The Singapore Free Press, 28 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya m i T't. Singapore, Monday, May iB, IMt, Price 15(U,
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  • 96 1 Merdeka do not reopen door U.K. Paper m[] jondon Daily Express, 5 today urged the BriGovernment not to negotiations with David Marshall. Sins Chief Minister. iper described )ore as a precious asset. to be hazarded Marshall's benefit, to be hazarded the Daily Express >cct. Bey a n La Party spokesman
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  • 22 1 Singapore Rubber >pened this morning jrade, June shipat 7;)' vrnls a lb., a of a cent above cioae. The tone
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  • 582 1 IT WOULD BE SIN TO QUIT NOW, MR. M IS TOLD A so happy farewell to Mr. Holland And he smiles and smiles IT seems clear that Mr. David Marshall has been talked out of his desire to resign his office as Chit'l Minister of Singapore. Pressure has come from
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  • 52 1 The [talian Interior Ministry announced today that 7G per cent of the electorate In 7H provincial citi&s voted yeafcerday in tne first round ol municipal elections, The hi< r ;h poll i.s expected to favour the centre parties at the expense ol the Communlitfl and EUghtwlng iMonurchist
    52 words
  • 297 1 uol bombs thrown in Cyprus rioting fAGE Turks went on Hre- raising rampag'* Greek quarter of yesterday that worth of 1 Bifht shops and 4 IVere burned. 60 minutes .of detion bandl of Turkish (houting "Revenge l! 'l blood" stormed i*b Greek sectors of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 ■B Top-grade H|^^^B JBB"viIRGINIA H ■H flavour HhHSb^^l Hiosc natural corlj tips V^ „W as cool fo >nur ItpS BS ttiC ''/M fine tobacco is imooth '^i/\ vil to youi ihroai CHANGE TODAY TO y t RAV E N V KIND TO YOUR THROAT
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  • 530 2 Colony newcomers want to establish children s theatre Johnnie Ray' performs for them pUPPETS are a sun cure for juvenile delinquency, say two famous European puppeteers who have ju*t arrived in Singapore to make their home here. Mr. Joe Neufeld ami his wife Betty, hope to
    Free Press  -  530 words
  • 118 2 New one for the Africans A TRUMPET-PLAYING African v, (-man, who claims Christ i >■> U hei In a vision, has started a new religious movemeni tailed "Alice" which has 100 000 followers In North<i n Rhodesia arid Nyasaland, according to a missionary living In the area. The woman. Lenshina
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  • 42 2 The Pakistan] Government and the Shell Company of Pakistan Ltd., has signed an agreement to form an operating company to carry out an extensive search for oil over some 20.000 square miles in East and West Pakistan.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 26 2 Travellers recently turned from Czechoslovak reported that some Wej newspapers were on sale in Prague for th time .since the begini; the cold war.
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  • 138 2 GERMS THRIVE IN SOAP I Wait a minute that's dongerouj I pitei? G Ution: The IQ pares for surgery. In •scrub- up cubicle lie scrute and scrubs and scrubs^ hands. He is r a °g wield the scalpel. Valt a mlnuti Due The soap you're using.. .do you know that
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  • 331 2 Jekyll and Hyde at the bus stop PUBLIC DISGR JfIESWL 201 IF is the rush-hour. People mostly workers are beading homeward. They line up at bus-stops. Ail kinds of people, both men and women, old ladies and children. They stand and wait. They look like nice, wellbehaved people. But what
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  • 61 2 Tracks of Yeti snowman seen The Australian climber, Mr. Peter Byrne, yesterday reported finding tracks believed to br of a Yeti the "abominable snowman" at 18.000 feet OH the SikkimNopnl border Mr Byrne Said 'the footprints in tile snow and sand were 10% Infl long and ■i', 2 ins wide
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 38 2 fl c n m I a i q pP -y ORANGE PINEAPPLE r^^^^^^ II LIME GRAPEFRUIT li?^s^H l'i"''M()N LEMON BARLFLY BctW|^| ORANCii: STRAWBERRY \!^l%f!T \"M^M ROSE RASPBERRY L If |j from (iiniic fresh fruits. J^iyf,,^/.., yj»>/™0 MALAYA BORNEO.
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    • 27 2 Complete 1 body freshness 1 and fragranc< I JOOOULTUJ ANTI -PM I OBTAINABLI I CHEMISTS a -i I MA^ LAT.F Bl I 20. < hulia f 6, Ampan^St'i'Ku,!.
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  • 234 3 CLAMP ON PATENT MEDICINES NEXT MONTH 'Miracle drugs cannot be advertised as 'cures' anymore Labels MUST have formulae UNSCRUPULOUS sellers of "miracle" medicines in Singapore will find a clamp on their activities next month. A new law to be enforced late In tin- month is designed to pul a stop
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  • 275 3 Andy (Amos n' Andy fame) pays us vist rrill idol of five million radio listeners and a national [lire o* the United States slipped unobtrusively out of Singapore yesterday morning on a Pan American clipper after feu dayi holidaying the island. lit- is grey haired, f as j talking Mr.
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  • 58 3 AN 11 MONTH OLD << child has drowned £> at Dettnold, West (ier- <7 many, in heft. A jet of water shot up ut the ceiling Iron l( a loose tap in the SS ohild'l room and dt fleeted into the ehild'a tot, which was soon
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  • 66 3 fHE Festival of Youth organised by the Singapore Youth Council, which vva.s postponed earlier this month, open.s today. The programme will include an exhibition, talentime shows, oratorical contest and a youth rally. Thirty thousand young people from S.Y.C. will take part. Mr. Chew Swee Koe, Education Minister,
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  • 47 3 Hundreds of firemen! lervicemen buttled forest Ires In seven parched Brii..ii counties Last night. High wind.. sweeping icrosa wooded Lands chat r i;tv.- not had a good rain n over three week.-; made It iifflcult bo keeo the flrea in :heck. A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 265 3 'J'HE popular conception that a public library should be a musty, quiet place for contemplation has been .shattered by Mr. 1,. M Harrod. Librarian at Rallies Library. "The public library," he told the Upper Serangoon Community Centre Literary and Dramatic Group. ".should provide facilities
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  • 41 3 .Sir Win m Churchill BirUi ol Britain th( flr rolume ol him toi j of the BBngll h Bpeaking Peoples' 1 da mad< the top oi Ih< nan v\< tton be k llei i- it In Amerl b
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  • 29 3 T■ ■> car < 0 hi d head on 'i'm- Ban J'i i n Puw to Rico kiinn seven men Tn oth •f Injured tertoui 111. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 244 4 DFGSDFGS DGBSDFGSDFGSDF COME time ago there v. as a story in Punch ol an irate colone] whose car had crashed into the back of one driven by a charming young lady in front of him. "Madam," demanded the Colonel, '-why didn't you make a Sig nal?" "Sir," was the
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  • 197 4 They guide problem girls along right road AFFECTION AND t "GUEST-HOUSE" COMFORTS WITH THESE THE SISTERS I GET REMARKABLE RESULTS. IVTIIAT has transformed the sullen little girl who once stood in the juvenile court as being "beyond parental control" into a dignified young lady, and how has the neglected little
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  • 313 4  -  Beachcomber imgHpEPP; r rni; farmer who was fined for liaving a piano aboard a van licensed for agricult ural pur poses only explained that the piano was taken every day to the cow-stalls, and played to the cows at milking time, with excellent resulti, The next, day
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  • 91 4 The key to the nun., success 0 "Love."' says the Prioress. The Sisters know whal the wcrci really means and what it can achieve. Their own selfless interpretation has meant for them vowed poverty, chastity and obedience and a fourth vow particular to their Order
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  • 206 4 By a Special Correspondent win t heir t i alning la over thi n tera rind them 'i joba Th( invent la n re markable place The girla d rm ltori( Are all and i i T&ted in diffi rent co ur schemes. Th' i e
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 39 4 n Ue v to ml l Selection of MARCASITE JEWEL' RINGS, E 00? H E S I ECI ICES, EMMMI B ACELETS I CLIPS f!T v Je SM.VA LTDNTW BRANCH AIR ipoi c Ip >'■ X i-n f npi |r
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    • 30 4 l*i For the relief of Athlete's fool \£a**\ ollirr fun jrus infoctionfi Available from all leading stores and; THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY 33 RATTLES RLACE SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE ARCADE. O^ CK
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  • 119 5 I i|R. X K. TANDON, Com- 3l mi&sloner for India in Singa is delighted tha gapore has received wit such enthusiasm ces and melodies of his native land. .•is that the group ire has tapped mrce.s of their editions and that ices will be priviewing them points
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  • 189 5 WILL YOU HELP? A prominent Kuching (Saraivakj physician needs the. helping hand of Singapore's Good Samaritans. Under the wing of the doctor at present are two crippled Malay youngsters. a girl of five and a boy of seven who need accommodation here while undergoing periodic treatment at the General Hospital.
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  • 951 5  -  ADELAIDE EASTLEY HllllllllltllM'I'IIIUIIIi:!!! ByilUHH!m;lH!llll|im!|j,U||||^ INTRICATE POSTURES v c a doaen pritiomefi have hospitality to cultural delega[ndia'fi foredancera and us when they ive here next week, ill be domiciled Cathay Hotel, to plans. India's top tna producer-star, Prithviraj Kapoor, :intillating artare expected fco ent exciting Pfl''ances. bright sample ol
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  • 34 5 OLD MALAY PROVE RB CITY SCENE: Chiel Minister Mr, David Marshall Is back and still ha i loyal friends Including me. "Even elephants," run.> tin* Malay proverb, "will stumble and fall, tho 1 they
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 496 6 Jl \\lVn\Kl bV"l"«i" "talk aiitl IMiil Davis j| 7T»\ x^^^^Jiu j h^-_-._3~ 1 I THE Pf-OPU SO THAT'S II I LOVE ANOTHER MAN "V- YOU LL S|E IF I HIS Vy7V/ t V^S^ LOVu YOii. If WHY YOU'VE MICHAEL. EVEN IF I PIDNT, 15 NONSfcNSE!^ If]/- f MICHAFL-A/NARDA A. tOUMAKKY
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  • 43 7 These attractive women will take part in the fashion show at the Royal Command performance, in Bangkok, Siam, of the picture made by Danny Kaye for UNICEF. They are, from left. Misses Mayurabhand Sanitwongs, Suchada Chaivaivid and Gem Lee Lum.
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  • 181 7 n MS MURRAY, a Blackwood class anti-sub-il% marine frigate will be provisionally accepted into service on May 29. The vessel's operations room is fitted with the latest equipment for displaying to the command a picture of the tactical and strategical situation. The armament consists of
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  • 145 7 THE massive, bullet- proof Mercedes car once used by Goering will occupy the limelight again at the Searchlight Tattoo at the White City, Lon- don in July. tfow owned by Mr. Raymond Way, who keeps it in his car museum at Kilburn, I the four-ton limousine
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  • 290 7 and nu>ntbors nrv so proud (CONGRATULATIONS J to the Theatre Club. of the Singapore Anglo-Chinese School ior the high standard reached in its second annual inter- form drama and music competition which ended at the week-end. This year's programmes were better and more entertaining
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  • 106 7 Troops in operationa l commands like Cyprus and Malaya will in future be able to see the latest cinemascope films on their 16 m.m. screens. For the Army Kinema Corporation and 20th Cen-tury-Fox have succeeded in applying the cinemascope technique to the "small picture" medium. The
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  • 64 7 A COUple v. ho C :rf rl ;nnl became cn 1 tr."(i by mail and tape recordings were married festerdftJT in a cathedral overlooking the river Nile. Carroll ii Pedenoo Jr.. 26, American radio announcer from Pasadena, California, married Egyptian Transworld Airlines secretary Laurence Shaker. 22, to
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 30 7 Mr Howard Beale, Australian Supply Minister, announced yesterday that another atomic dOVXCC will b<» exploded at the Monte Bcll(> Cslands, «>ft Western Au.stralia, within B f>w weeks Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 24 7 President Tito, accompanied by his wife, will make a throe-week .state visit to the Soviet Union from June 2. Re uter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • Article, Illustration
    78 7 This quix n going to get »oug*». In response to n appeal from our telephonist who is growing .1 little t^cd of people knowing where th. the puxxle picture* .ire t,ik< n. and having to put them through to the editor we hereby Ac el-ire war. Therct whole
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 7 7 tfjY M**Pm. Ik^H I ■IX /lsJ*#\\ l/JV
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    • 161 7 'MlllllllllllllllllilllllHllllliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiil: GRAND OPPORTUNITY 1 u> hu f CAMERAS j *riih «m Imr<§nd S4ll isttf vi MID-YEAR SALE I FUTURA wide angle 3 scm t 4.5 with View Finder to clear $35 00 ACTINO Exposure Meter (German) to clear $13. 50 j MINOLTA 35 2.8 speed« 1/500 »cc. W.E.L. ca»e Ut'
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 66 7 t SINGAPORE I HIGH TIDES I TODAY: 1 H p.m. t TOMORROW: M 9 J am. ;trid :M I WEDNEBDAY: 1M J II a.m. ;md 2 IK p.m. o THURSDAY: 2ok nui 4 j[ 3 2J> prn J 0 FRIDAY: Z•» '»<• f and 4.1 r > p.m. t J
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  • 523 8 ERNST Or EAST BERLIN IS AN OLD MAN AT 48 He is one of the 700,000 refugees in West Germany pi-##h t m in i s stun vth ittfj ou t of th*> ptisi iv in o# i **f ii.v. but in 4m€>i*imini§ it is stiil SIMIV- thiiiy n>*\tj inuvh
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  • 61 8 This was his story -a story which gained him official recognition as a refugee from Communist East, Germany. An East Berliner by birth. Ernst fought, in the war with an infantry regiment, and was captured by the British in Holland in October. 1944. He spent two years as
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  • 127 8 Tn October, 1954. Ernst was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, to be followed by live years' forced labour, 'i he charge: ldeal.l Bing June 17, 1953, and t v Ing to per uade ol her, to Join him ai ihe commemoration service. During the last five months of
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  • 172 8 "For two years in prison, I lived on soup, cabbages, and potatoes, with an occasional piece of meat the Rize Of a match box. On release, I was watched night, and day. I had no hope for the future in East Germany." The screening of Ernst lasted t
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  • 160 8 "No one knows when tie influx of refugees will end" said Herr Middkmann. "Our consolation is that it is a rewarding task, remoulding the lives of n million people. Bui God help us if we suffer an economic crisis." From what I saw in the Eastern
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  • 210 8 POACHERS SEEK THIS IVORY WEALTH AFRICAN poachers seeking ivory and rhino horn for contraband markets in the East are ruthlessly butchering hundreds of animals every year in Kenya's renowned Royal National parks. Unknown to thousands of carefree tourists who visit the great Tsavo. Amboseli and other
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 185 8 Advertisement A Royal start for your baby ah babiescan have an equal stari in life v Moi hers would realise t hat Just any milk is not good enough for theix child, when, aa will happen, Mother's own milk fails, it Is her duty 1" give her baby the very
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  • 302 9 R.I. REDS ARE BLUNDERING' HPHE Communists x under-estmiate the strength of the people of Indonesia, a leader of the Indonesian revolution declares. Sutan Sjahnr, former prime minister and now a member of the "loyal" opposition, muke s that observation i n
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  • 45 9 |M>l\S PREMIER Vhru: "It's good tnber Buddha's of love and when the nat.ilk to each other in angry tones. H am.l n it y has to Choose between his I; sage and the mes- of the atom and hydroi^n bombs." A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 24 9 JAPAN'S Labour Minister Tadao Kui lishi: Japan has the surplus labour for a programme to help intries suffering labour shorti T't' U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 35 9 INDONESIA'S PreI sident Sockarno (in a j dir i ct appeal to AmeI ricas 'kings of comj merce" for aid): E '-\\c welcome asbiiit- ance. But on one con- dition that the as-
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  • 20 9 sistance is not based un colonial economy. Give us assistance, but not at the expense of our freedom." Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 37 9 INDIA'S Health .Minister Miss Rajku- nuri Amrit Kaur: I hope to impress i upon Americans that our points of agree- merit on world ques- tions are much greater than our points of disagree- i ment" A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 55 9 JAPAN'S Mr. Sabu- :ro Nango (managing rector of the Japan- i l-: :p< >rt and i P 'ft A s s i) c i a jon): 'The United Nations trade embar- i unnatural and barrier between na and Japan. I that the cm- I will bo abolish-
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 67 9 INDIA'S Premier 3 Vllli < Our five-year i -i t<> make "Wtficant breach- I \u r the barriers tve kept a poor i int ry like India i j ™m irking ahead. I jnaia i, on the low- i r ■ii in the income i even lower 1
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 76 9 \|K Wl STYF lIOLTER SORFNSEN. Far East h! sl of the Ivarian Lines, said in Manila that SJJfndency of shipping freight charts to go up waj notirrable in the Far Fast due to the stiff "Wition of indeprndont operators in Japan. Ik, the present trndrncy has born
    U.P.  -  76 words
  • 222 9 PREMIER JAWAHARLAL Nehru of India said in New Delhi that there was no question of free enterprise in India and planning was the only approach to successful development ol the country. He said using the free enterprise system i.n India would be to leave the
    U.P.  -  222 words
  • 80 9 THE Commander- in Chief of the Siamese Navy Ls going into the food busil ne.s.s with equipment made in Japan. Admiral of the Fleet Luang V Kasol ha.s formed a company in Bangkok to produce ready cooked food for sale to the public a. s a meanj
    U.P.  -  80 words
  • 226 9 ...featuring news and views about Asia today X *R *'■>;■. <„<.- ■■.</:, >.■:■ New purge feared in Red China [>ED CHINA is await- ing a purge of .industrial leaders folowing Communist Party charges of sabotage and obstructionism now jeopardising the Government's fiveyear industrialisation plan. The organ of the Chinese
    A.P.  -  226 words
  • 23 9 The paper recommended that serious offences in factories "be dealt with" and that punishment should be 'stern, serious and fitting." A .P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 120 9 Thr rtnutfiii f >f nwtrly two- thirds of ua estimated i T to Ul tdU i 6} able Dalknee >i i> > x \nyone who sreks \m mimmiv t^r strength of Alls 'a anti-colonialism, or to equate that anti (olonialism wltb ommunisin, it deluiiit^K hiniMlf," he writes. "it is !i-,t
    U.P.  -  120 words
  • 54 9 The Prime Ministers ol Ceylon and Burma and Crown Prince Mikasa ol Japan are among nearly HO distinguished foreigners to he invited to India hy Premier Nehru to witness thr final phase of Ruddha Jay anti celebrations in Nov ember The list in< ludes distinguished Buddhists and political leaders from
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 38 9 A Tho Indian House of the People (Lower Bourn) has passed b Bill nationalising life insurance in India and i establishing a corporation to handle it. The Bill no* goes to the council oi States (upper House).—-! Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 122 9 INDONESIA wants to reconsider it.-, citizenship agreement with Red China, according tO Prime Minister All Sastroamidi( »jo. The agreement was aimed at avoiding dual citizenship of the 2,500,000 Chinese living in [ndone* .sia. From the moment it was signed, the agreement has been the target
    U.P.  -  122 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 57 9 IS WBKiWmi wKSBStft >J^feit^l W&SBißKumaa WBBXBSt H|H -'"''ii^fflK Hvwt JBBeL Jma ■BIH S I A KFCORD OF THF WFFK Hi-Fidelity RccordingyV,? Ji viz/I j ■> f- ißj .^r x Tl i.r el BY, _.^bm> x yj /j (il Mool II Hw 112 t.o Br AVm i HA O CONNOR &CO
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  • 558 10 VISITORS -FROM VENUS? DO you know the Legend of Legba? it Is all wrapped around the worship voodoo and the Haitian religion. The story goes that the African tribes at the time of the harvest moon offered to their god a virgin as sacrifice. If the rod was pleased with
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  • 153 10 ROUND ABOUT SINGAPORE with Oswald, Henry and his camera SETTING THAT :.OOK Hollywood*! man Richard de la] 'Beauty and Hie Ba puts the tii i-'iiin^ !«ucl levere's m.ike-un in or their voodoo act lightspot (above, W olourful offering Ls dr the Lrgend ;;f L?| M&KING hi k ROW Voealtelng an
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  • 571 11 They met to part A N old friend, seen in town again, is Mr. Robert rV Davison (above), the wellknown architect and former S.I.T. personality who has returned to the 3olony after a year in the U.K. Born out here he is better remembered as the man who, five years
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  • Article, Illustration
    112 11 ALITTLK lady with a great personality' 1 that's green-eyed, auburnhaired Gill Daniels, 21--year-old singer from- Sydney (above, right), who has just opened here on a three months' contract and is featuring at a seaside resort with a new band combination called The Continentals. Gill's been singing professionally for
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  • 167 12 The French are earnestly debating whether to abolish a law that, for the past 150 years, has kept the nation's porters from often getting a full night's sleep. The law compels persons entering or leaving multiple dwellings to use a night bell controlled by the
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  • 1110 12 ITS REALLY MARILYN first a I tu>s*' series f##f t»§4oSi pro* inutile* ##/o#««/#* in ihv t*'«»rlg! hig j M \K. AW ientlemen prefer blondes, and Without doubt an overwhelming majority of the more impressionable section of male population prefer Maiilyn Monroe. She is remarkable
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  • 184 12 POLICE officers sitting before an array of instruments in an o ffi c c many miles away can watch trallic on one of America's major highways and detect not only speederg but traffic condition, including congestion and complete jams. The office is in Westport,
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  • 80 12 CHILDREN throughout Australia and New Zealand vy an; mourning the death of their favourite performing elephant, Alice. She was 110 years old the oldest circus performer In the world .when she lay down quietly and died in a city park where the circus is performing in Sydney
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  • 358 12 SHE'S OFF AGAIN NOW QNE of America's w most notable women anthropologists, Dr. Laura Boulton left Singapore at the weekend after a fiveday visit. A specialist in advanced anthropological research and special research problems relating to African music and ethnology, Dr Boulton has held fellowships in research on varied subjects,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1539 13 S.W. BARTRUM continues the exciting series, THE WORLD S STRANCEST STORIES -with an article today on the notorious mass mutiny of Dutch sailors off Sumatra. A revolver jublwd him in the ribs: "Get bnvk. sonny 9 hissett a voice— and so the i.vvvn Provinvien urns
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 369 14  -  PELHAM GROOM By uym, on wny, aon t we an lake more interest in IT Malay? It is such an attractive language, and everyone tells us how quickly it can be learnt. But do we? We start off with a lot of textbooks and we learn i
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  • 275 14 JLIEART disease may be revealed by "palm prints." This possibility was presented before the American Institute of Biological Sciences meeting at Michigan State College by Dr. Irene Ushida of the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. Dr. Ushida's findings apply specifically to congenital heart disease,
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  • 788 14 If you don't want to be a neurotic, KNOW yourself! FEW CAN CONTROL THEIR OWN MINDS VKI KOTICS not only affect the happiness oi' their families but also the A^ working capacity of the community. At the first gfcuice, this statement mitfht appear far-fetched. But if we consider
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • Eve Perrick's page
    • 311 15 TWENTY TINY FINGERS -and that, Madam, calls for a sturdy i YOUNG mother, with [A a house to run and small children to care for, has no time for an elaborate wardrobe. Clothes must b,- simple and sturdy, [he kind that do not wilt if a chubby baby sits on
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    • 157 15 I HATE THOSE CHECKS If the in. in in your Uf< Ui contemplating a m w BUit l >r th; teason, arc ***** [x>inf from the latest fasnlon bo* Brown i.s becoming popular again, Jackets have squarer fronts, and lapels art.* narrower. I like these a.s they are slimming, especially
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 103 15 m\ /JIB v**/00/ IM/ -=-^)t YOU CAN r^T^Jf RELY ON V r/VO Jl r) IPACKEO IN 5 LB., 2J LB. AND ILa TINSI Doctors agree that, from kdoul the > r ninth or tenth month, healthy babies f require a FULL CREAM MII.X as an I [f f] C?? f5")
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 245 15 '■•■■■■•t^^"^ -> *^^^^^i*"'^™" pi *^^^^^^T^^" >^^l Sh i Pill ffRHK«i^ i^ "ußH^b^7^^ I *j£3 j; UP 1 Q IIA f^'" b"* S i' SS Mi 9 IS 1 JBBUI w **gfl _uH' *fj li [2 1 I t CLUES across 5 Rock in which to see rain In 9 Made
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  • 859 16  -  Chapman Pincher rockets. spaceships. space-stations by iiiiiniiii imiii MEN are already fly. ing rocket-ships <)n !l)f> fringe of space, Flying machines which can take on and land vertically like the space-ships of fiction are already in operation. Giant rockets to ny at speeds
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 32 16 WvtUting S M ieiur&& Make arrangciiicnts NOW for your photographs to he taken by a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 or Tt'W/r to FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHIC DEFT, bK UIIIHl lB B|BM|BBBB
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  • 973 17 gggggggggg COLUMN BACKSTAGE PEEP liroi man busily 1 ing 30 to 40 k! >r an AlaskaCod car trip the Americas i -old Henry nephew of the lth Baron Digby. He told me at his mews i Earls Court "I run hrec cars. There
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  • 468 17 Bast- We si vulnerable East dealer NORTH §85 9Q764 0 A 10 6 *KJW4 WEST EAST 491 3 J 9108 S>AKJ9S2 OKJ4 0Q95 ♦*****2 *Aa SOUTH A KOJ 10 6 i Qa ***** 6 The bi<l:!infc: E*«i fe»l North I V 4 4 All PfcM I RACING 6
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

    • 121 18 WHEN are the profits from Mr. Lee See Pin's Olympic Fund boxing promotion goi n g to be announced. Having paid to see a flop, the public are eager to find out how much their martyrdom has done for sport. WHAT methods of selection are
      121 words
    • 169 18 -iiiimiiiiiu **********1? Who is coaching the schools? W/lIH reference to your article of May 4 in which it. W&l Stated that the Combined Schools Sports Council coaches and swimming convenor are daily training .schoolboy: jn water-polo and swimming, may 1 make a correction As Captain Of the 1!»:>5 Combined
      169 words
    • 1031 18 Malaya's plan to keep -BUT IS IT Seeing stars in Piccadilly r PHE saying goes that if you stroll down Pic- cadilly, you will meet the world and his wife. Colleague Archie Quick was in Piccadilly recently when, all in the course of a hundred yards, he met a Dronzea
      1,031 words
    • 138 18 OOYAL AIR FORCE 1V cyclists are unable to contest the Civilians versus Services Coronation challenge trophy on Thursday. The reason (writes Joe Ezekiel) is their heavy programme of fixtures. Following their 25-mile time trial yesterday at Bukit Tirnah they are now preparing for next
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  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • 375 19 OLYMPIC GAMES IN SINGAPORE?- HERE'S NEXT BEST THING /*KT set, fans, for a 1 1 learning parade ol international sportsmen. Singapore will be having t r own "Olympic Kimes" in December. Afr and sea routes form i mternational conveyor Lit which is going to brirl in a crop of top
    375 words
  • 40 19 iw t goalkeeper een In Malaya for ome time mftn named Rang He U with th€ visiting Vietnam team vpstcrday In Kuala Lumpur h< conceded [v I one goal as Vietnam mt a.m. ChlnftM i»i pnacii Ro*fl
    40 words
  • 265 19 EM/ athlete* receive a mention hy politicians. s >m Aussie runner l v praised hy an 1 >n Congressman. Representative stuyveWainwright <»t New lk Btate, a member of 1 8, House of Kepre'tlves, mentions John h Who holds the world record of :i mm r»8 sec. statement.
    265 words
  • 348 19 world crown TOO LATE? I lava have been asked to übniit a maximum of three players to the Tournament and Training Committee. Presumably these names I ive already been subnittd and are now being studied by Messrs Leow Kirn Fatt. P. G. Michael Mahindasa and Lee Guan Khye. They will
    Free Press  -  348 words
  • 839 19 HE WHO LAUGHS (A story with a moral) IT is mid-morning, and the beach is dotted with Sunday Sun-followers. A few yards from my couch of sand-strewn towel a young man Is preparing to ski. He is dressed in shop clean briefs with pineapples and dragons daubed thereon. He looks
    839 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 25 19 OCEAN PARK HOTEL'S j FAMOUS QUINTET with I i S\ X vp t MISS SALOMA thr MaUv "Marilyn Monroe" -<)()<>— Kin* 4 ISM f»r T»bl« |(i'M-r\»tl(irn.
      25 words

  • 79 20 A I AN IiWIDSON, E Hi. Austiiluiii ullE loiuidrr »\.H t.tkr M fuiunr pftli t Jie cricket maun \i»Ui tilt* M.C.C. at «>r» *> While batting, DavWz son was struck by a hill from Man Moss .mil retired hurt after z ieoring a single. He z
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 298 20 Names in the news today I. SPENCER, a sergeant in the Koycil Welch Fusiliers, won the Eu Tunz Sen:-; 3up golf final yesterday at he Royal Island Club. He >ea! H. Clendon with a jlrdie on the nineteenth. s. Velluplllai scored the -ixth century of the Singapore cricket season with
    298 words
  • 35 20 raf Seletar "A" beat Chang! 'A l by nine wickets at ChangJ resterday. Scores:— Changi: 22 (Kerf on three for Ive, Johnson RRS three for two). Seletar:—- 24 for one.
    35 words
  • 29 20 r lhe .soccer match between Aberdeen of Scotland and Evert on at Tribore Stadium (New York) yesterday was postponed until June 17 because of rain. A .P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 88 20 Soviet weightiifter Ravil Khabutdinov beat the world lightweight record for the two handed press with a lift of 122.5 kilograms (270 Ib.) In Peking on Saturday. The official world record Is held by the Russian Fydor Nikitin with 120.5 kilograms <265 Vi lb.). Another world record
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 15 20 Sedan defeated Troyes, 8-1, yesterday for t lie French soccer cup. A. P.
    A.P.  -  15 words
  • 246 20 lEW Hoad and A.shley Cooper, top .seeded for the event, Were unceremoniously bustled out of the men'.s doubles final on the i day of the French lawn j frnni.s champion.ship.s in Pari.s yesterday by Don Candy, Australia, and Bob Perry, United States Tandy
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 512 20 RESULTS DOBERT LJM showed last night that he has still much to learn before he can take his place beside the Thomas Cup stalwarts of BUT HE LET PANS KNOW THAT HE HAS THE ABILITY TO ONE DAY BE A GREAT PLAYER A crowd
    512 words
  • 167 20 gRITAIN'S Stirling Mos.s roared home to victory past 70,000 spectators in his bright red works Maserati on Saturday In the 1,000 kilometres race for sports cars on Germany's Holltop Nuerburgring. He was followed half a minute behind by the Argentine world champion, Juan Manuel Fangio. in
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