The Singapore Free Press, 3 November 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Fre Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya. No. *****. Singapore, Wed., Nov. 3, 1954. Price 15 Cts.
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  • 169 1 'I DON'T FEAR KISSING NOW' SAYS PIER ANGELI PIER ANGELI, the Italian star, has been cured of a defect which has tended to disrupt film production fainting when she had to kiss a man. And she owes this to handsome Broadway actor, Paul Newman, veteran of kissing scenes. Miss Angeli,
    UP  -  169 words
  • 25 1 Democrat Averell Harriman defeated Republican Senator Irving M. Ives m the election for the governorship of New York State.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 311 1 A WAR OFFICE spokesman said m London yesterday that a gaol sentence imposed by court martial on a British soldier m Malaya last July had been quashed. The soldier, Frank Clayton, of Liverpool, serving m the Royal Army Medical Corps, was
    Reuter  -  311 words
  • 28 1 More than 200 civilian and servicemen and women from Britain and the Commonwealth ceceived awards from the juieen yesterday at an lnvertiW* at Buckingham Palace
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  • 18 1 Twelve airmen were killed when a Spanish Air Force plane craahed into a hill.
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  • 57 1 18 NATIONS WILL TALK ON TYPHOONS A SIX-DAY 18-nation conference on typhoons, stressing more accurate methods of forecasting their growth and movements—will start m Tokyo on Saturday. The report adds that Singapore has been invited but the Director of the Malayan Meteorological Service, Mr. I. G. John, said no invitation
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  • 71 1 T frr a r er of the Aus tra"an trade mission Mr W. R. Hudspeth, called on the Singapore Financial Secretary, Mr. W. C. Taylor, this morninV rinanclal He was accompanied by the Australian Trade Commissioner m Singapore, Mr. O S Anderson. Some members
    71 words
  • 47 1 The Singapore Rubber Market opened this morning on a steady tone with first grade, November shipment, at 79 cents per pound, half a cent above yesterday's close. The market was bettor on steadier overnight London and business was done at 79 i cents.
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  • 160 1 Bill m Canberra A BILL initiating transfer of the Cocos Islands, now administered by the Singapore Government, from Britain to Australia, was introduced m the House of Representatives m Canberra yesterday. The External Affairs Minister, Mr. Casey, said the transfer was being effected because Australia built and
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  • 170 1 HPHE PRIME MINISTER, Sir Winston Churchill, told J- the House of Commons yesterday that atomic and hydrogen bomb explosions have a cumulative effect on the atmosphere and that an undlie number of them might have very serious effects. He said he had been told,
    U.P.  -  170 words
  • 16 1 A Japanese ballet company, which has visited France and Belgium, arrived m London yesterday
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  • 106 1 Mine peril but S'pore waters safe WORLD WAR II mines around Indonesian waters are still a danger to shipping, the U.S. Navy said yesterday. The Navy's hydrographic office added that miners from the last war are still a danger m Western Pacific waters and ha,v published data on mines and
    106 words
  • 40 1 The Queen Mother had lunch m New York yesterday with Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. The two had dined together 15 years ago with their husbands the late President »rtn«»«oit and Kinsr George VI. A. P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 23 1 Two "very strong shocks" about 10,000 miles away m Indonesia were recorded early yesterday on the For** 101 -versity seismograph. A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 r ■■BwßßHß^^Bt^. P^ '••>:■>'■ -'•y^-'-jP^B^BßßßwlfP^''*'''''^"*''''*'-' (a B nHff '^^Bf* IK^B JBr V BBBBBb »JjEcljyK*^ '^1^ H -i-BBiS^B S ■-< /y x B^H^^BSjß&ffiß*^^^ I m )v>' v., B^BIhIBBI s>T >•* HP^¥f"^^Bßßr? MITCHAM LAVENDER 2 g The fragrance that never fails to please. s Potter 6" Moore Mitcham Lavender pre- g sented
      107 words

  • 354 2 U.S. PLANES HAD METAL 'FATIGUE' CRACKS TOO LORD Hit AH AZON. holder of the QrSt HriItish aviation pilot's licence and chairman of the Air Registration Board which grants airworthiness certificates, agreed In London yesterday that British safety requirements were pro bably i" advance of
    Reuter  -  354 words
  • 126 2 (CHANCELLOR ADENAUER, facing th<- greatest political crisis of his career, hist nlghi lost another of his coalition allies In the parliamentary rebellion against tin Prent h-German Baar agree ment The Refugee party, the thud largest In Dr Adenauer*, four-party coalition govern rm-nt. announced the
    A.P.  -  126 words
  • 161 2 fFHE Chinese Foreign Minister Mr. George Yen 1 yesterday told the U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. Dulles, that the Nationalist Government defending itself against Red air and artillery attacks on Tachen island, had not "taken any action that might be construed as offensive." Mr. Yeh said after
    U.P.  -  161 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 2 Lets than two hours after arriving m Singapore, yesterday the Australian trade mission to South-Kast Asia held its first press confer- enee. The 33 delegates were unanimous m saying that Australia must trade more with Malaya. Copies of the Free Press trade supple- ment on the occasior the visit found
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  • 298 2 MR. ANTHONY NUTTING, Minister of State at the Foreign Office, warned yesterday that there could be little hope of peace m the Middle East as long as incidents continued between Israel and the Arab States. Opening a House of Commons debate on Middle
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 86 2 PRINCESS MARGARET, who was once caught by a television camera with a very low-cut gown, and comedian Bob Hope agreed yesterday that television can be "terrifying." It was the Princess's word for it, and Hope agreed as he was presented to Queen
    UP  -  86 words
  • 27 2 Mr. 8. C. Shirley Cnrea. Ceylon's Minister of Trade. Commerce and Fisheries, is on a 16-day round visit to Rome, Geneva and Cairo. Reuter.
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  • 42 2 AT least 30 people wrre feared dead m a landslide near Medelin, Colombia which buried 15 homes m the village oi El Limon, au thorities said yesterday. Fifteen bodies have been recovered. Fifty MWHM u/oro injured- A .P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 176 2 Sailor used knife in fight THE tanker, Caltex Venice, leaves Singapore tomorrow for the Persian Gulf, without two crew members. One Is m prison and the other is seriously hurt m the General Hospital. Anthony Vaz and Robert Graham, who were both signed on m Bombay m May last year,
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  • 77 2 BLONDE ON THE TRAIN UPSETS HIM ACTOR Marlon Brando said m Rome yesterday he was trying to telephone his French fiancee m Paris to explain "about that blonde on the train." He seemed worried about reports that a luscious Italian blonde had joined nim on the train from Nice to
    U.P.  -  77 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 143 3 J^ORD Rowallan, Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth, visited Central Johore yesterday on the first phase of his Federation tour. He will be a fortnight m the Federation and will visit all the states. Lord Rowallan flew to Kluang m the morning and was ac-
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  • 120 3 Newsweek magazine said yesterday Britons m Hong Kong "are alarmed at a reliable intelligence report, via agents m India, that Indian Pnme Minister Nehru promised during hU visit to Hek in R to use his influence to »nYi R u about the return of
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 119 3 ™r,nTr? c f i ci erals are bein^ held "incommunicado" pending their appearance before a court which will have to confirm the arrest warrants The police source said the case involved military contracts including construction of a pipeline for the North Atlantic Treaty
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 108 3 Searching plane sees oil patch ONE of the planes searching for the American Navy Super-Constellation missing since Sunday with 42 men. women and children aboard reported yesterday it had sighted a three-square-mile oil patch 350 miles north-east of Bermuda. A seaplane was ordered at once to the area to report
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 21 3 BRITAIN'S gold and dollar reserves rose by $3 million during October and stood at $2,936 million on October 31,
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  • 87 3 EXTRA guards were posted yesterday by Scotland I Ya?d royal palaces, the Houses buir d Yng a s ment and Govern^ent This followed warnings from and al r VY l te c °nstabulary and the Irls h Republic C.I.D and an anonymous phone call
    AP  -  87 words
  • 32 3 Britain and Saudi Arabia have agreed on the composition of the international tribunal which will arbitrate on the future of the oil-rich Buraimi Oasis on th*> P^r«i"« Gulf. Re uter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 29 3 The United Nations General Assembly's Steering Committee recommended yesterday that the Assembly debate Soviet charges of finlted states aggression and piracy on Red China s coast.
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  • 18 3 the Treasury announced yesterday. Defence aid from the U.B. during the month amounted to $17 million.
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  • 115 3 Stars in money troubles ALIMONY! I'M SICK OF IT, SAYS BETTE ACTRESS Bette Davis said m New York yesterday she was "sick' of paying alimony to her third husband, who claimed m a suit she owed him U551,750 (M 55.250). "I paid him for about four years and I'm sick
    A.P.  -  115 words
  • 173 3 And Van: 'I can't pay more to mother' ACTOR Van Johnson says he is terribly shocked and hurt by the suit filed against him by his mother for support. Mrs. Loretta Neumann asked US$9OO (M 52,700) a month, asserting the actor had premised but failed to support her. She gave
    A. P.  -  173 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 104 3 OYSTER PERPETUAL I .4 Landmark m the History of i TIME MEASUREMENT I Official Distributors: t C. De SUVA BROS., "Jewellers" \3, Raffles Place, Singapore- 1- Tel. ***** V^ "iiniiiiiiiiiiiiilHlllHiWffliii C'^>^S^r *~aif I e t il? ce A k a ly J^JT of thc STRAITS BITIIGKT can be 3 a
      104 words

  • 381 4 The Singapore Press Opinion Ties with Malaya tfEDNKSDAY, Nov. 3, 1964. The arrival m Singapore or tne 33-man Australian trade delegation- one of the bigget* to vi.sit the Colony— is a pleasant reminder of the links which bind the two countries and of their everwidening community of interests. Malaya came
    381 words
  • 875 4 Life is grim in Yugoslavia r reports I HARRY I F. BYRD U.S. State Senator, I editor and publisher, who has just done an extensive tour of i I the country. TITO. '0 houses and lf>,ooo h. t<» guard YUGOSLAVIA probably gives the best insight into conditions behind the Iron
    875 words
  • 170 4 ■IHhHI A FEMALE receiver of stolen gpod$ t Who used to fil] (l uttle boat with the stuff and row v by night down a river to where two mate accomplices were watting, may be said to hare rowed to hounds Prodncse: Ridden, surely Myself: No. You
    170 words
  • 284 4 Going pLACES An ANNUAL event DO YOU like to travel? Do you like to meet people? Then come with me on the hundreds of miles I've just covered reading by my bedside. First let's go to Borneo and meet the Dayaks. I've often read about them, this fascinating people. My
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 44 4 I Finer Kings i SENA'S I Whatever the pu/po«e an Z ~4 engagement an annivcrtary Z uf iust a g«Tt~ there are rings to convey every gesture of goodwill with 3 charm and cleffarw" H SENA! LIMITED MICH CLASS lEWELLIKS J Singapore. Pcnanj?, Bangkok
      44 words
    • 114 4 v. I^l i 5 v,,v V l UI C VM x| Helena Rubinstein has given a life-time to the creation of thingi for beauty to the fundamentals of skin care to the cherishing of natural loveliness. Her three easy rule»— made famous m her 1 •j talons the world over—
      114 words

  • 112 5 pictures. ABOVE: Dato C. J. Pag- lar, president of East Dis- =trict, receives a Medal of s Merit for "outstanding ser- 1 i vice to the scout move- i j ment" from the Common- i wealth Chief Scout Lord i j Rowallan, at an investi- i ture held
    Free Press  -  112 words
  • 168 5 Chinese schools plan jVJR. Yap Pheng Geek, vicepresident of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, said yesterday a date would be fixed with the Governor, Sir John Nicoll. to discuss the Chamber's counterproposals to the proposed $12--million aid to Chinese schools next year. Mr. Yap told the Free Press he
    168 words
  • 64 5 ]i|R. R. Sharma of Penang is 1?1 among the 22 students from 16 countries who are now taking part m a survey of the English educational system m London. The students, who are attending university Or other courses j n London, will learn n
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  • 53 5 RAIL WAY EXPERT FOR MALA YA MR D D. BARTLETT, a I lending British expert on railway administration iv tropical countries has accepted an appointment with the Miiuyan Railway. At present chief operating superintendent East African Railways and Harbours, he will take over his new post m Kuala Lumpur In
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  • 296 5 Only clean shops, cafes to get permits THE MANUFACTURE and sale of ice cream m Singa- pore is being tightened up m the interest of public health. Coffee shops and eating houses will have to get new endorsement on their licences if they want to
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  • 82 5 New officials of the Gunong Sayang Association, Singapore, are: President, Mr.-Ong Soo Bin; vice-presidents: Messrs. Chew Hoe Seng, Lim Boon Seng and Scow Kway Chin; secretary, Mr. Gwee Peng Kwee; assistant secretary, Mr. Tan Hood Kirn; treasurer, Mr. Tan Kirn Guan, auditor. Mr. Chua Thye Lye;
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  • 39 5 The Singapore Poppy Daj Organisers said today thai orders for poppy wreathi should be placed before Saturday. Individuals or associations wishing to do so should contact Mrs. J. S. C. Lim, 132 Pasir Panjang Road (Tel *****
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  • 27 5 SEGAMAT. Wed.— A charitj cinema show m aid of the Poppy Day Fund will be given at Capitol theatre on Saturdaj at 11 a.m.
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  • 136 5 MORE than 250 latest model Ford Consuls, prefects, Hillman Minxes, Austins. Morris Oxfords and Cowleys now ply the streets of Singapore as taxis. They have appeared on the scene during the last four months, as part of the plan completely to replace the Colony's
    136 words
  • 37 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. nSSSt^?*^* vision of the Colonial Office, has arrived h! iJ? c will stay m toe Pc 557*^8 £°L about a mon and will visit all parts of th. country.
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  • 108 5 L-DRIVERS WHO FAIL ARE GIVEN ADVICE WHEN a learner-driver m Singapore fails m a teat, the examiner normally advises him to improve on a point or two of his driving before he comes for further testing, Singapore Traffic chief, Mr. A. E. Minns, said yesterday. Mr. Minns said that advice
    108 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 98 5 Mirun&tviek Long Playing Standard Records Hear the latest issues at authorized dealers m Malaya S °L D MIS Ut rS E S ISSAf&fA ITII 168A, Cecil Street, for Malay. L»J. I JJHV Ot W. LIU. s'pore-1, Tel. *****. G/\ I If PLACES? J*» ™S ™fe r//«» Mee< REVELATION E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G SUITCASES
      98 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 226 6 MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil Davis -y-7 77-J n77rA«v.r rrAiA/rn)' 1 (MUST THf MAN'S STRAN(,f STORY-- THEM THI MAN MAVI rOU^rsOf O(/NG i B- ft^KJ r A BO^ i .AfiuKHOAl AND) rANGU 0 H\o THAT MMIM C J m h THIS I «M WHJii YOU Wtßt ON SKI^ 1
      226 words
    • 786 6 I YOUR LUCKY I I STAR BORN today, you have one of those deep and unpr edict- E i able natures. On the surface, I you appear calm and unruffled. Others are always look- iiiK up to you for help and E advice. Yet, underneath you E E have a
      786 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 188 7 LONDON, Not. 2. Previous Today Nov. RUBBER. No. 1 RSS cJ.f. European 22 15/16 buyers 2314 buyers K rB r B% DK N.:-. iss.^:: S^'sSS 5i /16 5SS No sellers No sellers RIBBER. No. RSS Settlement 23% buyers 23% buyers House Terms Dec 23% sellers 23 sellers
      188 words
    • 83 7 NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Previous Today TIN Straits spot and nearby 92.37 nom. CLOSED TIN futures Nov 92.00 bid (Election Day) 92.50 asked Dec 91.80 bid 92.25 asked Jan 91.75 bid 92.00 asked TONE. Quiet, bat steady. SALES: Nil. RUBBER futures, Dec. '54 27.40 bid 27.50 asked
      83 words
    • 5 7 CLOSED (Election Day).
      5 words
    • 32 7 NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Previous Today 30 Industrials 353.96 CLOSED 20 Railroads 118.33 (Election Day) 4i) Domestic Bonds 100.82 M 15 I tilities 57.78 64 Stocks Composite Averages 129.96
      32 words
    • 122 7 Nov. 2. Previous Today COPRA, Philippines, c.i.f. UK /North. $199 sellers $199 nom. European, delivered weight per long ton Nov./ Dec COPRA, Philippines, f.o.b. Manila, unquoted unquoted delivered weight, per lons ton COPRA, Straits, c.i.f. UK/North European delivered weight per Nov/Dec. long ton £72 buyers £72
      122 words
  • 110 7 THE ESTABLISHMENT of a Whitley Council m the Singapore City Council has been temporarily held up ponding clarification of the •cope and functions of the liaison body. The finance committee, ivhich considered the proposed constitution of the Whitley Council, wants to know
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  • 28 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Raja Sir Uda, former Com mlssioner for Malaya m Britain, is due to arrive m Singapore aboard the WiUem Ruya on Thursday.
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  • 221 7 T*HE opening shot between the Progressive Party and the Labour Front m the A forthcoming Singapore elections has been fired. Progressive supporter, Mr. T. R. Fernandez attacked Mr. Lim Yew Hock, Labour candidate for Havelqck Division, for holding a meeting at a Chinese temple
    221 words
  • 121 7 ANEW application to allow Madam Phoon Yoke Kit, exiled wife of Mr. Ng Sze, of Mosque Street, to re-enter Singapore has been made to the Immigration authorities. Ng's application is sponsored by the Singapore Legislative Councillor, Dr. C. J. Paglar. Ng's wife, and
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  • 101 7 NO PAPER FOR THESE CHUTES CREPE-PAPER parachutes will not be used by Malayan meteorologists for bal-lon-borne radio transmitters to relay weather readings, Dr. I.E.M. Watts, assistant director of the Malayan Meteorological Service, said yesterday. \t had been reported that m Britain meteorologists were using paper parachutes to bring their transmitters
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  • 60 7 THE new Singapore Film Society has arranged for several 16 mm. film classics to be shown to members m the 1954-1955 season. The first presentation will toe "The Blue Angel," with Emil. Jannings and Marlene Dietrich. It will be shown at the British Council Hall,
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  • 32 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Kassim bin Yacob was allowed bail of $300 after being charged m the Magistrate's Court with causing hurt with a knife to Ahmed bin All.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 29 7 Fon can Phone Yoar SMALL ADS. to Singapore 2800 Ext. 108 ■^R3E23o"Sj3q&'*jj 'X** i-]'.^^JvjO'f'>^.jVJ'ySaaaSSi\t WN&uiffiffif'&'fUf r '"££v&&iil&%fflffi&A' -^^■fBV Bfc^^^-u-.. ,»^w«.M^..,a^^ I This is a STRAITS TIMES Classified Advertisement Service
      29 words

  • 354 8 Pictorial round-up of recent events m the < public life of the Colony j •■■■■■vxy. The Navy steps out. A general view of some of the 475 men and officers of the M.R.N.V.R. who paraded m the annual inspection at Telok Ayer Basin. RearAdmiral E. H. Shattock,
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  • 45 10 New drill for new rifle picture Recruits from the Guards' Depot at Caterham, Surrey, demonstrate the new "Port arm s for inspection' position to be used by the British Army with the new Belgian "F.N." rifles which has been adopted by the NATO armies.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 497 10 The 'Golden Horde' is On the move again A CHEERFUL little man with mongoloid feattures briskly boarded an airliner at Munich airport recently. Dr. Sandacha Stepanov was bound for the United States and a new life. Dr. stepanov was not just another refugee, however. This lawyer with the doctorial degree
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  • 372 10 'LOLLYPOP 9 replaces BIG STICK 9 KNDOS (Karen rebels) are changing from the "big stick' to the -lollypop" m their attempts to keep the people of the locality on their side. Instead oi the pillage and extortion practised upon the villagers heretofore, the KNDOs are offering protection
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 120 10 tH Vs lI I D E PXfl D V s tW s U I It LpLI I U it J^^^M m^KTm^^^^W MM *M m^^MM M^M^F m^^^^k M^M^Ma mm/ /MM w M^M^M^M/ MT\^^^^^^M^M^Ml A, M^^^L l^^M Mm/ /mm M J^^F^^«C^tHß Bt H&~/ BS^^hl *l M^M^Mm J^V^^H^^^Wf^BS^H BBBtf j JBB^^M M J
      120 words

  • Article, Illustration
    41 11 picture. The native rulers of overseas France were invited to Paris recently and were received by Mr. Rene Coty, the President of the French Republic. Here Mr. Coty shakes hanSs with Fio Lowson Zankh VI, the King of Anecho (Togo). Popper
    Popper  -  41 words
  • 395 11 Motoring news and comment CITIZENS TOLD TO RIDE MOTORCYCLES THE Soviet Union, the able to give its people automobiles, is campaigning 1 to create a nation of motorcycle riders Sales of the roughriding two-wheelers have already far outstripped those of autos, while on the
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  • 542 11 Drive my own car? No, thank you, it's too much trouble says HAL BOYLE T<HERE are few greater 1 pleasures m life than motoring —particularly if you do not know how to drive a car yourself. I never have learnt to operate an automobile and now, m my midforties, I
    A.P.  -  542 words
  • 312 11 GOT HIS LICENCE-AFTER 1 8 MONTHS TF ANYBODY m Denmark knows what red tape is, Niels Herman Schult, a 25--year-old mechanic of Orbaek should be the man. It took him exactly 18 months to obtain permission to own a sports car which he built with his own hands from junk
    A.P.  -  312 words
  • 83 11 picture. ™t -In a examine mw The? trVl h W V VCr 6 differCnt k »»v BrHain'« leadin* manufa. turrrs (m. evcn^^ was^arrZeed ?v ihJ f »iIH «f JJ < n u ftr TSUtn cirtuit at Q«^WOOd, Sussex, Mot«r Show test cHv. The event
    Reuter  -  83 words

  • 517 12 NOT UNLESS YOU BUILD JAKARTA, the spiawi•J lag capital of the young republic 0! Indonesia, probably is oik- of the most overcrowded eitiea In the world. An estimated 2.000,000 people live there already and it seems that thousands more are flocking m every month
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  • 408 12 Bridge Hand North Beat !i vulnerable L'u^r dealer WORTH i V? A Q J 10 7 4 3 X 10 8 7 6 WEST KABT 4 KQ 10 9 7 4 4 J ii i 2 0 0 af> X J 8 7 fl a g in X B OAJ9
    408 words
  • Article, Illustration
    55 12 picture. A new Viking invasion of Britain is this hairdo fashioned after the Northerners' winged helm. The "Viking helmet** incorporates the new longer hair and the wider look. It can be fashioned for day or night wear by brushing m the "wings" for day and fluffing them out
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 253 12 A 17-YEAR-OLD girl who now walks to school may some day be Empress of Japan. A Tokyo magazine says Miss Hatsuko Kitashirakawa is the "official choice" to marry Crown Prince Akihito, with a formal announcement due soon. Miss Kitsushirakawa Is the daughter of
    AP  -  253 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 54 12 -<y< >^< >^>^j )^>^s >>^>^j >^4>^j m>^j i^ f^s hr\ y%i mr%s brv%iin f\si#i*^> 1 A .^bbET •<». IB Bv£r if nevertheless, f^J I CYMA gr 1 I is best OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LEADINC WATCH DEALER* 5 Y SS^> AS A CUCUMBER I <^^ t^ AIR CONDITIONED jytflk I ARMENIAN
      54 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 209 12 CLtJEB ACROSS: people cannot shoot accurately? I Take ease mostly for something puzvJlng (6). 2 Domestic appliance that is best started (5> 4 Flowers for wrongdoers In the c. old days 0 (<j» Employment that does not call for a ring 1 10) BAn empty larder might lUggttt r WH
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  • 151 13 BritisA slat juau oumua. Maria, SIX months ago black- haired Maria English was a beautiful doll doing: nothing: but walk-on bits to fill out a Paramount contract. She had been m six pictures. The studio had cut her out of five and the other was un- released.
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  • 301 13 T*HE uproar touched off by overweight and ailing MARIO LANZA when he attempted to trick television watchers recently by mouthing the words to his songs while they were actually played off on recording is a reminder of the fury of film fans when sound
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  • 120 13 DIVORCE MYSTERY DEEPENS WHEN Joe Di Magglo returned from New York with Marilyn Monroe after her quick location-shooting excursion for "Seven Year Itch," he was a much-chang-ed man— for the better it is recalled. In his shy manner, Joe had been completely boycotting the studio and the
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  • 500 13 British Directors are 'afraid of sex' LEONARD MOSLEY takes up the challenge of the neglected woman mi the screen says Joan Collins HERE we go again— with a gaggle of British women stars complaining. Says Kay ("Genevieve") Kendall, off on a provincial stage tour: "Of course I'd rather stay m
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 109 13 yLAtfls TRANSPORT STORAGE fjTj-yy LIHITEO v Q3II 173 CECIL STREET SINGAPORE PACKERS, SNIPPERS INSURANCE AGENTS C-TSa ♦++4+++^ si Fine Quality Diamond Gem set Platinum Engagement Rings Eternity Rings Gold Platinum Wedding Rings I! K.IMI. de SILVA Ltd. 45 HIGH STREET SINGAPORE 6 X KUALA LUMPUR A IPOH. 4 'l Just
      109 words

  • 790 14 AMBITION FULFILLED Vie Sexias and Doris Hart each had a hard struggle before finally reaching the top m United States tennis. pOH VKARS, \'i( .iml Dolls ll. ill, oil! shimlm- I S It'll nis players, sti o\ c dogged I (<> iiiiiiii tin- ambition of Mien live*-
    790 words
  • 268 14 "IKON MAN" of long distance running m Australia, 31 year-old Holey (Juy, easily won the New South Wales marathon championship by more than four minutes. It Rave him his fourth State marathon title, having previously won m 1947, 1949 and 1953 Guy, an Empire Games
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  • 89 14 Soccer boy ordered out A NINKTKKN- YEAR-OLD inside right who came from Iraq to England m search of Soccer fame has been ordered to leave the country. The Homp Office has refused to extend his permit to stay. Youra E-shaya is his name and for a month he has been
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  • 98 14 JOHN CHARLBB, the man Cardiff City are eager to buy. even for t: 40,000, looks like settling ?t Leeds. "I shall not repeat my re quest for a transfer." said Charles after leading the Leeds attack agalnut Bristol Rovers "I would Btlll like tO play
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  • 60 14 South Johore Rugby Football Club team to play Royal Navy at Naval Base today is:— W J. Robertson; B. Emery C. H. E Tansley, p. Spark! Ungku Ibrahim; Lt. J t Hale D. J Pln«ree; j. Brooks, Cpl* Earnshaw, j. Chalmers, X J Shapland
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  • 167 14 LTNIVERSITY of Malaya beat Victoria School yesterday at the Varsity ground by 20 points (five tries and a goal) !to three (try) Weak tackling led to the downfall of the Victorians. The Varsity steadily gained control of the game with their .speedy threequarter attacks. Teong Quee opened
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  • 258 14 RULES KEF. But the night was clear TOO FOGGY, By ARCHIE QUICK IF there is any pushing round to be done poor old Mr. John Citizen is the one who never gets a fair rub of the green. The other night 8,000 people paid full league prices to watch Waterford
    258 words
  • 88 14 MALAYAN Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve demm» K°L ice "A' 41 m the M.o.R. badminton league at the MRNVR Hall. Results were (MRNVR players mentioned first)Simles O S a Robert Lim bt. PC. 561 15-0, 15-1; O B Wahab Sarkawi bt. S.C. 766 15-4, 15-3; Sub-Lieut. Wan Hassan
    88 words

  • 527 15 GET ME ISIMELI RADRODRO! SAYS LAVE Battle of words m Sydney gym FREE PRESS BOXING CORRESPONDENT AB S^ i S^^ i^ for the pr °p° sed Boxin uay tight m Singapore between Kitone Lave r a a** and local F 'J' an favourite Isimeli Kadrodro are not yet completed But
    527 words
  • 45 15 ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL beat Raffles Institution at Woodsville yesterday by nine points (two tries and a penalty goal) to three (penalty goal). Scorers for Saints were Oehlers, Watt Choon (tries), and Yew Kai (penalty). Kirn Chye kicked a penalty for Raffles.
    45 words
  • 189 15 Now Landau is doubtful starter BRITISH nopes of a Royal victory In today's Washington international race at Laurel, Maryland, received a setback when Queen Elizabeth's Landau developed a slightly infected heel yesterday. Trainer Noel Murless said that no decision would be made whether to withdraw the Royal colt until alter
    189 words
  • 27 15 Monday night's international basketball tournament results: Philippines 83; Canada 76; Brazil 49, France 36; United States 72, Nationalist China 28; Paraguay 60, Chile 57 (consolation round).
    27 words
  • 480 15  -  WATERMAN By THERE will be a regular feast of international swimming going on next door to Singapore this season. But Colony swimmers won't be there, unless unexpected developments arise between now and the New Year. The financial aspect is keeping Singapore from taking part tn
    480 words
  • 100 15 AUSSIES COLLAPSE WITH VICTORY IN SIGHT ONE man rescued the M.C.C. m spectacular fashion at Adelaide yester day Bob Appleyard. He enabled the tourists to beat South Australia by 21 runs when he took four wickets for five runs m a spell of 2.6 overs. South Australia needed 174 to
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 169 15 rriwo teams of referees will A play a floodlit soccer match against each other at Jalan Besar Stadium on Friday night. The teams are the Singapore Civilian Association Football f Referees Society and the Combined Services Football Referees. Kick-off is at 7 p.m., prior
    169 words
  • 52 15 Summer Tan, winner of the rich U.S. Garden Stake was stricken ill m hLs stall at Belmont, Virginia, yesterday Veterinarians diagnosed the rtlment as an embolism (blood slot) m the arteries supplying .he colt's Intestines ana said ;ne next few hours would *pll vhether he will
    AP  -  52 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 36 15 FAREWELL APPEARANCE I of I Mits ALICE LEE I at OCEAN PARK HOTEL Wednesday Nov. 3 Thursday Nov. 4 Friday Nov. 5 Saturday Nov. 6 yi^ tv.fww ~.-ym.~ Before returning to Hong Kong for Movie Engagements.
      36 words

  • 116 16 rrjlK A<;a Khan's I rush tho- roughbred Masuka, a nineyear old daughter of Nearco yesterday fetched M 5315,000 the highest price ever paid for a thoroughbred brood mare at an American auction The mare, <>ne ot ln<l toiJ horiej amonjj the 20 consigned from Ireland by
    116 words
  • 127 16 BRILLIANT RUN BY GRAZIE The track was unfavourable PBAZIE, with Mickey Donnelly astride, displayed a bright turn of speed on the Kuala Lumpur training track this morning. Giving stablematc Kong Ming (E. Donnelly) a (wo length -start, Grazie easily passed him In the straight to dock 37 4 s*ec. for
    127 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 16 pirliir* POPPY DAY TROPHY Singapore Civilians beat Combined Services 5-1 m yesterday's annual Poppy Day Fund hockey match on the pndang. >Ir. A. VV. Frisby presents the challenge trophy to S. VelliiniiiiJ m»« Civilian captain- Free Press
    Free Press  -  37 words
  • 273 16 New Services 'cap' is a County player A KENT county player will play for Singapore Combined Services m Saturday's H.M.S. Malaya rugby fixture I against Negri/Malacca on the Singapore padang. The selectors have not seen I him m action, but include him I on the strength of his reported performance
    273 words
  • 29 16 Eiyht oarsmen from the Miri Boat Club Hew into Singapore yesterday to take part, m the annual Inter- Port Regatta to be held on Friday and Saturday
    29 words
  • 144 16 BOXING BODY MR. J. ONSLOW FANE, permanent chairman of the British Commonwealth and Empire Boxing Championships Committee, yesterday expressed the opinion that a representative of the Far East should appear on the Committee of the International Committee of Professional Boxing. This is the body which
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 38 16 Rising Fast, a cracfc Now Zealand gelding, wan the £15.500 Melbourne Cup. biggest horse race m Australia, at Flemington race course yesterday! Hellion was second m the twomile handicap and Gay Helios was third.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 28 16 picture. Centre-forward Sheikh Mans or scores for Civilians m yesterday's Poppy Day Fund hockey match on the padang. Civilians beat Combined Services 5-I.— Free rress
    Free Press  -  28 words
  • 72 16 Espinosa retains title The fifth and sixth rounds were all Kosaka's. But at the stare of the seventh, Espinosa's head caught Kosaka over the le;t eye and the fight was stopped. Espinosa weighed 129|1b thp loser ***** b. Under the Japanese scoring system, the three officials each awarded Espinosa 67
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 115 16 THEY BUMPED HEADS SO— OATTLING Bonnie EspiD nosa of the Philippines looked like a beaten fighter last night until he salvaged his Orient lightweight title with a lucVtj seventh round technical knockout over Kasumi Kosaka of Japan. The Japanese challenger staged a completely unexpected comeback after his loss to
    115 words
  • 28 16 A Western German amateur box- M ing team beat an Irish team by j five bouts to nil at Kilkenny, Ire- I land, last night.
    28 words
  • 56 16 JO Wnrtlx $<> (minimum) MRS FA! TOKO HEN. 0M ChOOl Hrn tfoong passed away ptacefully a* her rwldence at No. 105, Sophia Road, Bingapora al 11.15 n m. 2nd h November 1954. Funeral on the 4i h November, 1954 at 5 p.m. at the j Tank Eload Sacred Heart
    56 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 415 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST 21 Word* $2 (mitt.)-Box 50 rf#.UM*. FPOM PLAOSTAPF HOUSn, Kheum Hock Road, Tele: 2801. Ext. 102. Broun Siamese Cat, Male. Reward SITUATIONS VACANT 1A Words $2 (ruin.) —Box 50 ct*. extra. CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST required immediately for part tune work. Apply Box SlB3. F.P. ACCOMMODATION VACAN I to
      415 words
    • 31 16 AW I I X •t^ m^^« ■Hi \4 Bl*j 1 cM&uson&uvender I WtTM THB tUI&OttMCM I Sole Agents: 2 I f. ZUELLIC (MALAYA) LTD. I I SIIICAPORI jcuAIA LUMPUR PfNANC I
      31 words