The Singapore Free Press, 26 April 1958

Total Pages: 20
1 4 The Singapore Free Press
  • 21 1 The Singapore Free Press Malaya's Own Family Paper Singapore, Saturday, April 26, 1958. Price 15 CU. No. I.' 1 1 J
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  • 215 1 Multimillion trade boost HE Australian trade mission, now m Singapore, have laid the foundations for a multi-million dollar increase m two-way trade during the next few years. ley are due to leave this afternoon for Kuala Lumfcur for a seven-day visit before going on to Bangkok, Itrepot trade circles attached
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  • 39 1 A spokesman of the Indonesian Consulate General m Singapore said they were investigating a report that Sumatran rebel cabinet ministers had taken refuge m Singapore and would make representations to the local Government, if necessary.
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  • 18 1 Thieves got away with jewellery and cash worth $1,140 from a house m Delta Road yesterday.
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  • 15 1 Princess Soraya left New York yesterday by sea for a holiday m Bermuda.—Reuter.
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  • 20 1 The U.S. Navy announced last night that it had postponed another attempt to launch a Vanguard satellite Reuter
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  • 380 1 MALAYANISATION: NEW OFFER TO THE EXPATS Mayor proposes $380,000 compensation EXPATRIATE officers of the Singapore City Council whose jobs are to be Malayanised immediately will, the Free Press understands, get compensation for loss of career. The first Malayanisation proposal by the Mayor, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, was significantly silent on
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  • 89 1 World fate hanys on slender thread Nehru MR. Nehru, Prime Minister of India, said yesterday that the fate of the world hangs on a slender thread and same wrong: action by an individual could lead to war. Speaking at Alleppey, m the Communist- governed state of Kerala, he repeated his
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 62 1 PLANE AND $45,000 CARGO A TRANSPORT plane carrying M 545,000 worth of cargo was stolen from the airport at Miami. Florida, yesterday. Tile control tower said they granted an unidentified pilot permission to take oft for the Nicaraguan capital. Managua, soon after midnight. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said they
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 105 1 FALL OF BUKIT TINGGI REPORT 'NOT IMPOSSIBLE'-DJUANDA IT was "not impossible" that a Press report that Bukit Tinggi had fallen was true, the Indonesian Premier, Dr. DJuanda, told reporters m Jakarta yesterday. Otherwise official silence surrounded the Central Government's drive against the former rebel capital and on Solok, military headquarters
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  • 67 1 Malta-wide strike for Monday ffttE Malta General WorkX ers Union m Valletta has called a 24-hour general strike m the island for Monday to signify "national protest" against British policy. A resolution passed at a big meeting Just outside Valletta last night blamed the British Government for the crisis. A
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  • 29 1 New rubber consumption for 1958 m the U.S. is expected to drop about 10 per cent from 1957, an industry source said m New York yesterday Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 69 1 All fcj^ Im fashion -wise vph women JT\I 4*l choose IB! rainbow tissues Each packet contains an assortment of four exquisite pastel coloured tissues to compliment your taste m daintiness... for Boudoir or purse. These tissues are of the finest quality delicate and soft... yet strong, dependable and economical. There
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  • 62 2 OPERATION ON WOMAN OF 101 IS A SUCCESS DR. PARMANAND SHARMA, an Indian surgeon aged 29, yesterday claimed a world record by successfully operating on a woman aged 101. The patient, Mrs. Elizabeth Dawkins, was operated on at Epping, Esse*. England, for a fractured hip after six other hospitals had
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 196 2 Portrait of Countess wins rare award A PORTRAIT of the Countess of Dal- j keith, daughter of a I Hone: Kong lawyer, has I received the Royal I Academy's "A" award I the first time this j honour has been awarded m a genera- 1 tion. m The "A" signifying
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 25 2 A baby girl *•!.< weigh only one p ]C iM m a hospital m .«W London, last ni*ht living 24 hours Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 280 2 New Russian warning: May lift ban on atom tests DTSSIA told Japan m a Note yes- terday that Russia could not follow its unilateral test ban for long unless Britain and the United States proclaimed a -similar end to testing. This warning, contained m a reply to Japan's appeal for
    U.P.; Reuter  -  280 words
  • 189 2 EGYPT TO FREE 16 BRITISH SOLDIERS AN EGYPTIAN Government spokesman said m Cairo last night that 16 British soldiers and two army vessels detained by Egyptian authorities since Wednesday would be released within a few hours. The men were now m good health. They had been treated for sea-sickness after
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 285 2 RUSSIA SAYS NORWEGIAN LEADER TOLD A LIE |>ITSSIA'S first deputy Foreigm Minister Niko- lai Patolichev last night called Norwegian Foreign Minister Halvarg Lange a liar. Asked about a statement by Mr. Lange that the Soviets had built rocket launching bases m Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany, Mr. Patolichev said, "that's
    U.P.  -  285 words
  • 148 2 YUGOSLAVIA expressed 1 readiness last night for "sincere co-operation" with the Soviet bloc on a basis of "frankness and clarity." The semi-official Yugopress News Agency said m an authorised statement that attacks on Soviet bloc policies made at the Yugoslav Communist congress at Ljubljana
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 388 2 TOO BIG IMPORTANT FOR ONE THEATRE i Simultaneously From Thursday Ist May at* SKY S REX a 4 SHOWS Daily: 10.45, 2.00, 6.00 9.30 3 HOt ItS! XOtt.UAL PUiI'ES! v m i^JS^/^MONTGOMERYCLIFTQI S £?K»^* 1 }&M. ELIZABETH TAYLOR J,) m m .«**r EVA MARIE SAINT m \J2~rri: .«aiNi*»- iii mm-
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  • 34 3 ive people were inured, one seriously, when a taxi, a private car and a bus were m collision m Outram Road, Singapore, early today. The car was badly smashed.-
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  • 190 3 Margaret: Secret of cool look is out THE secret of how Princess Margaret managed to look so cool at official functions at Port of Spain, Trini- < dad, despite the high < temperature was re- < vealed yesterday her < chair was aircondition- 1 cd. When the Princess < inaugurated
    U.P.  -  190 words
  • 38 3 Ut J J ay r);i y message teßan^^ Mr Solofile M ?M f n r alke W™'* BRS Pledged to Kl°S p oli^ t0 "more le lxo P t U the of Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 13 3 Kiatioj f S bct ot U) e In- Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 244 3 'No oxygen' climbers in 26,000-foot altitude test A BRITISH-PAKISTANI Himalayan expedition left London yesterday to climb to nearly 26,000 feet without oxygen to discover the effects of high altitude on man. They will use a tape recorder as they climb so that a phonetics expert can observe whether their speech
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  • 144 3 Local films have a hard time, says Saloma MISS SALOMA, the lone delegate of Singapore and Malaya to the fifth Asian Film Festival m Manila yesterday said Malayan films are faced with the problem of patronage. The shapely film actress said: "Malayan movies are having a hard time getting patronized
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  • 151 3 POLICE CHIEF TO FACE TRIAL MR. GLYN DAVIES, Worcester police chief, was committed for trial on his own bail m Worcester yesterday on charges of fraudulent conversion of police club funds and falsifying the club's accounts. The 48-year-old Davies was suspended from his post last December after club members had
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 43 3 Delegations from Egypt, the World Bank and the Suez Canal Company began to gather m Rome yesterday for meetings next week which may give final international recognition to Egypt's seizure of the canal nearly two years ago.— Reuter
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  • 122 3 H.A.F. ace- turned-woman becomes a bankrupt A RECEIVING order In bankruptcy has been made against a wartime fighter ace who later registered himself as a woman, the London Gazette disclosed last night. The order, dated April 21, has been made against 40-year-old Miss Roberta CowelU formerly Mr. Robert Cowell. Cowell,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 For inexpensive gifts or drawing room ornaments choose some exquisite Malayan or Indian Handicrafts. Malayan Crafts: Kejantan Silver Trengganu Brocades Straw Coods Malacca Canes Crocodile Hand Bags Coods made by SATA Patients, etc. etc. Indian Crafts: Bidri Brass Work Walnut Wood Tables Carved Figures Table Lamps Buffalo Horn Carvings Ivory
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 200 4 THE iorthright and vigorous language characterising the last meeting of the Legislative Assembly is testimony of the high degree of democracy obtaining m Singapore. For it is clear evidence of the assemblymen's complete faith m the immunity they enjoy, an immunity which is freely accorded them.
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  • 256 4 Navy submarine plan for pedoed THE British Government's plan to revitalise, the Royal Navy by equipping it with rocket firing submarines may have to be shelved because of a hitch over defence agreements with America. The hitch centres on the Polaris, the revolutionary U.S. rocket designed to project Hbombs from
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  • 928 4 IT was wash-day on the bank! Of the Tigris. Dozens of women m long black dresses knelt on the worn Hat stones and scrubbed. They and their forebears have done just this daily, the last few thousand years. The only
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  • 44 4 reporting from the magic city of Bagdad, forecasts: 'When these women finally do catch up on us Western wives m education, emancipation and how to handle your man, they are going to give their husbands hell for all these generations of semi-slavery/
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  • 130 4  -  Beachcomber A LARGE lady was shown into the professor's room, followed by a small Pekingese dog. "Professor," she said, "wherever I go, I seem to see a little dog following me. Look! There he is now! I know it's all imagination, but it gets on my nerves.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 HHlllllHlialtlMllllllll.lil Ilillll.llllMll.Dllll'll'f. IT'S ihe Sale of the Year I OUR GRAND I EASTER 1 SALE Call today Shop Conveniently I We close at 5 p. m. Today nil \i I Textiles, Limited. I 71, High Street, S'pore-G. T>l: ***** *****. i fliliiiiiini.iiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliii.niiiiii' j
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    • 95 4 the NEW 1' lit^ SUNBEAM RAPIER AROOTI^ PRODUCT ""7 SETS A NEW STANDARD IN PERFORMANCE-SAFETY-ELEGANCE New power-plus Rally matter' engine 1} litres t ia I power and reliability, gear change a shorl P' 1 centre gear lever to give a quicker change to maicn engine's new performance. New safety features
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  • 204 5 Second exam chance after walk-out? It's up to London HE Singapore Ministry of Education has forwarded to the London Chamber or Commerce a complete report about the walk-out by small oups oi pupils from recent shorthand examinations. A Ministry spokesman told the Free Press that a final count had sciosed
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 5 Twenty-eight year-old Peter May> England and Surrey cricket caplain, and Miss Virginia Gilligan, whose engagement has just been announced. Miss Gilligan, 23, is a niece of former England Test captain A.E.R. Gilligan.
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  • 42 5 Man for 260 more street lights WENTY f our streets nta?v ClU r d cd H *X the WpleyCoun he S;! »gapore .V" for thls yearleer m/p E ec t t rical El^nto Fjis perinisirk the id UP In those :on Wed-
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  • 15 5 i en Be M rail ChiH 0 i:i i! Metholect h H«Mi Ai-
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  • 279 5 WOMEN HAIL THE EGG STAMP iiousEwivEs yester--11 day welcomed the Singapore Government's directive that all eggs imported from China should be stamped. This, they said, would minimise the chances of being cheated. They alleged that retailers had been mixing eggs imported from China with those produced locally and selling the
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  • 49 5 The newspaper Al Ahram reported yesterday that Ghana had requested the United Arab Republic to send a military mission to train the Ghanaian Army. Ghana has also asked for experts and technicians from Egypt to take part m development schemes, the newsnaner added. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 114 5 AGALA carnival and fair will be held at the Great World tonight m con nection with the screening of the film, "Raintree County" m Singapore. The fair opens at 7 p.m. with a procession led by a brass band. Then there will bo a searchlight display,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 I MUCH j MORE FLAVOUR LESS NICOTINE Tor the first time filler tip smokers are eetting what they J want much more flavour S and aroma with much less i nicotine. After the first few t puffs from an L M, most i smokers sum it up m this way.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 100 6 JEFF lI WVKI by Sydney Jordan It/gfiTS PABACHUTE BILLOH/S OP^M W^^-^S&!^E^ HBRSj^ B^^ '**j^^ o^j^s£' < r ir*^- d^Py^^^'- I N^fl IT I MAPPP KJ^ O yp 31 WIHIAKi: by Lee Falk and Phil Davis B^ S£V 1 I MANPRAKE. NARPA AAiD LOTMAR --NONE IN THE PATH OP THE >^H
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    • 436 6 BORN today, you have an ambition that appears limitless, ana .sinei you have a good head for business and what amounts to a real tali i for organisation, it is likely that you I will accumulate a considerable fortune- But, since money m itselt does not appear _to be the
      436 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 168 7 I LONDON, April 25 Previous Today bBFK v lir n SS 22!^ buyers unquoted ■Loi^" 1 v no .sellers m l IIV 22 i buyers 22 buyers >liy 22 i sellers 22 sellers I i<< «?oot 22% buyers 22 »,4 buyers B-BBKR No S% sellers 22 3
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    • 90 7 INLW IOKK, April 25. i'revious Xoaay straits Spot om yjou nom< V"Z^.^ mm 82.50 buyers 92.87 buyers aih v 93.20 seners yj.t>2 seners i,,iy y^.uu uuyers 9^ ou ouyers y^.io stuers 9^.^o seiiers X; "utures iviaj 26- U paid 25.50 buyers D 20.0y seners July 26.10 paid
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    • 28 7 I NEW YORK, April 25. Previous Today Industries 453.42 454.92 Railroads 111.00 111.52 Dome>lic Bonds 89.85 89.89 Utilities 77.13 77.38 Stocks Composite Averages.. 156-81 157.37
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    • 57 7 spot and awaiting ase 261,, afloats 26 to 25M>. il shipment j Lampong land awaiting release 26' i, ats 26 to 25' J( April ship- ment 25U- Sarawak unquoted Munlok white spot and awaiting release 40, afloats 39 1 2, anc April shipment 38"», sellers exdock. flalabar Abore
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    • 7 7 fy /j dgnlgdaagmags
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  • 98 7 SI T ignores charges of corruption S E^ official, of the J improveor,-,,, are not corruption by Mr. Wong li; <vi Wednesft* PWtrt s d that so "j JJ Wa 8 concernii '^t o Btarted ended there. If any specific allegations were made to the Trust direct, he said they
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  • 194 7 District polls may be put off for month gLECTIONS to the Rural and District Councils which were expected to be held m June may be postponed for another month. The Free Press understands that the Council of Ministers thought it advisable to postpone the elections for a month m view
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  • 180 7 EXPERT'S TRIBUTE TO POLY PLANNERS THE Singapore Polyr technic authorities had shown foresight and wisdom m planning for more than immediate requirements, the Colonial Office's Adviser on Technical Education, Mr. J. C. Jones, said yesterday. "I understand there has been some criticism of the large scale of the buildings but
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  • 20 7 Ships at the Singapore Naval Base today are: Andrew, Cardigan Bay, Cheviot Mounts Bay, Newcastle and Royalist.
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  • 137 7 r|ii;i ails oi an incident m wnicn two Freston (Lancashire) Councillors received a ducking m the town's baths leaked out yesterday. The occasion was a social evening given by the Mayor, Councillor Charles Hearn, m the Queen's Hall which has a swimming
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  • 62 7 i The Begum Aga Khan last night denied Cairo reports that Mohamed Bura, the Egyptian architect who 1 designed a Mausoleum for the late Aga Khan, had started an action over his fees "I am very satisfied with the work of my architect, and payments are
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 104 7 H Most "n -to -date Fabrics for M N decorating your house bungalow Kf [j JUST UNPACKED n Well known brands of N H carpets and rugs m H H beautiful shades. rJ H Now /s flic riglif fime. N M Come and see.our Furnishing Dept. N RIAN SINGH CO.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 101 7 Today's radio programme 1.15 p.m. Programme Sum- Light* On; 7.00 Time Signal mary, Saturday Date; 1.30 Time and News; 7.15 Visitors Book; Signal and News; 145 Saturday 730 The Big Record; 8.00 Sports Dat« (continued); 2.15 Weekend Forum; 830 Listeners Calling, Sport; 2.45 The Latin-American presented by Felix Puerto; 900
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    • 55 7 pINCAPORE 1 HIGH TIDES! I TODAY: 4.11 p.m. I TOMORROW: 3.23 a.m. I and 5.35 p.m. I MONDAY: 4.41 a.m. I and 7.02 p.m. I TUESDAY: 6.24 a.m. i and 8.04 p.m. j WEDNESDAY: 7.54 a.m. i and 8,49 p.m. p THURSDAY: 9.00 a.m. and 9.27 p.m. i FRIDAY: 9.54
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  • 755 8  -  DIANA ROSS By CHANGED BY PITY THE STORY SO FAR A DEMON who wfti *o frlfhtfol that i"'"i»i*' wh* w lum died and who used to eat those unloi lunate prisons is captivated by a baby girl and makes the child s parents pledge to Kive
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  • 283 8 rpHE winners ot last week s 1 colour-in contest (each of whom will receive a $5 prize m due course) are as follows: Miss Mary Kum Sook Goh (14), 5G Orchard Road, Singapore 9. Miss Theresa Lee dVi, 18-.A Albert House, Short Street, Singapore 7 Master Robert
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 186 8 CLUES ACROSS. 1, Ted novelist and poet wh( Ray is one on radio and wrote Don Quixote. 5 TV. 7 The Sahara is»the Switzerland's capital 6 largest one Ln the world. 8. Having a very decidec Joe Louis is a famous slope. 10. The largest Ncv heavyweight one. 9. Fifth
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    • 379 8 A colour-in contest With prizes tor you I POCKET MONEY prizes River Valley Road. Singaare offered for colour- pore 9, to reach her not ing this scene with paints, later than Thursday next, crayons or chalks. Age limit is 15. There are four prizes offered each of S3 (two Name
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  • 369 9  - KEY TO MAINTAINING A TRUE BALANCE S. M. Berry Kn iii rday sermon by lli€ k lti k v. nI H ivorldlineSS ana oiner-wuuuimess are R u which curry with them suggestions of trie ted vision and narrowness of outlook. re L e on< depicts the never sees, 7! has
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  • 1133 9 Sunday church announcements l!< ENGLAND 1., tadtew 1 Cathedral: 7.00 I\. Com ftWjj ■Church of tnr Ascension, ■oodsviilr 8 any Holy Com■rnion. 9.13 am. Sunday Koal 6 p m evensongXt Pauls Church, Upper Kangoon Koud: 8.00 am. ■v Communion; 10.00 a.m. Kday School; 5.30 p.m. EvenXt Mathew'i Church Neil Kd:
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 81 9 HV H H B B T» I II BP^^^^^^^B i*i^i j^2^r ic j 4 HooK*ic' '-'>!^B SKK''-' -5 I 'CdlTi I i I i v -*Ji HBRHKy ■'■jßp iwy'. ,5 1* rv 1 *I 1 j %^BBvX*l\'*v(*>''jB fl^U BVfi^BnKp^ l '-j^K SSs* 4 /.ailon Mohitnico INFANT FEEDING Kola Wuiru vS^^^H
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    • 170 10 THANK you for your letters concerning the General Knowledge Quiz. The general opinion seems to be that you find the questions a little too difficult and that you would like me to roam further afield instead of entirely concentrating on the ancient history of
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      • 305 10 Another quiz on POPularity m FULL marks to Mr. J.B.S. Ang of the Vehicles Office Middle Road, Singapore. The answers were: Kenneth Harper Producer. Terretice Young Director. Elliott Scott Art Director. Joan Burnaby Script writer. June Faithful Continuity. Now for another popularity Quiz. Which m your opinion are the six
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      • Article, Illustration
        58 10 PHI: Winner was Miss Mah Ying Lan of 3, Bukit 1 Pasoh Road, Singapore 2, and the photograph was of George Eugeniou who played the part of Charis m "111 Met By Moonlight/ Do you remember this rather frightening scene above? What film is it from? Prize Is
        58 words
      • 35 10 THE EJVTRY FOKU Vame Address Prize Quiz 1. 1 2. 3 4 5 6 Prize Quiz 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prize Quiz 3. Special Prize Quiz. 1 k 2
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    • 239 10 CAR PLUNGES UNDER- AND YOU'RE INSIDE! PRIZE QUIZ 3 rpHERE were some interesting answers to last week's quiz, but many people overlooked the fact that the problem stated that a crash was inevitable. There was no time therefore to get moving and turn into the flow of passing traffic. What
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  • 281 11 Frim days for British soccer Sty five league Batches ahe be- pj TODAY ,1 HER OAMEfc F OUTSTANDING L w iLL BE PLAYEE MIDWEEK. days ior muuo ii» motion' a I relegation it es day, doomed to ion Two, .re at home hel ampioiis, Wolvand will probably lose, could make
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  • 20 11 The American men's basketball team beat the Russian team 47 to 68 at Moscow last night. U.P.
    U.P.  -  20 words
  • 23 11 France beat England by 24 points to 14 m a rugby league amateur international match at Hull, England, last night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 228 11 PAST SCORING One h, L 'u vto hall 'time m ■> V: Bridgehe V.'/.," 1 ma t eh m v fy -Staffs) „< n l there was no Ite the S secon ds iadlng 3.0 ndge were taSbckSS, F BEAT I gj Staffs) Wednesf) '^t
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  • 98 11 TEN weeks after the traffic crash which cost the lives of eight members of his team. Manchester United manager Matt Busby arrived at his Manchester home from Munich, where he had been recovering from injuries received m the air disaster. With him m this picture are
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 292 11 THE MACK MAN OF FOOTBALL ONE of the classic stories of sport is of how Ted Robbins used to go to the pitheads of South Wales, whistle for a footballer and put him into the national side. For Ted Robbins, you must know, was Secretary of the Football Association of
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  • 585 11 BASHER BASSEY IS BACK AT WORK DESMOND HACKETT REPORTS FROM LONDON lIOGAN KID BASSEY is back home m Liverpool, cheered, chaired, and hruisedly back-slapped for bringing back home his world feather-weight title. And after that one would think that Back again Bassey would be entitled to a considerable spell of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 245 12 "piFTEEN year old Kwik Sam Yong won the V.M.C.A. junior singles championship for the second year m succession when he beat Singapore junior. singles champion Henry Pang, 3-6, 6-4. 6-4 m the final at Bras Basah Road yesterday. Kwik was hard pressed throughout by the hard hitting Pang
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  • 483 12  - SABA PICK ONLY TWO GAMES BOXERS CHARLES BRYCE By THK selection of Singapore** boxers tor the Asian Game* last n i§to has left fitfht fans asking one question: Was it fair to omit |W Lazaroo after matching him m the final trial against a heavier on. ponent? Lazaroo, a candidate
    Free Press  -  483 words
  • 30 12 picture. DAVID AND GOLIATH. Cpl. Victor Keymer (left) featherweight was last night matched as a last-minute substitute against bantamweight Roy Lazaroo whom he narrowly outpointed.' Free Press
    Free Press  -  30 words
  • 75 12 TONIGHT'S Orieuc class A boxing at the Happy World will feature official feather-weight champion of Thailand and fourth ranking contender of the Orient. Sarica Yontrakit. versus Ray Ming Chan. This battle will be an acid test for cool and hardhitting Ray Ming Chan. Victory over Yontrakit will mean
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 486 12 Straits Times Free Press For the convenience of advertisers our rcpresKntotvie at Ist. Hoar, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE, ORCHARD ROAD, will r«cciv« small advertisements arid answers i« box numbers. Classified advertisement* moy also be handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD Winchester House. Coliyer Quay, Singapore. MALAYA DRUG STORE, 142 Cast Coast
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    • 48 12 fURNITURE REMOVIHG is a job for EXPERTS! Many hands make light work ml packing by a staff of e*pnt savei breakages PHONE Glassware, china, heavy furnltti travel m maximum lalet) JZZ4I packed by Transport Storage FURNITURE REMOVALS ESTIMATES FREE ON REQUEST. TRANSPORT STORAGE LTD 173 CECIL STREET SINGAPORE
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  • RACE DAY Special
    • 7 1 RACE DAY Special Saturday, April 26, 1958.
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    • 579 1  - FLOOD HERO FOR TODAY'S MAIN SPRINT ALLAN LEWIS By THE main sprint at Penang this afternoon will probably go to Flood Hero after his last jcond to Brave General at S igapore. He has done well since race and is fancied enough to star; lavouI Timberlane mv also be i
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    • Article, Illustration
      20 1 BUST BETS:*-* Meteo- rite, Moviv House S II and Mir/apen. Best outsiders: San < Juan, French Shoe and < Shoemaker. <
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    • 8 1 The Roinj; Vill be < very good.
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    • 798 2 PROBABLE STARTERS AND RIDERS of today s runners at Penang L nj O ver 3F to 42 3/5 ffith Rubber Planter. IENANG HATI: 24-4-58--ffentover F In with Hones Bird BY/AMU W: No recent lr SoV>nAl II: 25-3-58 Was kept with -Sweet Dream H over 3F m 39 4 5. MARTIAL
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    • Article, Illustration
      310 2 RACE ONE SAN: JUAN: 20- j Went over 3F m 39. TRAILER: 22-4-58 from the 6F post at th. quarter pace. KNK.tnSBKIIK.K 58— Strode attractively 3F m 38. V PAGAN KING: 10-4-58 Went ovor 3F m 38 4 5 UNDECIDED; No r track report. DENTUREENE: No track report. KAISERINE
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    • 1411 4 BUFFKR STOCK and Sweet Dream II are two form horses to follow at Penang today. On their Bukit Timah form of last month, they should make a good double m today's main event Sweet Dream II m the distance race (Race 5) and Butter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 4fofiG /)OWGI* tO VOW lUOLSELEY fifteen -fifty With the graceful lines of a large car the Fifteen-Fifty is capacious too, yet modest overall dimensions confer delightful manoeuvrability. Add to this the exciting performance of the new \l litre engine and Me g2pj/ou w Seen /006/npjbr <^-V^ New features include tf
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 77 3 Compression ratio approximately I Maximum rpced 75 M.P.H. I Turning circle 34.8 ft. j Output 51.3 H.P. at 4.200 R.P.M. Jj I i 1 \vsM I \W\ m\\\ »s«vßa U\*W I \m\ m\\\ lgHk>^L I T^^^^^M^iiiiri miSk SINGAPORE MOTORS LIMITED 315-319. ORCHARD ROAD. SINCAPORE TEL 3*128/***** REPRESENTED THROUCHOUT MALAYA A
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    • 9 1 THE FREE PRESS Saturday MAGAZINE Singapore, April 26, 1958.
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    • 453 2 Feet mean fame for Alicia BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT ID LIKE to make a bonfire of all those .sloppy subu r b a n slippers. They are a social abomination and I can't stand the sordid sight of them. Give me well fitting ieat house-shoes every tune. Heaven knows, fur
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    • 106 2 A CAT which has died at Leicester aged 21 lias caused inquiries as to whether any other cat had lived as lon a. The depart me fit of Zoology of University College London, say that a life-span of 19 to 20 is not rare among cats. A well-authenticated
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    • 789 2  - I wish I hadn't married a handyman SHIRLEY LOWE By I WISH I'd married a man who can't carpenter. Who gets on t 0 an electrician when a fuse blows. Who brings m a builder tor a broken door catch, who employs other people to distemper and paint and hang
      789 words
    • Article, Illustration
      139 3 CAMEL is to be rid- rfcn through the si w\ streets ol Fast- ;h. Hampshire, as 5 result of .1 .wager 5 de at a meeting of 2 town's carnival 5 unittee, 'he rider w ill be Mr. S arle.s Munton and z» the camel with him Ibe Mr.
      139 words
    • 693 3  - HE CHOSE TO WRITE MUSIC Rene Mac Coll Cole Porter could have lived life of Idleness but... B> |N the New York sick room there is a big bowl of orchids. The patient lies snugly on silken sheets. He stretches forth an elegant hand for the nearby glass of champagne
      693 words
    • 802 3 The magical powers of jade Pelham Groom writes on Chinese customs TYPICAL examples of jade on display m a Singapore shop. IyHEN we think of jade we are apt to think of a green stone, found exclusively m China, but m so doing we are wrong on both counts. Jade
      802 words
    • 117 3 Labour in vain CONCERN is being expressed at Wrotham, Kent, ovc the welfare of Daisy the Duck. For 20 years sh« has lived happily on Mr. Len Tucker's farm, giving i friendly quack to everyone who calls. The other day, as farmer Tucker was ualkini through his yard, he came
      117 words
      • 487 4 "IJAINTKEE COUNTY* 1 is a very difficult film to assess for as I have said before about marathon films and this one runs for nearly three hours the imperfections are always more noticeable than they are m a film of normal It is not
        487 words
      • 94 4 The faultless Mr. Lauahtnn 'Tv tll th;Vn,W h hHn? So< UUon 1S a WMterplece made such *y the tiuly brilliant act H X of Charles Lauuhton ably ■m T fimp i\!*' A n <n( i Dietrlc h and Tyrone Powr-r. Q? aJl'Trrrri?! 0 ros V c tif >»" h« i
        94 words
      • 252 4  - Borneo story weak, but scenery is superb Guesf critic RAT NAM ALA By THE VIRGIN OF BORNEO, a much publicised film m Malay circles, is here at last. Set and filmed m Borneo it I tells the story of the love of a Dyak girl for a young Malay penghulu
        252 words