The Singapore Free Press, 29 April 1958

Total Pages: 40
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
  • 15 1 The Singapore Free Press Malaya's Own Family Paper \.hghgf6556' '< SlM*t**< AprilJ!9, 1958. Prlff 15 Cls.
    15 words
  • 158 1 'Fall of Bukit it Tinggi matter of hours' riAPTAIN MUIN, Chief 1/ oi staff of the Jakarta forces advancing against Bukit Tinggi, said yesterday its fall was only a ni. tter of hoars. l v an interview broadcast by Radio Jakarta he said: ••An our operations have been a success,
    Reuter; U.P  -  158 words
  • 44 1 Empty houses: Police plea to holidaymakers W l police this Ivl ed house'■>r > intend going on leir homes to tell the hearso that nop a special okesman said ited house in the occupants are nov^ on holiday Ikan, was iy and valui were stolen.
    44 words
  • 59 1 REPORTS reaching Katmandu yesterday said 1,000 persons had died from smallpox in South, em Nepal in the last three weeks. A Government announcement said that, with American help, vaccination teams had been organised and were working in tne Rautahat area. The smallpox epidemic also
    U.P  -  59 words
  • 30 1 May first grade rubber buyers 1'.0.b. opened In Singapore this morning at 73] cents a lb.. up three-eighths of a cent on yesterday's close. The tone was uncertain.
    30 words
  • 62 1 KERB VISCOUNT crashed and i^ near Ttobolton, elast night, but occupant! was Unw owned by '11 AiIAVHV I Rye but The turbo-prop Viscount. one of the latest "800" series, was on charter from BE. A. to British Overseas Airways Corporation. It was flying from
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 193 1 BRITISH servicemen and police were ordered to carry arms yesterday as a new terror wave threatened to break out in Nicosia. The Greek sectors of five of the island's main towns have been placed out of bounds to British troops. The move follow
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 204 1 MR. ALLEN VV. DULLES, director of the I.S. Central Intelligence Agency, said in Washington yesterday that the Yemen had received Soviet arms valued at CSS3O million. Mr. Dulles, brother of Mr. Poster Dulles, the Secretary ot State, told a meet ing of
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 56 1 Live mouse in rocket fired by U.S. THE U.S. Air Force yesterday ollicially confirmed reports that there had been a live mouse in the combination Thor -Vanguard rocket fired last Wednesday In a nose -cone test. The air force said the mouse presumably died when the Vehicle crashed Into the
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 269 1 BRITAIN SETS OFF HYDROGEN LAST No. 5 Successful fest high over Central Pacific A BRITISH nuclear device assumed to be a hydrogen bomb was exploded successfully high over the Central Pacific yesterday. A statement from the Ministry of Supply last night, announcing this, said that early indications were that the
    Reuter  -  269 words
  • 132 1 Docker asks Britain to take up wife's case BRITISH industrialist Sir Bernard Docker yesterday asked the British Government to take up the case of his wife. Lady Norah. and officially protest against her banishment from Monaco. He also complained to France. Prince Rainier's government banned Lady Norah because she tore
    U.P; Reuter  -  132 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 FERGUZADE The most effective, the quickest way to replace lost energy is to take strength-giving Glucose. Ferguzade is ideal because it is Glucose made into a sparkling, tempting drink. Next time you're feeling like a refresher after a game or run down at the end of a day's work, treat
      78 words

  • 344 2 Envoys now to hold separate talks with Russians DIPLOMATIC quarters in Washington saitl last night that the British, French and United states government! had agreed to continue theii summit exploratory talks in Moscow separately, instead of meeting with the Poles, Czechs and Russians together, as
    U.P; Reuter  -  344 words
  • 153 2 DISARM STAND CHANGE American diplomatic sources at the United Nations said last night. "we are definitely not trying to reopen a disarmament debate." They wen- referring t° the u.s. draft resolution for an Arctic aerial in; pectlon /'»ni' v hich U B. dele gate ('abot Lodge will sponsor at today..
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 64 2 SYRIA CLAMPS BAN ON I.C.I. I The Syrian Economy I I .Minister! Mr. Khalil I Kallas yesterday sign- ed an order banning activities of the British Imperial Chemical In. I dustry < 1.C.1.) in the I I Syrian region "for in- T T vesting capital in Israeli companies." The ban
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 33 2 The Queen announced yesterday that the Royal Man solemn near Windsor containing the tombs ol some oi her ancestors will be opened to free public Inipeetion on May 20. U.P
    U.P  -  33 words
  • 111 2 There's no be st man for this 'bride' E Usually there's a E E bridegroom and a best E man to take care of the mundane details. But E E this bride, in a 300- E E guinea gown, cheerfully pays off the taxi herself E Eon arrival at the
    111 words
  • 48 2 The RAF is to -U^ some oi Britain's Latest English Electric pi supersonic fighters, Mr. Aubrey Jones, Minister of Supply, I old the House ol Commons yesterday. He did not say how many, but it is understood the number will be about luo Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 147 2 Mr. kf.nk pleven. regarded as a "middle of the road politician.' yesterday accepted the task of trying to form a new French Government after nearly a week's exploratory talks on Algeria frith party leaders. Mr. pieven, announced his acceptance alter a oo minute talk
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 236 2 'LACK OF SYMPATHY BY COMMONWEALTH STATES IN SEA TALKS' MAJOR GENERAL Si r Famdale Phillips. President of the British Trawlers Federation, said yesterday that the British delegation at the Geneva sea law conference had been hurt by the "lack of sympathy" by some Commonwealth countries for a compromise on proposed
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 28 2 Dcirgutos from Morocco and Algei ring at Tangier i n African unity. hav< "identity of views in attitude towards I Alßorln. a cominui last night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 SWITZERLAND information and booli'ngt II lit* coniu'f yot/r Ira 1 1 Agcnf-CK MALAYAN AIRWAYS ttM we GENERAL SALES AGENTS BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION NHH l| Afl Shirts bJAM Hawaiian Shirts jj VvVv Tics Pyjamas Wf V Singlets Pants |t you intend to tfet some thing u|vto-(lale with NHWOnablt prices, p!e:ise
      75 words

  • 327 3 C'wealth Bank aim is stable price for primary goods %\\l Hill iinaiite ministers, in thinking out the main problems s al forthcoming conference in Montreal, have agreed that id trade problems In regard to agriculture and other primary 1 j other words commodity price stabilisation should be a main patun
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 99 3 II n He i Xi icky, Oi iral p I <»ut i i > of 1 p I! t oi 1 Riled of] t lie Jump when li** dl covered it took six men to Btop him from being draggi (i aero -s
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 120 3 Traffic was halted r E for several hundred E ]E yards along: London's E i i Tottenham Court Road E when stars arrived for E the premiere of "South E Pacific '—the film of -r the musical made in E the new Todd-AO E i
    120 words
  • 147 3 rnALKS to avert a strike 1 on May 4 by London's 50,U(H) busmen broke down last night after seven-and-a-half hours. Mr Frank Cousins, secretary of the 1,300,000Strong Transport and General Workers' Union, said it had not been possible "to make any progress" in
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 46 3 Mr. George Meany. president of the giant AFL-CIO labour union., said in Washington yesterday he was sure American unemployment would rise close to six million in June unless some miracle happened. The 1-ast official unemployment figure lor March was 5.200,000, Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 177 3 INSURANCE experts from eight European countries, including Britain, have been meet ins in Paris to examine problems of insuring Atomic Risks on a Europe-wide basis. Only risks arising from the peaceful use of nuclear power were examined. They Agreed to work to ward^ closer co-operation
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 52 3 Britain ha i ai reed to a Jordan r< 'i"- 1 to def( i v til May i. 1964, the payment oi an in talmeni of £500, oo<> due on May 1 for Bri tlsh store and Installations iv Jordan, the Foreign OfTwe announced In London
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 136 3 PRINCESS RELAXES, HAS PICNIC LUNCH SERVED ON PRIVATE BEACH DRINCESS margahet relaxed yesterday on the "Kobinson Crusoe" island of Tobago and had a picnic lunch served on the golden land of a secluded beach she drove to the beach, at Amos Vale Hay, at about 11 a.m. with a small
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 24 3 Sir Ali bin Abdul Karim. I the Sultan of Lahej, near Aden, is flying to London on j a private visit. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 72 3 FOUR MEN BEAT UP FLYING SQUAD DETECTIVE A DETECTIVE from Scotland Yard's flying .squad was attacked and leriOUSly injured by four men in a restaurant near Victoria Station, London, yesterday. He was taken unconscious to hospital after beitvj, butted in the face and hit on the head with a chair.
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 [GIAN SINGH CO. LTD.i |[30-1 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE-I fJ ■J TELEPHONE: *****/6 fel £JC3IllllllllllICailIllllllinC3!IIIIIIIUI!i:3IIIIIIl!1IIIC2llllIlltllllC2llt1llltllllCaifllllItll^ i&f^S3 The Stage Club j S THE RELUCTANT DEBUTANTE" I,> WILLIAM DOUGLAS HQME Wed.. Thurs. Fri.., M.iy 21ft, 22r.d 23rd. 24th THE CULTURAL CENTRE^ CANNING RISE 5 Bookings ,it Robinsons Til: ***** liiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiHic3iiii»iniiiHiiiniiiMHC3iiniiimiiC3innumii»inHHumcu" I HACOFLEX
      70 words

  • 247 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion Singapore enterprise Tuesday. Apr 29 L 958. results of the Asian Film Festival are a .significant indication of the rapid development of Singapore's film industry. Admittedly, th c film which was Judged to be the best film of 1958. and another film which gained no
    247 words
  • 474 4  -  Hugh Pond by FOR all mothers with sons In the Army, there has come quite a shock. Because mothers, it seema, are a bad influence on soldiers. Thi s somewhat astonishing statement is contained in an attack on the British soldier in a semiofficial
    474 words
  • 986 4 GEOFFREY THURSBY in a cable from Aden tells of the Russian build-up in the Yemen 'rms is the story ol tlureal to Britain and iicr Interi st£ a threat which Ls growing day by day. Tins i.- the ftrsi fulj story or Russia's buildup ol Dion
    986 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 369 5 CALL FOR MERCHANT NAVY OF OUR OWN Vi Socialist Assemblyman for Serangoon, L Mr Imi Choon Mong, yesterday asked the r lU11( to take a lesson from the present V:,,,;, es ol Indonesia and proceed without dej^ l 0 it t a truly Malayan merchant navy and base it Singapore.
    369 words
  • 211 5 > >RE'S animal are rallying to Society for the 01 Cruelty to benefit fancy? h;il! n aid of the SOter, Mr, Lto Han 40 local firms millionaires ''''■'•I valuable liver trophiea A btnefit of the Mlntolti wm the prlee to win- ner.s In fancy
    211 words
  • 205 5 BID TO AMEND ROAD REPAIRS RULE ACT I^HE Public Works Committee of the Singapore City Council has recommended that the Government be asked to amend the Local Government Ordinance so as to enable the council to help villagers repair their roads. Mr Wee Swee Hong. Liberal Socialist councillor, had moved
    205 words
  • Article, Illustration
    74 5 A dramatic play entitled "The Secret" which is to be staged at the Happy World Stadium on May 8 at 8 p.m. in aid of the Kampong Koo Chye Fire Victims Relief Fund under the patronage of the Mayor of Singapore, Mr. Ong Eng Cuan is here seen being rehearsed
    Benson Fong  -  74 words
  • 30 5 The United States this week will share with the world the technical findings of America's three earth satellites, it was announced in Washington yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 197 5 Ignore Congress demand he says rpHE Singapore Indian I Congress demand tor reserved seats in the legislature for minority communities was described as "preposterous and unbecoming" by Mr. A. M. Nair. a former vice-president of the Singapore Trade Union Congress. In an interview with the Free Pres s yesterday, Mr.
    197 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 126 5 wWm*§ Wmm W%JU mm WmmwW 1-^ '^^R 4Qj(jtot MILO? fo*W Oh yes! You can EAT MILO as well as drink it, you know, lust ir\ sprinkling MILO. in its dry form, over bread and butter with a little SUgai too, if you like it sweeter. You will be delighted with
      126 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 225 6 JEFF KftT by Sydney Jordan Hu/fv T^%d\ IT s/r//' r Sy%Z'\ L w**i« r< jM^S OLD /V^AI*J /^akj VCJiJ i^v W»wß JOO BBulM//T?"TrT»»» jiiiiiilLifljjyrTjL'j- /WllyZfyJyy'^' Vv->VJ LX-**-'!*. < rKLI- wMCWr 0 A flt TATirtti I >i WIMt \l4l b> Lee Falk and l*liil Davis I [a GRFAT SHINIMG SHAPE- I
      225 words
    • 463 6 BORN today, you liave an v\ tic. magnetic and demai E personality. You are strictly a dividualist and arc only happy E leading a procession. You have a keen analytical q c and the ability to express you] c clearly by either the spoken or t! E written word. You
      463 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 173 7 i.ondon, April IS. PreviMM Today i Vo I I»> S l li ri r.i.i unquoted unquoted L P J 23 buyer. 21:. heller 32% .sellers 21% sellers ■as »pui 22*4 buyers 21 buyers JIBBI 22 seller.', 22 sellei I RSS BfttteWWM in I''- 1 NJay tt 22\
      173 words
    • 98 7 NEW YORK. April 28, Previous Today iN 83.50 nom. 94.12 nom. XIX futures Straits Contract May 92.87 buyers 93.25 buyers 93.62 sellers 94.25 sellers July 92 50 buyer? 92.87 buyers 93.25 sellers 94.00 sellers TOM Steady. SALES: NilRVBBLK: futures May 25.50 buyer* 25.30 buyers 25.59 sellers 25.40
      98 words
    • 34 7 NEW YORK, April 28. Previous Today 30 Industrials 454.92 454.51 20 Kaiho.uls 111. 52 110.58 40 Don; i. Bonds 89.89 89.89 15 Utililies 77.38 77.35 165 stocks Composite Averages.. 157.37 157.01
      34 words
    • 46 7 spot and awaiting I ment 25%. Sarawak unquoted. floats 25%. MuiUok white spot and awaitmen; 25',, Lampong Ing release 40. afloats 39 I and uting release 26. April shipment 38\. sellers exto 25V6, Apiji ship- dock. '■'c prices quoted in U.S. cents per Ib.
      46 words
    • 84 7 OPR Philippines r.i.f. U.K./ North European ports delivered WJJWI per long ton Apr/.Mav C Straits r.i.f. r.K./North *****11 ports delivered v long ton Apr/.May ":v,"r ';'.:';;";,,T ls >» ■>»»• ",",P! Ott nude 0.Y..n i«i..;.' ii iT i M,r te in bulk 'T 1 INI 'o™*Vi.r. u.s
      84 words
  • 188 7 rE new kennel of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Pasir Panjang where every dog has a room to itself is now ready. The organiser of this year's flag day committee, Mrs. R. W. Newton, told the Free
    188 words
  • 78 7 T Oj Edinburgh ■<■ army'a latest ■•■■lied CM— the fnjund a bumpy «40 miles an «ntagd*te, bohc- <* Job," he mm as he climbed out. The Duke also inspected the fighting compartment of Britain's 65-ton Conqueror tank, looked over the latest armoured reconnaissance car, the
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 276 7 Glamorous girl decoys hide: scared of bosses squealing OINGAPOKK police are looking for some glamorous women who have been decoys in several kidnap bids. A senior police official disclosed yesterday that they were working on information received from certain towkays who were victims of a mil-lion-dollar kidnapping ring. The women
    276 words
  • 108 7 THE public will be able to see their navy at work and play when Royal Malayan Navy Day is held at Woodlands on May 11. Beginning at 10 a.m. that day, there will be trips in the Navy's ships, tours, demonstrations, hockey and basket-ball
    108 words
  • 179 7 BIG SHOCK AHEAD FOR 1 0,370 RATEPAYERS ABOUT 10,370 ratepayers in Singapore will soon be issued with Warrants of Attachment for failing to pay land assessment rates totalling more than $2,000,000. A City Council spokesman told the Free Press yesterday that the people-ten-ants of Crown and leased lands were given
    179 words
  • 31 7 Bristol— Hawker engine merger The Bristol Aeroplane Company and the Hawker Siddeley group, are forming a new firm, the Bristol Siddeley Engines Limited to co-ordinate the activities of their engine-making plants.
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  • 30 7 Prince Charles and Princess Anne visited a British Broadcasting Corporation television studio in London yesterday to watch the televising of a children's programme. Re uter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 25 7 The West German Foreign Minister. Dr. Heinrich yon Brentano. .said Fester day the political results oi Mr. Anastas Mlkoyan's visit were "disappointing." Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 AT THIS TIME OF SPACE TRAVEL ■r^SHUJS^SWEM^^^^^^HE^'^^ You need no longer wind your watch it is automatic. You need no calendar or good memory to remember 7 'iminfl( mf ~*=^J^# d^'^ifcl!^ ou trust <ne speciaHst fo r everything, an i chooso iliiliv W'^ m ImLZ~~ ::Zr y^ Automatic shock-protected watch,
      70 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 98 7 Today's radio programme 1.13 pin Music With Your Makan; 1.30 Time Signal and News; 1.45 Music With Your Makan; 200 Close Down: 500 Music from the Ballet; 5.30 Fiesta; 6.00 Happy Anniversary, presented by Zainal Alam; 6.45 Lights On; (i.53 Announcements and Singapore Share Market Report; 7.00 Time Signal and
      98 words
    • 65 7 iIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL I SINGAPORE I HIGH TIDES| E TODAY: 8.04 p.m. E TOMORROW: 7.54 a.m. 7z and 8,49 p.m. E THURSDAY: 9.00 a.m. and 9.27 p.m. E E FRIDAY: 9.54 a.m. and E 10.03 p.m. E SATURDAY: 10.45 am. and 10.39 p.m. E E SUNDAY: 11.35 a.m. E and 11.16 p.m.
      65 words

  • 158 8 (Lotion) Magistrates Court to putting on a play containing scenes not passed by the Lord Chamberlain the play censor in Brita n. The scene objected to was when one character appeared to impersonate Sir Winston Churchill opening a publ c convenience Miss Joan L the
    158 words
  • 173 8 UNKNOWN MAY BECOME CROSS DOGS 1= Mutt (right) j 5 part in Dr. I uths' E Savill ship "Gallfc from New Zealand, E With the dogs are E Donald, from 1 dinbi Bec;ui>c the Mghj E Antarctic expedition j| E them destroyed. Many p :ople hay( to go to RSPCA
    173 words
  • 76 8 THOSE ARTISTIC TWIGS GO ON SHOW Mrs. B. L. jayasuriya. from Ceylon, here gives careful consideration to "Soldier", one of the arborics roots and twigs resembling figures on show at an exhibition at the Tea Centre in London. The term 'arborics' was coined by the Rev. Harold de Mcl, who
    76 words
  • 78 8 Navy blue neckties, with golden music notes embroidered on them, are among the insignia of a new club in Britain.— The Whistlers. Their motto is. 'Whistle for the children who can't.'' becaUM their object is to raise money for spastics, most of whom cannot whistle as they
    78 words

  • 242 9 FARMER GETS £4,916 FOR 'JUNK' PICTURES ov'KH farmer Mr. 'a Wdy and "we don t -thim about business"— m delated ast 2 the art busi- just brought that m bought furniMr. Each and beth moved j mi, Hayle, In ■he wine amc to the same way as £2400 came last
    242 words
  • 356 9 LESLIE "HUTCH" HUTCHINSON, maestro o! nostalgia, l played and sang at the piano in the Dorchester restaurant, London, with his thoughts on his wife Ella. who died as she had lived ALMOST UNKNOWN. He .^aid over cocktails: r "The Old Lady was a fine
    356 words
  • 189 9 tyilHN 30-year-old shop assistant B Mary Smi t h of m H Southampton notic- a ed tli a t her 7-month-old pet Corgi "Sue" wasn't as keen on the evening walk as she used to 1 B be, an t\ usually j m finished with
    189 words

  • 163 10 Private £6 mil. Jap deal with N. Korea A JAPANESE nessmen'a g lo u p lias concluded contracts for trade 1 with Communist N o rth Korea valued at £6,--000,000 sterling, th c Peking Central News Agency said. The contracts between Korean trade corporations and members of the Japanese
    U.P  -  163 words
  • 133 10 JNDIAN Prime Minister Jawahaiial Nehru said in New Delhi it was absolutely essential lotIndia to supplement her power resources with atomic energy. Initiating a debate on demands for gran 1 for the Atomic Energy Com ini&Bion in the House ol the People. Mr. Nehru
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 10 imiiiHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiilt'j The co-operative movement in Burma is steadily growing and already plays an important role in the life of the nation. j The Union of Burma Co-operative Wholesale Society (the national whole- sale organisation), originally operated as the export agency for the co-operative cotton marketing scheme, now gives major
    72 words
  • 154 10 JAPAN TO U.K.: BE MORE ACTIVE IN FAR EAST AFFAIRS jyjß. KATSUMI OHNO, the Japanese ambassador designate to Britain, told the London Times Tokyo correspondent that Japan hoped Britain would play a more active role in Far Eastern affairs. "Britain's success in overcoming post war economic difficulties has made a
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 70 10 (1// AIRMAN Mao Tse-tung, §A-y car-old Chinese j head of state who tiro years ago swam the Yangtse River, was stopped from repeating this feat recently by a busy schedule of farm visits during his tour of Szechuan Province, the newspaper Peking Daily reported. This report supports
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 58 10 India's per capita national income rose by nearly Rs. 28 during the past five years, according to official figures. Basing calculations on current prices, the country's annual per capita income in 1952-53 was Rs. 266.4. In 1956-57 it had risen to Rs. 294.3. It is still
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 22 10 Moscow University i., working on translating machines fOjp languages, Including Hindi, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Arabic Moscow Radio ro. ported Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 156 10 MR. DWIGHT K. TRIPP, kader of a eight-member trade mission from San Francisco, said in Hong Kong that trade between the United States and Japan had a "bright future." This was because there had been an awakening to the necessity of reciprocal trade in
    156 words
  • Glimpses
    • 167 10 Aussies halt deportation of Pakistani 32-YEAR-OLD Takistani, over whose ti, ened deportation 300 Australian minei w' mates went on strike last month, may h his ftfht to remain in Australia. Miners' Officials In Sydney said the Pa Mr. Baslii Ahmed ("Billy") Khan the mines to return to rural work, and
      167 words
    • 21 10 soutnem miners leaders said Khan now I on I a farm in I north-west- I New I South WalesM I Reuter
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 26 10 Japanese Foreign Minister Aiichiro Fujiyama is reported to have selected Mr. Kaoru Hayashi, director of the Tokyo Foreign Office's protocol bureau, as ambassador to Malaya. U.P
      U.P  -  26 words
    • 17 10 Japan and the Soviet Union have signed an agreement to promote tourism between the two countries U.P
      U.P  -  17 words
    • 18 10 A five-man Burmese naval dockyard mission is now on an 18-day inspection tour of Japanese building facilities.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 30 10 The Japanese Education Ministry has decided to launch a "be kind tz foreigners" movement in connection with "■.'Mian Games to be held in Tokuo from May 24 to June Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 33 10 The South Korean, Government has decidi d to choose a now Labour Day," in preference to May 1. on the grounds thai the traditional May Day has become a "communist* tainted" holiday.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 35 10 Total shipping being built in Japan at the end of March dropped h\ 131,483 tons compared with the previous quarter to 1,457,. 791 tons. This is the first decrease in Japan simp September lf>.~>4. Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 45 10 British Himalayan ex- p e cl i tion Led b y C a n tain Mich ae! Banks ha> set o u t from London in a bid to scale Disteghi] Sar. a 25,868 ft. high mountain in the Karakoram Range in Pakistan. -^^H| Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 17 10 The International Press Institute has tentatively agreed to hold a general assembly in Tokyo in i960 Reuter
      Reuter  -  17 words
    • 24 10 Red China. Japan and India will take pan In the fourth International Congress of Biochemistry to be held in Vietnam from September 1-6.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 34 10 Visiting Prince Takamatsu, younger brother of Emperor Hirohilo uf Japan, described the 333/*. high atomium at the World Trade Fair in Brussels as "the most stirring and interesting building i have ever seen."- Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 24 10 A new onc-and-ii-lia!i-li>n lorry designed for rural use is being manufacture in the Yangtse River citj of Chungking, the Pekinj Evening News report*»'- Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 30 10 Four hundred Japan Ihi first batch of 2,000 h i( in Red China nou ■< li j alt > ing repatriation. MJJ sailed for Japan Hakusan Ma> m Radio reported I Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 28 10 Gold ingots fftlued M 590,000 vanished durin* a flight from r >^ W Hong Kong, Air I < > 11(( officials reported in riv Saigon airport offlciw discovered the l<>^ U.P
      U.P  -  28 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 694 11 AFTER 13 YEARS OF COMMUNISM OH, FOR BETTER LIFE UHTEEN year* it I communist rule in ha sharpened E appetite of the mincer generation toi delight* thousand young ,v asked recently IYn th choice would Jfca „,,-v godmother nuld be to* a single gift, gfmosi popultr selec%nw"nd better living Editions
    Reuter  -  694 words
  • 130 11 MANY lawyers and politicians in Sydney fear a stampede to the courts if the New South Wales Labour Government succeeds m passing a controversial Marriage Bill now before the Legislative Assembly. The Bill, which amend/ the state's Matrimonial Causes Act, will give divorced women the right
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 424 11 ~i r^ o x- lyf f >*h*^-^ The WALTER PORTABLE Lasting Memory! FROM JOK|' MONTHLY tape recorder —n 1 Treasured Gifts /|^^^^s^^\ v v f)fcie*tt* electric ~laSKr/' „>;:,; sr^ 5 fan Ja"' Mr r j^\ iN YOUR ii ji nv*jfj-* jL.'jLitjjMM: >-^^ HOME! .f" w ".'.'T^ji^ir^. VV;; i| juZz^- t
      424 words

  • 6 12  -  SUNNY GIAM by
    6 words
  • 639 12 t notographic i siiiim: sn in WWWNG PATH. This pic -lure by Mr. Jmt Koon A.R.F.S., ol hiu^apure liai> beta accepted for -m, i in hnglancl. Haute and Holland i^ok Mrrem] years, salon officials have been gravely concerned OVei the number of local
    Society of Singapore  -  639 words

  • 4 13
    4 words
  • 922 13 THE basic purpose of most portable electric tools is drilling, and it is upon the electric drill that most of the many other fitments have been based. The most commonly used is the I'm. general pur- pose drill. II is noi the aim here to argue the
    922 words
  • 251 13 IS THE long mirror inside your wardrobe door InconA venient? VVhy not mount it instead on the bedroom wall? m Transferring the mirror is simple as most mirrors are attached to wardrobe doors by the use of four small clips secured by pairs of screws. To transfer
    251 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 455 14 —Yet stays among the Div. 1 leaders By INOMII MANCHESTER < Itj i linish above MawChester United the First Division table \">-» s a prophecy I dared to make way back before Christmas, it was based on the fact tli:it Man ager Les McDowall i> <«'
    455 words
  • 141 14 SELETAR RIDER'S SEVENTH VICTORY UELETAR cyclist Brian j Apsey was clocked homo a winner in lhr. 2min at the 25-mile time trial championship at Bukit Timah Road, Singapore on Sunday. Apsey Is now credited with j seven wins, six of Which were made during the 1957 season and early this
    141 words
  • 33 14 A :in ipoi c ba kel ball •< .id! beat the Bouth Vi< i i-.iiii Buns Chinh team V)i:\\ In an lnie] nat lonal basket ball tournameni in Saigon Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 69 14 The -Now Zealand cricket team were guests of honour at a Luncheon giiven by the British sports- j men's club in Lon- don. They are tour- in» the United Kingdom this sum- j I mer. Seen here talking •to Bert Sutcliffe i (left) and J.R. Reid
    Paul Popper  -  69 words
  • 382 14 By A Special Correspondent AS World Cup activity hots up, I've heard much criticism of j F.I.F.A.'s demand for a. provisional list of 40 players from each! country and a subsequent one with the number chopped down to 22.; It is uiter nonsense that
    382 words
  • 219 14 ri\HE promotion battle in 1 tin Third Division Southern section oi the English FootbalJ League wag still undecided alter last night's games, Brighton, the favourites, I, -t i o to Brentford and stll] need one poini from their last garni at iwme to
    219 words
  • 229 14 SINGAPORE ARE THE CHAMPS THE Far East Land Forces I inter-unit team boxing I title went to the Singapore Combined 221 B.V.D and I 443 BAD, RAO C. by the I narrowest possible margin I when they beat Ist Battalion I The Loyal Regiment of I Malaya 17-16 In the
    229 words
  • 38 14 and picture. Kevan (lei() scores England's second goal in the international match With Scotland, ai I den Park, QUsfOW, Scotland rifht-back Parker is making: a vain attempt to stop it I'l' I Sport General
    Sport; General  -  38 words

  • 403 15  -  ALLAN LEWIS I f— i»y I i^l 001) HERO, who missed his first entfaj: showed Hia! there is nothing wron^ witl f as teg| nine at Pen&ng this morning on the i H r |np track. Working with Numismate and going mi' (Jolu ra
    403 words
  • 118 15 gnCOTLAND'S team to I o meet Hungary In E =an International foot- bail match at Hampden c z lark. Glasgow, on May J shows seven changes from that beaten 4-0 c by England earlier this E month. S Tin four players re- S E tamed are
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 39 15 Last night's British Rugby Union matches wereBarnstaple 22 United Hospitals 3, Bridgewater and Albion 9 Cheltenham 3. Maesteg 13 Newbridge 3, Pontypridd 5 Aberavon 11. Torquay Athletic G Gloucester 9. Weston Suoer Mar-- 3 Bristol 16. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 158 15 Why coach was left out SABA PRESIDENT EXPLAINS... /TELEPHONE calls harrass- ed the Free Press sports desk this morning as Singapore's boxing fans demanded to know why the manager and coach, Denis Lazaroo, had not been recommended to the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council Selection committee. Denis was selected for
    158 words
  • 74 15 SPRINTER Lim .lit Imm, striving for an eleventhhour inclusion in the Singapore Asian Games team, yesterday failed by one fifth of a second to meet the required qualifying time. He will be given another trial tomorrow. Lim Jit Imm was paced by three sprinters .yesterday at
    74 words
  • 174 15 A SPARKLING 72 by k. R, <Toci» Dexter, the Cambridge captain, was the feature yesterday of the University' home friendly match with the champions, Surrey the opening same of the English first class cricket season n was the second day of the match but ram
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 133 15 Dave Charnley to battle world ranker t J)AVE Charnley, British i lightweight boxing i champion, has been matchj ed with Joey Lopes of California, the world's fifth 1 ranking lightweight, over I ten rounds at the White i City Stadium. London, on June 3 It will be a supporting i
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 266 15 A SHOCK FOR SINGAPORE IN THE LAST TIE JINUAPORE, the hosts ;tnd the favourites in the Inter-State schools soccer festival, were yesterday upset 2-0 by Negri Sembilan, who thus won the championship. The deciding match was played >:ader floodlights night at Jalan Bcsar Stadium, and the result was j
    266 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 146 15 News from Malaya £or Readers Overseas A subscription to the Straits Budget Is most informative because this weekly publication really keeps its readers up to date on Ma lava 11 News. Each Issue contains major items of Malayan \u v -<, and editorial comments as published in the st rails
      146 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 168 15 I Woi 'N X( R ()SS 4 A South African Iravos JMati n !"i. l Samoii (3). I 5 One's negatives (4). v Mi modW- 6An American soldier in the district (6). .'pcrture 7 Supremely confident, mood naw retnm. for lhis P art of the hemLs- in He pherc (8,
      168 words

  • 300 16 Bing's shock decision: Retiring from show business BiN(; CROSBY today announced his retire ment from u»< entertainment business He qualified this slightlj by iayto| he irould j be available it "something great* 1 came along. He added: "Bul light now it doesn't look as if there is anything.* 1 The
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 147 16 Persia accuses Russia of spying PERSIA yesterday protested to the Soviet Union that Russia was carrying on espionage activities in that Bagdad Pact country. The Foreign Ministry summoned Soviet Ambassador I. Pegov during the afternoon and Undersecretary Mohsen Sadr I handed him the com- plaint. i The Foreign Ministry would
    U.P  -  147 words
  • 152 16 5,502 PoWs EXECUTED -10 NAZIS CHARGED rpE\' former Nazi security 1 officials and Gestapo officers went, on trial yesterday in Ulm, West Germany charged with the wartime execution of 5,502 prisoners. Mo.-.t of the prisoners listed were Jewish. The trial, largest in Germany., post-war history and expected to lasl three
    152 words
  • 32 16 The Queen who has remained indoors at Windsor Castle with a cold since last Thursday, decided yesterday on medical advice to- postpone her departure for Sandringham. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 23 16 Two British sailors have i been arrested following a i complaint by a taxidriver who alleged that ho had been robbed.
    23 words
  • 187 16 US CAR MAKERS STILL PIN THEIR FAITH IN SIZE AND LUXURY rpHE three major AmcriA cau car manufacturers arc Still convinced that the average American family wants a big ear. the magazine U.S. News and World Report said today, The magazine .said that production oj a .small, European-type of ear
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 279 16 Extra U.K. troops called out for Malta guard duty I^XTRA British troops were culled out last night to guard War Defatri I nient property in Malta. Roya* Artillery men quietly strengthened security arrangements in various places. The Lieutenant-Governor, Mr. Tr afford Smith, had explained earlier that there were plenty of
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 142 16 THE BRITISH Government rebuked NATO Secre-tary-General, Paul Henri Spaak yesterday for saying that disengagement in Central Europe is impossible while Russia possesses nuclear weapons. Commander Allan Noble, Minister of State in the Foreign Office, told Parliament the statement was made without consulting Britain.
    U.P  -  142 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 250 16 CLASSIFIED ADS.; SITUATION VACANT to Word* (Mm.) Box SO elt. extra. 1 wanted hard working School*boys/SaJesmen for Partrime work canvassing/selling general goods on commission j basl Box 5296 P I Will Xl TO STA^ 20 Words $2 (Min.)-liox iU rf«. «xtra GLENEAGLES HOTEL Located Near Botanical Gardens/ Excelleni Cuisine/Bar. Tel:
      250 words
    • 11 16 '*****'^Hi^^^HwVVi3K^Sf""^ik.' v^ iS^b «^H^^^ X AVAILABLE AT ALL LEADtNC STORES I
      11 words

  • Free Press and Malay Mail supplement
    • 10 1 Free Press and Malay Mail supplement Tuesday, April 29. 1958.
      10 words
    • Article, Illustration
      662 3 THE CAPITOL CINEMA THE SKY CINEMA THE GREAT WORLD THE PAVILION CINEMA MALAY FILM PRODUCTIONS JMIK success story of Singapore's iilm magnate brothers, Runme and Hun Hun Shaw, is the most fabulous one in the history of show business in this part of the world the story
      662 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 4 SHAW BROTHERS are always on the look out for new talent for their films, I These four Singapore beauties were photographed at the Malay Film Produc- 1 tions studio in February during a search for future star material to apf I in a new Shaw Brothers' production. I
      50 words
    • 387 4 Emergency lighting an essential for cinema safety 'THE provision of ade- quate and efficient safety lighting in cinemas and theatres is a matter of great importance to the theatre owners and the public. The plunging into sudden darkness of a well-filled theatre could quickly result in widespread panic, especially if
      387 words
    • 139 5 IT'S A WORLD OF F-U-N DINE, DANCE OR SEE A SHOW SINGAPORE'S -'worlds," the colourful amusement parks in which you can sec a film, a sideshow, ;i Chinese opera or dine and dance, have been internationally known tourisi attractions for many years, and are jusl as popular with the local
      139 words
    • 296 5 One of the annual draw-cards at the Great World is the Trade and Industries Fair, which has Government blessing and the support of both Malayan and overseas commercial interests. Crowds of up to 30,000 a night are common during the 18 days of
      296 words
    • 170 6 NEW CINEMAS BUIL T UNDER HUGE PROGRESS PLAN Millions of dollars spent to improve entertainment facilities for your pleasure an ai ti I s impr< ssion ol the ultra-modern I i<ld cinema, now in the course ol construction in Orchard Road, Singapore. This cinema, om which millions of dollars have
      170 words
    • Article, Illustration
      336 8 MEET THE FROM Sag taa^aaafe ftftftft^rtH>; J TOP *f |T TAKES talent, good looks and a lot of hard work to be a film star, but many young Malayans have made the grade at Shaw Brothers' Malay Film Productions studios. A team of talent scouts, constantly on the look-out for
      336 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 gdfgdg S B. '^^flJ^^E^^jF" m\ A j P^' S -^^rflßl^^^k^ nU^^SRy CELEBRATE with SHAWS VHH ffli ■^w^^^ir^^^raH Iv LJl?gJßffvSy HALF THE PRICE -TWICE THE FUN HfSIM r :^il ■fI^SK H Take The Whole Family and Give Them A Treat *13«vC89 5 iBBBBHBM K^BBBB J W f&KPJf* 'JiK^BBK bI HDp .BJV^B
      100 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 74 2 X if"-'' A ■'■'■•v/. '''r •y^KiK-l itom^V ;■;.■;>'.■; XX 1 !*KSN%"X*Xm ,y.v.v,-. m^^^^^^^^^^^. <"■ -/.y, //.'/,y.'^^.^«t mj* Mfc^f'yiMt*i*^'*-V''»'>jV'-"' .".•X*. v.*.^ »;XvX m^^r -^tfMMß%i^^. 1* X*ll*-^'T-*^bm^l—!o ''*Xvlvi'>vl'i*lv'*i**'''**X*X*X*l*X*X iv/zlvlv.-lvig MX'M M' T^Bk. .^bp^' X^p^bW W'^T Kodak Film 1 |*HIIIMIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]||||||||t|||C] IIimniIIIIIIIIIII[3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIII[3IIIimiP| f Congratulations I I SHAW ORGANISATION I 3JS f V r m
      74 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 Pan American Congratulates SH A^^ BR.O I rlliiivo o« //»eir |jM(!) #fc ANNIVERSAR V f// J^^B EME^tteft^^^^E^fav^. '^*7^ IHlMe^E^E^E^eHevl 1 1 yTj(Ea^^9^B W£is£'jm& eV^^^e^lele^iV /**y^^^^ I A Pan American offers* its sincere Congratulations to Shay Brothers on thin the happy occasion of their .'U)th Anrmcrsar}, E*2VLV AdfERICACtf world s most
      52 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 ON TOP IN Entertainment ■■■■■■r^^^BBBBBM ■BbW Hr^H fl^BV i>i i w* I I* I A A. CLOUET CO., (M) LTD. I «^7 ON TOP WITH Quality Merchandise CU A\A/ D I3 4^ T U b9^^ I Xl\ anflff DI\U I ilCil%9 tm IMb I I HAGEMEYER TRADING CO., (M) LTD.
      50 words
    • 28 4 |iinii!iiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiMiiiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiic]||iMiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiiinc: i >^ Congratulations mm m m m w% SHAW BROTHERS LTD g THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. (MALAYA) LTD 5 Representing THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD. OF ENGLAND c
      28 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 Congratulations to SHAW BROS. j ORGANISATION j FOR 30 YEARS j UNPARALLELLED ACHIEVEMENT j I N TH E Fl LM j INDUSTRY IN I THE FAR EAST j Frofn I l\ N I VUU9 104 Br >B'NSOW »0 SiNGAIOK Tit i;»,*> 4 J >' At A t i,M nun OM
      55 words
    • 60 5 Fraser Neave Ltd. Malayan Breweries Ltd. Archipelago Brewery Co. (1941) Ltd. OllilW Dl Uvi on the occasion of their anniversary CONGR ATUL AT lONS to SHAW BROTHERS I tfom DIETHELM'S 1 Woodworking Dept. 4, Household and (;fficc 1 Furniture, Cinema Chairs, I I Aluminium Dept. fi Architectural Aluminium Products, Aluminium
      60 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 110 6 SHAW ORGANISATION on the occasion of their 30th Anniversary from UNITED ENGINEERS LTD., ZMncjciporG. During their long association with Messrs. J I J cl VV I.J I l>/o« I-i I vl \^J li, l^j 11 V RJ v, v^ 1 1 v. 1 1 Llvlo LC Vl c I I
      110 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
      91 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 I Congratulations to Shaw Brothers i ON THIRTY YEARS j I OF SHOW BUSINESS i USED IN SHAW CINEMAS throughout Singapore I I and Malaya, and acclaimed by audio engineers, and hi-fidelity enthusiasts as the finest 4-speed record player everl 1 ELAC MIRAPHON II with Miratwin pick-up brings oul "LIFE
      100 words

  • Eve
    • 4 1 Eve Tuesday, April 29,^95^
      4 words
    • 429 1 THE BAG LINE... S'PORE STYLE CTRONGLY-modified interpretations of the v starHing new styles emphasising bagginess of line and hem have been culled from market offerings and snared for local shops by wise buyers. This clever compromisi is proving pop vl a i with our local ladies who have in recent
      429 words
    • Article, Illustration
      298 1 i WHERE IS no doubt E 3 X that Malay cinema E stars such as the ador- able young actresses E E above have influenced E 2 modern trends among E Malay women. Thousands who have E Ej seen the lovely faces of these exquisite examE Pies of Malay femini-
      298 words
    • 94 1 5= A SINCAPORE shop is offering 1958 costume 55 jewellery just made to be worn the new way as along hemlines, at a hipline or immediately sss under the bosom. The shop also has frocks with the new short, sb short skirts which call for glamour in jewellery.
      94 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 57 1 &J Vli /111 \m Available from:— Whlteowoy Loldlow ft Co., Ltd. Bater r Poo^. Wing On, itl Brulgc Rood John Little (M) Lfd. Raffles PlOCf, Maloya Drug Store, 142 Eoti COO« 1 Hood Sincere General Store, Chontfl Village. Bo*hccr Store, 71? Go/ong p,,0 Choc Kow, Seletor. HAGEMEYCR TRADING COMPANY iM
        57 words
    • 463 2 HOW FLOWERS CAN BRING YOU HAPPINESS If RES II FLOWERS, when properly arranged with artistic feeling invoke a happy mood to any room or business ofiice. If you are the kind oi woman to whom Mowers are a living source of inspiration and must turn your hand at creating floral
      463 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1440 2 Feminasc ope iltuygubvjyhy T^HEKE IS picturesque charm to the vignettes in water colours deplete kainpong scenes which comprise a new collection of nicely-sSJ paintings at a Tanglin shop. These are the work of clever Mr>. susa Walters, wife of Brigadier M H. Walters. This artist has captured wit fidelity the
      Free Pree; Free Press; Free Press  -  1,440 words
    • 71 2 This extremely mo-destly-priced sack costume in "separates" (blouse and skirt interchangeable with other apparel) is fashioned of yellow chartreuse batik emblazoned with violet and turquoise snowflake <\o siuns. Designed by Singapore's rising young couturier, Mary McAree who specialises in Wntiks it was shown recently at a Tanglin
      Free Press  -  71 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 28 2 lEiii %lii I. DEODORANT I iff :^s^^^r The new, delightful underorm-hyqiene so dclifjhtful cud Mid so neat and ICHMIDI CO M] Lt d. I4<.c, P'.i.r^'.r, p,,th, Utif port
        28 words
    • 235 3 electric haven Lee Chaj Bridge Rd.; Fissues, bet- J pharmacies; COttOn fashion I 1 |1 Pure silks, t( cottons, gold < mbroidered or- V tulles and better PS and I i boxe v uum ISS handbags, black wrought iron smokers' sets, Wako, 1 Raffles PI.; Oriental lacquered
      235 words
    • 328 3 Ceylon is really a gem of an island "^HE elephant is the Symbol ot Cey lon, but a was not elephants that brought Smbad the Sailor (as legend has it) to the island And it was not for elephants that King Solomon sent hif men to Ceylon, either They were
      328 words
    • 262 3 The Gourmet Club SOUTHERN India's peoples of the villages, i most of these strict vege- tarians, have greatly influenced local Indian cookery. Many of their re- 1 cipe s involve the use of the cheaper roots and tubers such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, colocasia, ordinary and elephant yams, or
      262 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 49 3 llllElllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHf goddess r*£\ Bras. iOf J I C i J V\ i'-I Line BRA H J tflJ [l \\y bosom, slims t'n: VV il 'i|/^f midriff .md mik.s i *!iaj» one's figure fruly V> J n i;r^ beautiful $20 Sole Igents: Orchard Road, lowrv unj oourvTry IIIIIIMIII)IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllll!i;ii!!i!iiiiiiiiii:ni:;iM.i i I
        49 words
    • Article, Illustration
      122 4 BAGS GOWNS GLASS nylon handbags are gorgeous, the colours rich blue or clean grey Switzerland has sent one shop exciting new evening gown fabrics in gold painted and gold embroidered organza, French mills some elegant tulles embroidered with sequins Kelly green with pain chartreuse, whit^ with violet, aqua with coral
      122 words
    • 373 4 Tips for unique cost umes How can we make more glamorous use of our Eastern materials or these combined with Western /c ttilei With only a little ingenuity any of MJ can ih Kjn id ique costumes. Shot* n on v■' h one attractive style for a full skirt and
      373 words
    • 215 4 AROUND THE SHOPS... pASHION WISE S x women have dis- covered "400" Rainbow S tissues for boudoir or purse, bathroom or 5 family car. Each pac- ket contains an assort- ment of four pastel- toned soft tissues, de- licate yet strong. 5 Lady Schick for feminine grooming has arrived at
      215 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 185 4 Shhhh It's Gossip! 1 Eve: Mary dear! Did you sec Eva last night at the jj party? She had <)H the boys going ga-ga over E her. I w inder how she manages to keep her FICURE in such .1 TRIM SHAPE at this ACE. M.iry: It's a secret, of
        185 words
      • 94 4 Mlllllliliiiiilllliiiiniiiiiiiiiminiiß NEWiI E A LONG-LASTINfI LIPSTICK THAT! DOES NOT DRY UH Helena Ruhinstdfl NEW CREAMY I Stay-Lona LIPSTICK I A NEW LOOK FOR LIPS '.'.""/Jr"* BTAT.UMiO P LlpttJck Til il miraculous!) clinß* lte i V rti K>'»B nr.caring, nrrrt drying. v l' EASY-CHANGE unit ■< n tW ■^^l your lip-colour
        94 words
    • 486 5  - KRONCHONG PLATFORM TO STAR STATUS SUSAN BARRIE jkhgjtgftre by Off the screen, Ramlee is a haply married family man, whose beauful wife always wears Malay dress. )th like to spend as much time as icy can spare with their young childP] Two other male actors who have wide box-off cc
      486 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 33 5 Congratulations to i i I Shaw Brothers Ltd. on their 30th Anniversary i I GUENTER LIENAU Office Showroom Ngee Ann Building Orchard Road, Singapore 9. For Home For Office For Any Lighting Scheme
        33 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 71 6 SHAW BROTHERS on their 30th Anniversary. It is our pleasure to be your suppliers of: 8 H I TRAFFOLYTE I ENGRAVED PUST.C j p,_ YWOOD SIGNS I rxhui^ I acoustic B^ rsgd. i ii i\| i» I v R JL LAMINATED PLASTIC t r/AIMCLO 50/t' Agents: \3tcWtUotV* <C Chc4uM (Mataua)
        71 words
      • 198 6 I ?I||IIIIII I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 lIM I 1 1 'I I I 1 1 1 II•I I I ••••••••••■••••■••Illlllllllfllllllllll Mm 1 1 1 1 ifll MARIANL. I I *Jt^~^ She has I vvl ..v. H^Kc' vWHB ■^•ot-'
        198 words
    • 300 7 M.G.M TO SCREEN 'DUNKIRK' I evlew of me of the film> comlng to Shaw Brothers' cinemas this year SSPITE hot competition from teleion, Meti o-Goldwyn-yer has one of its gest and most imssive film line-ups years cheduled for ;ase in i!>:>B. f<> the linn will intro. c v least another
      300 words
    • 28 7 pSeve a iT d Mi I|i1 |i. arl 11 lIIm J° ■■■11-* Of Koine" FUt BRYNNBR and Maria Schell in 'The lUothrrs K;ir.»ma/ov".
      28 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 49 7 With Best iN L: J Wishes |f j J It lf|V jfggg^gSisgs^^^ Kcmi m555k J > MARTIN SgT"'.''! ,ij The world's I 1 Bf|NFjHAMPAGNE COGNAC_B J i m /s m 3| f -'Or mi*, 't/fn/tnrj-' m 0 I I COGNAC 3 V. S. 0. P. mil Vi'tX >il3l J BRANDY
        49 words
    • 198 8 on the list oi Uni wivti Internationa] coming releases tins year is This I i RttSSia/ >> 1 1 nit 1 1 fcravellogue and i bold tx* pcriDiiiit in lilin making. Universal canseranien and technicians travelled thousands of miles through Russia tor some
      198 words
    • Article, Illustration
      39 8 GLAMOUR is not forgotten in Universal* 1958 proKrammr. Above is Ann Robinson who does a strip tease in the film Damn Citi/en." based on the story of Col. Pram is Grtftlfttaf, who cleaned up corruption in Louisiana
      39 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 81 8 Congratulate Shaw Bros. on the occasion of their 30th Anniversary Congratulations j to all members of the J*^f^fß I SHAW ORGANISATION K^iß on this their 30th Anni versary. May our long and imSr^ m h.ippy association con- *?m0 I tinuc throughout the W yenrs to come. -j> l^- > X^
        81 words
      • 226 8 w^ sr^ a L ni p| ''v |n UISiVVA mi 1 E Recordj World Famous Conductors O Orchestras. World Famous Artists I LX.4106 Some Enchanted Evening. Stanley Black LX.4107 Dancing in the Dark. Stanley Black h j LX.4108 Carnival in the Sun. Stanley Bljcl- his j LX.4109 Festival in Costa
        226 words
    • 366 9 \KM H BROTHERS ma de an impressive r t to i l|>s vvit!l the era! release of Conara," later to juiH Oscars. D d there is plenty t0 forward to f™ m r, u r studios for t»»e rest the L e mm thai wIH
      366 words
    • 28 9 TAB HUNTER and brilliant young French actress Etchika Choureau, co-stars of "Hell Bent for Glory." NATALIE WOOD and co-star Ed VVynn in "Marjori* Morningstar."
      28 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 41 9 (fffiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiig Wed rt test Congratulations to 1 Shaw Brothers Ltd E on the occasion of their 30th Anniversary j from 1 SIONG HOE LTD j ('gents for Caltex Lubricant) 2^5, New Bridge Road. ***>" Tel: ***** i s IMI I IIIIIIIIHIHIHIl!
        41 words
      • 41 9 ALWAYS AVAILABLE AT SHAW THEATRES CADBURYS m FAMOUS i ft l Hjf Hi/I CHOCOLATES«J|P i TIN 11 >Vr»H>»u |gr^*^ft>^^^B Bf^Bt^M^ml DV^^V •■^^^BHBS^SiiKTn f ■Rj^feHßßßß^X^a^Bßß^^ I I I^Sr^^ £2 ill I Onrjk v J d^^r^«^*fßPß(BnJjuJj ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES ALL CADBURY VALUE.
        41 words
    • 274 10 i %NE POWELL returns to the screen after an absence of two years to portray the provocative title role in RKO'3 Pechnicolor film, "The OirJ Most Likely/ 1 an elaborate, colorful romani Ie-comedy with music. The versatile and capable Miss Powell is
      274 words
    • 28 10 JOHN WAYNE, as an Air Force flyer, with Janet Leirh < •n a scene from "Jet Pilot," another RKO film to be shown In Malaya soon. >
      28 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
        64 words
      • 71 10 Extending Heartiest m Congratulations I to the I Shaw Organisation I on their I 50f^ Anniversary 1 I LIM KAH NGAM 1 (construction works) M 27-A, South Canal Road, m Singapore 1. Tel: ***** ***** I FiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiitiiiHiiitiiiifiiiiiiiiiififiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiifiiiiS I Js^? Wishes I SHAW BROS. 1 their 30th. Anniversary I' C NANG
        71 words
    • 189 11 [m AK'HSTShave vera adaptations best-selling books j record-breaking v S lined up for rese this year. ag the Ust is "Wit•f or the rrosecu- B dapti d from Aga- Christie's famous mterest Is -'The if \merican," starring le Murphy, an adaptaO f Graham Greene's
      189 words
    • 20 11 808 HOPE, Anita Ekbers. Martha Hyer and Fcrnandel in United Artists' "Paris Holiday
      20 words
    • 23 11 KIRK DOUGLAS in a scene from The Vikings," in Which he co-stars with Tony Curtis, Ernest Borjjnine and Janet Leigh.
      23 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 45 11 iiicjiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiicsiiiiiiiiiiHuiiHiiiiimaiiiiiimiiiuiinuiHiiicsii REE TINGS TO SHAW RGANISATION o;/ their B™ ANNIVERSARY M WAH BATTERY SERVICE 4, Rochore Canal Road. apore 7 Tel: ***** I !nililmillll lm ""iiii[]iiiiiiiiiiii[],ii,,,, imicm u Me Compliments of ADVERTISING SERVICE LTD. IJ "'es Building, Malacca Street, i; i )or e-i. Tel: *****.
        45 words
      • 87 11 CONGRATULATIONS TO SHAW BROTHERS on their brilliant record of 30 successful years in the Entertainment World ruiwA sl r+c\ 9 A B ASIA INSURANCE BUILDING SINGAPORE s MKy^^B All M w M I Design and appearance r>l TITONI Airmastei Swiss watches combine styling with classical elegance Skillful craftsmanship ensure years
        87 words
    • 354 12 FIVE A WARDS A T FILM FESTIVAL 'Shaws could not have asked for finer anniversary present' lmiaw Brothers won flve awards at the fifth A ian Film F< ti val. which «'ii(if(i i.' Manila on Sat urdaj Four went to "Diaii Charn ol Three King dom for kx s1 seen
      354 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 30 12 and best wishes for the future to Messrs: SHAW BROTHERS LTD. I on their 30th Anniversary I I from j'^jff^ RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LTD. J H. A. O'CONNOR CO., LTD.
        30 words