The Singapore Free Press, 14 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya SO 11.i.T. Singapore, Monday. May 11. i», i,,. 15 Ck
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  • 109 1 This man is news! yHIS MAN who went on leave three months ago is returning to Singal pore. Pclh.-im Croom will be presenting him to you in the very near future. Many £riends~ and enemies H< is the case of a man who has more rSm made the grade.
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  • 95 1 Cift is hurt in crash .star Montgomery seriously injured ywood early yester ben his car smashed phone pole after gay dinner party at tne of actress Elizaand her hushael Wilding. said it was !i^ r he is alive. tor, dragged semi and bleeding pro >mi his .sedan by :tor Rock
    U.P.  -  95 words
  • 80 1 DISROBING THE ROBOT Who ever thought the British Broadcasting Corporation uo.iM stand fot strip scenr But that a just what iv viewers san recently when Elspetn <.n\ was undressed by t«» men. The scene t"»k Pl»*« "< fh( pl v lr lrl VToman" In which Elspeth li supposed to be
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  • 26 1 ICellO] J lliUfl T?) ibs r ative Peoples Party I] Austria He Immeproclalmed a stop I it.inn.ill f.nn tiy. A. P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 275 1 MARSHALL GETS ADVICE FROM EARL ATTLEE 'Must have courage to take big steps' Tuesday is make, break day gINGAPORE'S Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, spent an hour and hall yesterday afternoon with Karl Attlee, former leader of the British Labour Party, at his home in Greal Missenden, about 35 miles
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  • 104 1 Britain remains FIRM TOHE Independence talks 1 enter their fourth week today, with Singapore delegates 1 runkly pessimistic. a committee meeting due to be held today to disCUSS Malayanisation of the Government .service and the composition of the Public Service Commission, has been cancelled, it was learned by Renter apparently
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  • 44 1 A sei lor Moscow official said yesterday thai all internment camps throu shout the Soviet Union WOUld be clone away with within the next year to 18 months He made his statexne t to [a group Ol French BocialistB.
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  • 77 1 i i< tspeel i oi Es Wesl ci i operai lon In redui Ing ten lion In the Middle East will Inevitably feal vi c aa a ma- i topic In the talks i>f tween Soviet and Prench adei heck, eek, dlplom i tic oui c( In
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  • 22 1 The Singapore Rubbci Market opened thl morning j with fli frade Maj hlp- enl alb f■ cenl belo Satui !'•'.!>■■' Hi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 Iliosc natural corl- 1 1 ps c9*^£Be2 as cool to your lips as llic t\c -i^^B line tobacco IS lITIOOth i V .i^ CHANGE TODAY TO x^£^ CRAVEN A' KIND TO YOUR THROM
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  • 172 2 THE president of the Singapore south-western district youth club, Mr. T. K. Fernandez, has warned young wen against joining "political" sports clubs. He said those- so-called .sp< dubs, a number of which had sprung up recently In several parts (-I the city
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  • 89 2 MRS 1.1 I &NOR ROOSEVELT aid In Washington ;it the week-end thi United Stato s could not afford to have the twothirds Of the people o! the world who are coloured 'think we are not moving steadily ahead" in Improving race relations. Add] ssing a
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  • 19 2 1 1 Legion arrests Eleven officers of Jordan's Arab Legion have been arrested for plotting to overthrow the uovernment.
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  • 36 2 Forty girls at a convocation ol 10,000 Catholic youth Leaders at Fordham University. New York, yes-' terday collapsed through the heat. The temperature which reached 87.6 degrees set a new record.
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  • 145 2 LABOUR GAINS RISING lABOUR gains In nation- wide municipal elections in Britain reached the 331--seat murk at the week-end with results of Saturday') j3ol li J4 !ur more urban and district councils. Contests in 189 such councils of England and Wales, according to Labour headquarters, gave the party a net
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 2 Nine-year-old Marieke van Dijk, born in Holland, hut now a resident of Australia arrives in Stockholm, Sweden, to undergo a brain operation which will be performed by the well-known Swedish brain surgeon, Professor Herbert Olivecrona. Marieke's trip has been financed by an Australian newspaper (Melbourne), She is seen with her
    Popper  -  61 words
  • 55 2 That English accent Frank Hatcher, a royal Broom at Windsor Castle, is nursing a bite in the shoulder giver him by Melekush, a Cossack stallion presented to the Royal Family by Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul'^anin and Nikita Khrushchev. Asked what provoked the Hatcher said. Perhaps he was annoyed by
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 39 2 Lightning struck a herd Ol 20 rows as they plodded towards a barn to be milked, kiHing 11 of them. The lightning apparently passed through thoir bodies in a chain reaction, a farmer .said. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 24 2 .Mr Eliza Lucketi be lieved t<> be the oldest woman In Britain, has died at Cuckfleld, England, aged 1(17
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  • 119 2 WHITE HOUSE press secretary Jami's Ha §tT%y has Announced (hal President Btaenhowcf re JectCd a proposed I*ti i t«'«l Slates visit hv Russian loaders because th r Krem hn has not yet hacked its peaceful words with deeds. He said, "The President said that he
    U.P.  -  119 words
  • 205 2 A BRITISH newspaper reported that "ravenhaired Greek Cypriot lovelies 1 may have lured two British soldiers to their death on the troubled island. "Hours after terrorists claimed U> have hanged two British solders," tho Sunday Dispatch reported, "a nonfratemisation order went out to the 18.000
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  • 43 2 The wife <>1 ;i farm labourer. Mrs. Gladys DeekS. has received .4; i. r >o sterling from the British Museum lor B ninth e<-ntury An^kv Saxdfi ring she dUf up in her garden, says a report (rOQ) PosiOgford, England.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 all these many more < i E 4 Usual Price Sale Price E i Chinese Brocades $5.50 $3.90* E IT i Cerrrnn Fancy Shantung 4.50 3.25* tStretchablc Panticv (Fit to all sizes) 4.90 2.90 4 E iStrctchablc Stocking (Fit 4. 50 2.90 E Compact to clear $2/- to $10/- t
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    • 127 2 Advertisement A baby knows better than you... Baby's tears may be du< a lot ot things ;i safety-pin perhaps or important to the lack of the ritfht food. Many Mothers imagine all Baby Foods are nothing of course c further from the trutl many parents hav<; pr to their delight
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  • 246 3 TWO FREE PREJIMUSIC CRITICS DISAGREE ON MINOR POINTS Two Free Press music critics, J.C.B. and DM.D are attendina teries Of Concerts given in the Badminton Stadium b n j Philharmonic Orchestra under Alfred WallenftPin They have found themselves in disagreement on
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 3 With the help of a z toy baby Krand pi;mo, z one of the many pre- E z st'iits she received, Miss Rita Lee, a lerk ;it R.A.F. Changi, provides the music for her friends attending her E coming of age party at z\ the Chang] Theatre E Club to
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  • 29 3 American test of a ydrogen bomb in Eniwetok ground has been >oned for the seventh at least until Wednesmorning, because of rather conditions, it was announced yesterday.
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  • 312 3 NO EXCUSES WERE NEEDED LAST NIGHT MAKE no mistake about it, the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra is the best we have' heard, or are likely to hear in Singapore for many years. The principal work in a well .selected programme at the Badminton Hall last night was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 no price premiurVi for o premium product* n mineral waters SCtlW^P' SCHWEPPES TONIC WATER i tnti \i a ,iri-and-tonic EMOMADE CINQER BEER ."TONIC WATER SODA WATER DRY GINGER ALB p r I l<#Wt
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    • 43 3 //c/v at last!!! 0 A iY'rfect Mixture DURABILITY «^W7 fP«re Si/^cj (Dacron) H^l THE DACSILK SHANTUNG H| /A (.00l omfor(;il)lc it Crease resisting And score of other qualities that makes it an [DEAL material for tropics. Available at: HI, Mitfh Street, Pel: *****
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  • 231 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion Cyclists in danger jgkljkljklgsj SOMEBODY once s-ak\ thai although Mure arc only ten commandments it lakes a million laws to enforce them. Simply because man will not take obviou.s precautions to look after himself. He! will do nothing to protect himself unleSS the State orders
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  • 624 4 Traffic jams UNKNOWN in this city CHICAGO POLICE GIVE THREE REASONS FOR REMARKABLE SUCCESS First of two articles by JOHN H. WIGGINS on how to solve those parking problems. CHICAGO. I IKE anj other i»»<> J h»ust. i tend to inok »t biK <iti«*s in terms ol trallic jams, and
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  • 626 4 PUBLIC DISGRACE No. 8 CHICAGO police can y do it; why cannot Singapore's? Traffic in Chicago fiever jams, and a nose to tail queue is unheard of. Why? Because as John 11. Wiggins explains above, they believe in the three E's Enforcement, Engineer
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 47 4 ASAHI CULTURED PEARLS ARE i I- AIMI I) I ill WORM) O\ IK AS I ill 4}l 1.1..\ VMONG i 1.1 i RED PI Akl.s SEE IHI [R BEAI TV, (ompa R I l'll IR PRW IS S.P.H.deSILVALtd. sj\(, IFOBBi X I i MII It A lI'OII
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    • 85 4 1^ for Jf/(/iii<r hair ifi^SO YOU WILL FIND kf /7 inecto Four -in One 1 mak f s a wonriorful £*!</( difference to dull <»r %<^* 'Ai'i y touched nair! In a Single, BWift r.ppli- A ~"v cation it lightens, 1\ f^ brij^ ii ens, fji vrs IT- X^ Vx
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  • 963 5  - Singapore Spotlight ADELAIDE EASTLEY «By* \iKS i warned Singapore students w»'<'k to watch steps regarding forthcoming .students' forum Bandung it was not bout reason. recent "Commemoion Week" rally at ndung in tribute to the t conference a year ago ponderously emotional. attendance were the Diplomatique of and Africa, members
    963 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 5 n mil; til left, Uiej arc. iuu^ Ul if I Maria i I In i I i mi; Kfi i i X m V. Free Press blfjlkjkjn;lkjl;kjgdhkjk
    Free Press  -  27 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 A j Complete freshness d fragrance aeedao mi raxa f^JJ AST: wfRSPtRANT FROM ILL 1 STOI M A. LATiP RROS, .1. ipnr.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 258 6 >I AMIBK \B\I l» Le« lalk anil ■•liil lla%i> IL A/ I II I I I Imichau. \f 1 don't -ow«- I oh-- I want to apologize VOuiftfcSO V let's /is he '^-^-H l> GIVE M£ STAND, NAROA. fORGET/ FOR TRYING TO KIS9 LOVEIY. I FORGET LYING WHO ,5 YW-HE
      258 words
    • 647 6 DORN today, you arc tlioroughly in- J I> i< iiect aal and cannot be hai uni< »s your work concerned wit] problem which challenge jrour 1 1 I 4, and atti 111 lon you arc a natural lead w both In Ideas and in act I J Although you may
      647 words

  • 341 7 BUTTON BOY SURPRISED THe DUKE ad got a coin ;lOR SEAMAN orge Dearns, aged pt his size four firm on the re platform, .smaller than and raised arna to the band crashed j mnie lies over —150 ft below who stood on the of the mainmast S. Ganges. out manning
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  • 148 7 IN Coventry's imposing city centre the people stopped and stared. There was the bronze Lady Godiva, riding- her bronze horse. But another figure was astride the horse. Much more robust and unmistakably fleshand- blood. It was, in fact, 20-year-old Michael Tavender. of the
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  • 39 7 Dr. Soekamo, President 01 Indonesia, arrives in wash ington bb<; a r d Presideni Elsenhower's personal plant next Wedne <i;»y u>r a stat< visit 'vvhirh will be In first ever Jpuran* to the w> item world. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 182 7 Chattering jackdaw still keeps a secret r/V t 1 "taken though I he prehended the has m i one addr ■:rucr i lackdaw and I ■in h jfty Of a cfii'n ney pot in llfi d, E i>r he do n atch th§ child go hy m thM >'•■' m
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  • 29 7 Dr. Kraft Ehricke, a [owner rocket expert, lues predicted In San Francisco human colonies might be established on the moon and nearby Dl&nets within 200 years Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 7 Picture by One is coy, the other indignant. What* i this < photographer doing barging in on us? Can't a young courting couple get a bit of peace and quiet even in their own back field? HAN HAI FONG
    HAN HAI FONG  -  38 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 MAERSK $JD LINE ANNA MAERSK INCAPORE PENANG N. YORK (2nd end) J«" c 19 May v PALMA SINGAPORE N. YORK Arrived 10 May 5 July Vj.lmq J6 May
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    • 107 7 One success leads to another for tho JJ£. "Solvcig" was the winning yacht on her iffiWml arrival at Hobart. nf§§Bsfflg\ Fo!!ov»mK closely on the memorably C£t£^ Atlantic crossing by Movado, this latest 2k^ n t\ superiority of Movado's waterproof and tV soir A',rNT r > khattha '.oiomom 4 <_o TGHBK^mM~S
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1 7 pic;' <?^^"
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    • 48 7 SINCAPORE HIGH TIDES TODAY: I »i pm TOMORROW: IJ9 am aiul 2 13 pm. WEDNESDAY: IJ9 am. and 3.42 pin. THURSDAY: '.01 a.m. and t .17 p.m. FRIDAY: ill am and .1 T»7 p.m. SATURDAY: 141 a.m. and 7 o. 'l pin SUNDAY: 7.1» *ny and IfN pm
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    • 1257 8  -  ROBERT CHAPMAN mnlhmll.,m.',.'gbvn By What did the scientists see in the candle-lit laboratory? 'IMIK threi lenti I who ourneyed to Ouildford that dr< day in January. I /8 3 had the Ight -lip] expn ssion o\ !i :i si riou i;. p< urbed at the
      1,257 words
    • 589 8 4 Mvv German anti--4 diabetes ciruj;, which c;m be taken orally, may soon be available in (he United States, according to its pro diicers in I rank flirt. Elderly diabetics provided (bey have a case history of less than five years have a
      589 words

  • 244 9 steal exploring j Jiffs trouble J> X from UIC Antarctic Came Duntan Curst', who played i>ii k Barton, Special Agent, In the 8.8.C. series back with an adventure story which would have alarmed Dick Barton fans. Curse, 42, was hading an v eightinun expedition on the
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  • 140 9 WHEN Valeric Munro, of Pinner, was sent to St. Anne's ege, Oxford, her parents were prepared for their lighter to take up any career she wished didn't anticipate that flying would be one of the dings Oxtord would teach her. they didn't anticipate that
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  • 22 9 Communist China's Premier Chou En-lai has just ixot an elephant a gift from Mohammad Ali. Premier of Pakistan. A. P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • Post Scripts
    • 318 9 'Most shameful of them all' HA V F read your irti< Ivs on public disraces with much interest but am surprised that have omitted the < shameful of all. 1 a is the number of "Hi; Malay widows who forced into prostitu- ton ■These young women of v !rv Warren's
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 9 Just how many people z «Ues s c (I Saturday's z puzzle wrongly we don't know but most of the callers were off the track. Most plumped for military establishments of one sort or another. The correct answer? St. Andrew's Cathedral truly! Today's is a lot easier we
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  • 104 9 supporters of the theory that Shakespeare's plays O were written by Christopher Marlowe are to seek i Home Office permission for an extensive exploration of Sir Thomas Walsingharn's tomb at Chislehurst. Kent. They hope to find documentary proof uf their theory iin the vault
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 66 9 \%j^^^J MEW LAw/mOWER WIDTH OF CUT 14" SI 1.00 gfm jjjjj I Li>;ht, Strong, and easy tO use. this new Qualcast model is perfect for the small i'.arden $>*^f) 00 Wilh r^ ie strong cutting blades are specially W>\r.\j\r Krilss hox m3rje to |tarK j up fo w>fy hard and
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

    • 337 10 \RL" show people lucky in love? Despite what many a Dismal Desmond has to say on the subject, then- are two people now In Sing%pore who feel that had they not met and teamed up. life wouldn't have Riven them so many good breaks. They are
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    • 143 10 riim.s is the tale ol two tall men who came to ;t Colony I nightspol to spend a cjuiel evening bui soon discovered they were the most talked about pair In the place because ol their extraordinary height, For it Is not often that one runs
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    • Article, Illustration
      411 11 S> >< X in the Colony from Bangkok whore he attended a bi-monthly meetin-, of Council representitives <!i the South-East v i;in Organisation "to aclvance the constructive work i SEATO," the Commis- ADMIRING a vase full of Malayan orchids i n the ll)l)l> > <>l a hotel
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    • 433 11 SEEING THE WORLD IN EASY STAGES I\n Alfred i Frankfurth, a Detroit dentist, and •is wile Margaret, have been saving up for Quite a while to see the world. They had heard from a lecturer about th« beauties «>*" New Zealand, of the loveliness of fcbe Vale of Kashmir and
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    • 336 11 r PIIF man who was one of 1 the co-founders of th<* South-i;ast Asian Association in N«'w York a body that is still functioning and doing much to nut this part of the world in MIC minds of the American public Hew In unannounced to
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  • 200 12 "jTHE iblfl bodied c\ tizvm of Ncvcrs, C ntr.i! France, let out j unanimous >pThi. |iv |4 >f th ir com rrrinil eh i ;r«n w\\ their jori^id fur housing ichi me fh i y b.idly n. t d m w houv s :n
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  • 64 12 picture. Normally, Dalmatians don't look so unhippy as this, hut London's chilly Spring day seems to have depressed the coated sextet arriving tor the Dalmatian Club's Championship Show at the Seymour Hall in Marylebone. The dogs, Colonsay Dalmatians, are from left, Pat. Diane, Joe. Blacksmith. Penny anH
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 598 12  - ANTI-RED SPIES IRK THE WEST GERMANS Margaret Krohn •By- WEST GERMAN authorities are seeking to bring under their control what is indubitably the world's most colourful freelance spy outfit West Berlin's "Fighting Group Against Inhumanity." The Fighting Group is the most controversial Intelligence organisation operating in the cold war spy
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  • 239 12  - Home-study huntsman PETER BLOXHAM By r rHF. fantastic secret is out. Ireland's most famous hunt is led by a young American platoon commander who taught himself all about hunting from books Old Ireland pretended to be shocked then gave a m ghty chuckle as the story of the home study
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  • ODD but TRUE
    • 51 12 WHEN the Queen and spectators laughed as band struck Up th t JJL" uur tutu- -Ha,; --just as the dtj Sword bearer walked towards he civic party wearing SS I fur Cap of Maintenance it was a pure coincidence" said a member ol th'« band afterwards.
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    • 73 12 U Oxfordshire were alarmed when they saw a cow in a shop window. Then they stopped to watch as the animal remained Quite placid arid not even a china bOW\ was broken Cows have a habit of standing and staring and it was some time before
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    • 99 12 WHEN ants Invaded a I kitchen at Wembli v Hospital methylated spirit j was poured down to stop I them. Vapour from the I spirit became ignited by I a gas water heater and I the blaze damaged win- I; dow frames and thiv.itr-n- I j
      99 words
    • 88 12 WHEN a stone dropped I from a bridge fell into I the cub of an engine I pulling a train at Swan 1 Village, Birmingham, the I driver stopped thy trim I and chased and rausjht I the 12-year-old boy who I had thrown it. I
      88 words
    • 64 12 ASKING for an order I against a t u stonier had not paid his deb j representative oj I ing firm told Judge CU j ford Choen at Auckland Coimli I that the debtor j to be doing veil am j "alivays very /re// I Said
      64 words
  • 139 12 IMG TOM the cat that was left behind has found a new home. Big Tom's story w;i published in the Free Press last Monday, and later a j>h<>n<' call from the secretary ol the 3P C a hr ughi the news that a new owner
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 700 13 How parents can build up the infants defences says Singapore Doctor new-born baby has .v defence subLnces inherited from mother, shortly a fter birth, this lmiity begins to wane, the baby has to up his own deagainst germs. infant cornea In ict with
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  • 423 13 r ro\VARD the close of last year there v. a.s an unexplained epidemic of .'.evencard Mius. Mhe outbreak was reported to be particularly heavy to areas where holiday-making caused tlic drink,, 'o be better mixed than the pyfk;i. Although the Odds are 27 to l against
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 13 IN NICE WAY j HEBE'S how to be "catty" in a nice way. Adelaide (Vivian j Blainc) dons a cat COi- j tume to sing "Pet Me, Poppa" in the Hot Box Cafe, where she enter- tains in this scene from j Samuel Ci oldwy n s "Guys
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  • 99 13 Big prices for Cyprus stamps I>ro prices were paid for Cyprus stamps al a recent auction sale in London A collection formed by Mr. J. c North, of Hudder.sfield, fetched i"4.5i8. A .strip of five .stamps of the Au.sf rlan Levant, i... ued In 1887, retched £40; a colJ< <
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 242 13 is r ''j^39HfiS j^JSß^B^^'^i^ rs3§£ gjj ife i.i is across 4 Add a letter to a deer for a j <h and bicycle arc likely religious seel (5), een on this <"^ 5 Rcser\et> country dances, sham to yo back in a maybe (9). Iblic vehicle (5j 6 Led G.L.
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  • 1306 14  - WITHIN EACH MAN IS THE GREATEST POWER OF ALL ADELAIDE EASTLEY But few realise a fraction of it in their lifetime, says this yogi-ascetic ii by Ji l/oi, 1 v. h I does ni. 1 i mmon mm Powei rich o] hi ilth? alth i>.\n\K bountil .1 ht-a h: i::
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 14 ROMANTIC loads in "The Revolt of Marir Stover." IftllC Itusscll and Itirhard Ef*fl lunch in the studio (NHBRIIf sary befOTt rehearsal for tin* s< re^n drama of a shady lidys attempt to invade polite society with tainted money earned in a wartime daiuehall.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 117 14 A RECORD OF THE WEEK .^hBB Hi-Fidelity RecordingsJJT <Q JP dACH I ir C minor for Er I 1/■ rrhf.tro on.! Concerto bK&B m^ffiSw \<> in C mo, ,f for two piono <in 1 MKtfttli jy "*A I Ato. Vera Apple-ton an-1 Mirh.icl 9B ,^4K J/ „<'.' «ii, tru- r.o
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  • 748 15  - WHAT IS THE MAGIC OF A FACE LIKE THIS? AMANDA MARSHALL by I rival in London II 1 thai strange litaan eating orchid, a rtha Kitt. made uk ol the many- quoted, but still »ly revealing, ttement: "There is I ccelleni beauty I not some I in the j mhi."
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  • 140 15 Is it just a touch of disproportion pan a true beauty. t™ °reco the exia- cabaret singer, •nebi foreahe had her bobbed Into convenettinea 80 la the ttli urchin cropped Jeanmal 1 whose .'V'" glamor- from pn tty. Chic asset finch an wily capitalist the and exagi I th( ;Ilt(
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 91 15 GOOD FOR GROWING CHILDREN Your childrrn will benefit from ~j}\ drinking NESPRAY Full Cream s<Zo^^ 000 O ~Z^ > Powdered dai!> and thrv wJI 7 fS>\ enjoy it too. <— Toi tK y i\\^^^A^Vr^ L VA PURE, SAFE NLSPRAY keeps V\ in tip-top condition rii?ht down to ;v v\
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  • 514 16 LOCAL STAND-INS FOR FAMED QUARTET picture. picture. pi< Inn 1 r rHE celebrated Robert Musters Quartet, which is due to arrive in Singapore today, will lead the Singapore Symphony Orchestra in a Symphony Concert to be presented at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Sunday at 8.45 p.m. The programme will
    Free Press  -  514 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 1274 17  - Modern Surgery has given me peace of mind PATRICIA KEIGHRAN 'WW IJWEIVr OIT A\l» *****.111 ANEW PACE by Born in the stress of wartime the new technique of the plastic surgeon [has a deeper I p&pose than the JE^re satisfaction of trifling vanity TOMORROW Fashion adopts the new skill f
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 7 18  - TALKING SPORT Bharles Bryer S&"-vwififl3ff!?S*""*' vx-. 3s§s§B§fl
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  • 159 18 J^t liool suiinimti^ tulho1 1 1 ii were <■ < <i i pass rrint; i iii- news around lasl 5 week— i•i ms foi the n itei DOlo tour t;l I ixluiii m.i h |VC 3 been agreed to and the team -is expect* if
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  • 537 18 RARE DISEASE HAS INFECTED MALAYAN ATHLETIC OFFICIALS. One of the symptons is a fear of Press photographers; another jn the inability to see beyond their own noses. I HE SHORT- SIGH ED VI ITI'UDE WHICH I'EX.Wd ORGANISIN< OFFICIALS ARE ADOPTING TOWARDS THE MALAYAN AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION
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  • 305 18 \A lin it i( is irlnning Olj mpic BMdalg 01 |iim|i big flow n the si. lies proxc lie is still hi. IeSM Owens has i knack of achleiring m ht let out u> do Now, after m\ months, i'«?>sr has imiiiv come through with
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  • 275 18 WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE, MR. REFEREE Oil my. pity the poor referee! Soccer crowds boo him, writers abuse him. Sometimes the hotheads even assault him. Now comes the Singapore Amateur Football sociation with further mental burden to be carried onto the field Should he speak English or Malay? Picture the poor
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  • 89 18 S'pore need is more teamwork -SAYS US COACH iPTER a mor Singapore An: |j basket ball j Thomas Brll i ij turned to the F< -ra-l tlon for a fu'thef| three months' I He left for Johore 1 1 1 Wednesday nig (i due to travel ]i il m Pahat
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  • 80 18 /JONGRATULATIONS to Mr. V/ Guy Vaz. His scheme for b young Singapore soccer side Is the besi soccei news of the year. A3 a nursery for future Malaya Cup and Intel national talent an 'Under 21" squad i.s just m,. !>orl:mf !n this country as In Europe, Where
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  • 38 18 In [poh XX W ti Iling this toi a team captain U) hit |>! iv»m !><■: yon can't •'<■' 'hi in. in. he said "AH i started, Who' Nfevei mind I the repl I ft* 01. damn \JDM\
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  • 1114 19 This was Jolly Sailor's best win ALLAN LEWIS SUMS UP FIRST DAY jolly sailor registered his eighth win at Bukit Timah when he won the main race on Saturday. It was one Oi his best performances. Jolly Sailor wafl shut in on the rails at critical stage of the race,
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  • 448 20  -  ALLAN LEWIS Dande Bay, Sincero also in sound morning gallops Isy IJLKKV Hl'ltltY, a stylish newcomer ia the Spencer stable a owned by Mr. Loh Chin, was the outstanding worker at u kl Timah this morning when he ran three furlongs in :*(> 1, ."> sec
    448 words
  • 52 20 Mr. Run Run Sh;iw. owner of Amusement Park, leads In his horse after jockey Merv Posner brought it home eight lengths clear of the field hi Race Seven (Cl. 3, Div. Z 6F) at Bukit Timah on Saturday. See Page 1!> for more nictures and Allan Lewis'
    52 words
  • 226 20 I>RITAIN gained a commanding position when the second round European /one Davis Cup tie against Yugoslavia opened in Belgrade yesterday after a delay of two days because of rain. Britain's Roger B e eke r boat, Josip Palada 6 -4, 6—o, i) 2 in
    226 words
  • 19 20 Philippine ninton tai beal i mi i i 1 1 in the i i !r Oym tit
    19 words
  • 170 20 s Stirling O .Moss, driving a i Muscra li, won the I Monaco Grand I'rix in E E Monte Carlo yesterday. E z Juan Manuel Fangio E iof rgentina was E second in B IVrrari. E E .i«an Behra of France v\as third in a
    170 words
  • 67 20 BOBBY Whilden ran 100 yards In 9.2 .see. to beat the world record by oiu tenth of a second at Fayetteville, yesterday. Th< time wiu not be re cognised. There was a 9 l 2 mile following wind. The world record of 9.3 sec.
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 122 20 r PHE Aga Khan's Buissoi x Ardent, who took third place In the recent 2.000 Guineas at Newmarket., won the French equivalent yesterday in Paris. Buisson Ardent, a r Ji-l chance for the Epsom Deioy on June 6, was ridden by Royer Poincelei and scored
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 18 20 The Philippines MICA in% basketball sta: edged Japan's Allyesterday on a field before the game en
    18 words
  • 72 20 Duilio Loi, Italy's European j lightweight boxing champion, retained his title lasl night in Milan v.hen he boxed a draw with Jose Hernandez of Spain. Kid Ga vila n of CiVJ)a, former world welterweighi champion, and Louis Trochon, French middle-) weight, fought to a 10-round draw
    72 words
  • 114 20 The u.\ P. Chang] tennla championships for n». r )(i, wn< completed on Saturday. Results: Men's Singles i::: 1 enti les) Sgt Tunstead beat Pit, i.t Harvey j-(i. 6-2, 6-1. Men's Doubles (16 pairs) Bgl Oartland and Sgt Tunstead beat Pit, Lt, Albonico and i "if Lt,
    114 words
  • 62 20 tpon Cricket Club and R>j iJ iii' i ilaj .i i ok 1 heli mnu cricks tna h At I Bink pcs: I•| ii \i iilli-i {i foi '■< W i d r. o, 62) anp i 12 foi four (.iv< c n o >3)
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