The Singapore Free Press, 6 December 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 23 1 The Si n gap o re Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya s,, m Singapore, Mon., Dec. 6. 1954. Price 15 CU.
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  • 113 1 And Margaret for U.S. /\UEKN Elizabeth is expected U to make her first visit as ,vereign to Canada next year there la a possibility PrinI Margaret may talk her ,-miy into allowing her a i states trip, sources to Buckingham Palace yesterday. This is not official or
    U.P.  -  113 words
  • 111 1 Pope is much tetter, gives a broadcast IT IE POPE last night broadcast from his sick bed to (00 people gathered m St. v A Vatican spokesman said he was "not m the least i-d" by the recording. Pope, who wai very ill days ago. continued to improve.* He is
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  • 26 1 The Singapore Rubber Maropened steadily this lorning with first grade nwr shipment, at 82 a lb., of a cent above lay's close.
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  • 114 1 HERE are Pelandok's i selections far today's four races which were rained off at Ipoh on I Saturday: S SPECIAL NAP Gondolino. I DOUBLE: Gular II and Samroig. I I Gular II finished second on Saturday, paying $7 for a place. Pelandok susj I gtsted an eachway
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  • 26 1 Karl Edel. forme r^OTWPfnan, was cleared last night of any suspicion m connection with West Germany's recent wave of autobahn robberies, police announced. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 119 1 f'OLOITRiU) SINGER Josephine Baker is to retire next May and devote herI«U to the education of six f >«»ys she has adopted. The six are between 28 raonthi and eight-years-old. Two were adopted m Japan, »'i** <;ich m Finland. France, Pern and Senegal. Miss Baker
    A.P.  -  119 words
  • 151 1 'Chute tears as he bales out A PILOT who fell 20,000 feet with a badly damaged parachute landed m only lour feet of water and lived Pilot Officer Brian Cross baled out of a Meteor Jet fighter liter it had plunged out of
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 77 1 West Berlin Communists trail at polls THE Social Democrats will have an absolute majority nvcr Chancellor' Adenauer*! Christian Democrats m the new West Berlin City Parli.i merit, according to an unoflicial final count. Communists, contesting the .lection for the time since U46, trailed hopelessly behind the two main parties.
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 199 1 U.S. secret out TACTICAL atomic retaliation to a Soviet attack m Europe will come from a United States Air Force division based at Sculthorpe, m Norfolk, m Eaat England. This was revealed yesterday by the division's commander. Brigadier General John Stevenson. All the planes m
    U.P.  -  199 words
  • 99 1 Sergt. meets wife from Malaya SERGEANT Desmond KeatIng, of the RAF. was waiting on the quayside at j Southampton yesterday when the 14,000-ton Empire Trooper berthed after her last troop- i ing voyage from the Far East Among the 1,200 servicemen and families on board was Sergeant Keating's 33-year-old I
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  • 34 1 Sweden will set up a new record by building more than 500,000 ROM tons Of ships this year. A record was let In 1953 when 493.000 nvosa ton> I were built. A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 89 1 THE < *«eh Prime Minister, Mr. Siroky hinted yesterday thit one result of the Kast blor's Momow conference wm an increase m working hours for people behind the Iron Curtain. He said on his return from Moscow: "We must step up our work productivity to counter
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 21 1 Moscow Radio said ye.sterdaj about 5.000 people a day ar& visiting an exhibition of British art m Leningrad.
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  • 109 1 njiHE lion cub born In Johore Zoo on Thursday died last night. It was the first cub to be born there since the zoo was opened nearly 20 years ago. A zoo otneial said the cub could not get milk from the mother, a lioness brought
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 vU LCAi n GRAND PRIX Makers of the famous "CRICKET" Alarm Wrist Watch Only Tradition can tfive you the style and precision of every VULCAIN WATCH FINE WATCHES SINCE 185P "Buy a Vulcain and be on time" SHRIRO (CHiNt? LTD.
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  • 111 2 100 OUTLAWS SUR REND ER If OKI than lofl terrorists E i*l snrrrndrrril m TunKia E yrstrrday. brinjjirit Ike E numforr who have iffcplrf thr Prant o Tunisian .un E rust* to }.r>,2. E A group of 92 came E down from the hills ffes- trrda*. Thty had h#««»n commandnJ
    U.P.; Reuter  -  111 words
  • 125 2 rpJIE United Btata and Ru.^ <■ ar< holding MCTef talks on President BtoenhOWCf'n atfimsfor peMC plan it MM N-arm-rt m Washington yesterday. The n< w ejECtIAOfC ojxnrd ai>"ijt n month ago after Been tary ol .State. Mr. Dulles call* d Soviet ambassador. Mr. Zarubin. to
    U.P.  -  125 words
  • 54 2 A MOTION Of "no confidence' against the Prime Minister, Mr. Bhigem Yo.shid;i kfl pxjh rt*d to be introduced today m the Lower nOWe of the Diet. Following a split m the ranks oi Mr Yoshida'j Liber.ii (Conservative) Party, his opponents are confident they ran force the
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 83 2 Four nations fight for doomed six IjROTESTS apaiii-t I (1* at nt 4 nc< < n Moslem Brotherta iden were n,.tue tn ur capital* I < sterday. In Damascus 15 (*Ki students. Indudinf those ol th< Syrian tmhrerstty, staged a walk-out. In Baghdad prominent reliflom leaden, membt-rh ol parliament, lawyers
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 157 2 BREAK OFF FROM DUTCH, SHOUT JAKARTA 1 0,000 JEN THOI SAND shoutin* demonstrators m Jak ,rt x yesterday demanded the breaking. O /T of dinloi Uc relations with the Netherlands, cancellation Dutch-Indonesian agreement* and annexation Hest New (iuinea. The authorities lifted a ban on political mettin»c to permit this one,
    A.P.; Reuter  -  157 words
  • 150 2 Vietnamese Army ready to follow Premier ifW am A 300.000 appear to .submit to the or Premier Nq 0 D:nh Dii though their leack i Nguyen Van Hinh, ha* battle with the «n and been dLsmi&td froi post as Chief of Staff. The interim Chief Gen. Nguyen Vai. Vv.
    U.P.  -  150 words
  • 54 2 BRITONS TO HELP INDIA BUILD TANKS EXPERTS from the British firm oJ Leylands ;.n no* m India U help build tanks. The Indian Government deelded recently to build la jet engines and other millta equipment m her own U torles. The British experts ar« I look for suitable k for
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 93 2 Australian Labour chief wins fight DR. Herbert Evatt, Alistl lian Labour Oppositi leader has won his bitto month struggle againsi groups he cTalmi an doi ed from outside, say poJit. observers m Meloour This was decided after th Australian Labour executive had mvi charges and counter-cto of disloyalty. It was
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 150 3 S4+r** haror is irorhl ui*U* I ALL Dutch trawler pickA I UD 29 merchant sailors lifeboats 1.1 tne North i sterday when they doned their foundering rhter m a fierce gale lm? northern Europe for the second sucessive weekend. mtle-an-hour southwestfer na m <>
    U.P.  -  150 words
  • 88 3 Ea rth tremors in Trinidad \UTHORITIES yesterday reported heavy property damage but lew casualties m the series of earth tremors which hit Trinidad. There were no reports of deaths. Among the hardest hit of the buildings was Government House where Princess Mar- i garet is to stay during her visit
    U.P.  -  88 words
  • 39 3 fFHE Governor of the South 1 Persian port of Bushire. H issein Ghoh Ghavami. died m a >udden flood between Bushire and Shiraz. He was pt to death m a car with his wile and nine-year-old illd.
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  • 18 3 Torn ado strikes A hare December tornado smashed 18 homes In Wellington, Alabama and injured about 20 people.
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  • 26 3 1" Tokyo, memorial service* were held on Mount Fuji •ho 15 university students who were swept to deaths a k a<;o by a snow avathe.
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  • 22 3 TiEN Filipino fishermen wen? 1 rescued from a sinking Be] In the Bashi Channel ween Formosa and Luzon -c relay. A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 132 3 A TEAM of Indian anthrots has found one of ostile" bribes who ted from the main .)l civilisation thouOf years ago and v 1d" m the Andaman hi the Bay oJ Bengal. N. Datta Majumdar. P aid that the abo- thi Uttle Andaman.
    U.P.  -  132 words
  • 218 3 As condition for his return to Russia AMBERI W BOKN p!«> vsri^bt, Mr Kugcne 1 «»t ton .17 whose niothrr Ka\<" up Soviet riti/enship to live m Britain, said m Berlin \e>terday that Kussia had told him to spy against the \\«'st if he wanted
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  • 38 3 Dr. Wong Mook Ow, of the Singapore .Vertical Services, and Miss Doris Lee Wee, a teacher of St. Hilda's School, who were married at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore, at the weekend. Free Press picture.
    Free Press  -  38 words
  • 180 3 A BANKING chief today challenged incentive principles and suggested that an inquiry should be made into Britain's surtax scheme. Mr. Julian Stanley Crossley, chairman of Barclays Bank, said m London that while a gross income of £2,000 might have represented great affluence, enjoyed
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 33 3 George Allen, now assistant secretary for Middle Eastern Affairs m the U.S. State Department, arrived m Jerusalem ye.sterday' to study local problems and inspect Palestine Arab refugee camps. A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 127 3 MR. ALEXEI IVANOVITCH GEORGIADIS, i 86--year-old Turkish-born Greek citizen, left Stockholm by plane yesterday to rejoin his grown-up children m Athens after 18 years as a slave m Russian labour camps. Mr. Georgiadis, who arrived m the Swedish capital from Moscow on
    U.P.  -  127 words
  • 72 3 ALL FORTY BUSES BROKE DOWN FORTY red doubledecker buses rumbled briskly out of the Totten- ham bus depot at 6 a.m. yesterday and scattered over London on their re- gular routes. An hour later all 40 had j broken down. They were towed back to the depot while thousands walked
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  • 47 3 CARGO TRAIN PLOWS INTO WRECKAGE I.IIFTEEN wagOIU of an 89F wu^on Pennsylvania freight train jumped the track* near Paoli yesterday and another freight train going In the opposite direction plowed into the wreckage. A fireman, was injured. The i derailed can were .strewn over the tracks. U.P
    U.P.  -  47 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 61 3 fb^OTAT X^MAS GIFT FOR MEN TflflTAl ti er •"fflm-'^V"" -mini tt TuOTAL DRESSInu uUWNo.--lBsL,^^ Sap Very handsome and remarkable value ror '"'^^S^C^l^ Just the thing for informal wear Wlth open f neck shirt; neat and f^ood looking Jtewafl^*"' T^OTAL SCARVES:i Jj TOOTAL ANKLE SOCKS:- MAKE YOl/R X MAS PURCHASE PLAN
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  • 382 4 The Singapore Free Press MOND AY, Dec. 6, 1954. Opinion The banned students An unbia ed appraisal of the facts d1 the disciplining ol four University oi Malaya students can result hi no other conclusion than that the stand adopted by some fellow undergraduates is not m- rely wholly unjustified,
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  • 616 4 Where hygiene is non-existent and 'bottled sunshine 9 flows. by a Special Correspondent 4 /AMERICAN wno ha i p. ni tinpan of hi.s life m the study of public health conditions all over the world .said to me the r other day In
    Popper  -  616 words
  • 43 4 'pO persuade more people to attend art ntflerlej art's sake) officials of Helsinki'! Art Gallery have organis ed "light music" over i speakers. The idea wo: attendances rocketed and i the Helsinki Museum is keep "Music Whlli Look" permanently.
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  • 505 4 Russian blueprints are guaranteed to put you "m the red" HUNGARY S rulers have just admitted that twenty-nine million pounds' worth of the nations cash has "gone down the drain." Almost literally, too; for no less than twenty-six millions have been poured into the preliminary diggings
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 323 5 \COPY »f Singapore's draft electoral register hag been s* 1 hack to the Registrar of Statistics t j,js time to remove the names of dead people from (he rolls. The register was originally compiled by his department from the duplicates of
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  • 121 5 Filipinos plan grand ball T■' Singapore Filipino As--1 Is planning a I ball to be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall on r 21. proceeds will be m aid ie Little Sisters of the and the Filipino Assoeiati m's building and rehabilitaiund "Fiesta Filipina" will begin 9.00 p.m. and end
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  • 20 5 17 th anniversary of gapore Traction ComEmployees 1 Union was 'Id at their premises m Course Road yesterday.
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  • 165 5 TODAY— IT'S HAVELOCK The boundary of the Havf Ih .-i'ni sLirts at point the Great World Park on the south nrest and foet *-«uitl ilonx Kirn Sen« Road '''I it i k h«s, die new cut. rest of the southern Hl.iry is the Sinuapore till it touches New Road on
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  • 44 5 Learner UfC-ttVtn taking lesions m the llolger Niclstiii technique at the Yin Kit swimmin* P«h»1 Singapurf. Thr Narmrs are btftsg instructed M h«;\v to kneel m the »«»r r« t t position uheu revi\ Im victims. Fr ee Press picture.
    Free Press  -  44 words
  • 228 5 SINGAPORE life-savers are now being trained m th< latest techniaue the Holger Nielsen life-saving method. The Royal Life Saving Society m Britain has told its representative here, Mr. Rowland Lyne. that the, previously-used Sehafer method is no more included m any R.L.S.S. examination. Courses are
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  • 21 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon -Another terrorist hma surrendered m the Federation. Details in bfiny kf'pt, secret for the pre-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 89 5 t^L jfj^ ig£ Kfef ssi^^ tftMVAGHe V I .A i If 11 '>> w. T I f I /Jk\ I m M m m X sT i*X«?Avw^^^^/^^^k S k<i si S7 sW" fc^'B I MACNUMS 4 P $38/- per bottle QUARTS per bottle >^ riii I j per bottle SPLITS
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 195 6 MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil Davis NOT fET. CAN f ER--I btiIEVE SO THIS IS IT/ II I^' s/ rOUfi •WFNTION [I IT WILL--Bur I BET IT'LL V^^s§2g^ lll^isS^^^^ \3&%Z THOHNI /*M THS CAPTAIN MO^f UNDER A IT HADN'T WORK/ I WANT VVt^S^ i MANO^AKE. I PHONtO Mt.ot-- M!l£
      195 words
    • 643 6 YOUR LUCKY i STAR j I JOHN today, yon ha\. J netie (hum and deal of ph> vigOV. In addi tion, you are rerj iniuiin,. r This faculty, at m«ca, 1,, „,n^ almost psyeUe. u ImM j however, take care m tli. cf this gift, for it e»n you to
      643 words

  • 207 7 Students who fail entry test 'must leave* TWENTY THOUSAND children m Singapore will be i;oin£ to Government and aided schools next month, said Mr. T. P. M. Lewis, the Bente Inspector of Schools, yesterday. He added he could not t*ive the exact number of Students
    207 words
  • 92 7 25 years' service All*. R. RAMAMURTHAM, a Singapore aU postal clerk, slipped and fell down it of .steps m the Arcade on 13, last year. fTered severe concussion of the n md a fracture of the base of his iIL \s :i result, Mr. Ramamurtharn had
    Free Press  -  92 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 7 HARBOUR VISIT > i tohn Martin, (left) Lnder-Secretary at the Colonial Office, look, it King's Dock during his visit to the Singapore Ilirbour Board. With him (from left) are Mr. P. A. T. fhrimea Chairman of the Board, Mr. J. N. McCulloch. dockird manager, Mr. S. Johnson, assistant general manager.
    Free Press  -  60 words
  • 223 7 DC G BERG'S theory that Singapore's name really means "a place where Buddhist rites are informed" has not only greatly pleased the Colony's Juddhiste, but has also inspired them to other new dories— all having to do with Buddhism. The second
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  • 99 7 i SINGAFOU Muslim A publisher. Inche Man*')r bin Sulaiman Marie. has promised to give a monthly sum of SlOO to the All- Malaya Muslim allege Fund "as long as he < <»uld afford it." Inch* Mansor's father :i well-known philanthropist. S: -il M»hamed Aidid,
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  • 112 7 IPOH, Mon. R. RAMASAMY, 30, who pleaded guilty to stealing two indent forms frojn the Kinta Valley Home Guard office and forging the signature of his Group Commander to get 10 gallons of petrol, was today sentenced to a total of four months' jail
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  • 38 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Mr T. Rajan, Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court, Johore, ha.s left for India on five months' leave. Mr. G. M. Ha.shim. Malay Interpreter, of the Supreme Court, is at present acting for him.
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  • 57 7 rE Oreen Scmrl i i pnxim IDdd and Mi« will be thorn day at 9.30 pm. In iM >t tIM Royal Society for the Pri tIOO Ol Cruelty to Aninulf (Singapore branch). Ttir (iov« rnor. Sir John Nicull. will tx- prvnt Tlekeifl are $10 and $5
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 vfw j Jnr* ft Hr ft Try an N Old Fashioned! 1 lump of su^ar dashes Angostura. Crush sugar j and rotate glass to form a Cqp lining. Pour m 1 oz. I V^9 a vert Canadian Whisky I tftflK and add a slice of lemon. J.ORI) CALVERT BHB CANADIAN
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  • 316 8 AND NOW IT'S 'MISS MUSIC' Sh<* is Mrs. B. L Birkenshaw MM brio* at Irft receiving l»«*r prize from .Mrs. F. Lammrrt. Report by i Pictures by V fCOTTERELL I I THE 1 R I Mmpl tt. L title Kusii Sexh Sola I low) Illusionist Ron Knight (left) did a
    NAFEN  -  316 words

  • 777 10 HIS secret of happiness is BEING alive! says JAMES LEASOR rVHE voice that answered i the phone spoke the most cheerful "Good morning" I have heard. "What have you got to be so cheerful about?" I a.sked. "Everything," he said— and so, by accident through just a routine phone call,
    Reuter  -  777 words
  • 426 10  - Is a WIFE'S place at homeor on tour? Anne Sharpley IS THE Wife of a musical genitu a help if she i with him on his •rid tours or is she m the way? baa teen the arrival o! .usual geniuses Mr. Jo ,»v-i Szigetl and Mr. Jascha Helfett. And
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1257 11  - She'll marry again —but not a bullfighter J. M. Hollywood star and glamour girl Ava Gardner might still be working as a secretary if not for a photograph... Unlucky m love they say As told *fM ON the desk beside the window was a passport. The lights of Hollywood gleamed
    Popper  -  1,257 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 TRANSPORT t STORAGE a un£. LIMITEO l7ii«i77 173 CECIL STREET SINGAPORE Ojl CtV) J t^JI I X "Ji /^-/n COOLER A I 7 WHAT ABOUT I iVjL^f 7/s ANOTHER? ROBINSON'S \_y BARLEY WATER ..-i .■om.«
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  • 371 12  -  KAY MURRAY by Two girls circle the globe by car for SBOO each two Ann rican col) have returned t York from a 26,000 miles round the world trip In i tish car without any m< mishap than a Hal type. With an Indian companion,
    Reuter  -  371 words
  • 144 12 AN [INTERNATIONAL seamen's passport, to be recognised by all ports, is bein<j demanded by British merchant navy navigators and engineer o /I jeers They have been told that a new Hnti^h seamen'i card, m a waterproof material cover, with embossed crest and Lettering, and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 50 12 y 0 ft "»i Spr N I ,-irt When a HALF -CREAM milk food -~s^ is recommended for your baby then NESTOGEN is your best choice. A3 M Jtt Dispensaries jf {n any d ou^ t as to bahy's and Provision well-being, stores. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR. ANOTHER l^l^^y 0^ PROOUCT
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 153 12 1.1 is ICEOSB: 10 A m( broken pod? (7). 7. Where they maj look down on 11 i», blue 1 theli menfolk •>' Wei tn v The ki. phai b iiip r re m 13 -'ii 1! if. 1 (3> thin Mll> Part ol be 12 Bleat; con 1 by
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  • 586 13  - 'Come, sit on Marilyn's coach,' said the waiter WILLIAM HICKEY rvi" tin iiiimu huh mini miimi tut itiMti mini tini r. w BVT THE LADY WAS NOT IMPRESSED tyHEN I was m Athens a Greek couple were very kind to me. They look me around the marl places. They introduced
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  • Article, Illustration
    376 13 Neither side vulnerable West dealer TODAYS hand wns suggested by quatUon txon F B Ililer of Montclair, N. J. "Should South have bid three clubs or pasted?" be wants to know, and since tlu result l> pretty much revealed by what can happen to South at three clubs
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  • 357 13 EGGS! But can they drive a housewife crazy! RIV I N G dOWII U) Brighton we hadn't iM>t far OUt o! London we came on tho ggl fur sale" notice. Borne were offering them for M 52.30 a doaen. Others at M 52.40. it wasn'i i<»nK before r ftiund a
    Popper  -  357 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • 81 14 I>\ 1 S\ mons, a If jntr tlj E New Willy Kirl, has been nami-d FnghmJ'i sMimmpr of the year l>y (he cummiKcr of the Amateur Swimming Associa- lion m London. Miss S\mons was England's only medal winner at this >»ai's Kuiopian <iiimes. with a thud
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  • 127 14 SEVEN «irl health < ulturists will demonstrate fi«ureCOntourinj and irelfhtlifling exorcises at the Happy World stadium tonight at 8 p.m. Thi.s frill bo an addtd attraction when the senior weightlifting championships and the "Mr. Singapore"' content are held. Performing the dumb-bell exercise above are from left
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  • 30 14 Selangor Malays scored a narrow victory of six matches to five against Perak Malays to regain the j 'Aziz Cup" m their inter-state tennis match at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 182 14 V^KsIERDAY'S rugby union re- .suits were; Fir' English Internationa] trial: Whitei <; Colours 13. iub m.»i«iu-: i ndon tristi li Richmond 8 :i i! 2 Bath B; oodon WeL h l'h Servicei mouth) i.»; Old Alleyniani 14 81 Tl o m. raylora 0 RugMUlhlllan 3 Mancl equina
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  • 305 14 WHY I DID IT-BY LEN HUTTON LEN HUTTON explained yesterday just why he put the Australians m to bat when he won the toss m the first Test i match, which Australia won by I an innings at Brisbane. This is what he said: First of all I was not
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  • 107 14 Mr. Walter Pflttf, donator of special <>})en challenge invid to Gun Club, von it. him- sell at Sunday's "Olympic .style" j .it Huki 1 Timah range v C < Smith was runner-up four points Mrs. a. j. Braga wife of the club'a Smith was runner-up
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  • 762 14 CAMBRIDGE TIPPED TO BEAT OXFORD TOMORROW IF PLATING records count for anything m issessing chances m the I n t <• r V a rs i t y rugby match, Cambridge I'nivrrsity must start firm favourites for the HrA game of leries, whirl) is being llayed »l Twickenham tomorrow. Cambrid
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  • 967 14 P W DL PAPIs Wolves. 20 10 6 4 47 28 2b Sunderland 20 8 9 3 36 27 25 Manchester U 20 11 3 6 46 39 25 Portsmouth 20 10 4 6 40 27 24 Charlton 20 11 2 7 46 34 24 1
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 155 14 Sports quiz i #1 |1) What would you expect to sec at The Lingiad. (a) gymnastics, (b) show jumping, (c) bowls? (2) With what sports and countries do you associate Bthe following: (a) Syd Patterson; (b) Floyd Patterson; (c) Keith Andrew. (3) Malayan record for the hammer throw is (a)
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  • 440 15 Free Press Course Correspondent IT WAS a rainy tfCOiß| to the Perak Turf Club's November meeting on Saturday, but Ajit was m his element when winning Kare Four. This four-yt ;tr-old, with Hanlry ;i.stridr. orercaau Gular II after 1 tten tussle all ihe way
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  • 200 15 npEN nations with 26 players. I including ll world cham- are taking part m the -day Scandinavian open tennis championships started m Stockholm I ..v In th( round 1 1 t hi i O| mura (Japan) ek (Czechoslovakia) had :d round of
    Free Press  -  200 words
  • 200 15 |»eating the favourite BlagaArawlng with Belangor and Penani Negri sembllao <ii.(:;<-ii duunpione m the inter-.Male women*! bocke) Dgular tounuuneni which ended m Kuala I.umpur fUlntla] On Satuidu\ Ne(l1 drew wiih PHMni one all. YeMercinv they besit Sinpapc^K by a solitary fOft] and m tin
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  • 140 15 THE Board of Control for cricket irf India la Inviting an official cricket tciirn from Australia to tour India next winter A Working Committee of tne Board which met yesterday .1 authorised the Beard's President, Maharaj Kumar ol Viziana^aram. to negotiate with the Australian Cricket Board
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  • 71 15 BpokeflMß yrstenl.r n«d H(j>.' i Panntirlii las i"*t iJ) m hisloiv tO 'iin mill 11. 1« four minutf Brfttaln'l V :»"i.iteiir ;tthi<te ol 1954 Tin H— Vim AtiiUtK Amnrtaikm aw;ir<l"' blag UM C N. Jin kM.n Ifemoiial Cup ;iS tll<l fwur"* <>•'- Rtaruimr uthitu- boni In
    71 words
  • 70 15 The E.iM Cierman ADN Neva Agency .^hi yesterday thai drtvti Art). i.! Rev nhaninipr sri I Ml vw.ilri re< «'i fi OWf 10 milrs In I ].sCocc. Soviet wjrv built BMW sports ra< big < nr. AIjN .'an! H«tKPiih:»mnirr rMCted .m avenge >j.'»'(l of 142. 6
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  • 189 15 Weight records at S'pore tourney j HPAN fc'ER CHER (Eveigreen) broke four kttntanaweigbt records on 1 the opttliQf rrj-'ht (;i thr .Sin; Amateui Weipnt lifting federation'! senior national championships at Uu Happy Woild hist n>rl»t. Bl Cher wh(> ffiiled to qualify for the Giim* u\ May, lifted I total
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 37 15 Reservation Open of The OCEAN PARK HOTEI KffWKNK CHRISTMAS EVE DinnerSlZOO per cover P th nights will bt filled wifh muti., songi And Lofi of Fun NEW YEAR EVE Dinner $15.00 per cover 1,1 ***** Book Ejrly
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  • 221 16 Bearer Bond still fancied Free Press Course Correspondent IMIJ ftisjg at Ipoh has improved considerably :i 1 1 cl barring further rain it should be no worse than yielding today, according to the < lerk of the course. Bearer Bond remains a firm favourite for
    221 words
  • 116 16 nutsrAMOi pelandok epsom jeep call boy pointer JI^TT" HfrlKrll BOND BK\KFR B(»M) HAKRINCJAY Mir UN MAN BEARER BOM) l Barnfirld Barnfirld Bearer Hond Barnheld Muffin Man iMfara Pc«rl H»rrin*ay 'its (ode The Bosun B&rnHrld K»re <i lIANTK IiKR LITTLE ANDY *-MULV LITTLE ANDY LITTLE ANDY~ 3
    116 words
  • 46 16 l//#/-#/##.f/ nap SAMROIG (m Race 8> ENGLISH jockey George Younger has arrived and v ill probably make his tfebut m Malayan racing on Wednesday. Three U.K. jockeys are noic riding on the Malayan turf— Davy Jones, Bill Elliott and George Younger.
    46 words
  • 42 16 Peter Mueller of Germany, fresh from an upset 10-round triumph over well-known Ralph Tiger" •Jones of New York, will resume training there for his Important 10--round mutch with welterweight title contender Carmen Basilio on December 10 U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 40 16 Ken Rosewall removed any doubts about whether lie should play m Australia's D.ivis Cup singles when lie outclassed American champion Vie S» 6-1. 4-6, 0-1. 7-5 on Saturday to win the Victoria men's (tnfflefl title a' Melbourne.
    40 words
  • 29 16 Italy g lined an unexpected 2 0 ■>ry r>\ «*r Argentina m their li rnatlonal football meeting m j c yesterday, scoring once m j -ii ball.
    29 words
  • 274 16 PEACOCK BEATS BELGIAN Crowd disagree 4 BIG crowd at the Sydney Stadium staged a wild demonstration when American Negro, Billy Peacock, was given a points decision over Belgian Pierre Cossemyns m their 12 round return bout. Sustained hooting, jeering and whistling broke out after Referee, Viv Patrick named Peacock, the
    274 words
  • 394 16 RACK 5—3.15: CL. 2, DIV. I— 9F. l-n Bearec liond 5y Bou^'oure 9.00' 2 232 Straits Code 5y I) Jon« 8.13 3 ioi FaX m m Pearl 4y Leong 8.13 4 727 Haninffay 4y McCloud 8.12 5 041 Show Show 5y Elliott 809 G >HH Individuality (iy Franklin
    394 words
  • 179 16 2nd DAY HORSES ON TRACK A FEW horses engaged on Wednesday were out for fast work on a soft track at Ipoh this morning j Strong And Free created a good impression when lie i outpaced Rosalind (Manning) m a 3f. tryout m 39
    179 words
  • 108 16 HPWO 2.500-CC Maserati etn l<\tve 1 today from Genoa for Buenoi Aires, to participate m the Grand Prix of Argentina on Jan. 16. Three other cars will be sent on Deo. 16 to enter the MUnc French driver Jean Behia and. probably. Argentina's Roberto will
    A.P.  -  108 words
  • 49 16 'TiWO quick fotll after half I time enabled S^n^apore to beat i Manila's Kafeominiag team 31 at' Rizal Stadium on Saturday night, j I Yang Hu:it scorer! first for Bin- ii:ipore after 15 minutes. Ooi equalised. In the second half R j Omar scored twice.
    49 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 385 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. knowi.fik;ment 211 Witrds $H (minimum MR. MRS THIO SOEN TIOE iriat) to Mi. ink friends and relatives for 'heir valuable pnMßtl and grxxl I nrlohea etc to their fourth son, Mr. Thk) Kciix Poon'.s rn;irri;me with Mixs Kwik Poh Lent,', the fourth daughter Of Mr. Mrs. Kwik Tiring
      385 words
    • 29 16 The Malayan Way of Life 8 Laughter, gaiety and a jostling crowd t-hc wayang's m town! and after Hie show there's still time for a beer |ttTlslJ€Tta| of course
      29 words