The Singapore Free Press, 8 April 1952

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 94 1 U.S. stops sending steel to Britain fASH rSGTON,-Tae3. ggj > jjvernment! j suspended f steel to Brt- countries steel strike morrow. [ction Autho- deliveries ican firms ra and o:her It ia designed shed steel for noised about r American :^r 20.000 UIL About /e steel has hipped from Feinsinger, the
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 68 1 JAIRO. Tues. T;: z Britis b A mbassador. Si Ralph Stevenson, L: r.:g sro the Egyptian hrtjD Minister, Abdel Hasi oa, t.-. second time In right tours intense diploHQ| i w.:y iii which the i E;;.?::..: Premier ana the A.?. \r. Ambassador also! I pait
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 28 1 t 8 70 CGO American I ompany employees ineci "31.000 tele:rkers In a wide- which rompli- :..d not cut comacross the 1 States. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 629 1 Ld. Salisbury defends^ Sir Gerald's measures VILLAGERS WARNED LONDON, Tuesday. Marquess of Salisbury, Leader of the House of Lords, stated yesterday that there I was no thought of applying the policy adopted j in the silent town of Tanjong Malim generally J in bandit infested
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  • 214 1 'ANTI-COLONIAL BIAS 9 LONDON, Tuesday. f ORD Mancroft, a Conservative Peer, said yesterday that America's "violent, unreasonable and unreasoned anti-colonial bias" has caused Britain Almost as much trouble as that stirred by Russia, aim^ h a e s tohe of many reC ent war memoirs
    A.P.  -  214 words
  • 72 1 TEIIERAN, Tues. •r H E Persian Government yesterday reiterated that British Consulates in Persia —which were closed down last January— had interfered in the country's domestic affairs to the detriment of Persia. The Persian Foreign Ministry of the British Embassy: "Not only British Consulates were interfering
    Reuter  -  72 words
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    71 1 picture BYSTANDERS nibbed their eyes unbelievingly when they saw a plane in car form being driven through Manhatten, New York. But it was only one of the two flying cars which arrived at La Guardia airport for exhibition at the International Motor Sports Show. To convert the plane
    Popper  -  71 words
  • 159 1 COSMIC RA Y TEST BALLOON FAILS GLASGOW, Tuesday. GIANT balloon carrying photographic and radio hour of its release. Scientists, who had sent it up from here, had hoped It would remain in the air four hours, climbing to 100,000 feet before releasing a parachute with its recording equipment. But the
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 143 1 HANOI, Tues. rENCH mobile groups of artillery and bombers, pounding the Communist-led Vletmlnn who fled westward out of the pocket along the Gulf of Tonkin, yesterday struck the rebels anotrwr ne Fre y sh lo ?asualties inflicted nn thft Vietminh made seven clean-up drives, including Operation
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  • 76 1 Free Pres. Staff Reporter Three Chinese, carrying knives, knocked at a door in Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore, last night. When It was opened by the women occupants of the house, the intruders placed cotton into the women's mouths, and began to ransack the plac«. t
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  • 221 1 MURDER MOTIVE MYSTERY Free Press Staff Reporter i A SINGAPORE C.LD. spokes- i A man said this morning that the motive lor the murder of 34-year-old Ho Ah Beng, a Teochew merchant, who was shot through the forehead at his house in Kay Poh Road, Singapore, last evening could be
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  • 24 1 The United Nations Secretariat announced officially yesterday that the Security Council will meet on Thursday to discuss the Tunisian lispute.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 50 1 The UJ3. Army announced yesterday that it has awarded the Medal of Honour to First Lieutenant Lloyd Burke, 27, Stuggart, Alkamlas, a grenade-throwing foot soldier who wiped out 100 Communist troops while helping to secure a hill near Chang Dong, Korea, last Oct. 28.-- U.P.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 218 1 LONDON, Tues. MEMBERS of the British unofficial trade delegation were reported yesterday to be planning to pro-, ceed from Moscow to Peking to examine prospects for increased trade with China. British attention has been focussed chiefly on the, possibility of increased textile exports
    U.P.  -  218 words
  • 122 1 'RED NOSE' LEADS NEW PARTY Free Press Staff Reporter rE Third Force, a new Chinese anti-Kuomintang and anti-Communist group, believed to be operating secretly in Singapore, is very active and has for one of its leaders an ex-Kuomintana executive nicknamed Re<* Nose," the Free Press wai told this morning. The
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  • 36 1 Three hundred perfectly preserved skeletons of human beings and bears have been discovered in a cave near Toulouse in Southwestern France. Some authorities said they may be 15,000 years old. A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 27 2 For the first tine someone attempts to chart up the half ctitiry nark In wonen's clothes 19O© 1911 i9im 1917 192S 19*« TODAY
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  • 845 2  -  LESLEY STORM A woman who has known both fame and failure as author and playwright (successes: 'Tony Draws a Horse/ and 'Black Chiffon'), but who in private life, as a doctor's wife with four children, has had to cope with everyday economies, too, resents.—
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  • 101 2 TNTO the London stores are A going some of the crispest, freshest cotton garments seen this year. Profoundly wise planning gives a wide range of separates in colours which team with almost all accessories. Consider the delicate freshness of cafe-au-lait or the vividness of emerald green worn equally
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  • 350 2 Look above-What has happened to lingerie... 'THE geography of guile in Englishwomen's dressing has now been delicately mapped by Dr. C. Willett Cunnington, an expert on dress. He has traced for the first time English Women's Clothing in the Present Century, (published by Faber). He puts
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  • 145 2 "\M Y husband was a pigeon fancier— so I want a pigeon chiselled for his tomb." Thus spoke a Belgian widow when she visited a mason recently. Nothlng-out-of-the-ordinary about her order and no-one would have heard any more about it (save the mason and the widow) if only
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  • 704 2  - I Went Back to the WRAF Audrey Leonard sdf (Former LACWIOItan WHEN the War Min- ister hinted recently to M.P.S that the Services planned "to make themselves as attractive to women as possible/' I determined at once to investigate the attractions. No one had ever tried to do as much
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 52 2 We have always in Stock WATCHES and CLOCKS of popular makes designs at reasonable prices KHALIK JEWELLERS, 11. THE ARCADE. SINGAPORE. 1 PHONE ***** ACNESIA POWDER 4 oz. 1 1b. boxes. 75 rts. $2.00 The finest dusting Powder made to combat PRICKLY HEAT. Ideal as a baby powder. Available everywhere.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 170 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR BORN today, yon have a strongly positive nature. Yon tend to argue just for the sake of an argument. Yon might effectively utilize this talent for debate as a defence attorney, labour arbitrator or even a publicity promotion director. You have a magnetic personality and always attract
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    • 154 2 Solution To Crossword No. 630 YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION Across: 1. Wild. 3. Imps. 8. Tower Bridge. 9. Radicle. 11. Asp. 12. Nee. 13. Swindle. 14. Crime sheets. 16. Need. 17. Stay. Down: 1. Watering can. 2. Low. 4. Midland. 5. Sleeplsss'y. 6. Processed. 7. Free fight. 10. Deeside. 15. Eat. New
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  • 560 3 'CARGO CULT' SWEEPS ISLANDS When 'dream boat' comes home i SYDNEY, Tuesday. fig Australian administration is using magic tn sD re«d civilisation among the million native In JtSs of the 93.0M square miles of n£ Guinea Sriiory and hundreds of surround ng islands. r are exploiting the latest surge of
    Reuter; AAP  -  560 words
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    278 3 g o r u-jt North East |4 1 2v> P»M psm CN'.T. All Pass THL M .i In todays deal Is kd unusual one. It r «j Croxa thinking, and co > r als:i from the (pera*: n a > gulling convention S^ -West were playing that ,y.
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  • 67 3 r veterinary surgeon, y Swinburn, was in New M neighbours' hens :i a 21 ft. by 18 ft. :n his East Goelong c k yard and led to the •\;-n- the remains of d gs buried there. cur n wa s fined £AlO o GeeJon^ City Court
    Reuter; AAP  -  67 words
  • 209 3 LONDON. Tues. NAGGING has become a very overworked word in the Divorce Court, Mr. Justice Willmer said at Manchester after a doctor's wife had failed entirely to make out a case of cruelty. H e refused a decree sought by Mrs Eileen Vera Raynor Roberts
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  • 61 3 Heirs ot Henrik n«n i Aavc sold the world film lights to his plays to a Hollywood producer who plans to film 3 of the most famous of them "A Doll's House"— this year.— A.P. One passenger was killed and eight others were injured when a tram jumped
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 415 3 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. HPHREE Swiss youngsters fresh in India have dex cided it just takes a friendly letter to come on lo some princely playmates and a windfall of R5.300 (Straits $192). Ten-year-old Michel von Radloff wondered one day how he and his
    AP  -  415 words
  • 112 3 LONDON. Tues. GOOD news for the Turks is that beer is to be decontrolled in Turkey. For 28 years the Government has brewed all Turkey's beer, distilled all spirits and even nationalised cigarettes and matches. Then two years ago a Democratic Government was elected and a
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 JOAN RICE, young British actress, last reaching the top of the leader, plays Maid Marion in the new Walt Disney film, "The Story of Robin Hood and his Merrie Men." Here, she wears an evening gown decorated wish Robin Hood figure*.
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  • 27 3 Prime Minister Tage Erlander of Sweden said in Chicago that all democratic parties in Sweden, supported hie government's stand against its entry into the NATO. U.P.
    U.P.  -  27 words
  • 30 3 The Polish Embassy in Washington has announced it was complying with aState Department demand that it should stop publication of its propaganda bulletins in the United States.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
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    68 3 A LOVELY JANE JANE RUSSELL'S wellknown brand of "oomph" will be seen again in "The I*s Vega s Story," filmed by KKO. In November 1951, Miss Russell, visiting England, took back 'to the United States at the request of his mother, 19--month-old Tommy Kavanagii, and started a controversy. Recently, the
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  • 51 3 The United Aborigines Mission at Ooldea. one of the few stopping places on the Trans Australia Railway, across the Nullarbor plain, has tanned visits by witch doctors. Authorities imposed the ban because of the suffering caused by "kill or cure" methods of the witch doctors Reuter
    Reuter; AAP  -  51 words
  • 65 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. A COMPLETELY furnished heavily stocked nine- The spacious underground house was still' stocked witn $10,000 worth of food now unfit to eat. It has a living rooom, bedroom, kitchen and equipment and others held 700 gallons of fuel oH f several tons of wood
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  • 283 3 Women in U.S. muscle in on big business NEW YORK, Tuesday. WOMEN stockholders are raising demands in the United States to have a part in managing corporations whose stock they own. They are beginning to read the proxy statements and annual reports they get in the mail and to take
    A.P.  -  283 words
  • 92 3 TEHERAN, Tues. TFHE Persian IPremier Dr. •I Mossadeq, it was stated here, wants one month's postponement of consideration of the Persian oil question by the International Court at The Hague. A draft letter from the Premier to be sent to the court was approved by the
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 70 3 Angry New Yorkers have demanded strict safety precautions even the closing of New York's two main airports—for aircraft frying over Queen's suburb where a cargo plane crashed and killed five people. The crash, fifth in a series in Greater New York which have cost 124 lives started
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 38 3 AAbey officials said they installed security devices when the Stone was returned to its original position unshackled and apparently without any sort of protecttion. But they refused to say what devices were installed.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 15 3 French gliding pilot Charles Atger has claimed the world solo endurance re-
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  • 40 3 SYDNEY, Tuesday. MORNA Corbctt, 23-sear-o Id model from Arncliffe, tell, shapely, and with a flair for wear tag fashionable clothes, cannot hear the applause of her audience. She has been deaf and dumb since birth. Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  40 words
  • 29 3 The United States, Britain and -Canada have decided to issue some more of their jointly-held atomic secrets but the information "will not aid rival nations."- A. P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 BRONCHITIS THROAT&CHEST fs^jP Al L M E NT S/> O -%T *JT
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    • 198 3 Hew COLINATED FOAM SHAMPOO It's quite simple nvw to keep your hair healthy and glamorouslooking, say leading beauty experts. The first rule is to shampoo it at least once a week. The second use new Colinated Foam Shampoo. It is most important not to use soap on your hair, as
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 12 3 BUCKLEY w—^ wppfr. ■'"•~—^____i ■XvX-X-X-X-X- •'•^v:-:-:-;-:-;-:-;-;; x ;->:X;X-_v!^X^^^^B "SHE'S GO/N* BACK HOAte
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    • 214 3 Radio SINGAPORE 10 a.m. News: 10.0S "Tunes from the Shows"; 10.44-1150 •Rendezvous with the Stars"; 1 p.m. Radio Orch.; 1.30 News; 1.45-2 Carl Fischer Orch.: 625 "U.N. Album"; 6.40 Radio Malaya Trio; 6.55 Annouoements: 7 News; 7.15 "Can We Help You?"; 7.30 "Adventures of PC. 49": t "Bing Crosby Show":
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  • 643 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, April 8. 1952. Put Paid to this A LETTER in lasl Saturday's Straits Times drew attentior to a matter on which more light should be shed. was neaded "The mystery of three City meter readings" and it is a real mystery which mystifies not only
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  • 778 4 The Lights of Broadway BROADWAY is the longest, busiest, most inconsistent street in the world. It runs from Battery Park at the tip of Manhattan Island to the Bronx and beyond. But to New Yorkers it's more than a street. It's a small, rather shabby area, four blocks wide by
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  • 1053 4  - Mr Didi is Soccer Skipper -and Premier EDWARD BISHOP by T*HE sun beats down 1 ona stocky little man coming off the parched, brown field in shorts and football shirt. He is the captain of one of the chief teams in the remote Maldive Islands, 400 miles south-west of Ceylon,
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  • 712 4  - Down Comes the Iron Curtain Ritchie Mc Ewen FOR six months 1 have been watching the stormy overture to what may prove to be the final act in Four Power Occupation in Austria. An Iron Curtain, every bit as rigid and effective a s its German counterpart, is slowly, almost
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  • 309 4 Profiles in Plaster ORITISH medallist Paul Vincze has completed portraits in plaster of President and Mrs. Truman. *They are to be cast in bronze and silver and presented to the Trumans. Mr. Vincze did three porttraits—one of Mr. and Mrs. Truman separately and one together. All are profiles. The original
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  • 195 4 DRITONS are arrang. ing for holidays on the instalment plan Last year 9700 people used the "before and after" payment system for their holidays. This year the number is expected to be almost doubled. A holiday maker is required to save at least one-thin! of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 227 5 CLINICS DELAY MAY COST CITY $145,000 CIVJAPORE City Council's delay in starting work on th™*. i»<w S\ v; „farc clinics, for which a $362,000 grant homZ cK&TwS and Development Fund was available in 1949, may cos? \t nuj& in higher building costs today. <Ufferenrf < KL iS n W to
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  • 74 5 WELFARE GIRLS >*0 more applications t will be accepted by the Singapore Social Welfare Department for the U e» rls jt want marry off to decent and financially well-off men. So far 60 Chinese men have applied to marry these 18 and it-year-old girls.
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  • 182 5 Many Hindus, Chinese 're-marry' COUPLES married according to Chinese or Hindu custom are now coming forward to register at the Registry of Marriages, Singapore, an official said yesterday. He believes that women are becoming more enlightened. The desire to get passports is another reason. He said: "The last two years
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  • 45 5 The S:::2:»pore Lau AssociaBn a Chinese cia* organi«a:.c::. held Itfl sixth aniia] dinner on Sunday at its ■flaw in Craig Road Earlier on Sundfay. elders of the association jointly worshipped their ancestors on trv oteasita of the Cheng Beog -All Souls') festival
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  • 24 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Dato Syed Abdul Kadir bin Mohammad, Mentri Besar, Johore, has been admitted to the General Hospital. Johore Bahru.
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    1 5 ranKR
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  • 113 5 NINE representatives from Singapore co-operative bodies will attend the 13th annual conference of co-ope-rators at Penang on Apr. 12 and 13. They will leave in groups on Friday and Saturday. They are Mr. Andrew B. Pinto (Singapore Co-opera-tive Union): Mr. Loke Weng Chee and Mr.
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  • 138 5 TRADE RECESSION BEGINS MALAYAN imports from Indonesia have dropped by more than $32 million a month this year. Malayan exports to Indonesia have also decreased from nearly $41 million monthly last year to about $35 million this year. This decline is due to higher charges and trade controls in Indonesia.
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  • 30 5 Students who went to the United States in 1951 from the Asia-Pacific area were more than double the number for the preceding year. They included 16 from Malaya.
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  • 136 5 THE Perak Rubber Traders' Association has received a reply from Washington to the cable it sent on Feb. 28 protesting against the General Services Administration's ruling of rejecting rubber that falls below contract specifications. The reply, tabled at Sunday's meeting of the Association, said that
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  • 62 5 The Malayan Forum on Radio Malaya tonight at 8.30 will discuss whether films need censoring. Those taking part under the forum master, Professor E. H. G. Dobby, are Mrs Loh Poon Lip, of Singapore. Mr. Jamit Singh, of Padang tongas, Perak, who is now at the University
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  • 100 5 IPOH, Tues. Mr. John Anthony Cradock, former District Officer, Batang Padang was yesterday presented with the Perak Meritorious Councillors. Mr. Cradock gained the award last year. The citation states that as chairman of the Perak South War Committee, he played a large part in
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  • 70 5 FORTY-EIGHT students of Raffles Girts School, Singapore, were yesterday enrolled »s members of the junior link of the Colony British Red Cross Society. The link, the first of its kind to be formed in Singapore, will teach students Red Cross and social welfare
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  • 685 5 Entry rules bar fiancees too Free Press Staff Reporter MR. J. L. J. Haxworth, Controller of Immigration, Singapore, said yesterday that fiancees are not within the categories-of aliens who may be allowed to enter the Colony. He said, however, on the recommendation of the Immigration Advisory Board, exceptions are made
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  • 123 5 PLEA FOR TWO NEW MARKETS MR. M. P. D. Nair, City Councillor (Labour, South), has suggested to the Secretary of the Singapore City Council that public markets be established in Newton and Kampong Bahru. Mr. Nair said that Newton was now being served by a private market of the shophouse
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  • 105 5 $4,000 CITY GRANT FOR HOSPITAL OINGAPORE City Council's Health Committee has agreed to an annual grant of $4,000 for last year and this year to St. Andrew's Mission Hospital. The hospital authorities had hoped that the Council would make a substantial increase in the grant this year, as it is
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  • 41 5 A district appeal committee lor Sir Henry Gurney Memorial Fund has been formed in Johore Bahru with Inche Mohamed bin Abdullah as chairman. Contributions to the fund may be sent to the chairman at the District Office, Johore Bahru.
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  • 105 5 HOLLOWING substations are r liable to load shedding tonight. Arthur Ed.. Tanjong Katong, Broadrick Ed.. Telok Kurau, Bedok, Changi 9% mile. Changi Prison. Tanah Merah Besar. Selaran* Barracks, S'pore Swimming Club. Tanjong Rhu, UJE. Shipyard, Rhu Cross, Nanyang Ice Works, Cathay, MacDonald House. Tan Chye Place/Fort Canning, Scab
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  • 133 5 He wants tax inspectors for S'pore A SUGGESTION to set up an inspectorate m the Income-tax Department to check tux (lodgers is contained in questions sent to the Colonial Secretary tor answer at the meeting of the Singapore Leg slative Council on April 17. Dr. C. J. Paglar, member for
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  • 72 5 rE 22 girls in the Singapore Social Welfare Department's Home for Girls at Pasir Panjang have been transferred to a new building. The roof of the old building, used by the Department for the last four years, had begun to fall. A Social Welfare Department Official
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  • 58 5 The Singapore and Kuala Lumpur offices of Muller and Phipps (Malaya) Ltd., will be closed today as a mark ot respect for the late Mr. L. E. Phipps, chairman and founder of the parent company, Muller and Phipps (Asia) Ltd., and Dayton, Price and" Company Ltd., who died
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 Uf a/ f F If %mmm What to do? KJllfajLffi KOOLFOAM PILLOWS Available in Adult Sizes in Nylon fir Satin Covers in Pink, Blue and White. Guut Sincks GIAN SINGH tCO^LJD. 30-1. RAFFLES PLACE S PORE I. TEL 5214 5 1 JUST RECEIVED 5 A NEW SELECTION OF I DIAMOND
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  • 48 6 FOLLOWING horses will not start tomorrow Springbok, Zanzibar, Tudor View, Rebuke, Birthday Gift, No Clouds, Fifty Grand, Birch grcve, Perimiter. Parachute. The Potentate. Redan, Reermar. Our Friend, French Rose, Haoma, Tomtoy, Olympic, Lyon Queen and Lyon King. Fairy Tale and Pink Treasure are doubtful starters.
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  • 747 6  -  Tricky card at Ipoh tomorrow ALLAN LEWIS By ing Good Gamble on 18 lb. better terms compared with their last meeting, although Good Gamble 1 won again. 1 Ladies name has no recent form to recommend, but her track work Is good enough
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  • 709 6 ON HANDICAPS STAR LODES IS A SAFE WAGER well. JJANDICAPPING points to Star Lodes a s a safe bet in the Cl. 2, Div. 3 race over the straight 5}F. Star Lodes has just been dropped from Cl. 1 and in his first race there were five divisions—he was handicapped
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  • 205 6 fHOUGH up a division with 2 lb A extra. Cambridge won well enough on the first day to add this Div. 1 race to his list. I think he is too classy for this lot. Bay Street and Tryas, won their respective races on the first
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  • 60 6 1st. DAY WINNERS pictures. TRAINER J. R. Rodgers leads in Pep-C (McCloud) winner of Race 8 (CL— l, Div. 2 —9f.) at Ipoh on Saturday. Pep-C paid $110 for a win and $28 place. On tji e rlrfit Mr. Loke Choong Chak leads in Chance Remarks (Lansdown) winner of Race
    Free Press  -  60 words
  • 56 6 THKRE are five Finneys playing JL VLH*!^ f «>*an--four registered with the League and one in Scotland, although his name la spelt Finnic He is with Dumbarton, and an outside left. Alan plays right wing for Sheffield Wednesday, Richard is an Inside right with Stoctoort
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  • 398 6 KEEP OUT THE 'STONE- WALL' BA TSMEN JBE tortoise or slow player is not uak* x and it is universally agreed thai din **<*« the faults in present day cricket arVduK^ d^ who roes to the crease, dips in, and 4?,?*° the any effort to score. re Us <* to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 PAVILION LAST DAY 1.45. 4.00, 6.30 9.30 Columbia Pictures' II c tKe •A^IILY Secret Starring JOHN DEREK TOMORROW JANE WYMAN in /^THCJMOHL^ REX LAST DAY 11. 145. 4. 6.3* 9.30 Malay Film Production's "JIWA LARA" Starring ROKIAH ft OSMAN GCMANTI TOMO*KOW "THE PRINCE WHO WAS A THIEF Technicolor TFi *400
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    • 235 6 11 COLUMBIA PICTURES pr«e^ |j jg£3£-^^^&?^^^l6i^^l BR" > f" v- -^^^^^^HBBt FROM TODAY AND ALL THRU THE EASTER HOLIDAYS 1 I at 11 a.m., 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 p.m. INVITATION I The undermentioned gentlemen are invited to i attend the 9-30 p.m. show tonight as giu^ts of COLUMBIA PICTURES THE
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 100 6 IfldnOrdKC Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya mssft vssszssi d&gv^Js'<M i2i£ f^- j 7^sy AREjjSuH THE OTHER LOAVES/ Uri /V^ VTl^v/ r^IIIDrL^ JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya 1 SMAJS77E BBLBASES HIS &?/P- I '^kasi^Ji I /AU LAWEsN. jfljh L^ I m I A I
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  • 153 7 ARSENAL TIPPED TO SCORE A DOUBLE 3-0 in replay A ot<*!| N LI?. 1 <Io J-terthr share th e A?Z?t K*pe in hand, eluh ?i her u E nglish football club has brought off the double of the F.A. Cup and League Championship since Agca villa did the trick to
    A.P.; Reuter  -  153 words
  • 197 7 'I just swim and swim' ITTLE Ford Konno, AmeriMJ ca's outstanding Olympic hope, explains his success simply: "I Just swim, and swim." Konno, a 19-year-old Hawaiian of Japanese parentage, dominated the three-day National A.A.U. Indoor Championships* which ended in New Haven, Connecticut on Saturday night, by
    A.P.  -  197 words
  • 259 7 HEARTS and Motherwell replayed their Scottish 11 Cup semi-final at Hampden Park yesterday and we e level at one goal each at the end of 90 minutes. Extra time was played. The teams shared two goals at Hampden just eve: a week ago and the
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 158 7 MALAY A Publishing House scored their first win of the Mm in their Singapore Business I vts PA Div. I League yeste day hen they beat Stanvac PC by four got Is to two at F N ground. It was Stanvac's f> c 3 fe<tt of
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  • 86 7 French Rugby Federation en Sunday decided to disntinue its national championship r. o-der net to be excluded from n., -icnal games with England, r .and Ireland and Wales. JJi decision was taken at a 'our meeting of the Federals D -'ectinß CouncU. *m international Board, nad
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 56 7 I Business Houses Footj A ociation games at r p ark have been can- r because of the unfit r! f f rhe grounds. p'uhria s.C. and Ford G m-et tomorrow at Shell ojnd sime Darby S.C. rn ru u Buk «>m S.C. meet g 0
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  • 11 7 rsh?,,^ International T'nni l meet thc Arm y at
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  • 275 7 A RSENAL, Britain's glamour football team will meet holders, Newcastle United, at Wembley Stadium on May 3, in the F.A. Cup final. They defeated Chelsea 3 o in their semi-final replay on the Tottenham Hotspur ground yesterday after drawing I—l1 1 on Saturday. A crowd
    A.P.; Reuter  -  275 words
  • 72 7 THE recently formed soccer club. Singapore Corinthians, v hich consists mainly of former Kota Raja stars, will not be allowed to participate in Singapore Amateur Football Association competitions, decided the 9.A.F.A Council yesterday. The club, which was accepted as an affiliate of S.A.F.A. at an emergency
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  • 57 7 ANEW record for the Selangor Golf Club championship course was set on Saturday by Plt-Lt John Niven, a former RJkJP. title holder. Playing in the Club's Class "A medal, which was his first competition in Malaya, Niven returned a gross 73. winning the medal by 39% points (38
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  • 34 7 AFTER live postponement A past week* the United Service* Junior League soccer match between Royal Army Pay Corps and Royal Army fj"s School was drawn yesterday at Nee Soon. «%Tnt Aiun WIIM
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  • 145 7 rnHE annual Singapore inter- Services boxing championships for the Indian Cup will be held tomorrow and Thursday evening at the Volunteer Corps Drill Hall in Beach Road. Boxers representing the three Services are: FLY: Navy— Tel. Amin Bin Abdullah: Army Pte. Saunders: R.A.F. A/C Grosse. BANTAM: Navy—
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  • 39 7 RUGBY UNION: Neath 11 Bridgend 6; Pontypool 17 Llanellv 3; Devon port Services 3 Captain Crawshay's team 3; Penzance Newly n 3 Cross Keys 11. RUGBY LEAGUE: Wigan 0 Barrow 9; Bradford Northern 12 York 8- Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 16 7 UK. football result:— Eng. LEAGUE DIVISION I:. Newcastle United 1: Blackpool 3. Reuter
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  • 238 7  - Prisco whip HK cagers P. G. PERALTA By T*HE well-seasoned Prisco A basketball team from Manila made an auspicious start in the Triangular interport basketball tournament by whipping the Hong Kong South China team, 59--45 before 8,000 fans at the Happy World Stadium last night. The two teams battled to
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  • 121 7 Singapore Selangor XIs 'PHE two teams for the cricket match" between Singapore and Selangor. to be played on the S.C.C. padang on Saturday and Sunday, are: Singapore: Wee Chong Jin (capt.), Capt. F. L. Reynolds, Fit. G. W. Wood, M. Thillagaretnam, Cheong Thiara Siew, Ang Earn Hock, H. Perera. S.
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  • 421 7 Singapore Cricket Club 5. 8.0.D.C.A. 2. (SINGAPORE Cricket Club played grand soccer to romp home easy winners hi their S.A.F.A. Ist Division encounter against 8.0.D.C.A. on the Singapore padang yesterday. 8.0X).C.A. though convincingly beaten, were by no means disgraced. They fought gallantly against a
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  • 86 7 YOUNG CANUTO, contender for the bantamweight championship of Southern Philippines, died in hospital early yesterday, some eight hours after he was knocked out in Davao City. He exDired at about 6.30 a.m. from cerebral hemorrhage. A hospital physician said Young Canuto's death was apparently was caused
    U.P.  -  86 words
  • 128 7 CHOONGS ARE BEATEN IN COPENHAGEN DENMARK'S Ib Olesen and John Nygaard Ust 17 night defeated the Malayan brothers Eddie and David Choong, All-England doubles champ ons, in the semi-finals of the International Badminton Tournament in Copenhagen. The score was 15-9, 8-15. 18-17. In the singles, however, Eddie won his semi-final
    Reuter; A.P.  -  128 words
  • 52 7 Randall leaves Thursday PT.-Lt. W. I. ■■Mali, Um man largely responsible far »W» IW9MVU W> IMB o*aa^OT^^^WW UOIMSQ SOTViCOS OOtball ASSO* elation laafai last year, wilt leave Bifiyrt on Thursday IB the Empire OrweD. Eoyal Air Force MaUya't 38--year-oM Staff Physical Tralnlnr OlBcer has played a Mff part both civilian
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  • 283 7 S.R.C 3; Casuals 1. A NEAT SINGAPORE Recreation Club soccer side was far too clever for Chinesp Casuals at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday and gained two Singapore Amateur Senior league points as a result of their two-goal victory margin. Recs' forwards were quicker off the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 288 7 INDIAN GLOBETROTTER {ffih\ ARJUN DASS r ■teQj^f J9r (Known And Recognised In Every Country .1 V In The World As A Really Great Wrestler) ■HpHv SEELIE SAMARA (ARJUN DASS) Plua Full Supporting Programme Book Now For An Evening of Thrills And Excitement At WINSTON'S, SPORTS OUTFITTERS, 4, THE ARCADE STORE.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 32 7 Todays USL SENIOR DIVISION RAF Seletar v. R.X.A.S R.E.MJS. v. RAF Changi RAF Tengah v. RAF Lodgers JUNIOR DIVISION R.N.A.S. v. RAF Seletar RAF Changi v.- R.EM.E. H.Q. RASC v. RAF Tengah.
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  • 153 8 NEW YORK. Tues. GREAT Interest was taken both by the press and radio here in the 30-minute Interview given by Soviet Premier Stalin to India's Ambassador, Dr. Saravapalli Rad fr a Enrich* w^n. The interview was immediately linked to what has been des bribed here as
    153 words
  • 54 8 The world supply of tin fell from 117.200 ions t<* the end cf 1950 tc 99.700 tons at the er 1 of 1951. Supply in the United States dropped from 63.086 tons to 29.730 tons over the same period. Strategic supplies were net included in
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 357 8 THIS IS NOT TIME TO TALK WITH STALIN Labour clashes with Churchill when he says— LONDON, Tuesday. MR. Churchill has indicated that he feels the time is net ripe for a face-to-face meeting with the Russian Premier, Josef Stalin, to try settle the cold war. Mr. Churchill's reaction to apparent
    U.P.  -  357 words
  • 109 8 LONDON, Tues. T*HE Foreign Secretary, Mr. -1 Eden, told a cheering House of Commons yesterday that Britain "is absolutely resolved that Soviet Russia shall not determine how much broadcasting we da." The declaration that Britain will do as she pleases in the air was
    A.P.  -  109 words
  • 35 8 An anti-Communist underground labour organisation called on Soviet zone workers in Berlin yesterday to paint snails everywhere as the symbol of a new campaign of passive resistance to exploitation of workers.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 25 8 The big Sioux and Missouri Rivers, fed by fast melting sncw and ice, swept southward yesterday leaving an estimated 2,100 persons homeless.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 48 8 Top-ranking officers from the Atlantic Allies iand. sea and air forces began a fiveday paper war for practice in Paris yesterday. Eleven of the 14 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) nations sent more than 60 officers, all lieuten-ant-generals or above, to take part. A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 25 8 West German border police yesterday announced the arrest of a man suspected of being implicated in the mail bomb plot against Chancellor
    25 words
  • 74 8 Continued from Page 1. given full discretion to combat terrorists, he did not need to ask for authority. Lord Milverton, once a district officer in the Tanjong Malim area, observed that he had been "rather goaded by Lord Stansgate and his excursions into high morality. "The situation cannot
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 171 8 BRADLEY HOPEFUL ON KOREA NEW YORK, Tues. /GENERAL Omar Bradley \X said at Macon, Georgia, yesterday that he has great hopes for a peaceful settlement in Korea. But he denounced as "absurd" the Communist negotiators' demand for Russia to be named a neutral truce observer. "I just don't believe the
    A.P.  -  171 words
  • 90 8 TRACY. California, Tues. NEARLY 500,009 angry "residents" hampered th e activities of firefighters last weekend as flames cutted a section of the Albert Coehene Bee Farm, one mile west of here. As firemen fought to control the blaze, which swept through beehives and a warehouse filled with
    U.P.  -  90 words
  • 183 8 SAN FRANSCISCO, Tues. HUNDREDS of animal specie^ dredged from ocean depths never before reached by man were shown in an exhibition in San Francisco by a Danish scientific expedition. Led by Dr. Anton P. Bruun, the scientists put into .SanFrancisco in their Danish^ frigate, Galathea,
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 40 8 'SOMETHING MONEY CAN'T BUY' picture. BRITISH FILM actress. Patricvi Roc, who stars in "Something Money Can't Buy" makes this charming: picture in a lemon yellow blouse, red -brown slacks with an attractive Parisian belt brightened by heavy metal fastenings.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 250 8 Pakistan plea for Stalin plan to aid Asia MOSCOW, Tuesday. A "STALIN PLAN for the development of Asian countries was suggested at the Moscow economic* conference yesterday by a prominent Pakistani delegate, Mr. Altaf Hussain, editor of the leading: morning newspaper, ''Dawn." A British Member of Parliament, Mr. Harold Davies
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  • 153 8 'Left French, Tunisians settle own dispute' LONDON, Tues. fFHE Foreign Secretary, Mr. A Anthony Eden, yesterday said he did not favour International intervention between the French and the Tunisians on the spot. The Labour member, Mr. Fenner Brockway. had asked in the House of Commons what the attitude of the
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 34 8 Countess Mountbatten, now in New Delhi on her Far Eastern tour, had tea with India's President, Dr. Rajendra Pra&id yesterday. Today she leaves for Bombay on her way to London.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 112 8 NEW YORK GREETS DUTCH QUEEN NEW YORK, Tues. NEW YORK, the city that grew from a small Dutch settlement, gave a traditional ticker tape welcome yesterday to Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. Thousands shouted greetings from the sidewalks and office windows, and ticker tape streamed from the tall buildings as
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 17 8 A cow belonging to a farmer in Trouville, France, has given birth to three healthy calves.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 227 8 Straits Tines Free Press For the convenience of advertisers, our representative at Ist Hoor, SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE. ORCHARD ROAD, will receive small advertisements and answers to box numbers. Cijssif.ed advertisements may j'so be handed to: CITY BOOX STORI LTD.. W. -Chester Mouse. Cclsyer Quay, Singapore. CITY BOOX STORE LTD.. 93
      227 words
    • 152 8 I FOR DEPENDABLE TINE from all watch deo/ erj throughout Malaya. j —iM .iggcmjß l||||( A Good Selection of 6/Ss~~ Ladies and Gentlemen SEE OUR FULL KANGE OF THE LATEST DESIGNS DIAMOND, GOLD-RINGS, BRACELETS, PEARLS, JADE, JEWELLERY, Etc. Inspection Invited LIM SHING HONG JEWELLERS Head Office: j J Branch Office:
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