The Singapore Free Press, 28 December 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya No. Mill. Sinsapore. Turs, Hrc. 2S. 1954 Price 15(ts.
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  • 99 1 They want U.N. to debate 'Malayan freedom' AN organisation, called the "Malayan Youth Outside Malaya," met m Jakarta yesterday and resolved to call on members of the Afro-Asian group, especially India, Ceylon, Pakistan, linrnia and Indonesia to put the question of Malaya's freedom before the United Nations. The resolution urged
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 176 1 ASIAN delegates to Indonesia's "Little Geneva" conference met informally m Bogor, near Jakarta, yesterday to prepare for talks which are to set the stage for a meeting of all African, Arab and Asian powers with a common dislike of colonialism. Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru of
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 63 1 SIR JOHN KOTELAWALA. the Ceylonese Prime 1 Minister, who arrived m Singapore last night from Manila, left this morning for Jakarta by plane. He was accompanied by Mr M. Saravanamuttu. the Ceylon Ambassador. Sir John will join the other four Prime Ministers of the Colombo
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  • 99 1 rpilE Free Press Course CorA respondent tipped tour winners at Penang yesterday They were Black Pulot, Scottish Minstrel. Golden Lotus and Shamrock Slipper, —all named m his race morning round-up. Cinders Prince was mentioned as a quiet tip while Kumar was given as a
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  • 34 1 A European lost two model aeroplanes which he had left m his car at Jalan Besar stadium park, Singapore, yesterday evening. Police later arrested two youths. The toys were recovered.
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  • 60 1 I^HREE British soldiers wer I yesterday sentenced In Hiroshima District Court to five years hard labour on charges of striking a Japanese taxi driver and robbing him of M 510.83 m The soldi. I.Vl .V kin 22 Brian Franc! Hunt, 27
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  • 112 1 CIAM will end government rice monopoly on January 1 and return export trad< private merchants, it v.a.s learned m Bangkok >• terday Luang Thavil Bettaphanichkarn Director Qern lil ol Foreign Trade, -said pri< policies would probably b. vised .so that Slam
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 178 1 BID TO BEACH SHIP TODAY Still on fire THK Dnbh ship Lexa Maersk has now been ablaze for nearly TO hours about a mne oui m Singapore's Outer Roads. An attempt may be made to tow her to shallow water today and then beach her. It will be a danger
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  • 126 1 Singapore ship blaze sends up rubber Free Press Market Correspondent THE price of rubber leapt by 3| cents a lb. to Wi cents on the Singapore Rubber Market this morning following a wave o[ local ipecula tlve buying. This was set oil by overnight buying m New York
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 I Men m the public eye prefer BRYLCREEM Ihe clean, smart look what every man .vantv That's why moft m n u^c Hrv'crrcm 'Xi^^Edtjt' han tns other hutrdres mi? m the world. Sec toi your'-cil hoy. Hr' accm k^eps .oil! f hair lustrouv and undc r MfOl *ll ddj long.
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  • 120 2 fO-EXISTENCK I <!e--mocratlc and I ; ccordin F. to ht'd North VietnaiTi. M. Jean Sainteny. Bainteny, who made a brief statement vest* relay before he left for Paris by air to report to the Premier* M. MendesFrance. .said Peaceful coexistence, which until now seemed to be
    U.P.  -  120 words
  • 246 2 A spot of bother trying to see Mr. Nehru POLICE on duty at Kallang airport yesterday attempted to stop press men from talking to Pandit Nehru, the Indian Premier, during his, brief lunch hour halt m Singapore. The policemen thought the, press were part of the crowd i whom they
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  • 153 2 NOW POLAND IS TRYING TO WOO JAPANESE POLAND has made a peace overture to Japan through diplomatic channels, the Kyodo News Agency reported yesterday. The feeler for a treaty between the two countries was extended to the Japanese ambassador Kumao Nishimura In Paris by the Polish embassy there, the agency
    U.P.  -  153 words
  • 22 2 The Communist New China News Agency said yesterday that Christmas was celebrated m Protestant churches m Peking and Shanghai.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  22 words
  • 127 2 AFTER nearly six years of silence, Communist China has finally decided to accept Yugoslavia*! otTer of diplomatic recognition. A month ago, Chinese diplomats appeared at Yugoslav receptions for the first time. But it was not until Sunday 1 that any official notice
    U.P.  -  127 words
  • 380 2 Two of five hurdles cleared T»HE French Prime Minister, M. Pierre Mend France, last night won a first victory m his Rrhi to secure French ratification of treaties rearming WUt Germany. But his stiffest fight lies ahead. The National Assembly has yet to vote for a
    Reuter; A.P.; Free Press  -  380 words
  • 65 2 SECRET TALK ON FRENCH ATOM BOMB Pierre Mender-France discussed m secret with hLs top ministers on whether France should build her own atom bomb, it wa.<= learned yesterday. No final decision was taken. Some ministers insisted that France should make her own nuclear weapons on the grounds that this uould
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIH THE STRAITS TIMES, which has pioneered the use of colour photography for magazine journalism m South East Asia, AnnOUiICBS II6W vtnVllit Sales of a selection of the superb full-colour illustrations from The Straits Times Annuals m the form of Il"x14" dye-transfer photographic prints. These prints, suitably mounted, are now
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  • 228 3 Faulty radar may have caused air disaster ■N\ KSTKiATORS looking 1 for the cause of the crash that killed M persons at Preslwlck airport, m Scotland, have been checking whether faulty radar mij;ht have guided the plane to earth too soon. Wheels °f tne doubledecked Stratocruiser furrowed the earth
    U.P.  -  228 words
  • 137 3 Eleven-hour quake panic: 20 islanders injured ustained and violent 11--hour earthquake rocked the tiny Lipari Luanda off the north coast of Sicily yestercollapsinp: houses and spreading panic among inhants. First reports said at least 20 ders were injured and s of houses partially desed. The" Lipari Islands, lying about 50
    U.P.  -  137 words
  • 27 3 Mr. John H. Bruins. 58. ve-t-ran of 30 years m the U.S. foreign service, has died In Washington. He once served m Singapore. U.P.
    U.P.  -  27 words
  • 224 3 QUEEN ELIZABETH, the Duke of Edinburgh and their family party rested quietly at Sandringham House yesterday after their traditional Christmas week-end. A shooting party for male members of the party was the only energetic event planned for a mild balmy day which was most
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 109 3 LIFE-SAVING SERUM CAME 1 5 mins LATE 4LFRED OREGGIA, 13. died m Nice Franco, Just 15 A minutes before a rare serum which could have saved his life arrived by air from Switzerland- Alfred a hemophiliac, was admitted to the Hill hospital yesterday morning suffering from an internal haemorrhage. When
    U.P.  -  109 words
  • 41 3 Vincenzo La. Bella, Neapolitan painter whose works wrre shown m Europe and America, died yesterday m Naples at the age of 82 Among his best known works were portraits of Eleonora I Duse and Benito Mussolini.— A. P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 17 3 1 London-born Francis L. Sullivan 52-year-old. British actor, became an American citlsen yesterday.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 34 3 Big swing to beer in the cold north CANADIANS are <i\» M L morr- beer infl.vidual, v and coUectivelj pwticularlj mV* V This'is reported by ti,, n ,m for drinking at home A. P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 29 3 DBVDnBM people were killed and five »J» r |l( O bus plunged over a H5O-foot cliff iiear Cu^to m ftru. brjUtes had failed- AP
    AP  -  29 words
  • 167 3 Russia began preparing yesterday for its bigge I holiday of the year on January I a combination of Christmas and New Year's Day calkd 'novie god. (Nev Year;. "On novie god." goes an old Russian saying, "you comb out your barada, take off your valinkie
    A.P.  -  167 words
  • 44 3 EGYPTIAN students who left Cairo yes terday to Attend the All-Muslim Youth Congress m Karachi w< re warned by a government spokesman that they must strengthen Muslim j principles to combat Communism while they j were away. A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 83 3 EX-POLICE BOSS, GIRL ARRESTED 4 1 In- of pHi tl Ql I <m chai nipt ollce comir.i lon< Qumng H<», who was at th»» ecretarj and Director-OenenU <m tin police And iun •[> Tana i t; H lynl comn Duonf Phal director i gon matei nlty home; N ijrtn Thai
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 17 3 President Eisenhower decided yesterday to submit his t% w budget to Congre on Juv n.
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  • 252 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, Dec. 23, 1954. IT'S A BIG START MALAYA and the British Borneo territories were directly represented for the first time this year at the United j Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organisation when it held its meeting at Montevideo m Uruguay. The man who was
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  • 292 4 French new deal for North Africa A PLAN for "Euro- peanising'* North Africa is being prepared m the Quai d'Orsay. It envisages not only further French development m Morocco and Tunisia, but joint paitieipation m boid rew production schemes with German, Italian and Belgian interests— both governmental and private enterprise.
    Popper  -  292 words
  • 775 4 ROBBERS TERRORISE A NATION REAL terror stalks when dusk falls on West Germany's broad Hitlerbuilt autobahn highways these nights. It is a terror which is costing Germany millions of pounds m lost business, frayed nerves, and the biggest, craziest manhunt since thp days of the Nazis. At 3 a.m. I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 27 4 j Gifts...! that will Thrill her. Gold Vanity Cases i I Cultured Pearl Necklaces Silver Brush Sets I U.S.deSILV«, Jewellers i 106, Orchard Rd., S'pore-9 Phone. *****
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    • 29 4 NEW YEAR GIFTS of every description at our ORCHARD ROAD BRANCH It's so easy to shop when you can find everything "under one roof" SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD.
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  • 106 5 nPWO weddings were celebrated m Singapore on Boxing Hay. Mr. and Mrs. David Seek Kirn Wong (above) after their Registry marriage. The bride was the former Miss Lynda Gob Soo Lim. The reception was held at Raffies Hotel. Pilot Officer Peter Brown of Captain's Flat
    Free Press  -  106 words
  • 103 5 r rilE Singapore City Council Water Department Labour Union decided at its general meeting on Sunday to give two weeks notice, to the Council about the proposed dismissal of 300 workers from Tv-brau camp. A spokesman for the workers said the Council was unreasonable to
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  • 190 5 rE Singapore City Council ran only solve the staff housing problem by continued building m the next 15 to 30 1 years, says Mr Teh Choon Keat m The City Unionist Annual, published by the City Council Services Union. The aim should
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  • 72 5 Yep Chor Yen 18, on Monday pleaded guilty In the Second Magistrate's Couri In Kuala Lumpur to stoali!!!. r money from a tcit phone \)<»Ah at Campbell Road on Christmas Eve Christmas Day. Inspector X k rillay, the Prosecuting Offlcer, said Yoe $1.60 on Ch Kve
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  • 36 5 Memb r- ol the Telok Ayr Met hod i ith FeUowihip, Christina* sifta for the children oi the St. Andrew's <> thopaedlc Ho pltal at Bl| and the Salvation Army riii-drt-n* Home at l'u.,ir Panjung.
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  • 183 5 But city engineers finished record schedule H planning had to be postponed, and other work suffered from insufficient preparation and supervision m 1953 owing to lack of staff, the City Engineer, Mr. G. Edmond, said m his annual departmental report. Difficulty m getting stafT blocked progress
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  • 53 5 Mr C B S(*h, an Indfi^ndmt candidate, will eootett H:tvc](K-k lJivi.->i<>n In the forthcoming Legislative Ajsaembly electioas. In his election ::..iniff\sto. Mr Soh .said. If elected I .1; ill be free to support which party putt <»ut the mart :>r ictical plan.s for thy fOOd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 295 5 9y,./^\ FOR ]|l OCCASIONS AUSTIN REED Finer Quality DRESS SHIRTS SHARKSKIN DINNER C o.u r arched Soft MuCU jALKETb front .md cuffs. Superfine Single or double breasted bwn coar shaped body. con/. $78/50 AUSTIN REED TROPICAL WEIGHT TUNIC DRESS SH.RTS DRESS TROUSERS -th front and I^\» > cum. Two
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 684 6 YOUR LUCKY j STAR detail is evidenced by > oilr I ability handle the most f tncate affairs successfully enjoy originating plans- Dul i ling them into operation; ai d E watching them uork ,it lou do n»t Klwaya see them I i mature as you had hoped fn your
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  • 233 7 Plans to help farmer flood victims SINGAPORE Governmeni will carry on the rehabilitation of agricultural and livestock farmers, who were victims ol the recent floods, under two separate categories. First of these will be undert iken by the Social Welfare; department. It will consist of aintenance of families, includini monthly
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  • 74 7 FOUR Singapore canals were dredged by the City Engineer's Department last year to help alleviate flood conditions. They were Bukit Timah, Rochote, Paya Lebar and Siglap canals, which were widened and cleared to improve the run-off. Construction of the main outlet drain along Macpherson
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  • 57 7 The Dravidian leader, Mi E.V. Ramasamy. told labourers on Bukit Raja Estate near Klang that they should back to India if they cannot earn enough to Rive their children an education m Malaya "You should go back to India even if it means
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  • 92 7 COUNCIL PROBE INTO CASE OF THE TWO-JOB MEN A BOUT 60 watchmen m the Singapore City Council work day and night -but not for the Council. They are Council watchmen but have additional jobs m their spare time. This is against Council rules and a subcommittee is investigating the case
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  • 56 7 Thieves broke into the house I of a painter m the Mrimlembu 1 regrouping area on Christmas morning and stole $76 worth of cash and jewellery. The painter Loh Meng, wa.s away at the time. When he returned at about 7 a.m. he found that the
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  • 147 7 MAN HAD 'SEVERAL WIVES, CHILDREN ALL OVER MALAYA' A LAWYER Mr. Eugene Lye, told the Kuala Lumpur Second Magistrate's Court *"*™to** l^~™£ that his client had several wives and children all over Malaya. Mr. Lye was applying foi stay of execution of a maintenance order made on Dec 12 against
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  • 39 7 A large gathering yesterdaj attended the funeral of Van Tungku Nor. a sister of the i Sultan of Kedah. Tungku Nor died early yesterday morning. She wa.< buried at the Royal cemeterj at Langgar.
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  • 54 7 THE Balestier Community Centre was officially opened on Sunday by Mrs. Thio Chan Bee, (above) wife of the Singapore Legislative Councillor and patron of the centre. More than 500 members and guests were present. Challenge trophies and prizes to winners of the various sports events during the
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  • 73 7 A lIRISTMAS party for l\ the poor ihiidirn f Bedok ;mil orphans of Itnm/ikrtshna Mission was held at Bedok Methodist Church under the IVPied of the Singapore Lodge of the Theosopjhit al Society last Suml:i> There were names, retrcshments. niauir and film shows. At the
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  • 215 7 Anxiety over hospital funds ALU A Lumpur how to n .ds for th» r Tub' ttal With only ;x montl before the i th" first bio. k lea th in I 01 1 .-.;il million t;ir«»-t has been reached Today the fund st.inds at $2.0'3.7H9 Donation coming in very slowly"
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  • Market Prices
    • 72 7 NKW YORK. Dec. 27. Above prices quoted m US cents per Ib. TIN Strait, spot «n« ntarbj 87.25 nom. «725 n«n T,N future Dec. JUJ JJ^ jMt ,7 „MM gj gk Feb 87 4't RSked 87.40 Mkid TOVt: Quiet. Xl BBER future War. 55.. 31.10 traded gJJ
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    • 29 7 Spot Miliinr was q t 41 41. J, 39 January, i-' Aba t thly pi P 39 S per pound dock. m n s centi per lh
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    • 48 7 vi W VOKK l>< PHILIPPINE COPRA. r.l r. v.* $175.00 norn Pacific ■f y jyj£sis wewe closed kestehday. ALL UK. MAKKLIb f r* ion* ■vr, r, {(t Industrials H4 14- i lii Railroads LOO 40 Domestic Bondi 61.37 15 I'tilitirs "ill 147.07 storks C«mn..sltr %vfra«M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 296 8 I Soldier 'was m jankers' DRIVATB ANDERTON had been m the Army for less than a fortnight when he landed m jankers/ 9 it was said at a Farnnorouj;h, Hampshire, court-martial. Jankers was clearly understood by the court to be Army •lanf
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  • 299 8 Her 'I will' shocked the Master at Arms PATRICK EDWARD MCCARTHY was a master-at-arms m the Royal Navy, with an Irish fervour for his duties. None dared to raise a voice to him. None, that is, until Wren Officer Winifred Barbara spoke an echoing "I will" and other responses when
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  • 261 8 WIFE TOOK PLANETO INTERCEPT LINER JOAN NEILL. 24-year-old ex-model who left an Aus-tralian-bound liner at Port Said, flew back to London recently. She was alone and she was smiling Still m Italy was her employer, 38-year-old Mr. John Gail, of Staines, Middlesex, who went ashore
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  • 138 8 ACTOR SAVES WIFE IN BLAZING ROOM IMLM and TV actor Jack F Watling rescued his actress Wife, Miss Patricia Hicks, from a blazing bathroom when she was overcome by smoke during a fire at their house m Shouldham-street, Marylebone. London. They were going to bed after a small party when
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  • 99 8 DOZENS of people telephoned the police have offering to adopt a seven-month-old Doy found abandoned m a store m Oxford Street. London. A note pinned to the baby's clothes said: "I cannot find a home for my child, so will you please put him
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  • 36 8 At FIVE O'CLOCK one morning 300 employees of a silk mill m Golbourne, Lanes, arrived home from a dance m Blackpool changed into overalLs and went back to work at SIX O CLOCK.
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  • 280 8 11TAS it a lottery which the V? Supporters' Club rnn for Eh -i -lit oi Torquay United? Yes. said the Lord Justice and another A third jud^<\ however thought Parliament did not intend to prohibit the smalThis majority decision m a r< i
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  • 68 8 THE BAWKINS ARE BAPTISE D picture. MX. Jack Hawkins, the famous British film stir, marshalls his three children for a joint christening m London. They are: Nicholas, aged 6, Andrew, aged 4. and three-month-old Caroline. The reason for the mass christening was that until now Jack Hawkins has been filming
    Popper  -  68 words
  • 204 8 BUND, SHE BECOMES A SOLICITOR TWENTY EIGHT Y^n OLD Patricia Hart is the first blind woman to qualify as a solicitor. The news that »he had passed the final examination of the Law Society was read to her by the sister who shares her North London flat So that she
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  • 223 9 GOSSIP KILLED MY ROMANCE, SHE SAYS SIXTY BOUT YFAIl OLD Miss Edith Sadl( r a i ii to do iplnster, canci i her w. ddlng to the I ar"i(i man he met rillage post Office only month ago. She said: ••Villa".- gossip killed our romance
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  • 298 9 RIFLEMAN IS BANNED FOR FAKING CARD a IK. JAMES A. E. WILMSON shot a rifle competition T1 from 25 yards and returned it as 100 yards For that he has been suspended for five years. Britain's National Small Bore Rifle Association it has been revealed, have banned him from competition
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  • 46 9 George Hall, 63-year-old ex"nvict. put on his Nativity ray "The Three Kings" m West End recently on a Ei built m front of the altar f St. Thomas's Church. Re-Rent-street The play was last rmed by an all-convict cast last Christmas.
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  • 46 9 A mother, trapped with her five children m her smoke-fill-i (1 home m Birmingham, stood at an attic window ready to drop the children 30ft. to the den below. Hold it," shouted Police •able Trevor Deeley. He ran up, and calmed the family.
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  • 361 9 RUNAWAY GIRLS (tired of films) ARE HOME TWO teenage girls sought by the police for more than a week got tired of being runaways from home and took a train back to their parents. The girls. 15-ytar-old Margaret Geller, of Dominic-drive, New Eltham. London, and her 16--year-old shorthand-typist friend, Josephine
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  • 184 9 ytISS CECILY BOCHENEK will launch an appeal or v:50,000 m the New Year. will begin a fight which he has been planning since 951 for the arthritis suffer- Britain. Arthritis first hit Miss tochenek as a child. Eight ears ago, it forced her to
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  • 211 9 A MISTAKE m a map has resulted m a claim that an urban council is building Hats on land which does not belong to it. Ashford, K(nt, council learned of the arror when Mr. William Uchardson, former master builder, complained of trespass. He pointed out
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  • 87 9 BOY SHOT DEAD WITH HIS FRIENDS PISTOL JOHN RUMBALL, 14, re cently called to see 15-year-old Brian Svvret, ill m bed. There was shot, and Brian died with a bullet through his heart. The dead boy was m bed recovering from 'flu m his parents' home at Bel Koyal, St.
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  • 29 9 BLUE JOKES, RED FACES SANTA, BY AIR ARMY joke, and are wnba > living near Co) I sex. Ml. c ol In the barrack. 1. ten let •d the uh
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  • 23 9 Tli< }:> < A tor of 81 Brid< I I I Lon<i laii •<! that th< Wai I t 1 this hurch
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  • 35 9 hool-frii nd pull the and called foi helo when nine Guy La ol On Kent U fn m .1 ti tin lie W&J taken to hospital \*.tu Li-ud. Injuries.
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  • 33 9 More than 72 tons of mog deposit fell on every nuare mile of Southwark'i Bankside m London In October, compared with 41 torn m the same month last year
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  • 455 10 The Frauleins are so friendly rrHE U.S. Army is fet- ting set for a rush oi GI-German marriages resulting irom th Ing of its toujih regulatkmi on SUCb marriages. m irrl i I■ en U.S. ricemen and German girls vo been averaging 400 a month despite the military's opposition. Now
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  • 228 10  - This moon will circle the earth every two hours Thomas R. Henry IrpHE earth's first "arti--1 flcial moon" appears to be at least m the preliminary planing stages. It is proposed as a very small rocket capable of carrying approximately 40 pounds of automatically recording and transmitting scientific instruments. It
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  • 197 10 It's Quiet with a capital 'Q on Quiet Isle r\ LATE tourist rush is flooding Wangerooge, the "Isle of Silence." and eastern most of the Friesland Islands. Wangerooge is celebrating the 150 th anniversary of its founding and m doing so is reminding tourists that it is the only resort
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  • 73 10 They prefer it— neat! PARISIANS aiv taking water with it. Tii«> Municipal Council budget reveals th th< quantity of drinking water used m the capital has gone down m the las.l yesfr by tens of thousands ol gallons. it means a tiole of M$850.00( m the fans Anancet. Incidentally, the
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  • 66 10 picture. Peter Ustinov, the English author actor, attending rehearsals of his play "The Love of Four Colonels" which is being performed at the Fontaine Theatre. Paris, stopped to inspect the "officers" on parade and had something to s:iy about the English colonel's "turn-out." Playing the
    Popper  -  66 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 IV>## f#f## Phone Your SMALL ADS. «o Singapore 2800 I*. 108 I V* X 1 B a» W^9qHbK*<* JW" *"^vSBy "S "P '^^^^K^w^gßtffflrfß^B^-^WB^^g'f^j^BßfMßHß^^ bb^b^W^b^B^ This is a STRAITS TIMES Classified Advertisement Service. WM BM --j^-----i-^-»-——JZ--^- M —-l-— -J -S MM J M^_ l _^_-_^_L i BM^ WBiM^ M ,ii M
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  • 145 11 His blessings included a hit tune IRVING Berlin discloses was having a tough time S]< < ping one night. Lots oi things on my mind and 1 couldn't rest. My wife asked 'Why don't you try counting your blessings instead W sheep?' That remark gave Berlin an idea. The song
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  • 847 11  - ALWAYS argue with the BOSS, is the Burton theory! Thomas Wiseman SHOW TALK by m DISCOVERY: At MsB,oooa week, i Hollywood is not such 3 bad place to work m after all. m DISCOVERY: An explanation of j that reputation for bc--1 ing 'difficult." IHAD been entrusted with a message
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  • 44 11 WHAT do "ii'.'ilT 100 l Uke A> least on< Holly wood director should V l v dope. Instructions to th< w:ini ro l irtm< ni U i Cory Al i < napin r loa th« call l 1 I ,ould not Just l<
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  • 195 11 DIAL 'H' for HAPPINESS If ytf wiirt your marriage to last •ay* CTD CHARJSSE ||ARRIAOI I A issr pointfl OUt, IS !>.: I(i on mut ual faith a n ci understanding, which b e w A .til* i d by distant i Though Cyd b;n.;; lon Martin have often been
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • 698 12 Big girls learn to walk at the end of a rope NADEANE WALKER visits an exclusive school m Paris rE tall brunette walked rapidly along a line chalked on the saloon floor, her legs bound with a lasso knot just above the kne< The other end of the rope was
    Reuter  -  698 words
  • 333 12 HER BABIES WERE NO TROUBLE AT ALL A MOTHER we would like A to introduce to every baby doctor is Jeanne Cram, film-star mother of four babies aged between two and M'ven. We'd like them to meet her because she is a striking testimonial to the bliss of having a
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  • 356 12 ouLn snes vulnerable South dealer NORTH ♦V 10 9 3 97 6 3 08 7 5 *X 3 2 WEST EAST ♦A4l♦ J 7 5 3 r HB 9 J 10 5 4 0Q 10 0J9642 ♦JlO9 8 7 4 SOUTH X 6 9A X 2 rA X
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 248 12 """"""■MI ■BfST'l^ fKH Bsfc" CLUES ACROSS: 5 If red. he's not neces--1 What ones betters wear? (4). S^Elt^be^n SpannWi 4An apple a day will provide it 6 The^ ggjjf^^, (4) v 7 A i?weiied start for birthday 7 What Cary might bestow twlna 6) XT 11 Ss' hr« 8 What
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  • 451 13  - The daring young man is seldom a Briton JOHN BARBER uas an Englishman who invented the circus muMiiiiiiMiiiiiiniiimtiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinui.i. Ml II It •lIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIMIIIIIIIIIII i nearly 200 years ago, but today I Hill IHIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIiiiuH •I'IMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIiniIIimmiIMIMIIIIMIII r PHEY are now m Bri--1 tain, the best circus acts m the world. High-stepping horses from
    Popper  -  451 words
  • 744 13 He looks upon poverty as a virtue STRANGERS to He* York's Times Square imetimea startled to a tali, bearded figure m a khaki robe and h( nriin<^ rr.otionlesa m a doorway, his eyes closed and both hands tucked beneath his robe like a person shivering m the cold. The man
    Reuter  -  744 words
  • 179 13 rVUERE is a now HoJly- wood dude ranch which features, for Ms 4 =i day, a swimming pool, meals, private patios and rooms. The clients: dotfs. This kennel ranch, known Double-?:, also has a cement square where celebrated dogfl leave their footprints.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 65 14 pu-iure. By <.ad Sir, its not cricket In fact it doesn t even look line football to us. but more like a noxiiiß match Mdewhot goalkeeper Brown appears to he landing a straight rMt to Kearns. Norwirh City rntrc-forward. but actaallj had lust punched the ball clear
    Popper  -  65 words
  • 143 14 HOW dangerous ta amateur boxing? Five Swedish physicians who have made a thorough investigation into it have reached the conclusion that unskilled voun» boxers definitely run the risk of brain injuries Even if brain disturbances caused by boxing arc very often healed, they said, there
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 85 14 Favourite wins the Summer Cup MR. J. P. Tylors Pipe On. joint favourite at seven to two. gained a runaway win m the Summer Cup. run over one and a quarter miles at Randwick. Sydney, yesterday. Pipe On (Kerry Piper-Pas-sion) went to the front four furlongs from home and stayed
    85 words
  • 31 14 Halloween, a nine-year-old jumper, went into the lead over the last fench and won the three miles King George the Sixth Steeplechase at Kempton Park yesterday by six lengths.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 261 14 LEICESTER GO AFTER CENTRE |>IG BILL HOLDEN, Burnlt -y centre forward, la Hie new transfer target of desperate Leicester City. Having failed m their £25.000 bid for Lincoln leader Andy Graver. Leicester directors travelled north for Holden, who hiv> isked for a ft. "We have not jet received a straight
    261 words
  • 58 14 IJID PUROOL, the United j B1 );xti golf champion rday tie would ha ip tournament noit k for a while because ol a rup- tured muscle m his nnht arm left arm is shrWell- i' lull Ol a boyhood :ii He I named "Roller *>! th<
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 97 14 DRITISH professional goUtn will play 10-tourn unent circuit m 1955 stretching from mid-April until lute October. The British Professional Golfer (Association programme for 1955: Bpaldlng Opc-n :it Moor Park. April 20-22; i>unlop Open, Wtntworth, May 3-0; Assistants Tournaiiifnt at 'C'youibc iliU, May 10-li, bwullo* and Penfold Open
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 448 14 WHY NOT START AN OLYMPIC TAX —and make amateur sport help itself gaji MAESTRO Till Belgian Government has made an Initial srant of 1.000.000 francs (M557,12#) towards the preparation of Belgian athletes foi the nr.ii Olympic Gamei hi Melbourne. Any moment now we ct the cry to go up for
    448 words
  • 178 14 Continental athletes for U.S. meetings SCANDINAVIAN and Belgian athletes will compete m American indoor winter track meets early m 1955. Dan Ferris, National Secre-tary-Treasnurer of the U.S. Amateur Athletic Union <AAU> said Denmark's middle distance runner Gunner Nielsen will head the Scandinavian group. Nielsen was runnerup to Roger Bannister last
    A.P.  -  178 words
  • 98 14 ATLAS and Norfolk FC m the Hatchard League (Hull) not I only avoid defeat: they win their matches outright with monotonous reyulari'v. They have just registered their twenty.xixth successive victory, despite a spate of injuries to half a dozen of their players, and have not
    98 words
  • 38 14 The 49th world .speed skating championships will begin m the Dynamo Stadium, M cow, on February 19. Invitations have already boen sent to representatives or the m countries which intend to take part.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 39 14 /63\ M I I F AnP AT ITANGUN II milLrtUL rtl V^Ac APPROXIMATELY SELEGIE jjjjl \OC™ VW If Ila y^ct<A/e4 O^7 g 805. PASIR PANJANG ROAD Vw JM SINGAPORE PHONE ***** _^0T A^ 91. PATANI ROAD. PENANG #J '\Hr^
      39 words

  • 325 15 U.S. team heading for Davis Cup win troubles to be played today a MERICA seized a firm, almost unbreakable grip on A the Davis Cup yesterday when two long-frustrated veterans, Tony Trabert and Vie Seixas, fought their w2L y to almost identical four-set victories m opening Irs matches of the
    325 words
  • 105 15 A 26-YEAR-OLD "Baby Austin" driven by P. R W. Jupe, of Ipoh, won the event for open cars m the Perak Motor Clubs first Gymkhana held at the Ipoh airfield on Sunday. The event proved a big SUCC63I and attracted 36 entrants from Penang, Kjala
    105 words
  • 573 15 GOLDEN LOTUS IN GREAT WIN Free Press Course Correspondent r OLDEN LOTUS and Broad- side, two of the finest lers m training on the van Turf, staged a keen I iel m the Christmas Cup over mile at Penang yesterday. In a touch and go finish Iden Lotus, superbly ridden
    573 words
  • 91 15 A COMPARATIVELY lIIUU pin bowler, Alan Mcl five wftcketi foe 31 Victoria to din. the Sheffle for 20fl In Melboui Vi, cored when th< v i Chrbtrnas Eve repued with HO foi 25 AgaSst team itrooi la Did m i took foi no i uris Hi I'H
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 38 15 THE END OF A GALLANT STAND picture Peter May is clean bowled by Australia's Ray Lindwall after his fighting innings of 104 had given England the chance to recover and win the second Test match at Sydney.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 240 15 Compton hits out in Test trial DENIS COMPTON was m tfreat form against the New South Wales country XI at Newcastle yesterday. Making his first appearance since breaking a finger In the Test, Compton Showed fine batting In scoring 55 not out for M.C.C. Taking this Chance of some
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 41 15 (iFFORTS ;irc to be mad 4 j bring .-in official Australian cricket team to India next winter. A. N. Ghosh, joint secretary Of the Indian Cricket Contra Board will visit Australis shortly If an official team
    41 words
  • 28 15 The Badminton A Delation of Malaya yesterday dismissed the appeal by Selangor'i Abdul hih Piri/ igain < Ix-montti suspension lmp< d by the ingor ha.
    28 words
  • 24 15 p»•it a n k beat Btngapori Malays 1 v ftl WCCer on Sunday on the Virtori;i Cir» *ri. \'< uanK
    24 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 155 15 ——I Sports quiz 1 If a hockey player loses In- stick can he still take part In the same? 5) How many shuttlecocks for hadminton may be made from the feathers of one goose? (3) What international teams would you associate with these names in rugby: (s) All Blacks, (b)
      155 words

  • 268 16 Yesterday's U.K. soccer results I M.IInII U \<.' I»IV. I helsea 1 Arsenal 1 Ifuddersfield I >underland I virtuii 3 Wolves 2 I ri< .ster >hemeld ltd. 1 Manchester I %ston Villa I Newcastle i Manchester C. 0 Portsmouth 3 Blackpool 0 I'rcston 0 Burnley I Sheffield W. 2 harlton
    A.P.  -  268 words
  • 108 16 2ft W onls >6' (minimum EDE: On Dec. 27. 1934. at K.K. Hospital, 'o Amy and John— a 1 c. r 1 Anl PARSONS: At Dun. 1 table 13-12-04. Tc Jamca ai <i Diana ParaoM. ter, Sarah Elizabeth. LTON i" Mi 1 1 ri«. v ife of T. K.
    108 words
  • 41 16 211 Words Sh (minimum MM TEO. The maniauc took plare on 26 12 "ii 1 tia Siak X,' WOOnd soil of Madam Cl Kup N«ong and Molly Teo Ben^r 1 Bfth daughter of Mr. Mrs. Teo Qeok Peek of Bingapore.
    41 words
  • 205 16 So Sunderland take the lead iqUNDERLAND moved to the top of English Div. 1 soccer league yesterday as mighty Wolverhampton Wanderers suffered their second holiday defeat m three days. Everton opened the way for Sunderland with a 3*2 home victory over Wolves. On Christmas Day
    A.P.  -  205 words
  • 162 16 rP places m the English soccer leami.. si after yesterday's games: I* W I> L Pts Sunderland 24 9 12 3 30 Wolverhampton 24 11 7 6 29 Charlton Athletic 24 13 3 8 29 Portsmouth 24 11 6 7 28 Chelsea 25 10 8 7 28 Hudderstield
    162 words
  • 193 16 Boxing award to Perez PASCUAL Perez of Argentina, who fought his way from obscurity to the world flyweight championship m 1954. was named winner of the "Progress-of-the-Year" award yesterday by Ring Magazine. He joins the magazine's two other outstanding performers of 1954, heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano 'Tighter of the Year"
    UP  -  193 words
  • 29 16 The Unhe- y of CtylOD touring jby XV will play Singapore All v at me Police Training tlOOl pfound, Thomson Road. 1 Kick-off la at 5 p.m.
    29 words
  • 57 16 |>KOBABLE scratchings 1 for the third day of the Penang Turf Club's C hristmas -New Year meeting tomorrow are: Robbie Burns. Kobin Hood, Carpenter. Dantesque, Sharp Look. Battle Cruiser. Auld ReeVje and Demur. Pride of Burma and Master Touch will not run onlen thore b nin.
    57 words
  • 141 16 POH LIM IN 3 S'PORE FINALS FR the fifth successive year Ong Poh Lim last night entered all three Singapore badminton finals, winning his singles and mixed doubles semi-finals. Poh Lim I had already qualified for the I doubles final along with Ismail bin Mar Jan. Poh Lim proved too
    141 words
  • 219 16 OESULTS of rugby- matches played v yesterday m the U.K.: RUGBY UNION Bkukheath 12 Oxford and Cam- i i bridge pa^t and present 6; Harlequins 6 Richmond 13; Old Millhillians 8 London Irish 6; Aberavon 0 Nenth 0; Abertillery 3 Ebbw Vale 10; Bath 19 Old Blues
    219 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 168 16 Straits Times Free Press for the convenience of odverriscrs our roprcsentotive ot Ist Moor SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE. ORCHARD ROAD, will receive smoll odverti^cments and onswers •o box numbers Classified advertisements mo» also be handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD Winchester House. Collyer Quay Singapore. CLASSIFIED ADS. ACKNOWLEDGMENT M Words $6
      168 words
    • 58 16 I PRIME -FROZ-N I r-CAUFORNIAN VEGETABLES j j I FRENCH FRIED POTATOES S I BROCCOLI SPEARS L/iU/l 7i£.4iVS I I 1 AWAITING YOUR SELECTION AT J CCC °/4 JL I i 1 1 J 1 1 J 'ILlik fi\ rr*! /i ii y gf r i n.'.*. cttl |^L% m
      58 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 305 16 PENANG WEIGHTS FOR TOMORROW WEIGHTS for the Sharp Look 8.07 I Skyrider Ml sK races for to- Oolong 8.07 Meteorite 8.05 morrow, third day of Impala 8.0:> Battle Cruiser 8.00 the Penang Christ- Allegiance 8.04 Oregon II 8.00 mas New Year Meet- Inauare 8.04 Hollywood Star 7.11 ins; are (first
      305 words