The Singapore Free Press, 7 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya ll.)i;i. Singapore, Monday, May 7, 19.i1]. Price 15 Its.
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  • 334 1 NO HOPE OF VICTORY BUT... REBELS KILL 800 CHINESE six weeks of fighting and bloodshed reports are trickling out ot Tibet that large areas of that country the Roof of the World are in revolt against the Communist Chinese "protectors." About 800
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  • 192 1 POPE: LET US BE ONE FAMILY rTflf 111 limir DOPE PIUS said last night i that one of the hardest problems of history is till one of the greatest needs of today: To get mankind to live together, n peace and brotherhoood. divisions which split the living body of the
    A.P.  -  192 words
  • 23 1 France yesterday backed ussia's .suggestion that an nternational ban be placed the .supply of arms to Israel and the Arab states.
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 1 photo Hold only by his safety bolt. raring clrivrr. Mr Chuck WeyWlt Reid, Illinois. tfMirlei from the cockpit of his car m t ov n J™ j^g i iHng ihroufh the rnard fence tfarinca recent rwe 'V; uk st His right arm was broken, but Chuck says be m" '•<
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 160 1 jkJANY thousands of words have been written on the subject cf tourism but there are still many important questions left unanswered. Is there anything in Singapore to attract tourists? Is it a question of can Singapore attract them? or, MUST Singapore attract them? How far will
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  • 433 1 T»HE Liberal Socialist Party has written to its members on the Merdeka delegation in London to stand firm on the matter of internal security and insist on maximum safeguards to make sure extremists do not seize power in an independent Singapore. The Secretary General of
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  • 32 1 The Singapore Rubber Market opened this morning with first grade, May shipment, at 89 V 2 cents a lb., half a cent above Saturday's Closing price. The tone was steady.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 INSIDE this issue TODAY "MASKED DANCER COMES TO TOWN"— Singapore's latest dancing sensation plans a surprise Head about her in Oswald Henry's Weekend Camera Round -up. TODAY "A R X I II E R E UNDEBBEAS M 0 N STKRS? C'orrespon dent J. C. Graham tells of a strange quest
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  • 162 2 i\o you beltarc i»» fairies? Chlel Marshal Lord Dowding, who wai head of the R.A.F. Fighter Command In the Battle ol Britain, says hv does. "There are fairies In everybody's gardens," he told a spiritualist me< ting In London i have n< v< i
    A.P.  -  162 words
  • 105 2 «iGARfi and a fern uncom- ntary slogans are v aitin for Sir Winston hill who arrives In the I hi toric West German i 11 IVachen on Wednesday to receive the !h irlemagne great Europeans. A bte box oi cigars has I on by the city authorities, who
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 50 2 The sister of Hie late Kin". Carol and daughter of the late Queen Marie of Rumania narrowly miss< d being hit by an assassin's bullets when a gunman flred on a midnight orthodox Easter candlelighi procession it; New York, killing (us. wor hipper and wound inp five.
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  • 62 2 The London Sunday Dispatch reoorted yesterday that the eldest daughter <>t Earl Attlee Is working on an invention to be known as the "love machine. Ear] Attlees daughter, Lady Janei Shipton, is a psychologist at the Burden Neurological Institute Ihe newspaper said h< r machine was designed
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  • 27 2 The United States battleship Wisconsin and th destroyer Eaton were h collision 60 miles off Virgin! Capes, near Norfoii (U.S.A.) yesterday. There were no casualtiei
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  • 46 2 A happy of deaf children read ofT the picture cards on the blackboard pit-pat to Miss Barbara Coke, London Director of the Junior Ked Cross Society, during her recent visit to the school at York hill.- Free Press picture.
    Free Press  -  46 words
  • 258 2 Train d runt a of father, girl 42-year <»lcl lorry driver screamed hysterically and beat his head with a large stone as he stood over the body of his daughter, lying beside a railway embankment five miks outside Gemas yesterday afterioon, The incident oceurred nly a few seeonds after the
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  • 47 2 Men take to 'falsies' British men are tak- ing to wearing "falsies" to impress girls friends I and business associates, I it was reported yester- I day. The "falsies" r.intft 1 from false moustaches costing 21s. each and upwards, to full fierj beards costing from H5.5s each.
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  • 164 2 'ASIA AND WEST NEED EACH OTHER' ROUND-UP OF THE WORLD'S Ny^M Ilfß. Jim Griffiths, a former Labour Colonial Secretary, .said in London yesterday that the emergence of the continents of Asia and Africa to the front of the world's stage was the greatest event taking place just now. "They are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 229 3 A AI u a )an 7 < '"'iviTsity student* including six «irls, is due to visit Malaya at the beginning of July this your '.vniv'l.'f r" bl ft I sl vlslt t)v «> organised wo,id wa! a n n< S rtUdenta sm<
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  • 63 3 World Zionist Conrepresenting Zionist inisations of 60 counist night called on iia to release the "thouds of Zionists still in in Soviet Prisons" allow them to emigrate i [srael. The congress, which was dding its closing session in il :i also adopted a )lution asking both the
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  • 69 3 Gen. Wladyslaw Anders. World War II Commander of the Polish armed forces in exile, said in Chicago that, the present Polish army is ripe tor a revolt against its Russian officers. Anders said it a Polish "Legion of Liberty' were formed from 140,000 former Free Poland
    U.P.  -  69 words
  • 26 3 The Anglo Singapore tiations in London on idependence for the Colony ter their thud week oday when two plenary sessions will be held.-- Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 50 3 A 20-month-old girl whose head was run over by the wheel of car was reported to be "doing nicely" yesterday in hospital at New Jersey, U.S.A. Physicians said the soft bone structure of children of that age saved Catherine Hartley from possible death U.P.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 37 3 French security forces have killed 84 rebels and wounded or captured 59 in a thrc-day opera t i 0 n arou: d the iron mining centre Of Ouenza, in Eastern Algeria. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    61 3 Thos«> arc BORIC of thr students who w ill \w COttliflg to Singapore, on the extreme l«*f t is Miss Yokt Hondo, a leCOnd >«ar arts student in Kobe Collefd In thr background (with turbftn) is Mr Bhttpinder Singh of the I'nivcrsity of Mil iy i who
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  • 521 3 Fire traps: Let's have action NOW 11 r"* I \st week's tragedy In zi Lj Sago Lane in which si\ zz people lost their lives and s a further 17 were render* ed homeless should brini home (he ever-present lire danger in our lily. E Old buildings, In which the
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  • 28 3 An Israeli military .spokesman reported last night that nn Israeli jjolifp vehicle had been fired on near Kfar Saba, three miles from the Jordan border.
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  • 77 3 THE U.S. Navy has released for i tie first time some details of a new jel fighter which can Hy nonstop across the Untied States in under four hour., photographing a continuous ten mile-wide .strip Of count rv &1 L| goe I, The swept '.vin-j;
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 no pnee premium for a premium product* mineral waters QfltfOPF 9CMWEPPCS TONIC WATER WAT^J a rea i gtn-artd- tonic LEMONADE GINGER BEER .TONIC WATER SODA WATER DRV GtNGER ALG I MM Umtud, ?p Havttock /?"irf. < *>if>i>'^» •t 9W8M89 lint hi«*iiois»*«"« m o
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    • 38 3 For tlu* first nmo I in oin^apore NEW LUXURY 'Si SHANTUNG A Perfect mixture iff I>URIL SILK in b handsome shades. Crej Charcoal Fawn itronu Navyblue X Midnightblnc FOR COLOUR CHOICE fisit f 81. Bft Street, let 244M
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 206 4 Opinion Singapore youth AKE our students as black as they are painted? Whenever there is a strike, a riot, or a rowdy demonstration they are very much to the fore, and we hear of young girl Students haranguing picketers and the like. But do these vociferous youngsters really represent the
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  • 895 4 m:tAMAM GitOOM gives €i piviurv o/ thv fuiua*€> of $r*ir in ihv air rnHE daya of the fighter pilot arc numbered. In the opinion of aeronaut lea] experts it may not be lone before the fighter ace becomes a thing of the past, and takes
    Popper  -  895 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 4 picture 'Iliis is the Falcon, one of the latest U.S. air-to-air missiles. The six-foot. 1001b. Falcon is put on fighter interceptors and is meant to destroy enemy bombers long before they reach their targets. Once its target has been pointed out. it will follow it until the target is destroyed
    Popper  -  51 words
  • 174 4  -  Beachcomber o speak to you on a matter of life and death. I HOPE no ini print Is Involved in the deacrlp t ion i have r< ad '»i b scar let cigarette holder; nine I" t long. Jt min<i ;i Ilk,, a p< clal model for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 41 4 ASAHI CULTURED PEARLS ARE A( LAIMEDTHE wok LD OVER as THE «J1 I I AMONG (I Ll I RED I*l \KI.V SEE THEIR BEAUTY, COW !> AR E TH i- 1 K PRICES. S.P.H.deSILVALtd. Sl\<. M'OKi:. k i imi'i ft a iron.
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    • 48 4 at HOME It. ;f\ I FACTORY V OFFICE ESTATE I SANOID FIRST AID SETS I JO r ,O rmplovor*.. (2) vf|^^^^^^^ 'f.n^ btit no Ambulonf (3) Busrs or r '>" C'ubs gj Pocket Out' Household. DUtrfbutora THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD. 33 RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE ARCADE ORCHARO MM^
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  • 904 5  - Singapore Spotlight ADELAIDE EASTLEY Kmrnfunnnßy ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«f J||r.('KPTIVELY inofI tensive is the curintroduction of tnicals to agricul:i productivity •st step toward ultiruination of our -producing land farmers are insuffiMitly educated as to -.nautili measures. An enterprising Singacould probably a fortune and do the ers a real service if he keteri in
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  • 51 5 UINdAPORE has been chosen (is headquarters of the Fur Edit nrui AUttraUtSta Regional Unit of the Family Planning AsfOCiation, Regional offtrers ;irr: Mrs Coh Kok Kee. chairman Mrs. B. M. Jolly (lloiik Kong), honorary serrclary, and Mr. Tan Sim Hour, tn ii>urcr. The. region is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 p'K&wd in fEXTJJAT r]'" > A OVCISEAt TMICIS LTB
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    • 162 5 •'■■■■■■■■■a lSn /Ei -4 KB HI 7 ■■■■■•■■■■■r 'a «j t Hr HbV '1 NYLON BRIEFS, Made of new miracle Nylon with four way stretch. C Conforms to the lit <>f the body. ONE SIZE FITS ALL f Durable, Soft for comfort. Launders beautifully and Dries quickly in white
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 528 6 >l\\lHi\Kl I»V Iro lalk aiiil I'liil iVavis jK™ V^SSSSS*^ 4: and ar e able to give excellent advice J You can eet to the bottom oi a oro- 'r t i» f t% r m- b bl( ni cuttin n 'd tape, and come ud I k \iilW U\^ai*
      528 words

  • 362 7 Stick-up girls^ did their share Role also for the audience lOADIO MALAYA B Mr. lalentime." Kingsley Morando. has nothinff H praise tor those who worked with him i n organising this even tg show at the Victoria Memorial Hall. When the curtain risea for the fint
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  • 213 7 5 POINTS GAINED— SO THEY QUIT npii: Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce las decided not to take further part in the icussions of the Chinese ciucation committee. ieves that the main ects for which the nmittee was first set up tave been attained and no useful purpose can be erved
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  • 372 7 Frosts' 30-yeaar war continues 'ENEMIES IN SAME HOME' 'PHE latest skirmish Lin The ThirtyYear War of Albert and Lilian Frost ended in London Divorce Court. It lasted nine days. The outcome: They are still married. Mr. Justice Barnard rejected Mr. Albert John Frost's plea for divorce on the ground that
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  • Article, Illustration
    98 7 After publishing a series of letters on this daily puzzle we received 1 several more saying, "Too difficult'*. So we'll simplify them- some of them from now on. Saturday's puzzle didn't cause a lot of bother. though surprisingly there were a few people who ranu, through to us
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  • 233 7 Driving licence fixed for £5 IT B I t-;i..y [Of IM I I >T(irive: to fulj llcen* (■c without passing b t6 >t it t hey i: ip] ned !i > kiwwi I'm- the Qo between They |ust handed •>; U or soznetimes C5 m Mid Thomas Revti Igoe hid
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 MAERSK LINE I ANNA MAERSK i f^NANC SINCAPORE N. YORK Ut co "> (Iff call) 12/13 M °y Soil» 10 May 19 •>«">« nd col (2nd coll) 16 M °y 17/11 May PALMA SINCAPORE N YORK 13/26 May 5 July I i
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    • 63 7 The invulnerable Automatic "331" has still other claims^ Movado precision reachc* d£f k rwß "giant "balance (pa tented). PCjflß^V \y JFJAjb ir 1C thinncsl automatic facioric9 n '^V^iY^\T^^^&^^f^Tm u CMAux-oc-roNOs. K bFaaV^^A #m t **A** M SOLE AGENTS: KHATENA. SOLOMON CO. 18 ROBINSON ROAD SINCAPORE. TEL: 7402 I NON OSCILLATING
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 65 7 SINCAPORE I. ::HICH TIDES t TODAY: 8.21 a.m. and I 8.47 p.m. i> f TOMORROW: f) 18 am. 0 and 9£t p.m. J 1 WEDNESDAY: 100«;»m^ f and 9.56 p.m. <\ I THURSDAY: 10 51 ;i m fi I 10 29 p.m. t FRIDAY: 11 .31 p.m. I Z and
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  • 1600 8  - THE LADY of DAMASCUS LEWIS STEDMAN by THE WORLD'S STRANGEST STORIES I I'orcrti/ vunt<> ft**f* trutg us tvvll ots tviwlth unit *2ttv<> this fuiit€>U English b<>€tulfj a *is rvduwtl to bvfiffinfj h<>r br*>ad in th*> strvvts 00 f i<lin m o*no*o> HPHE beauty ol the v. om n ho ro
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  • 180 9 Kt >1 Sir Winston Churchill's lion, raused a row at the London Zoo. It ,t s all because there was no mention ,i Rota's death in the annual report. There were shouts of "shut up" and sit down" when 69-year-old Mr. George I'homson complained about
    180 words
  • 251 9 a HEAVILY bandaged schoolboy hobbled on to A the stage of a London cinema and startled the audience by saying: "My name is Brian I want to speak to you on a matter of life and death. •r was nearly killed recently— -as you
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  • ODD but TRUE
    • 43 9 A 15-MONTH-OLD baby choking in a New York hospital was X-rayed. The plates revealed three ghostly letters: I-K-E. A surgeon went to work and removed an Eisenhower campaign pin, about three-quarters of an inch long and a halfinch wide.
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    • 35 9 Radio operators at the Chicago police station have a novel radio antonna 77 beer cans soldered together and held in place atop the building by a ginger ale bottleinsulator an d plastic clothesline.
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    • 33 9 Some Missouri firemen operate a soft drink counter in their fire station Promts go to the department. But (he best part, says the ef, is "it keeps the firemen dose by." l
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    • 28 9 ON HIS MIND 9-year-old Southern noii University student to work his way rough college, although aunt left him $3,000.--000 in her will. He won't collect until he's 30
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    • 15 9 (V IN SECOND-HAND S tin it i new money— for old furniture.
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  • 11 9  -  W. C. Peng by 254 Jalan Kayu, Singapore.
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  • 192 9 LAW TO BAN DOGS FROM U.K. ROADS r)OG owners who let their pets roam off the leash on "designated roads" in the United Kingdom will be fined up to £5 under a new clause being introduced into the Road Traffic Bill by Transport Minister Mr. Harold Watkinson. The proposed new
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  • 153 9 Scrape of a violin in a bar... r JTSTEPS m the attic JT .scrape of B violin !h6 empty bar fcho e art' unexplained nolsei that makfl Mr John Tnr Honk r believe there i.s a ghost in his fourteenth century Inn. He may call in :i medium to lay
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  • 47 9 The United states Secretary of State. Mr. John Poster Dulles told the Atlantic Council on Saturday that Communist China's threat and build-up still exi.^t and that the United States intends to keeo on .supporting the government of Chiang Kai-shek on Formosa A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 X MIDYEAR SALE PRICES WHICH WILL NEVER BE REPEATED AGAIN' English Cotton Pyjama Suits $6.50 pur Bond Street Mercerised Poplin Shirts $6.00 each Arrow Dale Shirt* $9.00 each Spear Sports Shirts $7.50 Arrow Self Stripe Coloured Sports Shirts $8.00 t I English Silk Tics $2.00 each j Meridian Lisle Sports
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • 201 10 IQHE may not look the same in a photograph O real life, Mrs. Maria Barnes looks very mm the Duchess of Windsor. In fact, so close is i semblance (and she dresses as elegantly) that di a nightspot turned around in their seats to
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  • 136 10 BURNING the midnight oil as they practice hi Thursday's annual dance of the Supersonic Ski Club are Florrie Tait and Frances Poh (loft with RedifYusion's Vernon Martinus, and three boys, will present "May Fiesta" a flashy floorshoi a Latin American flavour. Even a late party
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    • 771 11 LATIN AMERICAN 'BOMBSHELL' j WHO IS SHE? SORRY, BUT WE CANT TELL JUST CALL H E R "T II E MAS K E D DANCER.' A NEIGHBOURLY gesture" has brought lour well-known Burmese educationists on a visit to Singapore. They ar e Director of Educifcion ÜBa Bwa, 8.A., M.Ed. (Leeds),
      A.P.  -  771 words
    • 157 11 FROM the Philippines has! come (alone with 13 other! I'.S. N;ivy men nine of whom ar«- (oast (iuards) M .year old Thomas l>ar- nrll ("mi relation what* cvpr to the ulamorous; linda!") escorting a Navy; plane to Kankok under the; command of Commander: I! M I ipsey
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  • 502 12 netvildered ttnd hurt laths #f rui arh tit trus Ivit hi'hffitit OH, WON'T YOU HELP US? Irs not thai Jaw c< mplaining aid Bi i rom inn" quietly Inl imy face J u e they i i back but why did they l< me hind?" j
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  • 249 12  -  HENRY BRANDON iiiti NEGOTIATIONS have begun between London and Washing ton to put life Into Article Two of the N.A.T.O. Treaty. The idea la to add an economlc council to the organisation. Mr Lester Prar.son, the Canadian MinLster ol Kxti mal AfTalr.s, proposed thJi ]'>uk ago
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  • 481 12 Club for fathers PARENTHOOD is a shared venture, say the health authorities in the town of Rotherham. Father has his paternal problems and should have his share of attention too. Results a club for fathers. Rotherham. situated in one of Britain's busiest industrial areas, is for all I know the
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  • 373 12 Diamond rush on in South Africa By JOHN IVEI 4 GREAT hunt diamonds has U started m a desolati coastal area ol Son: West Africa where for centuries the only inhabitants have be< few scattered r tot tribes. Prospectors believe I the 700-square-mile irch area near Walvis Bay throw up
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 600 13 Yellow Fever— is it a threat to the Colony? THE SINGAPORE DOCTOR gives an answer j v, my hi i .<]! yesterday, ad a mild soi and i pr r ibed some lozengt that J bad no o th< patients wait ing, tsked it she could i little more ol
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  • 297 13 jn Hamburg, the great German seaport, dog.s are treated better than humans. So .say .some of the humans, anyhow, and they are complaining bitterly. Hamburg Is .short of hospital bed.s. And it.s ambulance .service -for humans, that Is— leaves much to be desired. But it Us
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 13 "Study," by Dr. K. L. Kothary of Bombay, u;is seen In a recent Singapore photographic exhibition
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  • 411 13 It s the sugar that keeps you fat jyjAYBE you get fat o stay fat because your sugar thermostai is set too low, keeping you hungry, says an American nutrition expert. The sugar thermostat theory is proposed by Dr. Frederick J Stare, head of the Nutrition Department, Harvard School of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 31 13 A PFCO^O OF THF. WtFK .^i^^ tlixa Hi-Fidelity Rccording^rV^ J 4/. i'• r^ >^C WLP ***** M JBLmmS noo H^ HA 0 CONNOR &CO LTD ■BPP^ Loidlaw Buildinq battery R,l Sinqaporl
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    Free Press  -  1,289 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 40 14 Wvdiliny Pictures Make arrangements NOW for your photographs to he taken by a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 Of write to FREE PRESS PHOTOCHAPHIC DEPT. HO-i w> (nil Street Singapore I hi* lenrlec onU available In Singapore m wmr
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  • 918 15  - Beware of the Summer hat trap Eileen Ascroft £9 There is only ONE way to wear that delightful bit of tulle nonsense... and THIS is it m- A TILT I AND THE I WHOLE ■i i I EFFECT I IS LOST THE most glamorous I ay of greeting ring Is
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 108 15 'ti k\ Aw no' i IOL^^U YOU CAN i iPK^ /f:[ REIY 0N 'iA J'r< y J h') IPACKI U IN J LB., 2j I B AND ILB riNSI Doctors agree that, from aboul ihe V ninth or tenth month, healthy tablet i require a FULL CREAM MILK as a*
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 194 15 I DAILY CROSSWORD B S I i I I i s uoss 2. it leave Perdita puzzle < r >> packei might have 8. a bud with a liquid meato do? (2— 4 1. sure produces a Dower 1 ii.D,, n Showing (G-4). llj (6). R, Double o'er ten at
      194 words

  • 520 16  - YOU FEEL LIKE GULLIVER when you WALK in this CITY LEO HENDRICK says I/' )R three hours n cently, between the and the seaside resoi t ol Scheveningen Jn Holland, and only a mile or two from the North Sea Coast, I travelled like Gullh and looked down like a
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  • 320 16 HE GIVES HANDS TO THE HELPLESS MAN with a mis--41 sion, 45-year-old Mi Stephen H. Gibbon, hcii), \\\<> paralysed and .severely disabled lead normal lives. Easing their plight occupie i all his workIng houi and tils spare time He bs a technical :i i distant in the wei fare sei
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  • 113 16 put tii c. CAROL OHMAKT, Holl> woods brightest new star, has been signed to star in her very first picture. "The Scarlet Hour.' which the veteran star-maker Michael (urtiz is producing and directing. One of the first Hollywood points of interest visited by her was the
    A.P.  -  113 words
  • Article, Illustration
    334 16 'T'odays deal comet from "The B] Idge FM.ij er's Bed* side Companion" (Prentice* Ball, D K54.9. r ;ui f as the title tttiggesU, containi largely mater* lal on the lighter uui mom technical Mde of bud^e. culled by editor Albert. A. Osttow from tlio WCTks of Mine who
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  • 739 17  - THEYRE LOOKING FOR 'MONSTERS' UNDER THE SEA! J.C. GRAHAM says iimmiiiiiiinmiiiii VNV day nOW there ay come sensationui weird creadredged up from black ocean canon the New Zealand coast. y< ars oi trials, itists have now l( >d the secrets of to plumb the 1 ths of what may be
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  • 225 17 rom Page 15 OlOUr and Still t IOUj U the piing renova- n ige and Itting -rooms are date as the old- ream and apple Hchae] Inrhbnld. i oui best-known i corators, to gl?e sas lor bring- inu more colour Into < homed lor
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

    • 547 18 A latter from Nene You can jump seven feet! SAYS A MANj WHO'S NEVERI DONE IT 1 I ETTLE NENE, 5 Ji Lchmaker in the Olympic Fund ::iim iia on April 27, has seni me this U tier. < "Before the bell of the Radrodro versus < J Killer Hayes
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    • 309 18 i GROUP ol sports officials are hoping it does not rain <>n May 31. should a heavy downpour SOak the Malay Football Ground at, Balestier Road, the cycling tournament they are organising will be called oil. Entries from Singapore and the Federation are Rowing mi for
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  • 288 19 I IKE U mtuli other uishldl thinking j from Singapore boxing promoters, t suspect the talk of bringing Jim- Walcott oi Randolph Turpia hew to fight Isbneli RadrodrO will ftlllC out. Nor docs tin prospect Ol seeing them in action make me whoop with ti\tv
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    407 words
  • 156 19 RAC£ ONE: Golden (-u> (8.10 Ransome) beats Flos 18.11, Hudson) bj I ■<> kgtl Fhird <•" "i, i iih ki Stream Song (8.13, Barratt), RACE TWO: IVlarsiglio (8.7. Mitchell) romps home by three lengths from Scots Grey (8.4, Hudson), Santa Claus (7.7 can 7.0, Omar)
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  • 377 19 by hall a length Hip Kir by was always prominent n* flnii hi d well but found tin win* nei Just too good. Movie ii. last ejirly, came with a strong iat<run to Bnii h tl lrd Indian Heather wa up fourl h, H( ha I
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 28 19 OCEAN PARK HOTEL'S FAMOUS QUINT£T§ Acp Itarul of sir»i;;»p<>r<* }S with MISS SALOMA llw \|,nihn Mum ..I- oOo— Rlni hi r.», r »Mf s\ Id-.n v Ationi. <(
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  • 9 20 i mi n i in it in M
    9 words
  • 34 20 in i a i in :\(Y. INVI IHI l'»« I in LID- to Hail lon in p Raffle Plac< t> mental 1,120 i md' rei full up- met h B i SI 19
    34 words
  • 47 20 TENDERS, CHITECI il >EP m< i MEN r Ii i mi he Refn h Mai ln« I l n .-I. VERI i HAPEL WOAD ft MAK'I IA W>\] >, llni,. i, d( utl! not iril be cepted 12 NOON 14.5 Parti* < •>:,,' (Room 101 f
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  • 63 20 Madame C. Del Duca'S Bowitched 111 gained a neck victory at LongChamp yesterday in the 1 valuable Prix du Cadxan, regarded as a test for the Ascot Gold Cup. Lavandln, French-trained favourite for the Epsom Derby, waa beaten into third place In the Prix Hocquart, nm over
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  • 24 20 Ohangj beat Tuan Mong Old Boya Association 8-0 In a s.a v a niv 'An game al Qeylang .sindium on Saturday
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  • 40 20 SCC "A 1 beat RAF Tengah I by 35 runs in a cricket friendly at Tengah yesterday Scores: SCC: 251 (Glendinning 93 j Partington 64; Wellington 5-77)'. Tensah: 216 (Ward 59 Black 38, Lowing 36; Bridgeman 3-61).
    40 words
  • 169 20 Names in the news today iiwi.l.v BAOBY wtu top U ain< r at the three day Penang race meeting. His stable mad;- six winn< rs and 15, 750 in stakes. kov pi OWRIGHT con d 1 02 run., on the ;< i( yesterday when Singa] i Cricket club (238 for
    169 words
  • 332 20 Final po-it inns in the Scottish P.A. League table: Y> W D I, P APIs Rangers 34 22 8 4 85 27 52 Aberdeen 34 18 10 G 87 50 40 Hearts 34 19 7 8 99 47 45 Hibernian 34 197 8 86 50 45 Celtic
    332 words
  • 65 20 E UK'S OUT! Australia's s opening bat, Colin Me- E Donald, is just too late E in reaching his crease E E and wicketkeeper S. E Griffith whips oft the E bails in the tourists' E first match in England E against the Duke of
    65 words
  • 216 20 OUDGE PATTY led the way into the semi-final of the Rome International Tennis tournament men's singles yesterday with a hard earned victory over Luis Ayala of Chile. While rain sprinkled over the clay courts, Patty defeated the sturdy South American 6-2. 4-6, 6-4 3-6,
    216 words
  • 28 20 BRITISH racing mot< r cyclisi Persua Anderson died in hospiCal yesterday after crashing Into b itran bale during .m Inter national meeting r| Plore Ir'lll rFI
    28 words
  • 182 20 First four-minute mile in the States NO Longer Is the four minute mile a thing ol mystery to United States track fans. Almost 40.000 saw it shattered by two men on Saturday, and it was quite a sight. First in this race was Jim Bailey, an Australian now enrolled at
    182 words
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