The Singapore Free Press, 5 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 4 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya *****. Singapore, Saturday, May 5, I'JSU. Trice IS Ctl
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  • 153 1 Everybody happy? Yes, yes, yes jyjß. DAVID MARSHALL. Singapore's Chief Minister, is happy. Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd is happy. Happiness and optimism prevail among most of Singapore's merdeka mission members now in London. Alter yesterday's talks Mr. Marshall told reporters the British delegation was giving the Singapore mission a difficult time,
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  • 95 1 v PAI 'S Prime Minister, A> Mr. Tanka Prasad, said vestei v there was no certai that the live-year B merit for British recruitment of Gurkhas in Nepal would be renewed fc-he i it expires in 1958. The Premier said at a ress conference in Katrandu that
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 47 1 Ceylon's new Left-wing Government has told the British authorities that British air and naval bases in Ceylon must be removed. "There is no question of reconsideration of that," the Premier, Mr. Solomon Bandaranaike, told the House of Representatives in Colombo, last night.
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  • 547 1 HEW ELECTIONS? ALL PARTIES READY Everything will be waiting when m-men return CINCIAPOKE POLITICAL PARTIES ARE PREPARED TO FACE A NEW GENERAL EI,E( TION ANY TIME NOW IF A NEW CONSTITUTION IS ADOPTED. A London message indicates thai t lu* Labour Fron.l leaders consider a new election necessary il \\w
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  • 45 1 Xhe Singapore Rubbei M.i I kt\ 'iprni'l Hii. RIOTII Ing on 1 1 i f i v i "H<- w it h fn t grade Way hlpmenl at B9j <■' ni b Ib one c< nt above ytiterday'i c io •> Ing i puce. I
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  • 12 1 Construction 01 two private U.S. A-stations h&f \"Vi'\) officially approved.
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  • 222 1 wmficlllMMACEiiilLi lI'HKN are the people of Singapore going to become educated to 1 respect for other people's feelings? If the frantic din of l *ir juke box is any!l«in» to go by the Itlswer is never. Hk sc clamorous machines ire all over this beautiful
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 515 2 I AM RETURNING THE SULTAN'S WORTHLESS MEDALS :>:.:■:•:•£ v.-.w v. .v ,-.*Xv;-. I;XJ Cousin gives 3 reasons for step I JMiKI ABDULLAH BIN OMAK, the stormy petrel of Johore |M>litics and a cousin of the Sultan, has decided to surrender his decorations which make him a "Kramat Damping" or one
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 2 This young Parisienne admires an American novelty an umbrella bag one of the exhibits at the "New York On Boulevard Ilaussmann" Exhibition Which opened in Paris recently. This month Parisians will be able to see models of American products <>f the very latest design. Shop windows have been arranged to
    Popper  -  61 words
  • 84 2 The Vietnam Ambassador to the U. S. says Indo-China may become another Korea this summer. Ambassador Tran Van Chundng told a Yale University audience the Com-munist-held North migh t launch an attack over the preneral elections which, he I said, Vietnam \v ants no part. of. "The
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  • 150 2 Smiling Indian ran amok killed 4 A UTHORITIES in Wausau. Jt\ Wisconsin, planned mental tests today for a smiling Indian. Russell Monegar, who went berserk with a hunting knife, killing his wife, mother-in-law and two children. District Attorney Ponald Keberle said he would also file murder charges against 37 -year-
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  • 119 2 A FATHER told a Japanese court yesterday that his 23-year-old son is addicted to eating rubber. The son, Hideo Minegishi, went on trial on an arson charge linked to a baffling medical record. Sadamasa Minegishi, 50, testified that his son started eating rubber when he suffered an
    U.P.  -  119 words
  • 52 2 MR. Victor Riesel, Ne? York newspaper colura nist who had acid thrown ir his face by an unidentified assailant on April 5. has lost the sight of both eyes, i was reported today. Mr. Riesel has blamed thi attack on his crusading exposures of racketeers in
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  • 21 2 Sweden has agreed w help Ceylon in a three-yea: lamily planning scheme, an official announcement saic yesterday. U.P.
    U.P.  -  21 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 "^^^^r everybody benefits from 'KEPLER'! Yes delicious 4 Kepler' keeps a/I the family thriving! Rich in the vital health factors, vitamins A and D, it strengthens, nourishes and restores. Invaluable for children, it encourages sturdy growth. It gives to young and old the energy they need to face life's round
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    • 99 2 I For the Lady with Finer Taste! I Just received the Latest I COTTON I DRESS FABRICS rilillliiniilllllllMll iiiiiMiiilliiiiiiiinii 1. Jpmii* iiiiiiiii 1 iiiiiimiiiimm For the Seasonal .^^rlt wear, come in and -Awnfc^ have a look at our /^jfiW'lßf %S* $H^o new range of exclu- ■ta .1'- Jttjff Fabrics in
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 Children entertain Danny Kaye with their Rates daring his visit to Jerusalem. Danny, making a tour on behalf oi UNICEF, wears a hat of a sort worn by Israeli children during the hot months.- A.P. pii-ture
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 164 3 TEAM WILL ASK: HOW MUCH DO YOU EARN? iiow much do you earn; how many docs that have to provide for, and how is your money spent? Those are some of the questions which will be put to Singapore householders in a new survey by a bean) which last week
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  • 119 3 [>ROFESSOR J. Z. Young, a 1 distinguished zoologist j md research scholar is due j 0 arrive in Singapore by air Irom London on May 12. [•his will be his first visit to Malaya. I A Fellow of the Royal Society, Professor Young, of the Department of
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  • 59 3 Professor Young Is one of the best known zoologists today and Is regarded as an authority on the functioning of the nervous system of the Cephalopoda. His paper on the octopus is accepted by scholars as a unique contribution to the study of zoology in this field. He
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  • 56 3 A 1:> yar-old M-honlboy Rfho went bCFStrk with a :iii<' killed a teacher wad wounded fwi i othei i In a ■A i!d .shoot in rampage at Si at, Pleasant, Maryland, school, Police said the only i'':iSOn they COUld find for W* actions was that, he
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  • 79 3 Two Dutch brothers -ire Celebrating the ftrst anniversary <>i their buying a motor service station at Dandenong, near Melbourne, by giving customers free drinks, cigarettes, sweets and Dutch cigars. The brothers are George and Jos Gavaars. George said: "We are 1 showing how grateful we arc
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 40 3 Officials <>f St. Andrew's Cathedral Youth Fellowship. Presideni Mr. Michael Tan; vice president Mrs. Alice ChILE; secretary Mi., Joan Fereira trea mrer Mr. George Paul; committee: Messrs. Charles u Chua and Eric Yap. anc' Miss Patricia E. Yen.
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  • 50 3 A report that a bomb hud been planted aboard a B.E.A. Viscount arriving from Cyprus brought a quick search at London Airport yesterday as 24 passengers disembarked. The Viscount was towod to the middle of the airfield, but in a five-hour search, no explosive was found.
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  • 32 3 An atomic bomb, the first of a new series of tests at the Pacific proving grounds, Eniwetok, wa.s fired today (18.25 GMT, Ffiday on an Lsland of the Eniwetok atoll.
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  • 74 3 'MISS MUNICH 1956' AND BRAINY RUNNER-UP Miss IngrM Funkier, right, 19 year-old manne- s oaln »rho won the recent "Miss Munich'' contest "«'<• r in a Munich hotel, in Germany. Beside nei is mm runnrr-iip. Miss Mar«ot Pirkl. I The f-nrnpetition was decided '»n the b;isis of bOtB brautv and
    Popper  -  74 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 Look Lovelier in a I If^Sl te most beautiful ;CoA 1/ most beautifying I M m Swimsuits A j in the world! l\ 19*16 slytvs fioir H Sole Agents: EXCELSIOR LT». 66, Hitfh Street, Singapore.
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    • 49 3 PA. 7B-1% k* m i r\o price premium for a premium product* £1 mineral waters' Schw^pes "frjtj* '"(.MMi'Pri LCMONAOf irMONAPE Q'MOtR nrrß tonic ivater SODA WATER DRY (RINGER A«.G I'' i i i %ofjfvft t*i'"i't ff i w r r r i s s fi o tin t *****M
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 225 4 Opinion Sago Lane tragedy I Us>s of six lives in J^ the Sago Lane fire is all the more tragic because it could have been avoided. The inmates of that fir*' trap had been Offered alternative accommodation in Singapore Improve- 1 ment Trust houses but. had turned down the oiler.
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  • 841 4  - There's something worse than a new war MINOO MASANI by An Asian writer explains: "Why I oppose Communism" f\F all the impedi- ments to human progress, the biggest that I can see at present is that presented by Soviet imperialism and the international Communist movement which Ls its instrument in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 Optical HOUI€ rtS ZEISS I PUNKTHL V LENSES REFRACTING OiSPESSir.u OPTICIANS ff 11 Th« til in 1 f Joh >n ami Ej j 1 pj 11 Singap 169, MIDDLE ROAD. SINGAPORE (Bi Iwi. in Bin n< li n \V,if< rloo
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    • 33 4 NECKLACES -^y§^^^ EARRINGS CZ|i~^^ BROOCHES IN A VARIETY OF DKSIGNS NOW ON DISH xV£HLVALTP. 1 JEWELL E P^ 3 m.g« STorrv, s^gaporc t (u p h on( '> %'AT.QM *O. tOQH |Me«*«HM|)|< «j*W«
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  • 14 5 [Lin I Pins going to change I rupees into Singapore dollars.
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  • 150 5 PEKING 'DIPLOMATS' DENY SUBVERSION RUMOURS IN STORE TWO Peking officials, returning from a diplomatic mission in Indonesia, said in Singapore: "Any rumours that we went to Jakarta for subversive purposes Ls untrue." Threatening a Free Press reporter with his fist, one oJ t)i'> officials demanded angrily: "What Is it you
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  • 41 5 Mr. Otto Preininßer Hollywood director-p^odu-j cer, has acquired the screen rights to Bernard Shaw's 1 I play "Saint Joan," which he hopes to start making into a film, possibly in England, before the end of the year. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 120 5 Giraffes win-by a neck JfUssiA Ikl, decided in ro md-about gort of way that you can't breed giraffe* by putting .short necked I anlmali amoni tail treej Mascow 1 4ea4emi of Science* admitted that the giraffe'i long ruck l^ en- tirciy a (enetlc affair, On Kremlin UutrUCttOIII, theories put forward
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 y _^^^^^^^^^§l^^^p^^^^^^~ i M. Flinter S. Grinberg Diamonds Jewellery I 67 >StamfordRd., Telephone 7923.
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    • 90 5 PORTRAIT m rL I of one of I yjh i IWT our numerous A *^Ja mujmT it > Satisfied/ s Patrons. > A TRUER INDICATION OF ENJOYING BIG SAVING at our MID-YEAR SALE I GIAN SINGH S CO, LTD. j j 30-1, Raffles Place S pore 1 ;j Phone *****
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 958 5 CHURCH OF ENGLAND des, Ophir Road: 6 30 and 8 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN St. Andrew's Cathedral: 7 a.m. Mass (Sermon In Tamil). Presbyterian Church, Orchard Holy Communion; 8 a.m. Sung Kedemptorlst Monastery, Road: 9am Mornlne Servic* Eucharist and Parish Com- Thomson Road: 630 and 7.30 an< i Sunday School fi n
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 149 6 ill \\lillAKE In 100 I alk ami I'bil Duvi* w SB A BA A BB B^ IBJ BS BE BB Bfc 4 'far y 111 v| I '^^B BbT aB. v v^ mf iAtt^ **T v^ I HB^B^ i-^"* ajbt 4 bW\ \SBJ B&. IB I e^ Kbbbßl^ I All/W
      149 words
    • 721 6 J DOHN today, you are person al ♦I> definite contrasts. Although t X are tactual m your outlook you '■'>■ a deep WeU ot emoti n which n\\-\ f it possible lor you to make any ca X winch you sponsor come alive have the gift for writint vividly X
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 200 7 LONDON, Ma* i Previous Today (BE* Ni>. 1 RSS ci.f. 25% buytrt 25% buyers I iropesa ports May 25 sellers 25~ s sellers BIBBER No. 1 RSS c.l.f. 25', buyers 25% buv£L European ports June 25% sellers 26 sellers Kir.riKNo. 1 RSSSpot 2G buyers 26 4 buyers
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    • 109 7 NEW YORK, May 4. Previous Today TIN straits spot and nearby 98.00 nom 97.62 nom TIN futures May 96.50 bid 96.50 bid 98.00 asked 98.00 asked June 95.65 bid 95.65 bid 96.85 asked 96.85 asked July 95.45 bid 95.45 bid 96.25 asked 96.25 asked TONE: Dull RUBBER
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    • 38 7 I ftbar Lampong spot, await- I p itv utlxtt.s and>lay ship- f ?> lat 28H. Sarawak spot. Above prices quoted in U.S. cents per W. awaiting release, afloats 26' 2 May shipment 25, June 244 Sellers ex-dock.
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    • 32 7 NEW YORK. May 4 Previous Today (0 [ndastriata 514.03 516.44 M Railroads 178.01 178.23 i;i Domestic Bonds 96.65 96 64 15 Utilities 65.48 65'66 Stocks Composite Average 182.67 183.27
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    • 108 7 COPRA Philippines c.i.f. U.K./ North I uropeun delivered weight per lonff ton May /June COPRA, Straits ci.f. UK/North European delivered weight per ton? ton May/June June 'July COCONUT OIL crude Straits •if I K /North Furopean In 1 ill long ton, June July COCONUT OIL crude.
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  • 175 7 =iiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiimiimiiimim E Of all the answers E which we received for E yesterday's Guess Where E the most popular was E Haw Par Villa. If that had been the answer we would have reported a win for the I •TllllllllllllllllllllllllHllllllllllllllll majority. As it
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 7
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 7 I. oner llir Ittrth n hit. ihvrc'* a coml cltup"
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  • 155 7 A LETTER from Air-Mar.shal Sir Harry Broadhurst, saying how sorry he was that "Crab' JSearl had got himself into "a rather Unpleasant Scrape/ 1 was quoted in a London court. "Crab" Sear] 52-year-old ex-Oroup-Captaln Francis Henry Louis Searl was jailed for nine months He gave
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 MAERSK LINE SPORE N YORK ANNA MAERSK is/isMay 19 m (Second Call) DAI AM A ALIVIA 14/26 May 5 |uly SHIP MAERSK
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    • 259 7 Another astounding triumph for Movado //||V waterproof watches //I] u and a striking I demonstration U 1 1 A Movado waterproof watch, ihe /I |ji Automatic "331", has just wken lif HaA part in the Sydncy-Hobart Regatta/ /B lg&l Australia, known all over thc^orjd \jf'l, for its difficult sailing <
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 57 7 SINCAPORE HIGH TIDES TODAY: Ml am. and < 7.19 pm TOMORROW: 7 .10 am and K.OK pm. J MONDAY: 8 !I a in and* 8.17 p.m. TUESDAY: 9.18 ra andj 9.2% p.m 4 WEDNESDAY: in 06 a m and 9M V m. 4 THUISDAY: 10 51 am 4 1029 p.m.
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  • Article, Illustration
    475 8 I>i< tun-. ICE RIGHT fWS DIX Bl ilu ard < Robin! on juni >i lh, film u t«»i took .-M mlom of si..|)ni^ pills u his i.os ingeles h>if The) found Robinson lylni tm UvUl| room llimii with .in rmpt\ pill bottle on .i t i iii«- Hid
    A.P.; Popper; Reuter  -  475 words

  • 402 10  - STEVE WINTERS INVESTIGATES KATHLEEN HICKLEY fitriaf M $i i/<nuu[ 4tf 111l SIOKY SO PAR The famous private detective, Steve Winters, ami three school DO) assistants, Snubliy All l<et* and Simon da Silva, arc captured bj a fans called the Black Brotherhood and taken awaj to an inland. The* tH ipe,
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  • 324 10 watched horror-stricken as it sank deeper. Finally it came to rest on the bottom, with the sea just lapping over the detective':* shoulders. "Excellent/ 1 beamed the tall Chinese. "Make yourselves comfortable while you watch, boys. Vou won't have long to wait. The tide is rising,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 33 10 INVICTA WORLD FAMOUS SWISS WATCH jtf^tk 119 years w.itch m.ikinsj l^^^^la mpcriencr. Sold in over 87 %^X a countries throughout frhc world. J^ J^ I I Zttttlif (Ml \M\ S.jXirr K Lvfllpttf IVliiin**.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 149 10 CLUBfI ACROSS:— 3, ont he-Wold"' is a town Standing on the Poete way. 6, Red Indian warrior. 7. Surname of the author of Les Mis.serable.s. 8, To visit, Hero, he swam the Hellespont. 11, Where the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadettc 12, Plant with spikea of red or yellow flowers.
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    • 390 10 I oloiii* ihi%*~ "Our garden has grown tco startled by sharp noise nearly fast." thinks Rupert one morning. behind him. "Hello, it's a little I wonder if D.iddy would like me dog pushing his nose through a to clear some ot the weeds and broken bit ot our fence," he
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    • 218 10 You may win a prize! DOCKET MONEY prizes 1 are offered for colouring this scene with paints, crayons or chalks. There are four prizes offered each of S5 (two Cox boys and two for girls.) All you have to do is to set to work to brighten up the sketch
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  • 501 11 POOR GRACE, SHE DOES TRY SO HARD But she's still LET'S face it. Let's not be starry-eyed. Gn Kelly may be B now. She may the world at her Bul that still doesn't make her picThe Swan" something to rave about. fact, Its slowness andmediocrity almost made me yawn as
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  • 35 11 "I Itar* of "l.iariK Mian p«> and (Im Vitu- f I (M UIC »>m .mil Yuan Mm l,r i'l (In- u.vscs a toad joiu ury in this sccn« with in i .n-ud.
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  • 36 11 OSWALD HENRY TALKING FILMS VICTOR AMATO (Edward G. Robinson), the gang boss, has a few hard things to tell drink-sodden I.ou Fiaschetti (Nestor Paiva) as he throws his weight around the waterfront in "The Darkest flour."
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  • 152 11 This tale is told in song LIANG Shan-po and Chu Ying Tai" one of the first post-war films to be brought into this country from Red China provides food for thought. It is pure opera based on an old folk tale that has been very popular for hundreds Ol years
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  • 439 11 RATINGS *THE DARKEST HOUR (Warners) "THE SWAN" (M- G-M> LIANG SHAN-PO CHU YINC TAI (Hw a Tung) HANTU ISMAIL YASSIN (New Egypt) following the In--1 evitable cycle, Hollywood has produced a .series of 11 lms that hit hard at something or another the fight
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  • 206 11 CIINEMASCOPI n rch( onl So larli v and M lalll j <^ pi< tun thi rui i 20th I nturj which vr the world 1 1 1 form tntertiiinmciit, t*^ no inc< d n ntlrely mw roc< thai wll\ pr< enl l ii <
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 The only l.tmp which will give you vputofF four degrees of light full, I Mil DAIfCD medium, s-übducd, "nightlight" n ilij OMflCf\ by turning .i single switch. II (j: 'fl Q*± IT CUTS CURRENT CONSUMPTION \M KCCiHittC agents if TABLE BOLTER (f Sl\tON Ef I AMD SINGAPORT MALAYA i.^-.>.r r
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  • 649 12 II \1 HO VI I visits llm* 'plain people* i«» ftVarsi liotv ihv\ liv«* U/HAT would life be likt- il you t j Vv 1 1 1 i HO automobile, never (i ra n k a beverage stronger than water, tl e V
    A.P.  -  649 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 12 MARTINE CAROL. Queen of French films, plays the lead role in Max Ophuls' 1850 costume drama "Lola Montes" Which tells the colourful story of a trapeze artist whos'o romances lead her to become the mistress of a king. Miss Carol, who Is on her way to Hollywood, is du'i in
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  • 201 12  -  P. M. RAMAN FOR those of you who like Egyptian films. "Hantu [small Yassin" <with English subtitles) is your cup of tea. It has almost everything from tuneful hits to belly-dancing, from crime to spooks. Stars in this picture are dancer Kitty (complete with ghostly nightgown)
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  • Article, Illustration
    477 12 tMDDING is said to be "mental play," that i.s, the assignment of values to our high cards and distribution based upon what we can expect of them in the winning of tricks in the play. The methods of arriving at these values and then exchanging information with partner
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 246 12 yffl I 1 y I I CLUES ACROSS "referee" (8). 1 Made in puEZl|ng fa.shion 4 A portion of seedcake (8). around ;i letter <5). 5 Remove j^ 4 A singular to a broken parasol i.4> season can be parsimonious (to (7). C Ideas aoout a letter (PJ 8
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  • 915 13 i* ith I. F. BWAiVG Mr. Hwang today expresses some persona! opinions on a new Bill that is bound to create much discussion. What are your views on the subject? The Free Press will welcome any comments from readers j EE legal aid and advice, .says a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 40 13 LACTOGEN r^| li^ll^'^f^n T^ o<^ Mohd RaBld bm Adam mtifcy ML/// >[ ,/J Chrißtophcr Mapaton* FOR THE WORLDS BABIES nglport rof C MOTHER BOOK j /^g^t v. Post thu rnupor, to NfMlf f 0 R.,. {00 7 MN(,APORI \^^|^2B'^P^ 4 "6
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  • 1213 14  - The Uncrowned King of Iceland S. W. BARTRUM minim THE WORLD'S STRANGEST STORIES Why did this ex-midshipman take the Throne' by force? CWGLAND wu.s at war J with Denmark over man called Bonaparte. But nobody .'..!.> taking the war vfi'v seriously i least ol all a Dane by the name
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 35 14 At your favorite sporting event And youi pleasure T -j.-i,, i».-i»~i „i 1^" Hut*- is no (inn 1..,.,,,.,. •'M lastr i|iu|||\ purity. T^ v^ I 1 1 I 1 1 bbJ ™wJ 1 1 1
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  • 287 15 The best Aussie spinner of all SPORTS STARS I HAVE MET iiv ARCHIE QIHK 4M< >NG the camp blowers the Auslian cricketers have brought with them to England and what host there are is Rill O'Reilly, probably the best of all Australian off SDinners. The big, bluff, baldish New nth
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  • 378 15 Bookies rush to buy shops ■MIMMMIIHHIIIItItII Ry iiiumiiii mini' j A SPECIAL j CORRESPONDENT T EAD ING British bookmakers are already leasing premises in the big towns for betting shops, even though legislation permitting these betting shops in the United Kingdom is not expected for at least another nine months.
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  • 133 15 lift W,'ilt< r Monrkton. Hri j tain'. Minister oi Dc <ncc ha. been nominated M resident "J Maryh'bone Mcket Club iM.CCi lovrrnlriK body of Bfitish rlckflt The p'tiririK pretideni "arl AN-xand'T 01 Tunifl loniinatrri his BUCCCSSOr, M s the custom Sir Walter will Ake fjvrr thi position
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  • 308 15 NEWCOMER TO ENTER SABA MEET 4 NEW boving per--4 sonalitv recently at rived at RAF Seletai and has delighted the officer In charff of boxing with a pro mising U*< h n iqur in training. ll«- is Chiistoplirr H« n nett 19 year old bantam weight. Hfiint'tt look fraKil<*.
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  • 69 15 5 TEAMS IN RAF. CYCLING i^ivk teams from two air r statlona Chanui and s< iitar will compete in th< 11.A.F. Singapore Cycling Association 50 mil, time i trial (two UP) on .Sunday at i Changi circuit, at 6.30 a.m. Those taking part arc: j Self tar: Cp] Aisbiti ,i
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  • 59 15 Kevin Skinner. New Zealand*! j front row forward who bad announced hia retiremen! from bifl j rugby gaya lie will be avallabU for selection asalnat the Soutc African Spiimrfook.s. who open their tour of Nw Zealand next month Skinner u;u'. In the J .->•} All I Blackfl
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  • 33 15 a 30-year-old Japanese p<>!i< cniiiii .S. Nat. ui, representing 'he the birthplace and traditional home <>j judn, (von the Qrtt world |udo champion hip tournament in Tok 0 on Thui day
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  • 29 15 Brooklyn Dodgers, the American baseball team have been Invited to vi. n Japan after the 1 !»v; :.r-\: OH fOI I li'. 8 I BCk tOUT, Renter
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 98 15 rv IW 6 FATHER t Tl <J iff ?*<* i&* skipper larv Johnson THBR FOP^IKS, P+^M "^HAT Hl4 IEAM GONRDENT I _A^^lN^ £U£ FSR S(X> MSfi£LY IMMOVABLE J Has added At",' -v *£t dr&Fx. A N|<5 H J Picture of Lindwatl L /"S%^ V^ UMPiAfABLt Ji delivery swervirv? b Bovxlep.
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  • 475 16 Two wickets down for nine runs, but Australian might defied by— SCOREBOARD WORCESTERSHIRE— Ist Inns. !)0. AUSTRALIANS 138. WORCESTERSHIRE— 2nd Inns. Kenyon lb\v Lindwall 3 i Richardson not out 130 j Outschoorn c sub b Crawford 4 Dews c sub b Bt'iiuud Tl Richardson c and b
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  • 33 16 Canada gained a winning 3-0 Lead over the w«\-.t todies at Pori of Spain yesterday in the first, round of me American zone ol the Davis Cup lawn tennte competition. Reuter.
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  • 18 16 Denmark's Kuri Nielsen beal •'••"<■!"• Drobny in the Rome international Tennis Tournament smile, 8-2, 7-5, 6-2. AP
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  • 203 16 (JARY PLAYER, 20--n year-old South African Open champion, an all-round sportsman who first concentrated on professional golf only three years ago yesterday won fust prize in the £500 sterling Dunlop prof( s.sional golf tour nament, wh;tt i,, more, considering his vmit h. he .survived
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  • 113 16 I ONDON beat Basle 1-0 J with a goal scored in j the second half by left 1 winder George Robb of I Tottenham in the second I leg of their inter-cities soccer cup match last niftht. The match, played under I Hood lights on
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  • 72 16 JOHN LANDY, Austral;;.. 'M'Ui mile record holder, hopes to become the first man to run the mile in li than four minutes on an American track when he competes In an invitntiop '■vent al thr Coliseum LOB Angeles, today. Landy, who has bettered four minutes in
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  • 770 16 i pINAL Brit] h football league tables are ac follows: DIVISION ONI p w n L a pti I M.tnrhi lei U. 42 IS 11) 7 83 51 80 Blackpool 42 20 0 13 86 62 49 Wolves 42 20 y 13 89 6o 49 I MauchesttM C.
    770 words
  • 55 16 Peter Thomson Australian British Open goif champion, tied for first place at the first round of the £9,00(1 sterling Colonial Invitation j tournament at Fort Worth Texas He had a one under par 69. same score as Americans Don Finsterwald and Paul Harney. Ben Hogan, Byron
    55 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 580 16 CLASSIFIED AIK \\\<n Hi i vn i rcNDin tor t pancy oi an up-to~d H Kill] rtnn 'i. p 1,126 particularly ov< 1 in up-to i thodt. Box si If i si I I lO\> \< I i HER I Ifl A! way:; v .in- loi '>■■ who r< .'n.i.ii
      580 words
    • 49 16 ETERNH MfITIC pfiff I'he first self -winding chronometer HCv*^i.^ll LflOl I' X »1«"" waterproof Shoch protected Non-magnetic. Unbreakable spring Officially certified fo> Especially good accuracy. the BALL-BEARING is to I WATCHMAKING WHAT JETPROPULSION IS TO AVIATION siso n~ B .1.,. i i ..I r,■ y q .s j-. r
      49 words

    • 5 1 FREE PRESS RACE DAY Special
      5 words
      223 words
    • 718 1  - Moneysmate to score in cup race at Penang ALLAN LEWIS By If ONEYS M A T E, a clever winner over ie mile the first day, as a decided favourite r the Summer Cup in d< morning's discus»ns. I think he looks >od for a double. Byzantium, who won over
      718 words
    • 44 1 U E *y? rain fell in Penans: last nijht. BUI despite this the KM>H will be good. Allan I^wis' best bets Jj; (iolden Dollar, raoneysmatc and KisP«t. Host outsiders: gjff Chance and Indian Heather 11. ''«rlio Malaya will broadcast all races.
      44 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 137 1 wr PELANDOKS M '^k Y/v Ww THREE BEST f'^^^m^^mA OELANDOK'S three t\Jrsh. best hets todav ar< L^^Lfa.^.~~Jk2' yK \^w, Flox (ltace Di War- *<Cl_«^. si^lio (Kuce 2) uii<i Pinner (Race 6) MARSIGLIO iHi'mri rS --rV?" pictures Tho very Mridf r,inK« llf ro* xfllCtl tvailabli to the photographer now IrK Illdtl
        137 words
    • 704 2 RACE 1—3.15: CLASS 4, DIV. S— 6 FURS. OOti MAGIC NOTI Ij ehim CUpi BUble) Altai 1.13 98 STREAM KONG I bem (A. Shaik Ahamad) Breukelen 8.13 Bun-ait :j. Vii BOLD DRAGOON 5y brirg (Mnrn A Kennard <fc E I. Thomson) Hobbs «12 Franklin 1 hi(.
      704 words
    • Article, Illustration
      5 words
    • 330 2 sMR Victor Sassoons Honcylii'ht won the One Thousand Guineas imi over one mile at N( wmarket yest< rday. Midget was .second and Arietta third. Nineteen ran, A 100 0 chance ridden by thi Au tralian Edgar Britt, Hon< j light was always pro min< ni and
      Reuter  -  330 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 138 2 U J^^jl 4 stick to MILK STOUT f '!!<;' Place, Singapore. Telephone ***** (5 Lines) -^^*~r\ minus sALuor 3- Jjf Jit jffayy y Saloon... Convertible... op Traveller... p ll'n C^lll Vl»** M "I lirci viTMons ut the luiinuis IVw i« Morris Minor— and each 'f/ir A $9 WOrWl btggtMl snuill
        138 words
    • 1275 3 TRACK FORM GUIDE OF HORSES RUNNING TODAY RACE ONE (I. 4, Div. 3-6 Furs. MAGIC NOTE: 24 450 not hilly extended In In 39; 36-4-56. Easily ed 3P. U) M i 5. 28-4-56 Sixth in DiV. S 7F. race; Restricted to threeuarter pace from the 6F. 1 1:1 \\l SONG:
      1,275 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 185 3 A *^^W I In far *Hir%k^ listen for yourself to the clearness of the sound over any Philips radio how true the reproduction of bass and treble you will agree PHILIPS is a clear winner! See them at:- J Electric Co. Elgin Piano Co. 642, Ceylang R<i Easl Coasl
        185 words
      • 89 3 I UNBEATABLE j fib I mid- f^f I YEAR &<■"■,s S /sktid* H Off /v/ff ff ##f #f 9 filsa«>s. (GIAN SINGH CO, LTD. 30-1, Raffles Place S'pore-1 Phone *****/6 I v c j A) l \w iil Is "fW^ Thatnre'RlGHTfromthestart. i f 1 ".I the 1 1\\ ol uintWti
        89 words
    • 4 4
      4 words
    • 1058 4 BYZANTIUM GET HIS IDEAL DISTANCE TODAY BYZANTIUM appeals as a sound eachway bei In the Summer Cup over 1 J miles Race Five) at Penang today, concluding day of the Penang Turf Club's summer meeting. Racegoers may think Moneysmate, following his splendid victory over the mile <>n the first day,
      1,058 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements