The Singapore Free Press, 9 January 1952

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 488 1 Eden, Acheson told to harmonise Big 2 plans WASHINGTON, Wednesday. air. CHURCHILL and President Truman were reported last night to have expressed clear determination to harmonise British and American policies in the Middle East and Far East, Including their attitudes towards Communist China, to the
    A.P.; Reuter; U.P.  -  488 words
  • 136 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. •THh FIRST POSTWAR conference between Mr. I( hurchill and President Truman ended last night and the British delegation felt it had achieved its object Mr (hurchill wa» asked if he had any comment at the conclusion of his meetings with Mr. Truman
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  • 111 1 HIS FARE WAS A ROBBER Free Press Staff Reporter A YOUNG Eurasian trisha passenger turned out to be a robber when, after directing the Chinese rider to a back lane off Rangoon Road Singapore, at 12.30 a.m. today, he drew out a pen-knife and took $2.60 cash from the rider.
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  • 57 1 The Chinese Communist authorities have decided to examine incoming and outgoing mail fromr China as from February 1. New customs regulations say no Chinese or foreign currency or checks or bonds in foreign currency, no merchandise or gold or silver may be enclosed in letters or
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  • 215 1 Free Press Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. 4 LTHOUGH there were indications this morning A th at the floods which have swept southern Malaya during the past week were slowly subsiding to some places, the main railway service between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore is likely
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  • 24 1 Two violent explosions shook two separate coal mines on Norway's Arctic Spitzbergen Islands at an 11-hour interval on Monday, killing lo A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 28 1 picture WELCOME PRESENT from the skies for hard-pressed U.N. forces in Korea is a 105-raft^ howitzer dropped from a U.S. C-119 flying boxcar.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 183 1 SAIGON, Wednesday. A "MASTER MIND", who has been raisin^ thousands of pounds from Saigon residents, for Ho Chi-minh's Vietminh forces was arrested yesterday. The man's name was given by the PoUce as Nguyenvanthe. He was said to be Finance Commissar of nearly 1,000 "death volunteers"
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 73 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. T<HE Chairman of the National Committee of the Democratic Party, Mr Frank McKinney, was reported to have asked that the name of President Truman should not be included as a Democratic Party candidate in the primary elections to be held on March 18 in
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  • 51 1 Captain Graham Stoke s was named a Rear Admiral and appointed Senior British Naval Officer and Liaison Flag Officer In the Middle East Rear Admiral G. Barnard, gunnery expert, until recently Commander of the Indian Naval Squadron, was appointed Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Staff.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 93 1 Socialists to lead new French Govt. PARIS. Wed. PRESIDENT Vincent Auriol yesterday asked Socialist leader, Christian Pineau, to form a government to succeed the one overthrown by Socialist votes yesterday. M. Pineau. 47, has been a Minister in several postwar 'ITwls appointed General De "GaVe's Food Minister in 1945 and
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 44 1 PEYLON'S Food Minister, Mr A. Ratnayake, will fly to Burma to complete arrangements for Ceylon's rice quota from that country Ceylon is expected to ask Burma lor 600,000 tons of rice this year compared witn 450.000 tons last year.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 41 1 A Japanese girl's letter to a Tokyo newspaper led to a police raid on a cotton spinning mill on Monday night and the arrest of Its operator and three of his officers on sweat shop charges.- A .P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 28 1 »JHE Australian Governmc nt is considering a tax reMr. Menzies said the Govern ment was "well aware of the importance ol tnt frobleitu" Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  28 words
  • 255 1 UN 'SHADOW ARMY' TO BE FORMED PARIS, Wednesday. THE United Natiens Political Committee in spite of Communist objections yesterday called on member states to help form a "shadow army" ready to fight any aggression. It overwhelmingly approved a Western-backed Collective Security system— to which each member country would contribute troops—
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 198 1 10,000 kisses to Carlsen PARIS, Wed. A MESSAGE of cheer and warning went out to Captain Kurt Carlsen of the Flying Enterprise yesterday from 10,000 French children who were sheltered at the end of World War II in his native Denmark. "Captain," said the message, "What you are doing \s
    A.P.  -  198 words
  • 27 1 The Soviet paper, Trud, published prominently a resolution by the National Council of the Anglo-Soviet Friendship Society calling for a long-term Anglo-Russian trade agreement. A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 230 1 Anarchy in Ismailia warns Erskine LONDON, Wed. lEUTENANT General Sir George Erskine, British Commander in the Suez Canal zone, declared in a recorded broadcast here last night that Ismailia was in a state of anarchy. Civilians were marching about the town with tommyguns, terrifying the population and openly challenging the
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 49 1 New York doctors on Moniav night changed a rnan s entire blood supply three times in 72 hours They used 44 pints of blood on the man and he was still alive ton*M. The patient. 34-year-old Walter Henn, began bleeding internally several days ago.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 133 1 THE OLD CAPITAL I GENUINE i ANTIQUES A*Ts J Call 6 Insptt Our Display 31 Stamford Rd., Sport 6 Finicky Kpeddy >♦ a s underweight WSsf| and always tired— fit. p Jflff^ could tit make /-^*>J^^^S B) how DO YOU AfsOHRY MOTHER Ir^JJ^^^S^J? EXPECT TO KEEP BUT I JUST I
      133 words
    • 42 1 f ft, "Hand Printed" Cotton Furnishing Satin in futuristic design. Ideal for Curtains and Loose Covers in colours Green /Grey, Brown /Beige, Brown /Yellow and Lime Beige Width 48" at $12#V5 a yard. SOFT FURNISHING DEPT. ROBINSONS I n^or-- -orated in SmgaD^rp)
      42 words

  • 774 2 Parkinson's Disease is Incurable The SINGAPORE DOCTORS says... BUT NOT FATAL Shaking paralysis, as the name itself describes, is characterised by muscular rigidity and trembling. It is also called Parkinson's disease, after an English physician. It Is a common disease of the muscle regulating primitive nerve centres which occupy the
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  • 445 2  -  THOMAS R. HENRY By A SECRETION, the A solution of which is unknown, produced by the tissues near a wound, results in drawing to the area certain body chemicals necessary to bufld up proteins, the building blocks of the body which are necessary to repair
    445 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 277 2 \^soic 03 hs "si V f II j? c S Q c>^ook J j '-'^Ssfi'- '^^^^BSSBv''- ''*^3fc. ''s&^^^F 5 m 'i 1 v 1 illl^B 1 I f* j&ti? 'V N^ < Sturdy limbs, firm flesh, sound |j r bones the happiness of abound- i <: ing health these are
      277 words
    • 364 2 "YOU, too, may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer firm mmmMlHtMideffc/eocy That is 'why you feel Worn out. Nervous. Irritable. Have head ■aches, Lose Weight. Worry ■i UBB&SBB SB^m :^sHSfr: :':*>>;";? :-si: i^^B *j< js^mii' #7 M/jr Proved Way Back to Health 6 Happiness When you're inacKuc, fed nervous,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 37 2 Solution To Crossword No. 554 YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION. Across: 1, Short of. 8, Breath 9 Propose. 10, Oakham. 11, Dundalk. 16, Psalter. 17. Tarmac. 18, Cereals. I>, Listen. 30, Streams. Down: 2. Hard ud. 3. Ranids 4 Ohsnlps-
      37 words
    • 119 2 New Crossword No. 555 1111 I I I CLUES ACROSS 1. Softly f getting back late (5); 4. No tax for a Sassenach (4); 8. A canoe is, of course, lost in it (5); 9. Behold, axwer flowing in Prance (5); 10. Unreliable support of many an idol (4, 2,
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  • 654 3 US. HESITANCY' SLOWS UP S. E. ASIA PLANS NEW YORK, Wednesday. WESTERN efforts to organise the defence of strategic South-East Asia will receive a sharp setback if General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, French Commander in Indo-China, does not return to his post, writes Seymour Topping, A.P. correspondent now back
    A.P.  -  654 words
  • 141 3 KOREA, Wed. TAFFY VII. the goat mascot of the Welch K violent, is not taking k :id!v to Korea. In fact, he i> becoming a trouble- iker. and unless he ru-nds his ways he is liable to disciplinary action. x .iffy's litest "black" ■is
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  • 65 3 HONG KONG. Wed fHOO Er.-lai. Prime MihisL to and Foreign Minister Communist China, said bai one of the most importpolitical duties of the people of China was to strengthen national defence Sew China News Agency reported. Other duties were to inm production, further, the steritj
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 122 3 IX)NDON Wed. A RETIRED naval commander who used his dead son's vote in the General Election was fined £20 and five guineas costs at Alfreton, Derbyshire. It was said in defence that Commander John Bertram Aubrev Marsden-Smedley, of Draycott place. Chelsea, thought he was "doing something
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  • 33 3 Wanted Twelve crosseyed men! And the more cross-eyed, the better! An Italian film company is looking for them to appear in the film, Achilles Heel, now being made.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 36 3 The Turkish Foreign Minister. Fuad Koprulu, told the National Assembly that Turkey could not accept the position of being "in the Atlantic Pact with one leg and in the Middle East defence with another." Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 46 3 Australia. wher> the Best light cavalry horses in the world were once bred, will have no horses left by 1968 if th e present decline continues. Since 1939, Australia has been losing horses at the rate of 50,000 to 60.000 a year Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  46 words
  • 468 3 LONDON, Wednesday. Ttf INISTRY of Supply scientists have Just received M* at one of their research stations a remarkable new electronic "eye" which can watch and even photograph things that happen in the almost im-possible-to-imagine time of one millionth of a second a "microsecond." A
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  • 139 3 2000-year-old boats are 'out of pickle' LONDON, Wed. TWO ancient craft, about 2000 years old. which have been "in pickle" for four years at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, have now been taken out to dry. The vessels were discovered in the mud x of the River Humber in 1937,
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  • 37 3 Masked men raid gambling club Five masked members of the "Liberation Battalions" raided a fashionable gambling club and relieved some 30 Egyptian members of approximately £5,000 (Egyptian.) Police announced later that all the five were arrested. A.F.P
    A.F.P.  -  37 words
  • 48 3 An Australian company ;*as given free insurance against death by drowning or shark attack while on life-saving duties to the 10,000 members of the New South Wales surf club members. Payments will be A £500 for unmarried members and A £1,000 for married ones. Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  48 words
  • 283 3 Britain shelters the most refugees PARIS, Wed. BRITAIN is still giving shelter to more than a quarter of a million refugees. Among them are 24,000 Poles and 46,000 pre-war refugees, says a 400-page report presented to the United Nations by Mr. G. J. Van Heuven Goedhardt, U.N. Commissioner for Refugees,
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  • 40 3 Belgium has announced that she was willing to accept the credentials for a new Egyptian Ambassador "in the name of the King of Egypt and the Sudan." but that this would have "no political significance." Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 50 3 He dreamed— and shot himself Raymond Watkins, 24, of Lismore (NSW), fired eight Owen gun bullets into his leg while asleep and dreaming on the Korean frontline. Watkins, who recently returned from Korea, said he dozed in a fox-hole and could "see" hundreds of Chinese coming toward him Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  50 words
  • Article, Illustration
    237 3 [Neither side vulnerable. North dealer JT is often good iechnique to throw the lead to the opponents, so that they are forced to make a play that will help declarer. But this wasn't one of those hands. West opened the diamond kins. won hv MnrtVi's ocp A /»nimlp
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  • 297 3 LONDON, Wednesday. \|RS. Florence Louisa Reilly, 38-year-old City canteen supervisor, was attacked and tortured with lighted cigarettes when two bandits broke in upon her and demanded the key to a safe containing £200. Although knocked down and burned 19 times she refused to
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  • 103 3 They will hunt for A-ore in Gold Coast LONDON, Wed. A BRITISH expedition which has just set out to explore uncharted African jungles for radio-active ores may be joined later this year by aircraft fitted with special detectors. The ground expedition U working i n the Gold Coast and Sierra
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  • 90 3 MANILA, Wed. THE mermaid of Lingayea Gulf has tolled another young man to his death. Federico de Guzman, 19, a student, drowned in the gulf a few hundred feet from the Capitol building while thousands attending the town fiesta were strolling on the beach. The superstitious
    A.P.  -  90 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 v•• WASHING is a PLEASURE wit h the GOBLIN g^a ELECTRIC 'gJ^Sjft WASHING MACHINE It u i complete electric llw Jwji home laundry. Time saving, and costs lfs^ than one cent of (jr. in electricitj to do an £|L> i j averi?e family's daily j Handles gently the most I
      147 words
    • 88 3 jg^ life for A m V itV Exquisite Indian and aP\ beautiful designs by r -~-^f Jb^BHS skilled craftsmen j^j^P^ Unmatched for beauty, wear and Carpet cleaning Cf mending undertaken. Agents Showroom: 47/49 Stamford Rd., Singapore, 9. Tel. ***** KUALA LUMPUR, 139 Bat* Road PENANC, 32, Bitfcop Street. ADDO-X ADDING
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 12 3 BUCKLEY 5 n lQu/ i I ARE THESE WATER WINGS r J
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    • 86 3 Today's Listening SINGAPORE 1.00 p.m. Dance Music; 1.30 Time Signal News; 1.45 Lunch Time Prom; 2.00 Close; 5.00 Programmes in Malay; 6.15 Time Signal Programme Summary; 6.17 Science of Life; 6.40 The Radio String Ensemble; 6.55 Announcements Singapore Share Market Report; 7.00 Time Signal is News; 7.15 This Is Communism;
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    • 95 3 8.8.C SINGAPORF. 6.15 p.m. Sports Round-Up; 6.30 The News News Analysis; 6.45 United Nations Report; 6.50 Prom the Editorials; 7.00 Sports Diary; 7.15 Listeners' Choice— -Concert Music; 8.00 Work and Worship; 8.15 Plain English— Report Writing— s; 'Finishing Touches'; 8.30 The News Home News; 8.45 Listeners' Digest; 9.15 Dance Music;
      95 words
    • 267 3 YOUR LUCKY STAR BORN today, yon have tre- away from the environment mendous inner force into which yon were born, with which to execute any Job This must not dismay you you may wish to undertake. For if it does happen move on A keen observer of human into another
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  • 528 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY. Jan. 9, 1952. Struggle in Asia IMPORTANT perhaps decisive steps are about to be taken in the struggle of the free democracies to gain ascendancy over Communist imperialism in South-East Asia. In Washington, the discussion by Mr. "Churchill and President Truman of the Peking threat
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  • 950 4 NEW YORK: WHEN Winston Chur- chill comes to New York all the town turn3 out. American had been awaiting the great man with palpitating eagerness. It sees him as a super-statesman and master-magician, the answer to some of the world's problems at a wave of his Havana.
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  • 540 4  -  FELIX Br FF anything is cal- culated to impress a musician, it is the possession of the Perfect or Absolute pitch, says pianist Steve Race. This, of course, is very true, for many a time, when someone who is challenged to sing an A,
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 4 Sheila Taylor tunmff up h**r bombardon at r-W-ar f%l finds a sympathetic listener in David Buxton B~th are members of the Camden Town Primary School Silver
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  • 213 4 A musician criticises: HYSTERIA is claiming the British concertgoer, balance is deserting him, Dr. Herbert Howells, their president, told the Incorporated Society of Musicians at Malvern (Worcs.). The concert-goer is rapidly becoming "an un-British phenomenon," said Dr. Howells. Under the influence of Press,, radio, advertising and the herd
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  • Article, Illustration
    323 4 Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Hungarian Dances Not. 17 la F sharp minor and 18 in D major. London Philharm o n i c (Bonlt) H.M.V. DB 9670/1. Based on student songs 'Der Landesvater (The Father of his Country), the Puchslied' or Freshmen's Song and 'Gaudeamus Igitur,' this overture
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  • 104 4 a leather harness worn by Scotty, one of the dogs which accompanied Captain Scott on his second polar expedition in 1910, has been found to a London antique dealer. He saw the harness which Scotty also wore when he went with the rel ef Dartv shop.
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 4 Annamary Dickey American soprano, who has sung in Opera and in light opera is now appearing successfully in cabaret. She is in England for sin gins engagements.
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  • 1070 4  - A Clue to 'The Red Shoes' Mystery Presto V^.W^^rt^ TT has always mystified me t*.at a film like "The Red Shoes" which I should have thought only lovers of western ballet could have found enjoyable, should be so successful in places like Singapore. In Japan its success was phenomenal. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 16 4 This Year LONCINES will TIME the WINTER OLYMPICS OSLO. H. SENA, Ltd., Singapore. Penang ft Bangkok.
      16 words
    • 61 4 PLYMOUTH GIN /f^S P^T^i DIStERHWt (XIOKCK'S W\l TUE GREATEST CONTRIBCTION TO PERSONAL FRESHNESS IN 50 VFAKS A A| tf% M 48T4/ Chlorophyll Tab!« A Jliß I VK Chlorophyll is N Mlfl M J^ t( > rr ""1 deodorr P t^mmr WW and is extracted t lo freen vr BANISH BODY
      61 words

  • 108 5 CANDIDATES from the Y.M.C.A. Commercial Classes, Singapore, who passed in the Pitman's Commercial Examinations held in November last are: Seventy words per minute: Miss Josephine Rufus, Meah Jan, Miss Teresa Teo, Miss Lilian Lim, Miss Emily Nong Ah Tuen. Ninety words: Yeo Chong Hwee, Miss Yeo Suat
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  • 62 5 A FIVE-STOREYED, building costing $600,000 is to be built soon in the Teochew section of Singapore's Chinatown, to house the Sum Kow Amalgamated Association. The Association represents the trade in sauce, vegetables and edibles from China. The association will occupy the top floor of the building
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  • 214 5 PLANNERS TO MARK OUT LAND FOR FOOD Ninth of Colony is suitable Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE town planners would set aside, in their survey of the Colony, land for food production, Sir George Pepler, the town planning expert, said yesterday. Mr. R. A. Wright, offlcer-in-charge of food production, is
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  • 63 5 picture. MR. ANTHONY DENNY, an English photographer and Miss Rosemary Cooper, editor of the Vogue Export Book, who is leading a team of mannequins to Australia with a collection of models from leading fashion houses of London. The party arrived by Q.E. A.-8.0. AC. plane
    Free Press  -  63 words
  • 113 5 Gen. Dunlop's check is 'routine' THE security check of documents in Singapore Government offices, which Maj.Gen. Dermot Dunlop will make after his arrival here on Saturday, has not been prompted by anything untoward happening to .the present* system of documenta tion, a Singapore Government spokesman said yesterday. The check was
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  • 111 5 The following have been appointed members of the Board of Visitors of the York Hill and Pasir Panjang Homes: The Secretary for Chinese Affairs (chairman) Messrs. Lim Kim Seng. Cheng Hui Ming, Ng Sen Choy. Chua Poh Chua, Lee Wee Nam, Lien Ying Chow, M. J. Namazie.
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  • 107 5 Shorter blackouts if you help T'HE City Electrical Engineer, Mir. C. C. Payne, yesterday appealed to the people of Singapore to switch on only essential lights to lighten the load on the power station. If the consumers switch on all their lights in these "dark and rainy days*" longer blackouts
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  • 79 5 Chinese plan new clinic Free Press Staff Reporter THE Singapore .Chinese Physicians Association has decided to set up it s own clinic to give free treatment to out-patients. This will be an addition to the existing service, given by the century-old Tong Chai Medical Institution in Wayang Street. The institution
    79 words
  • 224 5 Free Press Staff Reporter WHEN the Singapore City Council meets at the end of this month, it will hav« before it two different proposals on the wells in Rochor* and Geylang which are used for growing towgay. The Council's Health Committee's proposal is that the
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  • 102 5 Help for disabled INCREASED rates of compensation and the provision of artificial limbs to disabled workmen are recommended in the new Workmen's Compensation Ordinance, the Assistant Labour Commissioner. Mr R Middleton-Smith, told the Free Press yesterday. The draft bill, to be presented to the Singapore Legislative Council at its next
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  • 42 5 Singapore Animal Lovers' League decided yesterday to give $250 to the Singapore Youth Council'? 'old people's treat" fund. Mr. L. Rayner, president of the League, said the League is to extend its activities by organising competitions and broadcasts through Radio Malaya.
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  • 151 5 Free Press Staff Reporter AN elaborate programme of Chinese music, literature and drama will be presented by the Singapore China Society at a "China Night' performance at Victoria Theatre on Feb. 20. AdmLssion to the show will be by ticket, obtainable from the secretary
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  • 70 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. DR. F. J. Paton, Director of Research, Dunlop Malay Estates, wrote to the Johore Magistrate that circumstances made it necessary for him to take a "realistic view" and plead guilty. Dr. Paton was summoned to answer a charge of failing to
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  • 124 5 A 15-day campaign for more blood donors will be launched at the beginning of next month by the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service. A spokesman said yesterday that there had been a very good response from local firms to requests for advertising space. It is planned to
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  • 114 5 KULIM, Wednesday. HpHE Kedah Government has agreed to allot 50 x relongs of land to 300 former detainees now resettled at Kuala Nau camp in South Kedah. To ensure security in the area, a home guard will be formed of settlers between the ages
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  • 74 5 Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPOREANS are becom- ing more materialistic and are losing touch with the church, Rev. Goh Hood Keng, My impression is that people are not so religiously minded as they were before the war, he said. Rev. Goh said that
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  • 111 5 Free Press Staff Reporter MR. Lee Choon Eng, Labour City Councillor, is to take up with the City Council the question of private ownership of markets inside City limits. This follows a dispute between the stallholders and the owner of Joo Chiat market over a
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  • 94 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. A MONTHLY magazine in Romanised Malay, produced by Malay women, is now on sale. The chief editor is Inche Safiah Sulaiman who Ls assisted by Inche Ann Majeed. Inche Zahrah Za'abah, Inche Maimunah Said (illustrator), and Inche Sharif ah A.Msd Mohd Among the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 348 5 THE FINEST' NAME ON RECOAD THE LATEST CLASSICAL RECORDINGS ARTUR SCHNABEL Rhapsody for 1 Orchestra Paul Kletzki conducting the Phlharmonia Orchestra. (Recorded under the auspices of the Maharajah of Mysore's Musical Foundation) LX 8843/44 RACHMANINOFF— PreIude in C sharp minor, Op 3No 2 (Arr. Cailliet) RACHMANINOFF— PreIude -in C. Op.
      348 words
    • 257 5 ,^m idL a^BM B^F^ '^jff^^ '■^BHßt^Biß^^^l-'^ B^BL^jit^i^B^^^*' IBP aM .^BBk m aM^^ji Bi <^bV BBW BBA BV Ba Bk^^^^bßl Bar wa^aT Va\ wa\ aw*^B^BßPi J*^^^^^^^^^^^^t& aVJ Wa\^f Va\ I fcaJ y jBjBB BBB| fl| Bj j.'-^-g^ay^vj^^^-v^M vßjß^^^ t^ -i^k-^._^« B^B^p Ba. B^^s^BP I Baaa^s*^^^^t^ *flaaa^sfl^i aav >^'- BaaaM b /^^P^^BaaawF
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  • 116 6 NEW YORK, Wed. WHEN Sheppard Abdullah King brought his Egyptian belly-dancer bride. Samia Gamal, to America, she promptly turned the press room at Idlewild international Airport into an oriental dance hall. While spectators clapped their hands in rhythm and hummed an accompaniment. Samia gave
    A.P.  -  116 words
  • 61 6 James R. Jack. 85. professor emeritus and retired head of the U.S. Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has dieoMn America. He gained wide fame as a ship designer In Britain. One of his vessels, the King Edward, built in
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 371 6  -  Lionel Crane YOU HAVE TO BE 'HEP IN MY LIFE OR ELSE— and the strange way it flourishes in spots like this by 700T SUlTS— with jackets three inches above the knee and trouser cuff narrowed down to as little as four inches. In the background the whirling dancers
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  • 64 6 LONDON. Wed. BRITAIN has announced plans to intensify the screening of her atomic energy workers and others engaged on very secret jobs. The announcement .coincided with the second day of the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill's talks in Washington. He is believed to be asking President
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 45 6 Canada's reserve of gold and United States dollars stood at $1,779,000,000 (US) on December 31, the Finance Department announced. This was an increase of $169,000,000 over the figure for September 30, 1951. On December 31, 1950, the holdings were $1,742,000,000. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 46 6 At least eight people died in Westfleld, Massachusetts, yesterday, when fire swept "a business and residential building. All five floors collapsed in a tangle of flaming wreckage. Fourteen others were injured, 12 seriously, and damage was estimate at more than $1,000,000.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 46 6 Chairman Tom Connally of the Senate Foreign Relations 'Committee told a news conference in Washington Congress must "cut all appropriations to the bone." He added it was his personal hope that the United States could cease economic aid to Europe. U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 340 6  -  Chapman Pincher Brain doctor explains by IS THERE a link between dope and hot jazz dancing apart from the fact that coloured men who peddle reefers can meet susceptible teen-agers at the jazz clubs? Yes, there is scientific evidence for a much stronger link which involves
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  • 30 6 Mr. Maurice Siebenburg, a "British business man," and Mrs. Rachel Mark, an "American tourist" from Munich, have been arrested by the Yugoslav police in Belgrade. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 22 6 It was officially stated In Amman on Monday that six Arabs, Including two women and two children, were killed
    22 words
  • 423 6 Remember the J- L- Hays Korea Notebook? Now Hays is in the Middle East the new trouble spot, and has sent bad* •My Canal Notebook' ftfE have our troubles in the Zone, believe me. But they are nothing, to compare with those the Egyptian Government could have
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 CAPITOL NOW SHOWING 11 1.45, 4 6.30. 930 mf^ OF THEfIHL AVENGER! Techhicoio^ W£F^m k .W J^k I .9 Schools' Morning Shows At 9 a.m. Tomorrow Friday "SCROOGE" Circle Stalls 50 cents SATURDAY M'NITE < ■UuAIJUiIyJUJB iMrnnni iin loci kuwmudi EBMcmcia*iMiiua •m »\»<*«» Mnnct •Mt CROSBY THt OOOtlVft* RE JC
      162 words
    • 120 6 1 The CAPITOL RESTAURANT j presents "Magic Night j TONIGHT A MAMMOTH I MAG/C SHOW 2 w/r^fi fOUR of I Singapore's Outstanding Magicians wr// entertain you! 2 PHONE ***** BOOK EARLY Saturday. Jan. 12th i| FLOOR SHOW I EXTENSION 1 a.m. CKicken Lunch I EVERY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 1 Whole Spring
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 150 6 Mandr2kG Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya I 1 M. &^^*M!Lo^\ Igolly-it's H we're having a I Yuh-mATA wallop-hqwlom] l/^fZ^yS^^^^^i m^ l poiVect/i meeting. stay with "have t sebn out-'?^c^ le'eing THIS MASK ON POR SIZE. FOftME? UKE^IM/ [_HE W^ S^ P g L^ T y^^-^^^^, < /M
      150 words

  • 695 7  - NO EASY TASK FOR PENG SOON NETMAN Poh him will be tough obstacle By \yONG Peng Soon, All-England and Malayan badminton champion, will have to be at his best if he hopes to regain the Singapore title this year. For Wong, who is tipped to enter the final without difficulty,
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  • 160 7 Chia and Hancock promise knockouts Free Press Boxing Reporter _\r. Sonny Chia-Taffy Hancock afiair at the World stadiurp on should provide night's fireworks. vs predict victorrhe short route. handlers say fan the pink of and la punching I ever. .s r.ever trained so fight before, for he ully \u j
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  • 71 7 THE Police-Civilian section of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association Novices' Championships will hold elimination bouts this evening at Thomson Road. Weigh-in, which is at 0.30, win be immediately followed by the boxing. Forty entries have been received. Winners of the Police-Civilian novices contest, along with champion
    71 words
  • 191 7 1 ladUca disnussed Tasmania for 235 runs on the opening day of their match at Hobart yesiv In reply the tourist's were four runs without it close of play. I gnanian captain, \l>rrisby, and R. out on 57 runs nmutes for the nd -.vxket after the
    191 words
  • 31 7 picture. Not receiving, but giving a pint of blood to the Singapore Blood Bank is wrestling-referee Wonf Back Lee who made his donation yes terrtay- Free Press
    Free Press  -  31 words
  • 181 7  -  ALLAN LEWIS ff.L horses sfill held up By TFHE Kuala Lumpur horses entered for the Singapore race meeting are now marooned between <-?mas and Tampin. With the flood waters still rising in the area the chances of them reaching Singapore in time to race on the
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  • 17 7 bJtj session in from Ray Barfcway, roach of the Eng- A letlc Asswlation School at
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  • 162 7 The following Singapore Badminton Association championships ties will be played at the Clerical Union Hall as follows: Thurs. (Jan. 10) at 7.15 p.m.: Inter-club (semifinal) Bournemouth BP. v. Lucky Strike B.P. Tournament official Wee Gim Han, Umpire Lian Fook Shin, Referee Louis Loh. In case
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  • 278 7 FINALS of the Singapore Police inter-Company annual novices boxing championships were held last night at the Police Training School, Thomson Road. Winners of the championship fights will be seen in action tonight in the Police-Civilian section of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association's novices championships. In all
    278 words
  • 28 7 n H.Q. FARELP defeated Hong \J« Kong and Shanghai Bank by six goals to nil in a hockey friendly played yesterday evening at Tanglin Barracks.
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  • 55 7 r PH£ Ryder Cup golf match between professionals of Great Britain and the United States will be played at the Wentworth Golf Club. Virginia, Water Surrey, in 1953 The dates will be announced later. Matches will be played over the 6,689 yards West Course regarded as the
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 29 7 Sujgapure lable Teauis Associution will hold its 21st aanual general meeting at the Slong 800. A.A. 3Q-C, Chuxch Street (entrance from Synagogue Street) at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 259 7 MCC WON their match against East Zone at Jamshedpur yesterday by nine wickets. The tourists scored 20 for one widret alter East Zone were all out in the second innings for 228. With only 11 runs added to the overnight score, M.C.C. claimed the valuable
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  • 69 7 OINGAPORE Cricket Club suf•J fered a seven-two trouncing at the hands of Ceylon Sports Club in a friendly hockey encounter on the Padang yesterday. Ceylonese led by one-nil at halftime. Inside-right Edwin Doraisamy opened accounts for Ceylonesa with a "hat-trick". Kulastagham and Vanderput increased the lead. MacMullan
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  • 588 7  - SSC JUNIOR GALA ON SA TURD AY NEPTUNE By IIERALDING the new season of 1952, the Singapore 11 Swimming Club plans to hold the No. 1 Junior Gala in the Club pool on Saturday, at 3 p.m. with the object of providing competition fo'r the large number of school children
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  • 194 7 SEDGMAN GIFT HITS £2,000 THE cash tax-free wedding present being collected for the Frank Sedgman Is today just on £2,000. Jean Spence, 21 -year-old fiancee of the Australian tennis star, is assured of. much more cash than that, however, when she becomes Mrs. Frank Sedgman. The wedding funds being sponsored
    A.P.  -  194 words
  • 30 7 The Tif«r Swimming Club will hold its sixth annual general meeting on Saturday at 3 p. m. at the Clubs premises All members are requested to attend.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 159 7 *The STRAITS TIMES DIRECTORY J§|2[§^ 'Rlltfll 4API Wi^S^lHHL^^^ MERAH ITJI "^'v^' '"-'>>?^^.. OJ 11l I 111 ml All§: JlSlff /mfw S CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY S M Ss^^ s^ 42 Pages of trades, businesses, professions under STREETS AND ROADS 292 appropriate head- SECTION listing all ings Street* and Roads in A UN>QU
      159 words

  • 66 8 'Sudanese must have plebiscite' KHARTOUM. Wed. SIR James Robertson Civil Secretary of the Sudan, said last night that any plebiscite to settle the country's future must be arranged and carried through by the Sudanese themselves. "It is not the policy or the Governor General (Sir Robert Howe) or of the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 338 8 JAPAN'S P.M. DECLINES TO RECOGNISE RED CHINA TOKYO, Wednesday. THE Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Shigeru Yoshida 1 yesterday flatly rejected recognition of Communist China. At his first press conference of the year, Mr. Yoshida told newsmen, "We cannot associate with the Communists. If China gives up Communism, we can associate
    U.P.; A.P.  -  338 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 8 picture. GAZOO THE PYTHON looks a friendly enough pet in the hands of IT-year-oid Leslie Benenson. Onlooking boys show mixed, but equally fascinating expressions. The occasion was lecture, "Stars of the Reptile House" delivered for children by Mr. J. W. Lestor, Curator of Reptiles at the London Zoo.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 45 8 COLOMBO, Wed. DELEGATES from Britain and the Commonwealth begin today the conference of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association General Council. India, Pakistan, Southern and Northern Rhodesia, Singapore and Malaya are among the countries represented together with Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 44 8 General Alphonse Juin, Commander of the Central European Area of the North Atlantic Pact, left Paris by air last night, for Washington at the head of a nine-man party, including General Cogny, Chief Secretary to General de Lattre dp Tassigny.- A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  44 words
  • 103 8 CONGRESS MEETS AGAIN WASHINGTON Wed. CONGRESS reassembled yesv terday for its 1952 session which seems certain to be dominated by the Presidential election in November. Yesterday's meeting was routine. The real start will come today when President Truman will deliver his State of the Union message, to a joint meeting
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 100 8 THE announcement that the King and Queen and Princess Margaret will spend a rest holiday in Natal was received with delight by the people of South Africa. Durban's Mayor, Mr. Percy Osborne. said "We pray that the King's visit will do much to restore him
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • 54 8 Million dollar fire in Quebec A million dollar fire which razed half Septiles, Quebec, on Monday night broke out again early yesterday after it had been brought under control. Oxygen tanks in a steel warehouse exploded, shooting flames 100 feet into the air. They threatened to spread to several large
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 161 8 NEW YORK, Wed. 14-YEAR-QLD boy was found chained to a bed where he had been held prisoner and tortured for 10 weeks by an accused bank robber in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ricky Hendricksen, jthe boy, was released from a fourfoot chain and padlocks by police,
    U.P.  -  161 words
  • 288 8 Irish 'dodge marriage' SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, Wednesday. A PRIEST at Notre Dame University said yesterday that the Irish will become as extinct as the dodo birds "unless they stop dodging marriage". The Rev. John O'Brien said that Ireland^ noted for its beautiful colleens, was rapidly becoming a nation o bachelors
    U.P.  -  288 words
  • 168 8 LONDON, Wed. A CHANGE in the entire industrial pattern of Britain may be involved in the "austerity programme" now being prepared by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Butler, in view of the dollar drain. Financial observers said yesterday that it might take a
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 17 8 General Dwight Eisenhower is planning a two weeks' hunting expedition on the borders of Kenya, Tanganyika.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 106 8 Cadet tragedy: busman sent for trial CHATHAM, KENT, Wed. FE driver of the bus which killed 24 young Naval cadets in a Chatham street last month was yesterday sent for trial at the Old Bailey, Central Criminal Court in London on a* charge of dangerous driving. The man, 57-year-old John
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 291 8 FOR SALE GERMAN Binoculars: Zeiss. Beck, Leiaolf. Dr. Wohl«r, etc. All with coated lenses and prisms. Magnifications 6 x 30 to 10 x 50. F. J. Isaacs 10 12, The Arcade. HOLLYWOOD Beauty Hint Starring Elizabeth Taylor, Metro-GolduynAlaycr Hollywood Here is food for thought to the glamour-wise: "Don't assume that
      291 words
    • 181 8 I 9B B^'ti U B^k^-J/^^^^^\ Q~o4B BJMißßmjsls^^J A beautiful Chiming: Clock Is a most acceptably present on such occasions such as wrcU dings, anniversaries or retire. ment. You should see out large selection from $95. 16 COU.YE* QUAY S'NGAPOat w BEST TEXTILES* BEST TAILORING. WITH A PERFECT COLLAR WO BETTER
      181 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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    • 35 8 RADIO TALK "The Presidential Primary Election System in the United States" will be the subject of a talk by U.S. Vlce-Consui Oscar Armstrong on Radi°> Malaya tonight. He will spe?k after the 7 p.m. news.
      35 words