The Singapore Free Press, 27 September 1958

Total Pages: 20
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
  • 17 1 The Singappre Free Press .Malaya's Own Family Paper No.***** Singapore, Saturday. SfptrmU r 1938. I'rice 13 CU.
    17 words
  • 213 1 Typhoon lashes Japan: 85 die npHE worst typhoon in I 2 I years lavhed rokyo with gust^ that reached 160 miles an hour early today. I i test casualty reports for the whole country listed 85 known dead. t>7 missing: and 183 injured. Most of the fatalities resulted from landslides,
    Reuter; U.P.I  -  213 words
  • 24 1 'tain announced yesterhai ended its current oi nuclear tests at mas Island in the and officially dedanger area" ti-om noon today.— U.P.I.
    U.P.I  -  24 words
  • 53 1 The Communist bombardment of the Quemoy islands built up steadily during last night following the .successful landing of supplies from a convoy. Nationalist source^ said In Taipeh this mornins The Defence Ministry communique said that from midnight until 5 a.m. today 2,974 shells rained down on
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 121 1 ands of rightFalangLsts dcln Beirut ycsagalntt the new formed imdor 0! President Che>sans included the (the new Prime ind "down with 1 Kovernment." ""'hod to the of their leader Mi Pierre G wh<> told them to |0 home and leave the problem to him. Meanwhile, in
    UPI; Reuter  -  121 words
  • 386 1 ARMY IN CONTROL AS BURMESE PREMIER RESIGNS (J Nu handing over to Comm a nd*,-: n .rh;-f •f HE BURMESE PRIME MINBTER. U Nu. yesterday called on (.eneral Ne Win, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, to become head of an interim Government on Oct. 28 The general accepted. of, f
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • 27 1 TWO Indians were •tabbed In separate secret society attacks in Huvelock Road, Singapore, yesterday. They were treated as outpatients at the General Hospital
    27 words
  • 120 1 3 missing newsmen sighted on rock TX)UR of six Journalists V missing after an amphibious landing barge overturned yesterday three miles off Quemoy Island are believed to be safe. A report received in Taipeh late last night said three people had been sighted o;i a rock at the eastern end
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 61 1 U.S. scientists announced in Washington yesterday nearly four hours after the tiring of a Vanguard satellite rocket that they have been unaDie to confirm that the sphere went into orbit. The announcement safcl "sporadic signals have bo»*n received, but all data available at this time will not
    U.P.I  -  61 words
  • 69 1 Cinema panic as terrorists kill Cypriot nPERRORISTS killed a Greek JL Cypriot before a panicstricken open air cinema audience In Nicosia last night a few hours after their unsuccessful attempt to blow up British Commanding Officer, MaJ. Gen. Douglas Kendrew. The audience poured out oi the cinema when gunmen riddhd
    U.P.I  -  69 words
  • 52 1 1 e In Ceylon M;ij 21 a« part of the emk y mea t/> deal with the crl m(? from is to be today. 01 emnrßrnry will i l; f° r an othrr month ns a pr» tion rPvivai rbancci. An< 'i the vice Ordrr hrlkM-
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 "85" 8 mm Jm Tins pi gjffvS' ll precision-built to run as perfectly n.s i K (lot v..i<h and nfr^LPlv? amazing "th< *^Jt quality" |>orf()i inance. K^r*i^ii f* u erni (ih jMk 3^~.4iu^^^^^ n</vations that Wr lu.sively EU Amoru; tli*".c art t and m s film track ever dc.ignec fa
      98 words

  • 271 2 'RUSSIANS DIDN'T BUY TIN ON LONDON MARKET f ONDON tin merchants E said yesterday they could find no evidence to support New York Press reports that Russia was E buying tin on the Lon- don Metal txihan/je on Thursday. They also refused to accept the New York sug- festion that
    271 words
  • 202 2 MR. SELWYN LLOYD. British at* Foreign Secretary, said in NewYork yesterday that he was a "little bit more hopeful" of a peaceful settlement of the Far East crisis than he had been on arrival ten days before to lead the
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 159 2 MALAYAN REBUKE TO FRANCE AND S. AFRICA I iSALAiL bin Dato *J Jul Rahman, chief J? N delegate. the General Assembly yesterday that Malaya s Kfeatly disturbed by the failure of some of the greater powers to respond to world opinion as exSUSP 1 tMs rea t assembly of nations"*
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 291 2 lVf R J. M. A. H 1 uik Netherlands sueikh e the raeneral-A^mb y terday accused Ind&cS of taking measures dS the last year wlvrh k 5 made it E*SS& h r J his countrymen to live an, work in that country He said
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 108 2 THE Algerian rebel high command" for all Southern France has been Captured, the Ministry of Interior announced In P last night. All its members had been charged with plotting against the security of state, the Ministry said. The announcement was made amid new violence In
    U.P.I  -  108 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 73 2 NURSING" M^^" A realty smart publication that provides for the recording of many fascinating details of baby s birth, H/fr^^?^^ Progress, christening, first remarks and actions, photoU/f Y) graphs and family tree etc. Mfy(jfr\K Pr*m**d with th« Compliments of NESTLES r^\V^^?^^\ ModifW Powd.r«d Milk for infant feeding iA > lenient
      73 words

  • 305 3 Sir Henry: C' wealth shares our problems Im HENRY LEE, Finance of the Malayan .n. said in Montreal that the availability ital for his country's and social develops a serious problem. was the strength of as the international by which most of trade was financed, i the final session of
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 161 3 41/2 YRS. JAIL FOR WHIPPING AFRICANS IN Heidelberg Magistrates Court, near Johannesburg, yesterday a farm foreman, Charles Botha, was sentenced to four and a half years imprisonment and seven strokes of the cane for assaulting African farm labourers with whips. Farmers shocked Botha appeared with another European and nine Africans
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 221 3 FORECAST MINUTE OF HIS OWN DEATH GLASGOW surgeon E luis revealed how a E patient dying from cancer of the lung ac- E curately forecast the E da} and hour of his E death. Ihe surgeon, Mr. Arnold Cowan, writes in the British Medical Journal: "On paying E ni\ usual
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 30 3 »J Jalan Beuid Jalan Cheng- MacPherson Road ■«pore City Counimprove road* in 200 people live Jalan Chengkek and i^'langkas. v the residents, oon De developed wdtd residential
    30 words
  • 51 3 Mr. J. M. Mason, a nominated Assemblymen, been appointed a member of the select committee of the Singapore Legislative Assembly now scrutinising the Control of Manufacture Bill. The Bill, which seeks to give protection to industries, is expected to come up for debate in the As.^ombly next
    51 words
  • 24 3 Successful completion of "Exercise Shipshape" UM NATO exorcise Involving submarine borne guided missiles was announced at O headrnwrtrr- y< Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 262 3 VOTE TOMORROW 'VITAL TO FRANCE'S FUTURE' GENERAL CHARLES de GAULLE told th- French nation in a televised broadcast last night that tomorrow's vote on the constitutional referendum was vital for the destiny of France. Winding up the referendun campaign for his proposed new constitution, the Prime Minister said: "Frenchmen and
    U.P.I  -  262 words
  • 129 3 A 26-year-old airline receptionist was fined £10 <$85 > In London after she told a court she made a bomb-scare phone call "as a joke." Miss Patricia Tomlinson said she telephoned her employers. Eagle Airways. at London Airport on Aug. 29 and said there
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 23 3 EAR] I Wl VN'OLDS v A lx months in he ship i Phoenix t zone in the Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 252 3 .ar "Didn y t you sec your pocket picked?* JJr- K ■H ■HHH^IHSfIHHBEHIIiIB Sounds fantastic? But when you consider the amount J money you hove lost, in buying clothes where offer a few washes the lapels pucker, the trousers bog, the iocket %mq, your pocket might just as well been
      252 words

  • 197 4 tyt&mcpportfrttfvtsit I Opinion Saturday, Sept. 27, 1958. FRANCE and her overseas territories will I vote "Yes" or -No tomorrow to Gen. de Gaulle's new constitution. Choice for the French I people is political stability by investing the President with greater powers and, for the overseas territories, whether to remain in
    197 words
  • 1371 4  -  ERIC SEWELL The fantastic story of a woman who risked f 0 rt u and death daily and saved hundreds of lives By FORMER HONG KONG P.O.W. SAYS: WE KNEW HER ONLY BY SIGHT AND BY WHAT SHE DID FOR US. WE WERE NEVER ABLE TO SPEAK
    1,371 words
  • 98 4  -  Beachcomber Um NO doubt," says a keen observer, "a play on tnr radio loses something of its effect by not being Sonv ycara ago when it was announced that the 8.3.C. would "least the Indian ropetrick, a critic complained that the trick would "lose much of its
    98 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 SPECIAL BARGAINS CONTINUES (For Two Weeks Only) STRIPE Orion Suiting 60" $6.20 P. yd. STRIPE Oocron/Nylon Suiting 60" $6.90 P. yd. VISIT OUR GENTSTAILORING OEPT. To-doy ond Doily. II A J A .1 TEXTILES LTD., 71. Hifh Str««t, Singapore. T«l«: ***** *****.
      42 words
    • 67 4 mm a p F w— V j J^^^l A^ vl 1^ ENGAGEMiM The Rings you select need not be costly, but they Must above all be Beautiful and of good quality. At S.P.H. you will find the perfection you seek. S.P.H. de SILVA LTD. 45 HIGH ST. AIRPORT SINGAPORE 6
      67 words

  • Round thv World Market Prices
    • 159 5 LONDON, lMi 06.o 6 Previous Tod»» UliHi No 1 RSS e.i.f. luda J porto Oil 23-; buyers 24', buvsr< Nov 212 r ,ler *8£ NOV JJ* bu ,V buyers p ,u,:v,l RSS Spot g;-E Rl-.i R v, 1 RSS MBill se ««r S I^' nsNoV 24'i
      159 words
    • 96 5 X Straits Spot N futures rait- 1 ontract Sept Oct DM Very stead j. mill 1; Futures Sept. Not. DM Steady. l K^s Sept. landed price DH 1 futures «B» Contract Dec.- Old. New NEW YORK. Sept. 26 Previous Today 94.75 nom. 94 37 nom 91.50 nom.
      96 words
    • 89 5 DN!\ IM.ilippines c.i.f. T.K./ I uropcao ports delivered I per long ton Sept./Oct. f l'»;\ straili c.l.f. r.K./North European ports delivered 1 per long ton Sept./Oct. ()<() M i OIL crude Stralti ir Euriipw ports in bulk JJJ Ipn ton Sept./Oct. (I(() M i OIL crude
      89 words
    • 27 5 NEW YORK. Sept. 2« Previous Today 525.83 526.83 141.64 141.80 86.77 86.73 80.18 80.23 181.52 181.79 Industrials RuilitudN Domestic Bonds' Itiliti,, Storks omposite Averages
      27 words
    • 49 5 and awaiting refloats 25 >.* to 25'.. 1 hipment 25 H, 25% mpong spot and 'lease 25*4. afloats September shipment Above prices quoted In U.S. cent* per lb. 25 >«. Sarawak unquoted. Muntok white spot and awaiting release 38U, afloats 38 1 and September shipment 37 k sellers,
      49 words
  • 60 5 The Study Group Movement of the Singapore British Council is to start a new course on British Drama next month. The course, to be conducted by Mr. S. R. Smith, British Council Education Officer, will consist of ten lectures on prominent British dramatists, including T.S.
    60 words
  • 24 5 The Hungarian Parliament yesterday dissolved itself and set November 16 as the date for joint general and municipal portions.— U.P.I.
    U.P.I  -  24 words
  • 37 5 Mr. Lester Pearson, leader of Canada's opposition Liberal Party, called yesterday for three-power talks among Britain, the United States and Canada to work out a co-ordinated policv on the Formosa crisis.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 145 5 U timent affected y interim si m Imperial Che•ustrles with its to difficult traditions in the first •w>B. buyers were to hold oIT in the mark* rtcei it id< 'lowing. opened on a H thesi replaced d.v lasses of about 2s. 6d. following a rise in
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 193 5 HYPNOTIST who found that paf.,i le f nts C( 11 2 not aflord th e tram fare to visit him has been granted permission by the Post Office to practise hypnotism by telephone. Sixty-year-old Mr. Henry Blythe, of Torquay, in South-west England believes that
    193 words
  • 268 5 HANDS OFF THE PROVIDENT FUND SAY UNIONISTS T*HE 6,000-strong Singapore Business Houses Employees Union yesterday supported the Bank Employees Union in its demand that collections of the Central Provident Fund should not be used to found a new social security scheme. The president of the Business Houses Employees Union, Mr.
    268 words
  • 35 5 Mr. Derick HeathcoatAmory, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, arrived in New York yesterday from Montreal for informal talks with Mr. Robert Anderson, United States Secretary of the Treasury.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 42 5 FROM SUNSHINE TO RAIN picture. After a holiday in the sunshine in Home, Princess Alexandra had to wear a rain hood when she arrived back in London by air with her mother, the Duchess of Kent, and her brother, Prince Michael. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 32 5 A fun fair will be held at the St. Stephen's School, oft Siglap Road, on Oct. 5 between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. In aid of the school building fund.
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  • 20 5 Mr. Eugene Black, President of the World Bank arrived in New Delhi la t night.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 any part o\ the world I Complete S^oor to SAFE HANDLING ECURITY IN TRANSPORT consult SINGAPORE eAGGA TRA PORT ACINCY jinvnr vnii packing company limited Enquire for details to J^ EL 8E Asia Insurance Bid* Singapore i!H W) ''JM/^|7f| Ttl: *****- 3 Linet \'/X|f[ Oversea Chinese Bank Bid* 1 P.O.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 66 5 SINGAPORE HIGH TIDES t TODAY: 10.42 a.m. md 10 45 p.m TOMORROW: 11.03 a.m. I and 11.18 p m MONDAY: 11.2G a.m. 1 and 11.52 p.m. I TUESDAY: 11.52 am. i WEDNESDAY: 0.27 a.m. I and 12.20 p.m. THURSDAY: 1.00 a.m. and 12.48 p.m. I FRIDAY: 1.35 a.m. and 1.17
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 204 6 .H:il lIAWKE by Sydney Jordan 5* MAttrtANS TURN TO M££T [3 MAWXE TO ALL CRSWfi ~^^i 1..AV0 TH£N. B6POOC TH€ SVCS Of 7MV I wto a co*rAcr o<f /r C X« mavcn-ta chance BrP |4TT4or tki» o»wv kino without »>*m*m*/ WE/TWKM we can &/vc tw«m NrMwyjwy r^ TZ!I JaL— W^^Wm
      204 words
    • 366 6 j,; BORN today, you an optimist. You are al. bright side of t This doesn't mean that' accept things u they a a good suggestion on ho* the error. Your emotions are near, and you have a high temp you must never permit t of control. Something I do In
      366 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 THE FREE PRESS Satarday MAGAZINE Singapore. Saturday. September 27. 1958
      10 words
    • 974 1 WANTED! A 'second honeymoon' resort to repair our Lucy Uuany raises a eontravvrsial point t/off it* pondvr ottor broken marriages Singapore is badly in need of a marriage counselling bureau, for our divorce rate is one of the highest in the world. Al presenl we have no such organisation, run
      Free Press  -  974 words
    • 949 2 Black white: A Paris lesson for London FROM SAM WHITE JN PARIS about one person in every thirty is non-European. In Paris the flood of impoverished immigrants from Algeria and black Africa has been so great that the Algerian population has increased in four years from 10,000 to 150,000, and
      949 words
    • Article, Illustration
      448 2  - A Rl STd PET By WllMllLmWl ig,i,rrr 1 you run out ideas on what to I do when it rains on I Sunday? If you have, I then here is a SUgi gestion. Put on your oldest clothes and pop up into the storeroom. Or go into the shed at
      448 words
    • 86 2 THE definition of "hrrrmatologist" as "one who collects bttf mats from public houses" is given in an article in the autumn edition of "Edgbaston Enterprise, 1 the magazine of Kdgbaston (Birmingham) Young Conservative Divisional Committee. 11 is explained that beerm.H |itiS N fall into two readily disti
      86 words
    • 271 5 ABRANDT YOUR EROOM? I m i kcftf Mm s urprised I near°if !^B ci xn thc stairs." an "■■piik i:i o t on. His surJBwa.N well justified. TteM ing sold for e co^BOOO 5246.0001. You I prefßßr.ow see it in Lon"a National Gallery. L ft through his memicrlß Pilkington recalls
      271 words
    • 24 5 ■lor i" W> m °HlHea any C u to work best C «»«.s (he land- will probably Kn h out a sprcimrns for
      24 words
    • 114 5 SERGEANT MAJOR Shirley Kitchen i chief instructor at the W.R.A.C. Ph>Mi (I Training Instructors School at Aldershot. has among her pupils her twin sister, Sergeant Ann Kitchen. Ann was recently posted to the school for a year's course. The Sergeant -Major, who has been in
      114 words
    • 21 5 it os untpoftlng, a number of London ''"^'^ll'^'ufA'"'^ sod** ral purposes committee of our LU
      21 words
    • 668 5 Do you REALLY want to get on? llggg? OPMTIOWS TO ANSWER A PROBLEM fJOW ambitious are you? Do you really want to gel ahead? Or is it just thai vanity makes you Si iy so, while in your secret heart you are really happy as you are? These questions have
      668 words
    • 142 5 Now check up your score 1. (a) 3; (b)=l. I. (a) 1; (b)=3. 3. <a> 3; fb)=r2; fc)=l. 4. fa) =l; (b) 3. 5. (a)==l; <b)=3; re) =.2 G. (a)=3; (b) =l. 8. fa) 3; (b)=l. <a)=3; (b) 2; fc)=l 10. fa)=:3; (b) 1. 11. fa) 3; (b)=S; (c)=sl. 12.
      142 words
    • Article, Illustration
      104 6 =Tl 'Jt Ihe Play's tkt thing but when it t rrn I films a ifi v that matters. E E England and America have long since realised E this cinj the directoi the au equal E E credit E The importance ol I \or\ wjb demon- this week when
      104 words
    • 328 6 IS SHE THE LADY WITH A LAMP? 711.WK. been looking forward to seeing "The Key for a long time, for 1 had heard much in its praise from friends who had seen it in England, and had read about people who had condemned it on the grounds of salacity. T<
      328 words
    • 103 6 •/iERCJASI" is a Malay plcvl ture, in Malay for N lays and follows faithfully the trend of previous Pon tianak films, so faithfully, Indeed that the story is un Inspired and la sadly lacking in suspense. We have the old mixture ©t a man falling in love
      103 words
    • 156 6 IAM told, and I am never argumentative on such matter, that Frankle Vaughan is the bobbysoxer's idol. in 'These Dangerous Years" tney will ilnd a mm wnlch 'The K 6 bCe waitins for U6 lon a waited for iiklc is a bad lad and
      156 words
    • 418 6 BUTLER IS THE BOSS DESERT IS|j DILEMMA lan Dalrymple's production of "The Admirable o Crichton" is a sparkling comedy which will be en- joyed by every one. t Here Lady Brocklehurst (Mariita Httnt) is firing <> some very searching questions at the admirable o Crichton in an endeavour to find
      418 words
    • 193 6 A FARCE— AND A GOOD ONE F ASK jou not to cavil at 1 the improbability of the plot of 'The Imitation General" for despite the fait Uiat it is a war film, with Germans and Americans being killed left, right, and centre, it is a farce and a very
      193 words
    • 73 7 pu t ure. Miking friends with the piseons in St. i Mark's Square while j E visiting Venice on the honeymoon are ferry- E mechanic Gio- 1 vanni Borrelli and i E Amelia Eden, niece of 2 former British premier Sir Anthony Eden. 5 They
      U.P.I  -  73 words
    • 110 7 'Take bigger interest in our work' T Singapore Chapter I I the World Brotherhood ifl appealing to peo--10 take more interest Li their work and help to ve the people. pokesman of the chapter said though the Singapore chapter was organised two years ago they had not been able to
      110 words
    • 29 7 Italian Government •ted to announce week that it has to set up bases for flcan intermediate ballistic missiles, in--1 ROlirnPfi <iii\ in UPI
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 100 7 Mass wedding of 26 couples TWENTY-SIX Chinese couples are to be married at a mass wedding at the Hokkien Huay Kuan premises in Telok Ayer Street, Singapore tomorrow. A spokesman of the organising committee said: "This is the biggest mass wedding to be held this year, as the eighth moon
      100 words
    • 278 7 A LARGE proportion of the people who seek to bring their relatives to Singapore are abusing the law which entitles them to appeal to the Minister for Labour and Welfare if the immigration department refuses to issue entry permits. The acting
      278 words
    • 85 7 U.S. lecturer will give S'pore talk DR. Dorothy Mercer, a lecturer in the English Faculty of City College in San Francisco, will arrive in Singapore on Tuesday for a brief visit while on transit to India for a study tour. Dr. Mercer, a close follower of the Hindu religion, is
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 9 1 FREE PRES RACE DAY Special Saturday, September 27, 1958.
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    • 854 1  -  ALLAN LEWIS Says EXPECTING to hear lj something definite regarding the chances ui Gold Vase candidates, I went to the racecourse as usual this morning, I am sorry I did, because I am now wore convinced that this is the hardest race w* 1 have
      854 words
    • 3085 2 PROBABLE STARTERS AND RIDERS 1 RACE 1-2.15: CLASS 3, DIV. 3— 6 FURS. 1 ***** Ihi loiuii Ijrr. etui (Iff Mrs. l'F Thong) R. Brn.k. y.oo Uuati 2. BK.WO 3yr. chirm »Mr Mrs l.m. Too) R Breuk 8.13 Johnson K\\\\(.llN<. syr. i-liirg (China stable) K. Bmik 812 Mmvl 4 *****
      3,085 words
    • 1240 4 L Jul i W ir 4 i i m 1 1 71 M r T 1 1 II f r LLJJlJjfcVM a AMUSEMENT Park is IX my choice for the Sultans Gold Vase (Race Four) at Ipoh today. Banquo (Race Three) is a
      1,240 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 453 12 CLASSIFIKD AIX AT VOIU UftVft rd» $2 t*tin.)-H-IfATIC •710. MTWOU 10 >i If Wm4* at Wla J >ai xtrm OLBNKAQLBfi W i llent *****/S. ACCOMMOUAIION > \t A\ I 29 Word* $2 mm. -Box M H* ftsiM SELP-CONTAINKi) PLAT fully Furnished Bedroom, inge, Kitchen, Oai c*«H)kti Frig, Hot Cold Bbower,
        453 words
      • 46 12 FURNITURE REMOVE fr «yo^ EXPERTS! Many hands make ■•^>» l fflllk *J packing by a stafl -r etfeW breakages PHOAff .ass W ar f .Mat. t.nv,l in maximum <***4I packrd hi lrins|)"'l v FURNITURE REMOVES ESTIMATES FREE OH KEQUtfI. TRANSPORT STORAGE}]] 173 CECIL STREET S I HG«r
        46 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1 3 vgfxd
      1 words
    • 202 3 ill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiihhui, iiiiinilllllllllillllllllllilliillllll W?FZVf% TAPE 1 EHfifflat] RECORDER vA L^ c L C^ Special features include: 3 Motors Separate recording and ployback hard-alloy toroid j I heads Separate recording and ploybock amplifiers permitfinQ i simultaneous and continuous monitoring High quality 8" coaxial speaker Wow and flutter well within NARTB proj
      202 words

  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 32 5 fyjTTi j| PJ I Li Ml ji What i (/111 vounv Ktm tending <> ard from I M f A rll>,i >■ W<^ brtno the day lrdO> pro/If au< into my office tmmedintely I*
      32 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 3 7 kSS^I JL* I
      3 words
    • 290 7 >SN ADELPHI HOTEL Dine, Drink and Dance in cool, cosy comfort music by the i: Nirw ADELPHI QUINTET (Nightly except Sundays) GYPSY CALYPSO LATIN AMERICAN AND CONTINENTAL DANCE MUSIC Reservations: Telephone 2810 I \j Control for cooking without yi J(~^ looking. ThU txclutlvo con- if li^^^^ "".ly 1 ro P*°
      290 words

  • 972 8  - Necessity the mother of opinion Diana Ross A two-part story by recently Inherited my great grandfether'l library, and ours bein^ a long-lr. family this takt-s me back to the eighteenth century. IMy great grandather was what was hen known as a natural philosopher, and though he never came to eminence,
    972 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 32 8 THE ADVENTURE OF RUPERT AND RUSTY 1 1 mi ii ill hum nun ii i ii ii inn nun i nun >d them you. .;h you don't ok. he iJyi i, np
      32 words
    • 20 8 llll ?5W TWWl I this U.l, .Look an iron lunrllc. there f nk o{ I to Rupert's ie passacc I
      20 words
    • 33 8 Now th, f iheif w.,y of I ured thr trlls Rupert ahead of him. Alter a moment here, is a scuffling as Rusty. manner. c c1ff g« and darts ,nto ihr dark-
      33 words
    • 96 8 LAST WEEK'S WINNERS rrttlE winners of last A week's colour-in contest (each of whom will receive a $5 prize in due course) are as follows: Miss Charlotte Fong (10>. 22-B Colombo Court, Singapore 6. Miss Sally Cfieang (ID. 72 Lorong 19. Gevlanq, Singapore 14. Master Chia Soon Keng <12>. 11
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    • 287 8 A colour-in contest With prizes for you/ POCKET-MONEY prizes Na me (Master > Iis s) are offered for colouring this scene with paints, crayons or chalks. There are four prizes offered each of $5 (two for boys and two for girls). All you have to do is to set to
      287 words

  • 83 9  -  IVAN YATES by n What is your iarnei A. N or M. rHIS curious beginning to the Cate•hism In the Book of Common Prayer has juzzled many young Higlieana in their time End been the subject Of many expositions by their instructors. How flitferent is the first ion and
    83 words
  • 723 9 A.— Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him for ever. For more than three centuries this Catechism, a series of 106 questions and answers, has powerfully assisted in the development of the Scottish character, its serious- mindedness Its toughness of
    723 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 946 9 """""""""""""iiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiit: Sunday church 1 announcements SERVICES in Singapore St. Peter's Dockyard Church, Geylan* Church- 845 am Bi-th«ui a r» ~u churche. for tomorrow Mga Base: a^Hoiy fi gg CHVRCH OF ENGLAND gSSSS* 10 S^TR H^7' Kg?* ft SSSJSS3?? B «2° J2" Royill Au Force Chan i: 7CO G^ 1 Straits
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 55 10 THE ENTRY iOHM Same Address Prize Quiz 1. 1 2. |-tMf( 3. (MIIIMMIIMIMtI HIMIMIMMII t•«• I 1 11 «II« I t 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 t1 Prize Quiz 2. IIIMIMMIMMMI •Htlllll HI..IH"""" Q "i ••«l*«*ltltlll|lt«ltllt**«|«ltt««»ll«>lll««lM*l«« >< > O. itnititti WWMMHMWHIi M|MMIMMM»»ti«im ••••••••••••••••t«ltlllt*l|*««*«(« »M»»««M»Mt»l»i»»»»« O, ItIiiUMIIIUHMiMIMUMIiMtI ••..iltl|»tttt« g
      55 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 536 10 The questions were harder for you I JJELLO There! They fSTrrWWlTB'fc were a little more VHllttH^^^^Dj difficult were thev m^^^^— Film Quiz and in the uS'ns MIT'™ 0 $8 oot-oiruth whs the j 0 winner hv thp #*vtrp I H W^ Of |U|) fl t f<»4'M ili w. i»t raß^l
      536 words

  • 270 11 Sacked after 50 years Unit- have terminat||l I thi Ir agreement 1 Mr. W. McBk :i, their South I B and scout." BeB that bare anB merit lies a ■th of football hlsI McCracken has been Bd" after serving the ■nil .>"s Park club, on Bf for fifty years. B*e
    270 words
  • 125 11 TEST CAPTAIN ANNOUNCES 'NO' MORE CRICKET CLIVE van Reyneveld. South Africa's 30-year-old Test captain, said last night that he was "very unlikely" to have the time to continue playing first-class cricket. He is a member of parliament for East London. Cape Province. Van Ryneveld, a brilliant all-round spokesman, gained a
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 89 11 I EMBERS of the M.C.C. ing party on board ss Iberia on their way tastralia *U to riuht here are: Suet man. Peter (le r. Frank Tyson. Peter May (captain), and behind hi m Godfrey Evans; Capt. H. Mallelt (master of the Iberia), Colin Cowdrey, The Duke
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 109 11 •I O\|) initenant Pat 20, of Shoreham, Sussex, a member of the Women's Royal Army Corps., had a successful day's tennis recently Pat won the YVRAC ten n i s championships ■■■■■■■■■■I fciiifcles final at Alderthot Officers' Club Hants., then went on to win
    Fox  -  109 words
  • 380 11  -  ARCHIE QUICK By fIIERE is so much talk about the achievements of Manchester United and Wolverhainpton Wanderers at the way their managers Matt Busby and Stan Cullis produce "babes* 1 from their "nurseries 91 and turn them into Championship-winning stars thai the work of
    380 words
  • 89 11 riULLBACK Alf Mc- Michael who has played in every soccer match for Northern Ireland during the last two seasons. is dropped from the side to meet England at Windsor Park, Belfast, on October 4. His place is taken by Len Graham, who made the last of his
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • Article, Illustration
    8 11 Don't move, uncle, •»ou're wicket I
    8 words
  • 48 11 Chen Ching Kai, of Communist China, set a world wcightlifting bantamweight record for the Jerk with a lift of 3091/a lb. in Leipzig yesterday, according to an East German news agency. The previous record was 299 3 4 lb. by Feodor Boehanovsky (Russia).- Rruter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 22 11 Illllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll since 1627 Baig The Oldest Scotch in the World lUI Dittributort 4i A J~> t II 111 I ItIIIIIiMMIIIIIIIIIIiI I *****1111l
      22 words

  • 45 12 picture. In the middle, the man from Changi. Flanking him two Chinese Athletic forwards. They all went for tht ball together in this S.A.FA. Div. 1 league match yesterday at Jalan Besar Stadium. Chinese had ar easy victory by 9-0.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  45 words
  • 312 12 Leavitt angry as Herb takes a holiday promoter Leo Leavitt is annoyed wit Australian miler Herb Elliott. Last night i. Tokyo he said: "I am nearing the end of my patience and wil reserve the right to /evoke my offer to Hf rb Elliot if In does not appear in
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 78 12 SINGAPORE Polo Club, defending champions of the Malayan Polo Associt lon's McDougall Cup tournament entered the seml-flnals when they beat Penang Polo Club 6-2$ at Thomson Road yesterday. Other results were: Royal Pahang PC. beat King's Dragoon Guards 4-1 J; Singapore Warriors beat Pan Malayan Non-Bender.s 5-3;
    78 words
  • 79 12 Trabtrt of tht United tUtes, the 1955 Wimbledon champion, provided the shock t In the international professional lawn tennis championship at the Empire Pool, Wembley. la night. In the semi-final Trabert beat the holder, Ken Rosewall of Australia 7 1-8. 6-1. 1-6, 7-5 to Win the
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 315 12 SCEPTRE LIMPS HOME WITH BROKEN BOOM AMERICA KEEPS THE CUP /'OLI'MHIA beat Sceptre for the fourth straight time yesterday and won the America's (un yachting: classic at Newport, Khode Island. Columbia sailed the fastest race of all four Of the 1958 matchet and left Sceptre just a faint til on
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 23 12 Royal Army Service Corps School and Gurkhas Armv Service Corps drew 2-2 in a friendly hockey match yesterday at Nee Soon
    23 words
  • 181 12 SHOULD you hear a ranting and a roaring to. night around 9 p.m. do not be alarmed. The Punjab Lion is in town. This untamed matman, otherwise known as Ranjit Singh, is going to do battle with Akram of Pakistan at the Happy World Stadium.
    181 words