The Singapore Free Press, 14 March 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 4 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 519 1 Harnman urges US not to cut planned aid WASHINGTON, Friday. yH AVERELL HARRIMAN, Director of the itia! Security Agency, yesterday warned loint meeting of the Foreign Affairs Comol the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives that South-East Asia was in «jpwtdKate danger". \li Harriraan, presenting the
    Reuter; U.P.; AFP  -  519 words
  • 89 1 12-HOUR E. COAST BLACKOUT Frre Press M.iff Reporter. IHE 12-hour b.^cl.out scheduled fc a large section ri :r.e East Coast of Singa- beftn this evening. I fa made necessary by »rt o the cables In conbkUoo with the extension of the dtetrfiration of the net- .< foi the new power
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  • 44 1 RANGOON. Fri. TOMMUNisr LED rebels raided Singaing, 20 miles I Mandalay, yesterday. «wie h aten back by nt Tce.< after r; v righting E they v ere driven out *b'U bad infiltrated nre than half of the Setwra] were killed
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  • 22 1 J v. oman was toto** when she fell off a Singapore Traction bus in Orchard R 8.20 this morning.
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  • Article, Illustration
    74 1 KICHISABtiRO NOMURA, former Japanese admiral, who was in Washington as a "peace" envoy when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour on Dec. 7, 1941, is greeted by Vice Admiral Harold Martin, (left) as an invited guest for change of command ceremonies aboard the U.S. Battleship, "Wisconsin" in Yokosuka Harbour
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 206 1 WIFE SENT OTHER WOMAN: LONDON, Friday. RATS", thought the wife in an "eternal triangle", and she solved her Christmas present problem by sending a dead one to "the other woman I The wife, Mrs. Edith Pfuel, 28, of Leominstei, Herefordshire, yesterday, faced a magistrate on
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 97 1 HUNDREDS FLEE FROM VOLCANO MANILA. Fri. HUNDREDS of terrified people yesterday fled their homes in two towns and 16 villages on Camigiin Island as the dreaded Hibok Hibok volcano showed sign.* of erupting For the past tour days the volcano which has brought death and destruction to the little island
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 90 1 BUDGET MAKES STRONGER LONDON. Fri. rE sterling strengthened further in world markets yesterday reflecting the favourable view taken of the British budget. In New York it reached its highest rate since midDecember when the British authorities allowed freer dealings. The buying of sterling appeared to be very broad. Its strength
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  • 56 1 A CHINESE Duiiding contractor, walking with his son at Jalan Besar, Singapore, last night was held up by two men and robbed of twx> pens, $101 and a gold ring. An Indonesian labourer alleged to the police that he was attacked last night by three Europeans
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  • 53 1 US splits Far E. Command WASHINGTON, Fri. DRESIDENT Truman yes- terday approved the separation of the Philip-pines-Formosa area from the Far East command of Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway It was placed under Admiral Arthur W. Radford, commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet. The command transfer takes effect tomorrow. The P»ntft<rnn said
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  • 49 1 Free Press Staff Reporter T*HE troopship, Empire Windrush. held up off Labrador Point since Sunday with a fractured engine casting, sailed last night with the 1,300 servicemen and their families for Britain. A new engine casting was made in the Singapore Harbour Board shipyards.
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  • 24 1 Dollar-short Britain will buy much less North American tobacco in 1952 than in 1951, Trade Minister Mr. Peter Thorneycroft. said vesterday.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 21 1 The United States Government has removed all controls on the use of lead because of improved supplies.— A. P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 77 1 NEW DELHI, Friday. rpHE Nizam of Hyderabad and 15 of his 70 wives A arrived in three planes in New Delhi yesterday Some of his children and grandchildren came, too. It was quite a show. Three Indian Air Force Vampire jets flew over the
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  • 22 1 CEYLON HELPS A usually well-informed source said yesterday that Ceylon may further dash imports from dollar and hard currency countries to con-
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  • 327 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. MR. DEAN ACHESON, the U.S. Secretary of j Defence, told the joint meeting of the Foreig 1 I Affairs Committees of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives yesterday, that although the United States had made "progress toward laying the basis
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 114 1 Mrs. Pandit for China mission NEW DELHI, Pri. MRS. Vijayalakshmi Pandit, sister of Pandit Nehru and former Indian Ambassador to Washington, will lead India's forthcoming cultural and good-will mission :o Communist China, The Indian Government's 12-man mission is scheduled to make a month-long tour of Red China as guests of
    A.P.; Reuter  -  114 words
  • 25 1 An advance party of five of the Swiss 12-man expedition to climb Mount Everest left Geneva for Bombay by air yesterday.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 250 1 LONDON, Fri. THE National Executive Committee of the Labour Party yesterday discussed the Bevanite quarrel with the parly leadership. It endorsed the decision to re-imppsa standing orders, which was taken at Tuesday's meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party. The standing orders demand that members of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 r^%^ v rOBZQI r -N\,\PORE. 9. OVALTINE rxvu
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    • 86 1 SINGAPORE RESTAURANT (Ist Class Bar) 79, Bra* Basali Rd. Tel. 4088. Singapore. 7. Excelleot Cuiiioe Ist Clan Service Special Cocktails Cold Beer, Wine Spirits European Dinner Ala Carte 9 Chinese Food HARDY AMIES y.; '■^SffivrWß^ft'^^^^^^^^^^BHßft^^^^^^^^ll^BßpyWft'^^^^^^Sß^^^^^^r 'v '4^^v -i^B» *y^|^^^^EpCOK-'-^^^^^^ji(MPH^^^^BlvaHwWpgoPPpWßy?Wßg?^CTpBBo^^^BoP '|B|Ba K^^^sS :jB V B Jwß BBp$: :-:'i-*:-.'^KJ B^j S^^ :;:;H;x;
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  • 740 2  -  Iris Ashley A GLIMPSE OF PARIS AWAY FROM THE GLITTER By WHEN Monsieur Du- dognon invited us to his house for lunch we were immensely flattered. The French, in general, do not invite people casually into the privacy of their homes. We may have told you
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  • 297 2 Plumber is married for seventeenth time Forgets some of the names 72-YEAR-Old plumber of El Paso, Texas, claims to have set a world record by taking a new wife—for the 17th time. He is Bruce Stejele, and his latest wife, Estelle. whom he has known for 22 years, is 47
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  • 422 2 Costs Aft High Today SPOTLIGHT en CHRISTERIRGS California HIT by the rocketing cost of living, Californian christenings make a big dent in the family budget. But even in and around Hollywood custom has it that "junior" must be christened in the local church, and that godmothers and godfathers, relatives and
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  • 98 2 m* U "?i Ur girl above i$ weiring an *©ff Hie shoulder' tun dress with elasicised bodice, popular in warm climates. nf c *> These dresses JrrJT Uf. er plum w ««e» «"d Hiey are not in Hie least way flattering to them. The plump woman has
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  • 206 2 .A President Speaks MRS. Hiram Cole ifl Houghton, president of America's General Federation of Women's Clubs, thinks that women in the main are far more important than men, and that this could be a woman's world. All the women have to do to make it so,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 147 2 ttllS plire milk The nghtmilk for babies ted by bottto Ostermilk li is the good, nourishing baby food, so accessary tor building sturdy Dimes and healthy bodies. Ostermilk, with iron and vitamin D i|sjgg^§S^S| added, is so easily digested chat IfiSrcmt »IJR 7OUt babv ts ountemed s|e cp« IP^S/WH^ «oundlv
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    • 157 2 New Quick Dry Skin I Smooth on Muscle Oil. Then Anti-Wrinkle Cream. Remov* rfter 30 minutes and your skin will look radiantly fresh and devy toft. Care lines Mem to disappear. ANTI-WRINKLE CREAM MUSCLE OIL MAYUU CO., LTD. j laEJS *^^^^W: :^>w t^ ?•:v; >:^KKW^wwiFWMwnv,,-,.. %«f shu-trh: IUCTRIC ffICTOR >^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 216 2 iUUK LUCKY STAR f^OKN today, the stars have given you exceptional talent in some particular field music, mathematics, science, art. or literature. It is up to vou to progress in the one that appeals to you most. For by following your natural bent, vour tremendous energies will be put to
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    • 57 2 New Crossword No. 610 ACROSS 1. Qid Lord xMayor might get tignt in town (11) 7. inexplicable rust to. cable (11). 8. Pound to wander after tea (5). 9. Kicks for literary drudges (5). 11. Water-bsating product (5). 13. Musical nc^ rajser XJ) 15. Their relanses are criminal (in. 17,
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  • 299 3 3-WEEKS SECRET KEPT FROM WIFE 'No job husband went out daily pimNNlne-Year-Old Alexand^oh/'Kitt did not tcU his wife for nearly three weeks that he was suspended from his £775-a-year job as a secondary school headmaster. Daly he left his in the afternoon at his usual time. SJSiS^SHk 61 118 118
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  • 124 3 SPKINUFIELD. Massachusetts, Fri. TH E wife of a Korean war *ir force hero has learned .n^tareously that her hus- had shot down his b fl f t d Communist 800 and E shP was ordered out of ST tenement home. XLs CJr.rad Mattson and
    U.P.  -  124 words
  • 52 3 Aareen Australians have inc imes of A 50.000 a year— ;,r.i three of them are w imen The lat-st Taxation Comnissionert report. which pit :hese facts, also noted 'i- ;nly one man had an ietual income of more than 50 .000 sol^lv from n*»rsnni -xtTtion Reuter
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  52 words
  • 24 3 Three Syrian University professors have been dis■iaed for refusing to take a: ath that they would not take part in po-itics.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 70 3 SYDNEY. Fri. A badly planned kitchen is more likely to cause a broken home than "another woman,** according to Rus-sian-born 45-year-old Simon Shaw, a former Continental architect. "It's marvellous what even a tiny change in a room's make-up or colour can do.'' he said "A wife
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 53 3 Handshake was too hearty Liberal Party organiser, Douglas Date, was recently awarded A £75 compensation because his little finger was broken in a handshake with another official. The Workers' Compensation Commission at Sdyney ruled that the Liberal Party was liable as Date was on duty when the "hearty handshake" took
    A.A.P.  -  53 words
  • 105 3 COMO. Fri. BEAUTEOUS Countess Pia Bellentani has received a seven-year prison sentence for the slaying of a wealthy industrialist, who allegedly attempted to rid himself of her and five other mistresses with a circular letter. The court, which was cleared of other young persons while extracts
    U.P.  -  105 words
  • 61 3 KARACHI, Fri. THE Pakistan Government ha s formally proposed a meeting of the Muslim states of the Middle East and Asia to exchange views on the establishment of a committee for consultation on problems of common interest. The countries ipproached bv Pakistan were Afghanistan Egypt, Indonesia. Persia
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  • 189 3 MOSCOW HAS SOBERING-UP PUCES FOR ITS DRUNKS MOSCOW, Frt.' ALCOHOLISM, as far as can be determined, has ceased to be a special problem in the Soviet Union. There is certainly no prohibition, and the drinking laws are very few. Alcoholic drinks, cannot in any circumstances be sold to children, but
    A.P.  -  189 words
  • 31 3 Thirty members of the Muslim terrorist organisation. Fedayan Islam, have begun a hunger strike to try and force the authorities to brine them to trial or free them A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 24 3 Official trade relations between Macao and Japan have been reopened as a result 01 successful talks between the authorities of the two countries.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 45 3 The ceathrch from rioting which began in Newclare near Johannesburg on Sunday between Zulu civil guards and Basutos, rose to 12 following the death of another African. Out of 95 injured people 21 were critically ill and some might die.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 29 3 The Indian Government has lodged a "strong protest" with Pakistan against a special 20 per cent tax on the sale of Indian films in Western Pakistan.- AFP
    AFP  -  29 words
  • 71 3 BALTIMORE, Friday. r»HICKENS with club feet, deformed beaks, split spinal columns, and dislocated nips are being nroduced by an Indian scientist here so that little children may some day be freed from such con genital abnormalities. Dr P K Duraiswami oi i New Delhi, started <*Pgi-'
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  • 374 3 Girl, 21, went to wild parties: dope was lure LONDON, Friday.' WHERE was something strange about her eyes x so thought a young Customs officer when blonde, 21-year-old Christine Mary Vasey arrived from Paris at Northolt Airport one night last August. So* he asked to look in her handbag. He
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  • 192 3 RAIN: BUT NOT ALL OF IT FALLS TO EARTH NEW YORK, Ira. IF you get caught in a thunderstorm without a raincoat, just remember it could be worse. You would get nine times as bad a drenching if thunderstorms were efficient rain producers. This was reported by Roscoe R. Braham
    A.P.  -  192 words
  • 133 3 New Zealand's effort for WELLINGTON, N.Z. Fri. tthe New Zealand Go?--1 ernment ha s clamped lincensing restrictions on dollar and non-sterling area imports in a bid to raise her annual trade surplus with the hard currency areas by £25,000,000.. The Prime Minister, Mr. Sydney Holland, disclosing this move to help
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 )V>^ LANOLIN I f -^3^ SHAMPOO I f mm* IS J/nMr^^ I £.^V Jb iiS^f 4^^ }l^L ss-. ::.::-iay^fc A WailaUz at all leading stores n nsapore 2 Sizes -/35 cts. and -/60 cts. Fpderation as above Dlu« duty THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD >«COft»O«ATeO IM TMff FEOCHATIOM OP «»l»»At ESTABLISHED
      70 words
    • 181 3 ~PC t c^ook i f p x j V 4vS-" t JD -S; :i J* < Sturdy limbs, firm flesh, sound S C bones the happiness of abound- C < ing health these are some of the h gifts bestowed by this famous food. C Ji For there is everything
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 51 3 Radio SINGAPORE 10 a.m Emergency News From Ki.; 10.05 "Matinee"; -Music For Strings"; 1 p.m Radio Orch.; 1.30 News; 1.45-2 Art Van Damme Quintet; 6.15 News; 6.17 "Forces Favourites"; 6.55 Announcements; 7 News; 715 "The Man Behind the Camera"; 7.30 "Hit Parade"; 8 Talk. "The Sterling Area": 8.30 Friday Prom;
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 323 4 ON the steps of City Hall, where six months ago he presented the Royal Charter to Singapore in the name of the King, Sir Franklin Gimson today will receive the Freedom of Singapore City. It is fitting that Her Majesty's representative in 'this Crown Colony, the senior
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    • 174 4 GENERAL Eisenhower has polled more votes than Senator Taft In the New Hampshire primary elections. His triumphant supporters are elatedly proclaiming that Ike has proved himself to be the Republicans' best votegetter. The results, of course, do show that Eisenhower is popular. But it would be premature
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  • 571 4 LET'S GO FOR A BATH The cinema Is 0 full 50... ....but there's a queue for tJtat, too, says Henry Thody from Istanbul **YTO seats left at the said my Turkish friend, i4 iet's go to the 'hamam' instead*. A 'hamam*, I knew, was a Turkish bath. It seemed like
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  • 745 4  -  POLITICO rlc^K f THE Dome of Discovx ery, the centrepiece of the Festival of Britain exhibition Is up for sale and at a bargain price. Three times bigger than the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral the Dome of Discovery cost £160,000. It may go as scrap
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  • 797 4  - Life Has a New Punch In The Scottish Highlands MAX McAUSLANE Scots, English and Irish are working together to revitalise a cattle-raising country By IN the north-west 'of Scotland there is an upsurge of enterprise and endeavour that has already repopulated one deserted Highland glen. It is the Great Glen
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  • 224 4 LETTER TO THE EDITOR I MUST reply to "an Asian's vilification of one of the greatest statesmen in the world and his accusation tfcat Nehruism is worse than Fascism or Communism. No sensible person, unless he is a stooge or a mercenary, will pick on Mr. Nehru in
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  • 269 4 New Move By Us. S__*wam A Nl:w >t toua,, «1 by the to^ Germany ra ay fe «ng the bas lsJor new European Arm-. The CniKd Stat«* has warned the mans that if they tinue to use St^" re-mihtarisation af a lever to ext ran an <L growing lists of
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  • 84 4 REMEMBERING that radar was to a large extent responsible for the outcome of the Battle of Entain, Switzerland has decided to set up ID ultra-mod-ern air-raid warung network based on an bit) «l radar defence system First move by the -^iss has been to sign a contract
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 23 4 Modern Ring* of Distinction fot Every Occasion. P. H. HENDRY, Manufacturing Jewellet 78. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD SINGAPORE 6 4. BATU ROAD. KUALA IUMPUa.
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    • 16 4 FOR SALE Sports stadium* suitable for athletics, badminton, wrestling, ';>;•>>■ "■•'•■■X\'S>. Mfcjj^^^^^K\*Sfl^<**-*-'-*-'.--->'-i\ ■"v*-*5y- ly^vSfe id^^BH- v '■■'''y.'^i'-' •■■■>■
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    • 54 4 It's so easy to serve especially when Ws &C^—"MOUNTAIN MAID"! "^S Chilled asparagus set I out appetisingly in a I Jk^^~ —L 3 salad or as hors I rri T 1 d'oejjivres tastes wonderful f AW. Heat it gently and kiM^^n^ serve with white /^B\%< sauce or melted but- /pßkNv
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  • 405 5 SPEEDER SERVICE NOW AT HOSPITAL More doctors on duty Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE General Hospital's out-patient and casualty department, which last month recorded a daily average of 575 attendances, has been reorganised as an independent unit with eight doctors to provide the public with a speedier 24-hour service. Hitherto
    Free Press  -  405 words
  • 140 5 The hall 'Good Cause badly handled' n mtuii nail f l the Singa- :c a nerfect example a good cause c: Miase public support f says > e Party In' ;;f ,es t newsletter. m 1 1 Om supremacy this particular o b,ect of building «ttlusiTel) for the use V^'h-
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  • 255 5 GIMSON CEREMONY TODAY Free Press Staff Reporter SIR Franklin Gimson, the retiring Governor of Singapore, becomes the first Freeman of the City today. The ceremony will be held on the steps of the City Council Hall at 5.40 p.m. If the weather is bad, it will be held in the
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  • 42 5 Cigarettes, manufactured in Formosa with native tobacco, will be imported into Malaya for the first time and sold here. A big consignment is expected in Singapore by next month and will be distributed by a local Chinese company.
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  • 20 5 Mr. F. D. Marrable, ASP, Segamat's OSPC, has been promoted to be Superintendent of Police, Federation of Malaya *Police.
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  • 39 5 St. Andrew's Mission Hospital Linen Guild received $1,473.80 from the charity bridge and mahjong drive held at Air House on Feb. 29 The committee thanked Sir Francis and Lady Forgarty and all those who helped picture.
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  • 92 5 Lightning strikes Gardens LIGHTNING struck at the Singapore Botanic Gardens on Tuesday night destroying some plants and putting out of action three ejectrical fuse boxes. The lightning struck some ginger plants, which were growing round the base of a palm tree at the back of the Gardens' laboratory. It then
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  • 137 5 HOLLOWING substations •F are liable to load shedding tonight. Arthur Koad, Tanjong Ratong, Broadrick Road. Sea View Hotel, East Coast Road. Telok Kurau. Bedok, Changi 9% mile, Changi Prison, Tanah Merah Besar. Selarang Barracks, Atlas Ice, Happy World, Asia Rubber Lor. 3., Sims Avenue Sawmill. Shell Co., Lee
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  • 238 5 Pamphlets explain call-up law taken down II bad weather makes it necessary." The pamphlet says the Bill was not expected to become law until after the June meetirg of the Legislative Council unless there was a sudden emergency. But this was not expected. "The registration will tell Government how many
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 5 v nv WIS n«» Au^-'V*n HlrH romniissioifer to Pakistan
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  • 132 5 Free Press Staff Reporter FE Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, yesterday evening addressed the Union Jack Club for the last time as its president. Sir Franklin, who is retiring as Governor of Singapore, i s leaving for England on Thursday Saying farewell to the club he
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  • 35 5 picture. INCHE SALLEH ASKOR, of Radio Malaya, asking a Negri Sembilan penfhuln his views on kiiwpoag problems. Looking on arc other penghulus who were ah>wa how Radio Malay* works. Free Press
    Free Press  -  35 words
  • 545 5 Free Press Staff Reporter THE Progressive Party in its latest newsletter says: "When a member of the Singapore Legislative Council appeared at one of its meetings wearing the colours of another country, all true Singaporeans felt the slap in the face". The letter adds: "Ever
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  • 156 5 They want to help in civil defence SEVERAL young Asians, aged 30 End under, have applied to the Singapore Civil Defence Department in Kolam Ayer Lane for registration in its corps. The Commissioner of Civil Defence, Colonel L. T. Firbank, said yesterday, "We do not normally require men of such
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  • 17 5 A Chinese was arrested for breaking the curfew in the Batu Gajah area of Perak.
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  • 229 5 Free Press Staff Reporter ITNIVERSITY of Malaya is *J unable to turn out sufficient pharmacists to meet the demand in this country. Reason: the output of pharmacists has been affected by the war %n& the difficulties in getting teaching staff There arc 16
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 882 6  -  ALLAN LEWIS T^ 9F should suit him well By THE BOSUN is one of those racehorse* destined to make headline news and foi his engagement tomorrow, the opening daj of the Singapore Turf Club's March meeting he is the most discussed horse for
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  • 584 6 FOLLOWING horses will not start tomorrow: Tan Street, Battleship, Sicyon, Merry- Go -Round, Cease Fire, Lyon Queen, Film Studio, Stare Show, Hypnotism, Oregon. Cobro, Ra-Li, Trafalgar, Whaler, Charlemagne, Matinee and Empire Rose. and did not win a race urrL: n deteated The Bosun at the Novem ber
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  • 288 6 ji|ASTERMAN and Magic B 1T Oak winners of then last three races lend quite an unusual amount i ol interest m this Cl. 2, Div. 2 race over 6-F. Both are veity fit at the moment and I find it nard to separate them.
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  • 42 6 Members and friends of the Achilles Jub are invited to attend a film show >n athletics at the Shell House at 5 30 >m. today The flltns will be on printing and hurdling featuring Geof rev and Maureen Dvson
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  • 387 6 OERVERSE, My Ling, Full Till, Assize, Lucifer Wonder Lad, Galway Greer and Friendship cai] all be given chances in this Cl. 3, Div. 3 race ovei 6-F. to make it one of the hardest races of Chi afternoon. Perverse finished third, second and second
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  • 441 6 Take Waikiki f or CL 2, Div. 4 sprint SSiii^r* 11 oniy othtr PRINCELING T AM not kokin* beyond Waikiki for the winner of thk r, wer six furlongs. Waikiki finished secorfd to Wondlr > °M^ start on this course and his track work suggests he ha* L d at
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  • 294 6 HONOLULU'S form at the January meeting was good enough for him to win this Cl. 2, Div. 1, race over seven furlongs. He won his first start, in January, over 1 mile, then came out the last day and beat a fairly good Div.
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  • 98 6 VICTORIANS J.E.C. DRAW Jn their fnenciiy s dm pfcpl jon .he Victors 'schooi Krcojd yesterday. Victoria School and it Johcre English College Ami four goals. Johore opened scoring it ;ne tenih minute through Anwa: ul just before the interval. V.c: -i School equalise through Billy Teo. Five minutes afer the
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  • 42 6 The Blue Rovers Sports Club end the Christian Young Men's Association had their SAFA Div. 3A league match postponed by the referee Sgt. Bligh because of the rain yesterday. The match was scheduled to be p'ayed at the CYMA ground
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  • 22 6 Champagne beat the ex-milkman CHARLIE rwmti <N Perennial tmnttaZ. i** 1 welterweight cr*rnijl/* close decision to'Vu!?** on-tim, .llk^^Mli ftiK Mllwltl '*^2 A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 188 6 Dons H,r; M p &s% tennis championships of Ezrv In an all-Americ.-n fin? beat I** Slurley FrV de^cS ch mpicn. 2-6. 6-1 6-2 Jaroslav Dioonv ol a?™ ed rhe final ot the E«vputa> national lawn ,enm, Cl" on Wednesday wShTJ? 6-4. 6-1 semi-fma] w
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 233 6 CAPITOL TODAY 11 1.45 4 CM and 9.30 p.n Warner Bros Starring DORIS DAY and 18 BIG NAME GUEST STARS Tomorrow M'nite RKO RADIO'S "DOUBLE DYNAMITE SUrrinc JANE RUSSELL Groucho Man ft Frank Sinatra Booking Plans Now Open for tVe-Release Premiere "A Streetcar Named DesirfMonday 17th 9.30 p.m. REX TODAy
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    • 68 6 The Flying Dutchman Today, there are many "Flying Dutchmen" luxurious K.L.M. \m i Constellations, which circle \m M the globe on a vast network W M a which embraces 61 countries, \w M throughout the world. Planes W M a leave Singapore thrice weekly. Mjfi See your travel agent or:
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 68 6 MftlidrdKG Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya WSffffSM issHiisi t^'-ssTl Iss: I ,^i feag^jjujjjd '""--r-^-'ygM^ H^yi gag i gag. I JANt Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya I I j^j MIOOo Pf^ NOT gfW TUB. LODCV wcmt /vu i II j f=^^^^^^^ I IB^ wwiiNO 'w
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  • 343 7 SINGAPORE Recreation Club, who ended far down 3 Singapore Amateur Football Association's Senior Division League table last year, beat Chinese Athletic two-one at the Jalan Besar Stadium, vesttrday. .All three goals were scored 15 minutes from the end. •"he nrr.e was a battle
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  • 197 7 DISAPPOINTMENT FOR THE ULSTER RIFLES MEMBERS of the Ist Battalion Royai Ulster Rifles, traininf in Singapore for the forthc siring FARELF inter-unit boxing semi-final against R.E.M were disappointed to learn this morning thai the Ist Bn. Royal West Kents had tost their Malaya District final against Ist Bn. Manchester Regiment
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  • 80 7 Achille Bnineel and Rik Tan Steenbergen of Belgium won the Paris International six-day cycle race, which ended In Paris on Wednesday night. They covered 3,608 kilometres In 144 hours and 3,650 kilometres In the 145 hours the race actually lasted. Comparative figures for last year's
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 369 7 FOR TY AFTER PENG SOON'S TITLE He draws a bye in first round W 1 Pcn Sooil 34-ycar-old Malayan hotter of the men's singles all-England b d nt ?ii totie, drew a bye in the first ronnd .r? 1 52 and will meet a British player who has yet to
    U.P.  -  369 words
  • 143 7 SAINTS LOSE RECORD SAINT Andrew's School lost their unbeaten record in inter-Schools soccer yesterday evening when they met Saint Joseph's Institution at the SJJ. ground. St. Patrick's scored the only goal of the match. The Saints forwards did not impress. They were too confident and missed chances right and left.
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  • 118 7 Wales stick to same fifteen J?OR their match against France at Swansea on Mar. 22, the Welsh Rugby ►Union selectors have chosen the same team which beat Ireland last Saturday and so save Wales the triple crown. Victory over France would give them maxi"" 1 points for their international procxamme
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 185 7 rEYLON~ Sports Club (Singapore) have been $43,325 in donations *omr* O£r BuUding Fund! The Club have so far collected $10,282.50 from 187 donors. This is stated In the club's annual report which will be presented at the annual General Meeting to be held at the
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 53 7 rpHE United States Olympic Committee, which is planning to send a squad, of 349 athletes to the summer games in Helsinki, counts just $100,000 in its coffers. That Is more than nal a million dollars short of the required $700,000 to transport, train and house the
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 20 7 The Y.M.C.A.'g third Post-war Open Invitation Tennis Tournament will begin on Mar. 26. Entries close on Mar. 21.
    20 words
  • 266 7 SPORTS facilities In the shape of a stadium and public playing field are likely to be laid on in Johore Bahru before the end of the year thanks to a grant of $150,000 announced by the State Government yesterday. A sub-committee has already been appointed
    266 words
  • 62 7 XI *f l 2fe? er Le *P Yttir D»y— i«st diving champion and British Olympic 'hope* Denise Newman plnnffw °i sand an s str w doril1 *»ininff at her Little Shelford, Cambridge, home. Denise (in priv*U i UJe Mrs. St. Aubyn Hubbard) is watched fcy her husband, Vyvyan,
    62 words
  • 176 7 It's soccer time in Glasgow TT is soccer time in Glasgow again. x A howling mob of 20,000 Glaswegians battlecl— and beat an entire city police force in a street fracas yesterday outside the ticket offices for the great game of the season the international between
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 34 7 SENIOR DIV. S.E.E. y R.A.O.C. RAF Seletar v. HMS Terror. R.E.M.E. v. G.H.Q. Sigs. JUNIOR DIV. S.R.R.A. R.A.P.C. R.N. Kranji v. RAF Seletar. F.B.W. v. R.E.M.E. JI.A.S.C. (S) v. HQ R.A.S.C.
    34 words
  • 47 7 The Singapore Corinthians soccer team to play against R.A.F. (Tengah) on Sunday at Tengah Till be selected from: Jaafar. Arshad. Salleh. Haji Garhan, Harith, Ahmad mOar. A. Rahman Azix. Sharif! Madon, Buang Tumin, Hussein. Hamid, Halim Ahmad Haji Ahmad Shariff Giman. Awang Bakar.
    47 words
  • 123 7 LIGHTWEIGHT champion Jimmy Carter registered a non-title victory over top challenger Luther in Chicago on Wednesday. It was a split decision. Both judges voted for Carter but the referee voted against him. Rawlings protested loudly at the verdict. "It was the easiest
    123 words
  • 142 7 IMifc. smgapoie Motor uauu uau a most enjoyable year, states the annual report. Outstanding in the year's efforts was the flawless ocgariisation of the Johore Grand Prix held in August. The financial position of the club is reported to be sound. The S.M.C. programme for the current
    142 words
  • 553 7 Free Press Boxing; Reporter OOKS as if the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers are in for a tough night of it when they swap leather with the Ist Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles at Tanglin Gymnasium next Friday. These Irishmen have a reputation
    553 words
  • 69 7 k USTRALIA'S champion A sprinter San Domonico is favourite for the six furlongs Newmarket Handicap of £3,000 Australian, to be run at Flemington racecourse, Melbourne, tomorrow. He carries top weight of tot. 121b. in the race, for which there are 25 final acceptors. Only six horses
    Reuter-AAP  -  69 words
  • 29 7 Singapore Harbour Board Recreation Club drew one-all at soccer with Jollilads on the Kepple Harbour Boys' Club ground yesterday. Salleh scored for S.H.B. and Ibrahim for Jollilads.
    29 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 41 7 Sole Importers: a V KIAN GWAN (M) LTD. V 35 Telok Ayer Street. Tel: *****/75. (5 Lines) SINGAPORE I. THE STRAITS TIMES DIRECTORY of SINGAPORE ad MALAYA PRICE $30 POSI rREE TO MALAYAN TOWNS ONLY Obtainable from rheStrciUTimeiWieeiatr I < Cec«>U|«tSiogap(M't j
      41 words

  • 42 8 Robert Fletcher, 89, informed in his will, made public in London yesterday, that he intends to continue, his morning constitutional in the after-world. The will directed that his walking stick "shall be buried with me."- A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 178 8 Govt's conduct churlish, says Evatt CANBERRA, Friday. DR. Herbert Evatt, Australian Opposition leader, yesterday accused the Government of "churlish irrational conduct" in repudiating trade contractual agreements with the United Kingdom. "The Menzies Government, which was supposed to be against all controls, is introducing the-
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 131 8 NEW DELHI, Fri. GROUPS of more than five people were forbidden .yesterday in Bareilly United Provinces; following serious riots on Wednesday between Hindus and Muslims when several policemen were wounded and 50 people arrested. The riots started during a Hindu holy festival marking the advent of
    AFP  -  131 words
  • 200 8 Continued from Page 5 money, says the Party, to build a badminton hail of such a size as can only be put to full use at the most once in three years, always assuming that we continue to re- rain the Cup. •For this project the Progressive Party
    200 words
  • 230 8 ROME, Friday. npHE high-flying and deep-diving Piccard brothers A are planning to try to reach new heights and depths, a member of the family said yesterday. M. Auguste Piccard, a Swiss citizen who reached the stratosphere in a balloon in 1931 and is now
    A.P.  -  230 words
  • 15 8 Tfce Pakistan Government nad decided to appoint cdmmercial attaches to Moscow and Peking.- A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  15 words
  • 178 8 GENEVA, Friday. HPHE International Red Cross has agreed to an x American request to send a commission to Korea to investigate Communist allegations of United Nations germ warfare. The International Committee yesterday cabled Mr. Dean Acheson, U.S. Secretary of State, General Kim II Sung,
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 85 8 YOKOHAMA, Fri. A JAPANESE soldier reA ported "killed in action" in 1944, said on his arrival here yesterday that he had spent five years in the New Guinea jungles eating lizards, snakes and frogs. Munekichi Okada, 38, said he learned of Japan's defeat In March
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 49 8 George Marsh, 18-year-old choir boy, admitted in a Canterbury court yesterday that he stole one pound from the collection plate he. carried around in the parish church. The judge put nim on probation for a year and ordered him to repay the money.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 155 8 MOSCOW, Friday. rpHE Soviet Council of Ministers yesterday pub--1 lished a partial list of Stalin prizes fop science technology. The first pri^e for physics worth 200,000 rubles was awarded to academician Nikolai Belov for study in atomic structure of crystals. several nunared thousand rubles went
    U.P.  -  155 words
  • 39 8 DANCERS' TRIBUTE TO PAVLOVA picture. THREE members of a company of Spanish dancers pay tribute to the memory of the great Pavlova during a visit to her former home in Hampstead, laying flowers on the dead dancer's statue.- Popper
    Popper  -  39 words
  • 27 8 Italy will Ignore the Polish note refusing recognition of revision of the Italian peace treaty unless the Rome Government withdraws^ from the Atlantic Pact.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 636 8 Strait* Tmu t Free fnm Tot tn# convenience of ool*^ wttaft, oar tmpti ioat»M»o at Ist floor. SINCAPORE COLO STOtAGf. ORCHARD ROAD. wiN receive small advertisements and —wots to box numbers Classified ■o>ottiMWt§ may also bo nandod to. CITY BOOK STORi LTO. WINCIM ITCr nOUM C ollyer Quay CITY BOOK
      636 words
    • 15 8 0 POXI A7OMISEP *E*L FACE POWDER! oJUo snl-TONEroiiNMnoN SILK LIPSTICK ***** StfiM/VRE P/MMAKr 8650*CHMPW $M*AP6#£9
      15 words
    • 392 8 I Rotherham CommentoiYif e I A plaque oi remembrance at th» Ph in Rotherham marks tl^pU ce W h^ n Brass Horfc I was born. With civic cewmCy S& I unveiled on December Ut. Ebeneie^r.?^ i? Com Law Hymns moved the h#Sri Elll °U »i!? 5 dle4inlB4S For two decades^^
      392 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • Free Press RACE FORM Special
    • 9 1 Free Press RACE FORM Special Friday, March 14, 1952.
      9 words
    • 1465 1  -  ALLAN LEWIS >♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ BY To manage stud in Australia AIRS E T Manasseh M and Mr. V. C. Bath hive bougbt a projjerty at Scone. New South Wales. Australia. Bhima Stud, as the property will be known, is in* the Hunter River Valley, famous as
      1,465 words
    • 67 1 picture. Out at the front Retinue and Counsel HI lead the field at a Singapore Turf Club race meet at Bukit Timah. Retinue was ridden to victory in this race by Doug McPherson with Counsel in a close second. Note the typical .crouching style of jockey
      Free Press  -  67 words
    • 905 1  -  FRANK MacGARRY DOPED HORSES By JHE MAN whose life is described below cannot be named YET. The reasons are obvious. His story can only now be presented after a manhunt which led from the race-tracks of Britain to a quiet street in Dublin. But the
      905 words
    • 52 1 rUE COURSE, Australia's current top stakewinning mare with A£25,~ 654, will not race again because her trainer, Frank Hoysted, fears she may break down. Because of a deformity True Course is called "the mare with the crooked leg." True Course will go ttf the stud
      52 words
    • 358 1  - This is a true, but rare story of a horse R. BAERLEIN By rpHE story of Pandemonium is rare on the British x turf today, for it is the story of a horse, in his very first season at stud, siring animals better than himself. As a race-horse Pandemonium will
      358 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 8 1 6 fatHHifufi I 4 STiMUIATiu/i nowM nc niJAUTV
        8 words
        83 words
    • 10205 2 FORM GUIDE FOR S 'PORE SPRING MEETING RACE FORM SPECIAL HOLLOWING are thi horses entered foj Singapore's Sprinj meetingTtomorrow. Compiled by ALLAN LEWIS. HORSES CUSS 1. ABBEYSTEAD EIGHTH (Nine started) 2-10-5 Ipoh 7-12 9F (Mawjj DJv i: ia Oambar Melavu 8-11; 2nd Treasur Ship 8-5, 3rd Bprlngbok 7-8 HH 1-59
      10,205 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 79 2 I AT THE RACES 1 w EN FETE WITH A GAY FROCK TO SUIT THE DAY AND MOOD! *P GEORGETTE a IIJ From V jA Per yard wA 36" wide \/^atl n str n^ colour yH Ullm contrasts of Floral Designs on White fl -^^^^In^^m Ground, I^^^felvS Jv ,^^P^ P^
        79 words
      • 38 2 I (hb Hs*^ j^*' Hg^^ "Siißi^ n^^f&^U' S^a^^^^^^riSJ B^ B^S. S^BT^^^^^ ?Br^^p^#^ Ha] H9J -Sflj Bgf aV^ t pM^jfl?V a Hg—^^^ Entirely New Model Horns. Penetrating and distinctive yet pleasing. Supplied in blended pairs, one high note 9nd
        38 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
        113 words
      • 62 3 (/oukktfkt/ W y \s buy Ford V8! This car with its new "Look ■I jH/ Ahead" features is built not just lor this mI ■Mwws^^y^^^^^^ year an^ nexfi buf or fhe years a iea<J fll Youll find that feature for feature you It'll £S% pay mor€ y 11 f better!
        62 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 7 4
      7 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 92 4 H. B. WINTER S CO., LTD. MERCHANT TAILORS SHIRT MAKERS Wherever men meet in Clubroom or Office 1 on businet* or pleasure, one mm more examples of finely tailored clothe* by WINTER. WE, BATTERY RD. (First Floor) PHOHE: 3660 ~^a><* .ail i Ft ad@^B Always a wj r cigars 'fafn
        92 words
      • 113 4 t€ Cof/yer Qvoy Siftgooore 1 YOUR PRIVATE PARTIES are sure to be a success if you arrange them at the ADELPHi ROMAN ROOM i ADELPHI ROOF GARDEN Newly reconstructed f |aB-: <V^SjSHPfe3«BBB?' > '*'^BM^BT^BTBMBMBW W^P^b\ Br J9 w M w w^F &5 ''i&SSBSi .gS^HlllBBflBB fcr ldl rW^ii^C/^-dr 5-valv«. 8 -waveband
        113 words