The Singapore Free Press, 26 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 21 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya v *****. Siiij;upou\ Saturday, May Hi, 19. r ><i. Priet 15 C'ta,
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  • 73 1 PINK ROSE FOR A PRINCESS... World f.imous rose grower. Harry Whc.itzroft Mr. Rose to British sardcnersi ,idd s Km th c wedding of the year by producing a CraCe Kelly roit Cr.icc de Mon.ico poink and With a perfume stronger any rose smcc **c w,ir. It t, bernt; shown
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  • 577 1 They are out to smash Red hold on talks Students' conference: New move jHVO weeks ago the Free Press warned Singapore of the dangers likely to arise from the Afro-Asian students 1 conference to be held in Bandung. Irrefutable evidence was given t<> the Fre< Press that Communists were going
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  • 124 1 Take it easyNehru IT v. .< repori from Wen Driiu tod iy (hat the [ndian Pi line Mini rtur, Mr Nehru told Bii tga pore Chiel Mil I bei Mr. David M;n hall, ttiitt. Bomel line > it bettei not to go the whole hog on an i nue 1
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  • 49 1 The Singapore Ru b i> r i Ms i kel opened t tii^ morn Ing w i ii flrsi grade, Jui 6 shipment at 76} q cent i .i lb., one ;i M(i oi e eishi h ol ceni lyi'ioi" yesterday' i i^ e The tone uncertal
    49 words
  • 313 1 v Eisenhower •I world Comterday in Waco, "gigantic r on MUis.-i th,> iin people i<> iv In the full. man freedom" i lf leadership 1 tenhower pro'ori ni antidote to ;ns the creation divide bell of tech lentiflc schools two-way avenue of communical ion 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 H I I jL\ I '-sr I v TAJ r^S"\V ATERS jB^BI A J^^ s A wA r l<: R ■^SSm^^^'M 'TONIC WAT E R B^S Ir N R i: K r /^■#^|^gj L g QNAD E iff^B" 1 > c: H K R R v A K Wmw^Mlt^^ R
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  • 215 2 MALAYANS GO ABROAD TO TRAIN Colombo plan request is biggest in area 4 REPORT «»t the technical assistance being given to Singapore and Ihe Federation under the Colombo Plan shows that Australia, Canada, India .md Ceylon arc the principal countries now draining Malayans. Australia has been i ked to train
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  • 103 2 Prasatina is back I OiiMs .ii Sins :!|)or*' 'imv!'!i sch< .•<;!.!', ill, Prasanna Balau aged j<( -sec;) above has jnst arrived b;tek in the Colony to a scries of shows of classical Indian dances. Miss Balau has just completed a four-year course studying the forms of Indian dances, at the
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  • 69 2 Falsies cause trouble r piO£h: faLsies built Into dresses may spell glamour to some" girls but they are a headache to laundries— and fire insurance companies. The Columbus Cleaners Association says several recent fires in cleaning shop.s have been traced to the padded material being ignited by the high temperatures
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  • 265 2 NEW HOPE FOR DEAF AND DUMB: CRESSON ITHE Singapore Association for the Deaf and Dumb yesterday welcomed Government's grant of a site for its proposed new "lip-read-ing" training school. "The Government has lent us a vei*y big hand," said Mr. L. Cresson, the president. "Its assistance in this and other
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  • 35 2 The Arab States told other members of the AsianAfrican group meeting at United Nations Headquarters, New York, yesterday that they had decided" to bring the Algerian question before the Security Council. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 38 2 A dynamite bomb parently intended weapon of Chic world terrorism, ex a man's arms ea and blew him 1 The victim Campbell. 55, an uni ed newspaper tru< who appeared cently struck I
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  • 84 2 Leslie's tomboy debut Paris bom I eslie Caron, who has i;iv*'n up dancing in favour of acting, excitedly chews a lock of her long hair part of htt characterisation o( the tomboy (iigi, title-role of the play in which she has just made hrr London stage debut. Though Leslie ins
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  • 176 2 SINGAPORE Government is to send a delegation to Cambodia to establish ixiicr trade relations between the two territories. The Suggestion to send a trade delegation was first made by The Trade Ad visory Council at its last meeting;. A Government spokesman said the three Chambers of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 T«EATfVIENT FOrt s A A M-v 1 ■'■■■>;■ V- &X" I *Tmeafax' is the proven scientific treatment for /V* foot" Harmless and non-irritating fo the V*) l%] I skin, clean and free from objectionable odours, v^ p j'Tmeafax' contains the most efficient substances yet discovered for Athlete's Foot, Dhobie Itch
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  • 48 3 The Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, was in high spirits this morning when he attended the meet-thc-people session at Assembly House. Last night he reported to members of the Labour Front central committee on the London talks. He will meet them again today.
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  • 392 3 Miss^ Baches _doors_are always open, her home provides.. rv: RE a -i monkey par- 1 I use in Singapore. 8 ife from cruel tote In other hands. H monkey orphanromp iovoii.slv at 28 Tom- ''.tad home ol their kindiv caretaker Miss f E he Queen of the monfcev
    AP  -  392 words
  • 19 3 Mr Robert Locaste, French Minister Resident in Algeria, today placed Press correspondents there on a war footing.
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  • 68 3 Harbour men all smiles The Penang waterfront again hummed with activity this morning as i,500 work en i turned to work a ftei a three-day .strike for Increas ed wages. With one Blue Funnel liner alongside the pier and nine others in the road, the men faced the task of
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  • 65 3 Security authorities In Nicosia yesterday Imposed an indefinite curfew on the South town of Larnaca after what observer i described a.s the island's most serious clashes yet beeen Greeks and Turks. The town was .silent last nighi but a atmosphere remained in thn curbed
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  • 226 3 DON'T TOLERATE THESE TOUTS! PiabaSc Disgrace No. 19 iioMY changen «»> .>! Raffles Place, Collyer Quay and Change Alley ;ir<> a pestilential thorn in the side of shoppew In the Colony t is well nigh Impossible for anyone with the ■lightest look of a tourist about him to walk through
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  • 41 3 q eral Bii trie Loe ii r-in-( !hiel Briti h v n Efl il i ind >< da arrlvi i hi la fron Hong Kong n thn das Klwlll h rn to I .m gap mon >w*- A. P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 88 3 The wreckage of a ml ing Guatemalan airliner with 31 persons aboard was Lghted in the mountains ne ir La Tinta yesterday. All the p and crew were believed dead, since there w< re no iJ of activit v near the wreckage. UP > Ginger
    UP  -  88 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 44 3 PA ?B l\ no price premium tc>r a premium pi oduct vnir\\ ral w iters iff, fchweppes m.-:*Z Vat *zZ?' In a cla i by ifMONADE Qf NQf ft lEift t ONIC W.' A T H lODA ivakr DR > QINQI K I c.
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  • 234 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion Federation blunder ay 26, 1956. /COMMITTED as it is Vv to its ambitious deV( lopmi lit. and social programmes, the Federation Government desperately needs all the revenue it can But allowing its customs service to gouge trade and commerce is emphatically not wise. Yet
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  • 820 4  - Fifty million people with work-fever Charles Close Another informative article on life in Germany todnu Mai <M i V« 1 Dm. [T was i a.m.. and th< barman m my Berlin hoteJ greeted me with a smile. "A nightcap, sir?" lie inquired, i studied the Immaculate, whiti coated figure, "Don't
    820 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 4 Lovely Swedish actress, Anita Ekberg ami BrU i itSn star Anthony Steel, drink a tOOSt to t he future.* The}/ it err married quietly Uns ueek jfl Florence,
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  • 25 4 German women i :(N down tracks in front Of what used to be Hitler's Keith Chancellory in the Soviet Sector of BerUn.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 Optical MOUSE f ZEISS I -y PUNKTfiI t J\ d i: S i.:r7.A..,,i,'-.L, i.-^iillifi OPTIC I A 1 1 *o an o! Johore 1 pital Singapore. 169. MIDDLE ROAD. SINGAPORf 1 i 6- W.i f. rloo
      36 words
    • 60 4 ■^■■■■■■■MMBtXSKtiaai THE STANDARD TO MAINTAIN fi%>r maximum comfort *2 and performance at the Wm lowest cost. Top speed 68 M.p.h. Petrol con- 9 sumption 37/48 M.p.g. Wi^^mpmmg^^to*, Provides safe, economical motocinc with ample reserve to meet rvrry demand. AKo av.iil.ihlc STAN" tART FAMILY 10 .ind STAN O4 COMPANION Estate C.irl
      60 words

  • 160 5 \in K kept fresh by atomic treatment be delivered weektistead of daily in a years time. Fanners living near the Harwell atom station in ■ks have heard unoflft- that the Milk Marng Board has been tol< discoveries that could ionise milk distribution. Board official ad that
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  • 52 5 •rii-k J- Bftts of Den Colorado, was awarded vorce because his wife. )ets— ll chinchillas, a a dog, a cat and r e bov is of goldfish. Bctts testified his wife once tried to stab bun bocause he slept while the cat rte one of
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  • 180 5 WIRE TOLD TO SWEAR PURITY ON A GRAVE I'Vw would tlo ii. say« ilic jiitigc I husband demanded that ins wife iwear on lX her mother's grave that she never committed adultery it was snid In the Divorce Court. Hit the woman would not do it. And Mr. Commissioner Blanco
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  • 92 5 A di ci Lb< i i "model mother" killi d her three daughi ■c i y- t< d ty. I placi d ihi m car< I nil m thi lr t- 'i t hen flred two pistol bullet Int her own breast Mrs. Lorene Culbeck, In
    AP  -  92 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 5 i'.ml jM'J.pU' OUt of the thousands who i »^> ihi oug b Empress Place every «':»y were able to tell where yes t puzzle picture was taken. It was the scroll on It.- o'.ij'Ji .Sv in impress Place. t\i\\\ we thought that was risy! ■/v What about today's?
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 iß^vesßeißiisEiiißar \Look Lovelier in a^ i hH| the most beautiful n I l U most beautifying m M j Switnsuits I A in the world! m fA 19.TG «/•//#>.% not* m i on pfeff i A^nts: EXCELSIOR LTD. 66, Ilitfli street, Singapore. ft'3 fcj r* ■< B fc)
      46 words
    • 49 5 -^jpg NFCKLACFS -^II CHOKERS "r^^ BROOCHES in A Aim iv 01 DESIGNS now on disim \y t^ SI LVA LTRI EWEL L E RS H .-^—w B r» si I'M S ■«0«< o"t t »<<< 9 *H 1O #t »»a» r»«. c»f>. i»OM ••*•»<••<••• •>* .a v j •<• NEW
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 104 5 BIRCH OF ENGLAND St. Andrew's Cathedral: < a.m. Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Sung feucharist and Parish Communion, 9.30 a.m. Sunday School, 10.30 a.m. Matins, 11 a.m. Mandarin Service, fi p.m. Evensong. St. Hilda's Church, Katong: 1 a.m. Holy Cummunion. 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist, 10 am. Jr Church and Sunday School,
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    • 401 5 nion. st. Christopher's Church, Johore Bahru: 7.30 a.m. Holy; Communion, (>.30 p.m. Evensong, Holy Trinity Church, Hornc Road: 7.30 a.m. Holy Commu nion (.Eng.), 9 a.m. Bung Eueha- rist Wld Sermon (Foochow), 10.30 i a.m. Matins and Sermon <Hoki kien), 4 p.m. ESvensong and SerI men (Eng.) Church of The
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    • 424 5 HO DIST Straits Chinese hurch: ».41> I a.m. Sunday School, 9.40 a.m. Service In (Eng.t, Rev. F, 3. Lau (HC), 10.30 a.m. Service In (M). Mr. Kon Tlong Tal, 5.:?o pin, St-rviee in (.H^ig.), Rev. Eric Lambourne. Paya Lebar: 8.4f) a.m Sunday School, B a.m. Service in (M», Rev. Wee
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 702 6 I Mil^HHi^ V^^^ 8 L# t nORM today, you are one of tl 0 13 who has been able to conai er 0 nuid and restless nature, brinu It t JJ undt r control and turn those enerei u Into a productive, gratifying channel! 4- of accomplishment. Vou have a
      702 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 179 7 LONDON, Ma\ l'i t-Mous 1 oday Ki'BßEl No 1 Kss tU buyera 22 buyei p ports June 22% sellers 22 .sellers r No. l kss Spot 23 1 buyers. 23% buyers 23% sellers 23% seUei i 1. 1 BBBS No. l Rss Settlement 2:i\ buyers 23%
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    • 105 7 NEW YORK. May 25. Previous Today riN Straits spot and nearby 96.75 nom. 96.75 nom. iiv futures May 95.50 bid 95.75 bid 9G.75 asked 96.00 asked June 95.40 bid 95.65 bid 96.75 asked 97.00 asked July 95.30 bid 95.55 bid 96.60 a.sked 96.85 asked TO NT Steady.
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    • 38 7 Lampong spot ami release 30 v... Afloats lupment 30. June 29. jv)t 29'j. awaiting re- Above prices quoted in U.S. cents per lb. lease 29. Afloats 28 to 27. May shipment 25%. June 24%, seller ex-dock.
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    • 32 7 NEW YORK. May 25. Previous Today 30 Industrials 473.51 472.43 20 Railroads 165.76 166.56 10 Domestic Bonds 96.61 96.^6 IS Utffitles 65.53 65.13 64 Stocks Composite Averagt? 171.10 170.75
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    • 104 7 LONDON, May 25. Previous Today COPRA Philippines c.i.f. U.K./ North luropcan deliveiVd June/ July weight ikm long ton Mav/.fune $193 sellers $192 sellers COPRA, Straits c.i.f. I K/North European delivered wVight per long ton May/ Jon© £69% buyers £69% buyers £70', sellers £70', sellers June/July £69$
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  • 6 7 New courses swelling pool of instructors
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  • 186 7 INTENSIVE training is going on at the Queen Street Boys' Hostel in Singapore to prepare a pool of activity Instructors with sufficient qualifications and experience to instruct members of youth clubs in various activities. Courses that are now in progress are boxing by Mr B. L. Dunsford, fretwork
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  • 150 7 ALL through this month P.C. R. Jack oi the Cotswold village oi Long Com p ton iia.s been on night j patrol-- looking for wltchea ills vigil .started on the eve of May i>ay traditional meeting tune ior witches. From after P r until 3.15
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  • 42 7 Pren i h Infantrymen i• u lied hu rebel forc< nea i Kh< ml on t h( Al"'f iin MOItM t' lf d( killing ,t ir,i,t hm) in bd «v lonn f Pren< h offlclal I aid yeattrd iy UP
    UP  -  42 words
  • 204 7 MAJOR STARTS OVER AGAIN Wf in the J i< md bfajoi f I r. :><■<•'; tartii n i oi the Now ;i mi i. r of the Derbysh tafl of thi Army (\uici i > -i ling tern i i m ma I 1 1 C h te? designed to
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  • 25 7 The Soviet Premier, Nikolai Bulganln, haa Invited aenior Roynl Air Forcft (.Iliccr.s to vi.sit Ku.v-.Kt next month, it w;us announced yesterday UP
    UP  -  25 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 67 7 aiiillllillllllllllllllliilllliiiliiinb I SINGAPORE I I HIGH TIDES 1 TODAI 11.41 p m I OMORROH I > r: S P HI E monii oi i i m g s and 1.31 p II ESDAY 19 HI S itui '1 1 p'" S \m DNFSDAY: 116 s 5 -i hi .Hid 1.48
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  • 1092 8  - ARE— SHORTER THEIR STAY T.F. Hwang HBI IV I^PV I^ H V I^ By *****1111l MARRIAGE eosti a bofej to manj ol Singapore's eligible bachelors Thej conjure up terrifying expenses, keeping bachelors awaj from 1 1 1 <• wedding march. But i he bill does not hav( to be hi
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  • 334 8  -  PELHAM GROOM says IHAVE always liked Guy de Maupassant's story of the man who assessed his degree of inebriation by the graduated scale of a boozeometi r. Not, as the author points out. that the man had such an Instrument, but with the passage of
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  • 437 8 response rould have been made if the Intervening player passed. This may have robbed you of any bid at all, or changed the bid you WOUld have m;idc; it may also have made it more difficult for partner to rebid an he had prepared to. Keep these
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 507 9  -  Adelaide Eastley i\vi:ni THi:\iMi:\r us cmirmxg VMCTiMS or i.bwiwsy BUT... r VPORE has f b long way clays when heavily mufin cotton robes, e<j around the as beggars, ringra ss bella to warn public of their suffering from Oldest disease' n to mankind,
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 9 Lovely Anne E Francis, the girl r with the "kitt?n B will soon 'ti in the I .Mine had of Rim "ForS Iden Planet." Un e is a c binnde.
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  • 458 9 AN international hobby, which knows no barriers of race or creed and in Malaya and Singapore takes in men who may be millionaires or clerks, is helping Australia in the study of its bird life. The technical name for these Malayan and Singapore hobbyists is
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  • 86 9 T.V. IN MOTORS a i i■ i■ t i on sale i i the U<; a v. !u< h take i ill the guea Ol k <jut <*! bho gai age mechanic's labours and also doi a away with the motor] t'a complaint th;it he has been charged u tortune
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 244 9 I Ornithology V if you like I uiiuiiiKin niii in iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5 ail these many more E i Usual Price Sale Price E 1 Chinese Brocidcj > 50 $3. 90 German Fancy Sh.intun^ 1 >0 3.25 4 E f Stretchablc Panties (Fit to .ill |lin) J.90 290 i Strctch.iblc Stocking
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  • 550 10 INDIAN GIRL LEAF FROM S STEAL ARTINE A FEAST of colour. youth and beauty was presented to Singapore when the 16 girl dancers, above, of the Lady Irwin College in Delhi, staged a variety programme at the AngloChinese School Auditorium in Barker Road. In their rainbow -hued saris glittering with
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  • 253 12 ALI AS 'BRIDGE' IN TALKS ON FORMOSA Inside on the countrle. and people arouiwrwl in kin-.', are specula ting whether Mr. Mohamad Ah. Prime Min ol Pakistan, bi for tng )i views i between i tina and I U States, particuover the question of Nationali I n tno i the
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 96 12 \GGRESSIVE J P anese trade competil lon, particularly in world textile markets, is causii g serious concern in India, the United States and other producing nations. I:. New Delhi, India's Minister for Commerce mid Industry, Tate T. Krishnamachari told the semi- i official Export Advisory Council: "A
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  • 117 12 tied China has agreed to extend for another year the unofficial Japan-China i t ide agreement calling for $255 million ann u a i each way. This i:, the third extension .since World vv.u a ended. Japanese firms last year x ported $76' 2 million
    A.P.; Popper  -  117 words
  • 190 12 S'HAI AS A GRAVEYARD OF TRADE SO iar as business is concerned, "Shanghai La a commercial graveyard as the present programme calls for elimination Ol private business.' 1 Thus said Mr Charles Sydney Miner, an American busine ig man on arrival in ii mg Kong from Shanghai where he has
    A.P.  -  190 words
  • 355 12 Row brews over isles claim 4N international row which may eventually draw in Ked China is brewing over a private Filipino claim to an island empire in the South China Sea. tionallftt China Has informed the Philippines Government th a t the claim to the island group constitutes an "infringement
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  • 20 12 a Japanese film I win be held in P I eight other cities oi next month A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • Glimpses
    • 25 12 The population of Red China totalled 582.6 million in 1953, according to Peking. The population growth is estimated at two per cent annually. A. P.
      A.P.  -  25 words
    • 27 12 The Hiroshima Council for Banning Atom and Hydrogen Bombs has protested in cables to President Eisenhower *nd Adlai Stevenson against the US H-bomb dropped at B>kini. U.P.
      U.P.  -  27 words
    • 38 12 Chinese abroad now investing in Fukien 4 Dill OE ikl^^S^ W WS '"THE biggest of 14 A "mechanised" cane sugar refineries being built in Fukien Province, "is being built with investments from overseas Chinese," says Peking Radio.— U.P.
      U.P.  -  38 words
    • 25 12 Communist China has •started the cultivation of coffee, pineapple and hemp in its sub-tropical province of Yunnan, according to Radio Peking. Plantations cover 32,123 U.P.
      U.P.  -  25 words
    • 29 12 Over 250,000 copies of textbooks and grammars in the new written Mongolian language have been published in Inner Mongolia. It is written in the Cyrillic alphabet (like Russian Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 30 12 Led by China's foremast female impersonator, Mei Lan Fang, an 80- member theatrical delegation Is due to give a .series of performances in five leading cities of Japan. 1 Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 38 12 Soviet oil experts have advised India to concentrate her search for oil in the Punjab and Rajasthan. They also recommended test drillings in the Ganges valley, West Bengal, in the Cambay area and on the Madras coast.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 37 12 A bronze bell weighing six tons A Buddha Jayanti i^ift to Ceylon from the chief abbot of the Japanese Buddhists has arrived in Colombo for installation at historic Daiada Maligawa (Temple of the Tooth) in Kandy.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 38 12 A team of German experts will carry out research In India on rare plants and animals and will donate part of their collection to Indian scientific institutions. The team may also visit the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. U.P.
      U.P.  -  38 words
    • 28 12 Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia visiting New Delhi en route to Europe, said he thought his Indo-Chinese kingdom would set economic aid from Russia and Poland. A. P.
      A.P.  -  28 words
    • 49 12 India plans to start a gradual adoption of the metric system of weights and measures next year beginning with the railway and communication systems. The change will broaden into other fields until at the end of ten years the metric system will bo in use throughout the country.- U.P.
      U.P.  -  49 words
    • 25 12 Communist Viol Minh and a Japanese delegation "representing a number of! big enterprises in Tokyo" 1 havr signed a trade agree- I inrnt. A. P.
      A.P.  -  25 words
  • 120 12 rriiiF Tokyo MainlchJ Shimban reports 1 that the .1 ipuiese Cabinet Minister Ichiro Kono, now In New York, has told the newspaper in Ml overseas telephone interview the so rilled "Adenauer I ormiila" was "tk<> only way left for Japan" to follow in normalising her relations
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1193 13  -  GERALD BOWMAN By THE WORLD'S STRANGEST STORIES Khi taker Wright made rtunes overnight ■jftlJ l NATKLY it is rare that a member of the &i,,(k Exchange is 'hammered" in other ■hK nils to meet his obligations. Yet on one Eg il.i;, over 30 members were hammered"
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  • 308 13 tsuch U\n to ;_:o on a expedition in this of gimmicks and gadake greetings cards, for For really close friends to whom you want, to send a really special birthday card, there are a whole lot of novelty ones. One is a new type of musical
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 13 Princess Margaret was the principal 1 a1 the annual meeting Of IhC British ll(ils Society recently in London. She 1 1( < ht <( i certificates of merit to the pupils V lies Sea Training School, which the 1 uns in Dover. The Princess is shown Vln i
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 Does your dog know fh.if nil his requirement* cm bt obtnnrd from US? FOODS BISCUITS •Y- MEAL medk irjrs •Y- LEADS, COLI Af-C \c. I The FEDERAL DISPENSARY Ltd 11, 11AFFIXS f'lAf.l S'POHC COLD BIOHA'.I A'" HAHD CD. Wedding Pictures Mak v, ar rallgem e n I 8 for your
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  • 697 14 How near and how far, No. 1 by Chapman Pinter A YOUNG Jet pilot v cramped in his pressure -cabin is screaming through the uir with the thrust Of nearly three tons pushing him faster than the speed of sound. There is nothing wrong with his machine.
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  • 40 14 DRAMA OF RESEARCH TRIP INTO SPACE V I'.S. Mr POTCC leehnlCftl advisor assigned to a Hollywood studio pfodtli I On Th c Threshold Of Spier" adjusts actor <miv Madison's crash lulmkl I authentic scene ill the aero research drama. I
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 619 15 MANNERS for the MOTORIST PELHAM GROOM discovers a book of Etiquette ||B/\Vk recently taken K a new flat. X to say it is L ev me, the flat jB: °id, very old, lM i have been rem g certain art tales the previous CMuii left behind. [I, of those discarded
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  • 95 15 And did her hair GLOW!' I)OROTHY MALONE i. wondering whether chlorine to good for a make-believe blonde. Her chestnut-brown hair um. blonded for hex romantic role In the musical drama "Sincerely your*" to contra t, with brown* haired Joanne Dnii the other i< minine lead, Invited to B v Imwing
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 15 Leslie Caron, the dazzling French film star, wears a new thought in sunhats which has «i definite Chinese influence. Its striking colours blend with the bold green and white stripes of her Riviera style sports suiting.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 26 15 I.ACTOCiF.N it a rorrrr »|y bal.iru <•«! irjf^ni Jk foor). rnrifhrti Ky the ncMilion of Vitamin A, qKr''-'"' Vitamin D and Organic Iron. Shi«fla Chandrao u^^% byciocEii
      26 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 188 15 Idaily crossword H i> "fall i^^i I I -'fl *O 7 i"^Taj|^W]r~^^~~P^~~"^^~~" (HIS ACROSS 3. Solar faces 9 18) '■0. rellowi in B pack? (5) 4. Sounds like a goli meal <3^ ike the French finally (7) 5. Cut short the te&si i4j h( emiig those who look 6. Graduate
      188 words

  • 1050 16 ALL THIS-AND LA MARTINE TOO IMTIXIbS I THE MAN WHO NEVER WAS lFox> < < < ILL CRY TOMORROW iMCM) THE RACE FOR LIFE < lUnifrance) NANA" (Frjnco-lt.iliani > LOLA MONTES lUnifrancel OSWALD HENRY .TALKING FILMS fIJIS v\*m-u Singa porr's sren quite a bit oi M u tnif arol in
    1,050 words
  • 266 16 —SAYS A COLLEAGUE WATCHING the French film "Lola Montes," I felt as though I were wandering dreamlike through an ai't gallery. It was one of the most remarkable films I ever saw, Lts kaleidoscopic pageantry derived from a seemingly interminable succession of Dali-esque impressions.
    A.P.  -  266 words
  • 534 16 Brains vs. the Nazis THANKS an aJ II all-British coiiibin-K ation, the Americansß have a winner in theK film ••The Man Whoßg Never Was" a true-K life story of a Britishfft Nav a l Com P whose daring wartimeM stunt paid off. |«g Why this emphasis onß "British?" Well, t.;it
    534 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 751 17  - Zarrao the Jetman Kaltheen Hickley i> >' tE LX)R a few seconds Zarrao remained rigid, hurtling through the air noiselessly and gaining height until he could see the whole city spread out below him. Then he reached back and adjusted the controls on his jet-suit. His speed slackened. He tested
    751 words
  • 179 17 HIS FIRST STRIKE CHAPTER 2 You all have your instructions; I want to make sure that you understand them thoroughly, so we will run through them again. Mun Chee, what are your duties?" DOUBLE PURPOSE Lor jieng'S office had thick green blinds {lulled well down over the Windows. Many things
    179 words
  • 80 17 'I tvtnnei oi I wee! 1 < u (each ol whom will receive a $5 prize In ie cou r» in M J bin (14), a Buki ilo n Road, Bin* i LO. (2) M otil i Plpet (7) i elei i J'.u k, c'l.-u. Blngßpon tei
    80 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 463 17 iHILDRENTS PAGE I c'li dtiu the Inventor |M vhiU 'He stranger give* or airplanes or postmen. I'd better W,, fst ie is searching for and return and go on working on CrK !tl P° B oo^- them." Then an amazing ihina M\ 'ii »ndl can't fetch it. happens, for he
      463 words

  • 697 18  - BIG-WIGS WORRIED IN AUSSIE RULES FOOTBALL JACK CANNON By 4MMEI R SOI 1V team to Melboui n for (> i >. >>) Olympics Gam< s < an 1 1 gard themselves (.'i usaders going q the terj Itory oi an lnluit I ■< [a the M a oj A l
    A.P.  -  697 words
  • 368 18  -  JEFF WHITE Isy FRANCISCO (Little Pancho) Seg.ura, who learned tennis as a boy i n Ecuador -nul is now one of the leading world professional players, has been clHi-htino- thrusands of sans, v ith his unique play for several years. rura has been touring the I
    368 words
  • 307 18 55 ENTRIES FOR SINGAPORE CYCLE MEETING ENTRIKS for fl I .Birthday g£**J cycling ,:;,'%> D May 31 th w^ Football anfund^ Itartfi at 9.30 am' The following will htfc International f r lke W: events: Jaffar w« "V 1 "to bin Miian. Malayan Ru U h m Kaporo): 0p,.,, „w
    307 words
  • 70 18 WOMEN IN U.K. TEAM BRITAIN'S team for t: 1 trJ in Ol I held in Stockholm from Jui to 17. Includes M ■■.■^M am our the show Previously won m been allowed to ti section of the r I are still not eligibli three-day even! althoi In the dressage. A
    70 words
  • 29 18 Lasaro Koci mai flyweight champion Peres confirmed Perez would d< 1 againsl Cuba'a O» I Montevideo, Ura 1 June ir> 23. S Perea v. 01 $42,000.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 86 18 AN abbreviated game ol •occer, played with even playen In a side in tead oi n, made lit debul In Detroit in mid March t\ received the appro 01 most of the- several ttlOU and spectator* They agreed It provided peedy action and high :orlng with
    86 words
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  • 292 19 S urrey and move up H^i RREY, the county cricket champions, and Yorkshire, runners-up, both moved from the fto- nn half of the championship table after conKv'.ehig; victories yesterday. sex retain their lead h 44 points from five B They are followed X Essex (36 points from and Hampshire (28
    292 words
  • 230 19 All about ham— but there's no ham in this picture USTIAN JAQUE. the French film director has directed 97 films. ciin<r four featuring wife Marti ne Carol, regarded as Hitchgreatest rival in the ion of suspense. ?st aim "The Race For Life" ho keeps his audience on tenter hooka from
    A.P.  -  230 words
  • 1078 19  - World beaters with an IF Ml KRAY MASTERTON By AUSTRALIAN athletes in the Olympic Gamei will have Ihc ad* vantage oi' running in their own open Mason and on their home ground. Hut predictions of medal winners are cautious. With John Landy, the world's fastest miler, making a successful com
    Reuter  -  1,078 words
  • 137 19 Radio F'i [ping n poi te< dav thai a Ci nun ■■<•.• •my weight Llftei bi oki 1 1 e teal herwelghi national i•■< 01 d with a thr« -ill' total ol 2'J'i kiloumiii about 664 7611a it is aid the lifter, Wang Chun Yung, lift' d
    137 words
  • 63 19 <u i man pi onx •i»t Chii clan k :..i.i' ii announced yestei day h»h;w iu'»i«"<i light heavyweight Rhi tnplon aj i hie M km <• to m.*-«-' rn.iii 1 Wi;li K'X|iiiii If) n j o i ouod bout In i. "ii June 17 Mo
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 417 20  -  CHARLES BRYCE Wong Peng Soon has prepared him well Says '[MIMOKKOW night Singapore badminton tans will watch that has also raptured the attention ot every sports mindiVl I nesian. Mdo Eddy Yusuf is due to arrive in Sine air today at n.30 a.m. At the Singapore Bad
    417 words
  • 336 20  -  ALL AN LEWIS i?\ SOVEREIGN, ridden »v a riding boy showed all v tii old dash when he ran 31 In 31 i5 In bryout with Pro peritj on a good track at [poh this morning Sovereign was a comfortable neck in front
    336 words
  • 119 20 ANCASHZRE and the Austra Uaiu ditu their match MrlUch ended in Manchester \> U'id.iy. Scores wore: Lancashire iuh and L':<B tor .six deihtrcci Austra Uans 160 and i>U lor one. Jack Ruterford, Australian opening batsman, waa struck on the nose by the fourth ball sent down by Brian
    119 words
  • 89 20 Bantamweight rivals Roy, Lazaroo and Ronnie Manasseh met In a special content In la 5< night's inter-club boxing match between Boys Town and Singa- j pore Harbour Board B.C. Roy I won on a split points decision.! Ronnie had him grogg} at the end. Roy
    89 words
  • 40 20 Tragedy struck yesterday at German-born goalkeeper Bert I Trautmann, Britain's "Footballer of the year". His six-year-old son was killed in a Brnmhall j road accident only a few hours j after his lather had left lor j Berlin.
    40 words
  • 452 20 \Vri.I(;HTS for the tY first day of the Perak Turf Club meeting at Ipoh oti .Tune Z\ CL. I— l)iv. I 6 1 Distill.- 9.11 Shamrock Slipper 9.00 Mazooka Little John s.os Cusli Cheque 8.07 Sovereign K.ol •\T;» «n i hie!' H.OO sir Francis 7.i!'» I. a
    452 words
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    • 607 20 Ml HIM Straits Timei Free Pre»» foi the convenience g| ud'V Kt<n our rcprcscntotiv* of Iv* floor, SINGAPORE COLD iTOX AOE. OKCHAKU ROAD. w.M r« t i v »fi>>jll o Jvvtfi m .nf end IlllWf I 'o b'j» numbed V. f J ti'l.'.ti..itiriM n f 1.0 b« nardrnd fo cur
      607 words
    • 53 20 s {U&W dom't lit p!} THIS T^rr f happem "V^^ii} TO YOU S Furniture removing is a job for experts... Your h cavii, furniture, porcelain, crystal silt needs our expert cine, uv pack, cm!,', transpo store everything for you. PHONE *****. BAGGAGE SERVICE. FOR TRANSPORT STORAO LIMITED 173 CECIL STREET
      53 words