The Singapore Free Press, 17 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya ii:>7ti. Singapore, Thursday, Maj it. 1956. I'rire lr.tls
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  • 1108 1 A SENSATION IN LONDON AT NEW TWIST take it all back, says a changed Mr. Marshall it Sensational despatch from Harry Miller Special despatch from Harry Miller yyHAT an extraordinary man is Mr. David Marshall! After his fulsome diatribes against the "fascist colonialism" of Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd, the Colonial Secretary
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  • 117 1 Tomorrow A GREAT new series on youth %JL/HAT kind of will Sing.iport be like to live in five or ten years from now? The .inswer lies n the ho.irtj .md the mipds of the young men ,md women bum; moulded in our schools todiy. Conscious of this f.ict, the
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 1 "us lady has a "gorilla" for a husband and a mart from Madagascar for a pet. She is Diane American dancer. Her husband, Richard de la Roche, has appeared as a gorilla j n about 50 films. •eluding most of the Tarzan films. Revere and < 1(> vvill
    Free Press  -  67 words
  • 64 1 NINE-MAN delegation enting :j.ooosingaclerks saw cting Chief Minlstr-r. -hew swee Kv<«. jrester- l n fresh bid to avoid i itrlke. icting Chief Srcro- i fury. Mr. a. A. Williams was also prrsont at the ronfrfence. The Ministers promf.^rci the delegates to let th^m know their decision
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  • 200 1 PHE Initial feeling of dis- M»|n>intment over the eakdown el Merdeka in London has given "IV .1 0 of relief in !bC (ty. Fhere is however dis- Hn| talk of extremists tempting t<. Mil a ont- '> leneral strike of work- ers in some of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 143 2 Robert lifton stepped out Of the Qantas Const* llation iti Singapore In a safTron robe, a cloth satchel in his hand and sandals on his feet. That uas all the lug^ige he carried back from Sydney, for Hubert (lifton is a Buddhist monk better known as the
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  • 201 2 rE Singapore Anglo-Chi-nese School Theatre Club will be holding its annual drama a nd music competition in the school auditorium in Barker Road. The drama competition will start at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday, and the music competition will be held on Friday, June 25th. This
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  • 32 2 The Singapore Rubl Market opened this mi ing with first grade, J; shipment at 84% cents a I two-eighths of a cent al;< yesterday's closing pri The tone was quiet.
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  • 114 2 reports reaching New Delhi yesterday from Kalimpong, a town near the Tibetan border, .said a famine i.s developing on the heels of a rebellion in Eastern Tibet against Chinese occupation forces. Acute food Shortages are being felt in the area as fighting between the Chine,
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  • 40 2 Three members of the National Assembly and one merchant were yes terdaj formally charged in Bangkok with violating the anti Communist Art and conducting anti-Go-vernment activities during their visit to communist China earlier this year.
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  • 24 2 Britain's Comn Party admitted y< after a lag of three that f Stalin WBi of ".serious mistake grave abuses."- U. P
    U.P.  -  24 words
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  • 275 3 SCHOOLS WAR IS ON: RED STUDENTS WANT TO KNOW 'ENEMY' LEADERS Papers prove trouble making [M IX steady growth of ommunist influence among Chinese middle school students is causing consternation among officials The only redeeming feature In the otherwise ciark picture is the growing influence of the AntiCommunist Youth Corps,
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 3 I The Federation's Chief Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman has accepted an invitation to visit the Philippines, according to a report from Manila today. I MISS SHEILA ASH. secretary with the r: British Embassy in Jakarta, arrived in s ingapore yesterday on her way to a holiday in But
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  • 35 3 Premier U Nu's antiFascist People's Freedom League and its allies won 169 of the 250 seats in the Lower House of Parliament in the April 27 election, unofficial returns showed yesterday. A. P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 18 3 Ceylon ha.s bought from Red China 8,800 toas of soya bean.s worth 4,000,000 rupees.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  18 words
  • 397 3 YOU PARK YOUR CAR AT YOUR PERIL HHUC DISGRACE No. II I WHAT do we think is a public disgrace? We'll tell you. Car parking in Singapore! We know that there simply isn't enough space >" the City to provide ade»-j)iate parkIng arrangements, and we know that the popution is
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  • 153 3 Hanging stays-by 4 votes "JMIE of Common.. voted Last night to keep the death penalty for murIderers who kill again while serving a life sentence for a pieviou.; murder. The vote, which sei back parliamentary effort to abolish the death penalty entirely, wa.s 198 to 194. it came on
    U.P.  -  153 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 218 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, May 17, 1956. Opinion TESTING PERIOD DRITAIN is nol prepared (o gamble With the Jives, possessions and future of the people oi Singa- pore. And yet this i s exactly what Britain was' was culled on to do when the talks broke down due to
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  • 648 4 ROBOTS TAKING PLACE OF THE WORKERS Ominous clanking, says a Special Correspondent V II E traditionally stolid British worker is becoming frightened. Frightened at the spectre of automation of armies of men displaced from their jobs by machines that not only shape raw materials into complicated, marketable articles, but also
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 4 ARTIE 1" in rrpty to your trttet I the fifth, inst. I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 21 4 WIDE SELECTION PRESENTAXIOIT GIFTS Suitable tor 11 Occasions Visit:G. C. De SiLVA BROS .lh rs" 3, RATTLES PLACE Sinsj.ipor, TlI: 83H'
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    • 108 4 WORLD-WIDE. That's the Austin market. That's the conception behind each new Austin. They're all-weather cars. Cars that show their value on the roughest roads. Cars that are at home in any city, any country, any climate. Cars that are dependable- through an.l through. The A9O Six Westminster h a car
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 5 Was yesterday's quiz the r easiest yet? Most callers seemed to think so. The restaurant on Queen Elizabeth Walk was too well known to cause much head scratching, it seems, and Calls came fairly rolling in. Today's puzzle should give our telephonists a break, though. We think we've
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  • 313 5 TV shows how a cat giv es birth IIILDREN watching commercial TV in Britain were told: "We are going to show you a racle." Then the children saw remarkable -up shots of a cat in a basket giving birth to lour kittens. Mr. Stuart Gelder, joint secretary of the Blue
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  • 23 5 Leaden of [ndoneala'a r )ur mm illm parl been Invll d to 1 r Red China lor two Week.).- A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 65 5 I Tfw main p.irty Oi 54 membcri of the Malayan POllCfl Forr< band arrival ,it. London Airport y*' day, The ftdv ince parl y ol 16 b i rtvcd on i*'r i 1 1 The ban i will kc pari In thi jre v R>v
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 23 5 Lifcboatmen rescued an American a'rman yesterday after his 847 Stratojet bomber crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Penzance, England.
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  • 365 5 They wanted a bath VIRGINIA HOB HOUSE, Lhr> prior Of St. Hilda's College, Oxford, saw eight young men climb in and out of her bedroom window in the small hours of the morning without raising the alarm. Then, as a reward, she received an invitation to
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  • 148 5 pANADA la planning to spend i; 17,000,000 with British L./ .shipyards on a new liner and several new-type cargo Ships to sail between Britain and Canada. Construction of a new £7,500,000 cruise liner <>i 30,000 tons, to be paid lor in dollars, is being
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  • 210 5 SO HE KILLS HIS BABY Screatf^i: 1 ii- s set him 4 HAHVS .s iv.v. bu much got on th€ nerv€i of the father Lh;tt. he Jut her and threw her to the ti" 1 it wt. said at the < >ld h illey in Lond< m, Walter Arthur Will!
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  • 59 5 The Banares Hindu Qnli verslty yesterday gav< 10,000 reasons why it, L: withholding the examination result:; of 266 students University ant horities said, local newspcXiKiTs reported, that the students ran up heavy bills at university restaurants and other shops and the amount, owing was now
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    • 238 6 >I WIMt \KI li> M lai^ aiii pi.ii Davl« I Biy^LsSp^ I ANOTHER WEEK T" II I t j c^.-unT T.IIIIAX b v KJtfar Hire Ilurrwii^liK 4! r^Sai*^ ev^E J«t ape-man GKiMACEK*ygs-' K^ '"l^W TMieouGM tmc tilecs^to^^ ifesl \-s%\ <j£'-' WAWT To < 3 UESrrK > J >OU BUT F
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    • 753 6 I VVsS ?v W t noKN today j have a stroi 1> sense o! duty and are inclined V n.jld yourseli to a rigid ime oi con duct at all tim( i You demand a great J J deal from yourseli and consequent- ly. you expect others to toe the
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 190 7 LONDON, >i ay ly Previous Today BIBBEB N«- l Kss elf buyers 34% buycn Europe*" ports May 25 sellers 25 sellers BtBBEB No 1 RSS 24^* buyers 34% buyers European IM>rts Junte 25 sellers :>5 sellers BLBBEB So. R ss S P°* 25 buyers 25 buyers 25
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    • 103 7 NEW YORK, May 16. Previous Today N' spot and nearby 97.25 nora. 97.87 nom. utures May 96.00 bid 96.25 bid 96.80 asked 97.80 asked June 95.15 bid 95.40 bid 96.50 a.sked 97.50 asked July 95.00 bid 95.25 bid 90.15 asked 97.15 asked TONE Quiet. LUBBER: futures: May
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    • 30 7 :rr spot, await►ats 27", May sp>ot and awaiting Above prices quoted release 25, afloats 24 1 May and June 23. Sellers ex-dock. in U. S. cents per Ib.
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    • 30 7 NEW YORK, May 16. Previous Today Industrials 494.83 492.69 M Railroads 174.13 174.56 > Domestic Bonds 96.73 96.71 IS Utilities 65.90 65.89 61 Stocks Composite Avcragfe 178.02 177.75
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    • 98 7 W\ Philippinefl < i.f. T.K./ European dclivert'd ;ight per Ions; ton May/June RA, Straits c.i.f. IK/North iropean delivered wVdght per >ng ton May/Jane Juno/July )CONUT OIL nud<. Straits J-i.f. I K/North Kuropran in long ton, Juno/July ONUT OIL rnidc, (Vyion European ports bulk per Ions: ton
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  • 103 7 Ceremonies to mark tin- 150 th anniversary «»i E. the founding (»f the famous Swiss Guards at the Vatican were held recently. The celebration is held <>m the anniversary of the guards' greatest stand 129 years ago when in ol the E Company of 1H!» guards gave
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  • 130 7 THE British tobacco companies are asking the Ministry of Health: "Tell us all you know on the smoking and cancer problem." The tobacco companies, who have already subscribed £250,000 to the smoking-and-canccr investigation by the Medical Research Council, are anxious to be given every bit of
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  • 213 7 ThESE CATS MUST NOT GO ON TILES FOURTEEN cats of Seven Stars Farm never go out on the tiles. If they did their owner might lose a lot of money. They are Britain's only curly headed cats a new freak breed. But there are so few of them yet that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 m n »in— n_ .i, .mi— _______^_^j— IMAERSK LINE ANNA MAERSK •:N',APO«E PENANC N. YORK ?nd can, (2nd coH 9 Juno I7i )8 May 19 Mo^ PALMA SINCAPORI N YORK Arrived 10 May Jml Soiling 26 May
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    • 150 7 w €pffi>r\v Ktmi'fjiSßitQM tut I p ri*-i»s \> trhit-lt wili nt»M'i»sr h<» n>p4>€ii4>*l iifgitrtß [> English Cotton Pyj.^m.i Suits $6.50 1 v^nr 0 Bond Street Mercerised Poplin Shirts $6.00 t.ich <h Arrow Dale Shirts $9.00 MCfc Spear Sports Shirts $7 50 Arrow Self Stripe Coloured Sport* Shirts $8.00 cich X
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 46 7 SINCAPORE HIGH TIDES TODAY': 1.41 p.m. TOMORROW: 1.14 a.m. and 5..T7 p.m. SATURDAY: 5M a.m. and 7.03 (> m SUNDAY: 719 ;ind 7.58 p in MONDAY BJI and X 10 p m TUESDAY: 9.39 a.m. and M p m. WEDNESDAY: IO.M a.m. and 10.03 p.m. MMHItMIHIMHIMIHHUIWMUI II
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  • Article, Illustration
    977 8 JENNIFER JONES meets the daring young pilots who fly on dangerous missions. They are the... npHE¥ tail t iM-tn tin- Hurricane Boys and 1 "><t them ;>t the Andrews is. Air Force Bam near wanning ton. In his one of lie nmi I comnJU 1 1 < (i
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  • 204 8 Negro doctor blases trait DR. Jean Harris, a 23--year-old Negro waa the first of her racr to graduate from the Medical College of Virginia at Rich* tnond Virginia, In southern United States, and to serve as ;m Interne in it:, She has recently been named as the Aral Negro to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 892 9  - KEPALA, KELAP A, KAPUT Pelham Groom > woman lay sprawled on the grass in front of the bungalow By ■lIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Hill Mil HUM lllMtgillllllllllllllllllHllllllMlllllKllll'. i First o£ a new series o£ short stories f about that famous Malayan detective f A. S.P. Lati££ Marican bin Ismail lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIItIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIItIIMIIIIUIMI.IIIIIMIIM ASSISTANT SuperinA tendent
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 9 Today s laugh
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  • 166 9 WAY TO REGAIN YOUTH r >o and a grandmother did not top Mr,. Vera Sharp from circling Tld to nrici fresh buyers for her Just back at hex bOrne In Addison Gardens, Kensington, after a seven- with a pocket full of orders. is convinced that travelling, >und the world la
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    218 10 MM j M M O&*u SB M* o mi W M LEFT: Ten-year-old Diane Tillia is shown the harp by its Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra player, Mr. Stanley Chaloupka, just before the orchestra commenced its concert for school children at the Badminton Hall. i 5t An" of St.
    Chew Boon Chin  -  218 words

  • 1316 12  -  JOHN GODWIN Mr riti gay pre-Chris! mas bustle of Lou don's Victoria Stre« was suddenly disturb*by v shrill fernal voice screaming "Hv) Mister, what have yoi done with my watch? Neighbours .topped U re at the young womai who had pounced on thi i. rtly,
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  • 165 12 THE WORLD'S STRANGEST STORIES But while the napless victim was still in custody awaiting .sentence the police arrested a man named John Smith— this time the real one. Smith confessed readily to all the crimes for which Beck had suffered. The two men looked very mum alike, though they ha
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  • 475 12 GHOSTLY GALLEONS IN THE JUNGLE The world's forgotten THERE is a river of phantom ships in Choeo jungle. Colombia. All night long they drift past 16th century Spanish galleons, the. gold-laden craft from El Dorado, medieval merchant ships, warships. Their sails arc in tatters, their masts broken, their spars dragging
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 830 13 MY STRUGGLE WITHOUT DIXIE... kG CROSBY tells MICHAEL RUDDY off— 1.; M I M I I It II It 1 11 li 1 1 11 It II f 1 1 :t; t I II 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 imiil i j illlllll *****1 l |M| l(| lllMllimiimillllllimillllllll
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  • 228 13 Yr'T' limh «r of adopting '"'"lies or sin- in urgent }W friendly help--1 J"*Hli dub in (he we^ which has /^p MI Austrian members of i ,£88! 11 "m show. Then was taken and BJ seemed in fav»^2ftfitf the v > quest, on. They write to
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  • 319 13 FACTORIES geared to a high rate of product ion n< ied M 9 office stafl equipped Wl l tile lac.,! nl l hani < 1. 1 1 1 1 \a il l i tlfV. wht ii i called if w i h factory
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 55 13 IIIWTAM PUP l xpos ur i wirms /^***wlL. "■^\^SflHk; Thr r>.r,-.f fom^us photoqraphi V j\^k' V^^&s^9v I*. EXPOSUfU MflFK', ,n »he Wo, 1, 1 \X lh< %ton«loirl by whi'h „tht r\ or». C H^^T^^K\ V" luciqrd Avoilobl( in still of <■■>. *M. Complete in hon.l-.omr Icathrr ihcarh miT? iADRONAL for
      55 words

  • 155 14 '■><>>»: 1 Malayan Ivoyal V: t. f Volunteer Reserve will )>«■ represented at thr Queen's Bii iiidav Parade by a oontinM'"t of met). RIGHT; Lt-Coaunander Jolm Flemminff, R.N., th« i Stall Offi- discusses a point with I-t. Elaji itit* Dsaflr, HIM. Thr latter lias been with
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  • 388 14 They said 'Thanks' with Cups —MRNVR's fine record includes film roles r.n.v.r. that she was completed. ON the other side of the pier, in the basin itself lies H.M.S. Canna, a Maintenance R e pair Craft, such as accompanied the Allied Landing Fleets in World War 11. It is in
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  • 541 15  - Scandinavian Look is the latest vogue ANNE GLIDEWELL HAS THE QUEEN'S FORTHCOMING VISIT INSPIRED THIS NEW TREND FROM THE LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN?' £***************1 by iiiHMiiiiiiiP- SPHERE'S a new look in Britain a Scandinavian look! Maybe the coming visit of Britain's Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to Sweden
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  • 404 15  - Just cultivate a feeling of peace Eartha Kitt says y OOK at Eartha Kitt, and you see more than the dark, seething searing singer of brilliant cabaret songs. You see utter relaxation. She moves like a panther. She perches on a chair with the boneless ease of a snake. She
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  • Article, Illustration
    361 15 P<^ sides vulnerable forth dealer bidding* South flom 4 2 7 ''•clftood hlcago, ron tributes hand, Five spades buth i for North- i seven clubs or a laydown for i sincerely hop** »*UI b« ,bl e to oiler advice up ran f>ner «Wbutionalls freakish a let the oppo■r
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 111 15 Mfflmßm WrMm mm .fi. 1 ,i bhort M i <>f Cooper'i w«u known 1 1 ii t>ll < .i if.n Ichool i Si Lett*ra Wi Btep to Lettw Writing, k ci I Ekx>k "f Letteri High School Orammar, Hisb Scl ol i Elsh < mi ttkm, .iiiipw- K. College Essays,
      111 words

  • 1143 16  - 'Ope ra ti on Happ i ne ss' WAs No Luxury PATRICIA KEIGHRAN Continuing I BOUGHT A NEW FACE by in \si ir i urgery is not only a luxury for those who n<>id to have a n i .ii'^ r< el or a face lifted. There are hu U
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 62 16 I 1 I B 9 91 '91 B 'Ml ''W'i Wi'lßß'! i; M 'W !91''!i9l!' i '9li'll9li!{|9ll''!91 l H H Wctidiny Pictures Make arrangements NOW for your photographs to be laken by a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 Of write to FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHIC DEFT. I to. i if,
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  • 725 17  - The 'Guy' with the Voice gets the sighs ELSTREE' h lILXJONS ot his admirers who have hi ard him on 11. on tekviradiO and .stage, Rolfe is a voice porate. According female conRolfe'a dark tonefi have a i ir.ct to the „i Sinatra howev< r. of wholeswooning but a O
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  • 37 17 f I nsoN, who at tiller y i u>ar t is bevet a fH/te Hollywood madi Hirer mo- The Detert Hat*" and tnttV, -Target fte'i looffi wn W, And <o /or i above ;/ic I
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  • 170 17 NOW HE'S IN SAFE HANDS I LIBERACE'S most priceless possessions as a fabulously successful pianist are naturally his hands. They have suffered no injury since he had them insured by Lloyds Of London five years ago for a mere $300,--000. But before that he bad three accidents that might have
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 38 17 MM MI J3k I f M 1 f% *»"C i[iiiiiiiiiii!iL]iiiiiiriiiicji!mimiiit;imiiiiiHi[3i.iiiiiiiiii[]i;iiiii!!iiLniiiiiiiii!iic all •or Rllor Shaving! IZ P L, from Tlu FEDERAL DISPENSARY Ltd a a DAmri piaci. stori coin itoraoc AncADr.oncMAiio mm 1 }imimiiiiniiiimimi[ 3111 iiniiitiniiiiiiitiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiic 311 iiiiiiuiinutuuutuui
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 275 17 DAILY CROSSWORD I II r* I II Ih^ 3h i I I I I I B E9 swfj IgHrTßgiigßr' ii s( BV9 II CLUBS across <4> 4 Orand month 1 (6) l Where to find a fiau nailed (fi) 5 Half a Scottish Castle ran U' soothliiK clifTt i4i 7
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  • 960 18  -  JOHN P. HAMILL I sports II I letter I I I M^ -by- vJ I ATI OX crir-kci teams have bin < n occupied with friendlies. A Base XI mci Shell S.C. on Ihe pici uj < sque Shell ground at Paya Lebar Road.
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  • 164 18 43 MEMBERS SIT FOR JUDO GRADING poRTY -i HR] nn mbera &f the 81 pore YM a judokwal took pari it three-d idlni cori- Orchard Ro id, I1 ■■< rded vhIK »U ke the ade r i,i and i srafa '"J kyu rgreen telt)j Vtoctot M Koh ai, Kc>6n, J
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  • 527 18  -  RONALD FARQUHAR With the Melbourne Olympics drawing near, S por officials in Czechoslovakia are still searching for th man they hope will be minimum By niiiiiiiiiiiii ii'iio among Czechoslovakia's younger generation of athletes can take over the mantle of Emil Zatopek, now nearing the end of a great
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  • 363 18 -By ALL-ROUNDER FORGETFUL I MPlRE... Harvey Wright, of Milnrow I Club, in the Lancashire I-ea&ue. kept on bowling again I Oldham, and he had reached fourteen balls before the I scorers could attract the umpire's attention and point oul I that he had forgotten to call "Over The
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  • 673 19  - The 'Scholar's' win was most convincing ALLAN LEWIS Says i'AN SCHOLAR won the main race at Bukit Timah yesterday, very convincingly. m Scholar, ridden by young Baxter, was always }d a the leader The Ringer. As they .straightened up run home Malayan Scholar pulled himself to the soon obtained a
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  • 221 19 RACB ONE: Colour Film (8.9, Posner) wins by threpquarters of a length from (14, Barratt). with Jara (8.5. (i<*yer> third, Then come Square Deal, Trinidad and Day brook. RACE THREE: Bondi (8 8, Cracknell) beats Rough And Ready (89, Bougoure) by half a length. Third
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  • 89 19 l! hirt no '/:;</-;,> re- 846 for a > ■fw ambrtdp Unteven, «wii P nkin out 128,. vemus tlCtsUMfafrl 2ftfil B8 Bmmett not I WUI WarvHUtthirt. i At Howe. BUiStS 370 for nlnr. I (Bmitli H2, OpJcxdaii I7t)i \<-r--su.s Glomoj~K<in. Al Hartford. F.s.srx 301. (Insole 122. Trefor Bailey
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  • 188 19 fHANdI 'A" iCOrtd I 3-1 v-iii over BJffJ J Terror" In thrMr T i it*-d BtfVfcei League. LMvi.lon Two, match at Chang) yr.strnJay. Hall mm score- wa.s 2-0. Chanel Had th J bCttef OX rarly •xchangea br»i opened scoring in Die nth minute HoWi fa^tf-md on
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 25 19 ';;CCEAN PARK I HOTEL'S FAMOUS QUINTET C< Arr Band »»f Singapore S with MISS SALOMA < ttir S "Mi»ril> ii MlMilF <>()<> Rinc IIMI for Taht* Rfsrrvalinnn.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 20 20 held E> f to a! in an Interna- he Ra un- holm last i A I. t I
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  • 20 20 Owing to heavy rain there was no work on the main track at Bukit Timah this morning.
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  • 21 20 ACA Popov ie of Yugoslavia won iiis opening round m itch of tne Paris International Tennis tournament yesterday.
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  • 96 20 Did YOU follow the Free Press RREE PRESS tip ster Trespasser was alone in plumping for Malayan Scholar in the main rate at Bukit Timah yesterday. It won to pay !>:»3 and 111. Trespasser's other winners were Flurry Hurry ($lB, $8) and Bondi ($36, $12). Allan Lewis gave Malayan Scholar
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  • 167 20 gIXTEEN cyclists from Royal Air Force stations in Singapore, Butterworth and from the Combined Services in Kuala Lumpur, will take part in the first inter-Services massed-start championship at Changi on Sunday at 6.30 a.m. It will be a 100-kilometres (Q2y 2 -m.iles) course which starts
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  • 90 20 MAJOR Lionel Holliday'a colt Piratr Kir.;;, iwo fo one on favourite, won the Newmarket Slakes for three»year-oldfl nvex ten furlongs ;>i Nf.>. rr.mket ye..~ tcidiiy. H<> beat Major r M tcDonakU Buchanan's [nduna, Dye to two chance, by two lengths, i ;uiy Shivordnlr": Most n ton,
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  • 122 20 (RA( F FINISHES ON PAGE i;n i A RUSSIAN athletic team broke the world record for four by 800 metres relay at the Dynamo Stadium (Moscow) yesterday according to the Soviet news agen- cy Tass. They clocked 7min 26.25 ec, I improving th c
    Free Press  -  122 words
  • 24 20 GHQ, Singapore, will meet the Johore civil Service Club at I tennis on the latter '.s courts at Johore Bahru on .Saturday.
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  • 65 20 $300,000 FOR PLAY ER The Penatol Soccer CiJ has asked International I Milan to pay 400,000 pea (nearly M 5300.000.' for tl transfer of Penatol's sti centre forward. O. M: uez It was reported that a! presentative of the ItaHj club offered 300,000 pel plus a fee of 100.000 pesos
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 468 20 CLASSIFIED ADS.! 1 r I EMENT 30 Wot I I i minimum ji. YOU] I BET 'Schweppes" S i: the Sin a pore Races, a SI I I I lONS VACANT t0 t< „r,/s $2 Mm., ISfx .')<) rts. vxtra EtTROPEAN ASIAN STENO/ t Bi ■■< taries and other Office
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    • 34 20 WORLD FAMOUS SWISS WATCH ,&*X&S&? A r 1 19 years of v. making experience. Sold in over 87 countries through the world. 0 c t SINCE /^«g» F. F. ZuriliK IM) Ltd., S'poro-K. Lttßlptli
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 385 20 WEIGHTS FOR LAST DAY CL. 1, DIV. I—IVJM1 1VJM f Arm!s m <'»t n 7.08 j Air Mark 8.04 Rearer Bond 9.00 7'" ff* Si^i\ l »»i Dante^ue b'.O6 prStlce aliowanc« SSSSS ?'?3 ssssc'ode ss j'.trr s?. gcrow in Euphrates b!oI (i I)IV SF. Delivery 7.07 j Barakat 8.02 viiss
      385 words