The Singapore Free Press, 25 February 1953

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya 13,637. Singapore, Wed.. Krh. 25. 1933. Trice 15 Cts.
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  • 243 1  - FAVOURITES' GET HOUSES JOSEPH YEO By Plan jor Government men angers builder SINGAPORE building executive is furious about Government's intention to use public money "for the exclusive benefit of its own employees." "Capital is to be subscribed to the Federal and Colonial Buildjig Society so that this pampered class may
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  • 446 1  - Monty's bridal order and clasp HALL ROMNEY By LONDON, Wed. AN the supreme authority of U Field Marshal Montgomery of Uamein, a communique was issued yesterday m London on •Operation Confetti" the wedding of his son on Friday. The 500-word communique, lent to the Press on the Field Marshal's behalf
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  • 103 1 The phone rang and rang XS Education Departso moi this m °ming received «u«toS? y p one calls from cSss»r rs s tinß to kkwn w the tS SJ ge i pagination results stock ra structed t0 Sive the ofie eply: Come to the e i e so numerous Selves
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  • 26 1 opened thu P re rubber market f rs KnSS m< rnin g with March last riiJ?^ cent below "fcftajii. 5 cl °se. Tone un-
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  • 128 1 A FORMER U.S. senator, Mr. Robert M. La Follette, Jr of Wisconsin, was found shot to death yesterday m his Washington home, a pistol at his side. He was 58. Mr. W. R. Voight, a business associate of Mr. La Follette's, told reporters that Mrs.
    A.P.  -  128 words
  • 37 1 While watching the racing at Bukit Timah on Saturday, a Eurasian woman felt someone bump into her during an exciting finish. After the race she discovered her gold necklace had been snatched away.
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  • 16 1 Old boys of Singapore's Kota Raja Malay school plan to form an association.
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  • 89 1 Mother stole to make girl a film star PRETTY JUI Hollinggm worth, whose mother wae sent to prison for stealing money to make JUI a film star, won her first Hollywood role yesterday. An indepenndent producer. Jack Broder, read about Jill's plight and awarded her the supporting part of Uso,
    U.P.  -  89 words
  • 74 1 Free Press Staff Reporter A Chinese and his girl friend were confronted m King George V Park Singapore last night by a man who threatened them with "trouble" if they did not hand over money. The man fearing accomplices, handed him 40 cents and said: That's
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  • 24 1 SINGAPORE Legislative Council this morning approved a loan of $21,000,000 to the Improvement Trust to build low-cost houses. SEE PAGE 3.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 TO GIVE YOU beautiful hands and twinkle toes..* yp <? b I Sp 25.i5 n^« iJ >> m/f iff MLmr Shades of Pink Pearl >S WE Firewecd > ¥V£ Heart-Break Pink SS TWT/fTt? Victorian Rote INVITE Dark Blaze SS JS Psyche Pink <\ I YOU... TO SEE i"""" I >>
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  • 367 2 S' PORE WAR BASE IS MADE READY M.P.S told of Far East struggle THE Secretary of State for War, Mr. Antony Head, yesterday m London stressed the importance of Singapore as Britain's main supply base m the Far Kast. He wrote m a memorandum presented to the House of Commons
    Popper  -  367 words
  • 63 2 A MEMBER of the Federal Legislative Council, Mrs. B. H. Oon received the 0.8. E. at the hands of the Queen at Buckingham Pilace yesterday. This was the Queen's third Investiture this year. She invested more than 260 men and women with the insignia of their
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 31 2 Saboteurs damaged four U.S built jet fighters at Karup, Denmark's biggest military airfield, early yesterday morning. It was the second such incident m the last eight weeks.
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  • 25 2 Fred Godfrey, British songwriter, died m London. The songs he composed were "Take me back to Old Blighty," ln the first world war.
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  • 19 2 A strike over wages m Rome yesterday grounded all flights of the Italian airlines, Alitalia and Lai.
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  • 40 2 The State Department yesterday suspended Alfred H. Morton, chief of its "Voice ol America" propaganda broadcasting division. It said he disregarded an order forbidding the use of material from Communist writers m broadcasts to Iron Curtain countries.
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  • 30 2 Yugoslavia's Communist Government expressed the view that the United States must oppose Russian imperialism "at all points of the globe" or risk a collapse as a world power.
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  • 152 2 Pat was 6 2 a.m. girl 9 at IS QVER strenuous prosecution objections the defence In the New York vice trial of "Mickey" Jalke, placed fn evidence high school records asserting that Pat Ward, when only 15, "stays out until 2 and 3 a.m. almost every night
    AP  -  152 words
  • 80 2 3 wives, but this man's no bigamist PRANCISCO SAMONTE •T married three women; they are all alive, but he was acquitted m Manila of bigamy. He wed Elsi c Nagatoshi, San Francisco, 1939; Isabel Sison, Manili, 1942; and then m 1945. Teresa Palisoc. And this is why he is not
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  • 30 2 A doctor reported yesterday tt\° tip of a baby's finger was bitten off by a rabbit. Jacqueline FOX, aged one, suffered the injury while petting the animal.
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  • 213 2 Commando units to bolster Vietnam army pOMMANDO units led by Vietnamese oir v VC Os. are to be built up to strengthen th^TLH National Army fighting the rebel Vietminh I *N china, it was announced m Saigon yesterdi* la M No numbers nre rii.srlospri hut No numbers are disclosed, but
    Reuter; A.P.  -  213 words
  • 11 2 Field Marshal Oerd von Rundstedt. 77, died at Haifnover.
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  • 81 2 Freezing— and 8 die in fire W A TER f^ hces;, f hpre fell as fiT fought a fire whk*2 m Halifax, Nova ScoUa J? through a row of wood* ff day, killng fl Te Z*r, three adults. a v Firemen battled for two he m bitter sub-zero weatV fore
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 49 2 The official Cectral Kn Agency yesterday claimed ta Nationalist guerillas m a moe tainous coastal region ol fc China were now issuing the own currency for local circua tion. The new currency, it ai was dubbed "Recovery note and was popular among fc fnrmp s.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 240 2 Straits Times Free Press For the convenience of advertisers, our representative at Ist floor, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE, ORCHARD ROAD, will receive small advertisements and answers to box numbers. Classified advertisements may also ba handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD., Winchester House, Coiiyer Quoy, Singapore. CITY BOOK STORE LTD., 93 Tanglin
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    • 136 2 |<3^LOOSI? Vi "**w I New, secure way to hold Fa,s€ Teeth m ploct Sprinkle a little Fasteeth on your dentures and see how this remarkable new tasteless powder keeps them firm and comfortable, secure throughout the whols day. ISow you can eat what you like talk, laughf sing without fear
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  • 209 3 Nanyang won t be second IT'S GOING AHEAD frtt press Staff Reporter rfI&KS between the ComT missioner-General for cnnth-Eust Asia, Mr. Mol5Sm Mac Donald. and the SSsbrs of the proposed X'ans University have broken down. wn agreement could be reacherf nn the allotment of faculties t Stwcen
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  • 86 3 MR. LEE SIOW MONG, president of China Society, said yesterday that the Society was awaiting the arrival of more English books on Chinese affairs from the United Kingdom. Said Mr. Lee, "As soon as we receive them, we shall have the library officially opened at th^
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  • 55 3 South Africa's 10th Parliament was dissolved yesterday ater passing the second of two DHLs aiim_>,.;-:, -»*wi«>ing sterner meaS deal with the defiance J^psugn against the government s segregation policy, the l? ral election, one of O y e th most critical m the history 01 the union,
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  • 154 3 Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE Legislative Council this morning approved an application by the Chairman of the Improvement Trust, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, for a loan of $21,000,000 to build low-cost houses. The loan carries interest of four per cent, and is repayable In
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 3 This full-grown tiger fell into a Chinese squatter's trap m Perak. He measured 7 feet from nose to tail.
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  • 55 3 An Ontario audience last night booed the Red Dean of Canterbury, Dr. Hewlett Johnson. They burst balloons and rang cowbells until he sat down. The Dean had a microphone but he was drowned by the din made by the audience of 600— mostly students
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  • 16 3 Mr. Raju Coomaraswamy of Ceylon was yesterday re-elected President of the Colombo Plan Council.
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  • 23 3 foiS? P, lffard 26-year-old Ss n?ro CI ickct star w^o killed ZL? cliff m Cornwall, fl «i wK? yesterday at Hor
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  • 21 3 The 8.8.C. yesterday decided against raising extra money by selling its recorded programmes to commercial networks abroad.
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  • 23 3 Singapore's British Flood Relief Fund reached $80,190.91 at noon yesterday. This included a $500 gift from the Governor, Sir John Nicol.
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  • 41 3 An Indian Air Force spokesman said yesterday official confimation has been received of the death of all 10 occupants of a military Dakota which crashed m the Assam jungles on Feb. 17 on a supply drop mission.
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  • 22 3 The J c Cabinet have approved the draft of a Bill to establish an international airline—the New Japan Aviation Co.
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  • 19 3 A Chinese Communist prisoner was found hanging m a bath-house at the Cheju Island prison camp, Korea.
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  • 167 3 CO-OPER ATION with Asian •wnorn? l^ tO Simulate their night n e *i. was P le d?ed last Trada the second ECAFE beW h^ 0 10 1011 Conference Rus s ra d T lnManila p oland i erP a an France and *toch .r, c
    A.P  -  167 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 SIR JOHN NICOLL, the Governor of Singapore, yesterday ceremonially opened this year's fist meeting of the Legislative Council. Free Press picture shows Sir John entering the Victoria Memorial Hall, where Council meets,
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  • 106 3 Rice men say: we can't lose any more SINGAPORE rice retailers can no longer stand continual heavy lasses through the ls--sue of poor qu rice, the Rirr Asn told Government yesterday. Retailers had been Informed that the ehvrnth and twelfth ea would be 70 per cent. "C" grade and 30
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  • 42 3 Police used tear gas m Amritsar, northern India, last ni^ht to break up a crowd of Sikhs who attempted to hold a meeting In protest against the arrest of Master Tara Singh, leader of the extremist Akall Sikh party.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 f^jM* ocodile xio \js Shirt De „r letters I I Have y°* r 1 clearly I I .heir t> est I loo^tuexr a o ft c£ fi» ienay UNDERWOUD %fy*m 3M DE LUXE >.. v <JhJL___r Jr y immTWlAmar* Fi ____jM_l____ '^^^■^^Ammmm^mmWi w3'%y-tffr Sole Agent*. UHO^WOOD SENERAI AGENCIES (M) LTD.
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  • 363 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, February 25. 1953 Opinion ELECTED MEMBERS IT is said that Singapore should have more elected members on the Legislative Council. Both the political parties are m favour of it. And there is every possibility that the committee appointed by the Governor to report on this
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  • 638 4  - NEGUIB MAY SAY 'GO' SOON John Fisher Must quit Britain the Suez Canal z^ by A. Nc£uib \ull ask Britain to remove British oops from the bases assign* -d to them for the dt of the Suez Canal bus* s which have c< the British taxpayer at £500 million. Egyptian
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  • 430 4  - 1, 500 in fear of the axe NORMAN LINDHURST by BONN: TF you were an American x diplomat m Germany today, you would be having such a cosy existence, and you would be deeply disturbed by what President Eisenhower's economy hunters might do to it. By "diplomat" is meant not
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 83 4 |ii% m mst cm fins** f jJ^CF A GHOST STORY J By Emlyn William p n "TRESPASS I This (the AT VICTORIA THEATRE 9 p.m. THURSDAY MARCH sth "S ier s ould GALA PREMIERE uisiti i.\ All) OF dvan ST. ANDREWS JJ MISSION HOSPITAL Tickets $5. and $3. Z Hubs
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  • 54 5 pictures. ''Operation Lift" m two sequences. Top: Gen. Sir Rob Lockhart, Deputy Chief Scout of the British Empire and the Commonwealth, tests a Breeches Buoy built by sea-scouts of the 21th Georgetown Troop at a combined scout rally held m the Penang Residency. Bottom Up goes
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • 118 5 IHE cost of the scheme for the purchase of land at Paya ebar for the development of ie new International airport as proved to be greater than rpected. This was stated m Singapore egislative Council this morning hen the Governor asked for an dditional
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  • 26 5 IJhere will be a quiz proline at the Singapore Rotary Dio U p C he S n meetin at the apuol Red Room today.
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  • 22 5 W& re wiU observe World IS v*lu on A P ril 1 and ■J* c Youth Sunday on May
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  • 27 5 The show "Rendezvous with the Stars" staged by Chinese districts of the Singapore St. John Ambulance Brigade last Sunday at the Happy World raised $20,000.
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  • 137 5 I THP qj™ Free Pr ess Staff Reporter A Gnv gapore City Council is to get $1,500,000 from government to fulfil its commitments for the past MS ri^ x gratia Payment m a Sn-P ouncil which has ■*ej 5r\ der .l ble amount of the
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  • 24 5 The Singapore Family Benefit Society will hold its 35th annual general meeting at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow (thursday).
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  • 15 5 Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders will visit the University of Malaya on March 21
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  • 99 5 That strip tease act SINGAPORE Police yesterday had "no comment" to make on Miss Loh Lin's strip-tease act. now drawing crowds nightly at the Fong Fong Revue at the New World. Following a complaint from the public about what was called a "degrading" performance —although Loh Lin is all the
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  • 44 5 YOUNG clerks hare resigned from the Foreign Exchange Control Department of the Singapore Government. Older employees, who are eligible for higher pay. replaced them. Extra cost to the government: $3,047. This payment was approved hy the Legislative Council this morning.
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  • 30 5 The Finance Committee of the Singapore Legislative Coun- cil has annroved a vote to the! Commissioner of Police of bi,--200 to buy 5,600 General Service Medals.
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  • 79 5 Till widow of John K«-n*a-vifn\ .md her four chil* dren were granted conip»nioa of $4,500 by Singapore Legislative Council this mornJohn, a rook m the British Military Hospital, was killed m a collision with a police van m Ort hard Road last year. The Council
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  • 287 5 Snob girls in SIT flats flash their jewels Free Press Staff Reporter "YOUN(; LADIES on the Tiong: Hahru housing: estate should not overdress and show off their jewellery/* .said a resident of 25 years to me yesterday discussing recent crimes. The squatter area of Singapore bounded by Moh Guan Terrace,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 150 5 s» ~v Fresh Consignment "FERGUSON" 1 x^myA SCREEN I MT! Print Silk j fjKmtY jA 1 m Lovery Dciign* T^t td Colour*.' \Kr Call ear,y make vC ir s J\f\ yv\vour selection now I 'WIMIiV SILK DEPARTMENT. I U BAJAJ TEXTILES LTD. S W 31 Rafffles Place S'pore-1 Phone *****
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  • 503 6 AN ACTRESS DIES IN FLAT WITH MAN SHE HATED Murder thriller stand-in VTANCY LORR MM IK AM IS, 35 year-old understudy Nto IHsllocv m the West End play "Murder Mistaken", was found dead yesterday m the Mayfair Mat of a man she hated. Dead also was the man. 58-year-old
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  • 204 6 THE BOY WHO WAS NOT WANTED rH "gang" from Cross-road. Kingston. Surrey, did not want Terry Ap>ey. aged 11. wth them on their forbidden trip on the river recently. But he t igged along and was drowned. rs, Abery, of Crossroad -Kenneth, aged 14. and Brian. 13 had been given
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  • 13 6 Sleeping sickness has been virtually eliminated m many African Gold Coast areas.
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  • 178 6 A 40-YEAR-OLD Quaker councillor, who thinks film stars are "overrated, overpaid, over-publicised, and sometimes over-exposed," wants a different kind of judse for his town's Ideal Holiday Girl contest Last year, a film star was Judge at the Hunstanton Norfolk, contest. Councillor Frank Sawbridge
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  • 129 6 Leg-pull ends in gaol THE scene was a t>us stop m Norwich on a Saturday night. The audience was a crowd of more than 100 leaving a nearby cinema. For ten minutes they watched 48-year-old bus driver (harless Frederick Woolnough cling to his steering wheel while two men twisted his
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  • 24 6 Radio commentators stationed at 100 separate positions m London will report the Queen's Coronation on June 2, for listeners throughout the world.
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  • 43 6 British archaeologists have found missing parts of two Babylonian poems of 2,000 B.C. describing the world's creation and the great deluge. They were excavating a mound at Sultantpepe near Harran, Turkey, when they found the tablets written m Assyrian symbols.
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  • 97 6 VI7OMEN members of the Brl- i tish Legion were accused recently of spoiling parades I by "straggl'.ng along," talking I to each other, waving to other people, and even "smoking on the quiet." Said 47-year-old Mrs. C. Turnbuli, of Salford, Lanes, at' I a Legion women's section
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 97 6 -^jb> Th e y are j but also for p|| i blouses, and lingerie 1 here are many different kinds of Anti-Shrink fabrics guaranteed by Grafton. There are rayon crepes to suit all tastes, dupions, fabrics for playwear, morning and afternoon wear as well as a complete range for lingerie
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    • 13 6 ■BSs^^^^*^^^"^ ~>x___fc_____!SS§Sfi__ **B^_________^&^^^^^ r^ V* 1 lce-^.>- a d© c*\<3°* I Ik -*2^^
      13 words

  • 441 7 HE TIP-TOES HOME 'S-SH NOISE COST ME £1,300' tfVFI) Mr Kov smith tip-toed into his luxury V*i us! t night md whispered: -Sth! little noise mp £1 ">OO alreadj h s c°i .nee deep, solid sili i n ry if 45-y--uJi r Mr Smith is to stay out of trouble,
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  • 144 7 Woman next door can object fl average woman m London's East End does not ■c an 'unmarried woman livSfnext door a s though she w're married, Judge Andrew JSI m Bow County Court recently. "They come here m scores and tell me so." he added. He wai hearing a case
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  • 42 7 Premier Mossadeq of Persia, acting on the eve of a scheduled sit-down strike by minor officials, issued a decree banning strikes by Government employees. Punishment ranging from a fine of one-third of their salary to dismissal was prescribed.
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  • 31 7 The U.S. Ambassador. Mr. winthrop w. Aldrich, will proPose the toast of "Journalism" at the festival dinner of the Newspaper Press Fund, at Grosvenor House on May 7
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  • 29 7 Prince Fricdrich of Prussia— WilS° n T f the Ger nian Kaiser K e l m "-who became a Germo su ect s has resumed nationality.
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  • 20 7 end iS A i rica is to *L n^f^V 01 1 year With a ggltfjt least £9,000,000
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  • 42 7 M. Michael de Labucette, French Union delegate to the conference m Manila of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, said that France wanted to close the "gap" m her trade with South j Kast Asian countries.
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  • 99 7 POLICE were called to a London borough council meeting last night after a Communist councillor had been ordered out. But before they arrived Councillor M Levitas, who had earlier refused to go, walked out saying: "I withdraw under protest." The trouble started when So-
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  • 132 7 Bachelor gets flat— then comes probe THE Housing Minister has been asked to investigate the allocation of a council flat to a bacheCor school-teactter m Nettlestead, Kent. When Maidstone Rural Council decided to let the flat Nettlestead's representative Mr. L G Bryant, protested that m considering this case the housing
    132 words
  • 234 7 Mr. Butterfly goes back to prison and romance is off U E calls himself Toktaro Kita- NoT?>rS rtuoUs First Son )f nam? f h Rlver but his r < He rU S F l ank Lo^ Wea-, S^m Sydney and IS B?a?" a e n Japam,M than Sir Don wa^l.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 54 7 1 k _g*_NpBjflt_L. 1 1 "I <sJMp?^_M!iA^!!'!Sy*B^ J 'vwi- v v H ■_fe_________ ;^^B_i^B^^^'^l^^pS AAm\ pouaJbfo uritk "MAGIC MARGIN f V* ?b' iffffl ,*fw f^/NM _C"_T\ item send me details of the 801 li lAvlMl >^i^ 'M\<;i( _M\K<;i.N portable typewri \m I \Lmrn. LTD. with particulars of easy method of
      54 words

  • 958 8 The Princess Behind a Throne >Xil Kile Baudouin. w*| riedher iS*re«d mucinous J* Baud terranea: I to the Sdi'. W hold.'WhfelVfrier I s«reir^ l M eisC Wl th her nWrtenso his younter i P Leopold, her HP For two htSMctened gramme alter h-m from BrSS *r the Kinj third) camera
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 99 10 -mtmrnmrnimammmr r'-mg, -iwvaraHaw Everything runs lighter with Swedish ball-bearings Ball-bearings are one of the. reasons for the famous "feathertouch" of Halda. the smoothrunning Swedish typewriter 49 ball-bearings help you to rype faster with less effort And remember Only HALDA combines all these features: 49 Swedish ball bearings Accelerating type ban
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 272 10 MANDRAKE. THE MAGICIAN by Loo Falk and PWI Daw mow^oiV'-V/ y^ f j -\Msw) adi W^^ 7 i"A f^ 4 ♦^1 W > i('i v L^j^A^ l^^^^a k^^^^ -J TARZAN by Edgar Rice Burroughs T^mmmmmWM m YOU *0\ T CAT^H A\6 AeO." £1 tl^V&^L I iw'' '•WEB sa&pep— *eoop/ here
      272 words
    • 282 10 YOUR LUCKY STAR ft o 7- har, V d finite talenu but !!7 1 lo br MhU jm* rear!, the fame ai_tfZ! they might brine. I you have a rather eitr, vacant love of picture J* desire for leisure which JaL any kind of hard work a rZ burden Tins
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  • 1259 11 The Aim, 'Break Sound Barrier' When a plant flies faster than sound at over 760 m.p.h. -the air cannot get out of the way. It forms a barrier' Tke story so far Philip Peel, R.A.F. pilot, had the first "hunch" about the i "sound bar i ier." He had put
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 11 X °ny Garthwaite, now a test pilot, walks through the factory's Airframe assembly shop.
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  • 81 11 It WJI.U--hICHAROSON \an Ga'*S*-< »c. bs d.iw«Me» 4 TODD. Tony CarHiw ci RAf tett pilot N.CEL PATRICK H*p Fed. m-1 AF. test pi'ot JOHN STIN Peel, h.t DINAH SI|F ID'N Wil Spirts, aircr M lOSEPH TOME TV ChristopSet Rid? f Id Mbi sow DENHO M ELLIOTT. Story has
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 121 11 I "ELSAIT Time I 7"~ZH I is here again! WE HAVE RECEIVED A -_JRfcft SMALL SHIPMENT OF "V^- -^*j THE WORLD-FAMOUS Extensively used by: mm^^^lmmmW H.M ARMED FORCES THE AIRWAYS PteS^^l HOSPITALS RED CROSS BUSES Cr U RAILWAYS PUBLIC WORKS, etc. IL M Soe Agents:— M" '|L (7 iiX-vJP) 1
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  • 32 12 Here are left to right Scout Patrol Leaders Ong Chee Siang, Leong Ming Chan. Sugianto and Mohamed Alias, of the 61st. troop. Pulau Bukom, who were invested on Saturday.
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  • 636 12 By P. L. KOH TT was a proud day for Mr. Parlman bin Wongso Vikino and Mr. Suradee bin Ibrahim on Saturday. The fifth son of each of them, Sugianto and Mohamed Alias, were among the first four patrol leaders of the 61st Troop
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  • 196 12 "tl/E ***** h ive an OM B&f Mck as a school govern* W said 1 bemdmastef iti I I Wonld r t him m autliurit\ mcv n pal W. A de Dm too Mr. 13 as protesting at Edu Mon dne*. Council G Oakes
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  • 33 12 The U.S. Government plans to rent two-bedroom furnished homes costing $26,000 each for $35 a month, The catch is that they are on Wake Island m the Mid-Paciflc.
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  • 23 12 Pishing junks registered m Kwangtung Province China, now have two escorts from the People's Liberation Army when they go fishing.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 43 12 GOBLIN "BUROLITE'' An Electric Clock, an adjustable Table Lamp, Pen-holders and an Ashtray, just what you want for your office and your home. Sole Agents KEE HUAT RADIO CO., LTD. 122/124, ORCHARD ROAD, SINCAPORE-9. 223, BATU ROAD. KUALA LUMPUR. 24, BEACH STREET, PENANC.
      43 words
    • 116 12 i Tb« Toil* Soap of t»» star» \\S*J Vke Terfect %aulu vU AVAILABLE AT ALL STORES *****11 I I !E R EBIBBI I I X g I >>S^Cj^m*. i fs\ REGULATOR ••Jli'* m to suit I Tkd^ef^ f MADE IN INDIA 0 I. HICHLY EFFICIENT CAPACITOR MOTOR WITH g Bi
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  • 712 13 Too Much of a Good Thing il Music topics by PRESTO AT what age should a child prodigy be asked to perform m public? Young Alfonso Anthonys violin recital last week at the HMV Studio prompts that question. A ll who heard him are agreed as to his proms.-. For
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  • 322 13 T° HAVE Toscanini on LP is an reonrHTn 111 The P lt y is that the lac 2? al e not entlrel y satts fJS Stf thoven "Erolca" symphony <Mt h NBC Orchestra on ALP 1008) cS k h a chord th at, aa one a nkt f
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  • 324 13  - Wanted— a Ballet School LILLIAN BUCKOKE IN reply to Presto's plea last week for more ballet may I say that Miss Betty Davis Royal Academy of Dancing representative recently m Singapore, told me she thought there was enough local ballet talent to give interpretations of traditional drama and folklore. It
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 13 Th a Week" at the HMV. Studio. The graving app* loyally is e> aural thr re are enes like t m York to make them The music enough.
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  • 253 13  -  SILV ESTER says I ictor WHAT is known as the English style of ballroom dancing has conquered a large part of the world. For a number of years the technique and practice initiated m England has been assiduously copied on the Continent, m Japan and India,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 83 13 g > A comprehensive Raaaa ff Ol rar r of nM>0 uecca tur^ 1 KZf PorUble amplified nninc gramophones with automatic changers, radios Long Playing Standard Records. See and hear them at Awm AW J/ Aw Mfr 8 houtr.c a co (mai_ay a> cm /JCTTM M/mff Mm JOHM unii's building
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  • 461 14 'Rassle noomans rattlesnakes 9 TITO-TON TOKI (iMI MO. who his boxed an octopus two l» arrs Max and Buddy -one bear and Joe Louis, is brushing up his wrcstlin Is for i 30-day jjrunt and groan tour of Singapore and Malaya. •I don't know whether
    U.P.  -  461 words
  • 89 14 ART Larsen, American left- I *y han d?r won the men's singes title m the U.S. National Inaoor Lawn Tennis tournament In New York yesterday, beating Kurt Nielsen of Denmark 5-7. 6-4, 6-3. 6-3 m the final. Larsen nullified the Dane's power game with a brilliant
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  • 77 14 cTAR Soccer. trs Junior to pl.iy Slu. 'j.rc Young Sikhs ition In a friendly soccer I match on Fiiday at Fiirrer Park will b" selected from: Malek Hashim. Boon Chung Mm Abb bin Abu Amin. Quah Kini i Choon, Hashim Noordin, Mohd Noor bin Ismail, Ismail Abubnkar
    77 words
  • 27 14 The Cwunty Cricket Club made a profit Of £409 m the 1952 I miOU and hari a. rtx**A k_____ I ahip of 5,02a. A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 152 14 WITH two victories m France under his belt, featherweight champion Percy Bassett of America is preparing to move around m Europe. Bassett polished off Auguste Caulet, former French lightweight champion, on Monday with a fifth round technical knockout. Two weeks ago he battered Ray Famechon so severely
    152 words
  • 251 14 LA TE GOAL WIN FOR RAFFLES DAFFLES Institution d^ Institution by th >als to two m an intrr-scho^l so d on R.I. ground :day. r nmain- hands of Victoria. Ground conditions not con< od R* st minute goal from a goalmouth melee. Centre '-forward Kirn Chye did good work lor
    251 words
  • 161 14 Mottrams to play on March 2 rF. P. Tennis Reporter W Joy MotSS r ta Singapore o?a? day for a series of Pxh&St They are and 3 aPPy W rld 0n Each evening they will tab par m three exhibition t£! a^ selected opponeST The Visit Is being ,S\
    161 words
  • 83 14 Peng Soon will not defend rNO inadian aces. Donald Rm^t. tional v ns les champion .I th older of the <aaM|l?*l i m p i o n s h i p along th JUL* 111 *»r the All England I ££> I h I ni p i o n s
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 491 15 'Were not fit 9 say athletes MN(i XPOKF'S leading sprinters and long distance runners confessed yesterday to George Pallett, ior honorary English Amateur Athletic Association 'IL-h that they were not iv regular training. Pallett was told this when he asked them whether they could produce their
    491 words
  • 47 15 X 11 world bantamweight return CanJS? 1 champion Jimmy W^ 8 e °L Austra »a and Vie unu \L outh Africa h^ Postponed int. v M f re s, 21 of atrfinln^ H**; T oweel s nos€ fight JW orismaliy scheduled for Satur- A. P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 72 15 FIGHT promoter Jack Solomons put on the best of his I many suits to ro to Buckingham I Palace and present the Duke of Edinburgh with a cheque for over £15,000. It was the profit from the j Solomons' Dec. 10 charity show j at Harringay
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 35 15 IN AN inter-school soccer match on the R.I. ground yesterday, Raffles Institution 2nd XI drew two-all with j St. Joseph's Institution 2nd XI. Scorers: St. Joseph's: Danker and J. Chong; Raffles: Bakar (2).
    35 words
  • 36 15 VICTORIA School and Bartle\ Secondary School dre\\ three all m their soccer match yesterday. Bartley led through goals by Rahuman and Chiao Sen. A late hat-trick by insideleft Mahesa earned Victorians a draw.
    36 words
  • 260 15 Free Press Boxing Reporter 1 lII SNR V BRAY, heavyweight champion of Fiji Islands, i 1 said yesterday that he would back Carl "Bobo" Olson j against Randolph Turpin should they meet. The Fijian, who was m Olson's camp when he was m Hawaii recently
    260 words
  • 135 15 A.C.S. and J.E.C. in 1-1 draw i IN a hard soccer game Anglo Chinese School and Johore English College drew with one (o*l each at the A.CS. ground yesterday. The pace was fast Fifteen minutes after the kick-off ACS. took the lead through centre forward K\ Guan. Soon after this
    135 words
  • 38 15 YSC. Institute beat X.M.L. by four goals to two m a soccer match at Farrer Park yes tei day. Y.S.C. scorers were Chong Liang. Maniam, Pereira and Victor Yue. Samat and Mustapha scored for X.M.L.
    38 words
  • 148 15 Y l^ President of the Victoria Amateur Swimming AssoMr. W T. Uren, said m that 1, the Saint na ud Club allowed Japanese h t n hP Fu uhashi to Drovai <! he Association's aptr oubl c WOuld be ia for I It had earlier
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  148 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 298 15 (^AIHAMBRA^ LASTDAY! HAM I 3» fc 9.31 P.M. M.G.Ms THE HOUR OF 13 NEXT I ll M.I. I^** i« ****.s*, m I Hj fl W M t' 0-P l*^« II A I mMH Cf^^_______fl .2mmW I l ._2_l*iP4i Plflfll •a-G-^n_^ff a "^M__fl_______fl_flflflflfl_i fetfMf __________^b__i AM^^yf \m i__n_r\__/""^__f^_TT iojmy Uail// II
      298 words

  • 792 16 The going will be yielding Free Press Racing orrespondent BADALONA m the 2.00 SHORT HAIRS (3.55 > and ROBIN HOOD (5.25) were freely tipped as extra good things at Bukit Timah this morning. Race morning dawnea bright and clear and the track
    792 words
  • 34 16 r,m ,110n o Reau,t: "»y^yCup Second Round: Westminster Hospital 15. Middlesex Hospital 0- n* Recreation club beat p.H.Q. Signal, by two po_tLs to nil m a soccer friendly at Farrer Part yesterday.
    34 words
  • 1218 16 Kace 1 2.00; class 6 t Div. 5 6 Furs. 1 Badalona J Donnelly 9.00 Mr X S. Leong R. Breukelen 2 096 Bramhall Flyer 8.11 Mrs A Gordon Hoobs 3 —0 Trumpington II Flannery 8.10 Dr. Chua Sin Kah Hobbs 4—o Colenso Mawi 8.09 Mining Kongsi Breukelen
    1,218 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 58 16 We 'ye just received new stocks of the famous kt DOG BISCUITS Dogs thrive on the goodness m Spratts renowned biscuits, and if you havent been able to buy them for some time make sure you order now that new stocks are here. Prices are very reasonable. They're good for
      58 words