The Singapore Free Press, 8 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya No. *****. Singapore, Tuesday, May 8, 19:>(i. Trioe laCts.
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  • 189 1 rpHERE COMES A TIME when we all feel like revolting against factory •md office life. its drudgery, its unending monotony. But how many of us have ever had the strength to throw off the fetters and C ape? Few, If any at all. Robot danger iere
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  • 436 1 HUSH-HUSH NOTE WARNS STUDENTS 'KEEP AWAY' Reds running Bandung conference 11 A SECRET letter from un official of the .National Union of Students in Indonesia received in Singapore yesterday warned Malayans to keep away from the Afro- Asian Students' conference in Handling from May 2ft to 3] as it would
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  • 50 1 KinplnvT.s and union leaders oi 5,000 British printing trade workers today announced agreement on B "pu.sli button pact" providing i<>r top-icvoi consultations before the introduction of robot techniques. The employers and two unions agreed to set up ;i joint committee to "provide lor the introduction oi new techniques
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  • 67 1 IT'S 'CHA-CHA-CHA' TIME, AND IT IS SO EASY YOU. too, can do the "Cha -Cha Cha!" And here's how it goes. Roy Ell, recently returned from America, and Toni Leong demonstrate this popular dance with the Latin American flavour at the Dale Carneftie Clubs "Monte Carlo" Nitfht held at Eu
    Oswald Henry  -  67 words
  • 170 1 Britain was putting !<>t~ ward new proposals on Singapore's constitutional futture a 1 a merdeka meeting in London today. The proposals were being tablod by Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, the Colonial Secretary, who is presiding over the secret talks, now in their third week.
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 56 1 The world' i busiest 1 1 ;kI (i artery the Suez Cans! v.iii loon be iin<'fi with advei t Ising poster a French firm Societe de Propaganda [ndu 1 1 lelle el lornmerciale f si'i' i hfl obtained ftn exclu Ive i ran chi ie
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 42 1 The mi i ;.i p< 1 1 i< ibtx Market opened this morn in!' v. it h in uncei tain 1 >ne v. it h i;: "i ade ,M hip* meni at 88 i Ib eve i eighth ol cent
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 11 GLASSES OF FRESH MILK IN EVERY UB y /%o^^ f r \r that's why v£"jl> you can taste the cream LS^ DAIRY MILK WHOLENUT DAIRY MILK FRUIT C NUT DAIRY MILK NUT MILK [tV^T] AND MILK TRAY \«^t^
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  • 126 2 NON-SMOKER GAN GET LUNG CANCER V'Ol don't have to smoke t<» v* t lun^ cancer, says British specialist sir Ernest Kennaway, Onf flfth ol all lung <■„!.'• ca In England Involve aon aid a he arrivi dln Ne* STork on tn< hnt r United Stafc I i a lecture tour,
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  • 112 2 Thirty Chinese sailors made a "slight" mis- 4 take yesterday. They thought they could take 4 with them 170 Ib. biiju; KaK<* EACH on a plain 1 from Singapore to Am- sterdam, whereas they 4 were only allowed that amount of baK«:i«*' tot T ALL of
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  • 22 2 Firestone Tire and Rub- j ber Company plans to build a big plain to manufacture styrene for making synthetic rubber.
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  • 165 2 RED BOSSES STAND UP, CHEER BRITONS np U E Soviet Premier, 1 Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, and the Communist Party Chief, Mr. Nikita Khrushchev, turned up unexpectedly last night at a farewell concert in Moscow by leading British musicians touring the Soviet Union. At the end of the concert the Soviet
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 53 2 Burmese civil police and military officials said yesterday that rebel forces Intimidated the voters in villages during the recent Chamber oi Deputies (Lower Housei elections. Electors could not exer- cisc their franchise freely 1 because the rebels launched a Campaign of murder and arson to support the
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  • Article, Illustration
    74 2 Mrs VV A. Goode vvifr of (In- afflcer admin Istratlng th«- Government, presents the McMlllin Cup f irsl pri/«- of the Junior Red Cross IfltCl link j Exhibition-- to Miss Goh i.i Ki.m, who Ff> presented th«- wiiinrrs, Sin^aporr him s r (fills' School, The exhibition was opened by Miss
    Free Press  -  74 words
  • 290 2 Cyclists who should be prosecuted r spills is ;i disgrace, damned disgrace. s 1 Cyclists btioiii^ to that elite comT panv who like to think they .ire above the law. Their self-centred IhoughtlessE ness in parking all over the five-foot E ways has been tolerated in Singapore
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  • 34 2 Forty armed bandits killed right people and wound- i ed eight others to steal 40 million francs $340.000 1 from an armed pay convoy »oing to a rubber plantation near Saigon. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 66 2 JVJORE than 1,000 foe villagers began crowd into Dalhousie Square Calcutta, last night after completing a 20-mile trek from their Behar border settlement? which they demand be made part of* West Bengal State. Defying restrictions on public assembly in the Square in which the ment .secretariat i.s located.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 27 2 GRAND RNNVRL i I Lest you forget we offer you latest Range of Goods at Sale Prices. HARDIAL SINGH SONS LTD. 26, Raffles Place S'pore-1 Phone *****3
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    • 68 2 at these low, /ovy prices! ONLY! WORLD RENOWNED LADIES SHOES $5 $10 f BALLY DOROTHY PERKINS Per par DRESS MATERIAL REMNANTS, from 95 cts. including cotton, taffetas, piques, etc. 36" width. Pt yard CHINAWARE famous makes a Vi PRICE. bUIuLAbu Czcchoslovakian, German and English (Bowls, ashtrays, baskets, liqueur sets, fit
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  • 297 3 Five Spore harbour unions to discuss merger of 10,000 men Ri pRESENTATIVES or five Singapore Harbour Board sta/f and waterfront workers' unions meet on May *k to discuss the question <>i uinu '»»t u single giant union with more than 10,000 members. The union's
    Free Press  -  297 words
  • Article, Illustration
    78 3 New Zealand will set E up a diplomatic mis- E E sion in Shun, said the Commissioner for New si z. Zealand, Mr. Toss Sha- E S nahan on l>is return to E E Singapore over this 3 week-end. Mr. Shanahan said E j E he held talks
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  • 136 3 V/'OUNG Singaporeans who have been waiting to see if the Teachers Training College would have a May recruitment as in previous years can .start looking for new jobs. The T.T.C. used to take in teachers in May. assign th^m to schools. while waging until the following'
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  • 214 3 100 INJURED AS SCHOOL TRAIN AND TRUCK COLLIDE g?UND-UP OF THE WORLD'S NEWS :■;■:■>::•:■:■:■;. .:-;■;■:■:-:■:■:••■;■:■:■■:-;■:■:■;■:•::■:■:-:•:■:■:■:■-:•:■.:■>•■: ■■:''->-"->>x-. .■>:■:-:■;■'■: truck smashed a .special train 1. 000 schoolchildren ukesha, Wisconsin, Milwaukee baseball terday, derailing train and injuring more han ioo people, creamed .i.s car.s ed off the track. Some led through winadj Lcent
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  • 104 3 Thirty excited 10-year olds in different national costumes an- preparing foi their part in the Empire Youth Sniulav clehratnuis on M»y 13, when they will present a World FellOU ship programme f<»r undci privileged children «'> Singapore. Organised b» Mrs. Scow Feck Len| who »•> < hair
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 200 4 The Singapore Fee Press TUESDAY. May 8, 1856. A kampong safeguard TOO ofti 11 w< hear oJ kampi ng fire; Fires which spread so quickly among the a 1 tap houses thai a whole villag< can b< razed before the ftr< engines have a chance to arrive. Many kampongs have
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  • 22 4 7 0 >><■ iihlc tO fill !<)■ Ufs in lelligently U t h, in- 1 o< 0/ i h atiorj Bertrand Russell
    Bertrand Russell  -  22 words
  • 727 4 PETER it nssasn rvn •*>## Is it m$ in iißursi iittf invt thai has hwontiatij invri>iisiiifflij <>riil€>nl in iminstrtg in wwni years 'vi IE Ider you ar( the r you are and tin more denser ous the factory that << i v.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 4  -  OSBERT LANCASTER by *'Well if 'cultural exchanges* means that <u/e Z?t the Russian ballet and they get the British Council I'd say Sir Anthony's driven a pretty shrewd bargain I
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  • 557 4 SINGAPORE i.s free from noxious insects iind Sinapore has no bf'g^cirs, but it h;ts another CUTSe which i.s just as Irritating as the fly which buzzes round your food, and the unfortunate who whines for alms. That Is the pest who Infests < >ur bar i and restaurants.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 114 5 RSFC needs new planes Royal Singapore FlyA ing Club needs new nes. Its Tiger Moths, cording to president Capt. P J. White, "are to the end oi' their life." A major erhaul costs something like $3,0(>0. The question replacement must be ckled. Chipmunks are being offered as surplus by the
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  • 181 5 CAN YOU BREAK A CODE? He says you never will oe sty vkak-old Major Arthur Turner has j this break-the-code challenge He will never be broken, but offers this All the groups above represent the same -letter word." A former Military [ntel< ligence officer now in retire ment at St.
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  • 25 5 Dr. Najib Ullah. Afghanistan ambassador in London. .said yesterday that his country was negotiating with the United States for economic aid. U.P.
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • 66 5 SLEEP ALONE SLEEP WELL SAYS DOCTOR elors and spinsleep much more widowers and Dr Nairn Cowan ter studying old health centre at en, Lanarkshire i f 4ht out of every ngle over-70'a engood .sleep against "i 1" Of who i married t discoveries Dr le after observa--170 men and
    66 words
  • 40 5 in a house at Bow p ,norrd ;i burbit ;i police i»l!rn to Investigate I fistl |te I Court a 22 year-old •mi. for thai wsa dealt with the tting it out of the KMT." i
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  • 385 5 PARADE, t-w-i-t-c-h! THAT, SAYS DOCTOR, WOULD STOP FAINTS t*» Science Reporter t J CHAPMAN PIN CHER tells of a Har I ley Street specialist J free advice to the t X Army the Army haa got advice from v Har--1 (y Btreet, London, specialist on: How to .stop soldiers faini
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  • 145 5 4 8.8.C. television programme on smoking and cancer ended with a forthright statement by an unnamed doctor that there was no cure for lung cancer. But in th< firm! moment of his broadca ;1 he Indi fated that m< divine had now found a drug that
    145 words
  • 62 5 a British frigate collided with the private yacht oi King Prederili ix yt iterd In Copenhagen harbour The pachi Dannebrog wn Einchoi 'i hen t in i h Igal Red pole move dofl com i md it i iich ihe yacht 't boy I'm* h Vl
    U.P.  -  62 words
  • 6 5 i'/tc coded luord ALUIiN
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 Walking down Oh- usir After their marriage In i*.«vi i.rhir Method iiit Church, Singapore, ;»n* Mr Tan Chew Kirn ;mri hit hndr the former Miss ll lce Lei The Imm]«j;mmmh u> a adct in the '1 \'U cotiiinuiiu ,4tion ■> JJcp^rtoicui.
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  • 159 5 Skyman refused to jump TtHIRTEEN tin Paj I I U ">[>♦•: Pred B v tie! t rape j from raft ill tndi <>t i' 'ip Bill l* a ,i.-, a. the day ka k B> ml C Kav Kin.- told hi n imp from .1 balloon 8 I Fred, an
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 171 5 OFFERED to CLEAR I MID-YEAR SALE j Never At Such Low Price, And Never They W.ll fU j I Repc.ited Aj?,iin. Don't Mis s This Opportunity I FREE! FREE!! FREE!! 1 Piece Indian Woollen Rus; 5x 2i Will Be Civen Free II To Every Purchaser Of Indiin Woollen Carpets Value
      171 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 491 6 y r -wwwww»» w f??ftf »t^^4^^^. j i'W^'r^^^XVb l> l^r lalk an«l llavi% /IV j need to cultivate more self-confidence 1 TAHZW |,y Edgar Rice Burrou-I.s i rw";.' i rv::;;\r 1 u! 1 ll l :v or^ y«'t unless y<ui receive encourage- 7 r\^iJpWafife^t^s J %I\^IXT 'tmen^kwaps^ip I LjL
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 179 7 I <>\ DON, V iv 7. Preview loday b l K^s r,.f. 25 b yers buyers 9 rtt %Ijv sellers 25 7 S sellers Kss c.i.i. 25% buyers buyers European ports Junb 26 sellers 2<i sellers ;BER N > BSS >i»ot 2ti', buyera buyers sellers 26 sellers
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    • 100 7 NEW STORK, MEaj Previous Today traits -i>»t and nfoarby 97.62 nom. 98.12 nom. ures Way 96.50 bid 9(5.50 bid 98.00 cusked DB.OO asked June 95.65 bid 95.65 bid 96.85 asked 96.85 asked I i!v 95.45 bid 95.45 bid 96.25 asked 96.25 asked TONE: Steady. BBER- futures: May
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    • 32 7 >ng -pot, await- I a floats 26%, May 25, June 24 J its May 28 Sellers ex-dock. io) i waiting release. re prices quoted in U. S. cents per tb.
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    • 26 7 NEW YORK, May 7. Previous Today i «Is 516.44 512.89 178.23 178.44 mystic Bonds 9P>64 96.74 fi.v66 66.02 i v.;>is!tt* \\nii;'- 183.27 182.83
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    • 100 7 LONDON, May 7. I'iovious Today OPRA Philippines .if. IK/ rth tui opean (IdivetVd t per long ton May/ June $200 sellers $200 sellers Sti nts (if. UK/North m delivered w'i^ht per ton May/Jane £72 buyers £71 'j buyers r;'J sellers y-~2 sellers June/Jaly £72 buyers E71%
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  • 268 7 Tin: leaden casket containing the body oi Sir Thomas W a 1 s i n (ha ni v ilk keep whatever se (lots it miv hold. The ShakespeareMa rlowe controversy remains as open as ever. But where is the cm* ket? Thai was the new niysterj
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  • 191 7 Followed women about... A 19 YEAR OLD youth admitted that he "did persistently follow a female, whereby a breach of the peace might be occasioned." The charge was brought under a 1361 statute. Colin W. Leverton, of Church Farm House, Handley, near Salisbury, was bound over to be of good
    Popper  -  191 words
  • 187 7 /CHILDREN have (loin J hundreds of pounds worth of damage on Camberwell Council's Denmark Hill housing estate. Three con tractors' lints were wrecked one reduced almost to a shell. The engine of a petrol roller WSU stripped of wiring and dozens of hole.s pierced in the
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  • 251 7 'Modern youth' hits pa with axe 1-YEAR-OLD n hit i- fathei twii c on id >. .th an i ud "What -i.. you think model i. iuth nuv, v Then he i 1 1, away plt h hJ i a j ear old itepn t] i Bhei it! Pi .in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 MAERSK LINE ANNA MAERSK ENANG SINGAPORE N YORK Call! (Iff e Q||; 1 I "iy Sails 10 May 19 )une I dll (2nd call; s M^y 17/18 May PALMA SINGAPORE N. YORK 1 1/21 May 5 July
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    • 101 7 jjfc''^smfih One 'C.'. leads to another for tho ijx^ ;^«hr "Solvc-ik" the winning yacht on her £§B3tißJsSnL arrival at Hobart /HpjggK^l lollowing closely on the mcmorabla y^&^ f^^LJ Atlantic crossing by Movado, this latest y^^' "tf" "ini^lbk experiment confirms the indi-sputablo H ,T\l^y superiority of Movado's waterproof and iw/
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 55 7 I SINCAPORE HIGH TIDES TODAY: 9£2 p.m. TO VI It ROW: 10 N Irn and 9Ml> BB THURSDAY: 10 :>l I m And 10.29 pm FRIDAY: II U pJB. X and II 01 p.m. I SATURDAY: 12 17 am ir id 11.49 pm. I SUNDAY: Ltl p.m. MONDAY: o;u n
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  • 1043 8  - The odd tales of HOFFMANN JOILY GODWLV f'f/ .Xo <Piit> suspwted that teai-ned Councillor aetttiillfj l<*d a dvubiv. ilv w**u§d hold long mpnv€>rsati<pns trith tltt* §Bs3tli<>4'p4>r~s ##€M/. piny his violin Up the cttnnry or try to hypnotise a human skull |>i sli eping a pien be r < hoi ng
    1,043 words
  • 377 8 THE WORLD'S STRANGEST STORIES with the inn play his violin to canary, or producf man .skull whicl ly tried to Use After weaving h< n i the early hours ol morning H R stroke his large black tomcat Murr, with one and Aim the othei < ne of his "Nighi
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  • 472 9 PAPER CLOSES IN TERM-TIME I\ I. oi Britain's smallest newtipers lias just sus- publication. lor three uiths while the editor, publisher and -dilation manager back to seiiooi. AH these executive posts lull !>.. 11 -year-old tephen Berkeley Fry n "i the famous whose weekly 1 l fie Bll< klers Hard
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 9
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  • 138 9 years 50-year-old 'Uiew Miller claimrom the tax men for •existent family But le one mistake JgOt the birthdays hildren. At Doncaster he was for 12 month* on barges of defrauding land Revenue of a pit sinker, of eld Terrace. Leeds, WOPCad in 1941, said H.
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  • 115 9 ANEW type of moulded shoe may prove dangerou > to children's health. This wa.s claimed at thp Boot Trades Association's annual conference at Bridllngton when the Ministry of Health was asked to hold an inquiry Said Mr. W. G. Haller. of Hull. "Every repairer who has
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  • 77 9 A ROYAL NAVY seaman who stowed away in the Australian aircraft carrier Melbourne lived on board for four days wearing Royal Australian Navy uniform before bring discovered. Seaman Peter Woodward, of Kingston- on-Thames, said h>- was o tu ■>! the civw of the British destroyer
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  • 129 9 pOR gallantry in arresting an armed man, three Metropolitan police officers will receive the George Medal. They are Sergeant Albert Eric Chambers, of Fulham Constable George William Kahn, of Bromley. Kent, and Constable David Evaruß Wood, of Savile Row. They made the capture after a 70
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 9 Yesterday's picture 3 didn't bother many people lamp on oil- ver Quay it was as we W«re told by dozens of -i (tilers in the space of 3 a few minutes. Today's poser should make you j= think, though. Answer EE tomorrow
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 fy "THE DIVER" The artist of this study If A. Kannlah. *—*———^BY*———**+ I He Is a scholar of St. fhttresa'i School. Sungel P<Jtanl and it I I )TttrS of jge. v^^^k Ml and LO say: ff ttjVt]p\ r~l >^V\\ "Kinnlah hi-, produced a pleaA 1 SS^^C~S Vl aion Uud X
      164 words

  • Article, Illustration
    106 10 ABOVE: Mr. Loke Wan Tho, chairman of the Singapore Youth Sports Appeals Committee, receives a cheque for $800 from Ciroup Captain I). I). Rogers, Station Commander, R.A F. Seletar, on behalf of officers, NCO's and men of his station. E Ten-year-old Chia Liang Eng (right), E who will be an
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  • 53 11 CAMERA IN SINGAPORE t'This is how to dissert a rabbit." says Teo Yeow Seng, a Sixth E Former of St. Joseph's Institution. He is demonstrating to visitor E Miss Catherine Chai, of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, in v the biology section of the science exhibition held at
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  • 53 11 Khoo Trek Hian, a partially deal hoy, Intently listens to Miss Barbara Coke, London Director of the Red Cross Society (Junior Branch) as she explains to him how to use his hearing aid during her visit to the Social Welfare School for Deal Children at
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  • 28 11 Diane iniir (left) .»mi bei friend Emilj Newell »r. here leen »«i uiirinfc a bird pet at UH bird show btJtf t»>« H«PP> V\urld Stadium
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 61 11 CREDIT FONCIER D'EXTREME ORIENT. MEYER CHAMBERS TEL *****-9. BUILDING LOTS FRANKEL ESTATE from 1,500 to 15,000 -<j. ft. SO.JU) to #1.25 per »q. ft, BINJAI PARK NEAR SWISS CLUB ROAD. from 12,000 i<» 28,000 -<| ft. 50.70 lo $1.20 per aq. ft. SHOPHOUSE LOTS CHANCI ROAD from 1,600 lo i
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 12 Mara (onlay, professional model before turning actress, convincingly demonstrates that sh<» hasn't I forgotten how to strike an eye-catching pose She 1 has a slurring role in "The Man from Kilter Ridge" f J with Lex Barker and Stephen McMally. y\
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  • 685 12  - IDENTIFY PEOPLE BY TOOTHPRINTS John F. Sembower VIF.CK of eh, ■esc a 1 thai "put ihc bite on" a burglar of a grocery store i.s cited by two University ol Chicago dental scientto .show progress in making "toothprintin second only to fingerprinting as a means for identiflcat lon. L>r Albert
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  • 597 12  -  HAROLD BUNTING 11 Aim* a wiiii: *ir%M»o\iii By itfOULD 11 be right foi every White to leave Africa so thai the Africans may r< turn to the tyranny of witchcraft and mured r ritual, and their tilled land reci ur. into the jungle? [a the
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  • 314 12  -  Henrik Krogius COUTH AFRICAN authorities are investigating reports of a mysterious anti-gov-ernment radio station that calls people to "resist Nazism in South Africa." Shorthand notes made by a listener report that the announcer on the clandestine programme, called South Africa's present situation ''1940 all over again."
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 674 13  - ApplauseforGold Medal winner SUNNY GIAM g .NTERKT TO PHOTOOM^ SMmm:. *>fl i did applause from inclrod peoai the idging of the HI Pan Malayan graphic Exhibianised by the pi graphic Society Singapore at the 11, Room in Odeon Theatre, the announceby Dr. C. A. Uib--ARPS., one vi the three judges,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 74 13 ROBLEC Ultra Modern Pre selective hteoi MOv or 230 v AC/DC. jflBT tf£&h The fluted core is the NEW feature of Qp erspeed rh< e,i, I ...1,1, r in th < world ,f /Bsj&p 1 TH ■'An-mu-uu wont ,t ,t §Sm A From all good rodio and electrical S' S
      74 words

  • 489 14  - Let the eyes have it EILEEN ANDERSON advises -AND SEE WHAT THAT SHADOW CAN DO! I WAS heart and soul with an opinion expressed the other day to the effect that l *St< dgy menfolk are to blame for 1 1 m fact that millions <>i women neglect their hair
    489 words
  • 115 14 jjj= AN ideal! choice for teenage E leisure wear, "Weekend" is a neat but unusual hat in an in- verted flower pot shape. It is in black grosgrafn with a tiered FTi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v s
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 35 14 FREE PRESS SHOPPING GUIDE Dealers in all Types of A MI RA. <MNF_ CAM* RA. PPOjf r i or, WATCHES CLOCK FOUNTAIN PEN, KOK HENG CO. ?i Ch.tngf Allry (BfM hj 25 p,»fi,, p|. I<e
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    • 57 14 ANNUAL SALE Just arrived! Leather Plastic Handbags Imported from Germany, England and Austria Costume Jewellery in latest design in Big Quantities The Novelty Curio Store, 55, Nortli Bridge Road, Sin^-.ipore. i G. E. C. Refrigerator payable m%T by jPgv equa/ v monthly payment of $22- on/y M SOUTH ASIA TRADING
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    • 61 14 i GOODSTORE 10. BATTERY ROAD, SINCAPORE, House of Oriental Arts and Chinese H.ind-M.idc Goods. TABLE LINENS SILK LINGERIES CURIOS, NOVELTIES TEAK-WOOD CHESTS A Bungalow Flat Room to furnish Visit SUN WAH CO. (1951) LTD, 7 4 2. tin* B.itih Smsjipore 7. f n •>'■ mi>. r.,f Vi M dfi
      61 words
    • 60 14 I i Ladies for Fashionable Tailoring Visit French Wear House 183 TANCLIN ROAD, SPORE. Modern Styles, Skilled Workm.inship, Promptness. Moderate Chiracs Our Speci,ilitic9 Always .it your service. Rin us Tel. ***** {SHOEsI A II TRUNKS Latest Patterns Besl Quality Lowesfl Prices SAN MING 17. SOUTH BRIDGE RD 221 SOUTH BRIDGE
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    • 35 14 PEKING LACE C 0. 66, North Bridge Road, (Neai High street) Singapore-6. Tel: *****. Eastern Arts Crafts For your food problem Please consult us TANGLIN PROVISION STORE i 99, Tanglin Road Tel ***** ***** I
      35 words
    • 101 14 HICH FIDELITY 1 Audio Equipment I LEAK ROGERS j Amplifiors Pre-.imps. I k WHARFEDALE Loudspc.ikcrs I CONNOISSEUR Turntables P STENTORIAN HF. 1012 10" j speaker T-10 Twee I C^ LENCO 4 -speed Turntal I \v B-| Pickup Arms I r COLDRING Magnet I PARTRIDGE op Trar I PICKERINC "Fluxvalve" I
      101 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 91 15 ft Xiif/it Prescription Service m S p.m. rtntf 6333) I Sincere Dispensary Limited. 10 S 12, HILL STREET, [Open uniil 8 p.m.) t CAMERA and IiGARETTE LIGHTER Enquiries at: fONYEAR TRADING CO. 10. Collyer Quay, |>c«'k I 111' Ml>l«» Plial I»«loiij4s go roil <jM<l Nru 1 .iff lo your Home
      91 words
    • 132 15 JADE COLLECTION CHEONG KEE CO. Singapore 11l |i i Curios House Coleman Street Tel. ***** THUNG CHYE CO. High Cl iss Tnilor Tailored to highest tailoring standard TE» 2^402 23-11, Coleman St SINCAPORE. NEW AERATOR A precision built aerator specially designed for aquarium use. Price from $1 6/- to $38/NAM
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    • 124 15 Manhattan Doric Turf Shirts Fresh Stocks Sizes from 1(> to 17 only Price $7/50 each. KHEMCO'S 68, High Street, Singapore. ZEISS IKON Cameras BpeeUl offer M days All less .>.,', 3uper Dconta 1 1 Tessar F/2,8 $4«5 iv p/3,8 $;{7i 11l Novar P/3,5 %ii>\ [konta M Tessar P/3,5 $243 T
      124 words
      89 words
    • 85 15 i 1 S'JL ft? A Hr ESTD. 1922 f Tel: |1M A ISTSA IS-1S somi BEIIKII «i).. mißit noMifld HH JH lk> hair BB .j Kfl •o I o» d silky I WINCi ON (■> CO. 1)H SOUTH tiniDt.l »V J TIL lll'l V>0«» j 4 more days #o HARI
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    • 109 15 BLUE SPOT SUPER HI Fl SOUNO Model Salvador" 30 s port I nai 10.00 i• itlon i EBfi in', i m DISC SoU Agent KEEHUAT RADIO CO., LTD. H |n>r»- X I iiiniuir t'rn.inff <ti>Liitr l/H CANNED BEER beet MM WEE CHENG A CO. Ii««H.MUIM« U«.M,«<I I MODERNIZES KITCHENS Choice
      109 words

  • 1257 16 Publicity and publicity alone will be the loadstone that will attract the visitors here, warns PELHAM GROOM 1 1< >w long have wt to wait before we heai that ■oniething ii being done to foster the Tourist Trade In Singapore? \d i report ol Workin Party wa
    1,257 words
  • 334 16 n.)th sides vulnerable dealer NORTH 9852 07 6 t +Q0 7 6 tEST FAST SlO 48 2 2JJ" 0 1082 *8 3 c *X J 5 SOUTH ♦AX 8 5 ;K J l OAKQ 10 I I b« bidding: ffj te.| N<m|| g •W.l Ail P.*, AMONG c
    334 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 561 17  - I DIDN'T ASK JULIE WHO THAT BOYFRIEND WAS... G.NICHOLAS PHIPPS .i'li After all, that isn't quite English! [E ANDREWS is 1 t> ntly the best]i British (cxc whisky) ex- New York. She iri who at the 18 was taken playing "Cinthe Palladium in the conBroadway of "The ;oy Friend." now
    561 words
  • 620 17 LOOK OUT CHAPS, IT'S NANNY! WHAT'S all the rush? Roth David Tomlinson (above) and Ni«H Patrick (right) in Arab disguise s<'«'m to fo< 1 in a dither. Well, the troughis Nanny. Both m«-ii have bf*»n confined to a hotel altir (in an Alpine resort) with chickenpox, but the fancy dress
    620 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 109 17 iv BbSS i B IB 9H < Hi I* i American metal moat- n A connopolitan kind of let1.. lure '6 I i cane of i kind M F(>rt v winks at the begin1. nin^' o{ ilns Bare (7) L- 16 Rum roll a phifloim (7; i in bed? (7)
      109 words

  • 499 18  -  JOHN P HAMILL DFDFDSF 5j PARTA N S, who rate second string on Mi*- unit, beat the Base XI 4-2 In a "blood" match which produced the most excil ing soccer of the season. Outside right Willy Hill. former RAF Singapore .1. d Combined Services
    499 words
  • 31 18 Canada completed a r>-0 win over the West indies in the first found of the American zone of the Davis Cup lawn tennis competition at Port ol Spam.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 26 18 Cardiff beat a New Zealand Navy team 40-10 in a rugby union match at Cardiff. The home side led 24-0 at hall-time. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 203 18 By All-Rounder LOFTHOUSE MISSES TWO RECORDS. Nut Loft- wa ;i!| iel lor two '^oal scoring record.,, but he lf i score lor Kn^iiirui against Scotland and Is still two behind Steve Bloomer's national record '>t 22. Nat also going to misi Joe Smith's Bolton record of 38 in
    203 words
  • 112 18 Lorong Liznau Chinese Sporta and Pamlly Benefit Party Office bearera for the year 1 956:Presldent: Mr, Chua Chong How. Vice-Presidents:- Messrs, Kirn Hal Ong Kirn Bens, j i-oo Keng soon and Lee Hock Lim. Secretary: Mr I vm Hui Tong Asst. Secretary Mr. i^e Enu Kee,
    112 words
  • 160 18 F FORMER int' rnational HiiKbv Hi.: 11 hir M H Jika") Travel Is coaching he ii- I ra lian lapits l Ter rltory team for it., mat eh i. iin f S< i f i i At riCB >i) May 12 Tl i 'Aii 1)' t
    160 words
  • 612 18  -  PETTER JACKSON K^mg 19 specially selected A visit from Zatopek f \j)iA will si nd a small conl Ingeni to the Olympic Games m November with the object ni getting xperience r a the i than medals. Bui the hockey team hopes to win the
    Reuter  -  612 words
  • 60 18 FjMGHT probable starters •i and jockeys for the Chester Vase to be over one I mile, five furlongs and 75 yards at Chester today are: Anna Liva (Unjockey), Clarification <W. Snalth), [nduna (D. Smith) Hakim Haflz (T M Burnel Chamafleur (E. Britt), Designer (D. Greening I Balfron
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 113 18 LEWIS HOAD (Austi No 1 seed, reached the men's Singles final when the Italian lawn tennis championships were continued yesterday. He beat Herb Flam (U.S.) 4-6. 6-1, in i he semi-finals. In the other semi-final or the men's stogies, Sven Davidson (Sweden) beat Budge Patty (U.S.) 11-9,
    113 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 167 18 m// CHIROPODY DEPT 1. Corns 2. Hard Skin 3. Ingrowing toe-nails 4. Foot Bath All f0r.. 52.50. 5. Foot Massage. For appointment Phone *****, Hata MAIN STORE BATA BUILOINCSPOK Advertisement 15 Million Mothers can't be wrong! Day alter day ir"W J over the world, patefl parents write describing 9
      167 words

  • 283 19 BROTHER AVENGES DEFEAT i;, \K( 1111 CJI X X !11 revenge lor a brother'! defeat gained i»v Henry i tiH- Bellinffhmiß (Surrey) plasterer. hen be battered down i n London, of Hartlepools, in 2 mm. o! ftfbtini at j mpress Hall, I.ondon. Son <>l the former Ight champion undefeated in
    283 words
  • 160 19 TOE Erskine of Cardiff outu pointed Dick Richardson of Newport in the ten round open air all-Welsh fight between two of Britain's brightest heavyweight prospects in Cardiff last night. Erskine, 22. thus retained hi? Unbeaten record as a heavyweight, but it was a close tiling. It
    160 words
  • 469 19 U SOUND innings of 12;>> l» opening batsman Jim Burke helped the Australian cricketers score 2*).~> for four yesterday in reph to Leicestershire's first innings 298. Burke ended his innin/s writhing in pain after snicking a sharply-risiiiK ball from last- medium bowler Terry Spencer on
    469 words
  • 29 19 The Brazilian club Vasco Da Gama beat Bheflßeld Wednesday English flrsi division side, l -o in j v footbal] match in the Olympic I Stadium, Amsterdam. Renter.
    29 words
  • 16 19 Robert Man/on of France, driving a Gordini, won the Naples Grand Prix auto race
    16 words
  • 63 19 I>m tuie '•> qualify for higher gradei In iucio .in- nn* being held <«t the Singapore IT.M.C.A. iinioku.ti ih. > will Wednesday Thirty-three memberi >»■♦■ taking part Judgei ar«- a v Pettana .md 11 i. Nederlic re J n 'i><N: 4ng Ttck ike and George
    Free Press  -  63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 19 Guess who? An international bad minton star who hns play cd in Singapore. Name him. ANSWER TOMORROW A t
    19 words
  • 329 19 puSbiAN sports fans are being cautioned not to 1V get carried away by dreams of a sweeping Soviet triumph at the Olympic Games in MclI bourn.", Australia. Victories comparable fco achieved by Red skater.s and .skier.s dunn;the Winter Olympics .it Cortina, Italy, .simply aren't
    329 words
  • 111 19 JOHORE Civil Service Clut beat the Singapor< Cricket Club at tennis ai the weekend by elghi matches to one. Goh Teik Chow and Major Gale beal (< H Arkell and D. Organ, 7-5, 6-0; beat Parker and K. Wilford 6-0 6- 1 beat D. Gudgeon and
    111 words
  • 79 19 Thomson loses lead to finish sixth S)ETEE Thomson, Amstralia's British Ojx n noli champion, who shared the 1 (i ;kI ai tei two round t.i.-Tl fo r i;:th pl:ic< in the $75,000 Colonial Invitation tournament at Pori Worth, Tex us. Mike Souchak (New York) won with a"- ()1 < total
    79 words
  • 88 19 VILLANOVA [Jniversity announced y terday thai Rom i h lany [ta 1 year i ild miler from Ireland, will compel e again with a^t; q lia'a John i andy a 1 the w< st Coasi relay a Pr< sno California on Saturday Delany undefeated during the
    88 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 30 19 OCEAN PARK HOTEL'S FAMOUS QUINTET<\ \< fl.tml i» >ini:ap«irr with MISS SALOMA Ihi M.las S \|.i ill\ I) Muni (m o()o- <;< It Iti «r II > *>| for f Ahlf Kofi "i ,«li«<ns
      30 words

  • 1154 20  -  ALLAN LEWIS -By THREE FURLONGS IN 36Vi WAS FASTEST OF DAY L N IO I I If J working with Television (Posner) went exceptionally well on (he number two track at JUikit rim. iii this morning when runnini three In :ui\ it was t»i«' fastest
    1,154 words
  • 1 20 OF
    1 words
  • 487 20 YORKSHIRE, run-ners-up for the 1955 championship, beat Oxford University by the overwhelming margin of an innings and 189 runs yesterday and lost only two wickets In the process. The University, who scored 125 and 4G, in reply to Yorkshire's 360 for two declared, gave a dismal
    487 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 470 20 CLASSIFIED ADS. 1)1 Mil ?li Word i» < minimum) SASSOON JOi BDPH ELXSHA i ill morning at G.H i leral at Thomi on Road 4 p m i )eepl regri ted bj all. DM VIIH) I lON \\T IC >♦ ordt i >/</. .*> <i- fxir'i ACC( !\IOH A'I lON
      470 words
    • 34 20 Nf^^rTlTJ> I il^lbi>^iHffil 0S The Superior Venetian Blind v Exclusive Features and Worw Wide Reputation. Sou I [{ails'. MALAYAN WIRE MESH FENCING CO. (1946} LTD. 7; t *ms Bukif Tim;ih Road 4 Singapore :s
      34 words