The Singapore Free Press, 4 August 1953

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya. ,^1 Singapore Tue... August 1. 1953. P. ice 15 Cts.
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  • 322 1 REDS MAY TRICK ALLIES flititlv tlinhututis Iwyins Secret war pacts with N. Korea AMERICAN officials believe the Soviet Union and Communist China are preparing to brin£ North Korea into an Asian Communist military alliance. They expect a quick Communisl move to counter the security pact offered by the United States
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  • 24 1 PRESIDENT Eisenhower attended the .state funeral m the rotunda of the national Capitol m Washington yesterday for Senator Robert Taft.
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  • 299 1  -  S. C. LIM By T HE hunt for kidnappers of Mr Thit Soen Tloe, me 1 S ngapore millionaire, is on. His third son said this morning that no ransom was paid for his release. Mr Thio was abducted by IN
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  • 160 1 FOOD RIOTS SPREAD EAST Berlin's Radio reported fights m scores of Russian Zone communities yesterday where police beat bark people protesting against a Communist ban on travelling to West Berlin for free food. At Potsdam, said the rad-io. a group of anti-Communists M tried to incite the population to revolt."
    A.P.  -  160 words
  • 26 1 s »ngaporo Rubber Market opened steadily this morning ll n first grade, August ship"'ent at 63 1 4 centa i pound, i^enUbovr rrtday'a cto
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  • 71 1 \I R Clem ah; leader of r l he British Labour Patty. S u ri talk:^ with the Yugo- SLj^President, Mr. M mlr x, anU th(l Serbian Prem;^ Petar Stabollc. l 2' Attl( who is on a threeC1 visit v gu st ol Lhc Yut;o- government,
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 79 1 Dulles plane missing rpili: plan,, carrying the IS. 1 Secretary of »Ut«, MrI <>Ut*r Dulles, and his |Mfty I* Korea is 'Ml minutes overdue at Seoul. The P'»'»e was on a direct hop from Sheniya Island m the Aleutians. In Tokyo, the m:\in air control rentre was trvinj; to rontact
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 39 1 A safe m the New World amusement park was iound broken open yesterday aTternoon and $3 000 i.s mlsslnf a bag coataninf MM In corns, part of the nlsslni fundi '-vas picked up latei m the viciniiy.
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  • 30 1 Radio Malaya will broadcast an interview with Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount i Everest, and his teammat* George Lowe, at 7. 10 p.m. over the Blue Network.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 KUNCHI yr t%ii r LYDIAS SCHOOL OF ART DRAMA present > "CINDERELLA OPERETTA" f£l; m aid of I I S. A. T. A. VICTORIA THEATRE On the Bth 9th August, 1953 at 8-30 p mTICKETS: $5, $3, $2 BOOKIHGS AT ROBINSONS (Stace donated h s '»'>' /> v c <:
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  • 173 2 'JMK Arab governments are reported to be reconsidering their general policy towards China's demand for admission to the United Nations Organisation, it was learned m diplomatic circles m Cairo last riij^ht. Arab opinion is reported to be gradually veering round to the
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 153 2 Pilot saves 38 out of 42 in plane A quick-thinking Ficnch pilot belly-landed his disabled Air France Const< liation on a beach m south- west Turkey yesterday, taring (be lives of 38 vt the 42 persons aboard The pilot, (apt. Raymond] Terry. mi out a-.i SOS saying that his .wo
    A.P.  -  153 words
  • 57 2 The people of the Turks and Ca:cos islands, Atlantic Ocean t dependencies of Jamaica, will I vote lor the first time next f month The population of the 16 I tiny island* is about 6.500 l Tne Governor of Jarraica. and the Turks island's com- f mlasioner
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 199 2 rjEV Henri Navarre, Commander-in-C hief of French I mon forces m Indo-China, arrived at Hanoi yesterday from Saigon to discuss with his field commanders led Vietm, S nh l>Plnff P the W3r affainst tlie CommuntetHe returned last week from Paris, where he asked for an extra
    A.P.; U.P.  -  199 words
  • 168 2 Man who was in German Rome killed AMR. WILLIAM Tudor Gard--1? ner. who with Gen. Maxwel] Taylor, now Commander of the Eighth Army In Korea, made 8 daring trip into German— held Rome just beior c Allied forces invaded Italy, was killed m an air crash m Pennsylvania yesterday. In
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  • 50 2 Gen. Van Fleet has a word for Grace GEN. JAMES VAN FLEET, formei I S. Bth Army Commander In Korea, points to 10-year-old (irate K,m as he ni-ntimis Korean children at a conference launching a I.S. 55.000 000 emergency relief fund drive of the American Korean Foundation m New York.
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  • 255 2 UNIONS READY TO FIGHT McCARTHY Bigotry, says Reuther American. I think McCarthy is un-American and immoral and ,is playing directly Into th :he Communist His influence had been some- what exaggerated by the Enroll an press. Nevertheless h° was a danger, and the CIO had fcucht his influence from thr
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 112 2 munistt will not withdraw their troops and watch American forces return to Korea through the way of the security pad A CHINESE NORTH KOREAN SECURITY PACT OF AN EXTENSION OF THE SINO-SOVIET PACT OF 1951 IS REGARDED A? THE MINIMUM MOVE BY THE COMMUNISTS IN THE POST- TRUCE MANOEUVRING
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  • 249 2 -BUT SHE WON'T TELL I EGYPTIAN belly dancer D.awlalh Soliman said y night that .she knows of the man who shot a! her m a Munich night dub —but she won't Ml the police She was slightly burned on th shoulder when a
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  • 52 2 HPHE world's fastest electron brain, known as the Ore :le, will be Installed at c Atomic Works, i T s this lutumn, thf Atomic Energy i Argoi »al tory announced. J Among Its accomplishmei I A.P. he Oracle can muinpiyj t number.- SOD* 2.000 w Ss./
    A.P.; Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 The American Woman's Cook 800 l Edited ;iii.! Revised l»y Ruth Berolzheimer $IJ.OO. Postage extra. CITY BOOK STORE IM|T J, g572 3. OFlycr C«av. Tcf. 6657. Br.mch 93 Tallin Ro.W. T* Mobile Book Shop At Your St
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  • 472 3  - ROUND-WORLD TRIO WILL FILM IT ALL Four years at sea m 40-footer i*> ROGER YEE three young [Singapore aacneiors sail rouna tf"^ Jorld they will "shoot" the entire trip with e mi-ri their leader. Mr. Lewis Kins, told me his m""}" 1 lvvloOd m %l the elld sol! our tf
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  • 150 3 3-D SHOTS OF GIRLS IN MGHTCLUB I*lllll I l> magazines have come to town. And Singapore people are lapping them up. The British magazine is sold out as soon as it arrives m the bookshops. Some bookshops have hei-n "flooded' with inquiries lor further issues if the werkly. One bookstore
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  • 8 3 h i "I of
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  • 99 3 Ours is a difficult job, say hawkers A number of hawkera at th# Bingapore Restaurant denied yesterday that the tood serv ed by them is of pool quality. Tl >py saM the food might b# 01 ix>or quality to p i ?ple accustomed to i o tly food but the
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  • 6 3 S'pore rush to buy magazine with-
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  • 119 3 Extra work does not AIT worry S.I.T. A I THOUGH Singapore's $600,--000 scheme to build 12,000 houses for victim* of the Oeylans flre has been suddenly thrust upon the Singapore Improvement Trust, work on it will with the S.I.T.s normal building programn This assurance l ivr I)V C C hih-
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  • 193 3 rfiHE Singapore Registrar dI 1 Vehicles \a now studying two olana for buUdlng a miiliondollar .a. parking platform above the Clifford Pier car park. The City Council's Vehicles nui Traffic Committee have een the plans whic hwerj drawn by the City Architect and
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  • 148 3 MICHAEL Patrick O'Brien, jB. who was shuttled on ferry boat between Hong Kong and Macao for n months, un able to land at either end because he was stateless and had no papers, arrived m Rome by air yesterday. "My troubles are not finished
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 396 4 IT is impossible to hold the Germans m subjugation—or any substantial portion of them. The Russians have commuted it cardinal error m their most Western satellites. They have M)wn the wind a nd are reaping the whirlwind. Although there
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  • 551 4 MOST TITLED LADY IN THE WORLD LONDON. QUEEN ELIZABETH II probably holds more titles, both by tradition and choice, than anyone else on earth. As reigning sovereign she is the head of many orders of chivalry. She may don the blue robes of the Order of the Garter, the oldest
    NANA  -  551 words
  • 674 4  - Red Tide is on the Ebb ERIC JOHNSTON says WASHINGTON. THE Russian tide has 1 reached Its high-water mark IT Europe and, as the tide recedes, the Kremlin may have Increasing difficulty m keeping its own boat afloat. With it. too, the threat of war between East and West, m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 19 4 I .1 I CKOICE SELECTION of BUTTERFLY WING and MARCASITE JEWELLERY U. S. de SILVA Jewellers 106, Orchard Road.,
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    • 40 4 Make Lemon curd Tarts for tea time delight fVse KEILLER'S I LEMON CURD Available m Ufa tins After shopping, visit the Tea Cold Storage Arcade, Orchard Rd. "You'll be glad you bought it at Ccld Storage SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO,
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  • 264 5  -  P. M. RAMAN By Govt. prepared for rainy day ii\TAPORE is not going broke m the present Si ade recession as the Government has built up <•>()(} 00(l,(M)0 reserves "to provide for a rainy over f* vv Government's financial position is sound. I figures for the
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  • 121 5 Free Pres> Staff Reporter TWENTY months after he A was offered a two-year post-graduate course i" London University, a Singapore economist, 35-year-old Mr. Goh Ken? Swee. is still unable to take advantage of Mr. Goh. who won the London University's William Farr gold medal (for the
    121 words
  • 79 5 School told: Buy land or get out SJfct Pre^ Stiff Reporter Mm primary school off Thomson Road. Singapore J" applied to the police for wmissiun t» raise moncv to Ou y the .school site. Jhe land owner has told the author, vacate he VhlL sf ho()l aims to collect "0.000
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 5 Carlos Rltter, a 51-year-old bachelor from Buenos Aires, swam across the Bosphorus ana back again yesterday at Terabya, 10 miles north of Istanbul Ritter took 35 minutes on the first crossing and 55 minutes on the return trip. picture. i k mA liuAcd Add ;i swill HANDS p
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 30 5 HEADSTONES of graves can be seen built m the wall ol the old cmeterv n Fort Ca niiiQ which is being converted into a re -rvation spot.
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  • 389 5  - Bright garden is arising from cemetery JOSEPH YEO By SINGAPORES oldest cemetery m Fort Canning Will be converted into an attractive "garden of memory" when work on it is completed next year The century-old Christian burial «> round which, a year ago, wai In a bad state of repair, is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 FOR CLEARANCE... Sensational WW it -4 ON ALL KINDS OF REMNANTS f Dresslengths of Cotton, Silh, frl VJ Woollen, Nylon and Georgette. yf'^Kty^ TO BE CLEARED AT /he Marked Prices Call early for the best choice REMEMBER at Ist Floor DA IA I TEXTILES DH'JrIU LIMITED 31. Raffles Place, Spore-
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 163 6 MANDRAKE, THE MAGICIAN by Lee Falk and Phii Davis tf TMAT tVAS CLOSE. 1 if TuATKIA P. 7AK[ NCMCR ;-.-.".W '-I TT .•,r. n r hADOONEiMTOThE [i MIR THIS. YOU COOK- I THE BARREL 'UV»NG-cVa^DM^7uink vn -M| .^r^A^J r■ TAD7AKI lr-ir%*«^ iak^lan by Edgar Rice Burroughs THF SAINT l i
      163 words
    • 437 6 YOUR j LUCKY STAR fi «y f«r hale v an^"^2: win lavish H,T' <4«i to members of family. You fc of >««r aunt r uncle: the In youth, you may k. a. -and build ..JiEfc I But as you row older «L 1 see the futility of lhai ll H
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  • 25 7 picture." {*5 Dahl tees R s,nsuons Mogul ritual dance In TjJ^J 11 knom, m the Hollywood M»de ls ll >ilKl
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  • 52 7 pELVE-YEAR-OLD Mary James of Lome Park. wuario, Canada, who goes to *noo| at Tunbrldge Wells, v make her eighth Atlantk* f rossln air next week daughter o! a Canadian s he will be |J^s borne toi the holidays bi :r< he Owt started a i Christmas
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  • 270 7 TIIK husband was wealthy. He save his wife a Esot 1 engagement ring, a £2,50€ bracelet, a personal allowance, paid for trips abroad. But despite that, a jucl»;e said she was resentful because he expected her to do a certain amount of housework.
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  • 107 7 FARMER FINDS HIS FARM IS MINEFIELD AN Army mine detector squad moved m un Sam Che< i'a live acres of farmland at Behill. Sussex. And Sam welcomed them w ith a smile— though they were nearly four months overdue. It was at Easter that Sam found that the land he
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  • 31 7 Mr Robert Murphy, forme United States Ambassador t< Japan, was sworn m as Unit ed States Assistant Sec iretary of State for United Na t ions' affairs.
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  • 182 7 THE PLANT TURNS MILK INTO BEER rr»HE Aroei II1 I milk ii to ;ohol, but tl arc doubtful whether will turn out to br i commercial success. j. di very was nude by British milkmen who mad.- -i round of the Unitrd Btatei jh a productivity team. They say that
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  • 25 7 Thousands of city dwellers joined the AugUlt Bank holiday exodus from London. The weather fortcatt was fine. Fxtrn trains coped with the rusn.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 52 7 Now for a limited period EXCURSION AIR FARES Wk: FLY ABirrn Af I A to AUb I Km LI a WJ?W ZEALAND y?»!f Singapore J'.m $1,646 f/^J#Y— 0 Kuala Lumpur SI.'KJB J, P T $1,460 Sl^» ;Vy- Imllli Bit IM I '/j-, BR/TISH OVERSEAS A/RWAYS CORPORATfON i_i.t>i«* Smiiuart Boohmi A|tntt
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  • Article, Illustration
    100 8 FOR »he fi: Victoria s!h "< a? as Firsf Red HouTl announcer ever the ■■ul ystem, and these t| ;ir)l cl^ the.r hand.'! Above: "Thanks for the rde,' says the scout to his twr tr end^ m the scout's race. Left: "Get a move on'", says the girl on
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  • 48 8 GOING FLAT OUT- ON THREE LEGS Above" The three-legged race m full swing. It ended with most of the boys fiat on their faces Left: This girl is blowing bubbles through a hoop m the bubble hoop relay. Right: These lads are scrambling for shoes m the shoe
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  • Article, Illustration
    243 9  -  UNKNOWN UNKNOWN one two THREE HEAVE Hct« res by Story by Agents were f^Uar, b«t appro»£e there was a ff the "coconut a relay race gPETITORS had to run itthhalf a coconut shell M to each foot by fc of strings tied to Cells and held m their t
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  • 512 10 2 BOYS FOUND A GIRL IN A CITY WHILE staying with an aunt, a 16-year-old girl a stranger to London encountered two youths, who invited her to go to the pictures. She refused. Then they suggested visiting a fair, and when she again refused, said the prosecution at the Old
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  • 230 10 PROMPTLY at eight o'clock, smartly dressed as usual the man with the "respectable air" said goodbye U his wife and left home for his oflice. Particular, careful Ernest Albert Ma cm ilia n was keej rigidly to routine. But .shortly alter he left for the office
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  • 89 10 Now divorced THREE days after their first meeting, a soldier and his girl pen-pal got mirried. "It is not surprising that a marriage founded on such conditions broke down, and broke down very quickly. said .Mr. Commissioner Kssenhigh at Sheffield Divorce ouri. The petitioner went
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  • 41 10 Jan Zelesky, found by police und.T a freight car said he rode from Poland to Hiily to escape Communist terror. Jan. 31, of Poznan. said his lather was killed and his mother gaoled by the Communists m Poland.
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  • 89 10 A WOMAN, two men and a dog sailed into Zeebrugee harbour m Belgium yesteday i completing a round-the-world cruise m a two-masked 46-foot yacht Omoo. They are Mr. Louis Vahde- viele. 33, his wife Anne. Alfred Dcbeis, 32, and the Vanedvieles* Scotch terrier Tallow.
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  • 156 10 i^juk kennel boy.s, returning x from a night out. burst into *Oe main hall of Hackney Wick Stadium, London, and disturbed four masked raiders who had attacked and bound up two watchmen. The thieves fled A One of the watchmen. Wyt-ai-uid Mr. Tracej freestone, was
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  • 216 10 Curate says he will sell matches X»E Rev. Austin bearded 49- v r Church of EnglLd S has resigned-and say, intends to sell Zt^ outside St. Paul's ffi -I I HI. Mr. Lee. assistant priest at St Philips ChuiTh/No b^ London, said:— y> h u sdl matches outside St. Pan
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  • 49 10 About 400 delegates from 25 countries are due to attend a conference on world government opening m Copenhagen on Aug. 22, The conference is being organised jointly by the World Association of parliamentarians for World Government and the World Movement fcr World Reuter Federal Government
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 43 10 The band of the First Battalion Dorset Regiment sailed on the troopship A turia day from Hong Konu for Korea to play to repatriated prisoners of war. viri i Also aboard was the First Battalion of the 1 ment.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 60 10 Th€ weekly issue of the STRAITS BUDCSR bj sent hy Air Mail to any address m ie Kin«d»in at an inclusive rate of FOR SIX MONTHS It you want the "BVDGV.T" while on Ifayf r to make an "Air-substr.ption on ATION Home office or an ex-Malayan \vr ite l SHlga
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  • 803 11  -  ALVIN STEINKOPE by Bridge Hand LONDON. fF ALL GOES well the Frationing of sugar m riat Britain will cease m September, and then the country is expected to go Z a soft drink spree A great industry is waiting to be born. As soon as
    A.P.  -  803 words
  • 38 11 nhoto. ni t telegraph polr nni«htd "\> <»n the rooi <>i uh- car aii.r this road acident m Wellington, Nen Zealand. Two nun m the car were smouslv injured r K Si i«^<" <»»- post. A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 87 11 THE DANISH Government 18 to spend £35.000 en bullying a pig-sly. Not an ordinary slushy atfair but a beautifully »ilded pen K"in£ by the name of "climatic laboratory." The luxury is because it is believed that a piK eati 20 p< I cent more food if
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  • 61 11 Tiiirty-five hens and their chicks were StUH| to death ;»t Cossonai <n<Hr Lausanne) recently. The bees that, stun* them wefl3 peeved because someone lind removed the homy ln»m their hives. The hens and chicks had nothing to do with the iheft. They just happened to be
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  • 316 11 Elephants balked at the traffic HOLLYWOOD. IS IT TRUE that ele--1 phanU never forget? Paul Jones thinks so, and he's been working with them for 29 years. He is here to help direct 11 pachyderm actors through Hollywood movie Sure they remembei says Mr Jone.s •Why. I•" > n the
    A.P.  -  316 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 58 11 I RADIO MEKLY INCORPORATING RADIO MALAYA NEWS ma. an: iu:st i\ imoAinwsnxu Ih'iuil* mi limli" .MiiliiM**' it. it. i a tt it o r rhv it /##of/#V# it f MMi I'Ofir in*W VH *>f fit tti tti>ir* ioniums, pmnmimm* firis* vmitt m* ii n<l *<*" ii r o*'0 PRICE 10
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 44 11 Todays Crossword r^i —^^h lß^^»lf^^^Hißßl LmJ— i^ lap^J Mr" —^^i —^^l I 4 8 ACBOBB l a shoi hruilderina (5) ]4 1 U .MM NUN .-I.; SI gft E boul am u:ll IC DOWN ujojv t: 2. N. k IJV Nixl, B ul r<
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  • 69 12 picture. MISS IRENE WONG, the Singapore Great World Cabaret's youngest dime-hostess, cuts th* ribbon at the op.ninff of the new Garden Tabaret the former Evening Cafe. Helping: Miss Wong is th c cabaret man ager, Mr. C. B. Tan, and the little $irl is his daughter. Floience. The
    Free Press  -  69 words
  • 327 12  -  G. T. BOON By CINGAPORF Straits-born Chinese said yesterday: "We have no real grounds for complaint if political representation is denied to us as a community. They were commenting on a protest from the Penang Straits Chinese British Association that their people were being treated as
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  • Article, Illustration
    159 12 I WISH to draw the attention of the postmaster to the fact that several of the postmen have been rather careless m delivering letters. Two days a^o. a letter, with my name and address clearly written on the envelope, was sent not to my house, but to another address
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  • 55 12 IT is unpleasant to have tc write something bad about the police but I think it Ls my duty. Everywhere there are notices. 'Do not spit". Spiting Spreads Tuberculosis" yet the police themselves are doing it. I think they should give a better example. HENRY. Joo Chiat. What
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  • 137 12 "/MNDERELLA OPERETTA," a three-hour variety .show produced by Madam Lydia f'>x, will be d at the Victoria Theatre next Saturday and Sunday m aid of S.A.T.A. Madatn Pox iakj that the child--1 taking part had been :tlslng very hard Theli ttiiLM. ranged from eight to 14
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  • 280 12 Why do diploma men claim to be gradua tes WONDER why the so-called holders of the Raffles College diploma call themselves "graduates"? What university have they graduated from? The college diploma was awarded them for having taken a three-year course 1 just as Normal Class trained teachers were awarded certificates
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  • The Pressman's Postbag
    • Article, Illustration
      27 12 They don't have m August Bank Holiday m Siam, but they have bathing beauties just the same. This picture was taken at a Seaside resort.
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    • 126 12 IT would be a great help to the residents of Wessei Estate if the Singapore Traction company could provide a better service of buses from the NAAFI Club to this area. At present they start at 9.25 am. which is too late. We need one it 8 a.m. and
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  • 35 12 HAVE you a grouse? Have >o' a bright idea? Have you seen a. i> thing strange or unusual? Then wrr c to the PRESSMAN and tell others about it m his POSTBAG briefly.
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  • 180 12 THE prefects m Singapore schools are boastful They are elected to serve the schools but unfortunately they go about doing what they please....", so writes "Perplexed student." How Idiotic and nonsensical this assertion Ls 1 If your school prefects are such, doe.s it mean that those oi other
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  • 126 12 THE Public Utilities Committee states that no special allowances may be con- j sidered for officers of the Electricity Department.' Why should this principle be altered after the bonus granted to Mr. I C C Payne? It has been the practice of private Industry for jmn to pay
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  • 2 12
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 43 12 L_ A GROUSE Jpl The famous "Cltorsir Jn Brand Scotch Whisky! i^j Born m 1800, it's still fcffl I btScotchl Scotland's very Iks! s j**.«* i q Sole Agents r j fc A. Clouet Co., Ltd. l^^ga 33-36 Wallich Sf S'p° re Itst
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  • 325 13  -  Alton L. Blakeslee by DOCTORS URGE THIS SAFETY MEASURE BEFORE OPERATIONS NEW YORK. A SAFETY TEST for A cigarette smokers before they take anesthetics or operations waa recommended to the American Medical Association convention. The test is to cough, to make sure the hreathing airways are clear Or.
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  • 830 13 WHEN SEX HORMONES ARE NEEDED by THE SINGAPORE DOCTOR m the second of three articles rpHE MALE SEX hormone was originally obtained by grinding the sex glands of male animals and leaving it m a solution for many days, after which it was filtered and sterilised. As chemistry improved, this
    A.P.  -  830 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 99 13 I Thanks to Crocket Halibut Oil. 4 |f', fl wim f.innily that t.itci »hw /5 l^^f valuable form of vitamim A<j I CROOKES j I vkwm haiibut ou i t\\ < i fk «1P H P Provide .1 %*U rrca»r.unr ro rcgun loif health and tuergy Af l trtltfT tnr
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  • 469 14 Middlesex set for innings win SEVSEAL COUNTY cricket grounds had to be closed yesterday, with packed bank holiday crowds inside enjoying: cricket m brilliant sunshine almost throughout the day. The fight between the championship leaders Middlesex and Sussex at Hove, went strongly m favour
    Reuter  -  469 words
  • 103 14 Harry iKidi Matthews fights the British heavyweight champion Don COCkeil on Friday night In Seattle. A yrar ago, Matthews went to Lon lon to box Johnny Willi ims, then the British champion. Mat' irt his back and flght called oft. In ime. Williams lost
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 114 14 C'io^e Of play scores: At Dtrfcf: Derbyshire 233. Warwickshire 367 for seven Gardner 143. T. Dollery 9U> At Bristol: Gloucestershire 121 and 144 tor two i Gravenev notout (jl Somerset ihs iscott rightarm offbreak aeven (or 42 At Canterbury: Hampshire 210 and 99 lor three (Rot en not out
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 37 14 German Heinz Neuhaus successfully retained his European heavyweight boxing title yesterday, when he took a close decision from Karel Sys (Belgium) m a rousing 15-round fight before 20.000 spectators m Rote Erde Stadium, Dortmund. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 175 14 Aussies invite No. 1 jockeys TIIK MELBOURNE Racing Club has decided to invite the leading jockeys of Britain, the I'nited States, South Africa and New Zealand to compete m an invitation race at the Caulfleld trick, .Melbourne, in*\t Sept. 24. Sir Gordon Kichards will be invited to represent Britain and
    U.P.  -  175 words
  • 870 14  - Bougoure rode a great race on Talisman ALLAN LEWIS HOW THEY RAN AT PENANG From SWEEP TALISMAN easily won the last race at Penang yesterday, second day of the A Penang Turf Club's August Bank Holiday Meeting. He gave Garnet Bougoure his second winner for the afternoon. Bougoure' j excellent
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  • 23 14 Tfir Free Press Mid -da STEELTRAP scored day, at i' ing. The MidNap i the Free Pi un aery race day.
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  • 108 14 riMIE UNITED State" women's A hwvn tennis team beat Britain m all seven matches of the Wightman Cup m Rye. NewYork, to win the trophy for the j 17th successive tone. The powerful American team followed up their victory m Saturdays three matches by taking yesterday's
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 16 14 The revl »f amateur boxI card of nine bouts will be early next month.
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  • 465 14  - CANADA HAS AN ANSWER TO THE MARCIANO REIGN RAYMOND ARGYLE By PANADA hasn't had a world boxing cham since Jimmy McLarnin Jabbed his wav tn Tk to ch^ weight crown i,, the *****, hut the? h?L the w^. l>ect m heavyweight Karl Walls, a contender^ Prov Marciano's title. render for
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  • 4 14 Americas B
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  • 110 15 Pat leaves with a S'pore title Lv Mrs Pat Sewell. who is F°Lv^ for Britain today. f Bh? could Have been 110 frv-A nice send off preSrt?nthr mixed doubles AimptorwWP. (he litle mJTSLw with Mrs. Loke*hllh fl^ mainly her clever net Chua h 1 le. Mrs". Greenhill and gKu!-'r clliindGlady?
    110 words
  • 576 15 Fraser finds the going warm CHEW BEE HAS FIGHTING CHANCE Free Press Tennis Reporter HOPES oi an Ong Chew Bee success today m the men's singles and doubles final of the Malayan tennis championships against Nealc Fraser were raised yesterday after the Australian showed plainly that he was worried by
    Free Press  -  576 words
  • 281 15 ndians 3; Royal Navy 1. i <\CK of a sharp shooter among the forward and over L confidence sealed Royal Navy's fate yesterday m the SAF* Community league when they lost 3—l to Indians at lalan Besar stadium. Royal Navy trailed 3-1 at tin
    281 words
  • 337 15 AMBULANCE Cadets ran chee A chye (A.CJ3. Div.i and W itichara (A.CB. Div.i wen- joint jnampions with 13 points eat/n at Urn first athletic sports oi the St. John Ambulance and Nursing Cadets at the Victoria ichool ground yesterday. Mrs. a. it D'cotta gave
    337 words
  • 30 15 Lloyd Mangrum, the Amerli an won the all-American golt rday with 72 -holes total of 275. He hacl rounds «>f 69, '*>«. "i md Reuter (-7 ■VE.4Z.E FRASEii
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 107 15 REX LAST DAY 11. 1.45, 4 HM ITSt n n\ Abbott (pstel/oi Meet Captain Kdd pugnion sukr^color j Tomorrow CAPITOL TODAY OHU M, 1.45,4,630, 9.30 -SONGS OF MEMORY" m Mandarin FROM Tomorrow SIMULTANEOUSLY at CAPITOL PAVILION BOOK NOW! W'WWWBiHim^ fl SAMUEL GOLDWYN llaits ChriUiaii^^J Amlerteii i f Danny ha>c FARLEY
      107 words
    • 69 15 ICDAY 11 a.m.— 1.45- IS— IS fIHHBKiiSSBHSfIi s^ A foro*«i/M Pic»wr« starring (lIAKITON SUSAN lIKSTON MORROW -NEXT CHANGEMGMs fTPMI? GREAT |FWr|pßfrtT| DRAMA 1 ■JllilH ill ilii THsIUUCIDSPUR >—- 1 TODAY DA*S.Y! U.oo im. J.:«. 6,41 .v 9 M n Walter Silv.ina hiiri (unnn v I'aMD.inini MERO "^7f£Xr CHANCE Kk HARD
      69 words

  • 374 16  - HULA HULA RUNS A SMART 3 IN 36 3 /s ALLAN LEWIS From Forest Beau is ready to win HI' LA HIM (Ward), who was scratched from her first race, showed that there is nothing wrong when she went on the outside of Lochinvar (Bougourc) to dispose of three m
    374 words
  • 45 16 ROBINSON: To Betty (nee Nettteshlp) and John, at Penan?; Maternity Hospital, on 3rd August, r d lighter. Victoria Jane. SANDISON: To Eva. wife of S:«m Smidison. Rubber Estates of Malaya. Kota Tinggi, at Kandang K»'i!)iu Hospital, on 3rd August, son. David Creighton. Both \\A\
    45 words
  • 103 16 OAZELEY: Major Sydney James. a?v j d 49. late Shanghai Police, passed away peacefully m his sleep Ausjusr 2nd. U.K. newspaper^ ple;use copy. MRS. TAN SIAKUANG at her residence No. 14. Nassioi Roar!. Tanglin, aged 63, at 7.30 a.m. Monday, August 3rd, 1953. leaving behind four sons. Tan Puay
    103 words
  • 49 16 A CKNOWLEDGMENT MRS. LANA VAN DER BEEK and family thank all friends and relatives who sent messages of condolence, wreaths, etc.. and attended the funeral of the late Mr. H. L. <Lee> Van Der Beck; and also Bousreads and the Staff of Ward 3. General HosDital for kind attention.
    49 words
  • 45 16 Ipoh will be the venue of the next North v. South cricket match to be played during the j August Bank Holidays. 1954. This was decided by the Malayan Cricket Association at its annual general meeting m Ipoh.
    45 words
  • 182 16 Britain beats France and... TJRITAIN beat France In both the men's and women's matches when the two days' athletics contests ended at White City. London, yesterday It was during this meeting that the British women's trio broke a world relay record as did a British men's
    182 words
  • 257 16 AY FK;HTS for I Battle ruiser 7.1.1 Abundance I. II Thursday third Manus Auri ius 7.11 S ri ian L^ ari day Ihe Penanjj Motion Picture X.07 August Bank Holiday O. Div. I—l F.:— Show (.ill II 8.01 meeting: sabuk Bernam 9.00 j t>sinia
    257 words
  • 77 16 rpHE Royal Navy aircraft carA rier Perseus is sailing lor Singapore early this month, and on board will be a com- plete set of Stourbridge football team colours— red and whit.' stripes. They will be used for the carrier'^ first eleven m matches with rival
    77 words
  • 327 16 ysl RAUAs cricketers put themselves on *k 'Mo another easy win yesterday when th£ first innings lead of 185 against (ihimll y gain I jot rid of six County batsmen forT> f"^^ innings before stumps were drawn Neil Harvey captured the holiday moori
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 97 16 (GLAMORGAN Ist Inn. Australians Ist inn :5-; J > D.vidaon f b McfonU C U« b MrUnnon 16, Hill f ffi BOWLING: Shepherd 20-Mi-Watkins 9-l-S§^J tßti "^Jl Glaraor f an ?nd inns: I IHtm run out X. \V. C. Parkhous? lhw k Davidson l. P. flifl b Davfdsoß i
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 194 16 CLASSIFIKD ADS SITUATION WANTED NURSE English Trained U.K. Officers wife available full duties. f» nursing. Write Eos No. BMB P.P. TUITION PRIVATE TUITION by Ceylon-se London Matriculate 10 ye^rs experience Er.^'ish. Latin. Maths, nr.d other subier-N Moderate torms Box No 5983. F.P. AB3. BEGINNERS: Intens ye Course Stenogntohy, daily
      194 words
      27 words
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