The Singapore Free Press, 21 January 1952

Total Pages: 20
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 680 1 'Shoot her down 9 story by witness ISMAILIA, Monday. fHE U.S. Consul, Mr. Ellis Johnston, who has arrived for an on-the-spot investigation into the shooting of Sister Anthony, 52-year-old American nun, said her death would have "important repercussions". Sister Anthony was shot dead on the steps
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  • 196 1 H.K. LAW ON DEATH FOR HAVING ARMS IS UPHELD HONG KONG, Mon. THE full court of the Supreme Court during Die week-end upheld the validity of the emergency regulations issued by the G owrnor-in-Council imposing the death penalty on any person convicted of unlawful possession of bombs, grenades, arms and
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 98 1 PARIS, Mon. TUNISIAN leaders here yesterday asked for Security Council intervention against what they termed France's "bloody repression" of the Protectorate's independence movement. In Tunis, meanwhile, police repulsed about 100 young Tunisians who tried to enter thp French quarters. Police precautions were relaxed m
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  • 28 1 CAIRO. Mon. \NOTHER gun battle between tank-led British troops and Egyptian guerilla raged m Ismailia this ■Will. Fishtine is pro-i-fdin? —"with the same '"'•nsitvas yesterday's." U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 90 1 CAIRO, Monday. IjiGYPT'S new crown prince Ahmed Faud, has blue eyes, blonde hair and a nose which looks remarkably like his father's, the weekly magazine Akhbar el Yom said yesterday. It said the baby, born last Wednesday, now weighs seven pounds eleven ounces,
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  • 279 1 LONDON, Monday. INDIA has warned the West that Russia would* go to the help of Red China if the latter was attacked by air, the Reynolds News, left-wing London paper, said yesterday. j Its diplomatic correspondent said that fears that decisions taken m
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 28 1 Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was received with honour yesterday at the little village of Lannoy, the home town of the Delano branch of her family. A.P.
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    19 1 picture. FILM STAR, Judy Holiday is called the sweater-wear-ing-kind, and here she is, wearing a black off-the-shoulder sweater.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 55 1 PARIS, Mon. WITH 16 nations waiting to be admitted to the United Nations, the political committee is today continuing its debate on why they have been excluded and how they could be admitted. Eleven of the candidates are barred by Russia and the other
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  • 52 1 ELLICOTT CITY Maryland. Mon. r pAVERN owner Lindon Brengle learned m court today that it is cheaper to beat a wife than a police officer* Circuit Court Judge James Clark fined Brengle $10 for striking Mrs. Brengle and $250 for attacking a policeman, Harry Harrison, who investigated
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    48 1 picture. A NEW YORK, port authority helicopter hovers over the wing tip and tail of a north east airlines plane which crashed into New York's East River, while trying to land m dense fog at la Guardia airport. All 33 passengers and crew of three were rescued. A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 112 1 PARIS, Mon. M. Jean Letourneau, Minister for the Associate States of Indo-China, and General Etienne Jean Valluy, Inspec-tor-General of French ovei> seas forces, are planning to leave for Indo-China on Wednesday, usually reliable sources said tonight. General Valluy has been tipped as successor to the
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 22 1 A Cabinet commutes will study a plan to speed up the turn round of shiDS m Australian ports. Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 177 1 HONG KONG, Monday. rpHE British freighter Taikinshan (2,300 tons), aground m the Paracels Islands m the South China Sea, is breaking up and nine crew members are missing, British naval headquarters m Hong Kong said yesterday. The ship's Canadian skipper, Capt R. Wherry of Saint
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 320 1 NEW YORK, Monday. FORTY-TWO people were feared killed ye*terday and at least 69 injured m three plane i crashes within 24 hours. An American airliner bringing servicemen home from Korea overshot Sanspit airport m British' Columbia and crashed into the sea. Seven
    Reuter; U.P.  -  320 words
  • 122 1 TEHERAN, Mon. PERSIA accepted $23,000,000 m United States Point Four aid last night to help develop her tottering economy. The Premier, Dr. Mossadeq, after stalling for weeks, wrote a letter of acceptance to Mr. William Warne, United States POint Four administrator here, saying that the
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  • 53 1 The U.S. Agriculture Department said yesterday that United States November rice exports totalled 1,915,000 bags of 100 lbs m terms of milled rice compared with 819,000 bags m the same month m 1950. Exports to Asia increased to over 2,850,000 bags or nearly half the
    U.P.  -  53 words
  • 84 1 PARIS, Mon. PREMIER EDGAR Faure, 43. yesterday formed France's 17th postwar Cabi-, net. but made it substantially the same as the previous coalition. The Radical (Moderate) Premier retained Mr. Robert Schuman, as Foreign Minister. Mr. Faure himself will take the Finance Ministry, replacing Mr. Rene Meyer,
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 416 2 CAIRO. COARING cotton prices coupled with the startling success of the Gezira Irrigation Scheme are providing the Sudan with more money than the country can cope with at its present- stage of development. The Sudan is now working so solidly "m the black" that lor the first
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  • 1076 2  -  R. M. MacColl's American Column ________v__________^___^_yj. 'Defender of the free world' WASHINGTON. fTHE New York Times, A a newspaper which weighs its words carefully, took off its hat to Britain recently. And Just as Congress cheered. Mr. Churchill, the Times applauded the British
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    20 2 "You there! Never mind about how many bicycles it would have made— stick the thing m and let it go."
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  • 705 2 SPOTLIGHT on DOPE Liverpool and London art centres of the racket, too |TALY— it is angrily 1 admitted by Signor Giovan Battista Migliori, Government High Commissioner for Health is not merely a country m which dope is traded. It is, m fact,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 52 2 SCHOOL WORK BR/NGS TfREPNESS, JET JjP^ GROWtNG\ jfey^^pi (YOUNGSTERS euao~lmiß bodies symjlk PROTECT THEIR LUNGS fe^ i IhT emu lsion hB I ■KM ensures health, strength and Irfl viUlity. For parent and child it v jTrSir** maintaias resistance to lung OfIDUVA '1 Mt* tn^le.^ nmtat to day.- >* mMl lsS»oA
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    • 95 2 ALWAYS ASK FOR NATIONAL LOOSE LEAF BOOKS The illustration shews one of the large rznge of Rinj Books ava.lab'e IN EVERY SIZE FOR EVERY PURPOSE Manufactured by THE NATIONAL LOOSE LEAF CO. LTD LONDON Representative throughout Singapore and Federation of Malay* DONALD MOORE, OLDHAM HALL, SINGAPORE- y~7\ V MAKES THE
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 336 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR TOORN on this first day of the incoming sign, Aquarius, you are ruled by Uranus, god of the air, but are still influenced by Saturn, god of time. The combination gives yon particular gifts m science m actual truth-seeking and m leadership of ideas. You have strong
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  • 156 3 LONDON, Mon. MPS Rosemary Paujjasb, 30. former maid at 3 gnor Regis. Sussex, hotel. racially recognised by Canadian Government as d Indian squaw. She lives with her four children m an isolated cotat Hiawatha, the rest d of the Rice Lake In
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  • 58 3 KARACHI, Mon. TIL WORLD Muslim Conis tentatively to hold its annual meeting m Cairo m M h. Conference previously armed to meet m Teheran, decided to change the lenot clue to "present condi- Hh meeting will consider lems arising from the -Egyptian dispute, TuniPersia, Morocco and
    U.P.  -  58 words
  • 18 3 A strong new long-wave transmitter of the Czechoslovak Broadcasting Service has commenced regular broadcasts. Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 295 3 CEYLON'S FESTIVAL YEAR BEGINSWITH ROYAL VISIT mute COLOMBO, Monday. IT, v f tival y ea m Ceylon, and its highlight X JJ£ th S ro 7^ visit of Process Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, starting Feb. 14. The Princess and her husband will spend a week here on their
    A.P.  -  295 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 3 MITZI GAYNOR, who is fast making a name for herself m the film world.
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  • 96 3 LONDON, Mon. X HE sood driver m the seaside resort of Eastbourne, on the Sussex coa t is to be the subject of a police report m the future —for purposes of commendation. The hope of the Chief Constable is that the scheme will result m
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 112 3 Problems now take longer to solve LONDON. Mon. pROBLEMS posed by the public are taking* longer to solve. That is the opinion of the staffs of London's chain of 75 Citizens' Advice Bureaux, who are finding the answers to an average of 5000 queries each week. A headquarters official of
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  • 87 3 The President of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, Dr. G. P. Malalasekera said m Colombo that protests had been made by Buddhists there and by Christians m Britain against the proposed visit of Princess Elizabeth and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh to the "Temple of the
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 232 3 NEW YORK, Monday. H. Thompson, real estate and aircraft A broker, and a war-time R.A.F. officer, is back m his £35,700 home m Noblesville, Indiana, after winning a court action for trespass against five British in-laws. He said he invited them for a short holiday
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  • 67 3 VATICAN CITY, Mon. fHE Pope has received King Talal of Jordan m a private audience which lasted 20 minutes. The King, who was accompanied by his son, Prince Hassan, spoke to the Pope about his "loyal Catholic subjects." The Pope thanked the king for his
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  • 175 3 NEW YORK, Mon. r3. MARY CAMBELL, a young widow m Van Nuys, California, learned that her husband had killed himself and their seven-year-old daughter Judy m a plane crash which everyone thought was an accident. Prom a note found casually pushed into the glove
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  • 57 3 Mr. Michael Tydd. 23 a Sydney nightclub attendant, was walking the streets m search of petrol for his car which had run dry. In another part bf the city his name was being announced as winner of 25,000 gallons of petrol m a lottery
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 38 3 Five Chinese deported from Hong Kong declared over Communist Chinese radio station that Hong Kong is "part of Chinese territory." They warned "We will return and that day is not too distant." A. P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 333 3 LONDON, Monday. SCOTLAND YARD has closed its dossiers on two men who, m the past quarter of a century, have cheated the public of at least a quarter of a million pounds. One was known to the police and the underworld as
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  • 30 3 Twenty Vietminh were reported killed and a large quantity of supplies and ammunition was destroyed during a mopping-up operation near Ta Nuyen 18 miles north of Saigon. A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 m3ndrdkG Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya >\ Hi /W\ my a L WCEI WHY,VIC,CAN:T YOU I \MANDRAK£ 6£STUR£S HYPNOTICALLY-] If^fj TfT r~^-~-3^—± LL L2Zs TAKE A JOKE? THIS ISN'T MY FACE- r M .a/cadi ur a maci/ T nn 1 L^lU I/J 51 fOU. 1 YOU THE
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    • 16 3 ON SALE TODAY *The STRAITS TIMES DIRECTORY N. nesses, professions under gj > I RUTS AND ROADS
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 9 3 BUCKLEY r'vJ lit Nr-I f out Ba**J A- CAMOWftAG£/J
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    • 263 3 Radio Listening SINGAPORE 1. 00 p.m. Monday Matinee— Matty Malneck Orchestra Kay Starr; 1.30 Time Signal News; 1.45 Home en the Range; 2. C0 English Schools Broadcasts; 2.50 Close; 5.00 Programmes m Malay; 6.15 Time Signal Programme Summary; 6.17 Children's Qorner 6.35 Adventures m Music; 655 Announcements and Singapore Share
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  • 535 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, Jan. 21, 1952. Setting the pace *itf O one is m a great hurry for self-gov-ernment", says Mr Malcolm Mac Donald, the Commissioner-Gen eral. writing m "Malaya", the new magazine of the Association of British Malaya. Mi. Mac Donald is m closedtouch with local feeding
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  • 996 4 nHHERE are very good reasons why Malaya should have figured prominently m the discussions which Mr. Churchill has had with President Truman m Washington. One is that Malaya has to be considered m connection with the joint anti-Communist defence plan for southeast Asia which Britain,
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 4 fi«tVtetaam<i armoured quadron. Four mor c are bcin e mobilised.
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  • Article, Illustration
    397 4  -  Hall Romney i by sented more strongly than at any previous Commonwealth finance conference by officials and advisers from the Colonies themselves; though. The Times adds, "naturally they attend as advisers of the Secretary of State." But why the "naturally?" rriHE first report on the 1. colonial territories
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 4 Dr \L S*^ 0 0 thq ,Ih4()nesian Ambassador m London Jfdjrftj^ wtfp-a receftt picture. The Ambassador is 38, J& "ife***" i^otUiiractised as doctors m Indonesia and they TiaVC a 12-yeat-old son. Mrs. Subandrui wa« th*
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  • 715 4  - Red Losses on the Black River Larry Allen By HANOI. BITTER, bloody fighting is raging along the Black river, 40 miles southwest of this city, where Communist-led Vietminh forces are trying desperately to recapture the town of Hoa Binh. They need it badly. Its fall to French and Vietnamese troops
    A.P.  -  715 words
  • 168 4 MR. F. E. Hanning-Lee, a former Royal Navy officer of London, is building a boat m which he hopes to beat the world water speed record of 160 miles an hour set up by American Stanley Sayers In 1950. Hanning-Lee, a direct descendant of Nelson, designed the boat
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  • 314 4  - Sudan i as vital as Suez M. SIVARAM By ;f 7 exist m the t Egyptian Sudai there can r of its str;r ance m i East Mcdii African zone Comp. ten here, and j sidcr the pivot .0" Bast-Africa strategy to by Brit m Western Bloc. British Khartoum tary
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 GIFTS 1 offer a matt acceptable range of gifts you can always choose one for any occasion and be sure you get it at the keenest vrice ir S.P.H.oeSILVA., 45, HIGH ST.. SINGAPORE, IPOH K. LUMPUR.
      36 words
    • 39 4 2n</ F/oor 13 Battery Rd., S New Delightful- French and English Pure Si7k Dresses ftRWBfrERftCO., LTD. I MERCHANT TAILOR 4 SHIRTMAKI^ Im it Tailors of Distinction B»r T I Ladies and Gentlemen 1 << 18E BATTERY ROAD. FIRST FLOOR. PHO*
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  • 165 5 'Our mothers don't like it' they say lf4lll 'we nress Staff Reporter J^AMAS are preventing Singapore girls from joinm* tbe Volunteer Special Constabulary. Adjutant Mr. W. J. Watson, of the constabulary said yesterday: "Even some girls who enlisted withdrew after a few weeks because their
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  • 61 5 31 kampongs in City Want ketuas n prrss Staff Rn>«rter cj APORE City Council is asked for its Views proposal by the Muslim y Board that ketuas be appointed by Govmeni for the 31 Malayesian kamponfjs m the iaa are to act as offlcera between the Government desuch as Lands,
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  • 79 5 :OR£ BAHRU, Mon. On: the sadden cases m t Leper Colony at s Koh Qwee Koon. v Lnslish-educated bank < ;us hands and less are aln st useless. Bur uhe could have a vbet chair he could go outride the ward and move about Urn grounds
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  • 90 5 IPOH, Mon. r* wedding took place m 1 Ipoh yesterday of Mr. Lee Yee. editor of the SinI Free Press, second son Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fbaug Leng of Penang and ICsa Tan Eng Urn. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs T Cheng Phor of Ipoh.
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  • 18 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. ■fe Cbak Chong was fined i r senlng beer wholes .a licence
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  • 134 5 $50,000 gift for medical institution Free Press Staff Reporter ]V|R. Lee Kong Chian, Singapore millionaire has promised to donate $50,000 to the building fund of the Tong Chai Medical Institution, Singapore. He made the promise when the Institution's contributions chest was opened during the weekend. The Institution, established a century
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  • 112 5 3INOAPORB Government has just published its complete "establishment manual" showing index of posts and salary scales, together with authorised rates of allowances and bonuses. The manual, which Is the first up-to-date record of its kind since the war, gives salaries scales for 936 categories of jobs m
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  • 63 5 New Year demand for coins GINGAFQRB Chinese shopkeepers and hawkers are reluctant to give change m silver coins as the coins are being collected for use during Chinese New Tear. The coins will be given away as gifts m traditional "red packets". Crisp dollar notes are also much sought after.
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  • 142 5 Free Press Staff Reporter TpHE Singapore City Council's Finance and General Purposes Committee will discuss at its meeting today, how- the $45,000,000, required for the public works projects the City plans to carry out this year, should be raised. The committee discussed the issue of
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  • 145 5 Free Press Staif Reporl.v JNDIANS m Singapore will celebrate the second anniversary of their Republic on Saturday with social functions and prayers m places of worship. The Singapore Government has relaxed an Emergency Regulation to permit Indians to fly their national flag on that day
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  • 22 5 Mr. Edward Hunter, an American journalist and author, passed through Singapore by air yesterday on his wav tQ^Hong Kong
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 5 FIJIAN TROOPS arrived m Singapore on Saturday aboard the Asturias. An R.A.F. aircraft caught this picture as the Asturias steamed into Singapore. Hie troops are here to fight the bandits.
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 5 «ij44APORE City Council labourers met at .Ja|an Besa r yesterday to approve the o constitution of the Roehor c community centre and elect officers. City Councillor Mr Pbilip Williams (Labour-Eochore War;©, and Mr. C. R. Dasaratharaj, lAhmur' Lfcirislative Councillor for th* same ward, presided. Picture shows the eon-
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  • 17 5 Singapore firemen were yesterday called to Bendemeer Road to deal with a rubbish dump fire.
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  • 124 5 SEGAMAT, Mon. rE Segamat Town Board has appointed a sub-com-mittee to investigate the case of, and prepare a report on, the floods which swept over the district last week, causing considerable damage. The Board, holding its first monthly meeting for the year, decided that to narrow
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  • 47 5 The prices of two brands of washing soap have been reduced, according to a Fair Price list issued yesterday by the Deputy Controller of Supplies, Singapore. They are: Palm Tree (bars) reduced to 80 cents, and Double Arrow (cubes) reduced to 11 cents.
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  • 209 5 Free Press Staff Reporter QOME residents of FrankeU Estate on Changi Road, Singapore, have been O living without electricity for about three months though houses about 60 yards away are supplied with power. Mr. V. W. Prampton, the managing director of Seacon, the
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  • 153 5 City man may get study gift FE Singapore Government may nominate a City Council officer for a junior Australian fellowship under the Commonwealth Technical Co-operaJtion Scheme for South and South-East Asia. The fellowship is tenable from six months to two years. It provides £500 (Australian) to cover living costs m
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  • 112 5 Electricity plan for kampong SEGAMAT, Mon. A SCHEME for the supply of electricity for KamponK Abdullah, a resettlement camp on the road to Singapore, just south of Sungei Segamat, was referred to at the monthly meeting of the Segamat Town Board It was stated that a private concern was prepared
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  • 132 5 Free Press Staff Reporter rpO consolidate and extend 1 the work of the V.M.C A. m Malaya, particularly m the Federation, the Malayan Council of YM.C.A.s will ask for the services of a trained and experienced man from the World's Committee of the V.MC.A. This
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  • 235 5 Doctors wait better service Free Press Staff Reporter HpHERE are only three qualified pharmacists m Government service m Malaya but "the volume of pharmaceutical work undertaken m Singapore General Hospital alone would require eight such men", says the latest issue of the journal of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 #iy^ mm i sump i nu you?i sumo'^, Will liß M/^} HjJ T|U 7tS 1 J"^*^ J**^-' xWMt RC I WIN a gUL A I Jft| WL C WKiiTU/ y^*** \^Vl^SiCk \NOTTH E Wl NIK W\~stTr\ I LOST TMF RAC£ N I /oW, THANK YOU MUM. 7 FOR L IVBECAu^EtSLIPffeD]
      155 words
    • 20 5 The Ideal Gift for Him this CHINESE NEW YEAR AT SPECIALLY w >^^^^ UNTIL JAM. 29th ROftINSONS i Incorporated m Singapore)
      20 words

  • 197 6  -  Eddie Choong beaten m straight sets Free Press Correspondent IJEAH Hock Ann beat fellow Malayan Eddie Choong to win the Scottish badminton singles title m Edinburgh on Saturday. It was a stroke for stroke and a smash for smash affair, which Heah won m straight sets—
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 259 6 A USTRALJAN Davis Cup x\ manager, Harry Hopman, omitted American Davis Cupper, Ted Schroeder, m his world "first ten" for 1951. Hopman 's list is: Frank Sedgman, Dick Savitt, Vie Seixas, Jaroslav Drobny, Ken McGregor, Tony Trabert, Eric Sturgess, Herb Flam, Mervyn Rose, and Bill
    U.P.  -  259 words
  • 129 6 DARIS assured its victory over London m the intercity tennis tournament m the Stade Couberti n covered courts on Saturday, leading by 11 matches to three with only seven more to be played. RESULTS Singles— Jacques Thomas (Paris) bt. Geoff Paish (London) 6-0, 6-4. Robert Haillet
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  • 23 6 rE Soviet Union has tormally applied for membership to the International ice Hocke/ Federation' m order to play m the Win-
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  • 258 6 FIGHTING VICTORY BY WALES WALES came from behftid on Saturday to beat England by eight points to six m the bustling finale of the Rugby Union international match at Twickenham before a crowd of 73,000. With a man off the field recovering from an injury, the Welsh team found themselves
    A.P.  -  258 words
  • 129 6 TPHE New York Athletic Commission has revoked the manager's licence of Tommy Ryan for life. Ryan, whose real name is Thomas Eboli, was alleged to have struck referee Ray Miller after his fighter, Rocky Castellani, lost by a technical knock out m Madison Square Garden a
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 32 6 DIERRE Langloie won the 1 welterweight boxing title of France m Paris on Saturday by knocking out Guy Toupe m the seventh round of a scheduled 15-round bout. A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 26 6 Corrichard winning the third race at Bukit Timah on Saturday from Red Wolf, the hot favourite* British Film and At Last. picture. Free Press
    Free Press  -  26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 6 picture. Jockey Atliol Mulley brings Honolulu m with m terific run tocateh M^er harts right on the post at Bukit Timah on Saturday. Honolulu completed a double, having won over a mile on the first day.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  40 words
  • 1544 6  -  Allan Lewis reviews Saturday's races MAKING light of his 9-5, Chantilly registered the day at Bukit Timah on Saturday to win the mai on a heavy track. Porky Donnelly was seen at his best on Chantilly, whom he had nicely placed on the rails
    Free Press  -  1,544 words
  • 135 6 NEW DIV. 2 LEADERS THERE'S a nev i e&dr Second Dr...- or n ingham City, who trour^ caster Rovers 5-u p eie the inside for\v j bou^-?^ Tottenham Hotspur dS? week, scored three of therr Everton's fine foru,- smashed Cardiff City Leeds United, or. the 1 if surface, slung the
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  • 79 6 COSMOPOLITAN Cycr:, C 3 will open th<- r a cine k--with the "Enfielc Cento Singapore Open 100 -laps" Gra« Track race, on Saturday Pf 16. The event \m I be for three trophies rresr -ci by the The Eni;,: r Cvcie C:, Ltd. Dato C. J Pagiar." the
    79 words
  • 93 6 4 USTRALIA DU new "caps" tbi final Test agair.s: the Wo starting m Sycne; or. Frier They are the Victorian oper.j^: pair, Colin fcfcDootld and Owfi Thorns, who impressed ifl il current match agiUnst the lou-ri m Melbourne, and Richie Bensui 21-year -old New South Waiw ili»
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  • 490 6  - PORTSMOUTH SAVED BY LATE GOAL JIM CHAMBERS By A LATE goal by inside-left Bill \i ur(h Portsmouth from defeat against WoiVerh** 1 ton Wanderers on Saturday and kept them top of the First Division of the EnglishP League. This goal countered a Wolverhamm <tiai by inside-left Boradbent, after Billy Short
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  • 407 6 (*> (d) 4 A 10 7 <?Q J 8 5 5 io 7 5 OK J io 2 OAKJ62 ♦54 5 4 (b) (c) *X 9 4 U2 O A 6 2 0 10 7 KQ64 *AQJ7S4 (c) (f) ft k s 4 3 rt O < C?
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 nm m Pleas* #o remember. Pttrov. jh% other gun is for failures t TKO VICTORY A MERICAN Negro middleA weight boxer, Jimmy King, fresh from eight victories m Germany, on Thursday night beat Georges Royer ol France m his first fight m Paris. The referee stopped the fight m the
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    • 57 6 The weekly issue of -th c Straits Budcrt < j by Air Mail to any address m the Inited H j «t an inclusive rate of $24.00 1 FOR SIX MONTHS J 2 W you want the "Budget" while on 3/ to make an "Air-subscription on behalf V Home Office
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  • 83 7 j-,rofession- rs on SaturI to allow laj m tournp ;sl ma] Golfers' i tournament com- aend Its rules to Negro amateurs nals to play m s co-sponsored by n provided r and host n the racial i head mSan when Joe rid heavyl champion, m
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 208 7  - CHWEE KOK TAKING IT EASY ED. PETERS But his coach is confident By J^|R. Kee Soon Bee, coach of Neo Chwee Kok, Singapore's swimming hope for the World Olympics at Helsinki m July, told the Free Press this morning: "Chwee Kok has yet to start intensive training and has never
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  • 29 7 The Japanese Amateur Athletic Association announced yesterday that its team far the Olympic Games m Helsinki this year will consist of 94 athletes and officials.
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  • 84 7 CAPTAIN Cecil Boyd Rocfc fort, the King's racehorse trainer, who arrived m New York m the Queen Mary, gave reporters a "tip" for the 1953 Derby. He told them the King had one "good looking yearling— Rureole by Hyperion out of Angelola— who, m the Derby of
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  • 226 7 iRTTISrI :t course executives plagued by heavy lent nment taxes are turning envious eyes on |g isl -ins of money passing through the Dtalisator. Mr. Stanley Wootton, chairman of the Park Club, crystallised the thoughts m r is by declaring that courses must have reed «n
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 68 7 kOTAI c Corps hi Athletic by two trkndtj soccer ,ed il J.uan Besar i match, the C.A. Ed Express XI. j •'r.e only goal ere eleartj the better b against the and only sound goalthem from .---r winning margin. pened accounts from a I ad went
    68 words
  • 95 7 |>OBBY LOCKE won the L> £1,000 72-hole tournament m Johannesburg for the fourth year m succession with an aggregate of 266 on Saturday. Thomson, an Australian, was second with 272. Locke set up two South African tournament records. A second round 65 was the best
    A.P.  -  95 words
  • 253 7  -  MATMAN BY IF KDXG KONG had been seriously injured by Chief Little Wolfs death-lock m the extra round that was called for m their last battle at the Happy World on Saturday night 99 per cent of the spectators would probably have cone home delirious
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  • 16 7 Kid Gavilan, world welterweight champion, was yesterday voted Cuba's outstanding professional athlete of 1951.
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  • 845 7 league standings cia> s matches *»RM- DIVISION 'a »?t« P i rt 16 6 6 50 38 38 *W 2JJ•659 40 3« Her.* 8 la 6 ***** 36 h»r^ H 5 9 52 42 33 N r -;v J 6 ***** 32 3 6 9 53
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  • 6 7
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  • 5 7 Dis cs not so goot!
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  • 141 7 NOVICES TOUHNEV DECIDING stages of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association's Novices Championships take place this evening, tomorrow and Wednesday. Forty-nine competitors from the four different "areas'* remain following elimination boats within those areas. Royal Air Force Malaya will have the biggest representation m the championships with
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  • 5 7
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  • 31 7 Cancannlere Sunday won the 12.000,000 franc (about j US$2B,OOO) European trotting classic, |%t the Vincona^ track, Paris, Sunday. Gyrano II came m g^cord and C^mbon third, mtiktoe
    31 words
  • 148 7 World air race next year ENTRY forms will go out all over the world m the coming week for a 13.000--mile England to New Zealand air race m 1953. Most of the entrants will be airplane manufacturers, airlines and air forces. The aviation world will be watching particularly Britain's Comet
    148 words
  • 6 7 Saturday's picture-tip Solution Winter Scene
    6 words
  • 434 7 ILfl C.C. dismissed Central Zone, for 134 and had iT1 scored 25 for no wicket m reply by the close of the first day's play m their three-day match at Nagpur. Batting was never easy for either side on tho jute matting pitch. The
    434 words
  • 51 7 Jose Froilen Gonzalez, of Argentina, won the Circuit of Gavea autorace m Rio de Janeiro yesterday after a gruelling duel with Brazil s Francisco Landi. Both drove Ferraris. Gonzalez' time m the 220--kilomctres was 2 hr., 27 mm., 28.4 sees.— 2 mm. 8.7 sec. faster than
    51 words
  • 71 7 SOVIET ice-skater Valentine Chaikin of Kirov yesterday established a new record for 1,500 -metre event m two minutes 12.2 seconds. The new record was Bet at Mfedeo near Aima Aita. The previc us record was held by Norwegian Hans Engneslengen wi<.h two minutes 13.8 sees, since
    AFP  -  71 words
  • 47 7 Hjamlar Anderson on Sunday reaffrmed his position as Norway's best spe?d skater at the international meet at the Olympic Bisl-ett Stadium m Oslo. Anderson, raced before a record crowd of 24.000, m the 10,000 metres m 17 mm 00.1 sees a new Norwegian record.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 all for Eno's *1 '1 mwf 1 it"" w i 3aHlF^^^ f af y %J a K^Uo^^^ If you have eaten unwisely, or too well, take a dash of ENO' S Fruit Salt". This will set your digestive juices flowing, help your stomach deal with its burden,.remove the feeling of
      128 words

  • 15 8 HANSON: At Malacca, on Bth January, 1952. to ANN, wife of Norman, a son.
    15 words
  • 461 8 Jap professor returns after 12 years In China TOKYO, Monday. DR. TYZO TORII, well-known archaeologist who has returned to Japan after 12 years m China, said yesterday that ruthless methods are being used by the Chinese Reds to suppress "anti-revolutionary" activities' and there
    A.P.  -  461 words
  • 69 8 700 urge moral re-armament The gulf of distrust between East and West can be bridged by moral re-arma-ment, Surya Sena of Ceylon, an authority on Eastern folk music told the Assembly of the Americas for Moral ReArmament at Miami Beach, Florida. Youth from seven nations took the platform to demonstrate
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 42 8 The Republican Presidential aspirant, Mr. Robert Taft, yesterday declared himself m favour of continuing American aid to the French war effort m Indo-China, but he stressed that he was strongly opposed to sending any American troops to that
    42 words
  • 191 8 TOKYO, Monday. \M ORE than 12,000 of nearly 17,000 Chinese pri- soners m Allied Prison Camp No. 1 have signed petitions m blood that they would rather die than return to Communist China. At least 3,000 have tattooed on their bodies anti-Commun-ist
    U.P.; Reuter; A.F.P.  -  191 words
  • 86 8 KHARTOUM, Mon. THE Indian Workers' Feder- ation began a three-day general strike on Saturday for a 75-per cent, rise m wages and shorter working hours. This is the first of a series threatened by the *Federation. The country's communications are paralysed. Volunteers are working m hospitals,
    86 words
  • 53 8 Sherman Gordon Crier, back from a six-day detention m the Soviet zone of Germany, said last night that the Russians had hoped to exchange him and two other Britons for a Soviet army deserter. British officials were silent on whether the Soviet deserter was returned
    53 words
  • 197 8 LONDON, Mon. '"JTHe Commonwealth Finance Ministers will issue a joint statement here this evening at the end of their week's secret talks on the sterling area crisis. Mr. Richard Butler, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who has "been presiding, may also hold a press conference. One of
    197 words
  • 43 8 Higher taxes at French ports caused an increase m Channel boat lares yesterday. First class passengers travelling from Folkestone to France had an extra four shillings and two pence added to their fares, and third class passengers a shilling.
    43 words
  • 23 8 The American freighter, Thomas Sim Lee struck a mine m the mouth of the Elbe River yesterday. No one was
    23 words
  • 28 8 LONE MAN dwarfed BY SNOW picture. A LONS MERCHANT or Main Street, Dunsmuir, California, is dwarfed by banks of snow m the bliz-zard-ridden town near Mount Shasta. A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 135 8 REBEL CHIEF OFFERS A REWARD RANGOON, Mon. A SELF STYLED REBEL "general" nas retaliated to a Burmese Government offer of a reward for his capture with a counter offer for the capture of the Government's chief political officer m Arakan on the west Burma coast. H e is "General" Cassim.
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 290 8 Security: Council to close session PARIS, Mon. TaE current United Nations General Assembly session may close early m February. Only a $|>ectacular development m the Korean war .pan prolong the session, it is generally felt here. Security Council members have been advised to keep their permanent delegates on hand m
    A.P.  -  290 words
  • 40 8 This year's anniversary of Nikolai Lenin's death m 1924 is no longer a public holiday m the Soviet Union. Instead, Soviet workers today will be expected to work harder than on any normal workday. U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 154 8 RANGOON, Monday. AMEKHAN-jirmert Chinese Nationalist troops from Chiang Kai-shek's Formosa stronghold daily move through Siam to join Gen. Li Mi's Nationalist forces m the Yunnan -province of China, allege reports received today from the eastern frontier of Burma. Li's troops, remnants of the civil war's Chinese
    154 words
  • 94 8 WITH THE COMMONDIVISION IN KOREA, Mon. TAFFY, the famous goat mascot of the Welch Regiment, was tonight having a course of the army "No. 9" pills to kelp him over a bout of sickness. He has not taken kindly to the Korean winter, has butted a Commonwealth
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. PERSONAL ABC. I am interested m you: letter and am prepared to discuss terms with you m person and In strict confidence. TUITION MALAY (Conversation) Class comm: 23rd Jan: Jawi (Beginners'* Class comm: 2lst Jan: Jawi (2nd Year) vacancies exist Tuesdays; all classes 5 30 p.m. Register Now:
      112 words
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    • 10 1 CHINESE NEW YEAR FREE PRESS SUPPLEMENT Monday, January 21, 1952.
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    • 862 1  -  Lucy Tan by THE IMPACT OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION HAS REMOVED SOME OF THE MORE COLOURFUL OBSERVANCES OF CHINESE NEW YEAR BUT MANY OLD CUSTOMS STILL REMAIN This hawker sells that great Chinese household book, the Almanac. Often this is the only book m a
      862 words
    • 642 1  -  Tessie Tan by QPIRITUALISM and black magic still have a tight hold on many superstitious natives m Malaya. Depressed people and worried housewives continue to seek the aid of mediums for solace and cures. Women, who comprise the majority of the clientele of 'these
      642 words
    • Article, Illustration
      88 1 MAY TEN THOUSAND TREASURES SEEK AUDIENCM WITH YOU. One of the -many paper gods pasted m Chinese homes at the New Year. Tien Kuan, the Ruler of Heaven, is depicted here wearing a court robe adorned with peonies, the flower of riches and honours, ana with the mushroom-shaped head of
      88 words
    • 354 1  -  Stephen Sim *y CHINESE New Year is like the Euro pean Christmas and New Year combined, for besides being an occasion for great feasting and fun, it is also ushered m by religious rites and ceremonies. Many of the customs observed during this festive season have
      354 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 36 1 1 852 THE YEAR of the RAT lACOBS celebrated their Ist anniversary. 1 952 THE YEAR of the DRAGON lACOBS celebrate their 101 st anniversary^ CRACKERS CENTURY of SUPREMACY Mm WAUGH iS: BRANCHES THROUGHOUT SOUTH-EAST ASIA.
        36 words
      • 26 1 ti PAN [fID 76-flio**ol¥ A«.: £f you smoked l^^^^m PHILIP MORRIS wB/^^k AMERICAS/^ uiqarene Sole Agents E. OTT CO a/< w LTD TA/'AY SIM^APOkE TEL 2243
        26 words
    • 951 2 NEW YEAR GIFTS ON AN ESTATE ERIC MITCHELL writing from experience, tells why planters need have no qual^ of conscience about accepting Chinese. (\S the morning of v Chinese New Year, a solemn ritual will be enacted at the barbed -wire-festooned gates m the security perimeter of most planters' bungalows.
      Birte Steincke  -  951 words
    • 300 2 CHINA'S LONG HISTO OF MANY EXAMPLES DEVOTIOR HERE STEPHEN TELLS OF TWO I*Hli first respects any Chinese pays on New Year's Day are to his parents, and neglect of this dirty is considered a serious breach of etiquette. According to the Chinese, filial piety is the
      Free Press  -  300 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 155 2 Celebrate Chinese New Year fiSffi /w Comfort 963 WEAR A PAIR I#2 1 a bßj AY H Bl^ tL I r^ i\ Specially Offered IhH I ■'■'"■S^F ***** ff fr^Brr Bb» 'fl Hz. -'-^^R-^UiBKvHBV'' JP BBv B 'SSBbbVbVbesG^bCs^bbh cbh I >JBViii 1 'vdMBS 1 J. I j8 S^EbVI BBDC^wSGaNMBn »B»
        155 words
    • 1366 3  - The skeleton hand of Chieh Wan F. CANNING by »|7||EN iirst I knew him, Chen Li was j >wn as "the man v > never smiled". 1 was a neighbour mine In Singapore, x iv he lived quietI-. Imi I m considerable slvk m a lange old- ishioned house. Be
      1,366 words
    • Article, Illustration
      9 3 hhnuror i~,a >», mnd—emnties a junk of- its tccj ot_*™*Z^
      9 words
    • 142 3 (Continued from Page D* She was placed on a stool and confronting her on a table was a bowl of water between two lighted candlesticks. The medium standing some distance away went into a trance and after the usual chanting, the water m j the bowl was
      142 words
    • 64 3 Generally, It may be accepted that the people will do anything to avoid an argument or quarrel. But It is not safe to presume too much upon big-hearted-ness." Unkind words have passed between celebrants, and on one occasions, a fatner threatened to kill his son on
      64 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 197 3 J ■■■■■■nm I DIAMOND IMPORTERS GOLDSMITHS. I 1 SINGAPORE 1 HOLLAND I I ,ot V7\l »A 1 38-39 A. CORDES fr Zn. I 1 »7 South Bridge Rd. 4 WMip#fpUtai Amsterdam I 1 t.i. *****. Tel: *****. I I We Welcome All Wholesale and Retail Enquiries I m |||HIIIIHI hhhii
        197 words
    • 1383 4  -  Anthony Wise by Most seaports throughout the world have their Chinese communities and these voluntary exiles will be thinking of their homeland especially at this festive time of the year. WE m Singapore are sometimes apt to think of the Chinese New Year as something peculiar
      A.P.  -  1,383 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 149 4 p m m m mm m m m ■•••*iiiif» LES PARFUM CHANEL J an d I BOURJOIS LTD. (EVENING IN PARIS) wish their Chinese clients M ti k a very happy and prosperous NEW YEAR. Distributors: Gkafton Laboratories Ltd (iNCOBPO«ATf D IN SINCAPOHI >^ i t^ s '^> j LAM
        149 words
        150 words
    • 1273 5  -  MARIAN WELLS by Wai Ling had a hard life since the age of three when she was sold~to a stepmother who introduced her to the cruel Wong and his wayang troupe. This is the story of her courageous bid for freedom. J KNEW it was Wai Lin^.
      1,273 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
        96 words
      • 117 5 2 t c 4I fe/ /77/y/g May /vcr bargained for" available ,V JJjj^^l' Bajaj W%*. i &uy Textiles ml I E3K SvSsS. SsaS*- siS?=- S~<MMMMM« I ■tililiiil H .A Wing On Co., Aurora Co., other leading Stores. m*~*A WAfy (fAW CO SS3f Do Your Chinese Mew Yeor Shopping At 1
        117 words
    • 745 6  -  K. S. Chia by iTHE approach of x the Chinese New Year has set many a housewife busy cakemaking, and one of the most important cakes for the season is the "tni-koay. It signifies fecundity and prosperity. It is as essential for the Chinese
      Birte Steincke; Free Press  -  745 words
    • 225 6 Continued from Page 5 dreams of opening a shop here. She sank down behind a pillar m the five-foot way and dozed. It was near morning and the first wheels were running market-wards A last effort for her exhausted body and she now stood at the gate.
      225 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 193 6 x -i I I I /^^T Mi 1 I I B»i8ilS88B»r at -fc' I I J 1» I i I— #W II I X jm ■S?i^»s3<Sw«3 %|$K W *B» 1 I //I 71 I f 1 J I »:-:o:-.*-' i ff Jfr SSrSSSSISkSSSI -:iafflßi^B^4e>^ :v <-:wU fl I Ml\ M
        193 words
    • 561 7  - The street of a thousand faces RAE MARCH by EVERYONE m Sinr" gapore knows ,ngc Alley, and so most people m the deration. is the Street of a tusand Faces, a I byrintb of mystery and excitement. Chini se Hem Year will find doubly crowded and -ibly iray before the
      561 words
    • 487 7  - MOTHERS-IN-LAW ARE STILL A PROBLEM Tessie Tan says gAST is East and 'West is West, but is a problem ich is still common to the women of these hemispheres, the !!I "'i i' t in-law comWith the march of l today's mother-in-may not be the dreaded bogey woman was a
      487 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
    • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1042 9  - PENANG KEEPS UP THE OLD TRADITIONS Violet R. Ponnudurai by Many people would rather curtail their material enjoyments than incur the wrath of the gods by cutting down en money to be spent on religious observances. pEXANG is already well ahead m its aratioos for the 4 l>i;i(ioil ()f the
      1,042 words
    • 461 9 ON THE 19TH DAY OF THE NEW YEAR A HUNDRED GODS WILL ASSEMBLE TO PAY THEIR ANNUAL VISIT TO THE JADE EMPEROR. nineteenth day of the Chinese New Year is a happy day for newly married couples, for custom has made it a
      461 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 137 9 /^r ImJ^ so much better I Playgrs N?3 3 he Quality Cigarette SINCAPORE: $2.10 per tin. FEDERATION: f&M per tin. Greet the New Year vj T A R D PACKED IN SPECIAL CARTON'S CONTAINING TWO BRANDY GLASSES, OTARD V. S. O. P. LIQUEUR BRANDY MAKES THE PERFECT GIFT. lW*j^T*"^^M^'*MMßßHr'l" M!
        137 words
    • 1555 10 HOME FOR THE FESTIVAL it, s cniA tells the- heartwarming siory of a prodigal sons return. GENG KENG was returning home after an absence of seven years and he could not help wondering how he would be received by his parents and his brothers. For a long time now he
      1,555 words
    • 412 10  - Appearances must be kept up TESSIE TAN by {JIVING is receiving during the Chinese New Year and "ang pows" (red packets), smoked ducks, sausages, lotus seeds and poultry are among the many things which will be used to save many a face during the festive season. Unlike Christinas presents, which
      412 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 80 10 I A/^a^ Office:- Johore Branch I 1 42rHAMILTON ROAD. SINGAPORE. 15, JALAN DATO ABDUL HAMID, J BAHRU- J X^ Pb»ie 4986 Phoae ***** V 644% NORTH BRID GE RD. SPORE 7. TELIB27IO^^ 1 FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR A/o Gifts 5o Highly Appreciated and Greatly Treasured as GOLD OR DIAMOND JEWELLERY
        80 words
    • 667 11 J.K.TANexplains the mysterious disappearance of certain people at this time of the year and the appearance of others asking for them. ALL Chinese look forward to their Vw Year with the hope that Tuan Peh Kong, the God of Prosperity, after due propitiation,
      Harry Miller  -  667 words
    • 88 11 (Continued from Page 10) which usually contain foodstuffs, utility goods and red The Malayan Chinese Association's Perak Branch last year took the initiative of donating gifts to the Chinese prisoners of Taiping gaol. However attractive the gift may be. the Chinese is expected to express diffidence over accepting it,
      88 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 87 11 MAKE YOUR FAVOURITE DISHES MORE TASTEFUL AND ENJOYABLE Mm mm flr J* im i iw THE AMAZING NEW P"||f FLAVOUR ENHANCER! WS9 Singapore (lisp. Exp.) Corporation ■SS Mede.ros Bldg. Singapore 1 Tel. *****. RA STYLE PLUS QUALITY J|W TAILORING AT ITS BEST fafl uuiau/ uai«i fUEAkIC B'wfna KWUIro ivwW uitvnu
        87 words
      • 300 11 CHINESE NEW YEAR GIFTS jMP I Yaw requirem««ti frni the latest ft J^ v i most appealiig range of tir New Arrivals ffl^M if x "y. I ARROW DALE' FRENCH AmilJii^, (i I CUFF MEN S SHIRTS m MECHANICAL TOYS m S «AR R 0 W 'BELMONT' I vane y
        300 words
    • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 31 12 Jr JHHV -jjßJk > CSr\ l\ Y x ti^w .^B^B^^ AtZ^fli VjHßt 1 t^M I B^h f s^^kßßEs^f J^^B f jßiSSHHWSKsC^Hiß^^M^yMiScs9iMßß^B^^^Bß^^^^S^^BK^Bß^^B^r B Ihlßf Tiff v -5r- SINCAPORS I TEL:BS24» IPOH TEL:4OI I
        31 words