The Singapore Free Press, 23 June 1955

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press Lgrgesi Afternoon Sale m Malaya .•pore. Thurs., June 23. 1955. Price 15 t'ts
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  • 417 1 Optimism by Sir John star is a Frw Prvss inquiry INHERE is a steady drop m the prices of Colony foodstuffs, according to the Statistics Department, but the cost of living m Singapore apparently remains the same as last year.
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  • 69 1 police spokes--1 said this morning 1 offer of a reward to down car arsonists was onsldered. ts burnt two more night longed to a Harbour traffic supervisor Mr. Cole, it was parked Eg house m s p° ttisaw Uie car burning ;i) mt 730 p.m. and
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  • 123 1 THE Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association is to ask the Ministry of Labour and Welfare to arrange another joint meeting \fcith the Board to settle outstanding disputes. The association last night decided to submit the outstanding proposals to arbitration if the parties do not reach a
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  • 27 1 The Minister for Local Government. Lands and Housing, Inche Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat, was admitted to trie General Hospital this morning with spinal trouble.
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  • 316 1 Molotov's peace CUT ARMS He ggtso has 7-paini plan to end cold war Soviet Foreign Minister, Mr. M. Molotov, proposed to the United Nations yesterday that a world conference be called m the first half of next year to discuss the general reduction of armaments and prohibition of atomic weapons.
    Reuter; U.P.  -  316 words
  • 246 1 ASIA presented the Free A^ World with its greatest challenge. Most ot the countries of the area liad newly won their independence and their dominant emotion was still nationalism, said the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Harold Macmillan. to the San Francisco Commonwealth Club
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  • 52 1 The continuation ol the London dock strike coupled with the scarcity of spot rubber m London yesterday pushed the price up again wlvn the Singapore rubber maiKft opened this morning. July first grade, buyers f.o.b was quoted at $1,091 I lb.. 11 cents above yesterday's closing. The tone
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 183 2 What the Singapore housewife is now payiny for food rviih RESULI ol an exhau tive Km Press inqwr) 1 to find tin average prlc< ol itu Cokmy'i i DODular fnnd r< n;f:.' -dit i< I ffiven below: 1 Ml Mill) im iwr ttM >*■ Utty) IJJI M«Um 'm g"J 1""'
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  • 97 2 \fH LENNOX BOYD, Hie olonial 84 en ta t( da) m London rejecti .1 suggei tion that syj-;-ji. ol collective punishment Id be abolished In all Brit. h colonies or protectorates. He sau\: "Provision for col c punishment only exists Hi a f«w territories and is .sol-
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 131 2 EDEN IS SILENT ON H-BOMB SIH Anthony Eden, the prime Minister. yesterday refused to give details of any r £<-trd British hydrogen BSS ,x|>losioas when qm;>tioned m UK House of Com mons. Mrs Barbara Castle a Labour member, had asked when and where the Biitish hydrogen bomb 11 to oe
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 158 2 AN Austrian recently freed from a Soviet orison csunpj told yesterday In Vienna of I a British prisoner still held Who claimed to have been involved m the 1944 bomb plot against Hitler T\\t Austrian, who asked that hi name be kept secret, is
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  • 140 2 TWO-HOUR BATTLE ON BANKS OF RIVER JORDAN ISRAELI and Jordanian troops yesterday fought f or 1 nearly two hours on the banks of the Jordan River near Nahayyim, south of the Sea of Galilee, accon to an Israeli army spokesman. The spokesman .said the fighting began when fir. opened from
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  • 167 2 ARMY MinLster Major-Gen. Franklin Lucero, now su- preme commander of all the armed forces, told his troops yesterday that the Argentine .soldier is 'honoured to have been led m difficult circumi stances by the very excellent I President of the nation.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  167 words
  • 36 2 Jet fighters, long bombers and transports of United States Far East Air Force and Strategic Air c mand will demonstrate their striking power over Bangkok during Siam National Day celebrations.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 33 2 Mr. Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister, has accepted Sir Anthony Eden's invitation to vis Britain on July 9, an author, tive Indian source said m M cow last night.- Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 124 2 PORTRAITS BY SINGAPORE PHOTOGRAPHER ACCEPTED SHOWN AT THE NATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY 1955 LONDON MVbVbMb7#'AA^? 'fA *f 'A itifeir '.';> JF f ?2F Bn^siß^Bl i Ygl JGPV A üßrr vT fcBB K.4{< > -v Bf #»S//"V5t < 'm'^l^flßf V Stto Tl^. 1 JWl^ -i f b^b^t t^ *ff{( /jt2H
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  • 262 3 Model who killed playboy lover will not appeal M r > KITH ELUSY lawyer said m Vmdori yesterday that she will not linil the death sentence passher for murdering her playboy ml Easter Sunday. 11,.. >x-.\<'.tr-old model's only chance \nv the hangman's noose now jth the Crown. Queen Elizabeth nit
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  • 65 3 'BEAUTY POTION' GIRLS ARE NOW ASHAMED SCORES of young girls m Colombo, struck by "eclipse sickness" after drinking a "beauty potion." refused hospital treatment yesterday because they were ashamed to make themselves known. Most of the girls were said to have received the socalled elixir from their lovers. More than
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 222 3 rfHE 34,000-ton liner 1 Caronia beat the wildrat British seamen's strike ►sterday and sailed for New York with a full crew. "If the Queen Elizabeth sails tomorrow as planned, the strike will be broken," one port official said. For the second day running, crewmen
    A.P.  -  222 words
  • 121 3 T.B. work in Malaya is praised by Duchess JWE Duchess of Kent, welcoming delegates from the Commonwealth, told them her of the Far East three tgo had shown her "the magnitude of the problem with the extremely active anti-tuberculosis association of countries have to contend. work which these often composed
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 52 3 QENERAL Motors Corporation plants throughout the United States returned to normal production yesterday with the ending of the last of a series of wildcat strikes. A company spokesman said full production would be resumed at all plants that had been closed down for nearly three
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 155 3 American pilot says unese -grilling" reduced mentally to putty and falsely confessed to waging germ warfare Jin Harold Fischer, of 1 City. lowa, said he also a false admission that nad been ordered to fly the Yalu River and over Manchuria. vet doubt for
    A.P.  -  155 words
  • 78 3 Seven drank 'juice joint' liquor six died men went into a joint" illegal bar m. New York, and a drink called "King lf oO cents a pint. r a short time, six were Hie .seventh lived, belook only one drink and became ill. "Kins; Kong" is wood alcohol, a deadly
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  • 165 3 GUNFIRE echoed In the desolate loothilLs of the Ord mountains this week am California's newest uranium got underway. Sheriff's deputies said that between 1,000 and 2,000 prospectors some of them amateurs who brought their families along were searching for uranium m the furnace-hot, snake-infested
    A.P.  -  165 words
  • 142 3 BRITAIN'S state-owned coal industry lost more than $30,000,000 m 1954 because the government had to import coal for British industry, then sell it below cost. The National Coal Board yesterday put last year's deficit at $32,300,000. although homo operations showed a profit of
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 78 3 n m its new modern setting! tit 1 tM; I \I I R\ c ove es^ fingertips m the world sparkle with V I Pe&BY Sage Nail Polish twenty-one heavenly I colours from which to choose! What a practical i l trG3SUf"£ I I I and new couturier shades created
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 255 4 Opinion Impossible? not here rpHEone thing thai seems to strike most visitors to Malaya, both the Federation and Singapore, i.s the way the various racefl live and tfet on together. There may be some extremists m Malaya who do not agree with what Labour M.P., Reginald Borensen, said m the
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  • 757 4  - Behind each 'peace Dove a Red Spy MICHAEL MANNING by a COMMUNIST sch( m< il to disrupt Greece's defencei by letting up j*m underground espionage network, was thwarted hy Greek security .service-, earlier thi.s month. Eitfht .secret operators were arrested arid will he cOUftmartialled on charges of espionage and high
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 26 4 A HANDSOME <'N m the iiisrom OF TIME MEASI REMI NTI ROLEX G. C. De SUVA 8R05.,;; "Jcuellcrs" I, RAFFLES PLACE Smif.i^.r 1 Tel: *****. U
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    • 80 4 AUSTIN a so Cambridge New 1.500 cc. (A5O) Longer Wheel Base 99J" FuN w,d,h UBB age Improved Front b R Pd r compartment. 14 cv. feet Suspension This exciting new AUSTIN Spacious Body Interior. can be seen at all Malayan Near Seat (52"| for Branches, where lull rfetaib Hw«t passengers
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  • 197 5 ir educationists In ,ore today tailed t u t Government's move „y parents m what V'^e they would like v children to be uu'-ht m the primary classes. Utf will be sent only ::IS oi children to be d next year. Chi dOoverament and aidschoota
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  • 59 5 HE CALLS FOR MORE TIME ON BILLS hat Singapore Legislative A>s»'inblymen may get fer than one day's notice inns or introduction of Mr. Lim Choon Mong Srrangoon) will prohat the time be lengthened to live days. will table the motion at next Legislative Assembly ting on June 29. standing orders,
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 5 picture. the Police Secretary.- Public Houses Association second anniversary dinner at its o— m Road premises this week, tha«j who attended wercC from left): Free Press
    Free Press  -  26 words
  • 46 5 picture. THE weather was fine when Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. the Comnmsvmer-General, pave an open-air dinner party on Tuesday at his residence at Mallaig. Singapore, m honour of the visiting Siamese Premier. Marshal Phibul Songffram and his wife.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  46 words
  • 159 5 SEARCH FOR NEW GROUNDS THE 213-ton trawler. Manihine, which has a floating laboratory, left Gosport, England on Monday for Singapore to find new fishing grounds for the Colony, the Federation, Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei. Dr F D Ommanney. who is directing the expedition
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  • 26 5 The next meeting of the Johore Council of State will be held at the Council Chamber, Johore Bahru, on Aug. 9 at 10 a.m.
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  • 28 5 Saw-millers and rice and foodstuff dealers m Alor Star have promised to supply all materials to build and maintain a home for 25 destitutes.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 266 6 MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phj[ Davis f I ILJWCW 1 TOUCH£D J IS E ™™JJ R m E Vt HE -m SELL ANOTHER PILL FoSJ THE IN. TMINI- iTt\ HE AiInSTfIANGERM SAID TO fIVE DOLLARS TO, ■Swmatlvii 7 "tr buy another Ar-^VfJ MOffO/IT' /jTOUf/ V^ ZiyA 2^ RIAL STEAK:
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    • 734 6 YOUR LUCKY! I STAR I I>OK\ today, >ou ha\, temperaments wkUk turn 4 too easilj gel out of J 4 \ou have high ambitions very special talent, but wZ are impatient to rea< h J peak of success and. if even J temporarily frustrated J2 4 can S et "low
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  • 32 7 picture. are shown leaving their aircraft at ChantL CREW OF the Australian Neptune bomber which has claimed five submarine "kills" during the Commonwealth air-sea exercises Free Press
    Free Press  -  32 words
  • Round the World Market Priees
    • 213 7 LONDON. Jane 22. Previous Today v,, l RSS c.i.f. European 31 V; buyert 31'- buyers i:i h 31 sellera 31 2 sellers ,Km 1 KSS c.i.f. European 30 buyers 30 l 2 buyers rl t 31', sellers 30^. seller* n 1 KSS Spot 35 nom. 34' 2
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    • 100 7 NEW YORK, June 22. Previous Today Tin straits spot and nearby 94.50 nom. 94.50 nom. TIN I' u tuns June 94.12 bid 94.00 nom. 94.75 asked July ..93 00 bid 93.00 bid 93.79 asked 93.75 asked Aug. ..92.10 bid 92.00 bid 92.50 asked 92.75 asked TONE: SU-ady.
      100 words
    • 58 7 p MUilxir was quoted at 50. Awaiting release 50. Afloats 49V4. ihlpoMnt 49. Sarawak spot 43 A a kiting release 47%. Afloats 46^ to 45. June shipment 44. July 43 Lampong spot 50. Awaiting release 50. Afloats 49 to 48' i. June shipment 48. sellers ex -dock. Above
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    • 34 7 NEW YORK. June 22. Previous Today M Industrials ..146 80 447.37 Railroads ..160 52 163.26 l'» Domestic Bonds 99 76 99.78 IS Uilities 64.52 64.44 6« Stocks Composite Average 163.89 184.80
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    • 119 7 June 22. Prerious Today Copra Philippines cJi. UK/North f.uropeun delivered weight per »nf ton July/Auff. $187 norn $184 quoted C.OPRA Philippines f.o.b Manila m bulk, per lons ton Unquoted Unquoted <W'R\ Straits c .i.f. UK/North l-uropoan delivered weight per lone ton June July £67Vi nom £664
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  • 136 7 FINING course m Jth work, organised Swansea Youth LeadTralnlm Team, is jfWed m Singapore. b- v ro rse will be directed T. G. Jeffreys Jones. and tutor m Youth ol the University of -South Wales. 'urse which will last four months, will m We
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  • 354 7 AIR CREW who fly wearing red. blue, yellow and green caps with "XI" on the peaks dominated the air during this month's Commonwealth maritime exercises. They are the Australians of No. 11 Squadron, New South Wales, who flew five giant Neptune bombers to Singapore
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  • 49 7 The Federation Government last night disclosed a Malayan Communist Party plan to get the people to boycott the Federal elections. The Director of Information Services Inche Ya'acob bin Abdul Latiff. said m a broadcast that the plan was mentioned m a recently captured document.
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  • 18 7 The Queen yesterday, launched the $42,500,000 Canadian Pacific luxury liner, Empress of Britain at Glasgow.-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 54 7 CRISP COOL wßm cottons m^^S| die office SINGAPORE I. ~p THE STORE WITH A 6 pt^ TO OFFER For Office and Household Furniture Removals over any distance contact SINGAPORE BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD. 15 The Arcadf. Sineaponv Tel: ***** ILJMI 1 Roduer Street, Kuala Lumpur Tel: 4.M7 IN ASSOCIATION WITH
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  • 131 8 ABOVE: The annual trek to Glynd^bourne, near Lewes, Sussex, was held recently, but with a difference. Usually the evening dressed opera lovers can be seen m the early afternoon, waiting for their train at Waterloo Station, London. The rail strike altered all this and it
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  • 151 8 OKVKM KKN VIAK ()|j> );IWM M( O larland has had part of a leu amputated-!*, w in the |o\e of her I soldi, i hoy friend. Potto at 1« months left Dawn with »i«r lot if l „rU•r than th. <.ther. The handicap tlunu-ned
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  • 77 9 ABOVE: Over the "waves" with no visible means of support, goes water-skier- Annette Nayer, of Copenhagen, Denmark, practising at Ruislip Lido, Middlesex, for the world championships to be held m Beirut next August. BELOW: Blende Holly- wood star Jan Sterling wears her uniform as a member
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  • 90 9 MEET JOY McNaughton, the 1 who is mostly m a hurry. Joy, Hell-known Colony racing driver, I recently i )roke the record f or t h e iviiunt;— Singapore run. And did Mat start something!* Letters flowed into the local neusp.ipor otiices. A wondr ful
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  • 1037 10  -  DENISE ROBINS a sudden by WHAT Till: FRAMES SHOW THE fact that more marriages are dissolved 1 when husband and wife are aged between 30 and 34 than m any other age combination is noted m the Registrar-General's figures just published m Britain. New divorce petitions
    Reuter  -  1,037 words
  • 250 10 ('Olour, originality, gaiety, brightness. it heart-warming to sot* these British textiles In quantity and variety. They give you an Idea of JllSt how colourful and happy-looking a home can be, There i mat deal of contemporary colour and pattern a treat deal ol the tomato red
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 41 10 rawo film INCORPORATING RADIO MALAYA NEWS ALL TitK BEST IJ\ r BROADCASTING mii Pr**uramm*H W hat Mtirir Im > is Th<> iV#»f#- m iirains 9 litMiiio Postbaa f artoons ami ***** Pirturv Svvtinn PRICE 30 CENTS FROM ALL NEWSAGENTS ON SALE TODAY
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  • 482 11 How FAR can you go with FRECKLES? I\ORIS DAY is touched. Emotionally, I mean. Her- head's quite sound and m the groove. But those powder-blue eyes of hers go misty at the thought of you and me and the thousands of rhusc other Doris Day fans m Britain. "They are
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  • 223 11 r vms freckle-sprinkled phe--1 nomenon i.s, m fact. Brifavourite American gin. The popularity polls prove it. She's the only girl m 'top ten"— that upper crust of stars who bring m loit of you and me to the box-office. That sometimes has Miss L>ay worried. "When
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  • 576 11  - SIX THOUSAND MILES FOR A KISS? BOB THOMAS By UERE'S one actress Hollywood will not he üble to lure Japanese star Mitsuko Kinuira. who intends her current picture to be her last. Latest of the foreign lovelies to be imported by Hollywood is Miss Kimura, who combines striking beauty with
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  • 75 11 ."lI ANSEL and Gretel. M a reIX volutionary new type of motion picture, recently made its debut m New York City. The film, based on the famous fairy-tale, has moulded, electronic puppets as actors and is accompanied by Engelbert Humperdinck's music to his "Hansel and GreteP opera.
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  • 198 11 This Pharaoh's guard knew how to change a tyre MANY frightened motorists thought it a man from Mars who hacL dropped high on the sharp-curving Laurel Canyon Highway— but actually it was only a Sardinian Guard from the 3,500-year-old court of the Pharaoh Rameses II changing a tyre. It wasn't
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 176 12 'Till pn.Mrni <>1 new 1 t;>.m.s with littlr expense i rid trouble his bCfB solved h\ IK year old London deUuLinlr M.iKila Hrowrn- < I ivton i iii deader Mafia ordered MM fiind.i;nentuJ" from Irish routurirr Irene Gilbert <»t \t\i- befinaing «»f her season. It
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  • 89 12 'IMIKKK w;is a iasliion set- back for Mi.s> Elisabeth Khys aiui MLs.s Sandra Mon.Mm at a dance m Kmtfhtsbridge, London, l; w<<-k. Trwy found thoy were woarim< idcniicilly stvlcd lalTct.i<«xktall dn\s.s»-s. 'Hicy ixMiKlit thf»m m Ukt- HMBC .sQiop on tbe sami* day. "It's dLsapiK>lritinß
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  • 230 12  - HAPPY FEET are step to BEAUTY EILEEN ASHCROFT says |P^ women listened to beauty expert Rose Laird from America, they'd spend more time niassayinK their feet than their faces. M dam e Laird is 79 and looks under 60 and she tells me m her salon m New York every
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  • 61 12 HOW can a woman acquire beautiful eyelashes— long ;;iid curling? Miss joy Leslie-Gibson Mrs Gerald Legge thrashed out the problem after a celebrity dinner given by the Young Members Group of the English-Speaking Union at Dartmouth House, London. I always use boot polish o:i mine,"
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 89 12 ISP' W 9 f"^¥fi£J -WfVofIJv.vJWPP: m IKuv ■■'>'■"■' ■X X 1"1' 1 w "•"-"■VvSSSy y- 'voSSVC It is the ambition of parents the world over to plan a grand future for their children. When the time came for weaning, the parents of these little people wisely chose LACTOGEN, for they
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 236 12 lIIKS ACROSS 18 Novadayi they're usually game 1 Q|M tiOO a Wtf IB flruUly (11). 5) H nirUtkNM Ihoc lOpHl <s>. 19 T"* li*uranr« man h;»s his b* 9 Catch the artist t>;tcic Lo [runt mitm\ dtitcttoM (T) 21 Put ta lhe 7 >- -10 I'ruouM. md sounds like a
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  • 923 13  -  ADELAIDE EASTLEY SO 'Mr. Conscience' is OUT to MEND our^MANNERS by YOU are operating your bicycle danously, boy. Pull over to the curb and stop." The voice coming through the loud-speaker on the L:ig car boomed firmly but pleasantly. boy on the bicycle. ;n Fuy, 12,
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  • 144 13 The Queen drives home on a 'NO- ENTRY' road HUNDREDS of weekend sightseers watched the Queen exercising a Royal prerogative some nights ago— driving down a road marked No Entry. The Queen was on her way from London Airport to Buckingham Palace, after flying from Balmoral. With Lady Alice Egerton,
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  • 380 13 Neither side vulnerable North dealer ■NORTH ♦A5 4 3 95 3 Or io 7 6 46 5 2 WEST EAST 4 J 10 8 7 462 9 A X Q J 9 10 ***** 4KJIO 7 4984 9 2 The blddlnr NORTH EAST SOUTH *€ST Pass Pass 1
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  • 433 14  - HEWSON IS AFTER THAT TITLE-No.1 WORLD MILER DESMOND HACKETT [b 7 ■MIAN STANFORD HEWSON is U U is MMIUWK J2HSJS amU^m l> KK.IMISJ Ol Mtlll.l.lKV \M> A IIIIIIO I™, Jl \l OWN (I fasi it mil' rI read* I i m*e! a tense, itc*l tough »joutn^ lllis ir coolly m
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  • 38 14 photo. THE IH'KI. nf lldinhurtih playing for the Mariners, scores th<> first gml for his team m the mutth against l»olo ottago m the polo tii(»rnamrnt on Smith's Lawn, Windsor flreat Park- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 342 14 OOVIET boxerg may not be fiicTKiiy but they are aw--I'iliv i><>J 1 1 During the recent i iropemo amateur champion..iii|) malcheg m Berlin, Rusklan rlngmen followed the rules >a etlouette lot more rluscly than ili« ofl the Iferoulg of Queen A>ernr. If .t RuasUin
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  • 266 14 Borotra at 57, still thrills the crowds at Wimbledon Jl \N BOROTKA. last survivor of ihe great "international players of the 1920's brought th«- crowd at Wimbledon to their feet, yelling. on Tuesday is hr paired with fellow Frenchman Robert Haillet to win five hard sets .mainst Canadians Bob Bedard
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  • 175 14 GOLF MYSTERY 0F.... The thieving seagull A SEAGULL HELPED PHILOME- A NA GARVEY, THE IRISH INTERNATIONAL GOLFER. TO HER EIGHTH VICTORY IN THE IRISH WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP I RECENTLY. HOW? IT STOLE" HER OPPONENTS BALL. And the mystery incident shattered the confidence of the beaten finalist, Audrey O'Donohoe, to such an
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  • 149 14 Priest hopes to swim Strait TORONTO Roman Catholic priest hopes to be the swimmer to conquer the treacherous Strait of Juan de Puca. Rev. John Donelon. 38, of 9t. Peter's Church here, said he will make his first attempt on Monday to swim the 18-mile stretch of water between
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 71 14 c For effortless performance... l j '^'^Vnwiiilwwiipirjwja*- 7Jl^ajf^*^r-^ jtandartd COMFORT VENTILATION S 2 With wide and The four doors each A generous seats rhe hsve large, winding effective sou widrh {tm windows .md fully pivoi provides maximum If 111 n S ventilators providing comfort for driver and J|| complete and
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    Reuter  -  490 words
  • 39 15 Press OSMAN ANGULLIA, the Chartered Bank soalkeepcr. jumps to deal with this header from Tommy Mission, the Telephone Board's centr-eforwaid (hidden) while Salim (Board) and Kirn Hian (Bank) nearest to goalpost, look on.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  39 words
  • 160 15 HONG KONG XI GO DOWN 4-3 TO OTAGO rpHE Hong Kong touring lootX ball team were beaten for the first time m New Zealand ye&terdav when they lost 4 3 to an Ota^o provincial .side. The Hong Kong team were outplayed on it .slipp'iy ground The local side dominated the
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 187 15 SINGAPORE Telephone Board, defending champions m the Singapore Business Houses league and Cup Championships, M-nred their second victory m Group "A M when they Deal Chartered Bank 3-1 at Jalan Besar yesterday. Telephone Board led 2-1 at hall time
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  • 90 15 The R.S.G.C.s JltfM 18 Kotefl Mixed Poursomea (SUbleford) competition Played on Sunday wt by Mr. ai R. E. I, WUlg»tC Other carda returned: D. Rei and Miss MacEwen 12 V&; Major »nd Mrs. H I). Streel Mr. unci Mi s. C Priis-Lund II; Brl r« Thorne-Tbome and
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  • 31 15 SiKlap Boy* Club beat Royal Air Force (Cbangl) by 61 points to 46 at ba>ketball at the Slglap Community rent re 00 Tuesday. Siglap led 26-20 at ball Uo*.
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  • 145 15 Sonneville will lead team for S'gor meet A SEVEN-MAN team from Indo- nesia. headed by newly crowned Malayan badminton champion Perry Sonneville and their doubles cham- pions, Gan Kay Houw and Gouw Soon Lok, will participate m the Sekmgor International Gold Cup' badminton championships to be held I m the
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  • 42 15 rpHE Rheims Grand Prix, MM of France's bUrgest motor race* will not be held this yi ar following the Le Mans disaster sources close to the French Government said. The race Wtl fixed for July 3. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
    Reuter  -  332 words
  • 40 15 PETER THOMSON, 25-year-old Australian who holds the British open golf title, scored a brilliant round 66 m the Sand Moor 72 hole tournament at Leeds yesterday. Players from elpht overseas countries are competing.
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  • 45 15 WwKibrklKe Hospital beat Ooveroment Printing 6-1 m their Government Services Div. 1 soccer leaKiu.•natch at the P T. ground yesterday. Osman, Jamalludin. M. Kimn. Mat Moon, Kirn San and J Morals ■cored for Woodbridge and H. IsI uual fur Printer*.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 29 15 FOR SHOES Buy note* OCEAN PARK I HOTEL'S I FAMOUS QUINTET IV H Ace Band of Singapore MISS SALOMA the Malay "Marilyn Monroe' 1 Rintf ***** for Table Reservation*
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 168 15 TODArS SPORT] BOOCBB SAFA LEAGUE: DIV. 2A: V.M.M.A. v F. Karib, at Clerical Union Div. 3A: K. Samajam v Cosmos, Geylan*; DIV 3B: K.i ton- S.C. v Springdale, rarrer Park GOVT. SERVICES LGE: DIV. 2 Radio Malaya v Income Tax. Farrer Park; P T. v Land Oflicc. P T. ground;
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  • 507 16 PINK TICKET, EVER VICTORY FASTEST Final gallops for Ipoh on Saturday FREE PRESS RACING < ORREBPONDENT I>INK TICKET (BouK«un-J and Kver Victor* II (Lea*af) v r< associated m a splendid workout on the training track at Ipoh tfu-s morning. Thei raced for stride over Jf m it ,-asily the fastest
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  • 14 16 picture. TAN ENG YOON at top speed yesterday.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  14 words
  • 100 16 Hewson and Pirie fail to break records HKIIAIN fS OortfOD firif I adl m M mp< to braak racort oi II hf]fj bY |nl bad if' 1 ;< nd wine 200 f»rd fthtftd ol PeU !fj li»« 1,.-.,- Urn h lan -r k. < i 'if record Un i l>r
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • 32 16 Archie Moore retained his world lifht-heavy-vreifht title at the Polo (.rounds, New York, last night when lie knocked out Carl "Hobo" Olson m the third round. A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 27 16 The Presbyterian Boys School yin hold thfir tenth annual i, spoits on thp school field (Loroi^ J. Tclok Kurauj from 3 m on July 2.
    27 words
  • 628 16 WIMBLEDON SHOCKS: /'ILBERT SHEA, 23-year-old crew-cropped American, and Mrs Zusie Kormoczy, Hungary s 30-year-old former champion provided the first major shocks m the Wimbiedon lawn tennLs championships yesterday, the third day of the tournament. Shea, playing great tennis In a tense two-and-a-quarter hours duel
    628 words
  • 142 16 SINGAPORE'S top sprinter Tan Eng Yoon's bid to crack 10 seconds for the 100 yards failed when he attempted it at St. Joseph's Institution athletic meet yesterday. Eng Yoon who took off m fine weather with the ground m perfect condition for
    142 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 268 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTHS 20 Hunts J!6 (minimum). de N1IUWI: To Tilly (nee ii ins) an<i Eddy a daughter, on ;it Singapore Nursing Home. AITKEN: At Penan*? Maternity Hospital, OB lilt June, to Jean and. John, Bukit BttamteU Estate, a d tughter. oWKN On June 13th, 1955, to Jacqueline (nee JacqoJe
      268 words
    • 57 16 ELEGANCE PRICE QUALITY \l 111 t//s f v v^E WmtSn /fIV n It (.lurviiitf 1 *r *It m&EKKk ft I vSwL \v m 1 /ay da+*?}' a Wtt^luF ill lAli» lBW M» Nivarox iXh m i Mtitf gsaMfly m AiMm ill AllL IMB^mK^W^mSmmm Hairspring I Tm A 9a Via m
      57 words