The Singapore Free Press, 13 January 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya. \,i *****, Singapore. Wed., Jan. 13. 1954. Price 15 Cts.
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  • 560 1  -  SIT YIN FONG Women fear bad area By jyjORE police patrols have been started m the Ganges Avenue-Delta Road area of Singapore which was the scene of one shooting and several lesser incidents last week. Indignant residents lay the blame m part on poor street lighting.
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 1 ROBERT MONTGOMERY, film and television star. ik<^ time »ut from his own television show, to help Presideni Eisenhower present his report to the American people from the White House broidcastinn room. Montgomery, an old friend of the President was I ,ii for consultation on liuhtintj and
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  • 133 1 13- YEAR-OLD European girl walked into the kitchen of a house m Nairobi yesterday and found Ifrican houseboy, his wife and four children with ii throats cut and their stomachs slit. Man Mau terrorists are believed to be responsible. The victims worked for a
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 51 1 pHE European Civil Service A isoclation of Malaya SAM) will meet tomorrow t the Singapore Goyit's no w pay scheme. proposes to do away >n -pensionable expatriaillowances by represents about 200 officers m the govThj lIVSAM chairman, Mr. EUls, this morning dec- to
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  • 24 1 /a pore police yesterday kd a Malay at the open m Jalan Kembasgan. off Road. A dagger was a on him.
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  • 91 1 rpiiE first claim against the 1 British Transport Commission arising from the sinkina ol the ferry steamer, Princess Victoria m the Irish Sea yeai was hoard yesterday m the Northern Ireland Hi'^h Court m Belfast. m m Mrs. Maria Reid, of Bcltast was by
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  • 20 1 m 1942 k"d spent the last thf re years of the war m I pnson camp. A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 233 1 MORF THAN 200 people wen last night estimated dead or missing m Europe's series of Alpine avalanche disasters which hurled a train into an Austrian valley and buried thousands of homes. Messages told this story: VIENNA: At least 181 casualties are reported m
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  • 107 1 Queen opens Parliament in N. Zealand FOR the first time j n their history, the Ktp Zealanders had a reigning British Monarch. to open thei r Parliament yesterday. The Queen, resplendent m her white Coronation gown, dia- mond tiara, diamond necklace and earrings and blue riband of the Order of
    A. P.  -  107 words
  • 24 1 Singapore Rubber Market opened quietly this minting with first urade. January shipment, at 56.3 8 cents a pound. unchanged from yesterday's close.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 R O U X T 1* I I 1 f Lovelier Haircolor: x^r^^^otwS^ 9BPP iSv Roui Oil jhimpoo Tint •mHi nn? wi i '<.-'' V\ Rou $l1 »cr-wyfc. Hl^ll '?£?sj,'*'-' Roui Stun Remover. W-^ SHRIRO (CHINA) LTD /In *porattd In Hong X »n^) 24, Raffles Place Telephone: *****.
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  • 483 2 BO AC considers Navy offer TIIK Admiralty salvage ship Reclaim with its unique underwater television equipment has been offered to help locate the wreckage of the crashed Comet. The Reclaim's television equipment was first used with success to locate the missing British submarine
    Reuter  -  483 words
  • 46 2 picture. Soldiers of the No. «roup of parachute troops make their arduous way through the "elephant grass" of the Indorhina jungle, as they push forward m a linking operation with the French Union forces fighting against the Vietminh m Laos. A. P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 191 2 MX DESMOND DON NELIXY Labour mem her of Parliament, yester4a,} efitkittd the preposterous haste" with which the state-owned British Overseas Airways Corporation withdrew their Comet jet airliners fram, service alter Sunday's omet crash. Mr, Donnelly wrote to Mr. Lennox -Boyd, Minister of Transport, saying: "Of
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 86 2 Continued from Page 1. among the areas which have uffered. ROME: Several avalanche* fell ii. the Dolomltei yesterday but no ca ualtfei have been reported so far STOCKHOLM: Huge dritti feated .snow ploughs m Sweden and troop; were called m to carve road through the .snow Thousands
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 39 2 The Western Allied Governments yesterday informed the Austrian Government that they Will make every effort to bung the question of an Austrian I state treaty up for discussion at the "Big Four" Foreign MinisI ters' <(.nterenre.
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  • 159 2 rpKN thousand shouting itu dents swarmed across Cairo University campus yesterday firing revolvers In the air to demonstrate again&t Britain m memory of two students killed In a 1951 Canal Zone cla h Nineteen people were Injured m the UiH' <• Police arrested ftve people
    U.P.  -  159 words
  • 130 2 EXPERIMENTS with "linotype" machines for printing m the Chinese language have been made by the Soviet engineers, Yuri Gudilin, and Valentin Krugliakov. H Krugliakov has constructed one with 250 keys instead of the usual 90. arranged them in 3 0 rows. Each key can
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  • 108 2 Britain 's exports up in 1953 RRITAIN'S dollar export drive rolled alon»- at a 14 per i rent higher clip last year than m 1952. piovLsional trade figures showed last night. The Board of Trade announced 1953 exports to North America totalled £315.600.000. Goods valued at £153.800.000 were sold to
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  • 38 2 The State Department was giving serious consideration to India's proposal that the United Nations General Assembly should reconvene next month to consider the Korean question. Mr. Henry Suydam the U.S. State Department spokesman said yesterday.
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  • 205 2 THIS STRANGE WORLD AND THE COW JUMPED... W HILE h a »^ed owners watched, a cow leapt M feet from a second storey barn window at Shawnee. Oklahoma U.S., got up and walked cor tentedly away. on To get to the loft, the ani mal had to climb a steea
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  • 64 2 BURMA has made counter pioposals to Britain on a nev defence treaty between the two countries to replace th agreement which expired on Jan. 4. a Foreign Office spokesman said m London last night. The 1948 agreement concerned the transitional stage* of British withdrawal. Burma then
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 112 2 THE Boud Trophy, a small I silver model of an airplane and the Fleet Air Arm's high- est flying honour baa been awarded to No. 848 Helicopter Squadron for services m Malaya during 1953, the Admiralty announced yesterday. An official citation states that tin- Squadron was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 I 12 i 15 100.00 ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS sta,r carpets DURABLE. tf£ SMOOTH CHEAP. S&n SHROFFS (MALAYA) LTD. Agency Showroom, 47-49, Stamford Rd., Singapore-6. Tel. 22 139. Batu Road. Kuala Lumpur 32, Bishop Street. Pcnjw^
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  • 43 3 IN his best party dress, three- year-old Madan Assomull poses proudly tor the Free Press cameraman with his sister Shakun. It was Shakun's fifth birthday yesterday, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Assomull. gave a party for her.
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  • 221 3 So say the 'wise men 9 SINGAPORE Chinese will celebrate their new year on Feb. 3 on a modest scale, said shopkeepers yesterday. The trade recession, you know/ Most housewives have not begun shopping although it's j only three weeks before the Year
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  • 121 3 A. riON waj granted m the V rk Supreme Court rdering Miss Adele to undergo a physical j tion .n connection with 100 'Malayan' damage linst the British boxer, h T\«rpln. :.:•;> suit alleges that assaulted her on eight occasions between d Oct.
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  • 29 3 output m Britain rose 1.500.000 tons last a total of 17.609,000 n r.nd Steel Federamnounced In London last ■> duction was also 11.175.000 tons compared 728,000 m 1952.
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  • 28 3 n Government has the return of Mr. K. Itor of the local t Tamil weekly Desnl, who went last month nlst Party conferra, South India.
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  • 24 3 and Shanghai ►oration announc- ay that subject to bank's final dividend iil be £3 per share long Kon- corporation I :.l\. I
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  • 26 3 One of England's Grand Old Ladies of the theatre, Annie Hughes, died m Sydney last Thursday, aged 84. Her death was reported last night.
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  • 133 3 Volunteer nurses to get badges rnRAINKD nursing auxiliaries 1 of the Hospital Resent Singapore are to yet efficiency badg The badges will be m tl j to differentiate the sucil train* The green badge will be --non to those who have satisfactorily completed their hospital traminu The blue badge Is
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  • 197 3 TWO COUNTRIES TO SELL US SURPLUS Free Press Staff Reporter AUSTRALIA and Canada are seeking a market m A Malaya for their surplus wheat. The heads of the wheat boards of the two countries are due to arrive m Singapore shortly to contact food
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  • 94 3 ANDRE Le Troquer was last night elected President of the French National Assembly. II Le Troquer, 69. a veteran Socialist, was elected President Speakert on the third ballot. The Assembly was voting for a President to succeed 84->car-old Radical elder statesman, M. Edouard Herriot, who wa^
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  • 31 3 Retired U.S. Admiral William M.P. Blandy who commanded the first testing of atom bombs against warships at Bikini m 1946 died m hospital m New York yesterday, aged 63.
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  • 40 3 Emperor Haile Selassie ol Ethiopia will visit Washington 1 m May and then tour the US. A White Hoikse announcement said the Emperor will be the President's guest i<>r several days, probably from May 19 to
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  • 27 3 Argentina and P<>l.ind yesterday signed a M56J.000.000 trade pact calling for the exchange ol (00.000 tons ol rye for coal, I cement and glass.
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  • 89 3 SIR Donald MaeGillivray, who succeeds General Sir Templer as High Commissioner m Malay* at the beginning of June will come to Singapore at the end of this month. At present on holiday m County Tyrone, Ireland, Sir Donald MacGillivray is due back m London on
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  • 183 3 SHE'LL TEACH KOREANS HOW TO COOK Miss Margaret Holt, oi Stoke-on-Trent, England, Naafl Restauranf and Welfare Superintend* nt for the Far Ea-.t, has just flown from Honn Ivong to Korea <o teach Koreans how to cook meals that Commonwealth troops can enjoy. In the newly-opened brigade canteens, lull meals, including
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 I LATEST AMEHHAX I 3£ f m #.*fjr^ In 42 Beautiful Colours Ami Attractive Designs Are Becoming More Popular With Well Dressed Men Especially When They Are Tailored At 1 CHANRAI S I Trousers (made to measure) 519.7;> per pair Suits (made to measure) fft.7s per suit LATEST ADDITIONS TO
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  • 381 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY. Jan. 13, 1954. Opinion LOOKING AHEAD <X)ME of the people in Malaya who are a i ways clamouring for more and more expenditure without ever having any specific idea where the money is coming from may soon be able to learn something authoritative about the
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  • 244 4 THAT ELCPFMENI rHE Patino Goldsmith elopement has brought about an apparent reconciliation between Senor Antenor Patino and his wife. Until vhe last few clays the two had not .spoken to each other in ten years. Over this period they have fought a series of bitterly contested maintenance
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  • 639 4  -  Robert von Buttlar-Brandenfels DIG COAL OR STARVE IN A STRAIT-JACKET By who worked as a slave for four years m a Siberian mine, tells his story to Colin Lawson. BERLIN. I WAS kidnapped by Sovh t agents In West Berlin In AprlJ 1949 and sentenced
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 4  -  OSBERT LANCASTER »y "But, darling, it's so refreshing to read of a romance where neither of them has ever been married before."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 13 4 LONGINES The Worlds Most Honoured Wafch Sold by ALL HIGH CLASS WATCH DEALERS
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    • 50 4 7vaaa '/i/Sr" T The Treatment t^r-# pkK WttLLENct (&5S^ WHOOPING COUGH ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, HAY FEVER INFLUENZA. Contains no Narcotic* or Bromides j Harmless to alt ages. Kw LAip^^ obtain a b/e \V ALL SHOPS D/SPMSAfi ■S^fc£P*= INTERNATIONAL SYNDICATE 189 CECIL ST.. S PO^ |r /'6 COLLYIR Cu*y; Smk Rjifi^L]^-"^ x
      50 words

  • 278 5 More boys want to join school Free Press Staff Reporter MORE and more boys want to join the Singapore Government's first school of building which opened m Balestier Road this year. The Governments Chief Fmployment Officer, Mr. F. G. Tyson, said yesterday that 30 boys were
    Free Press  -  278 words
  • 119 5 DOG SAVED GENERAL FROM JAP SNIPER LN'ANT General Sir Hu^h tckwell, who will give up >>: as G.O.C. Singapore m April, probably life to a black Labet never. commanded the 82nd African* Division, part 15th Indian Corps, m reat drive during the ir. they accounted for i> of Japanese m
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  • 105 5 J Secretary of the Base Labour Union. yesterday referred to s report stating that rken at the Naval end their boycott of tive Council elections. I lah to emphasise thai reiatioa to the eleced m our memoran•ndel Constitution*! 'lie Government of matter what its cons- i
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  • 87 5 Dancing, singing for Medical Deyaitinvited eight I to take part variety conceit, •morrow at 8 pin. to m aid of funds 1 "ilKTculosis sanaJohore Bahru. fnccrt win l>e held m Z*hrth School, johore 'It in 40 other Fed- singers and dun. azv appearing. One of the Colony's artistes, Miss Dorothy
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  • 279 5  -  ROGER YUE REPORT STORE TAXIMEN IF: By TAXIMETERS have led to a racket by some Singapore "cabbies." They refuse to press the lever down when they pick up passengers, or over-charge even when the amount is shown on the indicator. The public is asked to
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  • 68 5 THE Canadian Finance Minister. Mr. D. C. Abbot, and his deputy. Mr. John Deutsch. are expected to arrive m Singapore on Saturday on their way home after attending the Commonwealth Finance Ministers' Conference at Sydney, m Australia. They will .stay for the night at Malaig as the
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  • 128 5 Free Press Staff Reporter LMFTEEN Singapore families are to build temporary homes on unused ground at the international airport site m Paya Lebar. They are being fi?en a Un- pear KIM U) build hOMifS oi approved design. a land oirice official will draw lots
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  • 76 5 ifiss Josephine Won, who i-»l came out of retirement to help new villagers m the Ft- I (•ration to become useful citizen.., was aii smiles yesterday. She has £r>r h« i r assignment She leavei tomorrow for ip<>h to ioin Red Cross \vorkt-r.s In 13
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 216 6 kw Ipp Falk and Phil Davis MANDRAKE, THE MAGICIAN b Y Lee TARZAN N by Edgar Rice Burroughs v v- i LM .x ~^^>^^^M^K^r /r^H^H 4| J V v* v iT«^^^ m N 1 c rvT'.s j\cC^cac7. I w g^ "gvc-- ;C j THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris IMdJ&tib€mk W
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    • 640 6 YOUR LUCKY STAR stan5 n "SJ: j; S contradictions m you, u-n!^ mcnl and you are not Hhat you appear to be ffi surface. Your high makes it difluult f« T cooperate with oth, Z" prefer doins thin^ u>ur g way. your emotional natu,/ mercurial. One da^ Ja I the
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  • 118 7 LAMA AND 'BRAINY' SNOWMAN MEDITATE 4 TIBETAN lama, Chemed Ragdjiu Dorje Lopu, told the Calcutta newspaper Zug- that a fellow lama had it gome time meditating at top of a Himalayan peak with M Bft. Abominable w man. Ragdjiu said his fellow ma. Tsultun Zambo, one of ><■{■* greatest scholars,
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 7 Walking: arm-in-arm after their ;vedding are the actor, Mr. George Cole, and the actress, Miss Eileen Moore. They were married at Hamstead. London, Register Office. Theirs was a romance of the films. They met at the Flstrce studios where Mr. Co'* 1 was filming, "O'Leary Night" and
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  • 328 7  -  A Kemsley By Reporter IVI just had an interview with Sensitive Sammy. So pardon me if I tremble. A Sammy has nerve-wracking habits. Do what you like from pushing gently to hitting with a hammer and >ammy will set off a piercing alarm.
    Paul Popper  -  328 words
  • 171 7 r 'RLD airlines carried more than 50 million passengers md Sir William Hildred. eneraj of the InternaTransport Association. a 10 per cent rise In ftrna, operators canth( same inciesae ir. Cc*ta will keep heeta -generally preto be opened at Convena new wind-tunnel, m testa
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  • 38 7 More public holidays with pay v tiagna Carta Day, Armada Day, Battle of Britain Day, and several .saints' days are suggested by Methodist Recorder. The paper says Britain has fewer holidays than most coun-
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  • 298 7 CITY CLERKS HIT FORTUNE TRAIL IN THE YUKON FWO young City clerks are finding that there s still a fortune to be made in the roarin', bustlin' mining ;amps of the Yukon. Only a few weeks ago Tony and Peter, the sons of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. M. Lloyd,
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  • 159 7 Yard study detective's X-ray plan ANEW method of identification may develop from a theory now being examined by Scotland Yard experts. It is identification by means of Xray photographs. The idea has been put forward by a young Scotland Yard CID officer, Detective-sergeant George Williams. Detect ive-sergeant Williams has written
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 297 8 Opening of Ihe Cathay Hotel I Picture! First arrivals JIII-: latest Singapore ho|, I. Hotel whirl, was P Mr. Loke Wan Tlio, U;i f Organisation, celebratint; (lie I ;i cocktail party. l v The Cathay Hot* 1 occupies 60 rooms on two floors of the Cathay Building which were formerly
    Sam Kaey  -  297 words

  • 392 10 TIIF French Riviera, once th«» playground oi Kings, lias bcCQMC a haunt for the thrifty common man, according to unhappy luxury hotel owners along the (Uttering .Mediterranean roast. The proprietor Of the Hotel Cup-Estel at Eze MSS4 a day with board)
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  • 162 10 The plan that wasn't in the pink "LWR houses m Heybridge Strvet, Mil (I on, Kssex, artold and damp. The Town Council sent the necessar) plan for a clearance order to the Ministry of Housing ami LtCftl (jiovernnient. The Ministry refused to con siiler it. The reason: Parts of Ihe
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  • 409 10 \f ISS EDITH COOPER, 6>. a Sunday school teacher for 50 years, will resign soon following allegations by a vicar that children are staying away from Sunday school because "she was too strict." The Rev Alfred Clough, 51- ear-old Vicar of St.
    Reuter  -  409 words
  • 61 10 p i c 1 1 urc. BOMBAY'S Taj Mahal UuM on c of the world's m* famous hotels, where Indian princes were wont to mingle m ?L r lim>ry ith Br '''>h officrildom before India be came independent, completed nfty y«>ars of its existence itcently. This
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 129 10 100 sheep die in fog stampede MORE than a hundred sheep. stampeded by dense fog. were found* drowned or frozen to death m the Thames-side marshes of Kent. Farmers and shepherds lost sight of their flocks whsn the fog came down blanketing v 18-mile stretch of the marshlands. They found
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 84 10 f Jx\ a IDEAL PRESENT GOBLIN r:: LUMILARM 11 A new bedside luxury c I. i 4 m? of a beautiful electric w** \mk with alarm, a bed ft ide r W lamp and an ultra m m^**~ hg*t *yr shade to match and ><• I The lamp is Mtomai
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  • 1033 11 'From Here to Eternity STORY OF THE FILM CROM Here to Eternity" is the itory of some Amencan soldiers m Pearl Harbour at the outbreak of war. It i e the story, m particular, of dl-treatment of Private PreM (Montgomery Clift) by his ammandmg officer. Captain Hrlrnes Prewiit has blinded
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  • 617 11 \i HENEVER YOU TALK with your partner about the best way to certain bids, one of the subw>u must discuss is, "How K'C play our jump overcalls?" I vise, when the opportunity to use this valuable bid there considerable confusion m ranks, instead of m the rank.s the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 237 11 Today's Crossword ACROSS !hf> <i>r Ofllce? (4). 7 l Are these In the luxur] di i it th< mail, Roger? (9) k j jt 3-l(ji. 6 Man who n. (5, 4). 10 A hero prudent i^hted 0 <.4 8 Writs sent bark 5). 11 Some primary essential 14). 9 1
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  • 97 12 Worms in the Katong water supply lIJKSIDFS rail m my water -I* water supply, I find tiny wriggling red worms, each o f ibotlt half an inch lon^. coming from the tap This has been «oln° on for Che last live days. In the process of rinsing my mouth I
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  • 120 12 rriiE road tax form offen ear iwneig thi- choice oi paying 1 »i Bil months or ;i fear I I P'V fOf (he whole jreai tml i hav v hud my cheque M-turned by tfi<« Registrar of v-ti cies. who telk me thai be •rill o;ily accept
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  • 406 12 WHAT THE JUDGE SAID IN THE 6 WIDOWS CASE IIKS. SHIRIN FOZDAR said on Jan. 4 with reference i?1 to the Chinese In Singapore: "While China was getting awakened to new ideas and ideals, the Chinese here were neglectful <>f the changes taking nlace m the country of their origin.
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  • 32 12 HAM: you a grouse? Have you a bright idea? Have you s**en anything; stringe or unusual? Then write to the PRFSSMAN and tell others about it m his FOSTBAG— briefly.
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  • 215 12 He prefers racy bazaar Malay SAYS "Baba Muda": "With million.-. Malay, m all respect* oyed great popularity tor :> .v> a Chinese, I h it 'tame and many, many oi uninterrupted brightness Sa-juta'an sa-unia bahaia M layu!' And to that, you. Mr. Press•:an. add your cryptic lootnote: Sparkling words. But.
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  • 18 12 MR. M. SIPPIAH Devasitham and Miss Mary Flori Than?amany who were married at Christ Church, Singapore.
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  • 51 12 BO\S promoted from Primary to Standard I m one English school have been a.sked to pay $11 each. All the necessary books having been purchased before school closed for the Christmas holidays. I am at a loss to understand why this payment is redded. F. WONG. Sinsapore. Financial
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  • 186 12 fluiE claims of typists are comA pletely ignored by Government and the unions* There are more than MM of them m Government depart men's In some they do clerical duties, often more efficiently than the clerks The unions have ignored the typists because the mi iritj of members
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 84 12 1 1 ifgjgKl Your doctor y m could fell you JIMP how 'NEUTRADONNA' Iv\ I ilSffll v by its soothing a n l speedy action neat* a U rses stomacn aci<^ it y an:i I dP^ is a complete treatment for _J I 1^ everyday stomach disorder Your nearest dispensary
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  • 405 13 DAVID LEWIN MEETS ROSEMARY CLOONEY ROSEMARY Clooney, the girl of the gramophone records, whose bright, kv voice sold 900,000 copies of "Come On-a My House" has a homely and a relaxed manm [s in films now ("Here the Girls," "Red Garas well as on the
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  • 61 13 OREY, the 26-year-old >a, says of Ninette de tor ol the Sadler's Ballets and famed as a i have dane- and you always know will come up afterwards l you about the mtshave made. everything ha.s y,one and you always know nave danced badly you how Rood you i"
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  • 114 13 LOCAL musicians are coim: into theujj own. Some cordim-s released In programme 1 1 nsidcrabie I Bill Webo J< <• "There all Ql .«!»ii then ci II h. v trui ,ya and h produced a pl< nds m We em I thai I waul Malay or< copy
    HEY  -  114 words
  • 706 13  - Filling a Musical 'Vacuum' PRESTO Music topics by THERE has not been a musical celebrity m Singapore -or even any kind of public concert since Solomon's recitals six weeks ago. This musical "vacuum" might have lasted until April so far as visiting celebrities is concerned But all Nature abhors a
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  • 54 13 \PRITISH business nan travelling took a number of gramophone records with him. The Customs officials at Cairo *lwi I piny records before leMmv them m. The business man Anally rtrt\\ ed hj«- parrel of records. Oiu iiad Wren confiscated. Tt WM the MMig from M»i <.p--l^.'rohn's orHtorio. "Bijah,"
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 166 13 ORGAN MUSIC'S MOST GLORIOUS VOICE The many installations already ,1 made m this country have s^T^^** fsp' I proved the eminent suitahility -<^ of the HAMMOND ORGAN TDt I lor churches and homes m J f r3f I* 1 1 i M a 1 a y a. i <>n*4> tind
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 101 13 MUSIC QUIZ 11s Militartrommel (a) a term meaning 'middle of bow', |b) a Side drum, (c) a Mouth Organ, o r (d) opera by Victor Herbert? i\ What is meant by Minor Canon? 3 "My Old Kentucky Home." a favourite song of the life of the Southern White and Negro
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  • 317 14  - Americans to ban imported student athletes DESMOND HACKETT By So Pine will never run for US. varsity f HERO OF 1»53, WILL NOT GO TO AMERICA THIS FEAR, NEXT YEAR, OK EVER AS A VARSITY SPONSORED ATHLETE. The American universities who have put up lush athletic scholarships will never see
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  • 121 14 I /'ha k', es Elliott, wellknown Ent?U&h lockey, biu been appointed fr.iii.^r t< Frm< owner If. .M.m-el Bousmc. Elliot., who Ail] have about 100 of If. Bf *>-..<- horses m nil charge In trw stablei Chantilly naai Paris v.v appointed to the poal January I#.1 'As
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 14 photo. Swinging it T«ky« style. The itehemoth Sumo wrestlers «iisplftj tlu-ir brawn m pounding ".Morlii" the Iraditional rice takes »;den by Japanese durum New Year festivities. A. P.
    A. P.  -  28 words
  • 103 14 [APAN will send an eight»l member team to the '2\A World Table Tennis Championships to be held m London froiD April 6. Dip Japan Table Tennis Federation said the uiil comprise four .iu'u .<:ki four voraen players. The players were picked at b special mp«'HtiL
    U.P.  -  103 words
  • 38 14 CTAR Soccente- will nnf HMS Charity m a frifndly |am< of football Parrer Park this evening. On Sunday !;r Bocceritea will (rive! to T he Naval Base for n natch tgaintl HMS Newfoundland.
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  • 48 14 nriiE result of the Rugby League match between Rcvhdale HornAnd Belle Vue Rangers which vu Abandoned after 76 minutes becaiw or weather condiMon.^ on Derem'oei 26 will stand, the Rut'by League management committee has ruled. Rochdale were UiKiin.: 15-0 when the match was called <>fT. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 64 14 rpwo 28-year-old French--i- women. Jacqueline Mlthe and Mariette Garbarino. yesterday broke the women's world record for sustained flight In two-seater gliders by staying aloft for nearly 29 hours. Taking turns at the controls |of their Fouga-Cm-7, they circled above the airport to it the old
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 78 14 I^HE American bridge team held an ever-widening mamn In Monte Carlo yesterday atthe halfway point m 'ts rid championship meet ainst a team ot European rts. The Americans, who were 68 teh points ahead at midnii'ht. m reused their lead m the early morning hours
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 42 14 Ipswich Town beat oldham Athletic by one goal to mro In iheir f.a. Cup third round replay at Oldham yeNterli.lV. [pnwich will do« be at home to Birmingham City m the fourth round on Jan. jj Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    55 14 A. P. "GAY TIME** arrives ul lokulianu. Ouern Klizabeth > tour-) car-old ih. ii ou^libn ii colt, day Time, which finished second m the IfU Derby, is given a linul pat by his handler aboard the J a pane* freighter Akagi Mam. Gay Time was purchased from the British (iovernment
    A. P.  -  55 words
  • 378 14  - 3 ARMY PLAYERS IN ENGLAND XI ARCHIE QUICK By THREE* of the present Aimy eleven have been chosen to represent England m the Intermediate International against Italy at Bologna on Januar) 20. The trio Phil Gunter i Portsmouth i right back. Alec Finney (Sheffield Wedne<d k :y > outside right
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 60 14 The weekly issue of the STRAITS BUOCiKT C«« sent by Air Mai] to any address m the United Knij;G" at an inclusive rate of If you want the "BUDGET* while on leave or w|j to make an "Air-subscription on behalf of your il<ut^ •fflcc or an ex-Malayan write to CIRCULATE
      60 words

  • 536 15 JAMAICA SCORE 328/4 TO DRAW Holt hits 152 as injuries hit MCC JHL M.C.C. tourists and Jamaica drew their four-day cricket match yesterday at Kingston. Bad light brought an early dose with the M.C.C 34 for one m their second innings. They had scored 28(5 m their first knock. Jamaica
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  • 153 15 BRITISH twin sisters. RosaInd and Diana Rowe, capp. the women's doubles title French international tournament in Paris on Monday night. the Austrian combination Wartl and Trude Pritz: 21- 4 22-20, 21-1Q. IN THE SINGLES QUARTER HW1> TIIKRE WAS A CROP 01 UPSETS. players in particular
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 101 15 ROYAL NAVY and the Army meet today at the Naval Base m an inter-Servires rugby match. Group Captain Seymour iR.A.F. i will referee. Teams are:Royal Navy: A N Other; Li Cdr Wilson Lt. Parsons. AA3 Whiting. L S Lloyd; AB Townsley. AB Bird- SLt
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  • 149 15 rFree Press Hockey Reporter Police 6; S.C.C 1. HREE goals by inside-left Rozario and another two centre-forward de Witt gave Police Sports tion victory over a ten-man Singapore Cricket loam m yesterday's hockey friendly on the y in the game Police had ard to
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  • 28 15 A meetinp of the so:cer section of the Sinuapore Cricket Club will be hekt at the clubhouse on Friday. All Interested are invi/d to attend. i
    28 words
  • 264 15 AIRMEN SHINE FOR YOUTH BOXING TEAM F. P. Special Correspondent The two Singapore airmen who came within an ace of missing the Youth Boxinsz trip to Australia because of RAF regulations were m ureat form on the first night of the Colony's defencf of the Aw Ghent; Chyc trophy. Both
    264 words
  • 131 15 Total (for 4 wkt) ~328~ drcla.-rd. \Vi<keU I. ii at: 55. 161, 164, 31K. Bowiinp: bye s 13, Irßbyes 11, wides 1 nobalh 9. MCC 2ND INNINGS Spooner bowled Holt I Suttle not out 19 May not out 13 Ixtras 1 Total (for 3 wkts.) 34 Reuter Jamait.t Ist.
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 34 15 Allan Fairbairn won hl.s second consecutive English amateur squash racquets championship yes: my at Lansdowne Club with a 7-9, 9-7. 7-9. 9-7. 9-7 victory over R. B. R Wilson. A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 102 15 CAPITOL From TODA 11 a.m. 1.45. 4. i;.:;o 9.30 p.m tr^md THE STORY OF iy GRACE MOQREI rihiBtsß>Ve LwiTHPyNGRAYSON 1 p. Warncn Bros, -^-►ticmnicolow ON STAGE 6.30 i) 30 p.m. Ist. 2nd HEATS of the MODERN GRACE MOORE SINGING CONTEST REX LAST DAY! 11. 1.45, 4, 6.30, 9.30 I L
      102 words
    • 169 15 tST HAY! 11 Oft a.m.-HVIl'. fi.49 :{0 p.m n» MM Oiomvi'O M^ THE WARKFI Final P^« IViVn Test wJ&f I'm* „—•-'•1- > ,^y^ opens tomorrow: < [jrcjTs m sir Ai. KiWNa.orKio 7 3 15cA*uco4n, V 2s\ I'sIULANA Ti:R.\ER C KicAitoo iomn touts r| J Imonialban- lund^calhern w^a i^l ft 'ft
      169 words

  • 590 16  - IT'S BACK TO THE LEAGUE JOHN FARROW By Stand by for more UK soccer shocks EINGLISH soccer clubs take I breather from tht 1 topsy-turvy of Cup Matches Uiis Saturday ami return to the business of battling for League honours Last Saturday's Cup matches knocked form sideways and 15 or
    590 words
  • 147 16 HUNGARY STEP OUT pOMMUNIST HUNGARY, who v- cam< out <>t hiding last to d< teat England G-.5 it aoc< m t throw dsidc the Iron curtain thi* year and comjx v In all major world md E iropean sporti meet.-.. It i a complete about turn m Hungary's previous "stay-at-home*
    147 words
  • 115 16 Choongs to play in 1 6 cities nDDIE and David Chooiig, A the Malayan badminton playing brothers, left London airport yesterday for Canada. They are to make a four-week tour ol Canada, playing Ul tournaments and giving exhibitions m 16 cities. They will travel 9.000 miles on the trip. \\V
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 81 16 THE Perak Turf Cub will hole Its first meeting for thN a- Year on Saturday, February 20. 24 and 27. The meet wi': cater for Class Two and Class Five horses only. Trophies will be presented to winners ol the following racej Horses Class Two. Division
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  • 25 16 O Watson will play ior Joliore ii •vs HMS Malaya final In ol Cartnichael, who i.i unable to tun out
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  • 144 16 ARSENAL-W. BROM TIPPED JMIK Arsenal ;.rul West Bromwlch were made joint favourites ;1 t the second call-over »n the F(H»n> ,n Association Cup ,t the Victoria club. London, on Monday night, The Arsenal uho meet the \unn.>f 'tie Norwich and Hastings replay m the fourth round on January 30
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 73 16 Gavilan v. Olson in Apr il lI.VI NORRIS. President of the International Boxins; lub. said yesterday he has .signed world welterweight champion Kid Gavilan to meet middleweight champion Carl (Bobo) Olson m a middleweight title fight m Chicago Stadium on April 2. Olson, who won the title m a fight
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 151 16 \IABEL HAVES. Singapore s No. 1 woman tiible tennr T1 player, leaves the Colony on the Willem Rur tomorrow for Britain. She will take part m the World table tennis championships which begin m April Mabel will be given a send off party
    151 words
  • 41 16 HAVE you voted for Malaya's Sportsman of 1953? If you have not done so do 't now. Send your vote to Sportsman of the year. Singapore Free Pres*. Cecil Street. Spore. Hie poll closes on Jan. 31.
    41 words
  • 127 16 T'HE honours kee,> piling up for Ben HcKjan for ht^ unprecedented >weep of i he U.S. and British Chen championships and the A, Masters Tournament In I Hogan. named the male athlete it the year m the Asm lat< Pro last week, yesterday n the Raj
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 17 16 Robert Brothers beal Star Yo sten 4-3 m a Men H U Fairer Park. H
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 311 16 Classified Advertisement Enquiries Telephone 5471 j CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTHS 20 Wmr4t |l (minimum) OH! n and Ernest, XX. on, on 12th January, 1954. COLUNOB: To Betty, wtfe of Bill Co iin on the llth J inuary, Ha pita) Ku il i Lumpur, a daughter. DEATH M mils Sii (minimum) .john
      311 words
    • 38 16 IbirdseyeT (Q) FROSTED FOODS V VI 1% L L II rLHiI BRUSSELS SPROUTS BROCCOLI Three of the many varieties of BitAs Kye Vegetables which are delicious when served with either meat or fish* SINGAPORE coin HORACE CO.. LTD.
      38 words