The Singapore Free Press, 24 July 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Presspe I arirpst Afternoon Sale m Malaya. i,OOO. Singapore, Sat., July 24, 1954. Price IT, (U
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  • 126 1 S'pore plane was shot down by MIGs TWO Communist MIG'S believed to have been piloted by Russians, shot down the Cathay Pacific Airways Skymaster which plunged into the sea off the Red China Hainan Island yesterday, the pilot of the plane said today. "We were attacked by two MlG's," Capt.
    U.P.  -  126 words
  • 45 1 The Singapore Rubber Market opened this morning on an uncertain tone with first grade, August shipment, at 68 3 i •nts a pound— seven-eighths cent below yesterday's closing. Hie drop was due to overii(^ht decline on the London j'id New York markets.
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  • 27 1 Terrorist shot dead French official Claude Thivent. as he walked down the stairs of his apartment building m Marrakech (French Morocco) yesterday.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 159 1 AFTER an early morning conference with his heads of departments, the Singapore V»ty Council acting president. Mr J. T. Rea, today gave a ffea n bill of health to the city Many members of the Singapore Youth Council this jnorninK joined the increasing pand of
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  • 285 1 MORE ASIA AID -BY U.S. PRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S administration is drafting new plans for increasing economic help to South-East Asia nations to strengthen them against Communist subversion. The Foreign Operations Administration which handles the distribution of aid funds provided by Congress through the Mutual Security Legislation has begun a revision of
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 32 1 While a Chinese woman was out selling cakes yesterday, someone broke into her attap hut m Kamponß Silat, and stole $200 m cash and $165 m I jewellery.
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  • 38 1 A Singapore Chinese woman had her arm broken when she was hit by another woman with a cooking pot during a quarrel m the kitchen of a house m South Bridge Road yesterday.
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  • 38 1 An External Affairs spokesman said last night India had rejected a request from the Portuguese Government that it be allowed to move troops through Indian territory to the inland village of Dadra m Damaun.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 56 1 The chairman of the board of the US Tin orporation m AtoXa s*id m Washington yesterday engineers bcieve "herTis as much tin m the Seward peninsula, probaMy, as there is m all of B olivia.' one of the worlds largest tin producing areas.- AP
    AP  -  56 words
  • 125 1 THE French High Command announced m Saigon last night that the Indo-China cease-fire will go into effect m North Vietnam at 7 a.m. next Tuesday, and m other Vietnamese areas soon afterwards. Sealed orders setting the hour for silencing of the guns m
    A.P.  -  125 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 1 MARTINI- Carol, the 'wicked lady" of the French films has married Christian Jacques, her Aimdirector boss, In secret at Grasse m Southern France. Martine said: "We shall be terribly happy together. 1 The two mothers-in-law are to lire with the couples from the first day of their honeymoon. Popper pietare.
    Popper  -  50 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 tj I J L €^4'CclaimtX by> R^ A c&nnot**euts a* fcJ&J q c~>Cotlart(l {.me A .< JLet yout a I i I il palate be the \W$ Q mt ft kßjj DISTRIBUTORS FtASEI AMO NfAVI LIMITIO
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  • 274 2 Call to free nations UNITED STATES Secretary of Stilt" Mr. John Foster Dulles suggested m Washington yesterday that a protective line fcould be drawn by the free nations around the no n Communist states of Indo-China, even though they were now barred from active participation m
    A.P.; Reuter  -  274 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 2 picture A curst, Mrs. If. h ippell, with the skipper, taptain P. C;. Butler, at a <o<ktail party Riven aboard the American freighter i».m i,,, Lykeu m Smgapore last ni«ht.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  32 words
  • 266 2 This is no Munich, says Mendes-France VRFNCH Premier Mr. Mendes-France yesterday r answered critics of the Geneva settlement m an hour-lon* speech m the National Assembly. He was listened to m almost complete silence and received a tremendous ovation when he had finished. He quoted General Bedell Smith as having
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 83 2 Sir Donald: 'No boost for bandits' SIR DONALD MacGillivray, the Federation High Commissioner, said at London airport last jiight that steady improvement m the Malayan situation was being maintained. He said it was unlikely that the ceasefire m Indo-China would boost the morale of the terrorists. Sir Donald, is to
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 121 2 THE British War Secretary Mr. Anthony Head is to fly to Cairo today to take part m the stalemated Anglo-Egyptian talks on the future of the disputed Suez Canal Zone base, the Foreign Office announced yesterday. Mr. Head will be accompanied by Assistant Foreign
    A.P.  -  121 words
  • 58 2 Mr. Arthur E. Harman, a 40--year-old father of nine children, told a judge m London he had to hire five servants to replace his wife after her death m an automobile crash a year and a half ago. The Judge ordered the driver of the other
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 21 2 President Peron of the Ar- "< ntine has reorganised his Cabinet and set up a new Government Council.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 25 2 The third plenary Congress of the International Council of Christian Churches will open on Aug. 3 m Elkins Park i Pennsylvania. A.P
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 2 AGROIT of happy blood donors at the General Hospital yesterday after receiving; medals from the Director of Medical Services, Dr. R. H. Bland. In the centre is Mrs. M. B. E. Wheatley, Singapore's champion blood donor who has now given blood 30 times. She was awarded a special gold bar
    Free Press  -  83 words
  • 96 2 MR. ATTLEE, Labour Party leader, and some of his principal lieutenants may meet top Soviet leaders m Moscow next month on tneir way to Communist China. An eight strong Labour delecation is due to leave London on August 9 fora visit to Pekine at the
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 RADIO HEY INCORPORATING RADIO MALAYA NEWS AM.L THE BEST Iff BROADCASTIffC Full Programwnes I !#:#i.W toast Mlusic Why musicians *jum m ttailio Postlntft Film Hovietrs Cartoons and ***** Picture Section PRICE SO CENTS FROM ALL NEWSAGENTS ON SALE TODAY
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  • 78 3 4 BALL (iOVVN— well, hardly! But it is a French idea of what to wear under a ball gown, copied m detail from one of the creations m the film, The French Line. Jeanette MiUrhlan will wear it at tonight's Movie Ball at the Victoria
    Free Press  -  78 words
  • 68 3 FIERY left wing Labourite Aneurin Bevan said last night that any re-arming of Germany would be "a decisive step towards a third world war." The former cabinet minister spoke on a radio programme on current affairs. Mr. Bevan said the original argument that German divisions were needed
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 177 3 THE U.S. Defence Department is Biking Congress for funds to start training German Air Force pilots "at the earliest possible moment" after West German rearmament becomes legally possible. Some indications of the plans were disclosed yesterday with the partial publication
    A.P.  -  177 words
  • 22 3 Some 2,500 men of the Fourth Turkish Brigade left Inchon yesterday after serving a year m South Korea A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 15 3 An air transport agreement was signed yesterday by Pakistan and Syria.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  15 words
  • 108 3 THE Communist Party was banned yesterday 1 m Karachi, capital of Pakistan. The City's Chief Commissioner, labu Talib Naqvi, issued an order with immediate effect declaring: the party an "unlawful association." The party Ls still permitted to operate m the rest of West Pakistan.
    A.P.  -  108 words
  • 90 3 'Choked girl after row over drinks' 4 EXAN seized yesterday by Sheriff*! deputies ad*U'd under questioning that ne choked a girl to death on J uiy 15 m an Indianapolis hotel room, the BherMT'i office announced m St. Louis Victor Lively, 32, object oi I wi'i". spread search, said the
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  • 28 3 f J 1 P( |)1 wore in -i ured b y walla m Coquimbo yes-t-y-U* Wl V' n an earthquake rocked central Chile- A. P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 91 3 Mutual aid boosts Asia development TECHNICAL co-operation has made an increasing contribution to economic development projects m the past year, according to a draft report on technical assistance adopted by the Colombo Plan Technical Co-operation Council m Colombo yesterday. The report said the other main developments during the year were
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 125 3 Riot guns rule city of vice UARDSMEN armed with I carbines and riot guns, ruled Phenix City yesterday to suppress what the Alabama Governor called lawlessness, intimidation, tumult and fear. Truck loads of National Guardsmen, who rolled into this town of 23,000 on Thursday on orders issued by Governor Gordon
    AP  -  125 words
  • 96 3 'Girl's murder so cruel'— Judge A 21 -year-old Korea war veteran yesterday m Ellicott City, Maryland, was .sentenced to hang for .slaying his 17-year-old sweetheart. Circuit judge James Clark told him: "You promised to marry that girl. When .she told you .she was going to bear you a child and
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  • 28 3 A 15-nation committee m Geneva on Monday will consider a new application from Japan for full membership In the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
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  • 98 3 YUGOSLAVIA declared a itate of emergency last night along about 90 miles of the swollen Danube river, as Hood waters crossed the border from Hungary. Authorities reported the Danube already above the record Hood level all the way from the border to Novi Sad. 35 miles
    A.P.  -  98 words
  • 22 3 Japan's Communist party has doubled m .strength since it went underground two years ago and now number* 100.000- U.P.
    U.P.  -  22 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 215 3 FEARS ■P" U5.52.25 S^ /^4 BJfv\ I post nti \ft irll 12 1 f I GUARANTEED 2 YEARS U/'/ 10 2V U I ,\o«*U» O«l (loth. Strongly nwdt 111 Q lf\ Iff I l,.tfd «o hjng on lh« wjll A* ihc pendulum .1 *Z^ 7* Ik W s*ni({\ ihe o*l
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 392 4 Opinion Clan shows the way According to the Rotary Club's Director of Community Services, Mr. Medora, .some 7,000 men. women, and enildren m Singapore today live m "conditions unfit for pigs. Mr Medora may have been a little over-vehement m his condemnaiion of the conditions which are the lot of
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 4 "A<h, Kmtll I«« ;n»: hud v hornHf nightmare I
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  • 702 4 'Hotheads' are Moving U.S. Away from United Nations Attempts to run the 'whole show will be resented, says Jay G. Hayden, North American News Alliance. NOT the least of President Eisrhowor's burdens is a Senate Republican floor leader— Knowland of California who devotes much more time to attempted guidance of
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  • 179 4 Shah Fights the Landlords IRAN'S rich and stubborn landowners who balk at breaking up their giant estates because peasant buyers cannot put up ready cash may have their bluff called by the Shah. He plans to set up a fund of about U5550,000,000 to pay off any landowner willing to
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    • 47 4 E. I. PARRISH CO. (P.O. Box 1423) 9c D Almctdn Street, TELEPHONE SINCAPORE. TELEGRAMS ***** "TECHMED SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT AND I TECHNICAL APPARATUS I Suppliers to the medical and dental professions, hospitals, chemists and wholesalers throughout Malaya and adjacent territories. Comprehensive Price -list available on request.
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  • 491 5  - SMOKING DOES AFFECT BEAUTY SAY S'PORE WOMEN SIT YIN FONG By JINGAPORE women generally agreed with a Japanese university professor and a beautician t lint excessive smoking detracts from ;i woman's beauty. Only a few said "Nonsense However all were surprised to read a report quoting Mrs. Maya Kataoka, one
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  • 71 5 Hid stolen sarongs under shirt pENANG, Sat. SHOPLIFTER. Ratinam. who .slipped three sarongs ,ndei M« shirt, pleaded guilty Sessions Court yesterdiv t a charge of theft. Sen- »nee was deferred for a week. ASP. Mohamed Noor said that Rat mam asked the shopkeeper to show him some sarongs He hid
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  • 46 5 IPOH Sat. Mr. A. Halliday, Inspector of Schools. South Pt j idk. will leave next vk Mr Trengganu as Chief Education Officer replacing Mr. F. Roberts who is going on lea Mr. Hulliday was president wo years of the local Ro- Club.
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  • 40 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat.— AhAiaQ did ADuDaKar, oi Sungei Pa pan Kstate. Penggerang was fiwrt Sfti>o m th»» SessionCourt. Kota Tinggi. for moving without a permit restricted foodstuffs 3h katis of sugar and 10 katis of pulot rice.
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  • 41 5 IPOH Sat. Inche Mahmud bin Hashim, from Kuala Treng^anu, ha,s taken over duties as president of the i sessions court m Ipoh m place of Mr E. V. A. Peers who is going soon on leave to Aus- trulia
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  • 162 5 INSPECTOR'S WARNING TO TEACHERS IBOIT 2,000 teachers m Singapore Government schools have been told not to go out on private business during leisure periods. This warning was issued by Mr. T. P. M. Lewis. nior inspector of schools, following reports that eachera were slipping
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  • 45 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. -Collections for the Lady Templer T.B Hospital Fund have now reached $1,640,153. This includes $3,948 collected at a recent fun fair at Kuala Larau. Perak. and the $2,658 flag day co"°ction by the North Kcdah Regional Appeal Committee.
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  • 81 5 BUTTERWORTH. Sat. -With I town areas enjoying far better conditions, any cuts should be made on urban expenditure and not on rural votes. Mr. M. P Mathew (Indian-Unofflciah said at the Bukit M»-rtajam Rural District Council yesterday. Criticising the Settlement Government's reduction of Its subsidy
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 CHABLIS (|h§uvenet liuVu^HL R A' II lIUI 5 ?ffi mis is a su P erb wme I*s Ik to accompany oysters. S :3 CHABLIS THE S=3 WL 'DEAL WINE SSS HBL SEAFOODS ,ttS ";>^ i wj| M In STOCKED BY ALL THE LEADING HOTELS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT MALAYA 50Z.£ AGENTS:
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  • 77 6 DIMTTRI Samaras of Salo nika, Greece claim**' can guarantee the efficient of your car's hydrauii brate. One of the shortcoming of hydra" brakes is that they mav^ you when you need Tamaras. a motor on, invented a gadget when fixed Wore t pump, controls the biak«
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 172 6 MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil Davi< HfDAPFDTHPfATPMjrBU^Wm LEAVg'AT ONCt/) T^S^ V^llL^ PMON.NGME. \O^^J TARZAN by Edgar Rice Burroughs I THE APE-WAN WAS LEP f*ST jEER^G BVSTANPESS |O SH^Pffi P^l I^S THE SAINT by~Lesiie Chartens JANE by Hubbard r. v£S *A AND RUT, YOUR W THERE |9 NO DANGER..'- l^
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    • 620 6 YOUR j ILUCKY I STAR i if G HORN on this h>si davof iheE 7z incoming sign, 0< V JJ are ruled by the sun and have many imperious, regai and do- S tl mineering characteristics This, however, is tempered r» your innate wisdom, your gen- eral kindliness toward others
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  • 114 7 Grand fashion show planned f I ORMER MGlrl of the Year" and a -Miss Max Factor of Singapore" among the beautiful women who ;il he seen at the fashion show at iflfles Hotel next Wednesday m aid the St. Andrew's Mission hospitals. Miss Klske VVolters (right)
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  • 49 7 KLUANG. Sat. -The body of a four-year-old girl. Wong Moi Ting, was recovered from Kluang River today Wong had come with tier father from Seremban on July 22 to visit her monther's home m Jalan Yap Tau Sah She was missing an hour after arrival
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  • 151 7 THE electoral delineation A committee whose Job is divide Singapore island into 24 divisions for elections under the Rendel consitution, is expected to submit report to the Governor «'irly next month. The surrounding islands. except Pulau Tekong and ulau Übin. which are beins? added to
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  • 99 7 A YOUNG GIRL, who was licensed as a dance hostess m the Federation last year, was picked up by an >tivice squad m a Singapore brothel, according to the Labour Department report for June. *fter this the department turned down many applical »»"s
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  • 169 7 THE Singapore Rural Board is to launch another floating dispensary to serve the islands. A spokesman of the Health Department said the launch was being completed. The chief health officer m his annual report said that 1 minor outbreaks of malaria occurred m two smaller islands.
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  • 317 8 A Will! who believed thai her marriage v%»s not recognised by bet church repeatedly told her husband ihej irere living m sin, clivorcr .ju(l;;«* I«»<1 Mirriman said m Manchester. And of the wife, ;t Scottish Roman Catholic, ne added: "She was «'t .shifty, evasive, and
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  • 62 8 THE QUEEN Mother has opened the new headquarters of the Royal School of Church Music at Addinßton Palace, Croydon, Surrey. She was greeted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher. The picture shows the Queen Mother and Dr. Fisher walking past a guard of honour
    Popper  -  62 words
  • 40 8 An empty car with a Spanish diplomatic corps plate ran away m Hampstead. It mafhed a fence, ran 100 yards down a hill and stopped with its bonnet through the window of a Spanish cafe.
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  • 47 8 More than 60,000 gallons of milk have been emptied down a disused coal mine at Tunley near Bath, by a dairy. Company officials say the milk was skimmed and transport difficulties made it impossible to send it to farmers for animal-fattening
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  • 163 8 rnHEIR first home burned 1 down. Wrdding presents, furniture—mil gone. That, With a baby on the way. was what happened to two younK newly-weds. Then the kindness of people made them smile again. For June and Derek Oswick both 21. got a present that
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  • 15 8 Police-Constable Fred Gawlor, of Folkestone helped at a birth before the midwife arrived.
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  • 136 8 YES. it is legitimate to bribe your wife to come back, a Chancery Court judge ruled. Before him was a wife ask- ing for the enforcement of a "deed of reconciliation" be- tween herself and her husband. The husband claimed it would be against public policy
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  • 487 8 THE name of Dr. Arthur i Wright Webster has been ordered to be struck <>rl the medical register. He ill found Kullty of infamous c»>n duct with a woman patient, Mrs Sylvia Poeklin^ton. It took the disciplinary committee of the General Medical Council
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  • 171 8 'Useful' patients not freed MOME "high-grade" m defectives art not released from institutions wh< n could be. because they ar< useful as workers, said JiiiUce of the Peace. He told the royal commission on mental illness laws, sitting m London: When I told one superintendent that his gardt n wai
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  • 32 8 Forty per cent of all divorces m Britain occur m childless marriages, Mr. V. B. Green-Armytage, visiting gynaecologist to the British PostGraduate Medical School, London, said at Oxford.
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  • 126 8 HAVING A WONDERFUL time. That was the mood the kindness of people gave to 45 crippled girls who went to the seaside. When fruit grower Victor Warren heard that the girls— from a school at Ely, Cambridgeshire— were going by coach for a day
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  • 158 8 IX>R 35 years a woman who ■T was due to be married m her teens waited to walk U) the altar with her childhood .sweetheart. During those years of waiting she was Miss Kathleen Marjory Powell, of Railwuyplace, Hereford, and she met Mr. Robin
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  • 298 9 BEFORE a Jury retired to consider their verdict at Berks Quarter Sessions at Reading, Mr. Gilbert Paull, QC deputy chairman, said iat whatever decision was ;hed the woman who the chief witness for 'hv prosecution would leave the court with as high a tcr as she
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 9 picture Chenille roses embroidered on grey net and an enormous sash of old rose taffeta are striking features of this dress by Angele Delanghe. worn over a satin slip with full net underskirt. The black hat b> Norman Edwin, is m black hatter's plush- Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 339 9 YOUNG GIRL 'HAUNTED' MAN WHO SAVED HER CAVKD from drowning when she got into diliiculties while swimming, a 13-year-old girl later "haunted" her rescuer, a Polish ex-cavalry-man, said Mr. J. S. Oakes, defending m a case at the County Assizes at Manchester. Pleading guilty to two serious offences against the
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  • 69 9 rpilK liord Mayor of l.ondcn Sir Noel Yansittart BaX water, wears a ten-gallon hat as he stands with the I ul% Mayoresss m Mansion House. They were receiving a letter from the Mayor of Ne\r York, delivered by a party of 48 American boys making a
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 294 9 They march to save common IN a campaign to prevent refuse being dumped on Mitcham Common London, the Common Preservation Committee are organising a protest march. From Mitcham they will march to a part of a mound of top soil raised a$ the first stage m a tipping scheme. In
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  • 183 9 PORTSMOUTH City Coun an 82-year-old retired Collins, of Dysart-avenue, drive his car. Mr Collins appeared before 'm. council while it considered recommendation that his licence be revoked, under the p^er Riven to councils by the fHMci Traffic Act. The interview followed a reP^rt
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  • 53 9 Fourteen year old Henry James, of Stoke Ncv.ington, Kent, fell into the River Lea while, fishing at Waltham Abbey. The river is 11 feet deep. But his friend, Robert Reynolds, also 14, pushed out his fishing rod. Henry took hold and wa.s pulled out. He was treated for
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  • 444 9 MR. OLIVER WHITFIELD. the headmaster, raised his cane and brought it down on a boy's palm. He did that 200 times— until every boy m Usworth Secondary Modern School, Co. Durham, had received one stroke. Mr. Whitfleld explain* -d that the school had just been painted.
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  • 382 10 HGSFJTF Insects bare troubled man ever since he lias been on earth. They have bitten and Stung him. They have destroy- <•! his food, hta clothes, hi.s home And they have i:1 c d germs that brought hi m horrible ith. Borne m hartnl and others do
    A.P.  -  382 words
  • 61 10 winners of last week's J- colouring contest are: Kitty Em (11), 409 New Bridge Road, Singapore 2. Emily de Sou/a (14), 212-K Rangoon Road. Singapore. Thum Hor Hoe (12). 7 Jalan Raja. Tap-ili, Perak. Lim Sah Bah (12) Bukit Zahrah School, Johore Bahru. The prize of S5
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  • 653 10  -  KATHLEEN HICKLEY story by i j IBRAHIM and Sarinah find the end of a rainbow. The rainbow fairies tell them that wicked elves plan to destroy the bow by painting it grey. The children go to battle with the elves but Ibrahim loses his hold
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 158 10 I A chance for young artists fiOI.OI'K this picture, boys und sirls with paints. l_/ crayons, or t halks. and ><>v may win a prize. There are four prizes of |5 (two boss and two i;irls) to h*> wm Fill i»» vo! r ««nie. address, and ftge and post to
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 385 10 Rupert and the Magic Ball— U j™ q I p To prove fhit the ball has now frcm me." Before Rupert can rofhing sirange about v. the answer there is a happy cry from Chinese ccniurer plays all sorts of Tigerlily. 'My honourable daddy clever tricks with if. Then he
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 11 "A/I you do is sign a form give the man your Dad's name and address —and you vet one for nothing."
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  • 382 11  - By the Way BEACHCOMBER IjWER since a prolonged J Inquiry proved that backward children learn leSi easily than clever children, I have been a noisy devotee of inquiries. I read that scientists art now conducting iaborioul i» searches to and out why people stay away from work. They will be
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  • 498 11 'Fantastic' prices for firearms rERE is a big boom now m old firearms— and sumo rifles are literally worth their weight m gold Firearm values have gone up fantastically," said John T. Amber of Chicago, editor of "The Gun Digest." "There are over 500,000 weapon collectors m America. The number
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  • 193 11  - NEWS FROM FRANCE STEPHEN COULTER IN SPITE oi the ciis- appearance of Al Capone, the unwritten gangster law of keeping mum If one of your enemies nearly kills you apparently still holds. This week a well-set-up crook turned up at a Paris hospital with his face m ribbons from razor
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 81 11 ->fr. /I The weekly issue of the STRAITS BUDGET can be j? r sent by Air Mai! to any address m the United Kingdom s z at an inclusive rate of c o a no fOm SIX MONTHS i IT you want the "BUDGET" while on leave or wish f
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  • 771 12 Many illnesses are caused >lrv mental disturbances IWAS called to see a woman suffering from pain m the left side of the abdomen. Her fever and temperature pointed to an infection m the kidney. I prescribed an antibiotic and a sulphadrii£ which, m most
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  • 84 12 Sir Aian McLean. Convener ot Aberdeenshire. unveils a plaque to Sir Patrick Manson. "The Father of Tropical Medicine/ at Oldmeldrum. Scotland. Sir Patrick was the first President of the famous Royal Society of Tropical Medicine. Speaking at the ceremony, Sir Thomas Taylor, Principal of Aberdeen University,
    Popper  -  84 words
  • 233 12 RUSSIAN pharmacies **> seem to be causing more headaches than they are curing. That, at any rate, is the opinion of irate Soviet editors who are charging that it is virtually impossible to purchase a number of urgently needed medicines m the Soviet Union. The
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 419 12 Bridge Quiz T'OUAYS quiz Is a test of your 1 still m handling an opposing takeout double when your partner has opened the bidding with one club. This situation is somewhat more complicated than' the usual one because there is always a possibilitf that your partner may have opened with
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    • 351 12 give a double raise over an intervening takeout double. You must have excellent clubs because you must be prepared for partner to have only a three-card suit. A preemptive raise m this spot shows good clubs, but very little strength outside the trump suit. By stealing a couple of rounds
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  • 328 13  - Eartha Kitt, new Sepia Singing Siren EVE PERRICK It VERY entertainment !i era has its own favourite sepia singing siren. And, to join the copper-coloured chorus which began with Josephine Baker and Florence Mills, took m Nina Mac McKinney and recently ended with \A-ivd Home, comes the girl with a
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 13 Some 0/ the dusky beauties m the slate O) Ayr aria who adorn the British comedy You Know What Sailors Are."
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  • 589 13  -  Sheilah Grahame By DICK POWELL will be m running for three Oscars when this year's Academy Awards arc voted on. Dick is producer and director of the '"000 epic. "The Conr"r." And his song. "Susan Here 1 -from the picture i lie stars with DEBHIK REYNOLDS is moving
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    • 86 13 3aB£s m j*^S j» M M^^e&r &A. mlt jP tm rs wfr ;£§jr mm m m$ jff M m M£% mV v V*4 warn JB 8 w w $Sr M>w M Jl JL -dm —j^*^&am& "Creme Puff" Night Special prizes for Spot Dances of Max Factor Hollywood Products presented by
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  • 894 15 TRACK MEN ARE OUT FOR RECORDS TODAY Rivalry keen, but ground is heavy Free Press Athletics Reporter T*KACK events seem likely to bring the keenest com- petition m today's finals of the Singapore Amateur j Athletic Association championships. Starting with the sprints, the surviving competitors m each race are on
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  • 247 15 RUGBY BRAWL INQUIRY AUBREY OXFORD, referee of the Rugby League match between New South Wales and the British touring team which ended m a brawl, told an inquiry that "Britain did not want to play football." Oxford added that some of the British team said they
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 15 picture I Lee Siew I ho©, (SCAAF). winning record breaker m the women's javelin final with a distance of 80ft. 5 m. Free Press
    Free Press  -  24 words
  • 42 15 Yip Ngan Kiew,l7, of Yuk Choy High School, Ipoh. set a Perak and Malayan Discus record at the Perak Athletic championships yesterday. Her throw of 85 feet 4 inches improved on the Malayan mark by t> feet 11' 4 inches.
    42 words
  • 135 15 {>' BBY LOCKE, South Afritop |olfer, won prize of £250/- for the Play section O f the Harrotate Profes•Golf Tournament at "'urouate. fir1 throughwe 3 /-year-old burly b ;;l ha( A a score of 276 wwteH His rounds were 69 72, 66 and 69. Locke won
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 47 15 1 JB^_____m__________________________L Spend A Glorious Evening with Miss ALICE LEE at OCEAN PARK HOTEL Every Thursday Friday Saturday »_f IF _--k--------v Nightingale ot Hie Orient J.R. 3-D!| _^_____f HOWARD HUCMIS r JANE RUSSELL FRENCH LINE I <--"TICHNICOLOR fiITsTR? ROLAND-ARTHUR UUNNICITT ..,.lUT McCMU -«^-B HB| 'A* T___ «v
      47 words
    • 164 15 CATHAY-TODAY Ham I 45-4 IS-4 IS A. 9Mpm ,**U-6* -c TECMMICOLOR! TO-NIGHT MID NIGHT M-G-M Presents ROSK MARIE" inennSeope Color NOW MOWING lUm-1.4.) 4i:,-b4. r 930 pm. BBWTW^^HPME3EJJ2CC2S^''^ nJjfflW CINtMASCOPt TO-NKiHT at MID NKiHT! Jeffrey Hunter Dehra Pauet "PRINCESS OF THE NILE' Technicolor A 20th Century-Fox Picture ALHAMBHA mMI CQIDITIONtI
      164 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 111 15 Mill l ""j What' s YOUR verdict? VI .1 I 1 /I Answer The ansioer is "No." It is not a goal, unless the first kick scores. The game is finished as soon I as the first kick has been taken. Question lime has almost expire? >»hrn an attacker is
      111 words

  • 184 16 World champ's Orient tour I ll r (H{IJ> fcuthervveiK^t < hampion Sandy Saddler is pi uiiiin^ a tuur of the Far Kast m October. He intends fighting In Singapore. Bad Bam I hinose Bald yesterday m Honolulu that it pre.,»'/i( p] ins work out Saddler will
    184 words
  • 22 16 OonMeiChun. (SCAAF). winner of the women's shot putt final yesterday at the Singapore A.A.A. championships. (Kepiirt insifl*' I
    22 words
  • 192 16 VLTILF WOOLLER. Glamorgan's 42-year-old cricke TT captain, inspired his team to a 22-run victory over Middlesex m a thrill-a-minute match at Lord** yesterday. Wooller held Glamorgan's batting together 4 and scored 56 runs m a second innings total of 195 foi 5 declared. Middlesex,
    192 words
  • 202 16 At Muidstonr. Northamptonshire beat Kent by an Innings and 10 runs. Northampton 394 for 5 dccl. Kent 225 (Cowdrey 50. Hearn 80; Broderick 4-42 > and 159 (Hearn 50. Tribe 5-54). At Birmingham: Warwickshire: Somerset match drawn. Warwick 220 and 198 for 4 dccl. (Spooner 91, Homer 13).
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 24 16 INDIA will send a nine-man athletic team to the 12th I World University Summer j Games starting on July 31 m Budapest.
    24 words
  • 356 16 WEIGHTS for all Josker II 8.08 Canterbury Bell 811 J T races first day Rigoletto 8.07 Remarkable 8.10 IViun- Turf Club Radalona 8.06 Fishs Kuda 809 August Bank Holiday Campus Belle 8.05 Snow Blaze B^oB Meeting on July 31. Shangrila 8.04 I Beechnut 8.07 CL 1 DIV 1
    356 words
  • 79 16 SUPERIORITY, one of the topflight sprinters m training, died from pneumonia m his stall at the Penang stables last night. A five-year-old by Sayani, Superiority won the $25,000 Sultan's Gold Vase over 5 l|2f. straight at Ipoh m October last year. In his last
    79 words
  • 338 16 FIREBIRD SETS A HOT PACE TRACKWORK VEWCOMER Firebird 11 Hunting Pmk,, a year old Pink Flov/er geld no displayed a bright tSrnol fpeed to cock 38 3/5 wide ou on the second track ai ang this morning. Firebird, running m a was stretching out with Freedom at the finish. Galloping
    338 words
  • 10 16 RAIN washed out play yesterday at Old Trafford
    10 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 367 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTH :>> Werit t§ (minimum). TO DOROTHY: Wife of J. Kordyl of Ulu Paloh Est. on 19th July, at BuckUtid Hospital, Dover, a ,m Both well. ACKNOWLEDGMENT W»r4» $S minimum > MR LIM KIM LEE and the family of the late Madam Yeo Kirn Neo thank all members
      367 words
    • 92 16 }j|)[nl \\Mh\ 1 1 1'l'ii'. I!/ iillilit((i m mm rf pack^°? I [TO VONT WORM ABOUT IT- iljjjj Expert care with every packing and I crating problem leaves you free to I j plan your journey m peace. All I household effects glass, china, silver- I ijitJ ware and furniture
      92 words