT HOME (CHINESE New Year Vj without candy would be like Christmas without Santa Claua or Easter without eggs. Since there is no equivalent for really good home made candy, Eve gives you some excellent recipes. Make some lor your family and for the sweetmeat dishes
      383 words
    • 122 3 This evening bag may bring luck ESPECIALLY designed for the woman who is always up to the minute in fashion, is a beaded evening bag that is very appropriate for this time of year. Completely oversewn and encrusted with pearly sequins, it is embroidered with a very elegant pattern of
      122 words
    • 60 3 A T last those comfortable all-velvet Burmese sandals are available with high heels. Now elegance has been added to the comfort, and if you have small, slim, pretty feet, you can wear these dainty slippers to cocktails or out for dinner. They are available in a Burmese
      60 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 40 3 SEQVINED KVENING BAG; C. K Tang, Orchard Road DOLL: whit- away Battery Road. GOWN on Dai>v Sz< .1 Company. :*B, C man sir BURMESE SANDALS: Brigette i-~>.* Orchard id cows us 10 AN r.ooi Mat< i lal tailoring, Modern Silk
        40 words
      • 107 3 o<i CHORALEER prolon y m I 'iK ORIENTAL X V/vV- POPPY KtGATT* GRANAU/i M Exciting modern patterns, on *<* L x^^j all pieces, in luminous colours JC^W.^ on satin-white. .translucent, y 1 like fine china. Jt Nf.w, exclusivt charm that pay* you romplu 'ore your gi*' in virtuolly unhroakoble Melmac
        107 words
    • 619 4 What smart girl wears in fifteen countries PRETTY MODELS SHOW COLOURFUL EASTERN, WESTERN DRESSF< TIIM committee formed by lorn! women to welcome wives of the delegates to the Pacific Area Travel Association put on ii display of national costumes for them at the Royal Island Golf Club. The show was
      619 words
    • 300 4 ('ONE, thl ar, are the I make-up ers. G 1 the f lick with k pencil at ij the eye that imond Kiim to the- thi bright hardei in tint than youi i colour; the bright bia< k i Equally the t v to K<t
      300 words