The Singapore Free Press, 15 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya 1563. Singapore, Tuesday, May If,, l?)r><;, |»,j (f j,< s
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  • 49 1 WARSHIP IN COLLISION picture. Close-up Showing the damage sustained by the U.S.A. battleship Wisconsin in her recent collision with the U.S.A. destroyer escort Eaton. Picture was taken after she tied up in port at Norfolk, Virginia. The collision occurred 50 miles off Cape Henry during dense fog.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 300 1 MERDEKA 'WAIT AND SEE' RE is uncertainty in the London hotel where Singapore merdeka legation is staying, on whether th e tactical switch to be proposed at the plenary session today ill succeed. ome now feel that unless Chief Minister, Air. David Marshall IS prepared to give Bri- tain more
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  • 130 1 I !l is only limited support outside Labour r( >»* and UMNO mem°or .l'»r the latest com>mise proposal put forJJ I by the acting Chief Minister M r. Chew Swee to break the deadlock iternal security nego- h hetween the meifeofflcS! 1 C Some of the party
    130 words
  • 158 1 A 'V IT Sgperintendeni LaMar ,c tn bin I >mail is on I Sin [apore. •dy well known M i H H new advenl n the Free Press h v hi creatoi who stud ed rl I it< si di rection a\ M ind •ming
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  • 295 1 BIG SLASH IN THE FORCES BY RUSSIA Cut of 1 ,200,000 men before May next year -and an offer to West ;[£l SSIA yesterday announced she would cut her armed forces by 1,21)0,000 men before May I next year. A Soviet Government announcemeni said that 63 divisions would be disbanded,
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  • 37 1 back page for more itii^frigrac The Singapore Rubber M.irkft opened t his tnornixi with first '?r.'irio, May shipment at 84% cents a lb., three-eiglhtha of a (•'•tit below yesterday's closing price. The ton,, was uncertain
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 f BRYLCREEM I Hrylcroem (uhs now have a smart new red and H l>lack label- in place ol the j»old Jabel you have known for so long. I You'll sec the new label in most BhojM now l)tit M I whilst present stocks last, you may still see Bryl- M
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  • 233 2 '■Mil ■i. ;.ti<ii. at (-tiUdi n admitted to i rtain I wards of the Si re c;< -ii> ral Ho pital will i. t be interrupted. 'iii i I \e aim "i a ru Government to give b and irl admitte hemi by tin
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  • 24 2 Tim House ol Commons vot< d 314 to 236 last night In .support, oi the British Government's policy on Cyprus. UP.
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  • 59 2 A bazaar in aid of thr Singapore Family Planning Association's funds will be opened by Lady Scott, wife of the Commissioner General, Sir Robert Scott, on May 25. A feature of the bazaar, to be held from n a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Presbyterian
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 2 "WELCOME BACK TO MALAYA," says Lady MacGillivray, wife of the Federation High Commissioner, as Lady Templer steps down from a Malayan Airways Dakota at the Kuala Lumpur Airport. Lady Templer, wife of the former High Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer, replies: "l'm glad to be here again." Lady
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  • 362 2 Was this waste of a fine orchestra? Singapore gets a taste ot modern music OPEAKING personally, as one must in all matters of musical taste, the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra's programme at the Singapore Badminton Hall last night was a singularly unbalanced one. Apart from the Beethoven Leonore Overture, Mozart's
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  • 165 2 FIFTY years ago a young Eurasian from North Borneo noticed a pretty girl in Church in Singapore, and ("young as I was 1 fell in love with her. And today, Mr. and Mrs L Marcus arc celebrating their Golden \V« -elding anniversary in Singapore
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 b d a m m n m a ss e WvtStiiny Pictures Ma k r ar r ang vmeji t a NOW for your photographs to be taken l>\ a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2<soo (it Wt it€ to FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPT. 140-146 Cecil Street Singapore rklf service
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  • 206 3 GUARDING SHIP ARMS IS A FULL TIME JOB '54 successful prosecutions lost year [ilh hardest worked man in the Singapore Mar hour Hoard last year was perhaps the police officer assigned to inspect arms and explosives on board vessels berthed at the wharves. According to the annual report ot the
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  • 124 3 hundred member* i 0 ol the Malayasian jyhiip Officers' Union have appealed to the acting Chiel Minister, Mr. Chew Bwee Kee, over a Question thai "affects our livelihood." In a letter to Mr. Chew the union sayp that in the past local Masters were granted exemption;,
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  • 31 3 An explosion ripped the area of an Atomic Energy Commission plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee yesterday, critically Injuring three workmen. The AEC said the hlasf was "non-nuclear." U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 190 3 Singapores dockyards have at present sot as ich work as they can posjibly cope with, r-.u.-v is -so much work in fact, that the new $5,500,000 Queen's Dock Is likely to be i [i use before it is completely finished. At present we
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  • 27 3 Communist Czechoslovakia announced yesterday the arrest of 10 men accused of spying" on the Czechoslovak Air Force and arms industry for U.S. Intelligence services.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 36 3 President Soekarno of Indonesia landed in Manila yesterday for a brief stopover en route to the United States for an official visit. Mr. Soekarno and his 15--man party arrived from Jakarta via Singapore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 3 picture. Mr. Michael Koh Cheng <i»'k helps his bride t= Miss Betsy (ioh, ;t school teacher, to <"t th»i r wed- ding cake. Mr Koh, who is a construction engineer with the Standard Vacuum Oil Company In Singapore, is i graduate of the University of Detroit. H<- is s <»"
    Free Press  -  76 words
  • 324 3 Child slaves in Colony— but NO-ONE cares PUBLIC DISGRACE No. 9 WLD LABOUR is a blot ,t disgusting blot mj civilisation Why is tolerated in Singapore, entre of Eastern civilisation? Go and sit in any of the 5 respectable streets and you will be pestered by children in the early
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  • 77 3 DRINCEBB STEPHANIE, of Windi ichgi your "id «rc:it fjnuifli hild of Austi lan ftnperoi Prana Joseph, ha tecretlj tnarrled .1" Ohrlal f M U7< a Bieohanifl iy I »i i her f <> Ive I cw I two yeai igo The weddli i ceremony took place jre terday
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 232 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion A NEEDED GESTURE rUESDAY, May 1 r VUK Dukf ui Edin- burgh is to make a 32,000-mile tour oi the Commonwealth beginning on October 14 and lasting until the end oi January. He will fly part of the way out, joining the royal yacht Britannia
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  • 345 4  -  Beachcomber By IGATHKR that if you stumble across a stranded whale on the seashore, you must rii up the F J ort of London Authority. If the whale 1 too ill to be moved, it win be made com fort able on the spot. The sooner Eskimos
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  • 728 4  - Haw to slove the problem of car- parks JOHN H. WIGGINS The second of two articles by 4 S I saw) In i»v first article, Chicago's Three B'i to keep <itv traffic on the move «ir<> for Enforcement. Education En gineerinff. Em Ini erlng? It embraces bold d< molition and
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  • 193 4 SMOOTH FLYING EVEN IN STORMS r\URING a receni Bight kJ over Europe, a Britannia airliner's lad; '•weather ry<" w&rninn of a sev< thunderstorm miles ahead In flight path, it chan <d course to tty aro ihe Storm rather I through it. The passengers who in normal way might hud a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 22 4 The Finest l\n /«/>/<' I />< ivrittr In the World. HARDIAL f >iN6H I SONS L TD /t !.*.>(,(■ > A■ f '..IhOAPUM I (■■huNt <:4<'i't!/5
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    • 35 4 3B» CATELLTS (v) MACARONI o®^ SPAGHETTI VERMICELLI IM r B l When served with fish, meat or cheese, make 1 quick and tasty vL^ y] week-end dishes. luv^ SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE |)j CO. LTD. JjjgjL
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  • 387 5 Beauty carried kni£e RINA Elena An...i Benvenuti, a t rk -eyed b e a U t y. .veiled 1000 miles Vlcenza, her town in North ily, to Kensington, ldon armed with a l-inch bayonet and a knife, seeking reige. ien, a woman scorned, stood in the
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  • 219 5 A BABY girl who spent th-3 17 days of her life in a hospital incubator died when the temperature inside it rose from the normal 90 degrees to 120 degrees. Ipswich coroner Mr. C. T Dawson asked that "a sharper eye" be
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  • 132 5 Polio vaccine for 200,000 \BOUT 200,000 children were Riven Injections <»i the nev Hriti \h anti polio vaccine last v .if The childTi n *ver< those born In November In each of the year., 1947 t" 1954, Mid In March In the jrears i »,i to io'>t \a more vaccine
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  • 374 5 Model-cook quits her Ketch job pOUND-THE WORLD voyager Martin Bi and Ilia crev of five amat< u h nen v] > sailed from \ii Itain In a 591 1 ketch a d ago, boun i for An ;tra lla, ai a lready In "i mgh teas." One oi his en
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 347 6 *****1111 "> t v ******tt^t44****» 1> t >I\MMIAKI l»> r««- lalk and Phil Bavia /j% \^T^ J APEN'T --DUUA^O NO MOBE^/ll' 1/- V--r- N I J M"^ 7 O.TC f Z whom*' and refuse to follow. n fact a you t 'rABI/AX !»>• Edgar Bice llnri<oi^!is SSriSHf e S t
      347 words

  • Round the World market Prices
    • 192 7 LONDON, May 14. I'ifvious Today nNo 1 RSS c.i.l. 25H buyers 24<* buyeri poiU May 25% sellers 24 l seller m No 1 RSS c.i.f. 25.. buyer, 24% buyw a I f ports Junte 2596 fcellers 24 Balers 81i.1'.1.K No. 1 KSS Spot 25\ buyer* 25* buyer-,
      192 words
    • 37 7 J 1 P° n spot, await- awaiting release 25%, a floats Loat s all 23, May 25%, May shipment 24%, June "»1 Sarawak spot,|24. Sellers ex -dock. Above prices quoted in U.S. cents per Ib.
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    • 106 7 NEW YORK, May 11. Previous Today T' I spot ami n.Mi !<> 97.2T) nom. 97.25 nom. II m.i> 87 bid on. oo bid 98 asked D'd do i ,ked June i"M;> bid bid nn.7.1 asked 96.50 asked •July 95 95 bid 95.00 bid 96.25 asked 96.15
      106 words
    • 26 7 NEW YORK, May 11. Previous Today 2,' itr i als 501.25 497.28 f n 177.97 ***** 1! 6fi.3« 65!83 ■>* omposite Averagfc 180.66 178.83
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    • 68 7 I LONDON, May 11. gMU Philippines r.i f. IK Vr OUS Today :i:<M>«an cVliver'.d Kuroj>can delivered wfcight per ton May/June £70-, buyers E7l buyera tl £7] sellers i)7i .eiifi June/July E7o^ buvers B7] huyers Wl'T OIL crude Strait, SHlerS £?1% dlers fir I K/North European In
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 7 For big event i'rt- jlidfilt| look |)iar«- last v*t«k in Hyde Park London, to st'lt*t I the t'iitiit> for the Household avulry !ass tdr th< Richmond H«'rse Show Lakins; |»ia< r on June i» Picture shows Life Ciuardsmuii Mussctt having his equipment judged l>> (oJ Si r Koh t*rt (io('(h
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  • 279 7 UNTIED SHOELACE TRAPS £3,400 SNATCH THIEVES hphe old Keystone Cops comedies had nothing on the Friday wage-snatch planned by John Michael Sherry, 26, a merchant sea-man, of Cologne Road, Battersea, London. He enlisted Alexander John Edward Harris, 26, green gi ocer, oi Va rrii lr don Street, to drive a
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  • 268 7 Relief and much thanks npHE ind of the Mirli i -e I Men i cfl la being i>: itf(j Ln Stratford -o© Avon 'II i nei i th I the <>\> <>' the w.'i i im b hui reve iled no new :overy meant foi Bti itfordlaiu that a.i well
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 -IAERSK LINE ANNA MAERSK NCAPORE PENANC N YORK (2nd call) 19 J*" 1 8 Moy 19 May PALMA SINCAPORE N YORK ArrtfVd 10 May 5 July 16 Moy
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    • 90 7 BEAR I^^" >^ BRAND ~s 'favoured* cwme caramil CREAMS j CMAM tAH juSi^ "^"^^/%|#J? r < 'My^ I ff*^MHy^MMMMW^J gp^SS^A^ff-M^i I! l A»k your grocer tor §ttt»CltlH tr< booklet o» Koctpoi, or write to P O Bo« 725 R2T PLASTIK wß^ Cif .tnd bo.»t own I ••f I Br \f*""""^£
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 1451 8  - TERROR IN THE NIGHT S.W. BARTRUM Tli< k r<* was a slruns*<» liirring ami as thvy walked homeward* through <h« ehmrehymrd <!■«> f 0«...«.m0.s ok ilaisimt I flawed Im <j By THE WORLD'S rpHI Town Council meeting ai Hammel, in the 1 heart of Dei mark had just ftnisru d.
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  • 613 8  - Malayans have a go at bush-walking VICTOR HARRISON Bv 11ANY Malayan Stux** dents in Australia have been introduced to a new type Of recreal ion 1 hey hav< not known in their own couni i'y bush -walking. A i weekends and on public holidays, whenever the weal h< r Is
    613 words

  • 417 9 A soldiers marched fairyland, dumped eir bags, and relit tie printed which said: I deface the walls pin-ups. Don't >n your bedspread your boots on Remove your bedspread before going to bed. There were other points, those stood out like ds in the glasshouse. 300.
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 9
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  • 25 9 This year's Singapore amateur dance championship will be <held at the Happy World on June 5 and G. Entries close on May 30.
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 9 picture. Singer Lita Roza and E her husband, trumpet- =er Ronnie Hughes. E They were married at E E the Marylebone Regis- E E ter Office early this E month. E After the reception E E the bride dashed off to E E the Palladium where E E she opened
    FOX  -  55 words
  • 204 9 BOX WITH WILL IS LOST gOMKWHERE six feet deep in the e arth of an Essex small-holding He the solution to the mystery what old Mr. James Tame did *tn his will. „r r Mr Tame, 66-year-old market "7. kept all his papers in a padf>'^% k box sometimes under
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  • 273 9 T»HE penmanship of office boy Kenneth Sherif. put him on the first runs of the ladder to t directorship 24 years ago, in the City of Lon don. But the penmanship o director Kenneth Sherif became too good with prac tice. It .sent him down
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  • 176 9 He's not cousin of the Sultan The Editor ii i> received the fol towing h'ttrr from the office <>i' the Mt'ntri Iff HI. f<> hore, Johorc Bahru. Sir,— -With reference to tin* article I am returning the Sultai worthless Medals" ap pearini; on page of your paper t* May 5,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 162 9 n k ill«Ii«ll««IIIIIIIJ1tlllIIiitllllflllllllll I $AV£NG BASIGAJMS »k« those ;i at our mid -YEAR SALE i Should not be Missed. *i a Cjntner F.mcy Shortt I 5 Dcsis;n $9 50 cich 3J o Nylon Sport Shirts White $6 00 cicti "n English Striped Cotton Pyj im.n, a m
      162 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 94 11 |^|P^ff_^P^P^ a^ the American trumpc- NEAF^ SWISS CLUB ROAD. ___ll ffi'Mflk *&F concerts in London ,inci I i| B Jhpml m S B^wtB 1 IRIS I gf the Provinces with his feJHVI ll wUvt fci*# I V W In £.ut Berlin N.ivy and Air Force. W >. I In thi,
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  • 1323 12  - New spirit of democracy among the Japanese ADELAIDE EASTLEY Wkft# V\ K I V hi Julj I K»««uj> oi is lap anrsr uni Vi rsit s( n <* including mx fciri w ili i iJt Sing i pore »'ui hf I edera* ti:) i The \i-ii ||vc i i<> the
    1,323 words
  • 206 12 NEW BRAIN ACID IS FOUND I)ISCOVERY of a hi--17 therto unsuspected "brain acid" apparently characteristic of brain tissue throughout the animal kingdom has been announced by three biochemists. The discovery, by Drs. F. Priedberg, L M Marshall Mid L. 11. Newman of the Howard Faculty, came in ttM of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 633 13  - France shows pictures from Colony SUNNY GIAM KRVWp«WmHHHHHmHMHHp|| |g MUf ij ..ay a can claim I*' iflciency in two ipeeial fields which led to internaI recognition and :cess, First is badminton, which has put this country on the sports map Of the world. Sec o n d is photography. Fra
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  • 651 14  - DON'T CARRY YOUR AUNT IN A VASE PELHAM GROOM IS v You'll never get her through the customs! ALTHOUGH Singapoi i> .t i ree port (h. re Is quite an unp i in.' ii.;t ol Items tha t one Is pi ohibited l\ >;n bi Inging Into the Colony. For
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 156 14 LATEST 1956 lIOOCL ■dPsb N» KEN TELErUNKEN 3 SPEED AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANGER Model TWS6O Sole A()t'iit I SEOW KUAN CO. I IHioliv (.Istut Siiii;:i|M)i ■«•-!>. FURNITURE For Cor.temporiry Modern Furniture of his»h qu.ility a{ reasonable price Consult SUN WAH CO., (1951) LTD. 74-2, Bra.s I'.asah Road, Singapore Tel. ***** Dealers
      156 words
    • 121 14 You can really enjoy l•i*. -> 1 1 Australian Strawberries stcrs v. Peter! Ke ("ream at the SI N G APO R I AIRPORT HOTEL LTD I Phomm ***** "ESKA" ONE OF SWIFZERLANDS FIN WATCHES EVERY MOVEMEN" GUARANTEED Br TH! FACTORY. Sole Agents K. M. Oli Mohamed Ltd. (Royal Jewellers)
      121 words
    • 188 14 FREE Piffisg SHOPPING E GUIDE I fi ill Hl l ■■T Bk \'y 1 noil i ion w ctut icJr f I Honu owi»h r |ARE YOU A NERVOUS WRECK 1 E Do not despair, Banish your feai Retain your youthful vi| i with e hi p oi APISERUM Sole
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 250 14 DAILY CROSSWORD ill 1$ 9 i I H SjuK l fc» I 1 Bf^H'^ i 1 j] I 111 I I I IflE Mt [S 1 3 i h ii* I "'I feK^al a j I il wB a^h^m I I I I I I I I I B H
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 85 15 script ion Service hm i>.»». lin^ 6333) tere Dispensary Limited. \k 12, HILL STREET, 0 until 8 p m.) in Germany mJL t.x to vuur door by if Nteds no current too <\ fee hhyear Trading Co. fJC'Uvtr ou.iv Sinq.iDOte. I l'oiiK Life v illi IMcm Modern i uriiit ur€
      85 words
    • 85 15 lADE COLLECTION CHEONG KEE CO. Singapore Oldest Cur H( ■■■>• Cclcmon Street T: I ***** TKUNG CHYE CO. Hi s h Chss Tailo« T.nlored to highest tailoring st.ind.ird TL' ***** 22-11, Co'cm.m <|t. SINGAPORE. THE AMAZING NEW AERATOR A precision built aerator specially designed for .lqu.iriUTi use. Price from $16/-
      85 words
    • 129 15 Potter's Ptd. cottons 36* 1 \n idc Pri 52.50 a yrf KHEMCO'S 68, High Street, Sin<;:»pore. I Kew "ROLLEI" Cameras and Accessories Rolleifle* Tessar I 3,5 $591 Kill* if it Planai I '>:d $822 Rolleicord Xenai I 3,5 $389/--25',, discount only 10 day's MALAYA PHOTO STORE l(t. r North Bridge
      129 words
    • 139 15 ORIENTAL SILVERWARE i■ .i 'h(i !off( i Set wit h i Cigarette Cai>< Cigarette B %sh Tra I .u., Ba fc< i Trinkel Box* Spoon I ndimeni Bets, Silv( t Filign i Ware, Bi elet E u rings, r< n dani M e c k 1 a c I Brooches,
      139 words
    • 123 15 ■HM w >rJL |^B Q hHhWW<»W ESTO. 1922 T.-l: SISI I I •"> I I 801 i il BRIDGE RD. I tjßHujtt'^^jßl One Application I asts Whole Day In 3 Colours JwlfKi D R TV >■ I B V, j^^y^ Llfs lC Sole Agents; WING ON CO. TEL: *****. LATEST
      123 words
    • 128 15 BLUE SPOT SUPER HI Fi SOUND Model "Salvador" 3D Fed < PISCO U A[ > KEEHUAT RADIO CO., LTD. 3f^> CANNED BEER ;fuwA/ hay LIM Wl CHENG A CO. «vßßhhb &&s's SJS. CAN YOU WIN?*, PKNT.TH*.N>, (uoik. siK>(hfn ;itid tnvtgoijitr' Mrrrj *nd wrkrv tnilMln krwns hrnn in thai *ni<x>th iiiiilmt
      128 words

  • 1041 16  -  PATRICIA KEICHRAN #/Of 'fjr'ffT ,Y#;il 1 li-2 BY found to my great, when i decided to have my Roman hobbed, that dozens of London's top mode] girls, actresses, and Society beauties have hud their noses altered. Some have 1k• ci a
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 57 16 The invulnerable Automatic "331** has still other claims, -<\^&fa% Movado precision reaches "^ffiffll t$ c '6ht *n Autorrlatic s£\ V "giant" balance (patented). JtL\ Y-\ Automatic "331" is by gPJ^I >. r r -it%Jk far thc thmric si automatic SOLE AGENTS: KHATENA. SOLOMON CO* 18— ROBINSON ROAD- SINGAPORE. TEL: 7402
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  • 1601 17  - BRONZE DRUMS KEPT THOSE BARBARIANS AT BAY ADELAIDE EASTLEY BY !m ton the I) i bit ion 6A66 tin foyer of Museum and i 1. a collecra rest splend- you will see j ■.< (i on ii pink i tion staging )mi i s In capsule d of imperishbeauty which
    1,601 words
  • Article, Illustration
    433 17 s «utl» vulnerable- and 60 considerably overbid •njjerplayed his cards. owed the teorc lo 'Im to make h very thrw club*. hardij do tan w Ihret honours In -"!e Mt. After I thf slam un- bj tli*- knouJerlge 'i an nee from his BUckwocd foul hearts. North's ace
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 66 17 What is. Shloer? i If i', thf pUf< wr>f rrrr I«r\t«-<j1 «r\t«-<j |(JN P of i red r»gli»h tpi li i>« "J^" it .i» dmnff <■' |).trti»v (M l*k< it with /<»>i br#»kfasi it rvtAktfi I wonderfully r^fr^thiof il#rl »o rhi day! The FEDERAL DISPENSARY Ltd »v n»rriM riA^r roin
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  • 1792 18 by RACE by ALLAN LEWISJ Horses not accepting tomorrow FOLLOWING horses will not start tomorrow: Walla Walla. Little Cherrington. Willy L, French Shoe. Mirandola, Celerity, Bridge Law, (Golden Surprise, Safari, The Wizard, Victoire. Brilliant Scholar is a doubtful starter. THE main race i/%5^ J
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  • 288 18 DERBY CALLOVER CLOSING ODDS FRENCH eolts. Lavandin and Philius remained first and second favourites I respectively for the Derby j at last night's Victoria Club 1 callover in London. Lava:. din, at seven to one, was a point shorter than last week, but Philius. pre- viously at ten to one.
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  • 254 18 ritHE Mr. Loh Chin-Jack Spencer combination will Introduce another newcomer of class, Hurry Hurry (late Full Ahead) it) th<> Class 1 Div sprint. tn .1 barriei ti la] la. I Wedne (it '>' Hurry Hurry showed n clean i >;i "i heeta to Rvt rlvali and
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  • 66 19 picture. L-itish racing driver Stirling Moss is third In the running for this year's Word Championship. On Sunday he feal the world's best to win the Monad Grand Prix. Last month he won the ixo mile Trophy race at Silverkne In this pictare he
    Keystone  -  66 words
  • 246 19  - Kentucky Pride in rousing trial ALLAN LEWIS iu- [ENTUCKY PRIDE (S. Khamis) again show;i to advantage this Homing- at Bukit Smah when he skipped l( r three in 37 1/5 in e centre of the second ack, which is still eal for galloping [f Kentucky Pride runs up his track
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  • 57 19 THE Malaya Cup veterans team to meet Singapore refrees on Sunday will be selected from: Muthucumaru, Lee Pak Tontf. Salleh Bujang, Abdul Rahman, Harith, Zarkasi, John Then, Lim Chwee Chua, Abdul Rahim, Choy Khun Onn, Dollah, Chia Ken^ Hock, Madon. George Valberg. Yahaya, Gan Kee Siang, F(X)ng
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  • 67 19 iT!. ndonesian badmlnp champion, Eddy Yusuf, L :pted an invitation 1 pli r in a big badminton thibition for aid to the inyang University fund at ngapore on May 27. Idy Yusuf recently beat r onn; >eng Soon in a match i Solo. fanyang exhibition Ls
    U.P.  -  67 words
  • 449 19 CENTURY STAND SAVES NOTTINGHAM FIGHTING unbroken Wicket stand of ween Ken Poolo and >cks saved Notting- from the prospects 1 ivy defeat by the n tourists on the day of their threecricket match yesterAustraliana declared ammoth total oi 547 )t- at innrh. They be heading for victory of the four
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  • 391 19 YORKS STRUGGLE While Surrey get their first victory NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, who h«*at Surrey, the A^ champions, i.tst «ctk, caused &noth< upsef «s--tcnlay wiitii t'liv snatrhrd lir^t im:s!ii,s poitltfl against Yorkshire, who many people think are chief dangers to Surrey keeping the championship pennant* But Yorkshire U sted the ftr< ol Prank
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 225 19 (Mom (>[ i>;,i\ .M'Oif; At Lords: Middli itx 170 and 82 fur three; Olovu <■• terahlra ;iO4 lor Miii* dec] (T« Qraveney L52, Miiinii 87, tdcss five [ok 73), At CarnbriilK*-: Uuiver y '.SO'-J lor nine de<i, Kent 124 (Goonesena lour tor ;j4i and 130 for two (Cowdrey t^i
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 109 19 \>\:U'v Trautmann, Man 1 ch< ter City Koalk< ij r vi II oon <•»■! ;i UVCI N I y to hi. native city ol Brem< it L the lighi hi ai led symbol <•) an equally i 'i a h<;t ted honour conferred lon
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 89 19 Britain reach Q-finals DAVIS CUP BRITAIN made sure of winning their Davis Cup European zone second round tie in Belgrade yesterday when they gained a 3-0 Jead against Yugoslavia. They will meet Chile in the next round. Billy Knight (Britain) won a service game to clinch his singles against Ilija
    89 words
  • 120 19 NEW DATES REFUSED rwMiE Hong Kong Football 1 Association yesterday turned down a request from the Singapore am a teu r Football Association foi postponement ol the Aw Hoc soccer Inter port, match to be played at the begin n\m T of November In Hong KoriK. .Since the Philippines ran
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 25 19 Thf orient lifhtwelfht title re matcn between Leo Alonio of the Phlllpplnei arid jiro Bawada of Japan will be h<icl ou Ma> In
    25 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 29 19 OCEAN PARK HOTEL'S I FAMOUS QUINTET Acr H.iiml of BlllfftpOff >> with F k L i r.j MISS SALOMA Um Mfttef Marilyn Monroe" Kinf 41 SM f<»r 1 *hle n
      29 words

  • 214 20 Children are given a special command show A liOl I i.iioo i hi!.; f.r Singap schools atended a cial "Schoolchildrens Concert; given in the! Los AiiKties Philharmo- nic Orchestra i( lil( Singapore Badminton Ji;tii yesterday after*! noun The orchestra m t conducted »>y m, Barnet and rave a pro-I gramme
    214 words
  • 190 20 BILL THREATENS TO CLOSE SINGAPORE SHOPS Chinese Chamber memorandum complains reflect upon their reputation in the community. It might load also to misuse of powers, the chamber adds jMih Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is against certain clauses in the Clerks and Shop Assistants Employment Bill. In a memorandum to
    190 words
  • 34 20 TJESIDENTS Of six mid- Western states in the U.S. picked their way 3»esterday through the debris of a tornado barrage which killed 10 persons and caused millions of dollars dam- age. U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 36 20 Admiral Arthur Radford, chairman of the U.S. joint chiefs of staff, told Congress yesterday that the introduction ol nuclear weapons and a wide range of guided missiles into the Soviet armed forces was "imminent."
    36 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 20 pit iii inchc Istnal] i»in n.i.ji AH retired from Iht sim:;» pore Department of Statistics during the weekend after more than .o rean service, Here he > s seen receiving a letter <>f valediction from the Chief Statistician, Mr i; I, Phillips. Free Press
    Free Press  -  43 words
  • 116 20 OUTRAGE IN TUNIS sprayed mai hlnegun lire on streets «>i Tunis yes- i lerday and tli•<• vs a j grenade Into a crowded j i IC. killing i l»l re pro S s pie and nou ndini 1 1 E oi hei >. The unidentified tei s r 1 1
    A.P.  -  116 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 540 20 CLASSIFIED ADS. WSnl St I If] M N H M I Sn. -I II HUN> •< \S I 20 I. M I. I r«*M EUROPEAN/A BNO I other Btafl Emp Prompt, ><> rvlce. < ployment, F4B i *****. ACCOMMODATION \< INT 20 M I |t i Wi»i l«| >o it
      540 words
    • 21 20 MALAYAN I WSRE MESH AND L FENCING CO. (1946) LIMITED 7 !ii KIT iimvii |{<)\«), BTOKB 'i 1 1 LEPHONE hsu i
      21 words