The Singapore Free Press, 24 April 1958

Total Pages: 20
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press Malava'i Own Family Paper I Thursday, April 24, 1958. Price 15tts. 15US
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  • 166 1 RADIO APPEAL TO REBEL LEADERS: COME BACK TO BUKIT TINGGI ■■■■■■■■■■■■■a* Kg re be] radio at Bukit Tinggi appealed last n ight to members of the Indonesian revolumary eov. rnment to return to their capital at kit Tinggi. No r ason for the broadcast appeal was given, t it was
    166 words
  • 315 1 Communalism: Nair accuses PAP l M D. "NAIR. Assist h Minister to v Chii cretary, reuning Assembly deate on Governor's yech, today accused the Ap ol prop; gating com--1;;: *****; trade Jons an putting fear no the i irts ol minority tomunities, Mr Nair 1 there was JS c c
    315 words
  • 31 1 re oi pight with in his th hi* f£ i urit "»'ollrd Mstani and a shop spokesThe di morning, r d waslnspecaid this 1 i had yoars.
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  • 177 1 35 SOCCER FANS HURT IN CRASH Bus from Singapore turns over THIRTY-FIVE football fans were injurednine seriously when the bus in which they were returning to Kuala Lumpur from Singapore crashed near Segamat. The bus left the road and turned over when the driver braked sharply after meeting an oncoming
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  • 179 1 Dockers get 24 hours to clear out SIR BERNARD and Lady Docker, barred from the French Riviera, changed their minds early today over ignoring the 24-hour time-limit to leave and will fly home today or tomorrow. Sir Bernard said in Cannes last night the time limit fixed for Friday was
    Reuter; U.P.  -  179 words
  • 31 1 May first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. opened in Singapore this morning at 76 5/8 cents a lb., down oneeighth of a cent on yesterday's close. The tone was quiet.
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  • 51 1 FIVE paratroopers were killed and more than 100 others injured yesterday during a mass paradrop in high winds, officials at Fort Campbell. Kentucky, said. Most of the deaths apparently were caused by the wind dragging the paratroopers along the ground after they
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  • 148 1 Mission's date for folks in London THE all-party delegation which will give the final touches to Singapore's new constitution in consultation with the Colonial Office, is expected to fly to London on May 8 or 9. Talks are tentatively scheduled to begin on May 12. The delegation will
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  • 46 1 15 INJURED IN VALLETTA STREET BATTLE FIFTEEN people were injured last night when police clashed with demonstrators in Valletta. The demonstrators, supporters of Mr. Dom MintofT'.s Labour Government, which resigned on Monday used iron coshes, catapults and large nails against trun-cheon-swinging police trying to disperse them.
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  • 128 1 (COLOMBO police yesterday KJ carried out several baton charges against crowds of public service strikers obstructing traffic before the military was finally called in to assist in maintaining order. Although the situation was under control last night, the strike, which has disorganised Ceylon's postal
    U.P.; Reuter  -  128 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 /y^/A Perfect Lightweight If 01 Floor Polisher \JK n hall the price V of most other [ffi/jfe^ floor \\\/L \\\\\JST polishers r i w i^ ht m|u 7ib ill Ijlllihn /^o^-^^^r !l1 11 Sin»jopoiv ond i i Give your home that Expensive look WOOD FLOORS* TILE FLOORS LINOLEUM FINC FUHNITUM
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  • 576 2 Letter rejects Ike's proposals, warns of A-tests Rl SSI A yesterday repeated its demand that America put "an immediate end" to flights by U.S. bombers loaded with hydrogen and atomicbombs towards Soviet territory, rejected Mr. Eisenhower's proposal that technicians should start work immediately on disarmament control
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  • 23 2 Britain and the United states yesterday rejected a Soviet proposal for an Ea.stWest trade meeting at ministerial level- Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 82 2 rpilE LONDON Antl Vie 1 Council, which wanted to legalise call- girls and take prostitution of! the btre< I s, announced yesterday that it was disbanding biecau ol lack of .sup]x>rt. The Council was set up la <t February by voluntary anti-vice groups. The
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 55 2 Japanese woman in 'atomic peril' protest Yoshiko Murato, re. 3 presenting the Japanese Council of Victims of E Atom Bombs, is seen E here at an international pifiimiiiuuiiiiiiiiiwniiiiiiiiiiiiniiimii mass meeung in raris recently held to protest 3 against the current 5 atomic peril and instal. lation of nuclear missile E
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  • 368 2 FEARS U.S. SNEAK A -ATTACK immediately to put an end to this dangerous playing with fire. Mr. Khrushchev said the Soviet Government failed to find in the President's reply of April 8 any evidence of willingness on the part of the United States Government to follow the Soviet example and
    Reuter  -  368 words
  • 288 2 SUMMIT CHANCES DIMMER NOW IJKESIDENT EISEN- 5 X HOWER'S own E puzzlement over pre- E E sent Soviet intentions E E regarding a summit E conference is likely to Ebe reflected in a new E E three-Power Note to S E Moscow, diplomatic ob- E E servers in Washington E
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 124 2 WEST GERMANY is TT pay Britain s million a year as compromise solutj to the problem troop support cos it was reported Bonn yesterday, The West German Gove ment will also deposit million in London to i for arms d< liu-ies British firms. The West German n« agency dpa
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 67 2 A LEXANDER SOLOVOV, J\ member of the staff i the Soviet Military Attacl in Rome, was arrested the by Italian counter- espioi age agents a few days a{ the Italian Continent! news agency reported la night. The agency said Solovi was found to be carryii documents of "a highly
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 twioelas good IATHEWf fx^OTLJ^USE TATE LYLE CUBE SUGAR s|^§ Imported from England by SINGAPOtI KUAIA lUMPUR PENANG I £^l Hill I SINGLE LENS REFLEX B mnMlt I INTERCHANGEABLE LENSES lAMf^^o FOCAL PLANE SHUTTER I 4^ PRESET DIAPHRAGM I I lW^si $210.00 I bft LJm^aMl Aviiil,ihh> from: B xKjr^^ 103< north
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  • 191 3 I JU\ ourt ■Kv'ii^erluV ::i.V the lit 111 Lana isßrunierV old jW-iiiijhte Mieryi who isKilio.i her mother's itiHlovcr, Johnny Stom■pnnato, weeks bee detained In ■ti:", Elolly-■r-oocl since the night of •■eiHAyr;: I tabbed tMstoir.:". ha carv(■Ji^r knii ie bedroom ■of her mo tier's home ■t: Inquest on stompanato ■rr.tur::^:
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 18 3 01 Manches- kyo with bSi c Edmonton, th forejcast at extension %%s;' City Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 87 3 Six rules define an airline sandwich A SPECIAL commission of the International Air Transportation Association (1.A.T.A.) yesterday announced its definition of a sandwich. It must be: cold, open or closed, made in large measure of bread, rolls or "something like bread," unadorned, self-contained, cheap. The last category prohibited too much
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 187 3 JURY DISAGREES SO DEATH-TRAIN DRIVER NOW FACES NEW TRIAL OIXTY-TWO-YEAR-OLD engine driver William Trew was led faltering from the dock in the Central Criminal Court in London yesterday after a jury, trying him for manslaughter arising from a crash in which 90 died, had failed to agree. He now faces
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 217 3 Mac; Written word is more permanent and better able to influence opinion R M| Prime Minister SLJJ#i rold Maemilian, a '"p" !1 I poslopini',,,' ■""•'•"I quote mwi'i ,'M 1,0 anil;. London of \f Press Fund i I saw -..tat ln thp Pre views. neWa and thei
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 308 3 Government gives way, so the fairies will keep palace I nPHE IRISH REPUBLIC'S S x Government has decided it 5 believes in fairies. Mr. Erskine Childers, Mini ister of Lands, has ruled IE against the violation of a =j "fairy palace," it was learned r in Dublin last night. The
    Reuter  -  308 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 pill! 't M MMLmJ^B^^^^HPJ^BHPH 4iS ''^''-'^^lllP^h.' y^ '>^^-ii^^^ff'i?s-'y^'a «*.v.yv**X"!*!vr^^^B ■'■"oSxfS*"'**"'« ■■jBc''''-*'*'-*y^**i^a**'^'ii»''^S^''3SiB6'!ft' Jfr*^ Relax -and enjoy America's -favourite gtftMMdtjt real 100% PUR^ coffee W/fIW? made instantly in the cup It makes itself in the cup! Inslanll}! M^^g===gsj~^Bm And it's always perfect. Always mellow, rich and roaster fresh. I PHMHBPtI Good to
      68 words

  • 200 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion The bigger problem |>OLICE action in at- tempting to prevent cattle from straying into residential areas and roaming the streets, although an overdue move, is likely to prove ineffectual. For an estimated 5,000 head of cattle are I scattered over the island and there is
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  • 459 4  -  PETER WILSHER By i Ttvo airmett are now hush-hush curiosities after lOi-mite drop SENIOR doctors from Britain's Institute of Aviation Medicine have been trying to rind out at the R.A.F. hospital at Halton in Buckinghamshire, how two men lived without oxygen in a fourminute dive
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  • 311 4 WUK II is the longest canal in the world? The Gota ship canal, in Sweden, is 115 miles long, the Suez 100. the Kiel canal 61, Panama only But in India work has started on a new canal—for irrigation, not shipping that will
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  • 252 4  -  Beacheomber FSADFA THERE is a grand au and a kind of reckless swagger about mechanical "brains" which the merely human brain cannot hope to rival. The Middlesbrough butcher who received a gay bill for £999,999 19s. lid must have realised that no human official could have overlooked
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 21 4 Exquisite* ENGAGEMENT RINGS in DIAMONDS also in DIAMONDS the loveliest I.I^IS U. S. de Suva 106, ORCHARD ROAD, Singapore-9: Tel: *****
      21 words
    • 43 4 BRUNSVICA I6T M A new 10-key jffi Bl^ m cjlculjtor tackles QJp WOFIU most complex IIS 111^ cjlcul.itions c,isi(y. J||l^sa^^^*ssBPl^BB 111 1 i4 A "Hj^UNDERWOOD CEO. WEHRY CO (M) LTO.^||^.^S( MADAy UNDERWOOD^H BUSINESS MACHINES DEPARTMENT 9'r«fmeltf4 Street Stfif«p«rc— trjnchei if Ku«lj Lumpur a"'»
      43 words

  • 209 5 Apples from Australia are 40 per cent dearer ol vustralian apples has ll by almost 40 ir cent in Singapore caveral fruit merchants in ifl Place attributed this rise i" cost to the mono X in the impoH of Austraan appl* 8 Bui a spokesman for the Jtralian Apple and
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 5 picture. Frhi cess Margaret waves to the crowd as she' drives from Clarence mouse en ro\ v to London Airport to set out on her present tour of the Caribbean. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 98 5 \l°. RE !il;i!i 18.000 people in Singapore have join, (i the SATA insurance scheme. a bAi.\ oiiu-iul told the Free Press yesterday P« a largi number of the people were emol European companies. She said they were now encouraging Chinese proprietors of restaurants,
    98 words
  • 56 5 f HE newly renovated Thai lat SBJ*t Temple m Bays, eral oi Siam on or two h n WiU last 1 «!ay o rhls 'a also Bvjcj,,.,", Wfngoo for Bunm V f»ak Day. b make oiTerl!y. f ,i! Oem, and 7h to monks. j Vi
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  • 30 5 Prince Enrico Barberini, head of a family which gave a pope and many cardinals to the Roman Catholic Church, in Rome died last night. He was 65.— U.P
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  • 133 5 rpHE general manager of the Singapore Telephone Board, Mr. N. V. Knight, told the Free Press yesterday that he did not see any reason in asking the Government for a subsidy to run telephone services. Mr. Knight said he should not be misunderstood as
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  • 57 5 1 women in 1: *vi hold a land f, n ln M u "ySaturdftj to commemorate the life of their national heroine, Raden Adjeng Kartini. There will be singing and dancing among children. Kartini wa.s the first woman who fought for women's rights in Indonejsia
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  • 270 5 QOOD progress is being made with the construction of Singapore's new $4.6 million hospital for the chronic sick in Thomson Road. The Government has reported to the Legislative Assembly that work had greatly exceeded expectations with the result that expenditure to be incurred this
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 138 5 riiic tii *-J^ft nil I ii n I Il|T TTi 5881w55» **~TfHflH^^B^9 wt»4* TBK Iff .Off Scrangoon Road. S'poie. Tel: *****. 4^M l fSn?qmnll'' 'tuft Tr&lnlriyt Qrhnol £^§||Ss* UNIVERSALI >*^i^L^ r i^^J^Nfekv TWEED COTE S I faucet aluminium lining. mmmmsmmmmmmimmimmmt>im mm m Ziave you entered for the jm |P^M I
      138 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 j ONLY L&M HAS IT. U.S. Patent awarded the J J Miracle Tip! i You get with each L&M cigarette the full exciting flavour of t! Southland's finest tobaccos. You get the patented Mirtcl Tip. ..pure white as a filter ihould be for cleaner, better smokin: The patent on the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 258 6 JEFF lIAWBii: by Sydney Jordan I I yXy^ DISC h4O\/tEf&S EU2tlEt~Ly /K&OV£= Tt-tE. Hj £*tAAjyt^£n Futfltyf^- I ScCOnOS S i V I f*A_Cm4£.& M/t tICS t I W/iLL w/AICc^J j^^^^^^' y y r I B»^^ <■ -~^^A t its f /ao ii/Y~Mryv/ Off k. LET w l A^ jbJ^^^^^ f
      258 words
    • 456 6 i BORN today, you have strong for working in your favoui. You h lvp 1 tremendous latent talent which onh I needs developing to make you an out standing personality. Your keen semi of humour will be valuable eitj i literary work or in public speaking Since you are a
      456 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 181 7 LONDON, April :>:>. Previous iuciay i I* C i I UJBBSH AwU 23 buyer. 22 4 buyers lu >•■:••'" JH l no sellers 23 seller %i a> 22% buyers 22^ buyers 22% sellers 22 "i sellers K(11|;M: v,. KSS Spot 23^ bu^ a^bUgJ, X"" !lli 1 V
      181 words
    • 95 7 NEW YORK. April 23. Previous Today TIN Straits spot 93.00 nom. 83.00 nom. sSifcJSract Ma, i! 02.75 buyers 92.75 buyers 3 93.25 sellers 93.25 sellers July 92.50 buyers 92.37 buyers 93.00 sellers 92.87 sellers TOM Quiet- SALES: NilRUBBER: Future May 26.45 paid 26.45 buyers 26.55 sellers July
      95 words
    • 32 7 NEW YORK, April 23 Previous Today 30 Industries 449.55 450.11 20 Railroads 110-76 109.66 40 Domotic Bonds 89.56 89.66 15 Utilities 76.43 76.59 65 Stocks CompoMte Averages.. 155.64 155.53
      32 words
    • 58 7 Malabar spot and awaiting release 27, afloat-s 26 to 26, April shipment unquoted. Lampong spot and awaiting release 27. afloata 26% to 26. April Above prices quoted shipment 25%. Sarawak unquoted- Muntok white spot and awaiting release 41. a floats 40 \k to 40, and April shipment 39
      58 words
    • 103 7 LONDON, April 23. Previous Today <oiK\ Philippines ci.f. U.K./ North European ports delivered romfl U >r ong ton Apr/.May $196 sellers $197 sellers COPRA, Straits ci.f. IK /North Enropean ports delivered Wfnt per lon- ton Apr/.May £70 buyers £70 buyers £72 sellers £71 sellers Cflrnvnv ah
      103 words
  • 152 7 U l) tlOSDitftlu be extended to ivel agents and i hipping re- who win at- S% ?/>;;* Singapore next lf ''ATA. Con 1 reparation Com- its first meet eraay and discuss--1 °12n y a welcome chali i a n lc X ?i
    152 words
  • 213 7 First 'real' security test for our own soldiers T»HE Singapore Regiment yesterday conducted its first realistic security operation as part of the training schedule. About 250 soldiers took up key positions and manned road blocks in live different sections of the island. The regiment's Commanding Officer, Lt. Colonel R. W.
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  • 172 7 'POLY' TO HELP OUT: TWO MORE SCIENCE CLASSES SINGAPORE P o l y technlc has agreed to conduct two regular science classes for secondary school students. The Director of Education, Mr. David McLellan, said the Polytechnic had to be approached for that help in view of the shortage of science
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  • 18 7 Ships in the Singapore Naval Base today are: Andrew, Cossack, Cheviot, Newfoundland and Mounts Bay.
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  • 18 7 The Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association, will hold its annual general meeting today in Johore Bahru.
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  • 36 7 The American cost of living index rose seventenths of one per cent in March— the biggest monthly increase for nearly two years, the Labour Department announced in Washington yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 42 7 The Royal Australian Air Force and Royal New Zea land Air Force will join with Australian and New Zealand Army units in a dawn Anzac Day ceremony at the Cenotaph in Connaught Drive tomorrow at 5.35 a.m.
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  • 136 7 NAVY, R.A.F. START MOCK TWO-DAY WAR TODAY THE Navy and the RAF will "fight it out" in v two-day defence exercise starting in the Bay of Bengal today. Canberra and Lincoln bombers from Tengah will open the exercise by attacking a naval force including the 27,000-ton aircraft carrier H.M S
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 1 G/t^ A Gift that I will always be w^Ca treasured! V^y^ I DIAMOND RINCS EAR RINCS ATx^lfc BRACELETS PENDANTS AT^'MW' NECKLACES \A/mT DOUBLE-CLIP BROOCHES X V fi I ILim Inl iSS* i» #^^^m ■■mil 4r/£V I 20, BATTERY ROAD J?feafeukfo' I, S'PORE-1. TIL: ***** y^ *^^-^*^r for the treatment
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 45 7 Today's radio programme 1.15 pm. Lunchtlme Concert; 1.30 Time Signal and News; 1,45 Men Only; 2.00 Close Down; 5.00 Calling All Hospitals, presented by MalSie; 6.00 Hello Children; 0.30 Radio Dance Club; 6.45 Lights On; 653 Announcements and Singapott Share Market Report 700 Time
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    • 92 7 SINGAPORE j I HICH TIDES I TODAY: 2.20 p.m. I TOMORROW? 1.43 a.m. and 3.10 p.m. I SATURDAY: 2.27 a.m. I 4.11 p.m. I SUNDAY: 3.23 a.m. and 5.35 p.m. MONDAY: 4.41 a.m. and 7.02 p.m. TUESDAY: 6.24 a.m and 8.04 p.m. WEDNESDAY: 7.54 a.m. g and 8,49 p.m. ■•:>.
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  • 72 8 But mother's oJ These pictures were the reward for a long vigil by a photographer at the London Zoo. After hours of waiting the new twin Syrian bear cubs sneaked out of their den to take their first ever, than rhe.r ev .J look at
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  • 2 8
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  • 126 8 riTRLY HAIRED, 25-year-old Giovanni Mansueto has won a £31,000 football pool but he MUST stick to his £9-a-week labourer's job for two years. Giovanni's cheque which would make him a lira millionaire back home in his sunny, poverty-stricken village near Foggia in Southern Italy rived last week at m*
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 57 8 pin-curlers': AND ALL Any harassed house- wife who doesn't have g time to take her hair out of pin curls will ap- preciak the dilemma of Zclla, whose five pups keep her more than busy. Zella, a French poodle seen here with her family, is owned hy Mr. Tom Raker
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  • 1 9
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 9 I adventure was and 30 ds t he cubs were inside again. The twins ate seen on the left venturing out of their den to take a wary peep at the world. Below, one of the twins is caught by the ear and firmly led back by mother.
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  • 100 9 1 out of ftj Win: -try of r »pokesman' ■•\i-in by I Be must I IPPOM ni SO on S3 101 who h out of his own friend, waitress Grizelda HeeleySaid Grizelda: "I met Giovanni at a dance about nine months ago and fell for him straight away. Since
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  • 104 9 WINDMILL SURVIVES THE STORMS Defiance to the storms of the centuries, to the changing needs of mankind keeps this ancient windmill standing and still serving a useful purpose at Lytham, Lancashire, England. The mill, pictured here from the lychgate of St. John's Parish Church is reputed to be one of
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  • 159 9 Man made men called Anthopomorphs are used r by North American aviation human factor engineers in perfecting systems for getting pjlots back to ground safely in case of aircraft failure. The dummies have rubber skins and are made 5 £m conform to shape, size and weight
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  • 2 9
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  • 2355 10  -  Pelham Groom SAFAD m kJARGARLT PILLJOY was a lonely woman Her husband jasper was not a man who collected friends and he never went out of his way to see that she had any either. She lived m a tight little world of ignorance
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 121 11 THE DUKE IS GUEST OF GUARDS ME I .o l Edinburgh recently visited the first battalion of the Welsh Guards v l' i( l li Piloted a helicopter which he landed on the barrack square. nl'i-tine the* barrack guard, he presented long service and. good conX!! n f RSM B
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  • 88 11 I A mobile exhibition showing the work of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation opened recently in London, it will later tour England and Scotland, and it is expected that more than 1,000 000 people will see it. Pictured after the opening of the exhibition, General Sir RiPftard Gale
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  • 23 11 THE DOOR-TO-DOOR AIRLINER fc:!r '.'<■<■« Roto. ">•< d«*c« airliner it hat I row lc iC opI 'eamvTffU I fr£ on its heeled." E Me proet.
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  • 224 12 THE STRAIT OF FORMOSA IS VITAL TO S-EA SAFETY (CONTROL of the I ormosa Strait is the key to J South-East Asia, South Korean Ambassador You Chan Vanf said on his return to Washington alter a visit to Formosa. If the Formosa Strait falls under communist control, the ambassador said,
    U.P.  -  224 words
  • 189 12 Kwangsi granted 'autonomy' E mi IK South China Pro- E A vince of Kwangsi E E has officially become an E E autonomous area call- E Ecd the KwangsJ jjj E Chuanj; Autonomous E E Region, according to E E Radio Peking, E E Kwangsi, with an E E area
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 74 12 THE South Korean Navy claims that North Korean Communists are preparing "to repeat their barbaric piracy on innocent South Korea fishermen/ The Communists have concentrated a "large fleet of fishing boats armed with various weapons in Haeju Bay, 50 miles northwest of Inchon," the navy
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 226 12 PRINCE WAN of Siam, chairman of the 86--nation conference on the law of the sea in Geneva, said that there was at present little prospect of any solution on the breadth of the territorial sea obtaining the necessary twothirds majority in the plenary session
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 33 12 Hainan Island, off the South China coast, plans to repair the Shihlu-ling-Yulin railway. It has been disused since it was destroyed by a typhoon In 1946. U.P. '.> 8
    U.P.  -  33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 12 picture. (Festival of flowers j in Japan, in honour I 0/ Lord Buddha is I marked in temples throughout the country with the I I traditional pouring I 8 o/ sweet tea to his I image, by young I children, and the I holding of flower I I parades. Picture
    Popper  -  69 words
  • Glimpses
    • 89 12 Kishi on stomping tour of all main cities pRIME Minister Nobu- suke Kishi's LiberalDemocratic Party will launch a nationwide campaign on April 28 for tiie coming general elections for the House of Representatives. This announcement followed decision of the Kishi Cabinet to dissolve the House of Representatives on Saturday. The
      U.P.  -  89 words
    • 25 12 Katmandu newspapers reported that Nepal and Communist China have agreed to establish consulates, Nepal In the Tibetan capital of Lhassa and China in Katmandu. U.P.
      U.P.  -  25 words
    • 14 12 Prince and Princess Taka matsu of Japan visited the Brussels World Trade Fair. U.P.
      U.P.  -  14 words
    • 42 12 Nationalist Chinese VicePremier Huang Shao-ku has left Taipeh by air to represent President Chiang Kai-shek at the inauguration of new Argentine President Arturo Frondizl. He will then tour Peru, Panama, Chile, Guatemala, Brazil and the United States in a private capacity. U.P.
      U.P.  -  42 words
    • 35 12 Six Chinese language newspavers in Medan, North Sumatra, will be closed following an Indonesian Government decree banning ttoh o printing and distribution of publications in Chinese characters, the Jakarta P.I. A. News Agency reported. Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 28 12 Nationalist Chinese marines supported by 120 amphibian tanks conducted war games in Southern Formosa for visiting General Kirn Dar Shih, commander of the South Korean Marine Corps. U.P
      U.P  -  28 words
      U.P.  -  20 words
    • 22 12 Soviet-Japanese negotiators in Moscow have agreed to the Japanese-sponsored proposal for a limit of 110,000 tons in the annual salmon catch. U.P.
      U.P.  -  22 words
    • 30 12 Japan and Pakistan have ratified the cultural agreement reached in Karachi on May 27 last year between Japanese Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi and Pakistani Prime Minister M. S. Suhrawardy. Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 27 12 United Nations Command artillery units will demonstrate the firepower of their new atomic cannon on April 30, north of Seoul. Nuclear warheads will not be used. Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 19 12 Hong Kong business circles have dispatched a 400--member delegation to the Communist Chinese export products exhibition in Canton. U.P.
      U.P.  -  19 words
    • 42 12 Prof. Ramon Tapales, director of the Univ. rsity of the Philippines Conservatory of Music, has bi'en elected chairman oi the panel of jurors of the fifth Asian Film Festival to Manila. The panel of jurors includes M*s. Cynthia Koex of Singapore. U.P.
      U.P.  -  42 words
    • 29 12 Sheikh Abdullah, former Prime Minister ol Kashmir, said in Kashmir that he had "no Immediate plans" to defy the Government's ban on puou meetings and processions in Kashmir.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 43 12 Mrs. Yokisho Murato oi Hl' roshima represent ms tne Japanese Council of Atom Bomb Victims was amonfc the speakers in Paris a meeting ol f u! S "against the Btomlc «g and against thr mstaUa tion of launching rampa for atomic rocket Reu-ter
      Reu-ter  -  43 words
    • 30 12 Japanese shipyard rrpr' sentatlves are th's to conclude an JfWJffS in Tel Aviv on {he s*J« JJ Israel of a 46.000 ton s' per tanker costm« i w 500,000. Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 19 12 More than 105.000 sparrow have already been *f e wide spqrrow-killtng cam paign, the Pekitm 8 iVe«?s reported Reuter
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 17 12 Eleven Japanese un graduates have lected by the Brit ernment to study tain during 1053 195 Reuter
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    107 13 I HIHI H points in the formula fur good looks, 1)V Una Rubinstein, are: 1 1 >s CLOTHES I cannot bear to see how !Len mnille themselves up. From the earliest llu ihhlv must be accustomed to fresh air." llss DRIVING AROUND walking is a aderful exercise.* 1 1
    107 words
  • 354 13 Her top secret— a new style for every occasion pE pretty gir] in the P ict ure has found hi an swer to all her to problems. J' 1 hair's looking fed and l she hasn't time danil.^l^ done for oo blonde and runette a S to b f d^
    354 words
  • 905 13  - THAT'S THE BEST BEAUTY AID OF ALL ROSALIE SHANN By WOMAN in love is kinder, younger, happier and more beautiful. This is the opinion of Helena Rubinstein, world beauty expert and one of the most striking women of the age. Helena Rubinstein is reputed to be 82. I should say
    905 words
  • 132 13 Statistics on thumb sucking CONCLUDING what they V claim has been "the largest study of thumbsucking ever attempted" two Chicago pediatricians Alfred S. and Howard S. Traisman announce that, contrary to general belief, thumb-sucking in small children is nothing for parents to worry about. Over the last 15 years the
    132 words
  • 267 13 I A RECIPE for busii **ness success comes f from a woman who I should know Mrs. Evelyn Sharp, the only woman in Amei erica to own and operate a chain of hotels. I That the total links in I this chain add
    267 words

  • 102 14 This was first setback Cor Scotland in a 4-goal rout "WHAT a goal!'' exclaimed the English M porters when outside. right Douglas opened scoriae in the international fixture against Scotland J llurnpden Park, Glasgow. It. Vfts bad day for the Scottish defem r OP everything se< mcd to go wrong.
    102 words
  • 434 14 BOUT OF 'FLU PUTS THE CHAMP ON HIS BACK By ARCHIE QUICK BAD luck Dave Stone! The Battersea Club boxer who has been A.B.A. National lightwelterweight champion for the past two years was unable to defend his title at the Imperial Services Boxing Association Championships at Aldershot because of an
    434 words
  • 58 14 MAJOR I, B Holliday's Setting Star won the City and Suburban Handicap run over 11,I 1 milrs at Epsom yesterday, i Sir Victory BftSSOOn'a I Prince Moon was second with Sir w. m. Cooke's Wheatloy third. TwelVa pan. Betting Star won by a short head, With one and
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 259 14 Unranked Frenchman kayoes Toweel HUY Gracia of France L* brought off one of :he biggest boxing upsets of the year by defeating South Africa's Willie Toweel, number four in the world lightweight rankings, in seven rounds last night in Glasgow. Gracia is unranked. The referee stopped the fight after Toweel,
    259 words
  • 59 14 rvON Candy, of Australia, who was seeded for both the men's singles and doubles, retired with knee trouble from the British hard court lawn tennis championships in Bourne- mouth yesterday. Defending champion Shirley Bloomer, of Britain. swept into the last eight of the women's sin.ul.'.- with
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 48 14 I SAVE I 1 WHILE YOU HAVE TO! I For All Your Requirements In Daily W'eai use CROCODILE SHIRTS and Pyjamas, SlngleU I Under /uints, Ties, Socks i t Satisfaction li Guaranteed I I Li Seng Mm Co. Ltd. (Retail Department) 6 North Bridge S'porr. Tel. 3G683 <
      48 words

  • 610 15  -  ALLAN LEWIS igja :'y]cß^W urv \mj I'K-XNUT KIU— TRAINED LOCALLY BY MANX vi\( IWEKK THE OUTSTANDING WORKERS AT PENANG nuic MORNING WHEN THEY RAN THREE IN 37 WIDE OUT 'v i H NUMBER TWO TRACK. riTpic was much better than his stablemate. On this trial Rilex
    610 words
  • 48 15 RESULTS in last night's Rugby Union and League matches were: Rugby Union: Bridgend 5 Cardiff 5; Coventry 16 Leicester 11; Redruth 6 Cross Keys 9. Rugby League Bradford Northern 21 Bramley 13; Castleford 13 York 23; Leeds 21 Rochdale Hornets 13; Leigh 14 Wigan 23.— Reuter.
    48 words
  • 217 15 \l Is beat England 2-1 after leading 1-0 at •nil time in an intermediate (under-23) H((i international watched by 20,000 last night un(l < l r floodlights in Wrexham, North Wales. LEAGUE ONE bckpooj o Everton 1 lUX U(! 1 Newcastle 1 I I \<l
    217 words
  • 110 15 'Selectable' Games menu A THLETES taking part in i\ the Third Asian Games in Tokyo in May will have to watch their waistlines. During the past few months the Japanese organising committee has been interviewing and training hundreds of cooks. Many of those selected were seconded to the embassies of
    110 words
  • 92 15 CINGAPORE Is still short of $38,000, required to send the proposed contingent of 85 to the Asian Games beginning in Tokyo on May 24. Last night the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council named two of the official* who are to accompany the Singapore tpam.
    92 words
  • 193 15 MALAYA enter the final day's play in the Davis Cup match against Ceylon with a stiff task to undertake. After Ceylon's sweeping victory- in the doubles yesterday, giving them a 2-1 lead, everything now depends upon the first singles today when national champions Ong
    193 words
  • 16 15 One of the world's top gymnasts, Lidia Krol, has turned professional in Melbourne. Reuter.
    16 words
  • 128 15 Singapore c not goa Hong H pore 1. BINGAPO Asian team yest< ed their p and dete Jalan Bes; BUT 1 NOT SCOI This was for Hong K< victory in friendly tl their tropl week-end. Singapore and never struggle, but chances the wasted. In contrast players were vert the sli
    Free Press  -  128 words

  • 271 16 Smallpox vaccine rushed to fight Pakistan epidemic A CONSIGNMENT of 300 pounds of smallpox vaccine arrived at London airport yesterday from Philadelphia. It was bound for Dacca, East Pakistan, to combat the smallpox epidemic. The consignment was being transferred on to the nrst avanaoie plane at the airport and was
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 32 16 The state-owned British Overseas Airways Corporation expects to lose ,^2,750,--000 in the year 1957-58. the Minister of Transport, Mr. Harold Watkinson, said in London, yesterday. Reu-ter
    Reu-ter  -  32 words
  • 26 16 20 Wtirds 56 (minimum). DANIEL AYADURAI PASSED away on 2'iid April, 1958. Funeral today. Cortege will leave No. 60, Hertford Road at 5 P ni.
    26 words
  • 91 16 NEED FOR 'DYNAMIC TEACHERS' IN EAST THE president of the Malayan Teachers Congress, Tirath Ram, told a meeting of Asian and African school teachers In Colombo yesterday that the pressing problem before teachers of Asia and Africa was that of bringing up future citizens of the region in the spirit
    91 words
  • 66 16 'There is a need for dynamic teachers to break down national and social barriers that exist In Africa and Asia. "It is essential that teachers make their contribution for bringing down these barriers," he said. 'Only if we succeed In achieving such understanding between the nations of the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 110 16 ASTRINGENT chock is being maintained on all sea and air passengers arriving in Singapore from cholera stricken Calcutta, the acting Assistant Director of Medical Services, Dr. K. Slvam, said yesterday. He said: "For years Calcutta has been classified as an infected port, and we
    110 words
  • 21 16 Twenty people wore feared drowned yesterday when a boat capsized in the River Ganges 35 miles from Calcutta Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 72 16 BRENDA HOLT, aged 12. died of fright when she saw her dog run into the path of a car, and nearly get killed, an inquest was told at Birmingham, yesterday. Brenda took the dog home then collapsed. Professor J. M. Webster, pathologist, told the court it
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 124 16 BRITAIN accused Yemen yesterday of carrying out "numerous attacks" against the Aden Protectorate and announced that British forces "have taken measures necessary to defend themselves." In a formal statement to the House of Commons, Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd said. "On numerous occasions in the last few
    U.P.  -  124 words
  • 78 16 Padang: How the invasion went pictures. THESE pictures of the landings is i n donesian C c n tr a] Government troopj at Pad an g sh o w (left) commandos disembarking f, um a transport Into the smaller era i t j n which they mule the dash to
    U.P.  -  78 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 319 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATION VACANT 20 Words $2 (Mm.) Hox 50 its. extra. DUTCH P/Typisi $450: European/Euruoian Bookkeeper $400, Also F/Stenographer $43C: F/ Chinese Demonstrator: A.sian F/ Stenographers City Employment 748 Robinson Road. WHERE TO SIAI 20 Word* $t {Mln.)—Box 5V cl» extra GLENEAGLES HOTEL— ldeal European residential area. Excellent service.
      319 words
    • 98 16 V -J< j.w^v 1 jS*^ 111I II 1 1'' tSattt I Pt^B J^B^B^S A superb 35 mm precision-built camera. Fitted with the famous Seikosha fully-synctuon MXL Shutters, with speeds from 1 sec. to tec. plus B. and f/2.8 high-definition hard-blo lens. An outstanding feature of the camera is the Trigg
      98 words

  • Race Form FREE PRESS
    • 8 1 Race Form FREE PRESS Thursday, April 24, 1958.
      8 words
    • 9295 1 FOLLOWING are the horses entered for Hie Penang Turf Club til May Meeting. CLASS TWO AQUARIA SCRATCHED: 5-4-58 Spore 8 7 6F Cl l Uiv. 2-Course scratching;. Track good. LAST: (13 started) 2-4-58 Spore :ii carr. 8-4 6F (Manlam) Cl. 1 i> lV 3 Ist,
      9,295 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 48 1 THE ONLY LIGHT CAR FITTED WITH SI MCA j^p^] f^^JfeJ Drive relaxed and in comfort on any road. Swift tas lightning, SIMCA f 8 new M Flflsh N engine pulls hard and runs gently. It's amazingly litfht on fuel too. Enquire about U. K. and Continental Delivery Service
        48 words