The Singapore Free Press, 2 October 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Insist At'ternwon Sale in Malaya. v. il'iti^- Singapore, Sat., Oct. 2, 1954. Price 15 (Is.
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  • 106 1 rw\HE Communist Party i s like a braider from the gutter, like a dirty boxer who fights no holds barred. Constantly shifting from the attack to the defence, it feigns iveakness and Otves ground one moment only to lash out With renewed fury the
    AP  -  106 words
  • 249 1 GANG THREATENS POLLS MAN INDIAN business man, Mr. V. S. Padmanabhan, who is a candidate for the Chaiigi Division in next year's Singapore Legislative Assembly elections, has reported to the police that a gang has threatened him if he does not pay protection money. In a letter to the Commissioner
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  • 60 1 Singapore police want to contact relatives or friends of an unidentified Chinese woman, who fell to rser death from the nine-storey Upper Pickering flats just after midnight. She wore a sam-foo. cream coloured blouse and black trousers and black slippers. She had two gold upper teeth
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  • 60 1 Dr. Lin Yu-tang, Chancellorelect of the Nanyang University arrives in Singapore by BOAC aircraft at 4.24 p.m. today. Chinese leaders will be at Kallang Airport to welcome Dr. Lin, who is accompanied by his wife, and daughter Miss Adet Lin. Dr. Lin and family will then
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  • 35 1 During a quarrel over wastage of food, an Indian, S. Rengasamy, was hit on the head with a chopper in a in French Road, Singapore, night. A man has been detained.
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  • 203 1 EDEN APPEALS IN VAIN pRANCE threatened to wreck he success of the nineon London conference on man rearmament last :ht when Premier Mendeslce insisted on retaining ires of his drastic arms production pool plan. Mr. Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Secretary and conference chairman,
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  • 101 1 BO AC plans fares by instalments riSH Overseas Airways have joined with other world airlines by touting In the United States texn of payment by 111 :it s for fares. scheme, which will be Known as the boac Bud--5 P}jn, M will apply for the V* 16 being only to
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  • 25 1 '•'y woman living in Amber Singapore, Ported to the police evea broke into her last night and .stole $960 "v, and another $100
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  • 22 1 H apore Rubber Market opened 'ing on a steady tone with Otobor shipment, at ft «2» 5 pound, half-a-cent
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  • 106 1 THE British male's subconscious is coming out in gaudier and more colourful undies. So says the Tailor and Cutter, Britain's "Supreme Court' on men's fashions. "Underwear is the equivalent in clothes to the subconscious mind in the realm of mentality." The British male
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 199 1 rpwo girls taking part in toX morrow's 1954 Miss Chinese Swimming Club" beauty contest, Miss Patricia de Souza and Miss Violet Ho are against wearing a dres.s. But the contest rules say dress parade first, then swim suit. They made their protest when contestants
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  • 31 1 Sir Alexander Grantham, the Governor of Hong Kong, in Washington last night described the attitude of the Chinese Communists toward Hong Kong as one of "cold hostility." Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 33 1 MLss Lily Lan, 17-year-d Singapore girl of Lorong "N'\ Teluk Kurau, was reported missing from her house lact night. She was last seen wearing a sweater. She has short hair
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 106 1 Follow I (Pendengar| r pi NDENGAR'S Special 1 Selections for Ipoh E rates today are: SPECIAL NAP E Samroig E DOUBLE Three Rings, E: i Hattrick. TREBLE i E Sugar Bush, Cash E z. (heque, Asmara. E IVnriengar says the five S E 05-units should be invest- r ed thus:
      106 words
    • 454 1 A NEW BJJ lIOJ FOOTBALL COTmtsT v .v* -*<% JJ $3,000 PRIZE MONEY! Ist SI, OOO WHICH ARE THE 2nd $500 10 MOST IMPORTANT 3rd 5250 FACTORS IN PRODUCING so prizes of $25 A CONSISTENTLY GOOD 50 PRIZES OF $25 FOOTBALLER? Fn/touing the tUCCtIt nf our recent fleu Footballers' Contest
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  • 127 2 THAT JET R-O-A-R IS SILENCED A BRITISH invention which muffle«» the roar of jet engines has solved a problem lor the Vickers Armstrong factory at Swindon, Wiltshire. The £.10,000 invention was demonstrated yesterday to the local authorities who have complained about the noise of jet engines. The muffler mutes the
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 172 2 'DOOR IS OPEN TO RUSSIA-US. lit R. HENRY CABOT LODGE JR., United States chief ITI delegate in the U.N., said in New York yesterday his country was willing to negotiate anywhere with the Soviet Union on creation of an atomic pool for peaceful purposes.
    A.P.  -  172 words
  • 46 2 ARCH OF ARMS FOR DANCER picture. BALLET pupils of Miss Dorothy Oswald, better known at Dorothy Amita, make a guard of honour with their outstretched arms when the 20-year-old dancer and Dutch businessman, Mr. Johan Vasseur left St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday after their marriaee. Free Press
    Free Press  -  46 words
  • 88 2 MR. NEIL O'SULLIVAN, Australian Minister for Trade and Customs, arrived in Singapore yesterday by QAN-TAS-8.0.A.C. Constellation from Sydney, on his way to trade and tariffs talks in London. Later, he will go to Geneva for a meeting: of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. Trade
    Free Press  -  88 words
  • 68 2 REPRESENTATIVES of 14 countries attending meetings of the Colombo Plan Consultative Committee yesterday toured Canada's atomic energy project in Chalk River, Ontario. The delegates saw a powerful atomic reactor in operation and the preparation of radioactive isotopes and attended several lectures given by staff
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 22 2 The Indian Government yesterday announced an immediate 75 per cent Increase in the export duty on tea.- A .P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 120 2 MR. Jozef Zwiatlo, former polish secret police Official, said in New York yesterday that there is a great deal of unrest inside Poland. which the Communist Government tries to keep down by Russian type mass arrests Asked whether this unrest might lead to a revolt by the
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  • 354 2 BEVAN OUT IN THE COLD, DECLARES WAR ON OLD GUARDS THE big question facing Britain's Labour Party k what fiery left-winger Aneurin Bevan does nLJ* Mr. Clement Attlee, the party leader, emerged vh torious yesterday as the party conference ended at Scarborough in Yorkshire. And behind the officte leaders was
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  • 32 2 The Pakistani Foreign Minister, Mr. Mohammed Zafrulla Khan said in New York yesterday that his delegation will ask the Security Council to reopen the debate on the Kashmir dispute. U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 36 2 The U.S. immigration authorities yesterday granted Hasan Muhammad Tiro, sellstyled minister plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Indonesia, permission to lea/e the U.S. voluntarily before N 1, or he will be deported U.P.
    U.P.  -  36 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 1 off effif Phone Your SMALL ADS. to Singapore 2800 Ext. 108 BQPWQjyxyogpQ^Mj^^^B -"''*sjßSS?^^^^BßpooiK xk \v! ■•v: I mßßM^^^f^^^B Bdßc^^T/'' ■•^^^MBpw".w??M?'. *:'''i'i"i"i':':'_'j':''':j'qii>w •>*^*' r> j^^^^BKStSBBBsSS&! > 'y^ "■*-"*"^K3RSiv*v>'.\"- \^3v^~ v ■'-'-^^^^tt^^jxjxvtr!'^**'*^'*"'^^*^'*' jfjft||PJ)[jP(t§(jr^%'tf^:-*v''s^sß nw ■>'■' < -->.•■• j^^H This is a STRAITS TIMES Classified Advertisement service
      40 words

  • 78 3 Speaker's house 2 LfOUSE No. 172 Mount E 11 Pleasant (above) has E been selected by the E r Speaker Designate of the E new Legislative Assembly, Mr. G.E.N. Oehlers, as his E E official residence. E E It is on a high elevation E E and has pleasant sur-
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  • 102 3 STARVING, THEY FIGHT FOR FOOD IN FLOODS HUNGER CRAZED people are fighting for air-dropped supplies i flood stricken northern Honduras. They wore marooned on rooftops when three rivers burst their banks and inundated the banana-growing area. As supplies fell into the flood waters, men dived from the roofs to bring
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 64 3 Czechs will free two U.S. 'spies' TV. o UNITED States soldiers, i. arrested as spies by the on the Bavarian border two weeks ago, will be re- sed today the American Armv announced in Heidelberg night. Czechoslovak Foreign Oft: informed the American Ambassador in Prague that ueutenant Richard Dries and
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 22 3 dent Syngman Rhee terday bade farewell to units U3. 25th Division and "«> that South Korea will on for Lion.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 22 3 iJor-Oeneral Sir Frederick Who founded *he Royal oros, forerunner of the Air Force died In yesterday aged 77- Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 83 3 A JJJfTE man hit a Negro PUP" a.s h 0 left .school in """more yesterday, touching demonstration* against 2j Jingling of whites and «J public schools. th °»ce immediately arrested in V in:^ As they hustled him P ol »cc car, a crowd of whites
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 178 3 HIS DATTLE CRY WAS 'I HATE COPS' A 12-YEAR-OLD boy fired more than 50 shots from two pistols yesterday in a gun battle with 15 policemen at the resort town of Manitou Springs, Colorado. Police chief Earl Sullivan said no one was hurt and
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  • 60 3 The heaviest October rainstorm ever recorded in New Delhi has killed three people, severely injured several more and destroyed 50 houses. About 100 more homes have been declared dangerous. In 24 hours, more than eight inches of rain fell. The swollen river Urmia, on the
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 309 3 DR. HERBERT EVATT, Australian opposition leader, said in Sydney yesterday he had evidence which cleared Madame Rose Marie Oilier, former French diplomat in Canberra, of allegations that she was a Russian "contact" in Australia. Vladimir Petrov, former Soviet spy chief, told a secret
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  • 115 3 BRITAIN'S 25,000 cotton workers in Manchester won a six per cent wage increase yesterday. The workers, who had been pressing for 10 per cent increase, had a five per cent increase twelve months a^o. Sir John Grey, president of I the Cotton Spinners and Manu-
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  • 57 3 VI K. WILIJAM HAKI.IS UK K. 11 1 who was responsible if I for meals for members of the Royal family while on train journeys, has retired from British Railways. Of royalty's choice of menu, he said: "They like good plain English food served at
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 85 3 MILLIONAIRE John Jacob Astor's third marriage is breaking up after just a little more than six weeks, the New York World-Telegram and Sun said yesterday. Astor's new wife, Dolores Margaret Fullman, left him the day after they got back from a European honeymoon on
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 30 3 The United States and Philippine trade revision delegations are reported making "good progress" in their talka in Washington on changes in economic relations between the two countries. A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 SHOP TILL 6 P.M. FOR THESE NEW VALUES! i *»iit in fof t/off r shun* of \spwiui Miaryuins Today ut our GRAND Q A! m season wHH Today's Special $aving Bargains:During Sale Plain Pure Silk Ceorgette Sarees $11.50 each White Pillow Cases 1.25 "Stella" Towelling Sports Shirts 6.00 "Manhatten" Coloured
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 367 4 Opinion THE GRIM REMINDERS Recent events in the Federation and Singapore have underscored heavily the fact that the end of the Emergency is far from being in sight. The first of these incidents was the Sungei Siput Communist outrage in which four terrorists, in daylight, tied two Indian tindals to
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  • 377 4  -  Charles Adams /f«* *<rf#r 100 much, kmurd 4<x> »tnrh. maid i<><> muvh By THIS is the story of an honest Russian cop. He saw too much, heard too much and said too much. For his pains he lost his badge, got tossed out of
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  • 611 4 MOST DARING OF RED SPIES Relrnan Morin recalls the activities of an old friend, Richard Sorge, German-born deceiver of the Japs and the Germans. OICHARD Sorge was a LK spy a Communist spy, a genius in that desperate trade. He was the greatest of them all, a man who made
    A.P.  -  611 words
  • 92 4 INSIDE RUSSIA "None." There will be!" The officers also resolved that although there had been no black marks again s. Arakyelov's 13-year record a a party mernoer, "There ww be Following this dialogue Izvestia declared, Tabolov and Dzutsyev cooked up a crimiru charge against Arakyelov and proceeded to frame him
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  • 199 4 POWER CLASH IN TAIPEH T>EHIND the scenes in Formosa a consider- able jockeying for vow e r is going on regarding the eventual successioji to Chiang l Kai-shek. Though the Generalis- simo's health is good, there is no doubt that the I Formosan regime has sufm fcred severely from the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 IM •MHU) t AMOtft TELEFUNKEN 7774WK IrO p 7 VALVf M u i\ vt* Specially troplcalised AC Model, i lully bandspread with selectivity re- j t'Ulator in an elegant walnut cabinet. A s ;l 8 SEOWKUAMCO. 4, Dhoby Ghaut. Singapore.
      40 words
    • 33 4 CHANGE OF ADDRESS E. I. PARRISH CO. the transfer of their business to ground floor show-room tr offices M Mo. 28, South Canal Road, Telephone Telegrams ***** "TECHMED" For SURGICAL C TECHNICAL SUPPLIER
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  • 124 5 mji] Singapore Govern--1 me nt Will build three more primary schools when it completes negotiation* to buy two plots of land from the City Council The sites are 34.900 sq. ft. at sle Road-Truro Road and acres at Winstedt ad-Clemenceau Avenue. The Government
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  • 128 5 SCBA estate study gifts any takers? PENANG, Sat. rpKE Penang Straits Chinese 1 British Association has invited applications from members and their sons for training as planters on the president's estates, the Heah Joo Scans Rubber Group, in Johore. Training will cover all aaof rubber estate management. After two years,
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 5 picture. The first prize in the animal stamp competition, run by the n **Pote Animal Lovers' League, wrnt to this K n stamp album. It was srnt In by Mi*« 800 Mpc toon. A Chinese schoolgirl.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  38 words
  • 446 5 For 10 girls the aim is Manila q^EN attractive Singapore girls contesting tomorrow's "1954 Miss Chinese x Swimming Club" beauty contest have been briefed on the rules. And three "wardrobe assistants" will make ''lastminute checks" in the contestants' dressing-room before the parade
    Free Press  -  446 words
  • 22 5 SITIAWAN, Sat. Mr. G. P. Leech. 0.C.P.D., Sitiawan, will shortly go on leave to Britain with his wife. 1
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  • 50 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Chong So Koon, aged 19. and Munlandy Chetty, aged 20, who escaped through a ventilator of Klang courthouse lock-up on Wednesday while awaiting trial have been sentenced to one month's imprisonment each. They pleaded guilty to ''scaping from lawful custody and resisting arrest.
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  • 75 5 PENANG, Sat. One man was arrested when a detective surprised a gang of housebreakers who stole $500 in cash and cigarettes from a restaurant opposite Police Headquarters in Penang Road early on Thursday. Using a motor car jack to gain entry, the man was passing over
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 70 6 MR. YOSHIO Shinya. JOUI nalist and writer born years ago in Saga, Japan. 1 died in Bueno.s Aires. He waj the most prominent men .'< of the Japanese commit" there. n Mr. Shinva arrived in ljw as a stowaway and l > p l r u
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 639 6 I YOUR 1 I LUCKY I STAR I I UORN loda>, you hav, I E volatile, impulsixe nature I which works from Inspiration I rather than from analysis. Vou I I are original in your Ideas ami I E know how to put them o\.i j J despite all kinds
      639 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 221 7 I Previous Today ...mi Ka. IBM European 21 3/16 buyers 21 3/16 buyers 1,1 o<t 21 5/16 sellers 21*, sellers R No. 1 RSS c.U. European 21 3/16 buyers 21 3 16 buyers ■Sk-j. ?L 5/16 f eUers 211 sel^ ,i in*.! K \o 1 R ss
      221 words
    • 101 7 NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Previous Today Tin Straits s P°t and nearby 93.62 nom. 93.25 nom UN futures Oct 93.00 bid 92.75 bid 94.00 asked 93.75 asked Nov. 93.00 bid 92.75 bid 94.00 asked 93.75 asked Dec 93.00 bid 92.75 bid 194.00 asked 93.75 asked To\T* Quiet.
      101 words
    • 58 7 Spot release Malabar 64. Awaiting >e 63. Afloats 62 to 59. September shipment 58. October 53. NovetnI. Sarawak spot released 55. release 54. Afloats 54 to| 51. September shipment 51. October 50. Lampong afloats 60 to 53. September shipment 52. October 50*£. Ceylon spot released 61 sellers exdock.
      58 words
    • 33 7 PNEW YORK, Oct. 1. Previous Today 30 Industrials 360.46 359.88 Railroads 115.18 117.00 10 Domestic Bonds 100.81 100.87 15 1 n1..!. s 61.04 61.16 64 Stocks Composite Averages 131.68 132.16
      33 words
    • 86 7 COPRA. Philippines, eXf. UK/North Previous Today European, delivered weight per ton Oct/Nov $183'. sellers $184 sellers COPRA l'tiilippines, f.o.b. Manila, delivered weight, per lonjr ion unquoted unquoted < OCONI r Oft, crude. Straits, c.i.f. turopean Continental ports in bull pei ton Oct. Nov. £107 nom. £107
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  • 56 7 $1 00,000 for new Penang market PENANG. Sat. Penang's biggest market, the Chowrasta, in Penan? Road, is to be rebuilt in 1956. The Municipal Council has voted an initial $100,000 towards the cost. A Muncipal Councillor. Dr. N K. Mcnon (Radical, Jelutong) announced this yesterday when he declared open the
    56 words
  • 204 7 OLD FOLKS IN SINGAPORE MAY GET HOME SOON HOME for old people in Singapore is being planned by th e Catholic Welfare service* a voluntary organisation engaged in welfare '"■k in Malaya. A ampaign for funds is to be tried .soon. nome will be open to Catholics as well as
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  • 105 7 lv W UMPIR, Sat. A public meeting yesterday ■"lopt»d three resolutions the recommen- »»s of the Govcrnment-11-member ComAI JM. Rajaaooria, chair- of the Selanjtor Projressije Party, said: "The v inclusion any sensible come to is that flnrt 'nss of the coml** are the outcome
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  • 105 7 Unions file claims with Whitley /GOVERNMENT staff unions VJ in Singapore have sent about 40 complaints to the Whitley Council within a month of its formation. Some of the complaints are from temporary clerks who claim supernumerary post salaries. They had rejected a Government offer to be taken into the
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  • 187 7 ANNUAL PAID LEAVE FOR 10,000 CITY WORKERS SINGAPORE'S 10,000 daily-rated City Council workers are to get six days' leave with pay for every full year of service. The Council has told the City Council Labour Unions' Federation that the new ruling will become effective from January next. In addition the
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  • 105 7 STAFF UNIONS will again ask the Singapore Government to allow certain classes of officers to take part in politics. The question was discussed it a Whitley Council committee meeting this week It was pointed out that it could not be discussed because it was
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  • 55 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat.— A fun fair in aid of St. Christopher's Church, Johore Bahru, will be held on Oct. 9 at the Public English School, Jalan Lumba Kuda. The fair will open at 3 om. and wil] close at 11 p.m, It will include a
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  • 64 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Dato Sir Onn bin Ja'afar, Member for Home Allairs, will put a resolution on community development before the Federal Legislative Council next week. It will recommend that community development should be fostered by Government with all the resources available "as a means of encouraging the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 75 7 CLAMOROUS SWIMSUITS gjgt- TIT* aT Created to do beautiful VMjfekT things for a girl's figure V V Whatever your particular A K figure type, there is a m glamorous CAT A LIN A ly^i V swimsuit made just for you. y There is also a wonderful gk for leisure time
      75 words

  • 122 8 Seize car threat to US airmen drivers AMFRirAN airman from *V Bentwaters, near Ipswich irilj have their cars seized by order oj their commanding officer if they drive carelessly. colonel n. n Holt Li determined to reduce the road accident figure*. He hu.s ordered that any airman driving a car
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  • 19 8 A mediaeval tiled floor has been found under an aisle of Dereham Parish Church, Norfolk. I
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  • 216 8 THIS overtime business, said Dr. J. Griffith Jones, is A absolutely crazy. Said Dr. Edward Rees: "It is absolutely absurd." They were speaking on behalf of radiographers at the East Glamorgan Hospital, near Pontypridd. This is what happens when one of the radiographers wants
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  • 63 8 A CUSTOMS officer stepped out of the i shadows to intercept a lone figure carrying a sack off the liner Queen j I Elizabeth at Southamp- E ton. e I A few hours later Tho- mas James McCarthney, e i a rigger, wns fined ***** e
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  • 53 8 Walter Forster, 45, an asso- rinte (officer) of the Queen's! Bmch Division, at London Sessioha was gaoled for six months. He vva.s found Ririltv of gettinu an order for £25 bv false pretences with intent to defraud and trvinc to get £3 15s. bv false pretences with
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  • 23 8 A hairdressing saloon installed at Ransom Sanatorium, Notts. ha« proved a wonderful morale booster for women patients, reports the Helpers' Association.
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  • 18 8 Two youths, lan Walker and Brian Divett, drifted ashore with their capsized dinghy at Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire.
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  • 277 8 GET ON WITH SPUD PEELING, SAYS A GENERAL 'Wasie-oMime talk is rubbish' I MAJOR-GENERAL Tetei de Havilland~M, n gu I Geoffrey, the aircraft pioneer is in favour of i spud bashing. I He also said: "There i^s a great deal of rubbish I talked about National Servicemen wasting their time
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  • Article, Illustration
    91 8 THE mushroom shape of a simulated "atomic" explosion following the firing of one of the American atomic cannon at Paderborn training area, i near Hannover, Germany, this week during the NATO autumn manoeuvre. •Battle Royal." A mock shell fired by the United States 256th Atom Gun Battalion on the banks
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 8 picture. MfcMßfcKS of the left-win^ "Bevanite Group" at Scarborough (Yorkshire) for the British Labour I arty conferences which opened Ist week From Left: Harold Wilson, Jennie Lee (Mrs. Sevan). Richard Crossman, Barbara Castle. Geoffrey Binf, Aneurin Bevan. A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 227 8 Royal guard gets his pay stopped by council DUSTMAN Mr, Bob Billclough has been picked by the Territorial Army to be a member of a guard of nonour for the Queen— but his employers. Blaydon-on-Tyne Council, have refused to pay him for the three days he will be away. Says
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  • 32 8 Mr. Edward Pelly, 35. of Cot-ham-brow. Bristol, an engineer workins for the Bristol Aeroplane Company, died from inii.ries he received when an instrument operated by compressed air exploded.
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  • 65 8 With only seconds to spare, Signalman Kenneth Alexander 1 saved a passenger train from 1 crashing into a runaway goods train at Whitchurch. Hants, station. The goods train sounded its whistle continuously to indicate its brakes had failed. Mr. Alexander promptly switched it orj to a
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  • 215 8 FIVE hundred problem children the unwanted and the homeless, the mentally unstable, and the victims of cruelty and neglect have beer, studied by a woman psychiatrist at a children's reception centre at Mersham, Kent. They were the most difficult cases the county could produce. Many
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  • 19 8 MiSfl Marv Fishlork, of Marshfleld (Olcxb), celebrated her loist birthday in Bt. Andrew's Hospital, Chippenham (Wilts).
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  • 23 8 Hie DucheSfl of Gloucester win attend a charity performance of Charlei Chaplin's 1936 film "Modern 'limes" in Lon<lor, this uionth.
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  • 199 9 Hospital doctors on call -quietly mWO men Have worked 1 out a way to send out urgent calls for doctors in hospitals without making disturbing loud- raker appeals. Appeals like: Calling Dr. Kildare... wanted in surgery. Phe new .system, successful- »ted at St. Thomas's HosLonden. works like Each doctor curries
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  • 132 9 'The other man '-Gaol him plea i CALL for more difficult t? ?5[ orc S has been made by he Church of England newspJiV 1 leadin 8 article it SUgf,, 1 7 Gaol for some co-respon-enis. It seems strange." it -that a guilty co-respon-2S? i" alltnve d so often to
    132 words
  • 54 9 Mm. Rose Agiie s Wake, 47- ljI(i owner of a small "•'l"-i .s .shop in Felixstowe- ipßWlch, was found dead tl( garden. Suffolk, shot trough the head. A revolver *»3 by her, In tho shop, her cleaner 111( '^vrry article price-ticket- -and a note asking her
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  • 75 9 RONALD Sidney Ottoway. of ■ijMMiham. Essex, abiusrd V' A stf>^arde.s.s and .struck ;^'«r(l \vhcn he wa.s re--1 a whisky on a Madricl- (l >n airliner. Two mm t( Hold him in hte scat the plane landed. Mr. B. m. Stephen«on for the Ministry of
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  • 215 9 ADE HAVILAM), 110 fight- er became the first twin boom (double fuselage) plane to land on a Royal Navy aircraft carrier as she made a 'touch and go' landing aboard HMS Albion at sea off Portland recently. Just before she landed, a double bant? was heard
    Reuter; Popper  -  215 words
  • 242 9 TWO doctors, Dr. P. J. Dally and Dr. A. G. Mullins, of South-West London, have reported in the British Medical Journal "a case of apparent labour pains occurring in a young boy." They tell how "a woman aged 27. expecting a
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  • 359 9 VISITORS to Britain who suddenly decide to take a British baby home with them for adoption will be breaking the law if a departmental committee's advice to the Home Office is adopted. When the Home Secretary, Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, set
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  • 150 9 Scientists plan to beat smog this time SCIENTISTS and technical £J experts in London are standing by for the first smog of the coming winter to try out a new weapon against it chemical sprays closely related to household detergents. They do not expect that their sprays will be capable
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  • 42 9 The bad summer will hit milk supplies and the cost of production in Britain this winter. Mr. Thomas Peacock. Milk Marketing Board chairman, warned at, Newport. Shrooshire. "Never do I remember such heartbreaking conditions at hav harvest." he said
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  • 132 9 HOW drunk can a man get? The monthly bulletin of the brewery Industry in Britain gives this table of drunkenness. .06 E'ER CENT, of alcohol In the blood level, produced by tWO or three ounces of whi.-ky or about throe average "tots," bring! that top-of-the world feeling;
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  • 36 9 Melbourne florist Albert Ireland, aged 60. and tllfl wife were robbed of ,€2,000 in fUW and jewellery when their Cromwellroad, Kensington, London, flat was raided by thievrs Who tidied up before making then getaway.
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  • 27 9 Prisoner No. 12 in one of Britain'.^ gaols has written to Blackpool for a holiday guide. tit has been .sent to him.
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  • 520 10  -  KATHLEEN HICKLEY Continuing our exciting serial by BOEY and ("hong Lai followed Down along the narrow path leading to the beach. They saw him walking over the sand towards a small boat. "He's going to make a run for it/' whispered Boey. "Now what shall we do?" "Look,
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  • 336 10  - Children' s Page HUGH POND What is wrong with Sabby? By BODO was worried about his old friend Sabinchen (Sabby to her friends). Why wouldn't she eat? Why wouldn't she sleep? Why did she walk restlessly up and down her cage? Sabinchen is a four-year-old female camel in thf» Berlin
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 97 10 Wii\ I PMZE!\ > fMLI OUT your paints, crayons or chalks and colour VJ this picture. It may win you one of the four $5 S prizes (two boys and two girls) offered Fill in your name, address and age and post to Auntie Wendy, The Singapore Free Press, Cecil
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 602 10 CONTEST WINNERS The winners of last week's colouring contest art-: Doreen Chan (10). 7 Punah Place, Siiigapore-15. Annie Ho (15). 240-B Geyland Road, Singapore- 14 Brendon Richards (7), 372 Telok Kurau Road. Sinxa pore-15. Yeo Siew Kia (14), 19 Ord Road. Sinßapore-u. The prize of $5 will be sent to
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 11 l"<*n Juliana and Prince Bernhard drive through The Hague to open the Netherlands Parliament.
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  • 607 11  - World's tiniest Red state JOHN WREN Outpost of the Kremlin in the heart of Italy By I HAVE Just visited the 1 world's smallest Communist state —and found n overflowing with sweet sparkling! wine, layer cake and perfume. To i xplain this strange picture lel me start by Introducing the
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  • 544 11 'CAPITAL' PUNISHMENT IN NORWAY Think your are heavily taxed? How about the man who has to pay £8,000 a year more than he earns! VISITORS to Norway are always struck by the I apparent prosperity of the people. "I've never seen a slum in Norway," or "There seem to be
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  • 267 11 ITS ONLY 150 MILLION YEARS OLD... VTEW ZEALAND'S most famous animal, the tuatara. the lizard-like creature whose ancestry goes back just the bare 150,000,000 years, has been superseded as "the oldest inhabitant." A leading British zoologist. Dr. C. F. A. Pantin, has discovered an even more
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 52 11 Beer Feast Brewery floats deft) enter the show groiuid for the openi?ig of Munich's annual beer feast. ON THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH F LOORS 2 DELICHTFULL DANCE BANDS B|jk7sTOREY ■*^2S Tcl: *****-8 M. FLINTER S. GRINBER6 Diamonds J ew el l ery 67 Stamford Rd., (En Court Bid*.,) i'pore, 6.
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  • 795 12 GFHGFHGFHG YJK h. itked me la describe the .signs of vitamin deficiency, He felt worn out and before buying some vitamin tablets, he wanted to know which i could recommend. He had lost his appetite and j»tyes had appeared on his eyelids. His tongue
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  • Article, Illustration
    545 12 WHEN you have opened with a two-bid (assuming that you use that fox your game-forcing opening) your partner must continue to hold the bidding open for you. unless the opponents come to the rescue and do it for him, until you have reached game or a satisfactory penalty
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 12  -  OSBERT LANCASTER By "1/ you ask me, they're ruining the whole character of the place with all these ghastly new temple blocks
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  • 35 12 Grunipv the London /oo giraffe can uardlv believe it could Whisk* the Giraffe House cat have shrunk that much? Stop worrying. Grumpy, this isn't Whisk* but her kitten Soda. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 42 12 COUGHS, "^^-—^"^-^Ni colds, K'On 7ncsc/ m BRONCHITIS. I THROAT mmmm *S^ s I chest KJAKE THISj I AILMENTS wiHil %sSa I AGENTS: I The FEDERAL DISPENSARY Ltd. I MNCORPniMTED IN TUB FKORRATION OT MALAVA> nKSTTASI.ISHF.n IMI Singapore Kuala Lumpur klang PeBal1 I
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 264 12 CLUES ACROSS: 5 First-class lager in retrospect? IHe has one kind of army rank 7) and another kind of naval rank! 6 f ut m£ v be only one thing (4 7) for sale (3). 8 A poor coin to return! (3). 7 He or ma y be found in
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  • 347 13 'Flop' would have saved Jean Nowell Rogers reports on a star iF ACTRESS Jean Arthur had flopped on Broadway as Peter Pan she cuiild have written off the loss against her income tax. She had backed the play with her own money. Alas, she was a hit and now owes,
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  • 380 13 COMMENTS of British critics on 'Betrayed", and his acting seem to amuse CLAKK GABLE. Hi has been showing the reviews to friends and chuckle.s over the trenchant notices. Ml "pinion: he agrees with them. And as a freelance Player, he will choose his stor. ie.s with care. Promised
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  • 510 13  - Joan Greenwood finds Hollywood 'fabulous' BOB THOMAS SOMETIMES it takes an outsider to make you realise that Hollywood is basically a rather crazy place. Miss Joan Greenwood, brittle and volatile British actress, in Hollywood to make, "Moonfleet," has decided opinions. "I used to think Hollywood would be quite a normal
    A.P.  -  510 words
  • 273 13 RELATIVE VALUES," the Noel Coward comedy at the Victoria Theatre, is thoroughly entertaining. It has obviously been well rehearsed and painstakingly planned. Most of the parts have been well cast, production moves and speaks convincingly and the set is superb. These are very welcome features because they have
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 106 13 I Y f~v~ffffi> AS A CUCUMBER I AIR CONDITIONEP \<&jmL 'BSfiSb RESTAURANT '^'^J^S^->\ I t ARMENIAN ST. SINGAPORE O M *(t{/j(fif TEL. ***** HOTEL I 5 The weekly issu^ of the STRAITS BUIKiKT can be sent C I by Air Mail to any address in the United Kingdom at 3
      106 words

  • 571 14  -  ARCHIE QUICK IWill it change league tables Hy APART from a three points lead by Bristol City and two by Accriltgton A in the Third Divisions, and the £aps between Middlesbrough and Walsall and their nearest rivals, the English F.A. League remains a closely-knit
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  • 79 14 RECiULAR and Territorial Army units of the London District took part in the recent Motor-cycle Trial over a 50 mile road course, and iinishing with A number of cross-coun-try hazards in the Tunnel Hill area of Surrey. Hazards included hill ascents and descents, broken ground and water splashes.
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  • 37 14 THE German Track and Field Association, in a move to extend sporting relations throughout the world, will send a crack athletic team to the Far East. The athletes leave for Japan tomorrow.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 24 14 Halifax beat Leeds by 10 points to nil in the semi-final of the Rugby League Yorkshire Cud at Halifax last night.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 247 14 INTERNATIONAL MATCH AT BELFAST England Ireland ENGLISH LEAGL'E DIVISION I Aston Villa v Hudde> slield Burnley v Sheffield U. Cardiff v Newcastle Chelsea V West Urumui* Leicester v Arsenal Manchester i v Everton Preston v PoitsmouUi Sheffield W. v Blackpool Sunderland v Kolton lottenham v Charlton Wolves v
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 139 14 TREVOR FORD DEMANDS BOOK BAN WELSH centre forward Trevor Ford, of Cardiff, went out with his wife last night "to get some peace for the time being.'" Ford has demanded that publication of "1 See It All," by England goalkeeper Gil Merrick, be suspended. Merrick criticises Ford in the book.
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  • 201 14 A PIG strolled on to the foot I ball field during a m > between Calverton* R^g** and Blidworth White Lio n Tm I penal In the Nottingham nSI I trict League. I When it was attempted to I shepherd it off, the pig
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 188 15 Poliee sit l. rllK Club have only 1 tiiemselves to blame their Div. 1 league hockey defeat on the padang yesterday. Police lo ok their chances as they came; Singapore Cricket Club wasted too many. 1., the first ten minutes Police had stormed their wav l0
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  • 301 15 THOMSON BEATS LOCKE AND IS IN FINAL PETER THOMSON of Australia sterday took a step nearer Ing the classic "double" of Briti.-h golf when he reached the final of the British Matchplay championship at St Andrew's, Scotland. Thomson, 25-year-old holder of the British open title meets Johnny I in, Huddersfield,
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  • 405 15 AP FMi.iy Ber.g won the Senior Individual Championship at St B 8 School swimming gala at 1 .B.C. pool yesterday. Results:— DIVISION ■■> mlts: Free Style: 1. Koh Wee Chye; J»P Puay Beng, 3. Freddie Chan. wet, lOOffl Frre Style: 1. Yap Pllay 2. Koh Wee Chye;
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  • 107 15 First Timer's HOCKEY ROUNDUP INTER-SCHOOL A.C.S. draw v. St. Joseph's A.C.S 1; St. Joseph's 1. SAINT Joseph's Institution scored first in yesterday's inter-school hockey match at Barker Road. St. Joseph's took the lead through Grosse. The equaliser came midway through the second half when Jasbir Singh scored for Anglo Chinese
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  • 28 15 "DORNEO Motors Sports Club helc a badminton tournament las night at Orchard Road. Winners: Men's Singles: Hassar Buang. Men's doubles: Chaah Hong Lim and Wee Sian Koon.
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  • 212 15 S.K.C 2; G.H.Q 0. CINGAPORE Recreation Club scraped home, but on legs that were none too firm. Their victory in this Div. 1 hockey tie played on the padang was not conclusive until that final whistle blew. It was the same old story, the one
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  • 252 15 Free Press Rugby Reporter Royal Air Force 12; Royal Navy 5. (try and four penalty goals) (goal) THE airmen did not cross Royal Navy's line until the closing: minutes. Then stand-off Armstrong scored a try, and it was a fitting reward for his brilliance
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  • 109 15 SER 6; SCC "B" 0 THE Club's defence was strong on the padang yesterday and the RE s had to work hard for their points. The Club was penalised twice early in the game and Kelly managed to convert one of these to give
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  • 353 15 ENGLAND, the holders, although fielding an experimental side are strong favourites to defeat Ireland at Belfast tolay in the first match of the Home International soccer championship. Their team includes seven new "caps", a number probably without precedent in the history of England sides. But the
    Reuter  -  353 words
  • 297 15  -  ARGOS THE LAST WOU- T^fT^™ Chinese 6; Indians 0. THE Chinese took things easy m landing a six-goal kayo to Indians SAFA Community League hopes last night at the Stadium. The Indians are now out of the running, having conceded ten goals m two matches.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 267 16 Cash Cheque, Asmara best Free Press Course Correspondent pARNET BOIGOURF who is second tc Athol Mulley in the jockeys table with 36 winners, is certain to have a bis: following at Ipoh today. Four Of hi.s mOUTtJ— Flying East, Sugar Bush, Cash Cheque and Asmara—-
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  • 236 16 Second day horses on track PUNTERS DELIGHT engaged in the Class 1. Div. .I— Gf sprint OH th' second nay did B delightful gallop on tne training I track at Ipoh this morning when i lio llcippi (1 OVCT half a /nile in s«f P and in 37 2,5 with
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  • 194 16 ASMARA (hi Race 8) fancied, while Harwood should be thereabouts. Keep an eye on newcomer Sooka. The Tjoa stable has n useful nair engaged in Race Foar— Winning Brief and Canterbury Bell On top of the ground Winnina Brief, who is in tip top shape nmv be worth
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  • 755 16 RACE 1—2.15: CLASS 3 DIV. 4 5F. STR. 1 807 Flag of Peace 6y Donnelly you 2 Hunter's Call II 4y Hanley 8.13 3 723 Baby Chris 3y Jones 8.12 4 559 Hula Hula 5y Mullev 8.09 5 066 Beechnut 4y Bagby 8.07 6 Flying East 5y Bougoure 8.06
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 397 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. ACCOMMODATION VACANT i 20 Words $2 (min.) Box 50 cts. extra. ROCHFORT 4 Oxley Rise. Attractive Double Sell contained Suites. Large ana Small with all modei n conveniences, Centrally feituated in Pleasant surroundings. Full Board anc Meals Served in Suite.s. Tel. *****. 17 ANGULLIA PARK. Double Single room.
      397 words
    • 120 16 11' PACKING g PONT WORK* ABOUT /f- 1 1| just r^(W>?^ j I I «r II I li j,i Expert care with every packing and I 7 crating problem leaves you free to li I 1 plan your journey in peace. All ftf I household effects glass, china, silver- J
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