The Singapore Free Press, 24 January 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press Malaya's Own Family Paper I Saturday, January N, 1959. Price 15 Cts.
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  • 138 1 NEW YORK police checking allegation* of 'big business" cull-girl rackets m a radio programme on Monday night, 1. arrested tour women on prostitution charges after raiding a luxurious west side apartment. Police descended on the Ms7so a month apartment a tier two detectives had gained
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 262 1 TRIAL GUARDS FIRE OVER CROWDS Sports palace drama (HARDS fired into the air at Havana's sports arena yesterday when angry spectators tried to rush supporters of deposed President Batista being tried by a "war crimes 91 court. Later it was announced that the trial had been adjourned until today. Earlier
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 102 1 Cairo agrees to U.K. mission but... THE United Arab Republic will agree to the setting up of a British mission with diplomtftic immunities to help administer the new Anglo-Egyptian financial agreement, an informed source said m Cairo yesterday. But a resumption of full diplomatic relations could not be accepted. A
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 49 1 The Duke of Edinburgh last night visited the Taj Mahal by moonlight. He arrived In Agra just as the moon rose over the soaring 187-foot white marble dome of the monument. Muslim attendants slipped cotton overshoes on the Duke's feet as he entered.— Reuter
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  • 28 1 A 44.000 ton whaler, flagship of the Soviet whaling flotilla, called "Sovetskaya Ukraina" was yesterday launched at Nikolaev. th*> Soviet news agency Tass said. Reuter
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  • 40 1 Mr. Arthur Summerfield, the U.S Postmaster General, said m Washington yesterday that the United States was on the "threshold" of sending mail by guided missile through outer space to all corners of the globe. Reuter
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  • 151 1 Berlin: West will use force if... IERVICB leaders of France, Britain and the United States have discussed possible military measures to meet any eventualities resulting from a SovietImposed blockade of West Berlin, the French Defence Ministry spokesman said In Paris yesterday. 'It is evident that force v ild be met
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  • 16 1 lil employees a.m. today to icil pavilion at Constitution ready for toreview
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  • 28 1 The child mortality rate last year m England and Wales was the lowest ever recorded, according to provisional figures published yesterday by the RegistrarGeneral. Reuter
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  • 101 1 S *i. Spanish girls who met Miss Shod* m Brussels last Sepbeen invited by her to her Crown Prince Aklhlto of W it«(| In Madrid It I all well-known m Bilbao met Miss Bhoda at the international congress of former girls of Sacre Coeur Colleges
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  • 59 1 Sukhan Babaev, 48-yoar-old former premier of the Soviet Republic of Turkmenia has been dismissed from the central committee of the Soviet Communist Party for "breaking Leninist norms of party life," it was announced m the Turkmen paper Iskra received m Moscow yesterday. Babaev was recently also dismissed
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  • 25 1 Mr. Harold Macmillan, the Prime Minister, yesterday held a meeting of the Cabinet defence commit which includes Britain's services chiefs of staff. Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 338 2 Awareness of peril MM 0* 0M m growing U.S. official! 4 MOKE critical attitude towards Communist claims and politic developed In the uncommitted countries of Asia, the American n puty I'nder-Secretary of State, Mr. Robert Murphy, said yesterday This growing awareness of the Communist menace
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 93 2 ABOUT 150 drivers and •linger* at the British Motor Corporation's car body building plant of Fisher and Ludlow limited of Erdington. near Birmingham, yesterday ended a week-long unofficial •trlke which made about 14,000 car workers idle. The men decided to return to
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 185 2 Scots gather to mark Burns bi-centenary rpiIESE members of the Singapore St. Andrew's Society, performing a traditional square dance m the Fraser and Neave Hall last night, typify the spirit of the world-wide celebrations this weekend to mark the bi-centenary of the birth of Robert Burns, Scotland's national
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  • 236 2 A DOCTOR accused ci the manslaughter of a two-year-old boy deliberately inhaled anaesthetic during an operation on tru child, it was alleged m a London court yesterday. Mr. Oliver Nugent, prosecuting, .said the effect was that "he showed all the
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 91 2 Britain is warned: Malta unrest can weaken bastion DR Borg Olivier, former Maltese Premier and Nationalist Party leader. warned yesterday that "civil unrest" m Malta would seriously weaken the islands place m the Western defence structure. Dr. Olivier, told Reuter m an interview: •Britain is basing the main part of
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 30 2 Tuberculosis will be i radicated from all British cattle within the next t\v years, the Minister ol culture. Mr. John Hare forecast m London v^urday. Reuter
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  • 29 2 President Tito of Yugoslavia and Mr. Solomon Bandar a naike, Ceylon's Premier, conferred m Nuwaraoiiya. Ceylon, for two hours on world a flairs to relay Reuter
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  • 59 2 Singapore employers were reminded yesterday that they must make a return ot particulars concerning certain classes of their employees who were on thell staff m 1958. Employers who have not been yet been notified o this requirement must not obtain Form "E" from the Income Tax
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  • 106 2 THE matter of :i British merchant .ship I few mllea ofT Singapore yrstcrday i' 1 a telephone roll to his company's offices fh Edinburgh more than 7,500 nil los away. The call was from Captain J.C. Hi vey, master <»i the 12,000-ton cargo pa
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 cm /oA i n/nciiixEsi: n v/. i/x' Rj 10 Most up-to-date Fabric for DJ rj decorating your house nnd fu Jy Now is /he r/g/i/ //me/ m vJ Come and see our Furnishing Dept., |Q KIAN SIN6H&CO. LTD.. I 30-1 RArFLES PLACE, SINCIAPORE-1 W 11 rELEPHO\E: *****/6 kl giIIIIIIIIIIIICSIIIIIIIIIIIICSIIIIIIIIIIIICJIIIIIIItIIIICJIimiIIIIIIKSIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIU C
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  • 83 3 OH, AMY WAS SO THRILLED BY THE CHEONGSAM I \.m Dulbo one the dancew of the Theatre dArt M just thrilled 1 when St lilUe t her u.ven to hti sineaporc unWtrideiit Mi- *»ni iihom sht it cockUU became friends, miy. "And when l about the lovely IMI B he
    Free Press  -  83 words
  • 13 3 and Bulgaria a trade part on tara newi I today. Reuter
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  • 123 3 Monty: Ike is silent although I sent Xmas greetings EUELD MARSHAL VISCOUNT 1 Montgomery, former Deputy Allied Supreme Command* i ri Europe, said last night he had a very warn) Christmas greeting President Eisenhower but from th< President "there has been silence." The Field Marshal was being Interviewed for British
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  • 179 3 WHERE MIKE DIED: FLOWERS BESIDE SMASHED TREE I^HE little bunches ul daffodils beside a smashed tree yesterday morning marked the spot jn the Guildford main road where Mike Hawthorn, world champion racing driver, crashed to his death on Thursday. As the day passed several motorists stopped jn the busy highway
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  • 83 3 ONLY 500 AT THE FUNERAL OF CECIL B. DE MILLE HPHE film producer, Cecil i- B. do Mille. was buried m Hollywood yesterday which observers said was one of the quietest of any major Hollywood figure for many years. A 15-minutc episcopal service was read over the 77-year-old film pioneer.
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  • 67 3 \iiss svetlana beriosova. 26-year-old ballerina t [VI the Royal Ballet, wan marrird m London yesterday to nr Khan 34-year-old Harley Street psycho- anc j hi ither Ol th€ Pakistan Pn ulnit. \jj. Berl i Lithuanian -born, h;>> known nr Khan I He fli iw her
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 #3?\ Four Reasons Why Men \W*A I w(l Prefer T Sh °p At LM^ Ifl CHANRAI'S I M\ SINGAPORE'S I XU^rC ONLY EXCLUSIVE AIR-CONDITIONED MENS SHOP #MTf^'" 1. In the airconditioned f atmosphere you can v get ail that you need /YxL^-^^^ I" Men's wear. ,i\ X S&l Jl*t\ 2.
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    • 271 3 PROBLEMS /PULLING L&> KVCltv vi UlriJ J^--^_ Crandnu may have had tiac to let ilungN simmer. Vm surely don i \"du\ s tcni|x» is tOO heaic. too ilcmatiding for any but the In,: troubktOOM vv*y of doing thing*. And lhat'i j/Wcookmß with MIRRO MATIC It makes moJcrn nunutcs out of
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 166 4 Opinion Clinching a deal IT has been alleged m Q sensational American broadcast that some United States big busine firms maintain call-girls on their payrolls so that they may more readily lnill off highly-profitable deals with clients who have been suitably entertained. It was clear from the broadfast that these
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  • 253 4 US: You Can' t own the moon many Ameri- 3 cam arc writing to the is. <;u\- i v ernment itaking i claims to land on B the moon that the Department Of the Interior has had to take them seriously I and issue a printed i reply. i The
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  • 162 4 New job tor Britain's first A- submarine Till: Dreadnought, Britain's first atomic submarine, will NOT be armed with missiles. Its role will be as a killer of other submarines, which will be searched out from far below where asdic and other detection devices work unimpeded l»\ surface Interferes How the
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  • 358 4 Big invasion into British industy: Facts before Cabinet From a London Correspondent rpHE British Cabinet are COn- sidering an official investigation Into the American invasion of the United Kingdom new style. They may order a Treasury probe into the mass intlltration of British industry by United States interests. The British
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  • 263 4 CHILDREN'S fears of J oi n g to school have increased so remarkably m recent months that a conference of heal t h workers is meeting m London m March to try to find the solution. The symptoms of this school phobia are vomiting and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 45 4 7th ANNIVERSAKY SALE UNI V 1I W H\^ NtW ARRIVALS CHINESE SILK BROCADE $4 50 P. Yd. (20 Lovely Sho Double Horse Fuji Stlk $2 60 P. Yd. Expert Gent's Tailors VISIT lI A JA J TEXTILES LTD., 71, Hi^h Street, Spore Tels: ***** *****.
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  • 173 5 Tii < Singapore Government onsidering taking action people whose citizenistrations have t» I but who refuse to surthelr certificates. Registrar of Citizens, >k Ah Loy. said he could this Stage disclose the of the action. "We are dering it." he said.
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  • 85 5 Complaints service to be expanded? rr imber of people the Singapore imcil's mobile bureau has ach day since Into operation -day. oi the bureau. Pui Kay. and city councillors .1 tin- bureau's icr< ased, as tti it would people knew would have tc expanding thi I that on the the
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  • 172 5 Student engineers may join council to gain experience I^HE University of Malaya has asked the Singapore City Council to employ six of the 31 third-year engineering students for six months so that they can gain practical experience. The university said it was normal practice for engineering students to be employed
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  • 62 5 People living on the Southern Islands will be able to vote m local council elections only if they become Singapore citizens. according; to a Bill published yesterday. The Bill also said that m order to qualify as an elector a person must be resident In the
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  • 96 5 THERE lias been Increase m the number of people wanting to learn Malay, a spokesman of the Singaix Council For Adult I n told the The spokesman aid all the 2f) v ponsored by the Council w< re lull. But the Council could
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  • 164 5 THE postponment of the opening of the Singapore Constitution Exposition has set a problem for several of the exhibitors who had invited guests to cocktail parties Among them are the Australian Manufacturers' Export Council, the Japan Export Trade Promotion Agency and the Indian
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  • 15 5 'ill' the tenth; ol 01 US 1 1 Reuter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 ADELPHI H^J H^y I ie, Drink and Dance m cool, cosy comfort J music b;/ /^f NEW ADELPHI QUINTET (Nightly except Sundays) GYPSY CALYPSO LATIN AMERICAN AND CONTINENTAL DANCE MUSIC X Reservations: Telephone 2810 X Manager: Otto Wiederkchr. \^fb (7<k the Tried j J I o >^V Surest OC service
      71 words
    • 267 5 /Vna/im) ihinese New leal j Dacron-Nylon Suits H I Ji M m 5 different f* 'y.t shades. Completely Washable s^fi $89 50 «j| Slacks 524.75 XT Vfl Dacron-Mohair m 7 vjLI different shades 4^ and textures. S^«*lFJ V *linoo f, \rl I Slacks $29.50 'T 7 9 'Silk -Nylon the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 249 6 Jll I H.WVKi: by Sydney Jordan -mt^k. ES- WE *TU. t OUTER i>/**CE THE VENGEANCE' MOVES W/TH V Alt OWE MIM AND +<**■ n^i 9 "< SILENT VELOCITY TOWABOS THE SUN OF HOME fo« news of V t^fSi fiiie vengeance almost i^& uSr hO^ y >3 Wf Jen Ha»ke -it
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    • 413 6 LJORN you know how < 1> ganise people and plan j Since you are, yourself, a har er. you also know how much ol should be assigned each indh for speed and efficiency, a yours may not be an easy will progress through dillgenc< perseverance toward your uli goal. You
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  • SATURDAY Magazine
    • 7 1 SATURDAY Magazine Singapore, Saturday, January 24, 1959.
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    • 1196 1  - May sends dolls to U.S. to tell Americans about Singapore Lucy Huang By iiMIKN pretty young May Ilsu yy lold us s\w was the mother ,l ;i teenage daughter, we could not k'lieve it. tl her short, pert hairdo outhful face. Mrs. Hsu seemmore than a teenager herseemed hardly the
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    • 18 2 WINDOW WITH A VIEW LENORE MARCIA views the street from the window of her home m New York.
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    • 179 2 r pHE 13th Edinburgh International Festival, x which opens on Aug. 23, and runs to Sept. 12, will include for the first time the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra which will give a series of concerts under Otto Klemperer and Karel Ancerl. Other symphony orchestras taking part will
      179 words
    • 318 2  - The changing unknown of the English DR. HENRY ERICKSEN REPORT ON A SUBJECT EVERY M A J FOR EVIDENCE VISIT THE J I BY JS the English ideal of an Adonis changing? Heading last week a columnist's description of his visit to a New York health club, made me wonder
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    • 215 2 The modern unknown weightlifter but unknown are admired unknown three main groups. He called them endomorphs (the predominantly fat), mesomorphs (the ones with more muscle and bone), and ectomorphs (the lanky type). Everyone has a bit of all three m him, but m each, one of the three morphs tends
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    • 321 2 Its off to school for 'Bogart' s kids' I AUKEN BAC ALL stepped gingerly down the snow-cover-ed steps of her new CadOgan place. London, home at 8-25 m the morning shivered, and explained: "Sorry, fellas, can't stop. Just gotta get oIT to school." And she meant it. Her two children
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  • RACE DAY Special
    • 7 1 RACE DAY Special Saturday, January 24, 1959.
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    • 622 1  -  ALLAN LEWIS by TIM main race this afternoon at Bukit Timah should go to Downing Street. He will be at home on the Soing, and on past per- formances should run nut the mile. Downing Street will Ci rrj No. lv suddle- <. which could be
      622 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 32 1 BEST BETS BFST BKTS should br:— Lucky Game, Fasy Winner and ('anastra. Best outsiders: Lord ArroKance. Tootle and Sober Thought. I THE GOING I The gdng will fee, <t host. soft. m
        32 words
      • 141 1 > '^^^^^fc^w***^***************** •^■4l^^^MW l^ wwwww l| v -P |>< PP!iP^ l j^g w i *M!^P^^ i p^^K^^^ "fll^m-.. THE AUSTIN A. 55 New look m family motoring POWER The A55 The slock AUSTIN A. 55 has the Powerful 4-eylm-take* family motoring a drr onv ISC Oc l c en in
        141 words
    • 1256 2 RACE 1-2.15: CLASS 2, DIV. 3-1 MILE l ***** kirn, imp 7yr ehirg kv Umj DtnleU 9.00 Hansom.--***** s 1 Mill II 6yr Sound Stable > R. Bn uk 8.13 Kinu 3. 74ii i INASTRA »yr birg •XT Syndj Spencer 8.12 Posner 4. ***** UIMI KhKIV\ Hyr. brig
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    • 1188 2 FORM OF ALL THE RUNNERS RACE ONE KING pAF Went ovi quarter p.i MABIUTI Went over 31 Straits code CANASTRA Went over \m 3F m 39 with Money. WINTKKDKIM Covered km In SSUST ln lth FIRST; TRICK Went easily ov< i V ANITAS: report. MALAYAN GR ADI ATI No recent
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 200 2 0 Ft Expert Technicians Latest Equipment GENERAL SECTION Repair, testing nnd fitment of vehicle shock absorbers. Installation of car radios. Engine tuning. MACHINE SHOP SECTION Grankshaft Grinding All shafts up to a maximum length of 9' 2" and 8 maximum eccentricity of 5 Cylinder Boring All sizes of vehicle and
        200 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 199 3 Don'i let spoil your recordings lh, recording head of any Tape i;, order tends to become mag- V*& netised In use. Small at first but J jraduallj building up. this residual jy magnetism tan wrlously affect the >X quality of your recordings by pro- Z ivsmvcl\ Increasing the hiss level,
        199 words
      • 75 3 No. of cylinders 4 H.P. 158 (1.483 c.c.) m Compression ratio approximately 1 6.9 Maximum speed 75 M.P.H. Turning circle 34.8 rt. v Output 51.3 H.P. at 4,200 R P.M. C aravan SINGAPORE MOTORS LIMITED 315-319. ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE TEL 3*128/***** REPRESENTED THROUGHOUT MALAYA K&/^ i \^yr^ i I I
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    • 1292 4 Pick your winners with... TRESPASSER CANASTRA AND NAZRANA ALSO GOOD BETS p OLDEN Melody, with 7.0;. should make -i safe Ixl In today's main race (Race Seven) at Kukit Timah for (lass 1 Division 1 over one mile. food bet m the t:i\s* i ent
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 93 4 m the classic simplicity of the case design, m the elegance of the dial with its gold raised flgun Precision, shock protected, antlma&netlc, completely waterproof— automat i Conquest is for you— if you demand the best. The Conquest Is a companion— wear it while you swim, when you play golf,
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    • 20 5 CAROL BAKER m her leopard swim suit is sunning herself on a concrete jetty at Miami Beach, Florida.
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    • 317 5 He saw Hitler's tanks in action A YOUNG British brigadier watched the German panzer divisions sweeping into France m 1940 and learned lessons which helped to defeat Rommel m North Africa many months Expecting to be killed or captured, Brigadier Vyvyan Pope sent a "personal and secret" letter by hand
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    • Article, Illustration
      297 5 fc ROUND TO WORRYING ABOLT ICHfS (is the nmen aces ■hree types: Ecto 111 and skinny), (short and fat), L c r. Universe). Bi\r tlu'ii shot his l t Mr i uiverse is extreme mesoBh and it is meKtphs who look I, m tlit' beach. ■lies look better
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    • 170 5 YOUNG WIVES MUST BE TOLD CLERGYMEN are to j be asked to explain to their congre- gat ions just where the Church of England stands over birth control. Thi s was decided at the York Convocation after the Bishop of <► Warrington said: Family planning is the <> burning question
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    • 241 5 STUDENTS of a college m Durham, England, take a 13-year course to qualify for their vocation. Ushaw College, worldfamed as one of the great training centres lor Roman Catholic priests, consists of an impressive group of buildings begun In 1804 and standing right on top of
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    • 325 5 Icreatun ou m money creature an Amerilalism i th( furred, you n the tail 'uul body. The creature la m chinchilla, from which amateur "farmers" or both sides of the Atlantic m have been harvesting substantial IncOl with the outlay of only
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    • 521 6 THE FREE PRESS SATURDAY MAGAZINE fPELHAM I iCROOM j :HAS AN Enjoyable :WEEK AT :THE FILMS IT is impossible not to make use of every supi i writing about "The Inn Of The Sixth Happii everything about it is magnificent and superb. Stories
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    • 253 6 HPaE Adventures of -■•Arsene Lupin is a him I simply had to see. It wasn't that I had j heard that it was go- i ing to be particularly good bait because Maurice Le Rhine's j Arsene Lupin was my f a v ourite character
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    • 383 6 Kay and Rex— what a pair! "THE Reluctant Debutante"' is surely one of the wittiest, and most amusing films ever seen In Singapore. Kay Kendall and Rex Harrison make a comedy team that it would be impossible to bett Lord Broadbent (Rex Harrison) is a banker by profession and Scots
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    • Round the World Market Prices
      • 3 7
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      • 28 7 I NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Previous Today Industrial 595.69 596.07 Railroads 166.17 165.66 Domextit Bondl 86.38 86.25 Itilities 92.02 91.99 Stocks Comi«site Averages 207.70 207.62
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      • 49 7 I it 24',, awaiting a>e 24 'J4, January unent 24. Lampong spot release IM, afloats ent 24. Sara- Above prices quoted m U.S. cents per lt> wak unquoted. Muntok white spot and awaiting release 40. afloat s 40, and January shipment 39 I..1 39 1 sellers ex-dock.
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      • 74 7 ■I'!' Philippines c.i.f. r.K./ lli I iti delivered ]>•: long ton Jan. Feb. W v s I K. /North 1 ports delivered long (011 Jan. Fob. m. u r OIL ....dc Straits f! X m bulk R UN| '>". crude t pylon porta m bulk X
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    • 197 7 EXPORT QUOTA ON CIGARETTES CHECKS RHIO SMUGGLERS r rHK imposition by Singapore of a quota on the export of cigarettes from bond to the Khio Archipelago has helped to check the smuggling of tobacco back into the Colony. A spokesman of the Customs Department said that the quota was introduced
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    • 163 7  - BRUSH UP YOUR BRIDGE M. Harrison-Gray by Dealer: South North-South game THE Weak Two opening is a pretty poor weapon even when it conforms to the standard specification of a .six-card .>uit and not more than one defensive trick. It yields fttil] Wofl6 results when' as happens all the time.
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    • 21 7 P resident Eisenhower leaves Washington today lor a weekend at his mountain lodge at Camp David, Maryland. Reuter
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    • 129 7 Ed i ondiil( d In the markets I I thi week X iv dull X ppointtatemei I >mX proved B ■r, liei i Hi' Japo bonds were firm but Greeks ted after Thursday' improvement. Dollar storks were marked down In response to the reaction
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 140 7 ana now JASHICA44 Symphonic Colors A DESIGNED TO BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY AND RECORD IT No. 1. Charcoal Grey No. 2. Silver Grey twill ■n/f^fl Lens: F3.5 60mm Yoshinon iVlV^il Self-timer cose W^ "'l^m^Ji F° r Cosh O Obtainable at all Photographic Stores T I Sole Agents Service Station "TITHES" DENTAL
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    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      • 73 7 SINGAPORE I I HIGH TIDES] j TODAY: 10.11 a.m. and i 11.42 p.m. TOMORROW: 10.51 a.m. MONDAY: 0.14 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. TUESDAY: 0.45 a.m. md 1 Ml) p.m. WEDNESDAY: 1.16 a.m. and 12.51 p.m. THURSDAY: 1.49 a.m. and 1.35 p.m. FRIDAY: a.m. and 2.22 p.m. •i■i■ 1 1 ■■i■
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      • 39 7 11 I, .<o p.m. On BU i me Summary; i uui.iy Bhowi ase; i 3U Tin Mil the Trumpet; 2no i non and his Orchi Come tnto, tiio Parlour; 3 Ted i and his I I 8 no I
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    • 856 8  - Father Mole-Criket ROYAL ASTROLOGER WILLIS HALL A SBRIAL STORY BY PART 3 Established S lOKV SO I\K \>|(>\(. tha simple hard-woikinj; Stthjeeta of UM hmperoi Indera Ma>a there ua> one evt eption I a Hum Mole-C'ru Wet. His wife, Mother Mole li it ket, i* ues an ultimatum that he
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      • 166 8 Rupert and the Fire Bird Ping marches forward ,md Ri:-es a. him solemnly ,inJ v over tii.- fc r s and Rupert. silently bclorc moving homewards rise to do. again. |u<.t before re.iching h.s vi behind inauisitively. Ar house lie poin.s. "I shal! nccri «vi .1 lonely part o!
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      • 66 8 LAST WEEK'S I WINNERS rpHE winners of last week's colour-in contest (each of whom will receive a $5 prize In due course) are as follows: Miss Chen Mien Hua (12). 3 Camden Park, Singapore 11. Miss Shee Pei T:ing (10>. 76 Jalan Trus, Joliore Bahru. Master Woo Sung Hin (14),
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      • 231 8 A colour-in contestl I With prizes for youlm DOCKET-MONEY prizes Thursday next v I JL are offered for colour- is 15, in| this scene with paints, crayons or chalks. There are four prizes Name (Master \ljsm I offered e:\ch of S"> (two for boys and two for girls). 1 All
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    • 472 9  -  A Christian Layman K;iiiii*€iay sermon U\ ii au of the Lord converting the testimol Lord is sure, g wise the Psalm 19:7) 'TREES are known by A their fruits, and books by the effect upon the mind. It is not elegance of its diction but
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 146 9 What a thrill it is when baby first l| jfj smiles at you! What a joy when first |ji pL*- you hear those happy loos and P^^*^*' chuckles! Baby is telling you that all is y well and mother can be happy m the JwW'V' knowledge that here is health
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    • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      • 1163 9 Illlilini" i m i mr iiiiiiiiiiiiiii niiiiiiii mill ill l>_ n Sunday church I announcements s m Singapore 8 a.m. 11.00 a.ia Worship Service In Sunaay School (Chinese mid W> for tomorrow are: Redemptorlst Monastery Malay, Minister— Key. E. S. Lav English): 11 am WorahiD (EneI i hi vi 11
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
    • Page 10 Miscellaneous
      • 727 10 'd&1 4yH.s become th* a KNOW THIS FACE 7 I 6?* >^fc > I .'Mill lIIIIIIIIII.HIIIMIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIM Tock Eng of 'it? Kin** I From the shipr of a /\/^^^V\ I AST uet ks P iltim L^^^MMHflHl bailer pictured right. Igj prVvious'ViVm In' which N*^ I hi> work, the object J 1
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    • 460 11 All about the Big Walk will report at I I(MO ne, Wood- l 3 |M am Ml Sunday, m^ i 1959 I .Uhln. transport point must asmble on Hie Singapore padang 5 30 and U a.m. Walk will beyin at 7 a.m. ilong the specified route. T »,e
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    • 862 11 r pilE date of the 1959 A Free Press Walk has been fixed at Sunday March 8, so now it only remains for competitors to send m their entry forms and get themselves m to peak fitness for this gruelling test of stamina and ability. Rules
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 187 11 I (Pleose cut here) ENTRY FORM The Free Press Walk lAMI ,Pnnt deorly m cap<tol letters). r If v^u *te a tcim member cr^ss here Name of t< m rarting point .it WoodNIOR Qualifying age 17-20 3R: Qualifying nge 21-39 VETERAN: Qualifying age 40 and above. >< classification, competitors, must
        187 words
      • 123 11 WAY AHEAD \IN EVEItf WAT Goodyear leads m new tyre excitement. The new de luxe ALL-WEATHER is way ahead m every way, traction, mileage, safety, comfort. What's new about it? Everything I Streamline styling to match the look of modern cars. A smooth, silent, luxury ride. Tremendous road grip. You
        123 words
    • 388 12 -by ALLAN LEWIS GRAND Chancellor, working better than Couag (Moon) on the extreme outside of the second track at Bukit Timah this morning, made the fastest time when he ran three In 39 1/5. It was a good trial on a track that has been
      388 words
    • 45 12 American boxing promoter Bill Rosensohn said last night that "basic agreement" had been reached for a world heavyweight title fi^ht between Floyd Patterson, the holder, and Ingemar Johansson, Sweden's European champion. He said the proposed bout was scheduled for June. Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 52 12 THERE was no play m the fourth Test match between India and West Indies yesterday m Madras, the teams taking a rest day. The five-day match resumes this morning:. Scores after two days:— West Indies 500 (B. Butcher 142, R. Kanhai 99) India 27 for one
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 28 12 Here is the course for the 1959 Big WalkNow turn to Page 11 for the Rules, Entry Form, and all the details you want to
      28 words
    • 144 12 TOP AWARD TO THE JAGUARS A BRITISH team wok the Charles Faroux Challenge Cup yesterday m the Monte Carlo Rally. This award, for teams of three nominated cars, went to Jaguars. Pat Moss and Ann Wisdom of Britain won the Ladies Cup. The British crew, who drove an Austin from
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 49 12 Kon Rosewall. Australia, last night qualified tor the linal of the Queensland professional lawn tennis tournament In Brisbane by beating Pancho Gonzales (US 6-3. 13-11. 6-3. In the final, he will meet the winner of the match between Lew Hoad (Australia* and Tom Trabert (U.S.). Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 18 12 Port Vale beat Walsall 2-1 yesterday m Division Four of the English F.A. League. Reuter
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 31 12 illl sf!ii Iff* ihrJJi SllgC i 1 :lt\ »H l!"ih iiliil f|| -I I I* f If* 15 I Is 1 f: 1j I Hl!« 1 1 1 1
      31 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 394 12 Strait* fimes *w Prf fhfc convxfiimct ol Odvtrt.»er» out rcpr^cntotiv* o, IU tloor SINGAPOKt COLO STORACt ORCHARO ROAO wiH r«c«iv* »moll odvertucmefiti ond «ii»wv»» co ©o« number* mat ol»o hond«d C'Tt bOOA >TORk LTO Wmchestti House Collyei Quay Singopom MALAIA O:(UC iTOKk 142 tost Coost Road Sinqoport M R M
        394 words
      • 20 12 Ban W w£*^^M^^^ w See #/ie enf/re ronge of your Established Ford dealer: UNIVERSAL CARS LTD. pftRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE^
        20 words