The Singapore Free Press, 16 July 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya. No. *****. Singapore, Fri., July 16, 1954. Price 15 Cts.
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  • 205 1 Don't give in to unions, say councillors TH3DAYS emergency meeting of the 1 Singapore City Council may decide grimly to face the threatened labour strike if the unions do not accept its latest offer of a compromise and withdraw the notice to down tools on Monday. The Labour and Finance
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  • 82 1 'Volunteer to beat the strike' A VOLUNTEER force should be formed by the public to i1 any strike "by City Council labourers, a leading committee member of the Singapore Ratepayers Association said this morning. He said such a force was rraed during a previous Municipal strike m Singapore. Europeans helped
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  • 32 1 Earl Alexander. Britain's DeiVnce Minister, left London by 'iir last night for talks m Washington with the American Defence Secretary. Mr. Charles WiLson and United States Military leaders. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 95 1 8,000 AT QUEEN'S PARTY iUHGHt THdcSANlri £j people called at Buck- E E ingham Palace yesterday E E and had tea with the E Queen. E E It was her first big Z* T E den party of the summer. E E Radiant m a lemon E yellow dress, she
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  • 37 1 E Princess Margaret flew home yesterday after her E four-day visit to Germany. E E She was greeted at Lon- E don airport by shouts of E "welcome back from a E waiting crowd. .?miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
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  • 35 1 Mr R. Purdy. full-time secretary of Toe H m Britain for the last 20 years, will talk to the stalf of the Singapore Social Welfare Department next Thursday on Toe H.
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  • 18 1 King Hussein of Jordan arrived m Paris yesterday from Nice flying his own plane AP
    AP  -  18 words
  • 96 1 THE Pakistan Prime Minister Mr Mohammed Ali said yesterday that Indian Premier jehrus action m opening the tfnakar Dam last week was me most serious unilateral violation, against all canons of international law and justice." He told a news conference le never dreamt for a
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  • 77 1 THREE men armed with knives fled without taking anything when a Chinese woman screamed for help outside her house m Thomson Road, Singapore, yesterday. The three men— two Chinese and a Malay had tied her husband to a chair m a room. The woman, Mrs.
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  • 28 1 A man broke into a milk-bar m Kirn Hong Road, Singapore, yesterday and stole $150 cash, $35 worth of cigarettes and tinned food valued at $40.
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  • 27 1 Soviet authorities m E Germany have lifted a nine-year-old ban and are now allowing Russians to marry Germans, the anti-Communist Information Bureau West said- A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 313 1 Paris unity pleases U.S PRESIDENT EISENHOWER was assured by his Secretary of State, Mr. John Foster Dulles, yesterday that there would be no "sell out" settlement of the Indo-China war at Geneva. Mr. Dulles conferred with the President immediately on his return to Washington
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  • 27 1 Singapore ruober market opened steadily thU morning with first grade, August shipment at 70 cents a pound. 3 1 of a cent above yefcttrday'* cloae.
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  • 71 1 U.S. heat wave kills 150 DBATHB m the United StaU heat wave rose to mor than 150 yesterday 105 o» them In Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri. Those three states bore the brunt of the fiercely hot w««ther In the last few days. Temperatures went as high as 120 degrees. Besides
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  • 30 1 Mr. Robert Menzies. the Australian Prime Minister, wiil open Australia's first fullscalp plant to process uranium ore at Rum Jungle. m the Northern Territory, on Sept 17. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 85 1 Criticism of firemen 'unfair' Criticism that the City Fire Brigade was unhelpful during the fire fighting was unfair, Mr. Peter Wanstall Divisional Officer of the Singapore Fire Brigade told the Kallang air crash inquiry m Singapore thii morning:. He was being cross-exa-mined by Mr. H. Sparrow, coun-sel for the Singapore
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  • 319 2 Court told of sailors' plot TWO 18-year-Old British seamen risked the loss of their ship and its U, 000,000 cargo because ihey wanted to stay In a British Columbia port, to sec a (firl, it was alleged In n magi trate's court m Bristol
    Reuter  -  319 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 2 Picture. Mr. R Hale and Miss Doreen M. Jacobs, who were married at St. Mary's Church, RAF. Seletar, Singapore. The bride conies from Norfolk. England.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  27 words
  • 56 2 EX-S'PORE MAN STABBED IN MOROCCO MR NOEL Barber of the London Daily Mail, once editor of the former Malaya Tribune. Singapore, was .stabbed by a Moroccan on iii.s way to a hotel m Casablanca, Morocco. m. s attacker fled m the dark. Mr Barber's wounds wen hi the shoulder and
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  • 49 2 The Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, announced yesterday m London that his Conservative government had scrapped so many controls on raw materials that he was closing down the Ministry of Materials. Lord Woolton, the Minister of Materials, has de-controlled himself out of a job.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  49 words
  • 29 2 A reduction of 8 per cent m Suez Canal tolls became effective yesterday, bringing them to the lowest since the canal opened 86 years ago. A.P.
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  • 103 2 fPYYO British airmen were I. rescued uninjured yes- «l.ty after they had bailed out of their crippled aircraft over the Yellow Sea. ami floated m life jackets for 20 ininutrs. Senior Li* ut J.E. Nash and Lieut, kn Barnard, Bjiag from (he Kritish
    U.P.  -  103 words
  • 170 2 SEVERAL air-raid shelters are to be built m Singapore soon, Colonel L. T. Firbank, Commissioner of Civil Defence, said yesterday. He said a system Ol warning sirens to reach all parts of the island, was being installed. "There is nothing to get
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  • 23 2 The Soviet Union, the Ukraine and Byelo-Russia (White Russia) have joined the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Reuter
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  • 203 2 Royal China play went off well rh Motherly and Auspicious" Dy Maurice CoHis. a play about the colourful life of the Empress Dovagrr Tzu Hsi of China, is difnYult to stage, but it is remarkable how well the Singapx-p' Arts Theatre has succeeded m presenting it. The opening: performance at
    A.P.  -  203 words
  • 159 2 RUSSIAN children want the romanticism of Tarzan and pirate films, just as Russian young folks want more films about love and the Soviet movie industry should try to satisfy these "natural wants and desires." While they're about it. Soviet movie makers should also throw m
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    • 120 2 I 111 .^^^V iW 1 I *Tineafax' is the proven scientific treatment for A*\ I athlete's foot." Harmless and non-irritating to the \J >5) g| skin, clean and free from objectionable odours, S 'Tineafax' contains the most efficient substances 00^ yet discovered for Athlete's Foot, Dhobie Itch and V jf
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  • 180 3 FLOODS RUIN RED 'BREAD BASKET' IN DANUBE RUSK LJINGAKY braced itself yesterday for the full 11 impact of the disastrous Danube river floods. The waters were rapidly sinking m Germany and Austria, leaving behind the danger of epidemic. Budapest radio said all available manpower along the river banks was being
    A.P.; UP  -  180 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 3 PRINCESS MARGARET, on a visit to Cardiff, South Wales, receives a bouquet fatal seven-year-old Ann Moyd Jones, who presents it with, a pretty curtsy. Ann's father is Major H. S. Lloyd Junes, the chairman of the Welsh Folk Museum Committee.
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  • 22 3 An armed band attacked an army ammunition dump near Saiftiago do Ouba yesterday, but was driven off by troops
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  • 19 3 Two Bulgarians accused of espionage have been executed by a firing aouad m Corfu. Greece. A.P.
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  • 42 3 The Very Rev. Canon William J. Hayward of Manchester, England, one of the only two Catholic priests m the world who were ordained despite deafness, pjans to deliver two addresses here next week I —m sign language. A. P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 90 3 IMGHTY members of the U.S. j armed forces have been discharged as security risks m the four months, and 392 rases are pending, the Senate Armed Services Committee was informed m Washington yesterday. The figures were presented by Defence Department officials it a public
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  • 23 3 Seven UJS. soldiers held by Czech Communist border guards since July 4 were returned to American authorities m Germany yesterday. U.P.
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  • 26 3 The first seven of 82 Sabref«U given by Canada to Greece under the NATO programme arrived yesterday at Eleusis military airport, Greece.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 106 3 Village wheat fields devastated V T EW DKLHI, yesterday had its first invasion of locusts this year. Swarms darkened the afternoon skies as they flew eastward m one of the heaviest locust attacks m recent years. tu ?°i Min *«try officials said hat 700 villages m
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 117 3 COLOMBO Customs officials said yesterday they had seized US$l5,OOO m gold bullion and foreign currencies which an "international ring m link with the Communists" smuggled into Ceylon. The money including bundles of U.S.. India, Thai. Australian, and French notes, was found m a dingy
    AP  -  117 words
  • 150 3 WILLIAM Charles Stubb.s, 22-year-old ex convict, was convicted yesterday at Blountville, Tennessee, of murdering Mrs. Axel Holm, 66, while she was en route to her native Sweden for a visit. The all-male jury recommended a 99-year prison sentence for Stubbs. Besides being convicted
    AP  -  150 words
  • 25 3 IRAN OIL— BY OCTOBER IRAN'S oil industry will be back m full operation by October 1, un informed Iranian source said m Teheran yesterday. A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 105 3 FEA THER STARTS STRIKE IWREE hundred and fifty African workers at a Durban tobacco factory were on strike yesterday because of ;in ostrich feather. Mr. Ci. Doorward, national organiser of the South African Cigarette and Tobacco Employees, said an African worker stuck an ostrich feather m his hair during his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 LARGE IRISH EGGS STANDARD 17cts EACH SPECIALS tBcts EACH and PRIME WILTSHIRE BACON BACK $2.60 Ib Makes the ideal breakfast £W/0 X A N EV EN ING HANDSOME LOOKING MEN NEED sT*Sr Dress Jacket (white nr black) li\\ If^^fc 'Tropical Tuxedo trousers if l! IPS {Midnight blue or black) 1
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  • 382 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion Fire chief's worry i July 16, 1954 TJie suggestion by tin Sup rintendeni ol the Singapore Fnc Brigade, Mr. Shaw, that fire engines and ambulances be allowed to "creep across" traffic lights showing against them has ix en condemned by the Traffic Chief, Mr. Haxworth
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  • 692 4 There are four days to go.... dsghfsdhukg Stephen Coulter on the French crisis LX)UR days remain to Men c B Vtßn C c, Pr< niu-r. before he must either announce a ceasefire In [ndo-China or resign and throw France Into another government crisis. The report oi his Com-mander-in-ChU f In
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  • 275 4 War is 'bleeding' France A DVOC ATING French recognition of Red China m order to gain time a high official m Paris said recently. During that time," we must try to work out a peaceful defence against the march of We can do that m our country by improving
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  • 137 4 THE tough sport of Judo is having tremendous boom m France. Nearly 150,000 Frenchmen practise It: there are 30,000 teachers and more than 800 clubs spread all over the COUBtnr. But suddenly public authorities have begun to ask j themselves if Judo isn't more dangerous than they
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 4 iff wr -h ranee a tremendous stake Kreneral Ely needs 15 000 men General Salan (limits the Red attack
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 33 4 HENDRY S for British-Made SHIELDS MEDALS P. H. HENDRY leweflet IH, \or<h BrMff* Ko;td, Binfi p«" I 'I 7 1 l m ID OFI H I No I, K.«tu Ho.n\. Ku.ihi I iimpnr
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    • 59 4 C L. I m Q A g 1 g^y^ \Am A »\jr \jF* m mj| MW. r W m I m a NEW WRAPPER (Available m Singapore only) and make sure of getting the VITAMIN ENRICHED COLD STORAGE LOAF Do you know that our Orchard Road Branch is open on
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  • 182 5 npHE Singapore Indian Chamber ot Commerce has asked the Representative of the Government of India to larify the position of Indians who may become local citizens. Ie points the Chamber wants Representative to clear ire: Will Indians lose their proerty and political rights m India? the
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  • 123 5 [ERE are high hopes that many of 350 Singapore lay seamen who lost their bs during a recent strike, be re-employed by the its Steamship Company. T. A White, of the Attendants Office said erdav employers were ithetic," and showed vourablo reaction" when sounded them
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  • 131 5 Pawn tickets led to his arrest !*UKIT MERTAJAM Fri. V'> n Uc*eti found inside lamp of an abandoned cle led to the arrest of i 20, who pleaded guilty the Sessions Court here May to a charge of housebreaking. sentencing Ayaoo to two gaol the court president, J G. Adams,
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  • 380 5 'Now one-wife law has chance' STRONG support was found m Singapore yesterday for the United Nations Economic and Social Council draft convention on the status of woman. Among the resolutions approved was one urging the elimination of ancient customs, laws and practices affecting the human
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  • 164 5 •yHE NEW Legislative Assembly of Singapore will have a "selection i committee" which will appoint select committees to which the assembly may refer Bills and other state matters. The selection committee will bo c<mi|>osed of representatives of the Gov- i ernment and the political
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  • 136 5 POLIO MAN SAYS 'THANKS' P>LIO VICTIM, Rolhassen Paill. who is now m Nan Una Welfare Home, Singapore, is going back to his home m Sarawak soon. He will take with him his most treasured gift, a piano accordion he received from a Singapore music teacher Mr I. Foorman. Bolhassen who
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  • 41 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Fri. Bukit Mertajam Town Council on Wednesday decided to ask for police recommendations on the need for street lighting for security purposes. A sub-committee had submitted a report that the street lighting plan would involve considerable expenditure.
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    • 84 5 I New I 13^ Ol #n i w r Cf 1 1 Illil wf 1 1 OO^^^KS& mt r 3rl jk i X Vo o/M'r />c///V^/ luu >//r// womUrful appeal and charm... In permanent g; m.v/> //;//n7/c«/ cotton... with fair Hers of shared flounces that whirl round ,/m/ rttfttf ////>////*'
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 224 6 AAANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Davis 88l Jr 1 >- BBb I pP*^^ "^^^■BBf^Bßßß^ s BBBBBH TARZAN by Edgar Rice Burroughs CTHO? P"^^ X jONEP THE« SOUEA_»j& J r^iUo 1^ I L£AC£ft ATJC/ CHASSEP OUT PS>C* \i^^^fc •*"/*v < > 'J^Zi\^ MW V-^ —^f~^ STPPEPOLHOCLY A^BT^D By "^j^^ 3 l^z^
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    • 645 6 YOUR I LUCKY STAR IJORN TODAY, you have a I strong nature and aim to get what you want out ol life j and you want plenty: You I art* vigorous and demanding, yet have a tremendous 5 amount of charm. As a rule, it makes people i II over
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  • 177 7 Chest for charities is urged CHOULD Singapore have a •community chest" m which annual gifts from local firms could be collected to help charitable orr.Lsations? Robert Eu. a City Councillor thinks it is time such an "aid-charities" pool should be formed. It would save executives of many business houses a
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 7 Mr. Edward Ang Kiong Suan and Miss Annie Ow Wai Chan both of Singapore who were married recently.
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  • 31 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri On July 20, the medium wave freauencv of the Blue Network of Radio Malaya, Kuala Lumour, will revert back to its former freauencv of 343 metres
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  • 260 7 JAPANESE textiles worth $32,500,000 may be brought into Singapore during the next six months. according to the quota announced by the Government yesterday. The total quota for this year is $70,000,000 the same as last year. New auotas are being distributed among the Colony's
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  • 64 7 JOHORE BAJIRL'. P'ri. j Ton days after his r^N-ase from Atari bin Awant? whs arrest* (1 tor breaking into i the house of Syt'ri Mnhanied bin Abdullah and stealing some cooked food valued at $10. In t ho Sessions Court yesterday he was sentenced to three years'
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  • 26 7 IP6H. Fri. Mr. T. S. Wilson, manager of McAlister and Co.. Ltd.. Ipoh. and Mrs. Wilson leave Ipoh today for leave m Britain.
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  • 148 7 CLUB HAS TOO LITTLE TO OFFER BOYS rpHE big increase m member--1 ship since the Singapore Siglap Boys' Club was formed a year ago has set a problem for its management committee. The problem is lack of money to augment the club's existing facilities for the use of its JOO
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  • 46 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. X Sithambaram, ac?ed 23, wai sentenced to three months' imprisonment for stealing a gold necklace, worth $202, belongin? to V. Mariappan, m Kandan<? l Kerbau Road. The sentence will run from July 8, the date of hli arrest.
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  • 29 7 PENANG, Fri. Thieves last night broke open Hie .shutters of a book .stall at the General Hospital and stole $569 worth of ctearette.s. cosmetics and sundry good*.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 v Ha THE INDUSTRIAL a a COMMERCIAL BANK, V TH B Li Iff a (Incorporated m the Colony of Singapore) B 117/119. Cecil Street 1 Have the Pleasure to Announce THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE BANK J ON 17th JULY, 1954. Authorised Capital -SI 0 9 000 9 000.00 I
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    • 88 7 A Ml measure of Delight Sliiiii )£m Mushroom m •<* 4 FM soup JKi #H^i> talizing soup tempts your 1 I appetite. Those tender little mushrooms are specially selected expertly f cooked, combined with thick dairy I 1 cream and exquisitely seasoned to make J just about the most delicious
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  • 202 8 ryi\\ starling 13-year-old Mavis Edwards saw a man throw to his dog waa alive, it l«.«(l only on< I hi h torn the other off. M hicl Bne I it \n i ath hi S: i it wh* n the lump d at her.
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  • 101 8 Tin hip DJ IVCd nt •itli 30 300,000 ol the deveand, possibly, tcry of th enland of Atlanti A few weeks ago the cylinders were .sunk empty I -bed of the mid-At-lantic Rid the place which some people be..' Id have been the
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  • 18 8 As Mr George Howes. 36. left Ms bakehouse at Denham. Buckinghamshire, the oven exploded. damaJii.u the building.
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  • 287 8 MILLIONS of people owe happy hours to a man who said a brief announcement, has died at 83 If aving £48,298. Yet hew few know that Edward Cleland Richardson, of Rcclesbourne, West Byfleet. Surrey, waa "The Father of English ski-ing*- And
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 99 8 heir disabilities. pictures. Above: i»ie Duchess ot' Kent, who is president of the Royal National Lifeboat Institute visited Fraserburffh, Scotland, recently to name the port's new lifeboat. The lifeboat replaces that lost m February last year when six men lost their lives. The Duchess is
    Popper  -  99 words
  • 129 8 NOT ENOUGH LAT IN-SO BOY PLAYED TRUANT A 14-YEAR-OLD boy told a juvenile court that he dodged school because there were not enough lessons m mathematics and Latin. Well, how about other lessons, say woodwork and art? Dull, said the boy. "I would much rather have done more maths, and
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  • 363 8 £80 a day Algernon ends up with 3 s. THE MAN FROM OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE 4LGERNON UEORui A HENRY WILLIS (Shrewsbury, Oxford, and Cambridge) spent £170,000 In six years a budget of nearly £80 a day. He went to worth THREE SHILLINGS. Th<> three shillings were handed over by 48-year-old
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  • 315 9 Old Nick who stole copper IN THAT fast-flowing 1 sweep of the Thames win re East meets West m the longitude of Greenwich it was just the night nrlme and for Old Nick of London River. For Old Nick, which is the underworld's name
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  • 30 9 All British import restric- 1 won* on non-dollar bananas; will be lifted by June 30, 1955. The decision will help Jamaican and other West Indie* producers
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  • 7 9 Ex-troopship Llangibby Castjejgili_be broken up.
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  • 42 9 Meet Miss Pacific rpHESE three Australian X beach beauties pictured at Bondi Beach. Sydney, took part m the recent Miss Pacific contest. Wielding the paddle is 18-year-old Judy Worrad Miss Pacific. With her are Mary Clifton (left) and Pamela Jansen, the runner-up.
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  • 96 9 RADIO listeners eavesdropped on a telephone chnt between two women for their conversation was clearly heard on the 8.8.C. Children s Hour. One said: "I have been as busy as a bee today (pause), picking up loose ends you know." The other, with a chuckle:
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  • 248 9 CEEING valuable Nelson rMics on TV gave 36--year-old Ronald Edward Walker- an idea. H e Waj a man of actj<_n, too for he had been paracnuted into Japanese terrify during secret war-tinn? mission*. He drove from his home In Avenue. Homchurch. to Monmouth and
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  • 155 9 WEDDING bells peal for Edith Thompson on July 24 because she had the courage to stake her life against happipess m a 50-50 chance. For Edith, who is 25, her marriage is the sign of victory m her 16-year fight against
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  • 127 9 SIXTY-SEVEN lorrie.s and vans were stopped one day m Luton. Forty-two were found defective. Of these... Twelve were oidered ofl the road immediately. Thirty-one were given "*USpenued sentence* Nine owners and driver* were fined a total ol £33 becau c their vehicles were
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  • 127 9 THIS GAS BOARD PACT WAS HOPELESS AN agreement used by SouthEastern G.ts Board was hopeless, a judge .said It could make a customer liable to pay for ga& 20 yeans alter leaving the premises Judge Clotlier. at Lambeth. London, said the Agrei ment meant that ai much a.s 14 months'
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  • 71 9 '■Memory Date, In I meadcv. at Martlesham, near Ipswich, will be Allowed to M.«v by order of the Ministry ol Housing and Local Ciovernment. The Ministry lias upheld the appeal by Mr. and Mil. Harry Robinson, who did their court Ing at the Rate 40
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  • 37 9 During f iirn show at a theatre m Tralee. Co Kerry Ireland, two men forced the operator to show on the ftreen a slide calling for I.RA. recruit:;. The Aim the rakler.s interrupted— "Hit Raider.'
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  • 1229 10  - European colonies are being exploited by RUSSI A K.M. Smogorzewski By i The autkor WOS founder and editor of ike fortnightly review Free Europe published from London during the second world war. Between the wars he was foreign correspondent of the nffi ml Polish paper Gazeta Polsk*. i i Map
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 98 10 THE MIRROR TELLS YOU ii /«D^ It U a [Aou re lovelier '^V^ to y^~~ //'////A Gxjl, fre^h skin with the fair, soft I lI 'IB bloom of youth about it chat's the V flit/ loveliness you like your mirror to show you. J f/f Innoxa brings you lasting loveliness
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    • 76 10 XVI Oil iflaximum Lomtort i z^S; The generous interior dimensions I of the Standard Eight will surprise the family motorist. It 2 I r^^^^ W $ea OUr W eaSy acccs > ?^J//^''v- 'V^ passengers to enjoy the maxi- r !j r**" sy^, *f^ mum comfort. Both drivers S f* and
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 11 The Queen will fly to Scotland on August 7 for her customary holiday at Balmoral Castle, photographed above. She may be travelling to Balmoral alone for the first time m her married life. The Duke of Edinburgh will be on a tour of Canada. And the travel plans disclosed do
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  • 505 11 SAYS MATRIMONIAL MAGISTRATE IN A CONTROVERSIAL BOOK "Marriage Failures and the (hildren,' by Claud Mullins. pwortii Itons) rVILTY and INNOCENT J ar e words which should 710 longer be used m our Divorce Courts... CHILDREN should be consulted, but not m open court, before decisions
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  • 298 11  -  JOHN GORDON ALWAYS when I hear yelps rising m the JS. over the iniquity of the Russians m planting spies m America's most secret places I think of Ray Murphy. Murphy was a charming, clever young man. He went to Lord Mountbatten's headquarters m the closing
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  • 452 11  -  STEPHEN COULTER NEW FRENCH CRAZE By 4 'BETTER than tfold" a money-making boom 'opped new heighta m Paris when an auctioneknocked down a .simple paper-covered book for a bid of £800. The book was a novel by late French author Andre Gide, a first edition but
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  • 140 11 DUSSIAN kids have been given official approval to read Mark Twain's "Adventures of Cekkleberri Feena" and Charles Dickens' "Oliver Tveesr." heie and a doien other famous works of the nonCommunist world have been placed on a new list of 230 volumes recommended for Soviet grade-school children
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 489 12 A lesson m adventurous eating by JEAN WISEMAN i ITS said, the way to a man's heart \a through his stomach now Lord Westbury :md his friend, Don ild Dowries, have found some culinary "marriages" In the i r ondeavour to promote "Eating with
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 12 [Helen W e st- cot t, Warner Bros, player, < wears a < charming gym < suit that may be copied loith advantage by Malayans. >>
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  • Article, Illustration
    377 12 Bridge Hand NORTH'S tree ratal wa.s all that South needed i<i he;ir to deter mine tht correct final contract He urn t have enough to provide a I play (or jj«ui»* h«* ooukut have I enough to m ike poHlMl a .slam. HOOCO, then* M| M point to .showing the
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  • 255 12 |\ANCE dresses destined for *J a brilliant season are un exciting novelty of the midsummer collections m Paris. Summer sheers keep par* with dressy silks. Fragile laces are both supple and stiff. There are head encrusted cottons and yards of shining satin. Beautiful warp print taffeta
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 73 12 i it. iS fc=-r- i Ihis Une buttle can help you look Finno-Lift Trealmcnt Lotion This rare Mead of rich oils and astringent herbs works against wrinkles, sagging contours, puffiness and age lines wilh amazing effect. There are enough treatments m a single botlle to make a wonderful difference to
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 286 12 wad WM 111 (M^] CMKS A< KOSK: <> How Leap Years end <4. INo back to it nay be learnt <4i. 7An amis position I'm always m 4 [m could be' (4). <6>. 7 Here is one 'o Alfred shortly 8 Rose is not .sore here <4>. (I). 13 Able
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  • 472 13 sdgjhkfhgk I^RROL FLYNN recently made a record. In the over-written history of Mr. Flynn no mention has so far been made of his potential as a singer. This is now being remedied, Mr. Flynn turned up at a gramophone recording session to sing. It
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  • 125 13 'SEX -APPEAL COMES 3rd' —Says ex-talent spotter ABNER HIHERMAN, Hollywood t alcn tspotter turned actor, says, after looks and personality, a potential star must have patience. "An ambitious a^tor must i be patient," he explained. "He must be willing to work long and hard to develop his craft i and
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  • 160 13 THERE is news of another singer, Marti Stevens (you see her above) is a 23 -year-old, unknown American cabaret singer. Her father is Nocholas Bchenck t56.000-a-year, head Hollywood's Metro-Gold-wyn-Mayer studio. Mr. Schenck would prefer she did not sing. But Marti. m Britain for the first time, is
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  • 268 13  -  SHEILAH GRAHAME By VSA ZSA GABOR and PORFIKIO KIiBIROSA came over from Paris just for the MARLENE DIETRICH event -sent wcrd to the London Cafe de Paris management that they intended to attend, but the management was not impressed and they didn't get m. But lister Eva
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 IHIIXITFIY VAST DAYS <* |to purchase that carpet gat a special low price! w S from I i SHROFFS 1 Uin-YKAR J CARPET SAIi E J S 3/aA*e ifowr Abm^ X complete with a new carpet Agency Showrooms: G* 47/49, STAMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE S TELEPHONE: *****
      45 words
    • 14 13 SCHERERS it RSI *Jir'»«*"l lin Apple HPI ,--|"*"^'jd take one H sciIKREH'B SINGAPORE DISPENSARY
      14 words

  • 66 14 Picture. rhe 12V yards hurdles at the Singapore inter-vhools athletic championships held at Jalan Besar Stadium on Wednesday brought i record. Third from lett is flan Boon Leon)? of Raffles Institution who set up a new time of l.VJsec dipping 0 3set\ from his
    Free Press  -  66 words
  • 396 14 From lIAKOI I) IMLMKK IMIE 19f>4 World Cup tournament has ended -and talk has turned to the 1958 competition, which will be held under the auspices of the Swedish Foot- ball Association. I understand thai FIFA are considering bringing Norway and Denmark Into the picture.
    396 words
  • 73 14 Randolph Turpin present Empire light-heavyweight title holder and former world European and British middleweight h.tmpion. will return to the ring a light heavyweight on September 14 at Harrtngay atrriA. wy.s manager George Middle Uiii Hu opponent has not yet been named Tut pin lost his last
    U.P.  -  73 words
  • 47 14 THE second Gymkhana of the Singapore Polo Club will be held on Thomson Road Ground, starting at 330 p.m., on Sunday. Two jumping events are included, also a tent pegging competition and a trotting race. There will be swings and other entertainments for children.
    47 words
  • 99 14 HUNGARY SET RELAY RECORD rpHE world record for the 1500 me- tres men.s relay held by a British team since hust September, was bettered on Wednesday by a Hungarian athletics team m Budapest Stadium. The Hungarian* clocked IS mirus. 21 2 sees., which Is six seconds better than the record
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 58 14 iXrn C<xk«ll, BuUsh heavyweight boxing champion ha& nailed In the liner United States for America where he will nght Harry Matthews at Seattle on July SO C(# kell. who has beaten Matthews twice, will *et £***** for the ionUs»t He will btay on for v fight
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 442 14 S.A.A.A. WILL MISS GATE MONEY Wo Stadium for annual tourney Free Press Athletics Reporter IJY HOLDING the annual championships at the Police Depot m Thomson Road, the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association is losing a tidy sum of money that could well have gone towards boosting its lagging finances. There will
    442 words
  • 198 14 72 Aussies with a Vancouver challenge SEVENTY -TWO Australian athletes and managers for I the British Empire Games arrived m Vancouver yesterday with enough champions among them to indicate a top placing for the "Down Under" country m the Games. Strains of "Waltzing Matilda" came over a loudspeaker I at
    A.P.  -  198 words
  • 53 14 Lornt Main of Canada gave his I country a 1-0 lead over Chile when he beat Luis Ayala 4-6, 6-3, 4-6. 8-6, 6-3 In the opening singles match of the North American Zone Davis Cup tie m Toronto yesterday. Winners of the first round tie meet Mexico m
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 14 I "The cat— putting inches of powder on her nose In case there's a Dhotofinish
    16 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 77 14 Inner Wheel Club of Singapore MARKET FAIR H H T- I 111 I B To be held m the I British Council Hall I on I Friday July 30th, I from I 2.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. I To be opened by t Mrs. W. A. C Goode PRICES LOW
      77 words

  • 1648 15  -  TRESPASSER OLEANDER WILL BE BIGGEST THREAT By fAMPUS HKLLK had not been raced since his third m the Perak Derby (I]M.) on April 17 until I**l Saturday when she showed, h* running fourth m the mile race won by Cinema 11, that there
    1,648 words
  • 37 15 PKOBABU non-accept-ors at Bukit Timah tomorrow are: (•ambar Melayu. Never a Blank. Individuality Best Bet, (oralita, North crn Circuit, Box Office. Musical Comedy. Rice Kins. Sporter. Barring further rain the going will be good. 1
    37 words
  • 182 15 RUSSIAN oarsmen who rowed m England's Henley Regatta this year, for the first time since the days of the Czars, would like to go back again. The Soviet Union's leading aportspaper, Soviet sport, devoted a full page to an article by the Russian pair-oared team of
    A.P.  -  182 words
  • 222 15 TEEN probable starters for the Kin? George VI id Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Britain's richest the year worth £23,502 to the winner, which n uv/ un over 12 furl °ngs at Ascot on Saturday. th jockeys and weights: ,-oie (E. Smith.. Souepi R Johnstonei, ChaUworth f
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 17 15 Spend A Glorious Evening with Miss ALICE LEE OCEAN PARK HOTEL Every Thursday Friday Saturday I is
      17 words
    • 225 15 CATHAY TODAY!-lUm-1 4> 4 1 4" ''30 pm f M-G-M'i S TREMENDOUS TEN-STAR DRAMA! EXECDTIVE SUITIJ TO MORROW MID-NIGHT l-;ina TwfUft m M-G-Ml 'FLA*.' AND THE FLESH 11 TK lIMCOI.OR NOW SHOWING llam-1 4.) 4 15-*, 4.) <) 30 pm TO MORROW MID-NIGHT PHANTOM FROM SPACE" alhambha" i^^ 111 lliltiUNlt
      225 words

  • 155 16 /1i OH "i pli At 1..!,!, Oenttemen I MM At Oval: Surrey 347 I M eighl I irtyl .mil lea lor Ol lire 3"■ <Frn:iieft I<)H Milton 111 Surrldge, lue i«r Hl> At l.rirrsirr: Leicestersbln 393 fit „-vfn 6m brad (Jactaoo no< oul i and H tat «»ne iffcMkwn
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 496 16 BATSMEN STRUGGLE IN U.K. GAMES Fred Trueman takes 7 tor IS ON a day when bowlers generally held the mastery two fine batting stands figured m the county i hampionship programme yesterday one by Derbyshire and the other by Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire were heading for a follow on Against Surrey's declared
    496 words
  • 69 16 SINGAPORE team to meet Malacca m the first round of the Foong Seong Cup badminton competition at Malacca on July 24. 25 was announced last night as follows: Oner Poh Mm. Ismail bin Marjan. Kon Kong Mm. M. Sadali. Omar bin Ibrahim, Loong Pan Yap. Andrew
    69 words
  • 31 16 Unable to raise a team, Johore have conceded a walkover to Singapore m the final of the Chua Choon 1 Leong Cup inter-State tennis competition.
    31 words
  • 30 16 Indonesians rallied with ten men to make up a 3-1 deficit and draw 3-3 with a Singapore Business Houses F. A. XI at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday.
    30 words
  • 30 16 The United States took a Winning 3-0 lead over the West Indies by a inning the doubles match m their first round American zone Davis Cup tie.
    30 words
  • 293 16 STOPPAGES through rain reduced the second day's play m the match between Northamptonshire and Pakistan to three hours yesterday. Between downpours Pakistan took their score to 155 for four and still need 55 to avoid the follow on. In such cheerless conditions it
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • 198 16 VINO VALDES, heavyweight champion of Cub defeated Tommy "Hurricane" Jackson of York by a technical knockout m the second round of their 10-round flght at Madison Square Gardon on Wednesday night. THE CROWD BOOED LONG AND LOUDLY AT THE ABRUPT ENDING TO THE
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 127 16 Thai boxers arrive for Japan tour FIVE Thai boxers, led by world welterweight contender Somdet Yongtrakit, arrived m Tokyo last night for a series of fights m Japan. The invaders include Thai teatherweight title holder Damrungdez Smanchan, bantam champion S Somkiat, flyweight king I Kunoi Vitichai and his chief contender
    U.P.  -  127 words
  • 82 16 tMcNIE BANKS and Hank Saver hit home runs as the Chicago Cubs defeated Pittsburgh, 9-2, m the opener of a doubleheader before some 7,500 fans m Chicago yesterday. Boston s Willard Nixon, tiring m the latest stages after pitching twohit ball for seven innings, defeated the
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 47 16 A LFRED de Bruyne of Belgium won the eighth lap of the 4.855-kilometre Tour de Fiance bicycle race yesterday. Wout WagtmaAs of Holland ill second, with Georges Meunier of the French Northeast Centre te.»iu third. Emilia Croci-Torti of Switzeu land came fourth. A .P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 33 16 Miss Sachiko Kanio of Japan reached the final of the WelsU women's lawn tennis itngtes championship yesttrday when the defeated Miss R. Walsh of Birmingham. England. 3-6. 6-4. 6-3 Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 457 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTH Words %H (minimum). CONWAY To K'thleen. wife of Win/ Commander Conway M.B. at RA P Hospit il Chaagl, on Jul-v i )ih i daiifhUt DFATII 2U Words $h (minimum). PE'IER TANQ BANK HANSEN. ■astern Manufacturing Co.. passed away on Mie 14th July 1954 at the i Penang
      457 words
    • 105 16 nrNFS^ I Contains Vitamins A. 111Kj\J \J Blf B 2 and D. also Ql PP Vitamins (Niacin). HI I Iron, Calcium and lif}\\ y^ Phosphorus. I TN the training of athletes, I ihe special value of 'Ovalunc 1 i^k is known the world over This 3A^-^\\ 'y^m/'/f deliaous food beverage
      105 words