The Singapore Free Press, 27 December 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya So. MI4O. Singapore, Mon., Dec. 27, 1954. Price I.»cts
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  • 200 1 ETES DAVIDSON, 48 year-old American IV badminton coach who took part m the international exhibitions m Singapore last month, was one of the 28 victims of the BOAC Stratocruiser crash at Prestwick Airport, Scotland, on Christmas Day. Experts think the mystery overturning: and
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 48 1 ITHNAN BIN HASSAN, 22, was drowned m the sea off Changi Point, Singapore, while ov a picnic, yesterday. A search was made when his friends missed him from the party. He was pulled out of the water unconscious. He died re the ambulance arrived.
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  • 25 1 Lady Hillary, wife of the conqueror ot Everest. Sir Edmund Hillary, gave birth to a son m Auckland. New Zealand, yesterday.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 482 1 Explosion blows bosun off hatch ALL hope for the 7,800- Danish freighter, Lexa Maersk, which has been burning for the past 40 hours m Singapore's Outer Roads, was abandoned at 7.45 a m. today. All the firemen who have been fighting the big blaze since Saturday
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  • 776 1 THE drama when finfirst discovered aboard the Lexa was told by American survivor Miss Grace Beaty who was on her m Europe for a holiday from Tokyo where she worked the Americat. Air Force H quarters. •After coming aboard from Singapore,"
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 Pelandok j Specials I < HERE are Pelandok's special selections for Penang races today: SPECIAL NAP Oolong DOUBLE Palio, Parwaa/ TREBLE I irnley, Broadside, Shamrock Slipper Suggested bets on a total outlay of $25; Nap, two wins and place (S10): Double, two win and place (S10): Treble, one win ($8),
      49 words
    • 92 1 it's a secret (bat soon it will be Jp' on everybody's lips) v ?l Max Factor ditetWMl a way Iff "1 lo put "btay-on lustre" into a lipstick rtll I 111 NY* at la<t the M-trrf. out' Aftr» > M.. ha d*vel'>l*-<J an imi; ,f l( t tKk »,Ui '«i«>
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  • 109 2 SIX of the ten passenger survivors from the blazing freighter I.exa Maersk forgot their worries for a short time last night when they were entertained to dinner by Mr. I. Elias at his Amber Road residence. All six are Americans. All lost their possessions and escaped
    Free Press  -  109 words
  • 109 2 VITAL VOTE IN PARIS TODAY FRANCE is due today to take an historic decision for or against the agreed Allied policy of rearming Germany underthe control of the Western 1 European Union and .the Atlantic Pact. A vote of confidence m the National Assembly which rejected German rearmament m a
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  • 275 2 Continued from Page 1 bubble and boil from the heat i below "We were ordered to the stern of the ship. Someone carried me through the boiling j water Miss Beaty went on: "We were then ordered to take to the boats. We didn't
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  • 109 2 111 NDREDS of Royal Air Force men m Germany 11 missed their Christmas dinner because they were ordered to stand by over the week-end to go to the Dutch coast if the storms m the North Sea new iror* At Basse m the
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  • 29 2 A motor bus carrying 30 skiers from Marseilles slid off the road into a gorge at Avignon last night injuring 10 of the passengers. A .P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 227 2 !|llli!lllilllllllll!illlll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllH THE STRAITS TIMES, which has pioneered the use of colour photography for magazine journalism m South East Asia, I W^t ft^k ■Ell f^ Sam Cw \m RS mam \m\m R^f %M I I HIIIIUIIIIwwO O liCwf UkllllVL Sales of a selection of the superb full-colour illustrations from The Straits
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  • 32 3 Ship blaze fighters come ashore Two of the crew come ashore at Clifford Pier, clutching the frw possessions they had grabbed before the blazing freighter I.exa Maersk was abandoned on Saturday night.
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  • 181 3 Five die m Moroccan Xmas rioting A CHRISTMAS terrorist rmaqMfC kilhci at least five people and wounded eight Others m Casablanca. French Morocco. In Algeria, terrorists sacked and burned ;i Christian chapel at Kandon. The altar and pewfl were destroyed. Four statues were found 150 away. The
    A.P.  -  181 words
  • 169 3 POLICE SEIZE CAMERA AND FILM 4 YOUNG schoolmaster who tried to beat the ban on photographing the Queen as she walked home from Sandringham Church had his camera seized and the film confiscated by police. The man police will not give his name— rushed
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  • 23 3 The Soviet Writers' Congress now meeting m Moscow has called for a world congress of writers next year.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • 74 3 rrillE Indian police are looking A for a soldier who came home to settle a family feud over land and shot to death five of his neighbours. The soldier, Musdadu, is wanted, with an unidentified accomplice, for killing five members of I family.
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 81 3 rFWO Australian states conA tinued to swelter In ft Christmas holiday heat wave yesterday. Temperatures soared to HI m western New South Wales and at Melbourne, the mercury hovered at the no mark. In Sydney, which had a "COOl" 82, more than 150,000 people
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 49 3 South Vietnam'.^ premier, Ngo Dinh Diem, ha>> arrived m France for talks with his head of state Bao Dai. He will call on Bao Dal, who resides mostly at the Chateau Do THorence. near Cannes today and fly back to BftlgOD In the evenini' Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 129 3 ANEW ZEALAND youth, tired of the heavy competition at home for feminine companionship, has written a Tokyo newspaper seeking help m finding a Japanese girl frif-nd. The youth, W. Christian of Kawaerau. wrote: "There is, as you may have heard, a terrible
    U.P.  -  129 words
  • 32 3 A 11 -man Japanese atomic energy survey mission has left by plane for Rome, the first S^>P on its extensive three months' study tour o£ Europe uici America U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 93 3 Captain Jorge Berrios yesterday ended a 22-day -lunger strike staged following his arrest for Communl I activities. Although he was released from the prison hospital on Saturday night, by order of the Guatemalan President, Dr Carlos Castillo Annas, docturs sent him ior mental rvatlon. Dr.
    U.P.  -  93 words
  • 45 3 A25-YFAR old woman m an iron lung nave birth to a V-> lb. baby boy m a London hospital on Christmas day. The boy was born nine WCtkfl prematurely to Mrs own waterman, wrlfe <»i a 30-year-old JournaUal Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 60 3 KILLED WHEN NEARING WORLD RECORD HKKTANI) DAUVfI ;lider p.. A vai killed at Saint Remy <!•• Provei trday vheq hi.s aircraft embed Into a hilltop during a world record bid. iw had ipeni tv wrly 48 houn kll tlir .ur and was fmlv •1 fhi hours and .1 minuter shori
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 jT g± 1955 I Mfc SAVING BUMET mm Wk 3 |H g. Save more with...l L W, 9^Bf LAUNDRY BILLS I WASH AMI I Alt 7h^^H I* II I S N I 1 1 J(^H||| SUITS SHIRTS liMMi^m^ZWJs?]W Bcctustifi A RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL X'MAS VARIETY SHOW I n! 1 WALLY
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  • 273 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, Dec 27, 1954. GIVE ALL THE TIME THIS is the season for gifts. But all gifts need not be of the material kind, and they should not be seasonal, conlined to a certain time of the year. Man is inherently kind. The floods proved that.
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  • 554 4 i One of fihndom's new wonders saves the day for the Americans m the 'cold war' at Damascus hut a Red wins m the elections by N.A. TURKHEIMER I>EOPLE all over the world find a great many ills to blame on the United States today
    Popper  -  554 words
  • 317 4 NEW AIR FLEET IN NORTH KOREA fTHE North Korean Air Force, down at its heels when the armistice was signed, has been build up m defiance of truce regulations until it now includes 400 moderri aircraft. A spokesman of the United States Far East Air Force, said m Tokyo that
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  • 124 4 A BRITANNIA airliner that will fly from London to New York m eight hours is planned by the Bristol Aeroplane Company. They hope it will be flying by 1960. The airliner, designed to carry 100 pasengers, will be powdered by lour BE turbo-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 30 4 MEXDE moan* MARVEUAH'S JUiiMl radios' Fully tropicalized RADIOGRAM |BpgM| NANG HENG CO. PIANO HOUSE KAMPONG GLAM RADIO SE3VICE CO. and other dealers Sole Agents: M. PRAGER, LTD. Wholesale Enquiries Invited.
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  • 249 5 Attap ban, more hydrants and bigger mains /IITY fire oilicers have recommended four steps to help reduce kampons fire risks m Singapore. They are: More hydrants m some areas, a change from four to six-inch water mains where pressure is low, a ban on attap
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  • 155 5 SINGAPORE WILL ASK UNESCO FOR TEACHERS SINGAPORE will apply to the United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organisation for whatever technical aid it needs, Mr. J. D. Higham, the Under-Secretary. told the Free Press. The Education Department will be the first to submit a list of its needs to be
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  • 52 5 BISHOP FREED AFTER FOUR YEARS IN GAOL AN Italian bishop, his wrists still bearing manacle scare, arrived m Hong Kon?> by train yesterday after four years' imprisonment m China He was white bearded Bishop Tarcislon Martina, 74. originally goaled for life by the Communists but finally expelled "from China's soil
    AP  -  52 words
  • 42 5 Dr. Ricardo Balbin. former candidate for the Argentine lency and leader of the Radical opposition party, was arrested yesterday m the town of Eva Peron. He is tK'ing charged with contempt of the Pr indent of the Republic. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 43 5 U.S. Congressmen taking °fiice on January 5 At an an- 1 nual salary of US$l5,OOO will probably be getting U5525,000 before the end of 1955. A pay raise is almos* r< rtain to be passed early m the new session.. A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 21 5 Two new passenger-ships been ordered by the Netherlands Steamship any <KNSM). it wiu> an■t.'d m Amsterdam. A. P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 155 5 milE Singapore Work 1 Union has aiked the City Health officer to give another chance to two women ■'<!'■ dants of Middleton Ho pital vho wore sacked ol their unsatisfactory work Hll If tho Health Officer still iP,ists on h w°men out, the union
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  • 3 5
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  • 110 5 The 8 h.p. taxi sets Council a poser I at to II B-hone powered motof ear tax: But If tBOm If it can U tally r I 4>ve a lta i Venlelai J i affic ommlttee h dto* ferred i decision until I iia.s been fully I ,i Vehicle i
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  • 58 5 a woman found imoking eigan In '> was :i sk(>(l t() I leave a hotel aa an unsuitable guest." BattoounM maftotrmt* were told, it was then dlaeoi vcrcd that she bad no money. The woman. 4<i v«;n old Mrs. Kitty May Hubble w;us gaoled
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  • 117 5 DOCTOR I^ee Lai llunp, (picture above) who works for the Johore CJovenunent, with his bride. Miss Barbara Young Sayr of Hong Kong. The ceremony took pla<<' at the Wesley Methixlist Church m Singapore. On the left is the wHlknown Colony sportsman, Mr. Tan Wee Kng, who
    Free Press  -  117 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 I? \uKi*v&... LUaUiiY w# jjt/i^chA. AT A ii m jMiu.iM. MODERATE i <^#l touUC ik Pftl f F Wnd^Wtp^ WO RTH PERFUMES WB^BK> WORTH EAU DE \\l < II VV V,71 I 1 I 1 $2.75 to $23.50 ■■■■■■■■■■^■■■g WORTH LOTION WORTH EAU DE LAVANDE $5.50 to $16.95 5 270
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 302 6 MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil Davis 4& 'jk W -sTr^& On Thf OCEAN BOTTOM-- A MILE DOWN- --NARDA ANO LOTHAR If BUT HOW BUSILY ARGUiKIfr,7H£Y OON'T r— U?J MUST BE IN THEPE/ CANVVEG£T\ SEE THE OPENING HATCH--THI rHrArr/ VMm IBS they maybe alive/] in?ano moving grappling hooks-- vV{ DON"
      302 words
    • 608 6 YOUR I LUCKY STAR |JORN today, you have an alert mind, a lym] heart and a dramatic approai h j to everything you underiak.-. j E You have been gi\en tlu- mtt j of words and will probably be I abl« to write erTe<ti\«l\ There is one handicap which you
      608 words

  • 255 7 RELAX TRADE LAWS SAY INDONESIANS INDONESIAN merchants have asked their governA ment to relax new business laws which restrict trade. They want normal trade relations to be resumed with Singapore as soon as possible. Reports received m Singapore state that the powerful Indonesian Economics Association support the merchants. The traders
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  • 171 7 New trade chief asks for more foreign aid (10-OPERATION between In- 1 donesians and non-Indo-neiian subjects is needed to raise the country's economic standards, the new Indonesian Economic Minister, Professor Roosseno. has said m Jakarta. Indonesia. He added, was still short of foreign currency and would welcome more foreign credit
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  • 77 7 Youth leader back from Munich talks \|H. ERIC WEE, president oi **i the Singapore Youth Council, returned to the Colony last week after attending a five-day executive committee 'ting of the World Assembly of Youth m Mumch. Germany. He flew back four days late. The Munich conference WM the first
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  • 45 7 JOHORE PWD spent $16,345 52 on te!ephones last year. This yar the cost is expected to be $10,850. More trunk calls ac- The government has approved the extra <-!" ruiiiur.- Decause reitricti would cad t< work being hampered and PMstinii man
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  • 71 7 M\l \V\\ mastrrofthe art uf iiiKclniK. IChoonK. Kites through his pact's while rehearsing for his cabtit t i t tt Baffin Motel. Singapore. Mr h.ts hpon pcvforalßf m >in»;.ip«re and the I ••der.iti >n f«»r ov«t twent> one years. Picture on thr right shows
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  • 175 7 NEW YORK FILM critics today chose two British films "Genevieve" and "Romeo and Juliet" and a Japanese film "Gate of Hell" as among the best films of 1954. The New York Daily News said that 'On the Waterfront" was
    Reuter; Free Press  -  175 words
  • 48 7 Arline Judge, the film actress announced m Hollywood yesterday that she would be married for the sixth time sometime after the first of the year". she said she had received :in engagement ring from Ed I a Hollywood busil !i. .in. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 52 7 A four man Egyptian econoheaded by M0...•d Abuu Kosseir, viceminister for [ndustry and Commerce, arrived m Taip'-h ;>: terday from Tokyo for two -day visit. The mission, now on a tour of the Far East, will discuss prospects for expanding acotton for sugar trade be,r and Nation
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 105 7 A SHIPYARD m Imuiden, Holland, has started production of plastic boats. Paturi Shipyards announced that the boats, made of glass nbre and reinforced polyester resin, have a seamless, perfectly smooth hull with a total thickness of 0.14 inches. A.s a result of this smooth skin
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  • 105 7 ffMiE Burmese and Indian 1 Primp Ministers. U Nu and Mr Nehru, left Rangoon together by air yesterday on their way to Jakarta foi their conference with the Premiers of the Colombo powers Ceylon, Indonesia and Pakistan. Mr. Nehru bad made :i brie! stop at, Rangoon
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 II JhL Hraiiisform! |liK|)(.\|UKT I French Vermouth rtßHjj^ Benedictine 1 Jr, 2 Lord divert Canadian LOUD CAIAMIJT CANADIAN WHISKY Machine Watson Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE -KUALA LUMPUR PENANC 1
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  • Article, Illustration
    185 8 LGmfl Raymond, who was compere of the show, had his suit ruined m a slapstick act with George Gosling (left below) George seems to be adding iasult to injuiry by cooly clipping off Geoff's tie. Another hilarious act was Johnny Johnson's ballet turn with Virginia (right). This was the last
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  • Article, Illustration
    84 9 I Jennnle Nash performed a fast dance number (right) after a song and dance turn with partner Wally. Tommy, the Zebra nearly brought down the house (left and bottom) when he mixfd with the audience, prancing and lurching. This turn was excellently performed by The Three Hungarians, newcomers to Malaya.
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  • 671 10 IF YOU LIVE TO EAT, WATCH OUT! [says THE SINGAPORE DOCTOR] "\LJE EAT to live and not live to eat." says the old Latin proverb, trying to bring a little common sense to the habit of overeat Ing. Overeating was the vogue not only m the ancient world but up
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  • 113 10 They 're after the tripitz m. A GERMAN salvage linn hai -^T. just joined one ot the most difficult treasure hunts ever the attempt to raise the battleship Tirpitz, sunk by R.A.F. m shallow water off Tromso, Norway, m November 1944. Salvage has been unde; way since 1947 and the
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 10 Oiling Rusty picture ID esp i t c her name, Rusty the Ceylon elephant at the London Zoo, isn't getting the oil treatment for creaking joints. Head keeper Buck Jones is carrying out the usual winter treatment to prevent the elephant's thick skin from becoming hard and (racked, as it
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 242 10 by ALTON L. BLAKESLEE AN OMINOUS "spiritual disease" seems to be spreading m the United States, a prominent American physician says, and a change of is needed to fight it. 'Tlic physical and mental health of our people Ls relatively good, but there
    A.P.  -  242 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 498 11 WILL IT BE FIFTH TIME LUCKY FOR THIS MODELPRINCESS? j asks j j EVELYN IRONS I'M very happy and very excited," said the blonde and still lovely former London mannequin, Sylvia HawkesAshley Fairbanks Stanley-Gable as she set off on her honeymoon from New
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  • 222 11 COCKTAILS are good for the guests— and diplomats MR. CHRISTOPHER MAYHEW, MP, has gested to the Nor•ian Ambassador, Mr. Per Prcbensen. that he should cut down on diplomatic cocktail partu 8 when he becomes doyen of the London Diplomatic Corps m the N< w Year. "When you hold parties cut
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  • 189 11 They had to duck to dodge those soda 'showers' PROFESSOR of Art William Coldstream ilicked a off his the Slade Art School s CJjrw»tmas fancy-dress ball m Bloom.sbury, London. and said: "My students arc ODviou.sly enjoying themselves Then he ducked .sharply to avoid soda water squirted from an ujxstair.s
    Popper  -  189 words
  • 110 11 COMING-OR GOING? THE DUKE WASN'T SURE! 1 PROMINENTLY displayed 'No MM. kit," l»«)tlC«'S I tected carpet and furni hings at 81 Jam< i Pa m i-< n«i«-ij. where th< Royal letj ol ct lebrated th< li bict nU n .iry. oi!j« UUi kept watch to thai Morn- < 'f th<
    110 words

  • 772 12 •It may be anything from birdwatching to jazz bands, but there is usually a solution as at least ten enthusiastic wives have found out by ANNE SHARPLEY lIOW many women become week end widows M their husbands reach for golfba?s, bird watching binoculars, sports
    Popper  -  772 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 252 12 I i 1? 1 riNffZ 1 i-s 1 16 I IT I I S I B I It I Ha Jf Ir\ [ill He fS SZNII 1 H l7 B 1 w tilt IJiiijß ib^^B ■B>" B flßvn FJPJJHB ''I; I i II II BbKS K^H 981 >-^' rerßS V
      252 words

  • 611 13 Brightening up to face the world IT'S Cyd Charisse (m a bath tub) who has been nominated today's Zipp itirl. As is plainly evident she's bubbling over with /IPP and so would YOl T if you keep fit the fun way with the exercises on the right.
    Popper  -  611 words
  • 246 13 A GAME bunch of most important citizens last week jammed the national zoo park restaurant m Washington, to stuff themselves with •something wild. It was the 88th luncheon of one of the strangest clubs m the world: The Anteaters Association. Among the 835 members
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  • 353 13 Both sides vulnerable South dealer NORTH 4 X 10 9 8 97 6 3 08 7 5 Mil WEST EAST 442♦A J 7 5 3 9Q98 <? J 10 5 4 OQIO 6 0J942 *JlO 9 8 7 SOUTH 4 Q 6 9A X 2 0A X 3
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 53 13 «^(v|r<^9HyV^^SflS9a 1 RADIO WEKLY INCORPORATING RADIO MALAYA NEWS ALL Till; lIIJST IX jl II HO A lit A S II V(, I \i»w Y*>iir i B n>fframiii€:s i*rinr€*s# m ttii(<utf i, o si i o#f writ* BltuJi** t*u\il <if> (dWoofis unit M*wz~h-% l*irtnrv Swiinn PRICE 30 CENTS FROM ALL NEWSAGENTS
      53 words

  • 564 14 ALMOST compirtr g+ccer leagvc pngnmmt for Christmas Day did not prove happy for sonir of the English football It 'flic's leading trams. Wolvrrhanipton Wanderers. the leafUC i hampions and present leaders m Division (hie. crashed at home to Kverton and only retained top
    Reuter  -  564 words
  • 298 14 CHMJJOWDfG arc Urn I .K. soccer results for Christmas I)u>. I WOUII UCAOUI I>IV. I Iraeaal l < h»Kcu <• lUukpool I Portsmouth I Kolton 1 Tottrnham 2 Burnley I I'rrston I irdiff 3 West B i< h 2 utlton 3 Sheffield Wed. U Manchester 3 Newcastle
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 1045 14 U K. football league stand- ings after Chrbtmaa Day matches are: Reuter P \V U L F APts Wolves 23 H 7 5 52 34 29 Sutherland 23 9 11 3 40 30 29 Charlton 23 13 2 8 52 37 28 Manchester U. 22 12
    Reuter  -  1,045 words
  • 122 14 QUEENSLAND occupied the pitch nil day five and half hours playing time— to score only 224 for the 10.5.s of five wickets at Adelaide When opening their Sheffield Shield :ne against South Australia. Scores: Queensland 224/5 (Ron Archer 59 not out. K. MacKay 55. Don
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  • 89 14 NEW YORK. Sat.— Emil Zatopek, who set an Olympic record when he won the marathon at Helsinki m 1952, will have to do much better if he hopes to win the cruelling race at Melbourne m 1956, say s Argentina's Reinaldo Gorno.
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 101 14 RIG BY UNION Llanelly 11, Universities Ath. Union X; Neath 11 London Welsh 5; Swansea 6 Watsonians t>. Edinburgh Academicals 3 London scotton 9; Mattteg 6 Abaravoo 11. RUGBY I.KAGIK Barrow 5 Warkm^ton Town 3; Bradford Northern 9 Keijihley 18; Ca&tleford 19 Wakefieid Trinity 8; Dewsbury 2 Hunsley 18;
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 41 14 The Duke of Edinburgh tuu lent a gold medal to former Britlst) marathon runner Jim Peters, wl; I gallant attempt at the Vancouver Empire Games last August, faded m his collapse within sight ot the i finishing tape.
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  • 57 14 A 71 -year-old swimmer defeated a field of 23, including a 17-year-old, m the 91st annual Serpentine Lake swim m London's Hyde Park yesterday. Winner was William Maggs who defeated his competitors m the handicap rare through the cold waters by half a length. Oldest romnetitor
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 107 14 4 COURT order set aside the i suspension of Joey Giardello, Philadelphia middleweight boxer, I whose licence was taken away after he was arrested on a charge of as-.-.aulttng a man. Giardello was suspended on November 29 for 'actions detrimental to sport." He asked the court to I
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  • 186 14 ONLY four fixtures were arranged for the Christmas Day programme of Rugby Union matches m Britain. but the standard of nlav was hiizh all round. All results were fairly close, but only one tour team finished winners. They were the strong London Scottish side. who
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 147 14 EZIO SELVA of Milan, Italy, made final preparations yesterday for his assault scheduled for Wednesday on the world one-mile speed record m hi.s Italian-built hydroplane. The Italian racing ace arrived at Miami over the weekend to try for the record of 150 miles an hour
    U.P.  -  147 words
  • 21 14 Philippines yesterday Dt\n Japan the favourites, 8-1 to win the Asian Baseball Championship at Rizal Sta i Manila.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 20 14 Russia beat Sweden 3-0 m the first match of a two-day international ice-hockey rnee* at Stockholm yesterday. A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words

  • 588 15 Free Press Hoxing Reporter COMDEX rONGTRAKIT kayoed Hay |fe* uith ».i dynamite lelt m th<« eighth round of their scheduled ten round main evenl last nlfhi at the Happy World Stadium. H«. out -xenerulU-d and out- hit the tough Filipino. The knockout blow caught spo'-t
    Free Press  -  588 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 15 pirtiir*-. H,, i is attended to on the is Somde/ Yonjtrariuht) is acclaimed the inner. Free Press
    Free Press  -  20 words
  • 555 15 MULLEY TRIUMPHS IN COMEBACK l EADING jockey Athol Mulley, making a comeback after being out of the saddle for a couple of eetings, bolstered his claim for the season's jockey premiership when he landed a double for the Ba»by Stable on Mont Clare and Pinner at Penang on Saturopening day
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  • 88 15 A 13 man Japanese A dHeuation will leave for Russia Mrtf i" lanuary, thiro HilU President of the Japan Amateur Wrestling Association siiid ve*.Ur(!;iv. Iliita mad.- thr announcr mi-nt as soon as he had rt «.jv«-d Mrf fr«»m thf JapaiMs, Fordfll <Hlm, that passporl, would i^u«-d
    U.P.  -  88 words
  • 48 15 1 fTALIAN Fausto Gurdini f*--1 tcrdaywonthemcn final of the six-day IntemaSSSasSars Kt(d Czech Milan Branovic 4 fi t) ■> O It l an Umberto H« riamo md {gSto doubles final gating Sranovin and the American w Steward fi o g. C 4. 7 5. ,60.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 70 15 Diogenes i)< La Fuente, Chilean boxing promoter, yesterday arrangements w»-n--b«-in« made to match world champion HywHKht Pascual Perefl ol Argentina with Ocr man Pardo, Chil<-. at Santiago on Peb. 25. Dt La Fuente aid irrange menu were being made with Perei manager Laaaro X cl He
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • 4 15 •:! Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 6 15 clou the t;ss
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  • 190 15 ON THE eve of the Duvis Cup challenge nmnd between Australia and the United States. Sydn- y is m the grip ol lawn tennis fever. More than 12.0'Ki people yesterday watched Vie Seixa.s and Tony Trabert Ol America and Lewis Hoad and Ken Rosewall of
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 230 16 The going will be very good Free Press Course Correspondent pOLDBN LOTUS is de- finitely running in the Christmas Cap over a mile at Penanf today according to Iiis trainer Ivan Allan tiiis morning. With Bat., one lb. more than when he ran a gallant
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  • 133 16 20 Words J6 (minimum MADAM EE ONG NEO. wife of Mr. Tan Hood Seng, aged TO. pa tv peaci full.- al the Oeneri I Hospital on 24.12.54 lea a brother in -law. Mr. Tan l. Teck. two sons, two daughters, one j ron In liw and five gl to
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  • 26 16 P2O Words $6 (minimum) MAIER: To Grace tnee Skinner* wife of M. P. Maier. a son. Douglas Newton, on Dec. 25, at Kandang Kerbau Hospital.
    26 words
  • 43 16 2<> Wards ,<6 minimum j THE ENGAGEMENT was an nounced between Miss Irene Tan Swee Inn elder daughter of Mrs Tan Seng Chye and late Mr. Tan. and Mr. Vim Choy Cheorm. only son Of late Mr. and Mrs. Vim Van Nun.
    43 words
  • 156 16 PALIO (In Race 3» Race Four. Kumar Will make her go a gallop if he decides to go with the field. Determination is strongly fancied by his connections m spite of 9. 10 m the P and O Cup. but I think he will rind it difficult to
    156 words
  • 179 16 TUIE city ot Detroit. prawung, it ci' |iant, has the facilities and desire to bo Olympic Oames, says Fred M thaei, the super-salesman behind the drive to bring the 1960 or 1964 Gomes to Detroit. Mat'hat'i. an energetic, 82-year-old .steel executive ua^> the key figure m
    179 words
  • 580 16 Treble Tote: Kaces tour, Six and Seven. Big: Sweep: Race Eight. RACE 1—2.15: CL. 5, DIV. B— SJF. 077 Donzella 4y > 8.12 930 Picture House 6v Elliott 8.11 700 South Bridge 3y Donnelly 8.11 133 Black Pulot 4y 180 Meteorite 9f Bagby 8.03 399 Bougainvillea 4y Bouqoure 8.08
    580 words
  • 63 16 Simon Khoury, 23, champion I Lebanese water .skier arrived In New York by air from Beirut yesterday and left shortly after for Tampa. Florida en route to Cyprus Gardens where he will give exhibitions of his skill. Khoury said he expects to be m Florida
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 125 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. TU 1 1 IOIN 30 WfdM 52 (min.)-Box 50 rts. extra. LAMBERTS DRIVING SCHOOL. Th^ only School with Duo-controll-ed C.irs for Safe Tuition Courses from $100. 410 Orchard Road. Phon« *****. I KARN SANSKRIT. Enjoy niani- j fold benefits. Qualification attested EC University or Bhara ti Hhiivan. Apply
      125 words
    • 30 16 is a quiet tip. and I heard a whisper for Palio. Allegiance possesses a bright turn of speed and will require a lot of beating over 5» 2 f m
      30 words
    • 29 16 gBK V& H&i rt& W& W& tf& 'O& Va Wj, w II 1 kj i."* K^^^^H^ V v ft y y^* A^ I (orlsbcrtj /iv/r-mooina Tlirpctor: A. C. Slinmonii).
      29 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 218 16 TKKSPASSIK riIVMXIK IM>M V CALL BOY POINTKk .u.vtriini DON/MIX sKVRIDFR THELMAS KIDA MKTKOKITK H7. 1 b"l.'uM IhHni^Kuda Black Pu.ot llo..>u«od Star Picture Hou«e PM« "«u^ Don/rlla Meteorite Hollywood SUr O Tr HKM.KY FARM I V PABNUEI FARNLtV Rac.' V < IK< \nh side Scottish Willy L Willy L Vuh'^r \lljlJit
      218 words